Chamberlain, Obama And Israel

  • May 2020
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OBAMA RE-VISITED - THE WHOLE SAD, TERRIFYING STORY PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA HANDS ISRAEL A FULLY LOADED GUN IN HIS VERSION OF RUSSIAN ROULETTE By Emanuel A. Winston, Mid East analyst & commentator May 20, 2009 Today, May 20th, President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad announced that Iran had successfully launched a missile with the range of 1200 miles, capable of reaching Southern Europe, Israel and American bases in the Middle East. The old version of Russian roulette was ‘one bullet in the revolving chamber is a game of almost suicide’. In President Obama’s version for Israel, all the chambers are filled with bullets. Therefore, it is an absolute guarantee that Israel will be forced to commit national suicide, if they elect to use Obama’s gun. Obama has turned into an enigma for voters. As a candidate for President, Obama played the role of a half-black/half-white Christian who was born and spent his early life in a Muslim community, going to Muslim schools, registered as a Muslim. As President, we observe that his earliest education under the guidance of his Muslim Islamist father and Islamic schools is coming out. However, his adoption of a Christian persona for Chicago/Illinois politics did well for his career. Yet, his Church (run by Rev. Jeremiah Wright, a most radical preacher who preached hate against whites, Jews and America) was the Obamas’ choice for 20 plus years. His choice of friends all seemed to be of a radical nature: Bill Ayers, the unrepentant domestic terrorist; Syrian-born Tony Rezko who adopted an Italian name which may also be a cover for his birth name. Rezko was Obama’s political guide and obtained certain financial backing for him. Rezko is now in prison. The black Muslim convert, Dr. Khalid Abdullah Tariq al-Mansour (aka Donald Warden), was a conduit, as reported, for Saudi money, which assisted Obama to pay for many things in his career, including his education and, possibly, some of his campaign funding. Perhaps in his daily life, Obama was a practicing Christian but, now as President, he seems to follow his earliest teachings of being a Muslim Islamist through and through. In Obama’s first days as President, he spoke about his plans to reach out to the most radical Muslim nations like Iran and Syria - both well known as antiAmerican Terrorist ‘Jihadist’ (warriors for Islam) nations. President Obama’s first formal TV interview was to Al-Arabiya in Dubai - which has a potential audience exceeding 23 million in the Gulf region; his first international phone call was to Mahmoud Abbas, President of the Palestinian Authority (not a country). Obama also selectively gathered around him some of the most notorious Arabists, each of whom at some time, advocated hostility to the Jewish State of Israel. All of these advisors, including the Arabist State Department, know that the Muslim ‘Jihadists’ cannot be appeased or pacified - except possibly by ‘gifting’ them with the demise of Israel. We hear from General James Jones, among others, that "they will not throw Israel under the wheels of the bus.” These words intend to mislead because - that is exactly what they intend to do - within the U.S. State Department doctrine of ‘appeasing’ Muslim States and their Terrorist Proxies (like Hezb’Allah and Hamas). Just the other day Israel’s Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu met with President Obama. Netanyahu was concerned about Iran’s burgeoning nuclear weapons’ program

and Iran’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s pledge to wipe Israel off the face of the map. Obama’s reported response was that, in his opinion (from his great experience) the Israeli-Palestinian conflict was far more important to the United States than facing down Iran and its nuclear plans which, if completed, could threaten all of Europe, all the Middle East - as well as Israel. Obama’s solution was to engage Iran in discussions by the end of the summer and IF these "negotiations" did not succeed by year’s end (7 months), he would only then push for stronger sanctions. Obama’s naive solutions are laughable, given for 20 plus years, the U.N. and the Europeans have had all sorts of negotiations and various sanctions which did zero good. Iran lied about everything and ignored the heretofore weak sanctions the world tried to use to corral Iran’s hostile nuclear ambitions. Nevertheless, the Europeans continued to do business with the Ayatollahs, despite U.N. sanctions. President George W. Bush also tried sanctions and threats to no avail. Bush’s own State Department and some groups with the Intelligence community sabotaged his plans to attack and destroy Iran’s nuclear manufacturing facilities. The global Intelligence community and the savvy political leaders know that they cannot negotiate and pacify the Islamic community because their doctrinaire goal is a World Caliphate under Sharia law - as dictated by the Koran. However, they have no problem with buying time by offering Israel a fully loaded revolver to commit suicide, hoping this human sacrifice will slow down Islam’s global Terror attacks against the Judeo-Christian West. Israel is facing a second Holocaust with the assistance of the Free Western nations - not unlike the first Holocaust in which they also participated. It was reported that one of the ruling clique of Ayatollahs said "One bomb would eliminate most of Israel’s population while three retaliatory bombs against Iran would ‘only’ kill 15 million Iranians - leaving more than 15 million survivors to carry on." Obama, either through ignorance of history, naiveté or the deliberate desire to participate in the ongoing Global "Jihad" for a Global Caliphate due to the reawakening of his Muslim heritage seems to think that all the Islamic "Jihadists" will simply stop attacking the West and America, in particular. Why would Iran cease funding Hezb’Allah, Hamas, Al Qaeda - or cease collaborating with Syria, who has been the conduit for terrorists and arms to hit Americans in Iraq? Why would the Sunnis and Shiites in Iraq cease warring against U.S. interests in Iraq, planning to grab whatever territory they want when the Americas leave? Obama continues to insist upon the "two-state solution" originally conjured up by James Baker III, the U.S. State Department and spewed out by Condoleezza Rice with the approval of George W. Bush. For every gesture squeezed out of Israel, none made any difference to the Palestinian Terrorists of Fatah or Hamas. Oslo failed, leading to the murders of at least 1,500 Israelis - with thousands more wounded, many maimed for life. Gaza turned into a firing base against Israel, as predicted by many including this writer. More than 10,000 Rockets, Missiles and Mortars were fired into Israel’s civilian population before the 22 day "Cast Lead" campaign that started but wasn’t allowed to finish the job of de-fanging the Muslim Terrorists called Hamas (another proxy of Iran). Now Barack Hussein Obama wishes to appease the entire Muslim Arab world by making Israel transfer those parts of Jerusalem occupied and desecrated by Jordan from

1948 to 1967 (North, East and South Jerusalem) and the entire territory of Judea and Samaria (called the ‘west bank’ to make it appear as part of Jordan). Israel would have to evict 300,000 to 500,000 Israeli Jewish men, women and children in order to do that, because Arabs don’t allow Jews to live in peace with them. Up next would be the Golan Heights and the Jordan Valley. Who pays for the suffering that inhumane action would cause? Just like Gaza, everyone who observes this ongoing pressure on Israel to abandon vital parts of her minuscule territory, holy sites and ancient homeland, knows that these areas would be flooded with hostile Muslim Arabs who will invite in Iran, Syria, Hebz’Allah. Hamas, Al Qaeda, ‘et al’. The current President of the Palestinian Authority, Mahmoud Abbas, has been a useless "dead man walking" who has tried to take over Arafat’s Fatah and failed. The U.S. pretense that this man (who was Yassir Arafat’s ‘yes-man’, companion, financier and partner in Terror for 40 years) is the so-called moderate who will make peace with Israel is a tragic joke. Of Obama’s Middle East advisors, like James Baker III, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Dennis Ross, Rahm Emanuel, General James Jones, General Keith Dayton, Susan E. Rice (Obama’s U.N. Ambassador), all know that the so-called second of two states will be nothing more than a Terrorist State which has already vowed in its various Charters to wipe out all of Israel. Perhaps even more stupid is the fact that a Palestinian Terror State in Judea, Samaria, Gaza and vital parts of Jerusalem would be the invading force to subvert Saudi Arabia, Jordan and the Gulf Oil States with the help of Iran and Syria. Even Egypt will fall into the hands of the extreme Islamist Muslim Brotherhood as Egypt’s 81 year old President Hosni Mubarak leaves power. If Obama is successful in forcing Israel to surrender her security and sovereignty to permit this so-called "two-state solution", Obama will have created the last link of a deadly Middle East Islamist terrorist necklace-chain, stretching from Iran, through Syria, Lebanon, the west bank new State of Palestine - on to Egypt and Libya, etc. This then will be Obama’s legacy as the Gulf Oil States, Saudi oil fields and Jordan fall into line. A nuclear-armed Iran will be the dominant force in the entire region. Whether Obama is doing this as a latent Islamist or just through ignorance, the end game will be the same. Sacrificing Israel in such an experiment will make the name 'Obama' synonymous with 'Chamberlain' who mislead Britain and France with the thought that Adolph Hitler could be appeased by the Sudentenland of Czechoslovakia as the sacrifice. Moreover, when all Middle East oil is under the control of Iran and their proxies, the howling of the American people will be heard around the world. Remember that Islam means "Submission.” You want oil? Beg - and submit to Islam.

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