
  • November 2019
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  • Words: 842
  • Pages: 3
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION Thousand years ago, simple life exists on simple needs. The changing world truly brought the year humanity to have several and complicated needs. This scenario leads to different inventions not to mention one of the greatest and significant discoveries that marked the history, the introduction of computers. The use of computers especially in the business industry paved way to the information age. Gone are the days of sorting a bundle of papers and computing using abacus. To keep pace with the modernization, computerization has been the solution in the corporate world. It does not only mean high technology but also greater efficiency, less efforts, reduced errors, consistent operation and procedures, among others. It takes months to track customers to a place but just seconds to lose them! Customer wants friendliness, efficient ordering quality food, and fast service. These needs motivate the proponents to come up with a system development Buns and Pizza computerized ordering system. It lightens the load for staff and enhances customer service. A. Background of the Company B. Background of the Study Ordering system throughout the world has relied on pens and papers. Problems such as missing orders and information sent to the wrong place arise. Furthermore, some could not be able to handle the massive volume of orders. Under the old manual ordering systems, it takes up too much time to process. Real time ordering and improved efficiency has been the focus of entrepreneurs. As with many business scenarios, getting rid of paper improves efficiency, reduces human error and allows information to flow to an infrastructure without a time consuming data input process. There is also less chance of handwritten orders being misread and a higher customer turnaround as customers will be served faster. In accordance to this, the software developers proposed the Bans and Pizza computerized ordering system. The system is developed specially to meet the needs of Bans and Pizza. C. Theoretical Framework (Description) As shown in the diagram, Bans and Pizza is a local area network (LAN), which comprises the following components: database server, terminals for customers (ordering system), billing system, and networking devices. Bans and Pizza basically takes the role of a waiter/ess. As the name implies, customers order

D. Statement of the Problem The proponents would like to develop the ordering system to address the following problems of Bans and Pizza: How can Bans and Pizza keep pace with the modernization? To keep pace with the modernization, there should be room for improvement in the field of information technology. Nowadays, companies shift from manual to computerize primarily because of advantages brought by the use of computers. How can Bans and Pizza maximize the use of personal computers? In all business ventures, it is a must to use the resources to the best advantage. The location of Bans and Pizza Since there are three establishments under one management, the counter is located at Pureza. Given the setup, Bans and Pizza customers need to go the said counter just to order food. In addition, the high volume of sound system makes it difficult to communicate with the staff. The no. of customers The counter doesn’t serve Bans and Pizza alone. The percentage of customer of the two other establishments is much higher to Bans and Pizza customers especially during peak hours. If Bans and Pizza use an ordering system, it would lighten the load for the staff and likewise enhance customer service. E. Statement of Objectives How can Bans and Pizza Ordering System help in the company’s daily operation? With this problem, the proponents aim to achieve the following objectives: To computerize the ordering system of Bans and Pizza To monitor the integration of different operations, which includes order database system, pricing database system and payment and billing database system, there is a need for computerization. It would be convenient for Bans and Pizza to get information fast and accurately. Furthermore, there would be consistent operations and procedures. To lighten the load for the staff and likewise, enhance customer service Nowadays, machine replaces the work intended for humans primarily to lessen man power. It also eliminates human errors.

F. Scope and Limitation Bans and Pizza Ordering system is an integration of different operations: ordering, pricing, and billing systems, customers input orders directly into the computer, which communicates the customer’s order to the kitchen. The fixed terminal number identifies which customer ordered which. A staff prints out the bill. Additional orders may be accepted by the kitchen only if the bill hasn’t been printed. Buns and Pizza is located at Pureza St. Sta Mesa Manila. Together with Buns and Pizza is a Internet Shop and a Bakery. Buns and Pizza and the othet establishment are studded at one building which they rent their own place. Buns and Pizza nature of business is dinein and take-out. Its target market ranges from teenagers and college student to adults. Buns and Pizza is also available in franchizing and runs by a big management. They give discounts and promos to the student which is reasonable and affordable.

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