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Supplemental Application 6-1


Identification of Adverbs Directions: Underline the adverb in each sentence. ■

Their gross sales increased slightly during the fourth quarter. 1. Ms. DeRosa will immediately investigate your claim and inform you of her decision. 2. Mr. Ladley has continually requested that the board review our employee benefits program. 3. Mr. Carmack said that the committee will definitely issue a report of its findings by Friday.

4. Max Heath carefully inspected each piece of china in that shipment. 5. The foundation thoughtfully reviews each agency’s request for research funds. 6. Without realizing it, both teams were working simultaneously on the same project. 7. The Bradbury Development Corporation is definitely interested in purchasing the McCrory farm. 8. If we continue to improve our technical support services, we will undoubtedly attract new customers. 9. Mr. Ferris will certainly be pleased to learn that our profits increased by 15 percent. 10. Our public relations department purposely issued that news release on the weekend. 11. The jury empathetically listened to the victim’s testimony. 12. His attorney meticulously reviewed the evidence presented in the case. 13. We infrequently encounter those problems in our Baltimore office. 14. The team members worked diligently on their individual assignments. 15. George and Charles reluctantly admitted that their past efforts were unsuccessful. 16. Based on market share, our firm competes effectively with much larger firms. 17. Mr. Eavers carelessly gave his credit card number to a deceptive telemarketer. 18. Both CEOs spoke enthusiastically about the planned merger. 19. Davis Industries hesitantly admitted that they are developing a similar product. 20. Our board chairperson frequently makes informal visits to our manufacturing facilities.

Supplemental Application 6-2


Use of Adverbs Directions: Underline the adverb(s) in each sentence. Write verb, adjective, or adverb to indicate the part of speech modified by each adverb. (Some sentences contain more than one adverb.) ■

Ms. Carson was exceedingly enthusiastic about our chances for success. 1. The committee thoroughly interviewed the four candidates before making

its decision. 2. The state is proceeding very swiftly with its road-building projects. 3. My assistant is extremely helpful and unusually conscientious. 4. John Sharma answered every question completely and honestly. 5. These instruments are not adequately precise for these experiments. 6. That policy has been followed continuously for eight years. 7. No one who had read the memorandum understood it quite accurately. 8. We have been repeatedly faced with decreasing profits during the third

quarter. 9. The citizens’ review board believes that the officers acted thoroughly

responsibly in making those arrests. 10. Every employee of this firm receives a two-week vacation annually. 11. Three of our managers are exceptionally fluent in Spanish. 12. Many complaints arise because our staff does not treat clients sufficiently

courteously. 13. Although Ms. Goddard was enthusiastic about the project’s potential, she

was rather unimpressed with Mr. Romez’s business plan. 14. The attorney general’s office has undertaken that investigation very

enthusiastically. 15. Applicants for those positions must be prepared to explain their personal

and business qualifications concretely and convincingly. 16. Before those products leave our factory, they are meticulously inspected. 17. Ms. Marino was extremely eager to begin her overseas assignment. 18. These are the files of customers who pay their bills only sporadically. 19. Mr. Sankar believes that our last project was a truly remarkable

accomplishment. 20. Although he accepted the assignment rather reluctantly, Mr. Newland is

now convinced about the importance of the project.


Supplemental Application 6-3


Adverbs in Positive, Comparative, and Superlative Degrees Directions: Write the appropriate positive, comparative, or superlative degree of the adverb given in parentheses. ■

Ms. Garrett spoke (convincingly) than any other person at the meeting. 1. Of all our plants, our Nashville plant operates (productively). 2. Our warehouse is organized as (efficiently) as theirs is. 3. United Freight Inc. handles large shipments (expeditiously) than any other

freight company in the country. 4. Produce must be moved (quickly) than other food products. 5. We sell that product (successfully) in Japan than anywhere else. 6. Ms. Sherrill arrived (early) of all the conference participants. 7. Of all the projects that they have undertaken, they have completed that

project (economically). 8. Mr. Lewin made that decision (confidently) than any other decision he

has ever made. 9. We corrected that problem as (promptly) as such a complex problem

could be corrected. 10. Of all the contracts negotiated last year, our attorneys negotiated that

contract (skillfully). 11. Our team seems to be cooperating (well) now than they did before the

training. 12. During the interview, Alex answered the questions (completely) than

Sharon did. 13. That equipment performs very (reliably) in subzero temperatures. 14. Mr. Sokoro’s plan dealt with the issues (comprehensively) than

Mr. Duncan’s plan did. 15. During the crisis, our supervisor reacted (sensibly) of all the supervisors

in our division. 16. Ms. Haywood’s solution to the problem worked (well) of all those suggested. 17. Our committee will meet (often) during the spring than we did during the

winter. 18. Despite her busy schedule, Brittany worked (hard) of all the volunteers. 19. Brian Dixon solved the problem (quickly) than any other student. 20. Of all the automobile dealers in town, Alton Autos Inc. treats

customers (courteously).

more/less convincingly

Supplemental Application 6-4


Comparisons Involving Adverbs Directions: The form of the adverb or the phrasing of the comparison is faulty in the following sentences. Revise each sentence so that the comparison is correct. ■

Their team completed the project more quickly and as carefully as any team. Their team completed the project more quickly than and as carefully as any other team. 1. Our last game was the bestest game that we played all season.

2. William Braxton is a most skillful negotiator of any other manager in our division.

3. The Laser 400 operates more efficiently than any automobile you can buy today.

4. Everyone agrees that Sarah plays the piano more better than Christina does.

5. Gossip interferes with harmonious working relationships as often and more seriously than any form of negative conduct.

6. My new printer produces copies fastest of any printer I have ever owned.

7. Ann Blakely will photograph your wedding as professionally but less expensively than any photographer in town.

8. Janice Craven treats clients more empathetically and as professionally as any counselor on our staff.

9. Acme Contracting Inc. estimated the cost of that project as accurately but more quickly than any contractor that we consulted.

10. Calvin Jacobi scored higher than all the students who took the placement test. or Calvin Jacobi scored higher than any other student who took the placement test.

Supplemental Application 6-5


Placement of Adverbs

PA RT A Directions: Use a caret (^) to indicate where in each sentence the adverb given in parentheses may be placed. ■

The children^awaited the arrival of the circus train. (eagerly) 1. Wise employees are seeking opportunities to assume greater responsibilities. (always) 2. Consumer advocates object to advertising that attempts to imprint brand names in the minds of

teenagers. (indelibly) 3. Ms. Larson rewarded her staff for their hard work and dedication. (generously) 4. This news release is designed to inform stockholders about the advantages of the proposed merger.

(fully) 5. Our managers have been briefed about the possibility of a reduction in our labor force. (thoroughly) 6. Ms. Gomez supervised the preparations for the fall fashion show. (diligently) 7. Although we remained hopeful, we did not expect the contract to be approved so quickly. (really) 8. The consultant suggested that we review our customer service policy. (periodically) 9. Although our agency is supported by city taxes, we provide services to county residents. (frequently) 10. After much discussion, the board decided to approve the contract. (eventually)

PA RT B Directions: Use a caret (^) to indicate the point at which the adverb only should be inserted in each sentence to convey most accurately the meaning given in parentheses. ■

At the meeting, Ms. Hayes^mentioned the committee’s proposal. (Ms. Hayes mentioned the committee’s proposal but did not explain it in detail.) 1. Mr. Slater met the three applicants who had applied for the position. (Mr. Slater did not participate in the interview process.) 2. The vice president can approve the extension of that deadline. (No one else can extend the deadline.) 3. Ms. Westmoreland’s plane arrived ten minutes late. (Ms. Westmoreland’s plane was delayed only briefly.)

4. During Friday’s meeting, the president mentioned the problem. (No one else mentioned the problem.) 5. Mr. Alexander signed the original copy of the contract. (He did not sign the duplicate copies of the contract.)

Supplemental Application 6-6


Double Negatives Directions: Revise each sentence to eliminate the double negative. ■

The problem is that their company hasn’t got hardly any cash reserves. The problem is that their company has hardly any cash reserves. 1. We don’t hardly see Ben and Amy since they moved to Cleveland.

2. Mr. Rae will not receive none of those supplies until his account balance is paid.

3. We couldn’t scarcely see the play from our second-balcony seats.

4. I am sure that we won’t have no trouble finding a replacement for John Overstreet.

5. Since I started my new job, I can’t hardly find time to play tennis.

6. Easley Products hasn’t paid none of the monthly statements that we have sent them.

7. Currently, there aren’t no drugs on the market that can effectively treat that condition.

8. Lorraine hasn’t hardly helped us with preparations for the fund-raising campaign.

9. If we can’t show that we have made efforts to reduce expenses, we can’t expect no assistance from our


10. After pursuing many false leads, the detective didn’t hardly know what to do next.

Chapter 6 Supplemental Apply Your Knowledge A Cumulative Activity


Directions: The following letter contains ten errors in the use of nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs. Underline each error, and write your correction above the error.

November 15, 20--

Mr. David R. Barry 1524 Fieldcrest Drive Arlington Heights, IL 60005 Dear Mr. Barry New technology and new ways of doing business is continually creating new opportunities for alert executives. The Business Review can keep you abreast of them opportunities as quickly and least expensive than any news magazine. Thousands of leading executives across the country use the information contain in The Business Review to plan for success. By subscribing to The Business Review, you can learn about the trends that shall effect your future in time to protect you’re interests and to increase your profits. Sincerely THE BUSINESS REVIEW

Stacey Russell Circulation Manager rbl

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