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Name of school: Etone Community School and Technology College Unique Reference Number (URN): 125731 Not Submitted

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Part A: self-evaluation INTRODUCTION This self-evaluation form (SEF) is primarily designed to: ●

assist you in your own self-evaluation, and

be used as the basis of the inspection of your school or setting.


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The SEF is a summative document, intended to record the outcomes of your ongoing process of rigorous self-evaluation.

There is no fixed time in the year when it should be completed. It is usually best done to fit in with your normal cycle of review and planning. It is recommended that schools update their SEF at least annually.

Section B contains statistical and other factual information. Some of this is pre-populated by Ofsted, as and when the information becomes available. You are advised to ensure that the factual information is up to date.

Purpose of the form ●

The SEF is intended to record the outcomes of your self-evaluation. As such, it should be an accurate diagnostic document with all conclusions fully supported by the evidence. Keep Part A short and to the point. It should indicate key strengths and weaknesses and what needs to be tackled to effect improvement. Through the SEF, the school will want to point to evidence that substantiates its own judgements about the quality of its work. Inspectors will make considerable use of the SEF when discussing their arrangements for inspection. The impact of your self-evaluation in helping to bring about improvement will be a major factor in their judgements about the effectiveness of your leadership and management and your capacity to improve in the future.

How to fill the form in ●

It is helpful if you check the factual information and complete Part B first and then Part C; the information can then be drawn upon to help complete Part A.

Part A, the evaluative section, is laid out in sections that correspond to the headings of the evaluation schedule in the framework for the inspection of schools, although overall effectiveness is placed last in the SEF. Please complete the sections dealing with achievement and standards, and personal development and well-being first, since these outcomes will form the basis for your judgements in other sections.

Reference is made in Part A to Ofsted's guidance for inspectors of schools, which should prove helpful to you when completing your SEF. The guidance is in two parts. Conducting the inspection: guidance for inspectors of schools indicates how aspects of the school might be explored by inspectors, and Using the evaluation schedule: guidance for inspectors of schools[1] contains advice on how to pitch judgements about the quality of provision and its outcomes.

In addition, you can refer to the guidance on self-evaluation published by Ofsted and the Department for Education and Skills in March 2005 and June 2006[2]. These documents each contain a section giving detailed advice on completing some sections of the form. These documents are available on Ofsted's website.

Each section of the SEF asks you to grade aspects of your work on a four-point scale, as follows:

Grade 1: Grade 2: Grade 3: Grade 4:

Outstanding Good Satisfactory Inadequate

It is most important that you complete this form rigorously and objectively. The grade descriptions in Using the evaluation schedule: guidance for inspectors of schools will assist you in reaching accurate judgements.

When completing the text boxes in Part A you should summarise your main findings and illustrate these with the evidence which led to the judgements you have made. Bear in mind any prompts included with the main questions. It is not intended that you should provide large amounts of statistical data and descriptive detail. You should use evidence selectively to support the main judgements about your performance.

If you have a special needs resource base, extended provision or other specific provision, please ensure that evidence about it is provided at suitable points within the SEF.

Each section of the form has a ‘Help' button, which you can use to help you fill in particular sections.

Please complete this form electronically via the Ofsted website.

The term ‘school' is used to cover all providers, including those that term themselves ‘colleges' or use a similar designation. It also covers those providers that are not technically schools, such as children's centres and pupil

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referral units. [1] Conducting the inspection: guidance for inspectors of schools, Ofsted, September 2007, available on the Ofsted website Using the evaluation schedule: guidance for inspectors of schools, Ofsted, September 2007, available on the Ofsted website [2]A new relationship with schools: improving performance through school self-evaluation, Department for Education and Skills/Ofsted, March 2005, available on the Ofsted website Improving performance through school self-evaluation and improvement planning, Department for Education and Skills/Ofsted June 2006, available on the Ofsted website [3]Using the evaluation schedule: guidance for inspectors of schools, Ofsted, September 2007, available on the Ofsted website

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1. Characteristics of your school What are the main characteristics of your school? Drawing on Part B and C of this form and other relevant data, write a brief description of its features. (Please note that this is an opportunity for a brief written summary of the main characteristics of your school and it is not necessary to repeat tables of data.) 1a Please outline the main characteristics of the learners, including: - their attainment on entry and how you know this - their social and economic backgrounds, indicating the level of prosperity or deprivation. Please enter text here Students enter Etone at average levels or slightly below as shown by KS2 tests and Fischer Family Trust Data. Results at KS3 overall are above average on a three year trend and in 2005 were well above average in all three core areas. In 2006 we achieved the average figure for england for each core area. Contextual Value Added (CVA) is high and in the top 10 percentile nationally. (PANDA 2005). Etone was made a member of the high value added club of the Specialist Schools and Academies Trust in 2006. Raise online data given (MAP) Specify ks2 - 4 ks3 - 4 ks2 - 3. KS2 - 3 is a major issue that Etone will address but early SAT's may still equal low CVA

Class of








KS2 Average Points Score














National Average

Students registered for Free School Meals are 4.73% compared to the national average of 2.9% Specify for each year group - male and female KB The percentage of students with statements of special educational need are around double the national average at 4.2% and students with SEN are 18.2% which is 3.1% above the National average. Separate M/F/T cohort by cohort KB These figures come from the May census 2007 (KB)

Students move on mainly to post 16 colleges locally. At the end of 2005 76.6% of our students continued in education, 3.2%in training and 12.3% were employed. 6.5% of our students were not in employment, education or training with 1.3% where progression was not available or they had left the area. Put a chart in of actual nos and destination by institution last 2 years (and predicted for 2007) Conessions new data available (MAP)

Around 49% of students come from wards in Warwickshire and the county with high levels of deprivation (as contained in the Multiple Deprivation Index). The school is situated on the edge of an affluent ward, where another high performing popular secondary school is located (attracting the majority of students from the ward). Thus Etone attracts students from more wards and socio- economic backgrounds than the postcode would suggest and we are a truly comprehensive school. Industry in the area has changed from an industrial manufacturing coal mining area to more of a service/distribution industry. Many parents of our students work shift patterns and the majority of two adult families both work due to low service industry wages. Students with English as an additional language (EAL) number 7.3% and 8.2% of students are from ethnic groups. Relationships with and between ethnic students in the school are extremely harmonious. Most ethnic groups represented are of Indian sub continent origin. (Evidenced by Raise online/Log racial incidents held with Assistant Head students) Historically many students come from homes where further education and higher education is a not a historical feature. Student demographics have been explored via Student Voice. The school learners are truly diverse and comprehensive. Student Voice is harnessed to develop staff/student relationships and enhance learning. Different marks - eg new ICT (CJ)

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1b Please summarise briefly your distinctive aims and describe any special features of your school. For example: - whether your school is a specialist school, and if so: whether it has any high-performing specialist school (HPSS) options; your distinctive aims and how the school has strengthened its specialist areas and benefited from its specialist status; and the impact of any significant partnerships and community engagement related to the specialism(s) - whether your school is a trust school, and if so: your distinctive aims; and any contributions trust status makes in driving up school improvement - whether your school has a religious character - any special units - significant partnerships with other providers or agencies (such as shared arrangements for the curriculum, federal arrangements, or partnerships with employers) - whether your school is an extended school and the rationale for the range of services you offer or make available through the school, in relation to the needs of pupils, their families and the community - whether your school has other particular characteristics, including significant awards you have received, for example International Schools Award; Healthy Schools Award; Arts Mark Award - whether your school is implementing the Sustainable Schools framework Please enter text here Etones college aims and values,which come from consultations with staff,students, parents and partners, are held in the school prospectus and are embedded in the life and work of the school. Students, staff and governors work towards the vision of maintaining outstanding within an environment of care, consideration and cooperation. Etone is a designated Technology College gaining this with our first application in 2002 and redesignated in 2006. Following a letter of invitation from the Specialist Schools and Academies Trust as a high performing specialist school we opted to obtain languages specialist status outside of normal designation procedures in September 2006. We have added a Vocational Specialism to our portfolio of specialisms in April 2007 as we consider ourselves to have particular strengths in this curriculum area and we have innovative practices to share in the locality as a leading school. We have organised our own vocational plumbing course in collaboration with a major business partner (Triton PLC) who sponsor the course and other schools are also invited to take part.We send over 100 students per week to take part in vocational courses and young apprenticeships at a local further education college. As a Technology College our aims encompass the use of technology to enhance all areas of the curriculum and to raise standards in all subjects. We offer a school that is determined in its efforts to raise standards alongside an ethos of care, support and respect for the individual. As a Language college we aim to promote an international culture whereby students are exposed to a global village and have the opportunity to experience an international experience, we have a partner school in shzen shzen. As a language college we value learning and consider it to be a key skill in the work place, we offer a wide range of languages including French, German, Spanish, Italian and Mandarin Chinese with an ambition to expand and meet local and international needs. In doing so we hope to improve students cultural perspectives and personal development as well as raising achievement in Modern Foreign Languages. As a vocational college we aim to build and strengthen the already existing vocational activitiestaking place in school. These events and initiativescontinue to develop students' personalised learning and perspectives of the world of work including businessand Enterprise. We continue to consolidate the existing partnership with local colleges to deliver 14-19 progression and expand new opportunities for students and look forward to developing pupil and teacher exchanges. (LT) Many parents and students tell us that they would prefer a post 16 provision to be based at Etone. We are intending to use our presumtion rights along with possible expansion to open a post 16 centre as part of a collaboration with other schools and colleges. Our increased leadership capacity will allow us to deal with our aspiration of expansion. From March 1st 2006 at the request of the Local Authority the school formed a 'loose' federation with a secondary school (3 miles away) that has been in Special Measures for two years, Peter Kingham remains as Headteacher of Etone whilst also being Executive Headteacher of Hartshill School. An Associate Headteacher has been appointed, hence increasing leadership capacity to deliver the vision of excllence. Since success has been achieved in the partner school with the more recent Ofsted report we have moved to a collaborative model from September 2007. We are now part of a loose federation with Hartshill School since March 2006. The federation has provided staff development opportunities, increased economies of scale, and opportunities for the sharing of good practice and resources. Above all the federation enables Etone to contribute more significantly to the needs of students in the area. As a college we have supported two other schools in difficulties - Campion School in 2003/4 and Hartshill since March 2006. This is due to our success at making a school that was once barely satisfactory to one which is outstanding. Standards have risen due to improved facilities, extra resources both physical and human and a determined effort to achieve more via our status along with excellent evaluation systems and target setting processes. Science and Design and Technology have been completely refurbished since 2002 and several ICT suites have been added to the school. Partnerships with our primary schools and post 16 providers are excellent and contribute to our success. ICT, maths and languages support is provided to partner primary schools one day per week. Good practice is disseminated through staff visits, team teaching and regular meetings. We have an excellent Specific Learning Difficulties Facility, which the Local Authority has decided to phase out over the next year on the basis of all secondary schools being Dyslexia friendly. Etone achieved Dyslexia friendly status in Spetember 2005.

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Our liaison with our FE College is outstanding and over 100 students of all abilities study both vocational courses and a variety of Professional Scholarship (LT) courses including several for Gifted and Talented students since the course is open to all students regardless of ability. (Evidence Partnership agreement) We now offer a range of young Apprenticeships to students including Performing Arts, Engineering, Motor Vehicle, Health and Social Care and Construction (LT) Our KS3 curriculum is flexible with excellent personalisation and where appropriate a condensed programme of study. At KS4 the curriculum is nationally recognised as offering personalised learning in practice with a large variety of opportunities for students of all abilities. The school receives delegates and visitors from several organisations and schools to learn about the curriculum we provide and how they might adapt and implement similar ideas.

Although not a faith school Christianity is embedded throughout the school history and is evident in our values, aims and ethos. Weekly assemblies for all year groups contribute to the delivery of the Christian ethos and a 'thought for the day' is embedded in our daily practice. ICT is well resourced in the school with a 1:3 PC to student ratio, Teacher Toolkits are provided (Interactive tablet PC and large screen in each classroom) via an Local Authority Private Funded Initative scheme and the delivery of ICT is fully embedded across the curriculum. Extra curricular activities are varied and well attended including several lunchtime activities (expand on variety and types). ICT facilities are available to students each lunchtime and sports, films, street dancing and chess clubs run throughout the year. Summer Schools and residential activities both in the UK and abroad provide exciting opportunities for lifelong learning. International links have resulted in Manderin taster lessons being offered from September 2006. This year all students entered for Duke of Edinburgh successfully achieved Bronze award. And.... Silver?? In 2002 OFSTED described Etone as 'Outstanding' (KB) and In addition to ensuring that the quality of teaching and learning remains high the school is exploring ways of engaging more with parents and involving them more fully in their child's learning and progress. To achieve our vision one of the steps we are taking is to actively encourage students to become independent and autonomous learners, demonstrated by sharing targets and the introduction of ''stepping stones''. The introduction of SAM learning has allowed students to access feedback (internally and remotely) on achievement within specific subject areas and topics thus providing them with areas for development. Change paragraph

Etone has partnerships with a wide range of organisations. Accredited as a Yamaha Music School where we teach keyboard skills to children in the community and gain very high quality equipment to use in music lessons. Etone has gained the Arts Mark Silver Award three times demonstrating our ability to offer a wide range of Arts based provision both within and outside of the curriculum. Our SportsMark award demonstrates our commitment to extra curricular opportunities offered in Sports by the college. This has been further enhanced by the appoitnment of a Schools Sports Coordinator from September 2006. Etone is a University of the First Age School with a group of students that have been involved in its development and a 'fellow' that teaches in Science. In 2007 we also achieved ICT Mark which demonstrates our committment to technological advancement through ICT in both teaching and learning. Beyond Curriculum Links we have excellent relationships with higher education institutions including the Pheonix Partnership with Coventry University where partnerships both ways are established, providing GTP Placements for several students with the Robert Owen Society - Marches Consortiumn and provision of Initial Teacher Trainees via partnerships with Warwick University, Sheffield Hallam and Leicester University.

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1c Please outline specific contextual or other issues that act as aids or barriers to raising performance. For example: - any difficulties in recruiting and retaining staff or governors, for example in science and maths - recent or impending reorganisation - mobility of learners and any significant impact on behaviour - particularly important facts in your recent history, such as change of leadership. Please enter text here Etone is fully staffed with an excellent, enthusiastic and committed staff. We always recruit on quality and also train several GTP's each year (7 in 06 -7 all of whom are additional to our normal teaching establishment plus one attached to our school from our federated school). We have had difficulties recruiting and retaining staff in ICT (ICT Staff and still Maths). Turnover of staff varies but this is normally due to staff obtaining promotion elsewhere after successful development at Etone and is often part of the nature of a smaller than average secondary school. Occassionally the recruitment of staff has been hindered by the school lacking a post 16 curriculum. Although the school provides opportuntities for gifted and talened students this could be further enhanced by a post 16 provision on site thus improving the aspirations and progression routes available. This is currently being developed.

Over the past seven years 7 staff have become advisers in the Local Authority due to their ability to think strategically and whole school rather than be purely subject based. We regard this as a great affirmation of our schools opportuntities. The college employs a large number of support staff to aid the quality of teaching and learning and this has proved very successful and a contributing factor in raising standards. [Evidenced by the fact that every area has at least one subject based teaching assistant and each Achievement Coordinator has a minimum of two hours teaching assistant administration time per week]. In September 2007 we appointed 3 Pastoral Managers who work with specific year groups in a variety of ways.

From September 2005 the attendance officer has taken sole responsibility for monitoring and evaluating the punctuality of students and this has resulted in much improved punctuality in all year groups (Evidence: analysis of punctuality). Demonstrate this with figures The catalyst for the involvement of more support staff in raising standards was as a result of a successful application to be involved in the National DfES Pathfinder Project of Raising Achievement and Remodelling the School Workforce. Etone is successful in recruiting governors and we have an able and effective group from a wide variety of backgrounds who are well led and take an active interest in the working life of the school. Membership includes several parents, a Superintendent Registrar, a former Deputy Chief Constable and a former OFSTED Inspector who provides valuable advice on quality and standards. Subject areas have a link governor who visits their allocated areas on a rota basis. Detail number of govs. Add in sub groups. There is a positive attitude amongst staff who meet the challenges of a changing school and adapted to the national restructuring initative. Staff are not frightened to change and adapt for the benefit of students. The college appointed an Associate Head responsible mainly for operational matters whilst our collaboration exists. In September 2006 our one deputy who was on long-term secondment as Acting Head to our federated school returned to Etone and went on to gain promotion as an inspector with another authority. A second deputy head who had been at the school for over 25 years retired suddenly through ill health (Sept 05) which led to an unsettled period for a few months. From November 2006 to May 2007 one Assistant Head was on maternity leave. From September 2007 we have a strong Leadership Group in place with an Executive Head, an Associate Head, three Assistant Heads and a Director of Finance.

The school has currently four Advanced Skill Teachers in the areas of Maths, Science and MFL. The mobility of students is low at around 6% (Evidence: PANDA 2005 check this! MP) however appeals for students to attend the school are very high. (Support from home ?) (CJ) Etone's involvement in the national Dfes project, Transforming The School Workplace, was a significant catalyst to raising performance by changes in the use of support staff and an injection of much needed funds (?375,000). Also associated with this iniative was the building of our flexible teaching centre (Flex) which aids student learning and staff development along with community and national educational use. The school building dates back to 1910 and 1940's and has 1970's additional prefabricated buildings and 7 temporary classrooms and two other buildings plus a static double decker bus for a youth centre alongside a static catering facility. The temporary classrooms (called Satellite City) occasionally prove to be a barrier to effective teaching and learning. The Head and Governors are constantly challenging Education officials and politicians for an Etone rebuild ahead of Building Schools for the Future, which is earmarked for 2013-16 for this area. We hope our expansion plans will add to the college building in a positive way

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The school field is located 0.25 mile by foot from the main school site. A shared Borough Council Sports Centre is on site with access to the public to certain parts all day and school use of the majority of the day from 8.30am to 5pm. Staffing difficulties in Religious Studies - no longer an issue with a specialist Subject Leader in place since September 05 (CL) Mathematics Subject area is fully staffed for September with 7 speacialist maths teacher. The College actually has 5 Advanced Skills Teachers, 2/3 of whom are working as ASTs.

1d Please outline briefly the main priorities in your improvement/development plan, and how they reflect the context in which you work. Please enter text here The context within which we work is: raising standards, high quality teaching and learning, striving for excellence in all that we do and we do not allow socio-economic reasons to stop us achieving high results for our students and the school being outstanding. We have a clear development and improvement plan, which dovetails to all subject and school areas and vice versa. The plan concentrates on six key themes; Developing Personalised Learning, Teaching, Assessment for Learning, Staff, Students and Environment. We believe these key themes are essential to maintaining outstanding.

The Etone and Subject/School Development plans are reviewed regularly and have become a catalyst for change and deciding priorities. The Whole School Plan identifies the key areas for improvement which subject/school areas address by outlining more specific developments to the overall needs of the school. From 2006 all Specialist targets are incorporated into the Etone Development and Improvement Plan. This model ensures that all school subjects and areas are working towards the same goals. Is this description still correct? Changed (DBY) (need to check sheet now)

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2. Views of learners, parents/carers, community and other stakeholders What are the views of learners, parents/carers and other stakeholders, including hard to reach groups, and how do you know? 2a How do you gather the views of learners, parents/carers and other stakeholders, such as those accessing additional services; how often do you do this, and how do you ensure the impartiality of the information? Please enter text here Formal parent satisfaction surveys are carried out at least every two years (KB). This tells us that the school is well regarded and parents are more than satisfied with the education provided. A higher response is being targeted for the future as only one third of parents replied in 2005. Need this and results. Geography does parent surveys (CJ) Parent focus groups and parent governors are used to inform decisions about changes to the school including an annual curriculum debate. We have a policy and target of contacting every parent/carer throughout the academic year. Have we proved and surveyed this? We consult parents through a variety of means including academic and pastoral meetings and take the opportunity at such events to discuss relevant areas of school life such as healthy eating. Parents have been consulted over the new styles assessment system and have provided positive and constructive feedback. There is an active school council with a clear system that ensures all students are represented. The key focus is how we can improve Etone and maintain outstanding. Students have been involved in interviews of staff applying for positions for the past five years. Students are used in subject reviews and over the past 18 months we have incorporated student views in the monitoring and review the quality of teaching and learning with current staff. A new student group - Healthy School Focus Group was established in September 2005. Students play a real part in improving teaching and learning and building capacity through a powerful Student Voice. The Healthy Eating group looks at food provided in the school, the healthy schools agenda and how best to relay messages on healthy living to parents and students alike. ABr to add to this. Working towards Healthy School accreditation (GB) The school employs a intercultural support worker(have we any evidence of impact on results?) who liaises with parents from different ethnic groups and supports these students in school. Feedback of these students specific needs is provided via this link. To ensure the safety of some of our more vulnerable students and following a student survey on bullying there are two secure anti-bullying boxes located in two main areas of the school. How much are these used? The school employs its own counsellor to support students with high level social needs, child protection issues and high-level absences. We believe that the information provided is impartial and our students/parents do not 'hold back' due to the open nature of the school. The wide range of consultations ensures impartiality from parents, carers and learners. Post 16 opps via website? Staff as partners in the school are consulted regularly about changes, developments and improving standards. A wide range of methods are used to gain their views e.g. meetings, focus groups, questionnaires, open management policies. Through links with our business partners, post 16 centres and feeder schools we receive regular feedback about the school, its standing in the local community and any areas of concern. connexions provide an annual report to governors on the destination of students and the relevance of our curriuclum to future student needs. More on business links.

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2b What do the views of learners, parents/carers and other stakeholders, including your hard to reach groups, for example young carers, tell you about: - learners' standards and progress - learners' personal development and well-being - the quality of your provision, (curriculum; teaching and learning; and care, guidance and support) - parents'/carers' views of the transition arrangements for pupils joining the school in Year 7 and later. Please enter text here Students and Parents requesting places at the school often state the high standards of student attainment as a reason for their choice of school. Parents and students tell us they feel valued as partners of the school and that information provided on individual learners is informative. (Evidence: example of report; intervention strategies, progress, parental letters) Students are happy and learn well being proud of their school, feel safe, healthy, articipate in their school and recognise the progress and brilliant achievement the school has made and is making. (Evidence: Intensive subject reviews, Student Voice Questionnaires) (website links ?) (CJ)

Post 16 providers tell us that Etone students are thoroughly prepared for future courses, well behaved and come to them as mature young adults. The number of students who successfully complete courses provided externally and the progression mapping from Connexions indicates high quality of provision. (Evidence: Recruitment and retention of Nova Students) We believe that to raise attainment further we need to encourage students and parents to take more responsibility for their learning. (Evidence: Peer mentoring and Self Assessment) The school has staff and systems in place to ensure for the well being of students. In the recent staffing re-structuring and following consultation with stakeholders it was decided to keep and strengthen Achievement Coordinators as they are seen as an essential asset to learning and individual development. In September 2007 3 Pastoral Managers (1 Senior PM and 2 PM's) were appointed to act as "triage" for AC's. They have responsibilities for specific year groups. The community perception as recorded in the local press is of a well-managed school with high aspirations, well-behaved students and high standards. Visitors to the school of which the school has many (councillors, MP's, people on courses), tell us that the school atmosphere is calm, positive and that effective learning is taking place. Proof? Staff feedback(evidence) tells us that the school is well run, has highly effective leadership and standards in all areas are high and improving. Where there are concerns raised action is taken. Examples include the establishment of the Behaviour Support Room in 2005 and over the last Four (KB) years dissemination of techniques and strategies as outlined in the Secondary national behavioural and attendance strategy.

2c How do you share with parents/carers and other stakeholders the collated findings about their views? Please enter text here

Newsletters are used at least every half term, to inform all partners about the success of the school, to seek views and to feed back decisions from consultations. They are well read and received and to improve this further newsletters will be posted on the school website from September 2006. Is this done? SB/CH What about website

The school has an open door policy, which is well used by parents/carers and students. At events where parents/carers attend, a member of the Leadership Group is always 'on hand' to listen to and respond to any concerns. Etone hosts a meeting of all local head teachers of secondary schools and the head attends meetings with post 16 providers, feeder primaries and businesses from the locality. Information on changes, feedback on developments and collaborative ideas are shared in these meetings. The school uses the local press and Etone TV to inform parents, students and the community about achievements, activities and developments at Etone. Assemblies and minutes of the school council, along with student bulletins help inform students of our achievements and developments.There is a weekly staff bulletin, staff meetings and regular feedback such as the termly staff governors' news and staff briefings.

As a development in 2007 we are planning a series of partner days to seek views on Etone and how it can improve and meet the needs of partners more fully.

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2d Give an evaluation of areas where you have successfully involved learners, parents/carers and stakeholders in improving provision - include the ways you have used the views of stakeholders, including pupils, to influence the priorities noted in section 1d (please cross-refer to any relevant comments in the leadership and management section) - include ways in which you have sought to involve and engage with parents/carers, in supporting improved outcomes for their children - how do key stakeholders from partner schools and the wider community contribute to the review and development of your specialism(s) and/or other partnership activities? Please enter text here

Students requested a 'green area' for social interaction. Etone successfully secured a grant from British Conservation Trust Volunteers, this involved students in the planning and creation of the decking area. Students have been involved in the renaming of the restaurant Anything more up to date? Menus? ABr In a discussion about litter the School council requested more litter bins and these were provided all around the school grounds. A further suggestion was a review of the uniform, which after presentations at governors meetings was agreed. Recently a request to consider blazers by the school council was considered and all forms had a vote on the idea. Lockers were requested and where possible these have been made available thus improving student wellbeing and security of belongings. As part of the healthy school group changes were made to the school menus, serving hatch and the creation of a restaurant area took place after extensive consultation with the students and staff. Staff were concerned about the numbers eating in the restaurant and queues thus a healthy snack van was purchased and is very successful. After student and staff dissatisfaction over standards at lunchtime it was decided to remove 'traditional' lunchtime supervisors and replace them with more organised supervised activities and the use of teaching assistants to walk the school. The outcome has been a friendly, warm atmosphere amongst students, evidenced by the lunchtime exclusion data. Following surveys about transport to school and a desire to cycle to school by students a bid was made to purchase two cycle secure areas. Students wanted opportunities for a 'Battle of Bands' competition, which due to its success will be ongoing. Staff, parents and students requested more opportunities for 'well being' time and as a result a change to the school week was consulted on and made. On a Friday Week 2 Etone finishes at 1.20pm. This decision has proved to be popular with staff, students and parents. Parents, students and staff wanted different opportunities for consultations and following a regular meeting of a parent focus group changes have been and are being made with evaluation as they occur. Some suggested changes do not occur because of the student or parent voice. For example in 2005/6 a further change to the school day was proposed and rejected by the parental voice and therefore was withdrawn. Occasionally the school will reject a change that is suggested by partners. An example was a request for more non-uniform days. We rejected this unless a major unexpected national/international event occurs. We have also rejected requests for students to be allowed off site at lunchtimes for health and safety reasons. Students told us they would like opportunities for the curriculum to offer a wider choice and we adapted it to respond to their ideas e.g. more vocational courses including plumbing; childcare; dance and professional scholarships via the X'Tend programme at local Post 16 providers. New additions this year (DBY) Students also advised that some work was being repeated in KS3. As a result of this staff were asked to review KS3 Schemes of Work, visit KS2 providers and create links at a curriculum level with partner primary schools. In several subjects as a result of these reviews the Key Stage 3 courses have been condensed thus improving the pace of the teaching and learning. Student voice questionnaires allow students to feedback to staff on areas that they can address to improve the quality of the teaching and learning - ideas are: use of the flex teaching centre, using more different learning styles and an increased variety of activities.Through intensive subject reviews students suggest they learn more when kinaesthetic opportunities are provided and this is being fed back and acted upon by staff. Year 11 volunteers actively support our most vulnerable SEN students by providing an area for them during lunchtimes that they supervise. Year 10 peer mentors have been attached to all year 7 tutor groups providing small group and individual mentoring.(KB wants removed). Following staff consultation on Intensive Reviews these have been reviewed and adapted to react to Subject Area needs.

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3. Achievement and standards How well do learners achieve? To help you focus your comments and judgements in completing this section, please consult the relevant pages in the Guidance for Inspectors of Schools. In answering the following questions, please make clear the main evidence, such as performance data, assessments and records of learners' progress, on which your evaluation is based (but please use data selectively, avoiding the copying out of tables of descriptive information). If the school's own interpretation of standards and achievement is not reflected in published data, then this needs to be carefully explained. 3a How well do learners achieve, and how high are their standards? For example: - test and examination results; whether learners reach challenging targets - the standards of learners' current work (noting any significant differences between past results and current work) - learners' progress including comparisons with the progress of similar pupils in other schools. Note any significant differences in the progress of groups of learners, including any groups that are achieving particularly well or are underachieving (for example, pupils with learning difficulties and disabilities, looked after children, particular minority ethnic groups, including Gypsy, Roma and Traveller learners, those who join the school other than at the normal date of admission, and those who are socially or economically disadvantaged) and the extent of the school's success in closing any gaps in attainment - the extent to which information and communication technology (ICT) capability and other key skills enable learners to improve the quality of their work and make progress - the extent to which specialist subject attainment targets have been met - the impact of specialist status in raising standards in the specialism, standards more generally across the school and in partner schools - the extent to which any extended services contribute to better achievement and higher standards. Please enter text here English results have risen rapidly at KS3 especially in 2005 where Etone is in the top 3 percentile nationally. Add in past 3 years summary and note changes. Results also exceeded the predictions set by the Fischer Family Trust (FFT). English at L5 and L6 is a strength for all students of all abilities including students with SEN and this is reflected in the contexual value added (CVA) where it is placed in the 7th (5 ) and 4th (6 ) percentiles. Need to flag up as a major issue! New raise online data.

Where FFT data is used although there are targets of A, B, C, D OFSTED expect a D this is the same for Etone.

Maths results are above FFT estimates and national levels at L5 and significantly above the national average at L7 . Higher ability girls do significantly better overall than predicted grades.Students with statements perform significantly better at L5 . Maths results have suffered from lack of consistent staffing which has now been addressed and will lead we believe to improved standards. In 2006 both Year 9 and Year 8 took the national SATS tests in maths with a 6% difference at level 5 in unvalidated data.Check! MP (Maths KS3 results for 2007 yet to arrive should be here in about 2 weeks) (MC) In Science results at L5 are slightly above the FFT estimate and the national average. In L6 results were significantly below the national average and FFT estimate and intervention is being taken to address this issue. At L5 lower ability boys and students with statements do significantly better than predicted. Compared to other similar schools results in Science are very good.Check! MP In Foundation subjects when compared to national averages at L5 Geography, MFL and Music are well above: at level 6 this is the case for Design and Technology and Geography. Physical Education is below the National average at L5 and well below at L6 . The subject area has rewritten progress indicators to provide clarity on teacher assessment. Art and Design and Music are well below National Averages at L6 .Check! MP. Art and Design had been separated from Creative Arts to provide focus and a strong Subject Leader for Music has been appointed. This has now been reversed to ensure consistency and the sharing of good practice. More emphasis on moderation and levels of attainment are also being implemented. Each subject area has created a KS3 specific intervention action plan which is aimed at students who come to Etone with KS2 results at level 3 or below.

Results at KS4 have risen rapidly with a better KS2 to 4 improvement than KS3 to 4. Due to improved strategies and intervention the school achieved above both the FFT and school target in validated data of 2005 and significantly above in unvalidated data in 2006. Students achieving 5 GCSEs or more at A* to C including English and Maths was slightly above the FFT target in 2005 and greatly above in 2006. Check! MP Students achieving 5 GCSEs or more at A* to G grades exceeds the FFT target by 8% in 2005 and was 3% above that with 99% in 2006. Lower ability boys and students with SEN all do significantly better; when this is combined with English and Mathematics girls join this higer profile group.Check! MP Average Point Score (APS) uncapped is well above FFT targets. Capped APS is higher than the FFT top 25% of schools

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(2005).Check! MP At KS3 CVA(contextual value added) is significantly high especially in English where it is in the 3rd percentile. The improvement KS2 to 4 is better than KS3 to 4. Some subject areas are being encouraged to adopt a two year key stage 3 programme, which we believe will help to address this issue. At the end of KS3 all core subjects make better than average improvement in comparison to similar schools nationally. The overall trend at KS3 is generally upward. KS4 5 A* to C GCSE results have risen significantly from 33% to 67% over 6 years and from 89% to 100% in relation to A* to G grades (2006 figures used). There was only a 1.2% chance of achieving 67% 5 A* to C grades according to YELLIS data. Point scores are above the national average. With the introduction of the modular maths course combined with the full staffing and dedication of the maths subject area there has been a 15% rise in A* to C grades in 2006. Subject variation was significant in Art GCSE in 2005 but this was addressed with the 2006 results. In D and T there was an insubject variation and strategies were put in place to stop the rollar coaster effect which led to much improved results in all areas in 2006. German results were outstanding at 70% however French results in 2005 fell, Senior managers and governors discussed strategies to improve the situation and as a result an action plan was implemented which addressed the concerns as seen by the results in 2006. In 2006 most subject areas saw a rise in A* to C results. We are currently examining the results in detail but have concerns in: GCSE PE, Drama, French and Geography. Male achievement issues still existed in English (GCSE) but a major input of staff training and mentoring of students has partly addressed this for 2006. Led by one of our Advanced Skill Teachers the school was part of the National Breakthrough Programme to raise male achievement, where various strategies were adopted within the school to motivate male students. Now Focus on girls as well Year 9 DB and EE (DBY)The outcome of the programme is evident in 2006 results where the 5 A* to C grades showed a 8% difference between male and female. We are aware that we are not adding as much value to boys as national figures might indicate but we continue to address these areas now concentrating on individual subject differences. Rewrite all of above using Raise Online - MP The achievements of all learners are monitored and analysed regularly with clear intervention programmes to support development. There are no significant variations in any specific groups of students however we have an ongoing programme of monitoring to ensure that this is true in the future. 3b Where relevant, how well do learners achieve in the sixth form? For example: - the standards of learners' current work in relation to their learning goals - learners' progress relative to their prior attainment at GCSE and any significant variations between groups of learners (utilising value added measures including ‘New Measures of Success') - the extent to which specialist subject attainment targets for the sixth form have been met - rates for the completion of courses. Please enter text here NA 3c On the basis of your evaluation, what are your key priorities for development? Please enter text here * To achieve results in line with/excess of FFT Band D * To ensure all staff are able to manipulate data effectively. Our overall developments are contained in the Etone Devolpment and Improvement Plan and Subject/School Area Development and Improvement Plans. As a result of the analysis of 2005 and 2006 results we will: Evaluate Value Added Scores in all subjects, class by class. Carry out an intensive review in English, PE and Drama - where else have we done? Discuss strategies in Geography and French. Examine with Core Areas KS3 SATS results. Provide more support and professional development with target setting at KS3. Continue to monitor and improve male achievement (gender gap). (Update Intensive Reviews) (KB) PE Intensive review carried out (Good) (PB) New development plan (DBY)

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Please enter grades in boxes below. To guide judgement, please consult grade descriptions in Guidance for Inspectors. Outstanding Learners' achievement in their work

Whole school

Learners' standards in their work

Whole school


Satisfactory Inadequate


Sixth Form X

Sixth Form

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4. Personal development and well-being How good is the overall personal development and well-being of the learners? To help you focus your comment and judgements in completing this section, please consult the relevant pages in the Guidance for Inspectors of Schools. Your answers here should focus on learners' outcomes; the school's contribution to these outcomes will be covered in section 5. In answering the following questions, please make clear the main evidence on which your evaluation is based (for example: evidence of participation rates, evidence of learners' spiritual, moral, social and cultural development which runs as a theme across all of these areas (4a -4f), and data on the number of recorded bullying or racist incidents in school). 4a To what extent do learners adopt healthy lifestyles? For example: - whether learners take adequate physical exercise, and eat and drink healthily - learners' understanding of how to live a healthy lifestyle (for example, through education about smoking, substance abuse and sexual health risks). Please enter text here Students are very good at adopting healthy lifestyles. They take part in planned physical education and are encouraged to take an active part in out of hours activities. An outstanding example of this is the P2L programme (Evidence: P2L evaluation report) which encourages individualised learning activities. Another aspect of P2L encourages students to take part in clubs, sports and other areas of interest. All students at Key Stage 4 follow the Junior Sports Leaders Award, this encourages and develops qualities of leadership. In addition at KS4 to ensure a full quota of healthy lifestyle activities a programme encouraging and expecting students to take part in clubs in their out of school hours time is organised and carefully monitored. Etone has recently joined a countywide lottery funded physical education programme that encourages students to undertake at least two hours of physical activity a week both in and out of school Is this still correct?. A wider variety of activities has also been introduced such as?. Water is allowed in most lessons to aid concentration and prevent dehydration. The restaurant has gradually introduced a wide variety of healthy food and numbers eating in the facility have increased dramatically. (Evidence: Minutes Healthy Schools Group, Sales data) We employ our own chef to ensure quality. Body Image and theme day events (GB) Students are taught via PSHE and Citizenship (P4L) and Science about healthy lifestyles. The student Healthy Schools Focus Group has actively driven forward these changes. Year 10 & 11 special assemblies on healthy eating (CJ) Students are made aware, through P4L, of how to achieve a lifestyle where work and social activities are balanced. All students learn about how to acquire a healthy lifestyle including knowledge of physical, mental, sexual, emotional and moral health. The school is also intending to apply for Healthy Schools status in 2006/7 have we got this - ABr. (Evidence: P4L schemes of work) 2007 has witnessed the piloting of a new peer coaching scheme. Peer coaching offers our students the opportunity to support each other personally and acadmecially while developing important life skills. No Junior Sports award. leadership is impacted in all lessons SSCo has enabled selected students to take part in Leaders Days which concentrated on varied sports. These students then have to fulfill at least 8 hours of service. (lottery funded programme?) (PB) Nomination of Etone restuarant

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4b To what extent do learners feel safe and adopt safe practices? For example: - whether learners feel safe from bullying, including religious, racial (including Gypsy, Roma and Travellers of Irish heritage), sexual and homophobic incidents - the extent to which learners have confidence to talk to staff and others when they feel at risk - the extent to which learners adopt safe and responsible practices in using new technologies, including the Internet. Please enter text here The majority of students at Etone feel safe and secure and adopt safe practices. Incidents of bullying and racial harassment are reported and acted upon in line with the school policies. (Evidence: Achievement Coordinator end of year reports and anti bullying questionnaires) Students and parents have contributed to the update of the anti bullying policy and there are secure anti bully boxes around the site. Students have access to a mentor who is a trained counsellor and at KS4 are provided with a named mentor to support their mental and academic well being. Peer mentors are also trained and established in the school. Evidence of students sharing difficult personal situations lead us to believe that students feel confident to share and seek support. (Evidence: Intensive review student discussions) All staff have received upto date child protection training in line with school policy. (Evidence: Child Protection Training records) Racist incidents are extremely rare but when they do occur clear procedures are followed. 4c How much do learners enjoy their education? For example: - learners' attitudes and participation, including any significant variations for specific groups of pupils - how the school's overall absence rate compares with other schools, including those in similar circumstances - the number of pupils who are persistently absent Please enter text here Learners are very happy at Etone, we know this because attendance is very good, for 2005 -2006 student attendance was 93.4% and through informal discussions with students. (Need 2006/07 figures when available) (KB) Although punctuality has not been a major concern a new punctuality initiative was introduced in September 2005 coordinated by our attendance and punctuality officer. Comparisons between September and March of 2004-5 with the same period of 2005-6 saw an improvement of 60%. (Again updates needed) (KB) Attendance Monitor Purchase (DBY) Behaviour is very good and often outstanding how is it now and what are we doing?. Due to our desire for high standards and expectations there has been a slight rise in the number of fixed term exclusions and governors fully support these measures. Due to the introduction of the consequences system there will probably be a slight rise in the number of fixed term exclusions. Students adopt a positive attitude to learning and support the teacher. (Evidence: Progress reports) We are working with students and parents to take more responsibility for their own learning and achievement. Students' spiritual development is excellent with opportunities to appreciate spiritual matters in all subjects and throughout school life via assemblies, thought for the day, celebration of events and an encouragement to respond to awe and wonder. Moral development is taught via assemblies, day to day interactions and ensuring the ethos of care, consideration and cooperation is evident in all we do. (Evidence: mapping document, Schemes of work, lesson observation proforma). We have a strong youth team on site (Youth 180) which aims to aid students personal, moral and spiritual growth. Generally social development is very good and students feel they belong to a community that cares for them and where they can exercise care towards others. Cultural development is encouraged via visitors to the school, (Evidence: Shanghi teachers, African delegation and Japanese visitors) visits from the school including residentials. Our school links with Brazil, Australia and China ensure an international development. We have regular international theme days where students are encouraged to participate in the understanding of the different cultures which ensures international diversity. Year 10 students participate annually in a spiritual day to enhance their emotional awareness and wellbeing. Emotional intelligence please see 4a Calendar loads more events we can add to update

Include other theme days Spiritual day to be cancelled however i am sure PK will want to discuss reasons why (CL)

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4d How good is the behaviour of learners? For example: - what proportion of lessons is significantly disrupted by poor behaviour? Please enter text here

4e How well do learners make a positive contribution to the community? For example: - learners' growing understanding of their rights and responsibilities, and of those of others - how well learners express their views and take part in community activities both within and beyond the school - if you are a specialist school, how this has helped learners' understanding of and contribution to the community Please enter text here Students make excellent contributions to the community. They participate as: prefects, peer mentors, school council, Healthy School Focus group, ICT prefects, and guides at parents evenings thus allowing students to actively involve themselves in the school community. The school supports a wide range of charities chosen by students often via personal involvement. In 2007 we have a charities week. Students take an active part in out of school community activities such as public speaking competitions, Duke of Edinburgh scheme, multicultural festivals and a range of other communal events. and sporting and dancing (DBY) Learners express their views via a range of mechanisms including school council, student voice questionnaires and staff appointments. (Evidence: School Council minutes, Questionnaire results) Through the school council, via discussions with form representatives, all students have the opportunity to contribute to whole school policy. On a practical level students contribute to the development of the new menu for the school term. Etone students contribute well to the wider community through membership of several organisations, for example local theatre and dance clubs, army cadets, scouts, swimmers and chess club. On the numerous school trips that are arranged through Etone, our students are often reported as being superb ambassadors for the school and the local town. Student PE/Sports Council set up November 06 (PB)

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4f How well do learners prepare for their future economic well-being? For example: - through the development of literacy, numeracy, information and communication technology, financial and enterprise capability, economic and business understanding, and understanding of sustainable development - learners' understanding of opportunities for further education and training, and career choices - learners' acquisition of the social skills and other workplace skills, essential to their future economic well-being. Please enter text here The school provides numerous opportunities for students to develop their economic well-being. Different enterprise days are provided including business links, managing money and challenges. Work Related Learning is provided for every student. The maths subject area has trialed a money matters project to develop the financial management skills of students and is currently evaluating the programme with the view to rolling it out. (Evidence: Maths booklet). We also offer functional maths and English. P4L financial awareness in form time activity (GB) Connexions input clearly into Year 9 where choices about future development and careers are made. (Evidence: Progression route data) All students at KS4 have an interview with a Connexions personal adviser and undertake group sessions focusing on aspects such as modern apprenticeships. Each form in year 11 is given a £30 start up to develop an enterprise activity to make money. Responsibility for this is with the students.Several events are organised to help students see what options are available for their future. We have seen a rise in the proportion of students moving onto further education. All year 10 students are required to complete a two week work experience placement which is incorporated into citizenship coursework, some students also undertake extended work placements. (Evidence: work experience diary). This academic year students will take part in a Charity week. They will be asked to plan and implement a number of fund raising activitries which will develop them as citizens. All our students are encouraged to reach out into the local community and become active citizens. Students gain a good working knowledge of career options via the opportunities for work experience, use of computer programmes to support career and course choices, careers work via P2L and the use of vocational type courses eg NOVA. Students understanding of career options is enhanced by post 16 exhibitions held in school and year 8 visits to further education colleges. Year 10/11 Citizenship coursework is no longer based on work experience, although some students may use this as a back up plan. (see DW about new plans for 'charities week') (CL) In Maths the functional skills development of KS4 (we are a pilot school for this) may incorporate economic well being as part of its structure. Alternatives to this are the Money Matters Project which has been successfully triled, and the GCSE in statistics in which the majority of the Year 11 are entered (MC) 4g Where relevant, how good are learners' personal development and well being in the sixth form? Please enter text here

4h On the basis of your evaluation, what are your key priorities for development? Please enter text here Track and monitor behaviour Track and monitor the different aspects of PSHE and Citizenship (P4L). Curricular Auditor (DBY) Evaluate enterprise activities and their effectiveness via an intensive review. To map all personal and well being activities across the school. 4Grade

Please enter grades in boxes below. To guide judgement, please consult grade descriptions in Guidance for Inspectors. Outstanding Learners' personal Whole school development and wellSixth form being

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5. The quality of provision Your evaluation of the quality of provision should take account of the impact of teaching, the curriculum and the school's care, guidance and support on the standards achieved and the personal development and well-being of learners. To help you focus your comments and judgements in completing this section, please consult the relevant pages in the Guidance for Inspectors of Schools. In answering the following questions, please make clear the main evidence, such as monitoring of teaching, on which your evaluation is based. 5a How good is the quality of teaching and learning? - how well teaching meets individuals' learning needs, encourages their progress and meets course requirements - how well teaching promotes positive behaviour and learning - the suitability and rigour of assessment in planning learning and monitoring learners' progress - the involvement of parents and carers in their children's learning and development - in specialist schools, the impact that the quality of teaching in the school's specialist subjects has had on other subjects. Please enter text here 2007 witnessed the establishment of a collaborative coaching programmeat Etone. A review of the programme highlighted the positive impact coaching has had on teaching and learning at the college and both personally and professionally on the staff. - Evidence The quality of teaching and learning is outstanding, evidenced by over 80% (new data MP) of lessons observed being good or better. Add in percentages achieving 1, 2, 3, 4 MP. A full system of lesson observations has been in place for 5 years with an extensive checklist with each being section graded according to Ofsted criteria. (Evidence: lesson observation proforma) In 2007 the lesson obseravtion proforma has been modified to reflect the high standard of learning and teaching which takes place. These in turn inform Professional Development opportunities and assist staff in improving their teaching. Teaching clearly meets the needs of the full range of learners and actively responds to course requirements. As all subject areas have at least teaching assistant attached to them it allows the subject leader to direct extra adult support to meet student needs and improve the quality of learning.

Lessons concentrate on ensuring the needs of individual learners are met. Students now complete student questionnaires to inform quality of teaching and learning that is provided for them with teachers discussing the results with students to improve the learning.

Assessment is carried out using a wide variety of methods including peer assessment. Each student is given a target and stepping-stones to reach those target grades/levels. Reports are provided every year with a clear system of grades that monitor performance.

Each students individual learning characteristics are recorded including learning styles and a historical analysis is available for each student thus allowing teachers to target learning. Students at school action plus or with a statement of educational need have full Individual Education Plans, into which students have a direct input and regular reviews with parents take place to monitor progress. These students are integrated fully into the school but in addition receive in class support, individual tutoring and small group work. Etone organises successful parent/carer consultation events which enable students and parents to disucss their progress in learning and identify appropriate improvement strategies. In years 11 and 6 parents and students have an individual interview with a senior member of staff to set and review targets, discuss learning needs and identify barriers to learning thus ensuring the partnership between parent, student and school is realised. A data analyst has been appointed to focus on target setting, looking at trends and discussing with Subject Leaders the progress of individual students and groups. Intensive subject reviews allow the senior leaders and governors of the school to fully evaluate the quality of teaching and learning in an individual subject and make recommendations for further development. May 2007 gained ICT mark. Becta ??? updated for etone updated online. (PG)

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5b How well do the curriculum and other activities meet the range of needs and interests of learners? For example: - the extent to which the curriculum or activities match learners' needs, aspirations and capabilities, building on prior attainment and previous experience - how far the curriculum meets external requirements, for example DCSF benchmarks for languages at Key Stage 4, and is responsive to local circumstances - the extent to which the provision enables and encourages learners to be healthy, contributes to learners' personal development and well-being, and promotes equality of opportunity and community cohesion - the extent to which enrichment activities, including those enhanced by specialist subject/s and, where appropriate, extended services and out-of-classroom learning, contribute to learners' enjoyment and achievement - the extent to which the community benefits from the school's specialist provision - the provision of impartial careers advice and work-related learning for all pupils in Key Stage 4 - if your school is a specialist school, the extent to which Key Stage 4 and post-16 courses have been broadened, and the extent to which specialist subject participation targets have been met - the extent to which learners have opportunities to develop creativity, key skills, enterprise capability, economic and business understanding, and financial capability, and have access to work-related learning in Key Stage 4 - the extent to which any extended services contribute to improving learners' personal development and well-being. Please enter text here The dynamic and wide ranging curriculum is a strong hallmark of Etone and provides outstanding opportunities that meet the personalised learning needs of each student. The options process during year 9 includes information to students and parent/carers via booklets and an information evening. Each student is given a individual interview which parents/carers may attend. Form tutors, Achievement Coordinator and Subject staff are available to advise, ensuring that the key stage 4 curriculum is well matched to the learners needs, aspirations and capabilities. Over 100 students of all abilities at KS4 take part in a wide range of vocational opportunities at a local FE college whilst some access other courses including AS levels via an X'TEND programme both at Etone and through post 16 providers. Some of these courses take place in twilight hours thus allowing us to offer a flexi timetable for some students, with parental permission. At KS3 several subjects provide a condensed programme of study thus allowing more opportunity to study at KS4 for example Maths are now introducing statistics for the vast majority of students due to a condensed two year Key Stage 3 programme of study thus allowing a three year Key Stage 4 programme. A small group of students take part in an 'ontrack' programme to allow them time to improve basic numeracy and literacy. After discussion with our main business partner and one of the highest providers of private employment in the area we have developed in collaboration with the company a plumbing course leading to a qualification at KS4. Theme day events for Every Child Matters (GB) Different subjects provide opportunities for students to work in teams and develop enterprise and other skills via their learning. A wide variety of enrichment activities take place in out of school hours and are very well attended. (Evidence: List of extra curricular activities)

The following opportuntities contribute to learners' enjoyment and achievement by providing a diversity of acitivities which stimulate and challenge: Youth 180, Summer schools, Yamaha music lessons, Setpoint engineering club, Street Dance club, Chess club, Duke of Edinburgh, over 100 peripatetic music lessons. Add to this. Through our specialisms we provide a variety of learning activities in Science, Maths, ICT and Design and Technology for our present and future learners. During 2006 we will be introducing more Modern Foreign Language enrichment activities. and other areas to cover languages and vocational specialism week (DBY) We offer enrichment opportunities across the curriculum via our languages and vocational specialisms. In June 2007 Etone witnessed its first International Day involving visitors delivering sessions such as Cross reference 4a and b reference students healthy life styles and feeling safe.

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5c How well are learners guided and supported? For example: - the quality and accessibility of care (including integrated day care), advice, guidance and support to safeguard learners' welfare, promote their personal development and help them achieve well - the extent to which the school and any additional services contribute to the learners' capacity to be healthy, including vulnerable groups, such as looked after children - the quality and accessibility of impartial information and guidance to learners in choosing courses and programmes and, where applicable, career progression - the effectiveness of any exclusion provision used by the school to support and reintegrate learners back into mainstream lessons - the effectiveness of steps taken to reduce absence, including persistent absence, and raising the proportion of pupils with high levels of attendance - action taken to promote equality of opportunity, to ensure that all learners achieve good outcomes - the extent to which the school supports learners in raising their individual standards through marking, assessment and personal targets. Please enter text here Students are guided and supported exceptionally well. We have excellent structures for dealing with outside agencies and regular meetings take place to discuss individual cases. The school is a community school and open from 8am to 10pm as necessary. At lunchtime following requests from students a wide range of supervised activities take place to provide meaningful use of time. A local charity Youth 180 was launched at and works at the school providing a range of social interactive opportunities for students to engage in. In addition as part of our collaboration with partner schools we have extended this charity to provide youth workers in every local secondary school. This is an exceptional programme and the envy of many local authorities and schools.

Our counsellor and Year 11 mentor make special efforts to support vulnerable young people including looked after children. A representative from the school attends core group meetings and all reviews. A school nurse attends school weekly to offer support by self-referral or via an Achievement Coordinator. Exclusions are very low but we are not frightened to use them as part of sanctions to support the excellent behaviour we expect from students. Since 2005 we introduced a Behaviour Support Facility to help students that struggle at school with behavioural issues and to help modify future behaviour. Child protection procedures are part of the induction programme for all staff. All parents/carers sign a 'use of the internet' agreement to ensure safe use of the internet. There is a filter to restrict access to inappropriate sites.

Key groups of students (looked after children, ethnic minority groups) are monitored to ensure their progress is not suffering and to implement strategies as appropriate to support them.

There is a full induction programme which starts in May with visits to all our primary feeder schools where an indepth discussion with class teacher and students take place. A full day induction takes place followed by an evening where parents are invited with child to visit the school. Following this we extend an invitation to all year 6 parents/carers to attend an interview with form tutors, Achievement Coordinators or a member of Leadership Group. This cements an excellent start to the relationship with Etone. Prospective Parent- Guide about KS3 syllabus/subject content ???? (DBY) At the end of Key Stage 3 we have a programme of information about courses available at Key Stage 4 and ensure all student needs are met as far as possible. This information is proceeded by a regular careers input during the Key Stage 3 Preparation for Life Programme. Our website provides opportunities for partners including parents/carers and learners to access information about policies, procedures, attainment targets etc allowing them to be active participants in the learning process. 5d Where relevant, what is the quality of provision in the sixth form? Please enter text here

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5e On the basis of your evaluation, what are your key priorities for development of your provision? Please enter text here Changing priority ? (DBY) Continue to ensure the quality of provision remains high and the new OFSTED grading system promotes outstanding teaching and learning via the new lesson observation proforma. (linked to PM)? (DBY)

Track ,monitor and evaluate the various Preparation for LIfe (P4L) and enterprise activities that occur across the curriculum and their impact. Intensive review planned next year (DBY) Introduce more enrichment activities as part of our Specialist Status. Happening (DBY) 5Grade

Please enter grades in boxes below. To guide judgement, please consult grade descriptions in Guidance for Inspectors. Outstanding Quality of teaching and learning

Whole school

Quality of the curriculum and other activities

Whole school





Sixth form X

Sixth form

Quality of care, Whole school guidance and support Sixth form for learners

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6. Leadership and management Your evaluation of leadership and management should take account of their impact in terms of the outcomes for learners and the quality of provision. To help you focus your comments and judgements in completing this section, please consult the relevant pages in the Guidance for Inspectors of Schools. In answering the following questions, please make clear the main evidence on which your evaluation is based. 6a What is the overall effectiveness of leadership and management? For example: - how effectively leaders and managers at all levels set clear direction leading to improvement and promote high quality care and education - how performance is monitored and improved through quality assurance and self-evaluation - how effectively leaders and managers use challenging targets to raise standards, including statutory targets, attendance targets and, where applicable, specialist school targets - how well equality of opportunity is promoted and discrimination tackled so that all learners achieve their potential; and how well leaders and managers monitor the impact of the school's equality and diversity policies in relation to all groups of learners - how well leaders and managers promote the professional development of the whole school's workforce and promote a suitable work/life balance for them - how effectively resources are deployed to achieve value for money, including the impact of continuing professional development upon outcomes for learners - how effectively links are made with other providers, services, employers and other organisations to promote access to integrated care, education and any extended services - how effectively governors (and, if appropriate, other supervisory boards) discharge their responsibilities - for specialist schools, the impact of the specialism on the quality of leadership and management - do procedures for safeguarding meet current government requirements, for example child protection procedures, vetting systems, risk assessments and disaster plans? Please enter text here We consider the overall effectiveness and efficiency of the leadership and management to be outstanding as shown by the rising achievement of students over many years despit the dip in 2007 and our designation as a high performing specialist school and membership of the high value added club of the Specialist Schools and Academies Trust in 2006.

All leaders and managers have a full understanding and support the vision of the school which is sustained through distributed leadership. Subject and school area leaders and achievement coordinators are excellent at self evaluation, planning iniatives to improve the quality for students and raise attainment. A comprehensive system of performance management is securely in place and is used to set challenging targets.This ensures staff are involved in their own professional development. It is continuously reviewed and is linked to raising achievement in the school and ensures that the reviewed and recently developed vision of the school becomes a reality. External moderation by advisers has praised the performance management system in the school.

Through regular link meetings the leadership group guide and monitor the progress of middle managers. The leadership group members in conjunction with governors undertook a review of the school structure to ensure we had the capacity to lead and manage emerging initiatives including the recently formed federation. We have an excellent support staff and fully utilise their expertise to help us raise standards and obtain our vision. Etone has a new clear vision and mission backed up by effective aims and values that in turn lead to an effective ethos. Our aims and values are embedded within the school and manifest by our vision of moving from very good to excellent and mission statement; dedicated to outstanding education, development and achievement.

Leadership provides clear direction and is supportive, innovative and forward thinking. Staff are empowered to lead their areas effectively thus true distributed leadership with accountability is a clear characteristic of the school. Middle and Senior Leaders meet every half term to discuss areas of school development (Group known as Etone Development and Improvement Team EDIT) The group provide a forum for the exchange of ideas and sharing of good practice to be disseminated. The development and improvement plan clearly dovetails into subject/school area development and improvement plans thus ensuring the school moves forward as one organic body. A rigorous system of self-evaluation is in place, which constantly challenges progress and leads to improved results and the raising of all standards. The school is inclusive which is one of its strengths for example over the past three years it has had two profoundly deaf students join who have been fully integrated into the school as well as a large number of SEN students. Staff are well qualified, dedicated and enthusiastic, and in appointments quality is an essential criteria. If quality is not obvious we do not appoint.

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Poor out of date accommodation, although used to great effect, stifles the further development of the school especially the temporary classrooms and lack of social areas for students. With rapidly improving results over a number of years it is however hard to justify our needs to politicians and the Local Authority. Other resources are outstanding including ICT, with every teacher having access to a projector, screen and an interactive tablet PC system (or previously laptops and interactive whiteboards). Since the installation of interactive equipment exam results have risen. This investment has enabled the school to meet a previous Ofsted area for development and provides good value for money.

The number of support staff has risen rapidly in the past four years allowing more opportunities to support learning and provide opportunities for students' development. Each year all resources are considered in relation to value for money and ensuring the vision, aims and values of the school are maintained. Governors take an active part in the school and are partners in our success acting as critical friends, challenging and supporting the school development. The way governors are organised for example by creating in the last year a new sub group to concentrate on standards means they are extremely effective. The school effectively liaises with North Warwickshire and Hinkley College and King Edwards College to ensure that a full learning entitlement is available to students. The school is an active member of a 14-19 strategic group which includes other training providers and information, advice and guidance organisations. Regular contact with Connexions, LABBs, Social Services, Extended Services, TELAC and the Local Authority ensures effective links to enhance learning. 6b Where relevant, how effective is the leadership and management in the sixth form? Please enter text here

6c On the basis of your evaluation, what are your key priorities for the development of leadership and management? Please enter text here Leaders and Governors are seeking a new build, extension or similar for Etone to provide a more appropriate learning environment, quicker than Building Schools for the Future which may be scheduled for 2016. Provide better facilities for social times for students. Sixth Form and Sixth entry. (DBY) 6Grade

Please enter grades in boxes below. To guide judgement, please consult grade descriptions in Guidance for Inspectors. Outstanding Effectiveness of leadership Whole school and management Sixth form

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Satisfactory Inadequate


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7. Overall effectiveness How effective and inclusive is the provision of education, integrated care and any extended services in meeting the needs of learners and why? To answer the questions raised in this section of the form you should draw together your evaluations in the previous sections. To help you focus your comments and judgements in completing this section, please consult the relevant pages in the Guidance for Inspectors of Schools. In answering the following questions, please in each case make clear the main evidence on which your evaluation is based. 7a What is the effectiveness of any steps taken to promote improvement since the last inspection? If you are a specialist school, what has been the contribution of specialist subjects? If you are a specialist school, what has been the contribution of specialist subjects? Please enter text here Steps taken to improve the use of Information and Communication Technology as an integral part of learning in all subjects have been highly effective. All teaching staff have an ICT teacher toolkit in classrooms throughout the school. Governors have added to the initial provision of the PFI funding by also including funding for tablets for PE, Music, RS and Art which are not included as part of the initative. All subjects have fully embraced the use of ICT to improve learning. There has been an increase in the provision of computers within the school thus allowing teachers to regularly include ICT within lessons. The impact has been an improvement in the quality of teaching and learning and rising exam results. ICT Mark We-Learn Training (DBY) School has actively provided more opportuntities for spritual and multicultural development, this has included each subject area encouraging reflection and moments of awe and wonder. The international theme days, international visitors and highlighting of religous festivals has enhanced students multicultural awareness and other days and visits to mosques (DBY). The Year 10 Spiritual Day is a highlight in raising awareness of spiritual and multicultural issues. (Is this continuing?) (KB) See previous comments re cancellation of Spiritual Day (CL) Links with feeder schools are highly effective. All subjects have links with feeder schools. Tehcnology Status subject areas have forged strong partnerships via master classes, conferences and quizzes. Many of our GTP's have completed their second placement in feeder schools. Religious Studies staffing has been replaced and is now extremely effective. In Autumn 2005 an Ofsted full subject review highlighted many improvements leading to the subject area being good overall with elements of outstanding.

Further development of KS4 curriculum has evolved into a more effective personalised learning experience for students. We now offer opportunties for work based learning, professional scholarships,DIDA,(not next year) (DBY) Triton sponsorship courses and Young Apprentices as a result we have a more motivated student population who see the relevance of their learning. Thought for the Day Youth 180 responible and involment for (DBY) now set up in all form times allowing for greater focus on (DBY) daily worship and reflection. New ICT portal provisional, portal VLE for school and will facilitate teaching and learning for staff and pupils as a one stop area for Etone (PG)

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7b How effective and inclusive is the provision overall, including any extended services, and what are the main strengths and weaknesses? For example: - how effective is the school in enabling all learners to make good progress and achieve high standards - how well does the school promote the personal development and well-being of all learners, including through working in partnership with others - how well does the school promote community cohesion - how efficiently does the school use the resources available to it and how has the school achieved value for money in its provision - where relevant, what is the overall effectiveness of boarding provision? Please enter text here Etone is a school with many outstanding elements that adds value to learners and is achieving excellent results. Results and standards have risen rapidly over the past five years. Etone is highly effective with a dedicated staff; including five advanced skills teachers. Students behave well and want to learn, they are well cared for yet challenged to achieve the best they possibly can. Excellent links with business, community partner schools, media and Childrens Young People and Families Directorate support our development. The school is oversubscribed and well regarded in the local community. Accommodation is the school's biggest weakness despite efforts to ensure it is of a high standard. 7 temporary classrooms, narrow corridors and lack of social areas could potentially hinder our potential future development. Since 2001 our reputation for providing excellent initial teacher training has led to an increase in applications for those wishing to undertake PGCE and GTP. We regulary work with four providers. Following the sucessful completion of her HLTA course one of our TA's is currently employed as the Learning Support Manager,whilst our permanent SENCO is shared with our federated school. The Local Authority carry out a review of the progress of the school anually and for the past four years have placed us in category one (the highest) due to our rigorous monitoring and evaluation procedures, performance and capacity to achieve. Evidence is our rising trend in attainment and value added. We are fully staffed, over-subscribed and a member of the Specialist Schools and Academies Trust high performing and most improved club. 7c How well does the school work in partnership with others to promote learners' well-being? Please enter text here

7d Where relevant, what is the overall effectiveness of the sixth form, including, where appropriate, reaching specialist school targets? Please enter text here

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7e What are your main priorities to further improve the overall effectiveness of the school? Please enter text here Consideration of a skills centre/vocational arm of the school in collaboration with other schools/colleges and the Local Authority/LSC. Develop in partnership a post 16 common prospectus. Work with the 14 - 19 area collaboration to develop strategies to implement the new diploma lines together with functional Maths and English and ICT National Diplomas. (DBY) Establish a Post 16 Centre based at or part based at Etone. 7f What is the capacity to make further improvement? Please enter text here Our vision is to be outstanding (DBY) in all areas and we have every intention of either maintaining or obtaining this. Our capacity to make further improvement is outstanding. 7Grade

Please enter grades in boxes below. To guide judgement, please consult grade descriptions in Guidance for Inspectors. Outstanding Overall effectiveness





Capacity to make further improvement


Improvement since the last inspection


Effectiveness of sixth form

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Part B: factual information about your school Section A: Information about your school A1 Name of school Etone Community School and Technology College A2 Unique reference number (URN) 125731 A3 Unique reference number for the school's day care provision (where relevant)

A4 Type of school Comprehensive A5 School category Community A6 Age range of learners MIN




A7 Gender of learners Coeducational A8 Name of headteacher (or equivalent) Peter Kingham A9 School's address Etone Community School and Technology Co Leicester Road NUNEATON

Please include post code CV11 6AA A10 Telephone number 02476 382008 A11 Fax number 02476 352320 A12 Email address

A13 Website address

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A14 Name of appropriate authority Local Authority A15 Name of chair of governors Mr John Vale A16 Local authority Warwickshire A17 Special categories of school

Please indicate whether the school has, or has applied for, any of these designations.


School currently has designation (Please tick)

Specialist school (please state which specialism)

An application Date of commencement / likely has been made commencement (Please tick)


Technology and Languages Specialist school (please state HPSS option 1)

Specialist school (please state HPSS option 2)

Specialist school (please state HPSS option 3)

Trust school Other (Please state what)

Please use this box to provide further details. Awarded Languages Specialism September 2006 Designated High Performing Specialist School 2006 Intention to apply for Vocational Specialism

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A18a Childcare provision under the Children Act (Part XA) 1989

Is the governing body registered for childcare provision in any of the following categories? Is a private or voluntary provider registered for childcare provision in any of the following categories? Please tick to indicate which type(s) of provision are made. Session time should be to the nearest half hour. Type of care

The school/ governing body manages the provision

A private or voluntary provider manages the provision

Name of registered person / nominated person

Length of session (hours)

Full day care

Age range of children (from, to)

Number of children


Sessional care




Out-of-school care


Other (please state)


Total A18b

Please give the current number of children on roll in each of the categories in the table. Boys



Under 3s Foundation Stage grant-funded nursery Out-of-school care Total A19 Childcare Registration

Are you in the process of applying for a childcare registration on your school premises? If yes, please answer the questions below.

Type of care

Governing body is to manage the provision.

Private or voluntary provider is to manage the provision.

Full day care Sessional care

Creche Out-ofschool care

An independent provider is to manage the provision.

Name of Registered person

Age Length of range of Number session children of (hours) children (from, to)

Date which application is likely to commence

_#_#_#_# _#_#_#_# _#_#_#_# _#_#_#_#


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A20 Extended services

Please indicate any extended services provided by the school. Tick Yes to indicate which type(s) of provision are made and give a brief indication of the extent and nature of the provision. Tick if Yes

Type of Provision

Extent and nature of provision

Parental support including family learning programme Specialist support services Community access including adult learning Childcare (indicate if year round or term time) Study support (after school catch up provision; indicate if this is year round or term time only) Other

Please use this box to provide further significant details not covered above. Youth 180 - local charity based at the school. A21 Designated special educational needs resources base or similar provision

If your school has a local authority designated special educational needs resource base or other similar provision, please indicate its function by entering a disability or difficulty from those listed in the notes for guidance and give the number of places provided. Please indicate whether the school has any of the following: a remove room; a learning support centre; or an internal exclusion centre. Throughout the rest of the form, this provision is referred to as ‘SEN resource base'. Designated resource base/provision for:

Places 14

SPLD = Specific Learning Difficulty If other was chosen please specify

If other was chosen please specify A22 Boarding provision

If your school has boarding provision, please indicate the maximum number of boarders. Maximum number of boarders A23 Workplace learning

Please give the numbers of learners involved in work-place learning (for learners aged 14-16, under section 178 of the Education Act 2002), and the nature of the provision. Provide any brief details in the space below. Please list no more than the top five provisions. Nature of provision

Below Y10








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A24 Joint post-16 provision

Please indicate whether or not the school has arrangements for joint teaching of post-16 courses with other schools or colleges. If so please give details in the box below, with names and Unique Reference Number (if known) of the other schools and colleges involved. The school makes joint post-16 provision



Other schools and colleges involved: Name of school/college

URN (If known)

Name of school/college

URN (If known)

Name of school/college

URN (If known)

A25 The nature of the school's site

Please give the number of sites occupied. If more than one, please give details, including post codes and the distance(s) between them in the space below. Please also give an indication of the location of any work-based learning. Number of sites used


We have a playing field 5 minutes walk from the school - 0.25 miles. Two days a week over 100 students take part in Vocational courses at a local FE College - 1 mile away. A26 Reorganisation

Please indicate whether or not the school is currently subject to reorganisation proposals. If so, please give details in the space below. The school is subject to reorganisation proposals




A27 School federations

Please indicate whether or not the school is part of a federation. If so, please give details in the box below of the names and unique reference numbers of the other schools in the federation. The school is part of a federation




Details of other schools in the federation: Name of school


Name of school


Name of school


Name of school


Hartshill - 125776 This is a loose Federation initially in place till March 2007. A28 Section 48 inspections

Please indicate whether or not the school has a religious character and needs a section 48 inspection. The school has a religious character and needs a section 48 inspection

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A29 Term dates and occasional closures Please indicate for each term and half term the start and finish dates for one year ahead. Please also provide the dates of any planned occasional closures within the stated term times. Term and half-term names

Start date

Finish date



Autumn Half Term



Spring Term





Summer term



Summer Half Term



Autumn Term

Spring Half Term

Dates of occasional closures 01.09.06 - Disaggregated 04.09.06 and 05.09.06 - Teacher Training Days 08.01.07 - Teacher Training Day 30.03.07 - Possible Disaggregated

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Section B: Information about the learners B1 Number of learners

Please give the current number of learners on the roll in each of the categories in the table. Boys



Year 5 Key stage 2 Year 6

Key stage 3

Year 7



Year 8



Year 9



Year 10



Year 11



Key stage 4 Year 12 Sixth Form

Year 13 Year 14

Total B2 Ethnic background of learners in maintained provision

This table shows the numbers of learners in each classification. It is based on the latest data available from your annual returns to the DCSF. If the current numbers are significantly different from these please correct them. Number White - British White - Irish


681 Asian or Asian British - any other Asian background Black or Black British - Caribbean

White - any other White background

1 Black or Black British - African

Mixed - White and Black Caribbean

7 Black or Black British - any other Black background

Mixed - White and Black African

1 Chinese

Mixed - White and Asian

5 Gypsy/Roma

Mixed - any other mixed background

6 Travellers of Irish Heritage

Asian or Asian British - Indian Asian or Asian British - Pakistani Asian or Asian British - Bangladeshi


45 Any other ethnic group 3 Parent / learner preferred not to say Information not obtained


1 2 5

Total B3 Refugees and asylum seekers

Please give the number of learners on the school's roll who are refugees or asylum seekers. Use the space below to give any further significant details. Number of refugees and asylum seekers Number of refugees and asylum seekers designated as looked after children

B4 Support for minority ethnic, including Gypsy, Roma and Traveller learners

Please give the numbers of ethnic minority, including Gypsy, Roma and Traveller learners who receive support through specific funding, from whatever source. Number of minority ethnic learners supported through specific funding

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B5 English as an additional language

Please give the number of learners for whom English is not their first language and who are at an early stage of English language acquisition. 66

Number of learners for whom English is not their first language and who are at an early stage of English language acquisition

Please list the three most common first languages spoken by these learners. Please list them in order, with most frequent first. Punjabi

If other, please specify:


If other, please specify:


If other, please specify:

B6 Learners with learning difficulties and/or disabilities (LDD)

Please give the number of learners at each of the following levels of provision Level of provision


Sixth Form 84

School Action


School Action Plus


Statement of special educational needs Learners, not included in the above, who have disabilities under section 17 of the Children Act 1989 Other (please specify) Total

B7 The nature of learners' learning difficulties and/or disabilities (LDD)

Please give the numbers of learners with statements or who are receiving support through School Action Plus under the special educational needs Code of Practice who are in each of the following groups. If you use the last line of the table marked ‘other' please specify the disability or difficulty in the brackets. Please enter each learner once only according to the most significant disability/difficulty. SEN resource base Disability/difficulty Specific learning (dyslexia)


Sixth form

Main school Y5-11

Sixth form 21

Moderate learning


Severe learning


Profound and multiple learning


Behavioural, emotional and social


Speech language and communication


Hearing impairment


Visual impairment


Multi-sensory impairment




Autistic spectrum disorder


Other (Please specify)


Total (statements and School Action Plus)

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B8 Learners for whom the National Curriculum is disapplied

Please give the number of learners for whom the National Curriculum (including its assessment arrangements) is disapplied in whole or in part. Please give the lead inspector details of the subject(s) from which they are disapplied and the alternative provision made for these learners. Number of learners disapplied From September 2006 two Yr 8 students will be disapplied from French (LB and RS). Both students have a Statement and will be given individual tuition in SEN/SplD - LB x5, RS x3. RS will be tutored by an MFL TA for the other 2 lessons. In class support, small group work and individual withdrawal are as follows: SpLD - In class support x43, Small group work x11, Individual lessons x19 SEN - In class support x130, Small group work x10, Individual lessons x26 B9 Learner mobility

Please indicate the level of learner mobility with reference to admissions and transfers in the last academic year. The number of learners who joined the school other than at the usual time of first admission


The number of learners who left the school other than at the usual time of leaving or transfer


The number of learners on roll in January of that school year (from relevant Annual School Census)


The number of Gypsy, Roma and Traveller children who travel throughout the school year B10 Looked after children

Please enter the current number of looked after children. Number of looked after children


Please indicate details, including any variations year to year

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Section C: Information about learners' targets C1 Statutory targets (applies only to schools with learners in Years 6 and 9)

Please give the school's statutory targets for attainment in National Curriculum assessments at the end of Key Stage 3 which you publish for parents. Please give the targets for the most recent year for which you have published test results, and those for the subsequent year. Year Target % of learners expected to achieve Level 4 or above in English (Year 6) Target % of learners expected to achieve Level 4 or above in mathematics (Year 6) Target % of learners expected to achieve Level 5 or above in English (Year 6 and Year 9) Target % of learners expected to achieve Level 5 or above in mathematics (Year 6 and Year 9) Target % of learners expected to achieve Level 5 or above in science (Year 9)

73 90

Target % of learners expected to achieve Level 5 or above in ICT (Year 9)

81 80

C2 Statutory targets (applies only to schools with learners in Year 11)

Please give the school's statutory targets for GCSE examination results at the end of Key Stage 4 which you publish for parents. Please give the targets for the most recent year for which you have published GCSE examination results, and those for the subsequent year. Year 2005 2006 Target % of learners expected to achieve 5 or more grades A* to C


Target % of learners expected to achieve 1 or more grades A* to G

99 100

Target average GCSE points score


398.1 387

C3 Specialist school designation (applies only to schools with specialist status - non-statutory)

Please enter the number of years of designation as a specialist school. Number of years of designation

Key Stage 4 Specialist Subject Attainment




Specialist Subject Participation Targets




Key Stage 4: proportion of students taking specialist subject 1










Actual or target average point score for specialist subject 1 Actual or target average point score for specialist subject 2 Actual or target average point score for specialist subject 3 Actual or target average point score for second specialism subject 1 Actual or target average point score for second specialism subject 2 Actual or target average point score for second specialism subject 3

Post 16: number of students taking specialist subject 1 Key Stage 4: proportion students taking specialist subject 2 Post 16: number of students taking specialist subject 2 Key Stage 4: proportion students taking specialist subject 3 Post 16: number of students taking specialist subject 3

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Section D: Information about exclusions, transfers and retention D1, D2 and D3 Exclusions and transfers of learners in maintained settings

Please give in D1 the number of fixed period and permanent exclusions during year immediately prior to the time in which the data is entered. In D2 give the number of learners excluded, aggregating both fixed period and permanent exclusions. If the school does not formally exclude learners, or if such transfers take place in addition to formal exclusions, please give in D3 the number of instances of temporary and permanent transfers to alternative provision for behaviour-related or disciplinary reasons during the school year prior to the inspection. Please note that this refers to the number of instances, not the number of learners involved. Please include information on whether pupils excluded were late entrants to the school or not. Please provide the start and end date of the year for which the data is entered into D1 and D2: From:

To: D1 Exclusion

D3 Transferred pupils D2 Excluded Pupils

Number of exclusions Fixed Period Permanent Boys Girls Boys Girls 19

White - British



Number of transfers made Number of excluded pupils

Fixed Period Permanent




Girls Boys



White - Irish White - any other White background Mixed - White and Black Caribbean 1

Mixed - White and Black African Mixed - White and Asian Mixed - any other mixed background Asian or Asian British - Indian Asian or Asian British - Pakistani Asian or Asian British - Bangladeshi Asian or Asian British - any other Asian background Black or Black British - Caribbean Black or Black British - African Black or Black British - any other Black background Chinese Gypsy/Roma Travellers of Irish Heritage Any other ethnic group Parent/learner preferred not to say Information not obtained Total D4 Retention post-16

Number enrolled on the course on 1 November during the last academic year

Number who completed AS/A2 at the end of the last academic year

%AS/A2 retention rate (the number completing the qualifications x100, divided by the number enrolled on the qualification on 1 November)


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D5 Routes taken by learners aged 15+ (usually applies only to schools with learners in Years 11, 12 and 13)

Please indicate the routes taken by learners aged 15 at the start of the last complete school year prior to the inspection. Please give the numbers who subsequently commenced each of the following: Year




A course at any school or any course of further education Employment without training Employer based government supported training (trainee not employed by employer) Employer based government funded training (trainee fully employed by employer) Gap Year (Year 13 only) Any other category (please describe)

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Section E: Information about provision E1 Teaching time

Please give the total teaching time each week (to the nearest half hour), referring to the appropriate notes of guidance. Teaching time Key Stage 2 Key Stage 3


Key Stage 4


Post-16 E2 Curriculum description

Please provide any information about how the curriculum is organised, for example about banding, setting, option choices, support/withdrawal teaching, work related learning etc. Setting occurs in English, Maths, Science and MFL. Much of the curriculum at KS3 is condensed into two years. At KS4 core provision includes: English, Maths, Science, Religious Education, Preparation for Life including Enterprise education. 100 students have their education weekly at a local FE college one day per week. Some students in KS4 have a FlexiTimetable allowing them to access twilight courses. E3 Post-16 programmes

Please enter in the table the number of full-time learners following the programmes listed. Please specify any other programmes in the brackets in the lines marked ‘other', and include the level of the course (L1, L2, and L3). Year 12 L3

Year 13

A level and AS level Advanced vocational programmes A/AS and vocational combination International Baccalaureate programmes


Intermediate vocational programmes GCSE based programmes GCSE and vocational combination


Foundation vocational programmes Other Other Other Other Total number of learners

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Section F: Information about staffing F1 Number of teachers

Please indicate the numbers of qualified and unqualified teachers in each of the categories in the table. Please give full-time (FTE) equivalent figures throughout, apportioning staff appropriately. Full-time equivalent SEN resource base

Across provider


Qualified teachers (including the headteacher) Unqualified teachers

Total FTE

46 5

Total FTE F2 Support teachers for minority ethnic, including Gypsy, Roma and Traveller learners

Of the qualified teachers included in F1 (number of teachers), indicate the deployment (full-time equivalent) of those who support learners from minority ethnic, Gypsy, Roma and Traveller backgrounds, using the following categories. Full-time equivalent SEN resource base


Across provider

Total FTE

Support teachers funded through the Ethnic Minority Achievement Grant (EMAG) Support teachers funded through the Children's Grant for Gypsy, Roma and Traveller pupils Support received in last year from Traveller Education Support Service Support teachers funded through LA or other funding sources Total FTE F3 Teaching assistants and other education support staff

Please give the numbers of education support staff in each of the categories below. Please give full-time equivalent figures throughout, apportioning staff appropriately. Full-time equivalent SEN resource base Teaching assistants trained to support learners with learning difficulties and/or disabilities (LDD) Other teaching assistants Other education support staff


Across provider

Total FTE 7 16 5

Total FTE

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F4 Number of teachers in the childcare provision

Please indicate the numbers of qualified and unqualified teachers deployed to work in the childcare provision. Please give full-time equivalent figures throughout, apportioning staff appropriately. Full-time equivalent Under 3s

3 & 4 year-olds

Total FTE

Qualified teachers Unqualified teachers Total FTE Please indicate the name of the registered person.

F5 Teaching assistants and other education support staff in the childcare provision

Please give the numbers of education support staff deployed to work in the childcare provision. Please give full-time equivalent figures throughout, apportioning staff appropriately. Full-time equivalent Under 3s

3 & 4 yearolds

Total FTE

Qualified nursery assistants and trained teaching assistants Teaching assistants trained to support learners with learning difficulties and/or disabilities Other education support staff Total FTE F6 Support staff for minority ethnic, including Gypsy, Roma and Traveller learners

Of the support staff included in F3 (teaching assistants and other support staff), indicate the deployment (full-time equivalent) of those who support pupils from minority ethnic , including Gypsy, Roma and Traveller backgrounds, using the following categories. Full-time equivalent SEN resource base Support staff funded through the Ethnic Minority Achievement Grant (EMAG)


Across provider

Total FTE


Support staff funded through the Children's Services Grant for Gypsy, Roma and Traveller pupils Support staff funded through LEA or other sources Total FTE F7 Teaching staff turnover

Please give the full-time equivalent (FTE) number of teachers employed in the school who took up their appointment or who left in the last two school years. Number of teachers who left during the last two school years (FTE)


Number of teachers who were appointed during the last two school years (FTE)


F8 Temporary teachers and teaching vacancies

Please give the number of vacant posts and the number of posts currently filled by agency, supply or relief teachers, or by teachers on short-term contracts of less than a full school year. Please give the full-time equivalent figure. Number of vacancies filled by teachers on temporary contracts of a term or more (FTE)


Number of unfilled vacancies or vacancies filled by teachers on temporary contracts of less than one term (FTE)


Total number of vacant teaching posts (FTE)

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Section G: Information about finance and resources G1 Financial information for the year April to March From April 2005

To March 2006

Income and expenditure (£)

Balances (£)

Total income


Balance from previous year

Total expenditure


Balance carried forward to the next

Expenditure per pupil


% of deficit or balance carried forward to the next year

Please add an explanation if the deficit or carry forward is greater than 5% Anticipated outturn is 0.24% varient to set budget.

G2 & G3 Consistent Financial Reporting (CFR) Please ensure that CFR returns have been submitted to the DCSF. You can access the appropriate website by clicking on the following link Full guidance can also be obtained from the website.

G4 Number of computers for learners' use

Please give the number of learners to computers Number of learners (from B1) Number of computers


Number of learners per computer

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Part C: information about compliance with statutory requirements Using the headings Fully in place This means that governors are aware of the relevant statutory requirements, and they know how they apply to their school (if that is the case). It also indicates that the school fully meets the relevant statutory requirements. For example: the governors already know that the school's procedures for safeguarding meet all statutory requirements and at least once a year they check that this continues to be the case. Partly in place This means that governors are aware of the relevant statutory requirements, and they know how they apply to their school (if that is the case). Governors are aware that, while the relevant statutory requirements are met in spirit or in part, some elements or details are not in place. Please use the space for comments to indicate, briefly, what action needs to be taken to ensure statutory requirements are fully in place. For example: governors are aware that, although the great majority of learners receive the full statutory curriculum, a very small minority do not do so, perhaps because they are extracted on occasions for special support or tuition. Or perhaps the programmes of study for a particular subject are not fully implemented.

Not in place This means that governors are aware that, for whatever reasons, relevant statutory requirements applying to their school are not met. When being inspected, governors should expect the lead inspector or another member of the inspection team to follow up these points during the inspection. Please indicate, briefly, what action needs to be taken to ensure statutory requirements are fully met. For example: governors have agreed the school's race equality policy and are still discussing a draft. The curriculum Fully in Partly in Not in place place place 1. Every learner receives the full statutory curriculum that the school must provide.


2. The school provides teaching of religious education for all learners in accordance with the agreed syllabus or otherwise and has told parents/carers of the right to withdraw their children.


3. Where the provider is a school, it provides a daily act of collective worship for all learners and has told parents/carers of the right to withdraw their children.


4. (Schools with pupils of primary age) The governing body has decided whether or not to provide sex and relationships education and, if doing so, has agreed the content and organisation of the programme and has told parents/carers about it and the right to withdraw their children.


5. (Schools with pupils of secondary age) The governing body has agreed the content and organisation of its programme of sex and relationships education and has told parents/carers about it and the right to withdraw their children.


Equality & diversity

Fully in place 6. The governing body ensures that the provider does not discriminate unlawfully against learners, job applicants or staff on the grounds of sex, race, disability, gender[4], religion and belief[5] or marital status.


7. The governing body has agreed a written policy on race, disability and gender equality, arrangements to monitor its implementation and assess its impact on staff, learners and parents/carers and communicates the results of monitoring and assessments of impact to parents/carers and the governing body.


8. The school meets the requirements of the general duty and the specific duties in the Race Relations (Amendment) Act 2000, the Commission for Racial Equality (CRE) code of practice, the general duty and the specific duties in the Disability Discrimination Act 2005 and the Disability Rights Commission (DRC) code of practice and the Equalities Act 2006 and the Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC) code of practice.


Partly Not in in place place

[4] From 06/04/07. [5] From 01/10/06.

Created on Tuesday 20 November 2007

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Learners with learning difficulties and disabilities Fully in Partly Not in place in place place 9. The school meets its requirements in Part IV of the Education Act 1996 and has regard to the Special Educational Needs Code of Practice when meeting learners' special educational needs, makes its policy known to parents/carers and reports annually on the success of its policy.


10. The school meets the requirements of Part 4 of the Disability Discrimination Act 1995 (DDA) and any subsequent requirements and has regard to the (DRC) code of practice for schools (2002). The school informs parents/carers of its accessibility plan and disability equality scheme and reports annually on progress made on these[6].


[6]Publication of the disability equality scheme is not required until December 2007 for primary and special schools and PRUs.

Learners' care and well-being Fully in Partly in place place 11. The governing body has procedures for ensuring the provider meets all relevant health and safety legislation.


12. The school has a child protection policy and procedures in place that are in accordance with local authority guidance and locally agreed interagency procedures, (and the policy is made available to parents on request).


Not in place

13. Where the governing body provides school lunches and/or other school food, they ensure that they meet current DCSF standards. Informing parents/carers Fully in place 14. The governing body ensures that all statutory assessments are conducted and results are forwarded to parents/carers and appropriate bodies.


15. The governing body (of maintained schools only) ensures that each year a report on each learner's educational achievements is forwarded to their parents/carers.


16. The school keeps parents and prospective parents/carers informed by publishing a school prospectus and by publishing a school profile in accordance with Regulations.


Partly in place

Not in place

Partly in place

Not in place

Leadership and management Fully in place 17. The governing body has met the Financial Management Standard in Schools. 18. The governing body has a performance management policy and ensures that all teachers, including the headteacher, are appraised in accordance with statutory requirements.


19. The governing body has all relevant complaints and appeals procedures, as set out in the DCFS guide to the law for school governors.


20. The governing body fulfils the requirements to promote community cohesion. 21. The provider meets the government requirements regarding safeguarding as set out in the DCSF guidance Safeguarding Children and Safer Recruitment in Education.


Please state briefly what action is being taken to deal with requirements that are partly in place or not in place.

Created on Tuesday 20 November 2007

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