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Supplemental Application 13-1


Coherence Directions: Improve coherence by combining sentence elements (join independent clauses, join elements within sentences, and/or join subordinate clauses to one another) and by using appropriate pointing expressions. Use correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation. ■ Spokane is the second largest city in Washington. Spokane is an important

commercial center in the eastern part of the state. Spokane is not only the second largest city in Washington but also an important commercial center in the eastern part of the state. 1. The building is appraised at $550,000. Maye Company’s offer of $450,000 is not acceptable.

2. Please call me at 463-555-7777. We need to discuss the room availability, meeting room capacity, and

menu selections.

3. Use the coupon to save 30 percent on your next purchase from BookSmart. The 30 percent coupon is

enclosed. 4. Information about your benefits is available online. You can access your information 24 hours a day.

The web site address is www.centurytile/employees/

5. We have received several complaints from customers. The customers complain about the frequent

inability of our web site to track the customers’ packages.

6. Experts often refer to four stages of team development. The four stages were described by Bruce

Tuckman in the 1960s. The first stage of team development is forming. The second stage of team development is storming. The third stage of team development is norming. The fourth stage is performing.

7. Different words can mean the same thing. In some parts of the United States, people drink pop. In parts

of the United States, people call the same drink soda. The drink may also be called soft drink or cola (even when the drink is not a cola).

8. Visuals aids enhance oral presentations. Visuals help people remember what they hear in the

presentation. Visuals emphasize points. Visuals help by clarifying points.

Supplemental Application 13-2


Organizing Sentences Within Paragraphs Directions: In each group of sentences, (1) underline the sentence that makes the best topic sentence and (2) cross out the sentence that does not support the topic sentence. Then indicate the best organizational pattern by writing the letters representing the sentences in the order in which they will appear in the paragraph. Finally, combine sentence elements and use pointing expressions to write a unified, coherent paragraph. ■ A. Belgium, Great Britain, France, Italy and the United States chose and buried the

remains of a symbolic unknown soldier near their capitals. B. The bodies of many soldiers could not be identified after World War I. C. Identifying fallen soldiers was less of a problem during the Korean War. D. Belgium placed its soldier at the base of the Colonnade of the Congress; Great Britain, in Westminster Abbey; France, beneath the Arc de Triumph; and Italy near the monument to Victor Emmanuel. E. Officials from Belgium, Great Britain, France, Italy, and the United States wanted to honor the memory of the soldiers who could not be identified. F. The U.S. unknown soldier is buried in Arlington National Cemetery, across the river from Washington, D.C. Sentence Arrangement: B E A D F The bodies of many soldiers could not be identified after World War I, but the officials from Belgium, Great Britain, France, Italy, and the United States wanted to honor the memory of these soldiers. Therefore, each of these countries chose and buried the remains of a symbolic unknown soldier near their capitals. Belgium placed its soldier at the base of the Colonnade of the Congress; Great Britain, in Westminster Abbey; France, beneath the Arc de Triumph; and Italy near the monument to Victor Emmanuel. The U.S. unknown soldier is buried in Arlington National Cemetery, across the river from Washington, D.C. 1. A. Research and study how the people of a particular country are likely to act, negotiate, and make

decisions. B. Researching and studying will help you to avoid errors that may cause international relationships to fail. C. You might want to invest in a company based in a foreign country. D. Your business can profit from new markets. E. Engaging in international trade is a wise decision. F. To increase your opportunities for success, you should become familiar with the general culture of the people with whom you plan to do business. Sentence Arrangement:

Supplemental Application 13-2


Organizing Sentences Within Paragraphs (Continued) 2. A. The alphabetical order is determined by how the nation’s name is spelled in the language of the host

country. During the closing ceremonies, the athletes enter in the same order. A specific protocol is observed at the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games. The athletes follow in alphabetical order by country after Greece. In honor of the original Olympics held in ancient Greece, the Olympic athletes of Greece are the first to march into the stadium. F. The athletes of the host country enter the stadium last. B. C. D. E.

Sentence Arrangement:

3. A. Kappler suits are baggy, and the choice of colors is limited; Kappler suits just don't look good with a

tie. B. In 1998, annual sales totaled about $90 million. C. If you are a firefighter or if you are in any other profession in which you may be exposed to hazardous materials, Kappler has the right suit for you. D. Kappler Safety Group is the world's leading manufacturer of protective garments. E. More than 90 percent of the emergency response workers in North America depend on Kappler suits for protection. F. Kappler suits are not for the fashion conscious. Sentence Arrangement:

Supplemental Application 13-3


Paragraph Revision Directions: From the information provided, write a paragraph that incorporates the qualities of unity and coherence. A. Prepare a draft. • Organize the sentences logically within the paragraph to support the topic sentence. • Combine sentence elements, and use pointing expressions. • Vary sentence length and structure. B. Use proofreader marks (page 00) to edit your draft. C. Edit and revise as often as necessary to achieve unity and coherence. D. Key a final copy of your paragraphs on a separate sheet of paper. E. Proofread to ensure that the paragraph is clear, correct, and concise.

The most famous events of current Mardi Gras carnivals are the fancy dress balls and the parades. The Mardi Gras parades have floats and characters in colorful costumes who throw beads into the crowds. The Mardi Gras carnival likely originated during Roman times in the feasting and merrymaking that preceded the beginning of Lent (40 days of fasting) Today Mardi Gras is celebrated in several U.S. cities. The most famous Mardi Gras celebration began in New Orleans, Louisiana, in the mid 1800s. The carnival season officially begins on Twelfth Night (January 6). Mardi Gras celebrations also might include street dancing and fireworks.

Chapter 13 Supplemental Apply Your Knowledge A Cumulative Activity


Directions: The following paragraphs contain 20 errors in grammar, punctuation, capitalization, and sentence effectiveness (including lack of parallelism, run-on sentences, and incorrect word usage). Underline each error, and write your corrections above the error.


Barbara Ryan, CEO


Jason Scott, director of Technology


March 20, 20--


Adding Interactive Features to the JaMac Web Cite

The number of hits on the JaMac Motors web site has increased two hundred percent in the last 3 months. In addition, e-mail messages from our customers indicate that he wants to interact with company officials more frequent. This information and the results of recent customer surveys indicate that increased interaction with our customers will polish our companies image provide us with valuable customer opinions aiding in developing corporate agendas, and improving service. Therefore; Our technology innovations committee proposes three new features for the JacMac web site: • A weekly chat with a company official about new car models and special events • A customer discussion board where customers may post questions to be answered by an company employee • A weekly tip about car features and maintenance The attached proposal include the details and the development timetable. I believe that these web site editions will enhance the image of JacMac Motors and I encourage you to say “yes” to the proposal may we discuss the proposal next week?

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