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F. No.S.11011/38/2006-CGHS Desk. II Government of India, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare Department of Health & Family Welfare *** Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi Dated the 29th October, 2007. OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject: Empanelment of Hospitals and Diagnostic Centers under CGHS, Chennai, for treatment and diagnostic procedures and fixation of package rates. The undersigned is directed to state that the question of fresh empanelment of Hospitals and diagnostic centers under CGHS, Chennai, and fixation of package rates/ rates has been under consideration of the Government. The approved rates are available on the website of CGHS ( and may be downloaded / printed. After following the prescribed procedure, the list of Hospitals and Diagnostic Centers approved by the Ministry for empanelment under CGHS, Chennai is enclosed as Annexures ‘A’ and ‘B’. The hospitals mentioned in Annexure ‘ C ‘ will continue to be empanelled with CGHS, Chennai, until further orders. 2. The undersigned is further directed to clarify as under: (a) “Package Rate” shall mean and include lump sum cost of in-patient treatment / day care / diagnostic procedure for which a CGHS beneficiary has been permitted by the competent authority or for treatment under emergency from the time of admission to the time of discharge, including (but not limited to) – (i) Registration charges, (ii) Admission charges, (iii) Accommodation charges including patient's diet, (iv) Operation charges, (v) Injection charges, (vi) Dressing charges, (vii) Doctor / consultant visit charges, (viii) ICU / ICCU charges, (ix) Monitoring charges, (x) Transfusion charges, (xi) Anesthesia charges, (xii) Operation theatre charges, (xiii) Procedural charges / surgeon’s fee, (xiv) Cost of surgical disposables and all sundries used during hospitalization, (xv) Cost of medicines, (xvi) Related routine and essential investigations, (xvii) Physiotherapy charges etc. (xviii) Nursing care and charges for its services. (b) Cost of Implants is reimbursable in addition to package rates as per CGHS ceiling rates for implants or as per actual, in case there is no CGHS prescribed ceiling rates. (c) Treatment charges for new born baby are separately reimbursable in addition to delivery charges for mother. d) Hospitals / diagnostic centers empanelled under CGHS shall not charge more than the package rates/ rates. Page 1 of 8

(e) Expenses on toiletries, cosmetics, telephone bills etc, are not reimbursable and are not included in package rates. 3. Package rates envisage duration of indoor treatment as follows: Upto 12 days: for Specialized (Super Specialities) treatment Upto 7 days : for other Major Surgeries Upto 3 days: for Laparoscopic surgeries/ normal Deliveries 1 day: for day care / Minor (OPD) surgeries. No additional charge on account of extended period of stay shall be allowed if that extension is due to infection on the consequences of surgical procedure or due to any improper procedure and is not justified. In case, there are no CGHS prescribed rates for any test/procedure, then AIIMS rates are applicable. If there are no AIIMS rates, then reimbursement is to be arrived at by calculating admissible amount item-wise(e.g. room rent, investigations, cost of medicines, procedure charges etc) as per approved rates/ actuals, in case of investigations. 4. a) CGHS beneficiaries are Basic Pay + Entitlement entitled to facilities of private, Dearness Pay / semi- private or general ward Basic Pension + depending on their basic pay / Dearness Pension pension. The entitlement is as follows:- S. No. 1. Upto Rs. 11,250/General Ward 2. Rs. 11,251/to Semi-Private Ward 15,750/3. Rs. 15,751/and Private Ward above CENTRAL GOVT. HEALTH SCHEME Introduction The Central Govt. Health Scheme in India is comprehensive health care to the CGHS Beneficiaries. The Central Govt. Health Scheme is applicable to the following categories of people residing in CGHS covered cities: 1. All Central Govt. Servants paid from Civil Estimates (other than those employed in Railway Services and those employed under Delhi Administration except members of Delhi Police Force). 2. Pensioners drawing pension from Civil Estimates and their family members – ( Pensioner residing in non- CGHS areas also may obtain CGHS Card from nearest CGHS covered City ) 3. Hon’ble Members of Parliament 4. Hon’ble Judges of Supreme Court of India 5. Ex- Members of Parliament 6. Employees & Pensioners of Autonomous Bodies covered under CGHS (Delhi) 7. Ex- Governors and Ex-Vice Presidents 8. Former Prime Ministers 9. Former Judges of Hon’ble Supreme Court of India and Hon’ble High Courts 10. Freedom Fighters

11. The It provides service through following categories of systems:(a) Allopathic (b) Homeopathic (c) Indian System of Medicines e.g. (i) Ayurveda (ii) Unani (iii) Yoga (iv) Sidha System The main components of the Scheme are: 1. The dispensary services including domiciliary care. 2. F. W. & M.C.H. Services 3. Specialists consultation facilities both at dispensary, polyclinic and hospital level including X-Ray, ECG and Laboratory Examinations. 4. Hospitalization. 5. Organization for the purchase, storage, distribution and supply of medicines and other requirements. 6. Health Education to beneficiaries. The dispensary is the backbone of the Scheme. Instructions on these various matters have been issued from. time to time for the guidance of the specialists and medical Officers. With the rapid and continuous expansion of the Scheme, however, not only situation has changed and problems arisen but also. the rapidly expanding staff have not approved practices, procedures and instructions in regard to their various duties and responsibilities. In the following paragraphs is set out the gist of provisions of the Scheme, various instructions and order issued from time to time to serve as a Compendium for the guidance of the CGHS staff. 2. DISPENSARY General: 1. The Chief Medical Officers/Medical Officer In charge of the dispensaries are responsible for proper and smooth working of the dispensary and to ensure observance of such orders as may be issued. by the competent authority of CGHS from time to time. 2. The Chief Medical Officers/Medical Officers In charge will take round of the dispensary every morning and evening to ensure cleanlill1es, and see that the staff are in position in their respective place of duty. He should also make surprise round of the dispensary to ensure smooth functioning of the dispensary. 3. Attendance Register: All staff members of the dispensary" should note down the time of their arrival and departure in the Attendance Register. The Medical Officer In charge will countersign the Attendance Register daily and which will remain in his/her personal custody. 4. Punctuality: C.M.O./Medical Officer In charge will ensure strict punctuality of all categories of staff and anyone coming late should be dea1t with as per relevant orders. 5. Working hours of the dispensary: Morning (OPD) 7.30 A.M. to 1.30 P.M. Limited(Emergency ) Services (at 24 hr. Functional Dispensaries only) 1.30 P.M.- 7. 30P.M. and

7.30 P.M. – 7.30 A.M. next day Holidays : (at 24 hr. Functional Dispensaries only) 7.30 A.M.-1. 30P.M. 1.30 P.M.-7 .30P.M. and 7.30 P.M. – 7.30 A.M. next day (c) Central Secretariat & Nirman Bhawan (F.A. Post) Central Secretariat: 9.00 A.M.-5. 00P.M (5days) Nirman Bhawan 9.30 A.M. -5.30 PM. (5 days) Parliament House Annexe, Medical Centre Physician : 10. 00A.M.-6.QO P.M. (During Inter-session) 10.00 A.M. to till both the House rise during session. Radiologist, Pathologist, ) Laboratory Physiotherapy - 5.00P.M. Parliament House (F.A. Post) Medical Officer Incharge /Medical Officer 10.00A.M.-6.oo P.M. (During inter-session) .. 9.ooA.M. to 5.00 P.M. During the Parliament Session, the First Aid Post, Parliament House and Medical Centre ,Parliament House Annexe will fiction with skeleton staff till both the houses rise on that day. Lunch break in all F.A. Posts 2.00 P.M.-2.30 P.M. Vithal Bhai Patel House(F.A. Post) 6 days working On workingdays: IO.OOA.M.-5.00P.M. Saturday 10.00 A.M.-I.OO P.M. 2nd Saturday Closed Holiday (d) Continuous dispensaries(12Hours working-Double Shift ) Daily 7.30A.M.-I.30P.M. 1.30 P.M.-7. 30P.M. (g) Specialist consultation at .Hospital/Polyclinic/ Nodal Points: The working hours of the Specialists at the nodal points/ polyclinic/laboratories are fixed by Dy. Director of the concerned CGHS. 6. Skeleton Staff: The Medical Officers In charge will depute skeleton staff to clear the patients after closing hours. The patients already attended to by the Medical Officers must be attended to and served by the dispensary staff before closing the counters. 7. Distribution of workload: The Medical Officer Incharge will ensure even distribution of workload amongst various doctors working- in the dispensary. He should also adjust his/her workload of patients depending upon the various administrative work at hand. However, the choice of Medical Officer should be kept in view in distributing the numbers to the beneficiaries for respective doctors. All patients should be attended in turn only. However. serious cases may be seen out of turn at the discretion of the concerned Medical Officers. Separate queue is maintained for Senior Citizens.

9. Particulars in OPD Prescription: The -CGHS token number. name, age, sex, Diagnosis diagnostic code No. and treatment should be written legibly in full. If more than one medicine is prescribed each should be numbered serially. On each subsequent visit the medicines to be repeated will be indicated by their serial numbers. Quantity of medicine to be issued will be written clearly. 10. Registration Timings: The registration will be stopped 15 minutes before scheduled closing time of dispensary. However, no serious patient shall be returned back unattended in the dispensary. 11. Reports & Returns: The daily return of patients will be prepared and maintained by the clerk in the dispensary . The Medical Officer In charge will ensure timely submission of all reports /return. 12. Issue of Medicines: Normally medicines should be issued for a period of 3/4 days according to the merit of a Case. But in chronic cases medicines may be issued up to three months by CMO i/c. 13. Daily information regarding non-available items: The Storekeeper in consultation .with dispensary Pharmacist will circulate daily the list of non-available items, so that medical officers can prescribe only the available medicines to the patients. Similarly arrival of medicines amongst the non-available list should be re-circulated by the Pharmacist promptly to all Medical Officers.

14. NOTICE Board The followIng notice should be prominently displayed in each dispensary: (a) Complaint/suggestion Book is ava,liable with Chief Medica,l Officer Incharge. (b) Bringing of CGHS Token Card is essential during every visit. (c) Dispensary timings. {d) Visiting days of various specialists. (e) Immunisation programme, well baby clinic and ante':'nafal programme. (f) Residential address with telephone numbers of Area Welfare Officer. (g) Residential address with telephone numbers of (i ) Zonal Addl.. Director (ii) Addl. Director (HQ) iii) Director (CGHS), iv ) DGHS 15. Uniform: All staff must wear prescribed uniform in the dispensary while on duty. 16. Antimalaria Treatment: The blood slides of all fever cases should be taken in the dispensary and presumptive and curative treatment of Malaria should be given promptly. But presumptive treatment should not be given by the CGHS dispensary without taking thick and thin blood Smear slide for Malarial Parasite. 17. Domiciliary Visits: (a) All Medical Officers including specialists are expected to attend to domiciliary calls from patients when necessary. Such Attendance is to be restricted to cases where the Specialists/ Medical Officer is satisfied of its necessity due to the inability of the patient to attend the hospital/dispensary on account of severity of illness, or when long hospitalization is not feasible due to the protracted nature of illness. (b) Domiciliary visits. except in cases of emergent nature, should be made before or after

the dispensary working hours. (c) Such visits. requested during the working hours should be made by the Medical Officers receiving the call and not 16ft to the doctor on emergency duty. (d) In case a visit becomes necessary during the working hours the Chief Medical Officer Incharge/ Medical Officer Incharge should be informed to ensure that as far as possible not more than one Medical Officer is absent from the dispensary at anyone time. during the working hours. He should keep Chief Medical Officer Incharge informed of his/her departure and arrival from the visit. Relevant entries of Domiciliary visits by the Medical Officers must be made and signed by him before be leaves the dispensary for visit. (e) Lady doctors are exempted from paying domiciliary visits during 8.00 P.M. to 6.00 A.M. (f) The domicilliary visits should also be undertaken on phone call after ascertaining the basic information regarding nature of illness, address, token No., name of calling person with phone number etc. The Medical Officer before proceeding on visit should recheck by phone if he doubts the genuineness of the call. ( h ) All Medical Officers should carry emergency bag containing BP instruments, Sterile syringe, thermometer and emergency medicines.The medicines of emergency expended during domicilliary visit should be immediately replaced. 18. Injections: (a) Injections containing penicillin and other medicines known to cause hypersensitivity reactions will be given after observing all precautions in view of the possibility of hypersensitive reactions. These will include a careful history of the patient and the family. A skin sensitivity test is obligatory. These injections will not be given in the absence of suitable anti-dotes. (b) A register will be maintained in each dispensary recording all such hypersensitive reactions as per pro-forma. (c) When a hypersensitive reaction occurs the same will be intimated telephonically to the Zonal HQ, Directorate and to the Medical Stores Depot (to be followed up with a written report). Sufficient samples from the same batch along with relevant information will be sent to the M.S. Depot for chemical analysis and administrative action to prevent further incidents. (d) The sterile Syringes and needles should be kept in covered trays. The used disposable syringes should be destroyed kept separately. There should be separate sterile syringes/needles to be kept in readiness for use in case of drug reaction. (e) The emergency tray containing drugs to be used during Penicillin and other type of reactions should be kept in readiness. (f) No injection must be administered by any unauthorized Person. 19. Specialist consultation: (a,) The General Medical Officers of the dispensary are on the lines of Family Physicians. However, in some cases the Specialist Consultation is required in diagnosing the case and the line of treatment to be adopted by the attending Physician. Specialists will be regularly available in Central Govt. Hospitals. They will also be visiting various medical centers/polyclinics on specified days. (b) The Specialists will also visit dispensaries as per scheduled days for examination and advise patients referred to them by the Medical Officer of the concerned dispensaries.

This programme of sessions will be arranged by the senior Specialist in consultation with the Director. (c) Reference to the Specialist should always be accompanied by full clinical report of the case, treatment given if any, laboratory investigations done along with provisional diagnosis of the case and advise the line of treatment to be followed by attending medical officer. He can mention the date of revisit if required. (d) 'I'he Specialist will record their name in block letters along with rubber stamp in each prescription for easy identification by the dispensary medical officer.(e) Cases should be referred to the Specialists by designation and not by name. (f) The patient should be referred to the Specialist on due date as per programme issued by the referral hospital from time to time. However, urgent cases can be sent to Specialist on all days. (g-) In case Specialist modifies or changes the diagnosis of a patient, this should be reflected in statistical data. (h) Medical Officer/Specialist may refer a case to the Hospital for special laboratory investigations X-Ray per admission duly filling up requisition slip. (i) The medicines for admitted patients should be provided by the Hospital authority in case of Delhi. In case of outside Delhi, the medicines, as and when required are to be provided by the respective dispensary on production of authentic prescription of the Hospital concerned. (j) Once a patient is discharged from Hospital, the health care and supply of medicines is to be borne by the parent dispensary from which he was referred. (k) Officers drawing a pay of Rs. 4000 and above may. if they so desire, can consult CGHS Specialist directly by prior appointment. However, it is preferable to consult medical officer of the dispensary first who is their family Physician. (I) All consultant and Specialists other than Ophthalmic, ENT, Dental, Surgical are expected to attend to domiciliary calls, among patients entitled to direct consultation and also for emergency calls as and when desired by the attending Medical Officers of the dispensaries. Prescription for medicines by the specialists should be issued under their Own signature and not that of any Junior Medical Officer attached to them. 20. Procedure for Reference to Non-CGHS Hospitals- CGHS Recognized Hospitals and Diagnostic centres: CGHS/ Govt. Specialist / CMO i/c advises specific treatment procedure / test. Permission to undergo same at one of the recognized Hospitals / Diagnostic centre is granted by CMO i/c in case of pensioner CGHS beneficiaries / ex- Members of Parliament / Freedom Fighters / ex- Governors , etc., by CMO i/c of Concerned dispensary and by Rajya Sabha Secretariat as the case may be in case of Hon’ble Members of Parliament and by HOD in case of Serving Govt. employees and by Autonomous bodies in case of serving employees and pensioners of Autonomous bodies covered under CGHS. If the beneficiary seeks permission from a CGHS recognized hospital in another CGHS city , other than the city where he is registered , permission shall be granted by Addl. Director / Joint Director CGHS of concerned city. However , no TA/DA shall be permitted if treatment facilities are available in the city of residence; TA as per entitlement is permitted if no treatment facilities are available in city of residence. OPD treatment in private recognized hospitals is not permitted except in case of

Satellite cities of Delhi , viz., Noida, Gurgaon, Faridabad and Ghaziabad , wherein the CMO i/c can directly refer the beneficiaries to recognized hospitals and in post operative follow up cases of Cardiac surgery, Cancer treatment, Kidney transplantation, Hip/Knee Joint Replacement , Neurosurgery and Accident cases. OPD medicines are to be collected through concerned dispensary except in case of emergency , in which case reimbursement shall be considered by HOD of department / Joint Director/Addl. Director of CGHS in case of pensioners , etc., In permitted post operative cases , for conditions as stated above, the beneficiaries may purchase from chemist and claim reimbursement. However, an utilization certificate from the treating doctor is required to be submitted. 21. Emergency Services: To cater for emergencies after the normal working hours of the dispensaries, a number of dispensaries will be kept open all the twenty four hours of the day. These will be designated as functioning dispensaries. (a) The Director, CGHS may fix from time to time the name of dispensaries which shall function during non-working hours, on Sundays and other closed holidays for rendering medical aid, only in case of emergency. (b) Such a dispensary may function independently or in combination with any other dispensary/ dispensaries for emergency arrangements as per instructions of the Director, CGHS from time to time. (c) The Chief Medical Officer In charge/ Medical Officer In charge Of the functioning dispensary will prepare in advance a roster of all categories of staff who are to perform emergency duties in the functioning dispensary. A copy of the emergency roster will be sent by him to all the attached dispensaries and Zonal Head Quarter. (d) The emergency service will be in summer from 7.30 P.M. till opening time of routine dispensary hours next morning. The Emergency Medical Officer and the Group 'D' Staff will hand over the charge to the relieving Medical Officer1Group 'D' staff respectively. (f) Timings of Sunday/Holiday emergency duties staffing pattern. Morning Shift : ( 730 A.M. to 130 P.M.) One Medical Officer One Grade IV Staff One Safaiwala '7.30 A.M.-10.30 A.M. Day Shift : ( 130 P.M. to 730 P.M. ) One Medical Officer One Grade IV staff Night Shift ( 730 P.M. to 730 A.M. next day) One Medical Officer Night Chowkidar/Grade IV Staff. The medicines as listed will be kept in an. emergency almirah which will be under lock and key. A copy of list of emergency medicines will be pasted on the inside of the door of the almirah. All medicines should be accounted for in a register as per procedure followed in the dispensary. One of medical officers should be responsible for replacement of medicines for emergency use. Each Medical Officer will record in the O.P.D. register (emergency) the daily summary of expenditure incurred by himself/herself. The indent for replacement of medicines is to be sanctioned by the Medical 0fficer In charge. The key for Emergency almirah and Telephone key should be

handed over to the relieving Medical Officer along with full account of medicines used and balance left. The Medical Officer Incharge/Chief Medical Officer Incharge will have overall responsibility for smooth functioning of emergency unit. 22. First aid treatment to non-CGHS patient: The non-CGHS patient must also be given first aid treatment in CGHS dispensary. Serious non CGHS patient should also be attended in the dispensary to save a life on humanitarian ground and should be advised to attend at the earliest opportunity a nonCGHS Hospital / Dispensary. 23. Dispensary store: Medical Officer Incharge will be overall incharge of Medical Store and shall supervise 'the indenting, receipts, maintenance and issue of stores. All the relevant registers and records .should be maintained in accordance with instructions issued from time to time. 24. Regular Indent:. The Chief Medical Officer Incharge shall scrutinize the regular indent thoroughly before its submission. He should note down the following: ; (i)Daily average attendance of patients for last month, (ii) Indent should. be section-wise. (iii)Each COpy should~b~!.page marked.

(iv) Detailed indenting instructions circulated must be followed. (v) by hand/Urgent indent The urgent indent can be sent any day and must be limited to urgent! medicines only and the medicines should be supplied on the same day or next' day latest. By hand indent can be sent to MSD as per procedure. Procedure of indent: C.M.O./M.O. Incharge should note down following information. (1) Date .of last regular indent. (2) Number of pages (3) Total number of items in the indent. (4) Each page should be initialed by the store-keeper and Chief Medical Officer Incharge/Medical Officer In-charge. (5) The Store-keeper will certify the correctness of column 3 to 8 before putting upthe indent for signatures of Chief Medical Officer Incharge/Medical Officer Incharge. (6) Non-drug' and stationery items shall bear separate indent number and number of items which must be specified there in all such 'indents. Life item register: The Store-keeper shall maintain a life item register and circulate the name of medicines which are likely to expire within three months and the Chief Medical Officer Incharge should ensure timely consumption of these medicines The medicines before being issued from store to the various counters must be sanctioned by CMO i/c Indent for 'imported drugs: The specialist should issue one certificate that all available medicines have been tried without satisfactory result. The following drug may be indented for the patient showing dose and duration of treatment {i.e., total quantity to be indented). Two Photostat copies of the prescription are to be submitted along with an application from the beneficiary 'with a request to supply the medicines. The original prescription will have to be submitted fur verification along with the application, which will be

returned to the beneficiary duly verified. The specialist should mention if possible, the name- of company and country and any other relevant information about the drug to be imported by the MSD to facilitate early procurement of the drug. 25. LOCAL PURCHASE INDENT: (a) The Storekeeper will prepare the local purchase indent daily as per necessity and put up to Chief Medical Officers Incharge for checking / signature along with his initial. (b) The total No. of prescriptions being sent is to be noted on the body of the indent and the prescriptions shall be recounted on receipt of stores from authoriesd chemists. (c) The Sl. No., quantity indented and date should be noted by the Chief Medical Officer Incharge on the body of prescription so that the same medicines once supplied are not reindented by mistake or otherwise. (d) The quantity received should be specifically mentioned by the Storekeeper in the receipt column and necessary certificate is to be endorsed about the items received (total items received) and the items not received (S1. Nos. to be mentioned) and to be countersigned by the Chief Medical Officer/Medical Officer Incharge. The Chief Medical Officer Incharge should also physically verify the items. (e) The medicines which are not supplied by the Chemist may be authorized to be purchased from open market in the same city/town. The beneficiary should be advised to claim the bill within the month from the date of indent. The Store-keeper will fill up the form in duplicate and endorse the same along with the cash memo to the Chief Medical officer Incharge for counter signature. (f) The non-formulary medicines should be issued after obtaining dated signature and address of the beneficiary. (g) The listed medicines should be taken into ledger. The chits should be issued by the Chief Medical Officer Incharge only, who will do so after duly verifying the local purchase indent file and note according1y on the prescription. (h) The local purchase indent should be prepared as per standing instructions. Before sending the indent the following shall be ensured. (1) Rubber stamp of Chief Medical Officer Incharge put. (2) Prescriptions bear the rubber stamp of the prescribed Specialist/Hospital. (3) Out of list items have not been included unless prescribed by Consu1tant Specialist/Head of Unit. (4) Non-admissible items have not been included. (5) Prescription is valid for the period of indent. (6) Quantity indented as per the prescribed quantity. (8) Prescriptions are arranged serially. (9) Prescription are indented after registration. . (i) The medicines issued to the patient should be noted on the body of prescription (1) Name of medicines; (2.) Quantity; (3) Date of issue:and (4) Signature of Storekeeper. A rubber stamp may be suitably made for the purpose. (j) The local purchase medicines shall be issued by the Store-keeper. (k) The local purchase medicines if not collected by the beneficiaries within 15 days should be taken into stock ledger. (m) The medical officer concerned will sign against each serial No. of medicines

indented. (n). The chemist must mention the batch number and name of manufacturers while supplying local purchase medicine, must be checked by storekeeper and Chief Medical Officer Incharge before accepting the medicine. (0) Medicines available in Medical Store Depot / Dispensary : No medicine should be indented for local purchase if it is available in Medical Store Depot/ Dispensary. 26. CGHS Cards: 1. Definition of Family: In accordance with the initial instructions, the term of 'Family' for the purposes of the Scheme shall consist of the Government servant's wife or husband, as the case may be children and stepchildren and parents who are mainly dependent on and residing with the Government servant concerned. Subsequently in pursuance of the recommendations of the Fourth Central Pay Commission, it has been decided that for availing the medical facilities under the scheme, parents, sisters,. widowed sisters, widowed daughters, minor brothers and children will be deemed dependent on the Government employee if they are residing- with him and their income from all sources including pension and pension equivalent of DCRG benefit is less than Rs. 1500/- per month. 2. Entitlement of the Scheme: All Central Govt. Servants paid from Civil Estimates (other than those employed in Railway Services and those employed under Delhi Administration except members of Delhi Police Force) having their head quarters in cities where the Scheme is functioning and members of their families, are entitled for the CGHS medical facilities. 3. Transfer: In case the. Central Govt. Employees is transferred to uncovered city leaving behind his family, the Government Employee is not entitled for the medical benefits either for himself or for his family under the Scheme but will be governed under CS(MA) Rule. In the event of the posting of the Central Govt.Employee to North Eastern Region " Andaman and Nicobar Is-lands & Lakshadweep and his family members continue to stay in an area covered by the Scheme temporary family permit for availing CGHS benefits will be issued to the family members by depositing advance usual contribution. But in such cases the Central Govt. Employee himself will be governed under CS(MA) Rule. 4. Temporarv Visit in Covered City: Central Govt. employees and dependent family members who are beneficiaries of the CGHS. and who may be visiting other cities where the scheme is operating and stay in the areas covered by the Scheme are entitled for free medical attendance / treatment under the said scheme. (Necessary authority/ temporary cards for medical treatment in any of those cities, should be issued by the respective departments in case of serving employees.) Medical facilities should be restricted to period not exceeding six months after which fresh authorities may be issued, if necessary. Similar facilities are also available to pensioners and the dependent family members if holding. CGHS Cards and permission shall be granted by CGHS of the city visiting. 6 Production of COHS Card: The production of CGHS Card is obligatory at every visit to enable correct identification of the patient and to prevent misuse of card.The misuse of card is a cognizable offence. However, in view of humanitarian service, essential and immediate treatment should not

be denied to the patient but the beneficiary should be advised to bring the CGHS Card at the time of subsequent Visits and if considered necessary, a note may be made in OPD ticket of the patient. The production of CGHS Index Card in the dispensary will enroll the card holder as a member of the said dispensary. The renewal of Pensioners' card shall be done in the dispensary. The Indian Postal Order should be sent to Pensioner Cell, Nirma,n Bhavan/DDO Office outside Delhi, regularly on Or before 6th day of the following month. Before accepting the I.P.Os the Chief Medical Office!r Incharge must see the date of issue of I.P.O/ DDS' which should be within one month of issue from the Post Office. The Chief Medical Officer incharge will obtain a certificate from each pensioner for any rise of pay/pension due to incremente rise after every two years for calculation of rate of pension or the fact may he verified from his pension payment order before revalidation of card.The Chief Medical Officer Incharge may therefore re-fix the rate of contribution accordingly. In case of Pensioner the transfer of card from one dispensary to another shall be) done by the Chief Medical Incharge of the dispensary. 8. Registration of CGHS Card in dispensary: Card Holder must deposit the Index Card in the dispensary and obtain receipt from the receiving clerk. The receiving clerk, will initial the token card in confirmation. Until he deposits the Index Card. he is not entitled for treatment in the said dispensary. On transfer to another dispensary the Card Holder must collect the index card from the dispensarv and deposit the same along with necessary forms (in duplicate) to the new dispensary which has been allotted to him. It is only after the deposition of Index Card in the dispensary that the members mentioned in the token card are entitled to obtain CGHS facilities. 9. Surrender of CGHS Card: The CGHS Identity Card held by the beneficiary other than Pensioner, General Public, Ex- MPs etc. must be surrendered to the issuing authority in the following events:(a) Retirement /Resignation (b) Death of Government Servant. (c) Transfer of Govt. Servant to another office. The Govt. servant if transferred to another office where he/ she is again entitled far CGHS benefits must apply and obtain a new Identity Card. Pensioners, EX-M.Ps Member of General Public etc. are also required to surrender their Identity Cards to the issuing authority on its expiry in case they no longer desire to avail CGHS facilities. 10. Misuse of CGHS Card: If the Medical Officer detects a case of misuse of CGHS Token Card by unauthorized person, he will bring to the notice of Chief Medical Officer Incharge and / or the matter reported to the Zonal HQ/ ete. for further necessary action. 11. Loss of Identity Card: As a lost card is likely to be misused the card holder must inform immediately to the Police and inform the following with a, copy of F.I.R. (i) Issuing authority. (ii) M.O. Incharge of the concerned dispensary. (iii) Headquarters of CGHS in the cities other than Delhi. A duplicate card can be issued after realising penalty of Rs. 5!- for 1st instance. 2nd... instance Rs. 7/-, 3rd and

subsequent instance Rs. 10/12.Dependence Certificate: Every Card Holder must certify that the parents /Dependents whose names have been included in the token card, normally reside with him. Such a certificate must be furnished at the time of issue of Token Card and renewed every January. Otherwise the parents shall be treated as non entitled persons. The certificate must also state that the income from all sources does not exceed Rs. 1500/--p.m. . . 27. Medical Certificate and fitness: (1) The Medical Officer and Specialist must issue the Medical Certificate as and when recommended by them. They should not write advised on the prescription without issuing Medical Certificate. (2) The Medical fitness certificate can be issued by any Medical Officer after scrutinizing the facts from the original Medical Certificate. `(3) Medical Certificate / fitness of dependent school children should be issued by the attending doctor. (4), The Medical Officer is authorized to issue Medical Certificat€j jor appointment of D category staff only but for lady staff of Category C & D can be issued by Lady Medical Officer only. (5) For dependent children:- For the dependent children Medical Certificate can be issued for seeking admission to Educational Institution competitive examinations etc. provided if it does not involve any special investigation. The Medical Certificate should be issued on plain paper as per proforma. "Certified that Shri/ Kumari................S/ o. .. . .. . . . . .. . . .. . . .. . CGHS Token No. ……………is advised rest... . . . . . . . .. days w.e.f.. . . . . .. '. MEDICAL OFFICER "Certified that Shri/ Kumari S/o …………………Shri.. …………..CGHS Tok1enNo......


is fit to join class with effect from . . . ...” MEDICAL OFFICER (6) Medical fitness certificate:-

When a Govt. Servant asks fitness certificate after Sunday IGovt. holidays the Medical Officer can indicate the specific date from which the Govt. Servant is declared fit to resume duty . (7) Maternity leave:-

A female Govt. Servant (including an apprentice) may be granted maternity leave by an authority competent to grant leave for a period which may extend up to the end of 3 months from the date of commencement. It shall not be restricted to six weeks from the date of confinement. (8) In case of miscarriage Abortion the leave can be given for the minimum period necessary up to a maximum of 42 days.

28. Registration of births in the CGHS dispensaries: . (1) All births (including still-births) which take place in the families covered by the scheme should be registered in the CGHS dispensary to which the beneficiary is attached. (2) The registration by the dispensary will be in addition to the registration required to be done by the municipal authorities under the law. (3) The birth/still birth be reported to the dispensary within 10~days of its occurrence.

(4) The event should be reported in the prescribed form available with the dispensaries. (5} The event may be rep'6rted by the beneficiary himself or' by his representative. (6). A certificate shall be issued by the dispensary on the registration of live birth" (7) The event should be registered even if it has occurred outside the covered areas of the CGHS provided the wife generally stays in any of the covered areas.

(8) All births (including still-births) occurring in families of employees of semigovernment organizations covered by the scheme should also be registered with the dispensaries, in accordance with these instructions. (9) Careful compliance with these instructions is essential as the name of the newly born child will be included in the CGRS Identity Card of the beneficiary concerned only on production of birth registration certificate from the concerned dispensary. 28. Submission of Medical Reimbursement claims in respect of Pensioners: Medical reimbursement claims of Pensioners are to be submitted to Addl. Director / Joint Director of concerned City. However , in Delhi , Addl. Directors of four zones , viz., Central , East, North and South Zones are delegated Financial Powers to be at par with the AD/ JD of other cities w.e.f. 1/4/2005. The medical claims of pensioners are to be submitted to the CMO incharge of the concerned CGHS Dispensary who shall send them to the Addl. Director of concerned zone. DUTIES 'OF VARIOUS STAFF WORKING IN DISPENSARIES. CHIEF/MEDICAL OFFICER INCHARGE: Administration: Chief/Medical Officer In charge will take round daily to observe whether all staff are in their respective place of duty, cleanliness and sanitation. He should also make surprise round in between to ensure smooth functioning of the dispensary. He will ensure that all staff are in position to start work at the scheduled time. He will maintain an attendance) a register for his staff, which he will place on his table and he will ensure that all, members of the staff note down the time of arrival and departure in the attendance register. He will countersign the attendance register daily which will be in his personal custody and which he will remove from his table half an hour after opening hour of the dispensary and at the time of closing of the dispensary. He will record absence or leave, late arrival etc. appropriately in red and take –suitable action and/or report defaulter to the competent authority. He will be responsible for maintenance of discipline! and order in the dispensary including use of prescribed uniform by the dispensary staff. . He will be responsible for disbursement of pay of dispensary/according to the instructions. He will ensure as far as possible. patients load is equally distributed among Medical Officers posted to this dispensary. He will adjust his own patient's load keeping in view his additional duties. He will arrange a Group 'D' staff to take over the charge from the Chowkidar in the morning session and to hand over the charge to the Chowkidar in the evening session. Permission for Investigations / Treatment in private recognized hospitals CMO i/c shall issue permission for Investigations / Treatment procedures as per the specific tests / treatment procedures as advised by CGHS / Govt. Specialist / CMO in a CGHS recognized Diagnostic Centre / Hospital of the choice of beneficiary in respect of pensioners / Ex-Mps, Freedom fighters , tec.,.

. Such permission in respect of serving employees is granted by HOD. Accounting of Stores: -He. will 'scrutinize and countersign- the expenditure of drugs from the stock ledgers of medicines issued by the store-keeper to various units of the dispensary as per demand register. He will countersign all the entries in receipt column of medicines as per vouchers of indents . IMPREST MONEY: ... ] One imprest money register will be maintained by the Chief Medical Officer In charge /Medical Officer Incharge for recoupment of. paid up vouchers' du1y certified to be sent to AD. Area Welfare officer. . There. is a. Co-ordination Committee of the officers In Which A.D. is a member of the High Power Committee wherein matters relating to CGHS other than. Policy matters are discussed. Necessary action is taken whenever suggested by the Committee. The Chief Medical Officer Incharge will form Area Welfare Committee ,in consultation with Area Welfare Officer and hold meetings regularly to solve any problems of the dispensary. The Committee will try to settle any complaint against the dispensary/Staff. The minutes of the meeting should be recorded and forwarded to the Zonal Headquarter/Addl. Director (HQ) Outside Delhi Chief Medical Officer/Medical Officer Incharge shall form Co-ordination Committee to solve the problem of C.G.H.S. complaints- against the dispensary staff. Residential Address of staff. The Chief Medical Officer Incharge will maintain the record of residential addresses of all the staff members along with Telephone numbers if any. Casual Leave/Compensatory Off /Station leave Permission He will maintain the Casual Leave record and grant Casual Leave and Compensatory off to all staff working in the dispensary other than himself/herself. He can also grant station leave permission. In exceptional cases he may consu1t Zonal Hq./ Addl Director for advice. 11. Punctuality. He will ensure punctuality and deduct day Casual Leave from Casual Leave account for late coming, for each late attendance. But late attendance up to an hour on not more than two occasions in a month may be condoned by the Competent authority, if he is satisfied that it is due to unavoidable reasons. In case such a course 'does not ensure punctual attendance, suitable disciplinary action may be taken against the Govt Servant concerned in addition to deducting half a day's casual leave to his casual leave account for each occasion of such late attendance. 12. He will maintain a daily diary and record all the important incidents occurring in the dispensary. 13. Family Welfare Programme & M.C.H. We will be overall incharge of family Welfare Programme with the help of medical social worker and other Medical Officers and Para Medical Staff to conduct and supervise the Family Welfare Programme to achieve the target successfully. 14. Preventive /Prophylactic treatments-

He will organize Preventive and Prophylactic treatment to the beneficiaries. The various immunization Programmes and antenatal Check-ups should be organized in the dispensary. Health Education. The Health Education Programme should be Organized in the dispensary. Weeding out of Old Records. ." The Chief Medical Officer '. incharge will undertake the weeding out of old records Uniform: The Chief Medical officer Incharge should. ensure that all staff wear the prescribed uniform while on duty, Revalidation of Pensioner Card: The Chief Medical Officer In charge is to revalidate the pensioner Card as and when required, It should be done either annually or bi-annually i.e:, "'June and December II Relieving Duty of Medical ()officers: The Chief Medicai Officet Incharge will depute Medical Officers on relieving duty in turn. Safai work in absence of Safaiwala: The Chief Medical Officer incharge is authorized to appoint one Safaiwala on daily wages basis as and when required . Evacuation of Serious Patients: The Chief Medical Officer Incharge or attending Medical Officer should ensure safe evacuation of serious patient by calling the ambulance from the hospital/any other arrangements depending upon the Seriousness of illness. 22. Minor Surgical Work: The facilities for minor surgical Work such as opening of abscess or stitching of wound should be available in the dispensary. Important Circular file (Guard file) The Chief Medical Officer Incharge will maintain the guard file and all important circulars should be filed serially with page mark and keep the file in his personal custody. Chit Books: The Chief Medical Officer Incharge wilI keep an account of chit books and issue the same to the Medical Officers as per proforma aldeady laid down. Handing over of charge: The Chief Medical Officer Incharge while proceeding on leave, transfer will hand over the charge of the dispensary to the Senior most Medical Officer of the dispensary if the name of specified medical officer is not mentioned by the Competent authority. He will prepare a list of articles In quadruplicate to be handed over to the relieving Officer, one copy to the Zonal Headquarters , third, copy will be kept by the relieved Officer and 4th Copy will be in the dispensary file. The following articles shall be handed over to the relieving Officer:1. Duplicate Keys. 2. Guard File. 3. Compendium. 4. Chit Books. 5. Imprest ledger. 6. Inspection Book.

7. Complaint Book, ". ~ 8. Surprise Check Register. 9. Attendance Register. 10. Casual Leave Register. 11. Compensatory Off Register. 12. Confidential files. 13. He should obtain 'No Demand Certificate' from the store-keeper of the dispensary duly countersigned. by the relieving :Medical Officer Incharge. One copy- of no demand certificate should be for warded to the Zonal Headquarters. 14. Any other important records, files and articles. Brass Seal: He should ensure sealing of stores with brass seal and the brass seal should be in his personal custody. Preparation of Acquittance Roll: 1. Separate Sheet should be used for each category of staff e.g. one sheet of staff Nurse, one sheet for L.D.C. one sheet for Storekeeper etc. or as per the direction of D.D.Os. 2. Name of dispensary in block letters. 3. stamp of the dispensary at the top with date in each sheet. . 4. Each sheet should have serial number and initial of Medical Officer lricnarge. . He will be responsible for overall consumption/ control of issue of drugs etc. He will be at par with the Specialist regarding issue of Specialist items listed in CGHS formulary. Duties of Chief, Medical /Sr. Medical Officer/M.O.: 1. The Medical Officer will provide Comprehensive Medical care including preventive and curative, Family Welfare and MCH and Health Education to the beneficiaries. 2. He will also scrutinize the- CGHS Token number before providing treatment. As per rules, production of card is necessary at the time of each Visit, whether new case or old. 3. He will restrict himse1f to- general list of the formulary. But in case 'he has to prescribe any specialist item he should take prior concurrence from Chief Medical Officer In charge. He will not write of his own, any medicine meant for consultants/Specialist. 4. Issue of Chit: All Medical Officers must issue chits for restricted medicines in his/her own handwriting. The chits must show the name and quantity (in words and figures) clearly and must be signed and properly dated. No cutting/Overwriting will be allowed onc1iits. 5. Domiciliary Visit: He/she should undertake domiciliary visit as per instructions issued from time to time and should not avoid the same. Even by implication beneficiaries must not be asked to provide transport. 6. Family Welfare Programme MCH and . Health Education:. All Medical Officers must take active interest to promote the Family Welfare programme, MCH and Health Education. 7. He/she should help Chief Medical Officer lncharge, Medical Officer lncharge in maintaining cleanliness of the dispensary, supervision of the work at dressing room, injections room find checking of various dispensary accounts and general administration,

as desired by the medical Officer Incharge/C.M.O. l/C. 8. Specialist Consultation: . The Medical Officer may refer a case to a specialist according to the instructions, already laid down. 9. Emergency Duty: The Medical Officer is required to perform emergency duty by turn during non-working hours and on Sundays and Gazetted holidays in functioning dispensary as per instructions issued from time to time. 10. The Medical Officer will keep the medical certificate fitness certificate books and Chit books and authority slips under his safe custody and under no circumstances this will be handled by any other staff. 11. The Medical Officer will perform such other .duties as may be assigned to him by the Medical Officer Incharge/Zonal Headquarters. or Directorate from time to time. DUTIES OF STOREKEEPER / PHARMACIST INCHARGE OF STORES: 1. The Storekeeper will be responsible to the Medical Officer Incharge and the Officer entrusted with the supervision of dispensary stores for the safe, storage. protection from loss, damage or deterioration in the condition, of stocks entrusted to his charge. 2. He will arrange to keep stores in a neat and orderly manner and ensure that all container's, bottles. packages, etc. are properly labeled. 3. He will prepare and submit regular indents to the Medical Store Depot in accordance with the delivery programme issued by the Depot from time to time. He will follow meticulously, all indenting procedures circulated from time to time. 4. He wil1 take necessary steps to replenish stocks well in time to avoid any difficulty in supply on account of any item going out of stock. He shall bring to the notice of the Chief Medical Officer lncharge / Mtedical Officer lncharge, The items running short and prepare by hand urgent indents for submission to the. Medical Stores Depot. 5. He will bring to the notice of the Medical Officer Incharge and submit urgent demands within time when the stock require replenishment to allow replacement to be made before actual depletion occur. He will ensure that a buffer stock of a minimum of 15 days is always available in respect of listed items. 6. The Store keeper will duly initial the indent on each page and thereafter have it countersigned by the Medical Officer Incharge before submission as per instructions issued from time to time. He. will also initial all cuttings / overwriting / alternations made in the indent. Proper care should be taken to ensure that such occasions are rare. 7. He will examine, count. measure or weigh as the case may be before the Stores are received in the dispensary. At the time of receipt he will check that the quantities are correct and are not of very short expiry and that the stores are in good condition. He will immediately bring to .the notice of Medical Officer .Incharge any thing found to the contrary before the store are accepted. He will otherwise be responsible for any defect detected at a subsequent occasion. 8. He will bring to the notice of the Medical Officer Incharge stocks of such preparations which are accumulating in the dispensary store beyond the need of the dispensary and contact the M.S. Depot for their liquidation. Such action must be started six months in advance of the date of expiry, if any.

9. He will be responsible for correct accounting of all stores and for maintaining stock and issue registers and inventories in respect of both consumable stores and dead stocks. He shall make entries in the registers and file the vouchers in serial order and produce the same for checking/inspection at the time of verification of stores cum countersignature of the entries 'in the registers by Medical Officer Incharge. He will make all entries in clear & legible, handwriting, cuttings / overwriting must be avoided as far as possible. 10. He will initial all entries in the stock ledger pertaining to the receipts and issue of the stores, Receipt entries will be made in red ink and issued entries in blue ink. 11. He shall issue to Pharmacists etc. stores under his custody onlv on the authorization of the Medical officer incharge. 12. The Storekeeper will be responsible for obtaining written acknowledgement from the persons to whom the items are issued from the stores. These should be maintained in the register. 13. He will pay special attention to the short life items and maintain the record in the short life register and put this upto the Medical Officer Incharge at the beginning of each month pointing out such preparations which are likely to expire in three months time. He should ask for specific orders of the Medical Officer Incharge for their disposal. A list of all such items and their quantities must be put up in a register to the Medical Officer Incharge and his orders obtained in writing. 14. He will be responsible for the issue of local purchase medicines received from the authorized chemists after obtaining the signatures / residential address / date of receipt of the beneficiaries concerned or their representatives. He will assist Chief Medical Officer Incharge regarding issue of non-availability certificate of items and reimbursement of claim thereof if any. 15. The storekeeper will prepare a list of medicines procured on local purchase which are not collected by the beneficiary even after 15 days. The medicines should be carried over in the local Purchase register at a separate place to be -issued to the patient as per written instruction of Medical Officer Incharqe after obtaining proper receipt from the beneficiary. 16. He will comply with all instructions regarding store-Custody and accounting procedure issued by the Directorate / M. S. Depot from time to time or prescribed order the General Financial Rule. 17. On transfer or while proceeding on leave he will hand over the charge of the store to his successor and furnish a handing over and taking over charge to the Medical Officer Incharge. He should prepare a Triplicate list of stock ledgers/ file etc. as follows and hand over the same to the relieving store keeper a copy of which should be handed over to the Medical Officer Incharge duly signed by both the relieving and relieved storekeeper. A. Current:1. Stock ledgers of medicines Vol. I, n, m etc. 2. Stock ledger of Dead Stock Item. 3. Local Purchase register. 4. Demand file of various counters. 5. Receipt Vouchers of MSD. & others. 6. Register showing indents placed to MSD and other. 7. Register showing inventory of Dead Stock item. 8. Life Expiry register.

9. Daily Store Information file etc. B.Old. 1. Details of old register and files handed over. 18. Pharmacist i/c stores will assist in dispensing work whenever so desired by the Chief - -Medical Officer Incharge of the dispensary. 19. Pharmacist i/c stores will prepare the no demand certificate to the staff transferred from the dispensary after verifying his records. The no demand certificate would be signed by Medical Officer Incharge. 20. Opening of New ledger / register He will follow the instruction as already laid down for opening of new ledger / register. While opening a new stock ledger for consumable items sufficient space must be left for each item, depending upon its consumption pattern so that the same ledger can last for maximum possible ,period. A new stock ledger need not be started every year. as this is only a waste of stationery and does: not serve any useful purpose. A new stock ledger should be started, as far as possible only on 1st of April of the year concerned. While opening a new ledger balances in the old ledger must be carried forward correctly giving the cross reference in both the old as well as the new ledgers. 21. He will carry out any other duty assigned to him by the Medical Officer Incharge, commensurating with the nature of work DUTIES STAFF NURSE (Dispensary) 1. She will be responsible for the efficient functioning of the injection room. 2. She will ensure that syringes, needles etc. are sterilized and maintained properly in aseptic condition ready for administration of injection.She will maintain a separate tray for penicillin and injection, containing Penicillin. 3. She will keep ready at all times a spare syringe and requisite injections to combat anaphylactic shock and emergent condition. 4. She will check the condition of ampoule, its contents, the date of expiry etc. before administering an injection. 5. She will administer all subsequent injections of Penicillin (Single 01' in combination) while the test dose and the first dose of Penicillin will invaribly be administered by a Medical Officer Personally. 6. She will specifically enquire from the patients about any adverse reaction to an injection any time previously. 7. The staff Nurse will not administer intravenous injections. 8. In the event of a reaction to an injection she will immediately call the Medical Officer and render all possible help that may be necessary. She will make all entries in the drug reaction register. 9. She will maintain a record including summary in a register of the injectable received and administered by her. The register shall be checked by the Medical Officer periodically at least once a week. 10. She will be in uniform when on duty. 11. She will maintain demand register as per instructions laid down. 12. She will maintain a register of all injections administered in the dispensary daily. The column shall be Date. S1. No. Name of Injection. Separate register shall be maintained for new and old cases. The registration clerk shall add the number of old cases in the

daily attendance as shown in the OPD register for the purpose of statistics. 13. She will be responsible for proper functioning, of Oxygen Cylinder. 14. She will keep upto date account of expenditure and balance of injections received from Store. 5. She will draw full Linen from the store of the dispensary for use in various rooms. She will keep full account of issue of the same. She will prepare the list of the Linen items to be condemned. 16. She will be responsible for the washing and cleanliness of the Linen through the Dhobi engaged by the Chief Medical Officer Incharge. She will prepare Dhobi bill for reimbursement. 17. She will Actively assist lady Medical Officer/ Chief Medical Officer Incharge for promoting for Family Welfare Work and MCH Services in the absence of regular F.W. Staff. In the absence of regular Malaria Surveillance Worker, she will assist the Medical Officers preparing blood slides for detection of Malaria Parasites. 18. She will perform any other duties as may be assigned to her by the Directorate / Chief Medic& Officer Incharge commensurating with the nature of work. Dresser 1. The dresser will be responsible for overall management of the Dressing Room. 2. The Dresser will be responsible for dressing of wounds. 3. He will also render first aid in emergency cases and help the Medical Officer in handing the injured. .~ 4. He will prepare lotions and ointments under the guidance of the Pharmacist and lable them properly and issue to the patients in accordance with the instructions of the Medical Officers. 5. He will keep the Dressing Room clean and tidy. All containers of lotions, powers and ointments shall be kept properly labeled, stoppered and arranged. 6. He will keep medicaments for Eye and Ear in a separate tray. 7. The lotions, paints. etc. for dressing will be kept in a separate tray. 8. He will prepare the drum of dressing material for sterilisation and autoclave them as per prescribed procedure, to enable dressings to be performed under- aseptic condition. 9. He will take proper care of the soiled dressings and put the same in a covered Waste receptacle. These soiled dressings will be disposed off as per laid down procedure. 10. In the case of a female patient, he will not perform the dressing except in the presence of a relative of the patient or the female attendant of the dispensary. 11. He will maintain proper accounts of the medicaments drawn from the stores and issued to the beneficiaries. 12. He will .keep bulk container, bottles/jars etc. properly covered. corked and stoppered. 13. He will keep the weighing scales in a clean an_d workin~ condition. 14. He will maintain a register of dressing performed daily. The L.D.C. will obtain the figures of old cases and add the same to his daily attendance in the OPD register for the purpose of statistics. The columns of register shall .be:Date Sl. No. T. No. Name of patient 15. The dresser while on duty will wear a white apron. 16. The dettol lotion should be changed daily. 17. He will perform any other duty assigned by Medical Officer Incharge commensuratmg with the nature of work.

FEMALE ATTENDANT 1. The Female Attendant will be responsible for regulating the flow of patients to the consulting room of the Medical Officer. 2. She will assist the Medical Officer in the Examination of the patients. 3. She will be present in the Dressing Room whenever required to do so. 4. She will assist the Medical Officer in sterilization of various equipment used by the Medical Officer for injection and for examination. 5. The Female Attendant may accompany the Lady Medical Officer for a domiciliary visit to examine a case of abortion etc. as and when required. 6. She will maintain the cleanliness of the dispensary including the verandah. She should clean all the furniture of the dispensary. The doors and Windows should be cleaned daily and the glass panes should be cleaned regularly. She will maintain proper display of various posters etc. in the dispensary. ' 7. She will perform any other duty assigned by Medical Officer Incharge Commensurating with the nature of work. Duties of the Chowkidars 1. The Chowkidar will take the charge of the dispensary premises on completion of the evening session of the dispensary. For this purpose he must report at least 15 minutes before closing time. 2. He will ensure that all the rooms are properly bolted and locked So as to exclude the possibility of entry by any un-authorized person. 3. He will inspect the lock and seal of the medical store on taking over duty and show the same to the duty Medical. Officer/Medical Officer Incharge / Storekeeper at the time of his relief from duty. \ 4. He will check that almirah containing stores placed out side the rooms are properly locked and sealed. Any deficiency noticed will be brought to the. notice of the Chie: Medical Officer Incharge. 5. At the time of closing the rooms, he will ensure that all lights, heaters, fans etc. are put off and the Water taps are closed. 6. The Chowkidar will not sleep while on duty. 7. He will not leave the dispensary till the arrival of the morning Shift staff and that after showing the locks and. seals as intact. 8. The Chowkidar will give proper guidance and help any patient who calls at. the dispensary at night. . 9. The Chowkidar is responsible for the safety of the dispensary and. its properties and his responsibilities include the safety of the compound in which the dispensary is situated. 10. The inventory showing dispensary property in the Verandah/Compound should be taken over by the Chowkidar and any discrepancy should be brought to the notice 0f Chief Medical Officer lncharge. 11. He will perform any other duty assigned to him by Medical Officer In charge Commensurating with the nature of work. DUTIES~OF DISPENSARY CLERK 1. .He will be responsible for the maintenance of revalidation of Pension Cards and timely submission of IPOs / DDs to the Office.

2. He will be responsible for indenting and keeping records of all stationary and consumable articles and receipt of dead stock items. 3. The dispensary clerk will be at the seat well before the opening of the dispensary and will not leave the counter after closing time till all the patients seen by the Medical. Officers have .been registered. His duties inter-alia will include:1. Issue of priority token to patients as per instructions issued on the subject. 2. Registration of old and new cases reporting to the dispensary. He shall also obtain figures of old cases from the dressing room and from the Staff Nurse for compilation of daily OPD attendance. 3. Work relating to birth registration, addition and deletion from family, transfer of dispensary etc. 4. Receipt and dispatch of dispensary dak. 5. Work relating to the filing, renewal and alterations in the Index Cards, and maintenance of Index Cards. 6. Work relating to compilation and preparation of various statistical reports and administrative returns. 7. Maintenance of up-to-date list of Index Cards and number of beneficiaries attached to the dispensary. 8. Maintenance of Casual Leave account of the dispensary staff. 9. Assist the Medical Officers in the administrative work of the dispensary. 10. Filing of standing orders and instructions and. their circulation to all Medical Officers on duty, night duty and regular duty. 11. Circulation and posting of important Communications among all members of dispensary staff. 12. He will be responsible for the maintenance of revalidation of Pension Cards and timely submission of 1.P.Os./ D.Ds. to the office. 13. He will be responsible for indenting and keeping records of all stationery and other consumable articles except dead stock. 14. He will perform any other duty assigned to him by Medical Officer Incharge Commensurating with the nature of work. Duties of Pharmacists 1. The Pharmacist will be personally responsible for the correct dispensing as Per prescriptions issued by the Medical Officer and for the safe custody of the stores received by him. He will issue medicines, mixtures, etc. In accordance with the instructions issued by the Directorate/, Medical Stores/Depot/Medical Officer Incharge from time to time. 2. The Pharmacist will at all times be courteous and heIpful in dealing with the patients and under no circumstances enter into arguments, whatsoever, with a beneficiary, but report the matter to the Chief Medical Officer Incharge. 3. He will be in position at the dispensary well before opening time of dispensaries of medicines to beneficiaries. 4. He will be personally responsible to see that the dispensing' room is kept absolutely clean all the time, bottles are Properly corked and well dusted. He will maintain weighing scales and balance in good working condition. 5. He will dispense stock mixtures and medicines properly measured and weighed. He will issue an original packing to a beneficiary only after breaking the seal. 6. The Pharmacist will write the name of the medicines with details of the doses on the

mixture bottle, container, envelope and ,also explain the _doses verbally where required.. If medicines are issued in plastic (PVC) envelope small slips shall a1so be put inside giving the name of medicines and its dosage. 7. The Pharmacist(s) will remain on duty to clear the patient even at the end of the dispensary hours. 8. The Pharmacist will maintain proper account of the items issued to him, dispensed by him and the balance in stock with him. 9. "The Pharmacist will immediately comply with. the instructions and arrange for the stocks with him to be checked at any time by the Medical Officer Incharge or other Medical Officers and. any other officer deputed by the Zonal Headquarters. 10. In the temporary absence of store-keeper, the Pharmacist will perform the duties of the store-keeper whenever required by the Chief Medical Officer Incharge. 11. The Pharmacist will prepare dai1y summary of expenditure of medicines in a, register and obtain countersign attested of Chief Medical Officer Incharge. 12: He will draw all non-restricted medicines in demand register as per instruction laid down. 13. He will paste the inventory list on the pigeon hole table and ensure its corrections and see that the list is kept upto date. 14. He will perform any other duty assigned by Medical Officer Incharge commensurate with the nature of work. DUTIES OF SAFAIWALA: 1. He will report for duty half an hour before the opening time of the dispensary to sweep and mop the dispensary floors etc. so that work can start at the scheduled hour. 2. He will daily sweep and mop the floors of the dispensary building and surroundings, clean all wash basins, latrines and urinals, spittoons etc. He will empty waste paper baskets, dust.bins etc. at the provided places. These duties will be performed before the opening and at the time of closing of the dispensary and at such other times as is necessary. 3. He will clean the walls/cisterns with a brush/broom at least once a week. 4. He will perform telephone duties on both working and closed days besides loading and unloading of stores etc. 5. He will ask for and obtain in time sweeping material like brooms, mops etc. for the performance of his duties. 6. When posted at the laboratory he will perform the cleaning duties pertaining to the laboratory and its surroundings as required. 7. He will wash and clean laboratory slides, bottles etc. used for investigation purposes and correctly dispose off the specimens after the completion of their examination and are no longer required, under the supervision of laboratory technician / laboratory attendant. 8. He will perform any other duty assigned by Medical Officer Incharge commensurating with the nature of work. DUTIES OF F.P. STAFF Duties of Social Workers / LHV / PHMIMSW / ANM 1. Plan and organize extension services that will meet area needs and utilize available resources. 2. Assist Medical Officers in maintaining cooperative productive working relations with formal leaders and with official and non official agencies 3. To identify and list formal and informal leaders in the area-help the convene -meetings.

4. To assist in arranging for training programme for leaders and also participate in it


5. To survey the area and prepare a list of target couples for each locality in their area. 6. To visit each house in the jurisdiction of the dispensary for motivational purpose and to maintain a record of such visits. 7. To assist the M.O. in running antenatal, postnatal, well baby clinic and immunization

programme. 8. Indent &maintain proper record of. conventional contraceptives or other issuable article for issue to beneficiaries Timely action shall be taken to obtain supplies regularly. 9. To assist the Medical Officer in IUCD insertions. 10. To motivate and accompany patient desirous of MTP or sterilization to hospital if necessary. 11. Assist the M.O. in any other way to achieve the objectives of Family Welfare Programme. 12. To organize audio Visual Programme as films show exhibitions etc. in the -locality, of public education and information. 13. To Visit local leaders at required intervals to keep them informed about the activities and assist them in developing programme. To arrange periodic meetings with local leaders. 14. To prepare cases for vasectomy or IUCD or sterilization. 15. To assist Medical Officer in arranging IUCD and Vasectomy Camps. . 16. Prepare map of the area for Purpose of evaluation of the programme. . 17. To .perform any other duty assigned by the Medical Officer IIC commensurating with the nature of work. FAMILY WELFARE ACTIVITIES The beginning of Family Welfare activities in Central Government Health Scheme was made in 1955 when Familv Welfare Centres in six dispensaries were established under a full time- Lady Medical Officer. In the year 1976 each allopathic dispensary of Central Government Health Scheme Delhi was given one Family Welfare worker for Family Welfare and M.C.H. services. I.U.D. programme was introduced under C.G.H.S. in 1965 in three centers and it was subsequently extended to all allopathic dispensaries of C.G.H.S. Delhi in December, 1976. In other C.G.H.S. Centres the Family Welfare Programme depends upon the State Govt. Hospitals and other recognized hospitals, where Central Govt. Health Scheme beneficiaries avail facilities. FAMILY WELFARE ACTIVITIES IN C.G.H.S., DELHI In C.G.H.S. Delhi at present 87 allopathic dispensaries, two Maternity Centres and one Gynae.& Maternity hospital are functioning to provide Ante-Natal, Post-Natal. Family Welfare and M.C.H. services to the CGHS beneficiaries. In addition to "these services Lodi Road. II and Chitra Gupta Road dispensaries have a separate set up of M;S.W. to distribute conventional contraceptives. Distribution centres have also been set up in some of the larger offices and Industrial Establishments.: Besides giving advice and guidance to the married couples, the centres also supply family planning materials. Family Welfare Cell, C.G.H.S. Delhi arranged to impart training in I.U.C.D. insertion to a number of lady Medical Officers as well as Family Planning Para Medical Staff with a view to enable them to conduct the programme more effectively with enhanced skill.

FAMILY WELFARE ACTIVITIES .A. FAMILY ELANNING ..METHODS 1. Sterilization 2. I:U.D. 3. Nirodh ,.. , 4. Oral Pills .. B. MATERNAL & CHILD HEALTH 1. Ante-nataI/PerinataI/Post-natal Check ups. C. IMMUNISATION , 1. D.P.T. 2. polio 3. T.T... 4. D.T 5. Measles & MMR 6. B.C.G. (Given by public Hospital / Local Bodies) D. INFORMATION, EDUCATION AND COMMUNICATION ACTIVITIES 1. Documentaries/Film Shows. 2. Orientation Training Camp. 3. Seminars. 4. Composite Programmes. 5. Group meetings. 6. Mass meetings. 7. Well baby Shows. 8. Exhibitions. FAMILY WELFARE SERVICES UNDER CGHS , DELHI: . The Central Government Health Scheme provides free of cost. a package of Family Welfare services to the CGHS beneficiaries and to those who are not. Certain benefits, however are available to Government employees only. It provides consultation and guidance at the dispensary level to all eligible couples and specialized services in the CGHS Hospitals. It supplies conventional contraceptives (Such as Nirodh)to the beneficiaries - free of cost. COPPER-T (IUCD): The- facility for insertion of Copper- T is. available at CGHS dispensaries. The Insertion is performed by trained lady Medical Officers. ANTE-NATALAND POST-NATAL CHECK-UP Each dispensary provides facilities for regular ante-natal and post-natal check-ups of female beneficiaries. WELL BABY CLINIC: The health of small babies and children is well cared for at the dispensaries and. necessary expertise, consultation, immunization and treatment are "provided to the beneficiaries. IMMUNISATION PROGRAMME- : The entire range of essential immunization programme is carried out in dispensaries to protect children against Polio, diphtheria, Whooping cough,-tetanus

MEDICAL TERMINATION OF PREGNANCY: The facilities for medical termination of pregnancy can be availed of in the CGHS: approved hospitals and CGHS Maternity Centres (e.g. Srinivaspuri and Kalkaji in New Delhi) along with Maternity Hospital, Rama Krishna Puram. ADMISSION.. OF MATERNITY CASES: The beneficiaries are advised to get the names registered in the CGHS approved hospitals well in time so that the patient can get all medical facilities in time. If the beneficiaries intend go for confinement in a recognized private hospital they can obtain permission from concerned department , once pregnancy is confirmed by Medical Officer of CGHS Dispensary / Govt. Specialist. However, ante natal check up is to be obtained through dispensary / Govt. Hospitals. VASECTOMY AND TUBECTOMY; These terminal methods of sterilization can be availed of at the CGHS approved hospitals/Centers, as approved institution by Directorate of Family Welfare, Delhi Administration . Annexure-I a I. Particular’s of the organization II. Function and duties I. CGHS-I Section, CGHS Division, Dte. GHS (HQ) II. As per Annexure ‘A’ b The powers & duties of its employees/officers Powers delegated under DFPR Rules and or orders issued by Admn. III Section, Dte GHS Sectt. Staff Assist the officers. c The procedure followed in decision making process including channels of supervision and accountability Since establishment matter are dealt with relevant rules Regulations containing or publications, such as Fundamental Rules, Supplementary Rules, CCS (CCA) Rules etc, are followed Channel of submission, supervision and accountability, as per the channel of submission i.e. SO (CGHS-I) /Director Admn (KS)/ Addl. DDG (HQ)/Director (CGHS)./Addl. DG the files are disposed off by these officers in term of delegated powers and beyond this, the files are submitted to HOD (DGHS) for final approval in respect of power delegated to him. The cases beyond this are sent to the Ministry and if necessary, further sent to the Nodal Ministries/ Departments such as Ministry of Finance and DOP&T etc.

d The norms set by it for the discharge of its functions As per Government norms e The rules, regulations, instructions manuals and records, held by it or under its control of used by its employees for discharging its function Not applicable f A statement of the categories of document that are held by it or under its control. Except ACRs unclassified g The particulars of any arrangement that exists for consultation with or representation by the members of the public in relation ot the formulation of its policy or implementation thererof Not applicable h A statement of the Boards Council, Committees and other bodies consisting of two or more persons constituted as its part or for the purpose of its advice and as to whether meetings of those Boards Council, Committees and other bodies are open to the public or the minutes of such meeting are accessible for public Not applicable I A directory of its officers and employees As per annexure ‘B’ J The monthly remuneration received by each of its officers and employees including the system of compensation as provided in its regulations Information is available with Cash Section. k The budget allocated to each of its agency indicating the particulars of all plans proposed expenditure and reports on disbursements made Not applicable

L The manner of execution of subsidy programmes, including the amounts allocated and the details of beneficiaries of such programmes. Not applicable m Particulars of recipients of concessions permits or authorizations granted by it. Not applicable n Details in respect of the information available to or held by it, reduced in an electronic form, Not applicable Annexure ‘A’ DIRECTORATE GENERAL OF HEALTH SERVICES ALLOCATION OF WORK IN THE CGHS DIVISION TO THE DTE. GHS (HQ) CGHS-I SECTION 1. Creation of Group ‘A’ and ‘B’ Non-Plan posts in respect all CGHS Units 2. Continuation of Group ‘A’ and ‘B’ temporary posts in respect all CGHS Units. 3. Conversion of Group ‘A’ and ‘B’ temporary posts into permanent ones in respect of all CGHS Units 4. Framing/amendment of Recruitment Rules of all posts in all CGHS Units 5. All establishment matters pertaining to Group B (Gazetted) posts in respect of all CGHS Units 6. All establishment matters, other than cadre matters of CHS doctor, of Group A officers in respect of all CGHS Units. 7. All establishment matters, other than cadre matters in respect of Unani Homoeopathy and Ayurvedic physicians in all CGHS Units. 8. Parliamentary matters concerning the items of work allotted. 9. Court cases/matters relating to the items of work allotted. 10. References received from VIPs including Public Grievances pertaining to items of work allotted. 11. All matters relating to audit paras/audit objection related to the work allotted. 12. Association, JCM, Departmental councils matters related to the work allotted.

13. All periodical Reports and Returns pertaining to the work allotted. 14. All matters relating to reservation for SCs/STs/OBCs etc pertaining to work allotted. 15. Any other matter incidental or related to the work allotted ANNEXURE ‘B’ Sl. No. Designation Staff in Position Name of the Officer/Official 1 Director (CGHS) 1 Dr. P.K. Pukhan 2 Addl. DDG (HQ) 1 Dr. Deb Nath 3 Director Admn (KS) 1 Shri Karnail Singh 4 Section Officer 1 Shri R.C. Sharma 5 Assistant 4 1. Shri. V.P. Dubey 2. Smt. P. Khullar 3. Smt. Renu Jain 4. Smt. Kamlesh Sharma 6 Upper Division Clerk 1 1. Shri Sukh Pal Singh 2. 7 Lower Division clerk 3 1. Shri Vikram Singh 2. Shri Harish Chander 3. Smt. V.K. Seetha 8 Daftery ½ Vacant 9 Peon ½ 1. Shri Inder Pal ANNEXURE ‘C’ PUBLIC INFORMATION OFFICER-CGHS SECTION 1. Name of CPIO Shri Karnail Singh (Central Public Information Director Admn (KS) officer) Dte. General of Health Services Room No. 448 ‘A’ Wing Nirman Bhawan, NewDelhi-110011 Tel. No. 2306 1015 2. Appellate Authority Dr. P.K. Phukan Director (CGHS) Dte. General of Health Services Room No. 545 ‘A’ Wing Nirman Bhawan, NewDelhi-110011 Tel. No. 2306 2649 F:\CGHS 2005\Brief Summary of CGHS\Address of CGHS Delhi & Outside combined 1.doc Page 1 of 29

Central Government Health Scheme Central Zone Dr. (Mrs.) Mohini D. Balani, Additional Director, CGHS/CZ Flat No. 87, Shubham Aptt., I.P. Ext. Marg, Delhi-110092

Dr. (Mrs.) Mohini D. Balani, Additional Director, CGHS, Central Zone, CGHS Building, Chitra Gupta Road, Aram Bagh, New Delhi, Tel. – 23515934, 23515935 List of CGHS Dispensary & Details of CPIOs/CMO I/c Sl. No. Name & Address Dispensary Name Tel. (O) Tel (R) Dispensary Address Mobile No. 1. Dr. S. Barik, B-18, Pandara Park, New Delhi. Chanakya Puri 24673777 23389256 D-II/257, 259, Vinay Marg, New Delhi, 2. Dr. C.P. Gupta, 3-C, Syrya Aptt., Sec.-13, Rohini, New Delhi Chitra Gupta Road 23676019 27861677 CGHS Building, Near Aram Bagh, New Delhi 3. Dr. (Mrs.) Usha Bhatnagar, 7/26, Darya Ganj, New Delhi Constitution House 23386954 23273194 IE-SA, Kasturba Gandhi Marg, New Delhi 4. Dr. Jagdish Ghosh, K-2095, Chittaranjan Park, New Dehli Gole Market 23743810 339440388 CGHS Building, DIZ Area, Sec.-II, Gole Market, New Delhi 5. Dr.(Mrs.) Anjana Roy, B-132, Pocket – 6, Kendriya Vihar, Sec.-82, NOIDA Aliganj 24611538 9212078701 CGHS Building, Near Lodhi Road, New Delhi 6. Dr. V.M. Aggarwal, A-213, Pandara Road, New Delhi Lodhi Road 24611442 23384433 Block 4-1, 3, 5, 7, Lodhi Road, New Delhi 7. Dr. M.R. Choudhary, B/215, Peswa Road Aptt., New Dehli Minto Road 23234625 23348366 New Minto Road Hostel, Block-I, Minto Road Complex, New

Delhi –110002 8. Dr. H.K. Prade, 412, Golden Jublee Aptt., Sec.-II, Extension Rohini, New Dehli110085 North Avenue 23094420 27571253 Govt. Building, North Avenue, New Delhi 9. Dr. Vinod Sehgal, D-II/123, Kaka Nagar, New Delhi Pandara Road 23385040 24358844 D-II/365-367, Pandara Road, New Delhi 10. Dr. N.C. Majhi, 73/2 B, Kali Bari Marg, DIZ Area, Sec.-II, Pararganj 23587511 23746537 3 & 4, Chitra Gupta Road, New Delhi F:\CGHS 2005\Brief Summary of CGHS\Address of CGHS Delhi & Outside combined 1.doc Page 2 of 29

Gole Market, New Delhi 11. Dr. (Mrs.) Anjali Prakash, C/26, Swamy Nagar, New Delhi President Estate 23094777 CGHS Dispensary Wing. 12. Dr. (Mrs.) Madhu Gupta, 5/11, West Patel Nagar, New Delhi South Avenue 23013490 25881052 153-B, 155-B, M.P. Flats, South Avenue 13. Dr. J.K. Nayak, D-16, Hudco Place, Andrews Ganj, New Delhi –110049 Telegraph Lane 23326601 26257583 18-E, Telegraph Lane, New Delhi 14. Dr. (Mrs.) Manjula Tyagi, DII/ 179, Kaka Nagar, New Dehli Dr. Z.H. Road 23383724 24355838 CGHS Building, Dr. Z.H. Road, New Dehli 15. Dr. R.K. Baruah, D-II/301, Vinay Marg, Chanakya Puri, New Delhi Kali Bari 23743142 26111150 CGHS Building, Kali Bari, New Delhi 16. Dr. (Mrs.) K. Biswal, D-II/79, Kidwai Nagar (West), New Delhi Pragati Vihar 24361522 24108399 C.P.W.D. Complex, Pragati Vihar, New Delhi. 17. Dr. (Mrs.) G.P.K. Amma, DII/ A-17, Nanak Pura, New Delhi

Kali Bari Marg 23363178 9811112447 18. Dr. (Mrs.) Reetha George, 34, Kali Bari Aptt., Udyan Marg, New Delhi North Avenu 23092794 23742023 4, North Avenue, M.P. Flats, New Delhi 19. Dr. A.R. Das, A-2/2, Multi Storey Flat, Pesawa Road, Gole Market, New Delhi Kali Bari Marg 23364574 23746104 CGHS Building, Kali Bari Marg, New Delhi 20. Dr. H.C. Bansal, D-II/21, Kidwai Nagar(East), New Delhi-23 South Avenue 23017698 24621111, 20916699 154-B, South Avenue, M.P. Flats, New Delhi 21. Dr. Sayyed Ahmad, D-II/146, Kaka Nagar, New Delhi Darya Ganj 23273043 9868093427 22. Dr. (Mrs.) Kauser Parveen, A2521, Netaji nagar, New Delhi Naraina Vihar 25778775 26870399 CGHS Building, Naraina Vihar, New Dehli 23. Dr. Abdul Qayyum, 9-LF, Todarmal Square, Bengali Market, New Delhi South Avenue 23015125 31, South Avenue, M.P. Flats, new Delhi 24. Dr. Talat Sushmani, C-291, Minto Road Complex, New Delhi Sarojini Nagar 24673551 23219712 Y-344 & 346, Sarojini Nagar, New Delhi 25. Dr. M. Shammon, F-3/80, Chand Bagh, Delhi-94 Shahdara, Mansrover Park 22583766 55813983 CGHS Building, Shahdara, Delhi 26. Dr. K. Ravi, Block No. 6/698, Lodhi Colony, New Delhi Sidha Dispensary 26175146, 26175140 CGHS Building, Sec.-

12, R.K. Puram, New Delhi 27. Dr. R. Raja Rajan, H-369, Sec.-4, R.K. Puram, New Delhi Sidha Unit 24611442 26167788 Block No. 4-1,3,5,7, Lodhi Road, New Delhi F:\CGHS 2005\Brief Summary of CGHS\Address of CGHS Delhi & Outside combined 1.doc Page 3 of 29

East Zone 1Dr. (Mrs.) Usha Raina. Addl. Director(EZ) , Officating Vikas Marg, Laxmi Nagar, New Delhi. Tel. – 011-22543838. Additional Director, CGHS, East Zone, Laxmi Nagar, New Delhi, Tel. – 011- 22543838 List of CGHS Dispensary & Details of CMO I/c Sl. No. Name & Address Dispensary Name Tel. (O) Tel (R) Dispensary Address Mobile No. 1. Dr. V.P. Kalra, 1/7226-M, Shivaji Park, Shahdara, Delhi32 Chandni Chowk 23866892 22585055 CGHS Disp. No. 8, Near Moti Cinema, Chandni Chowk, Delhi-6 2. Dr. G.S. Barik, Qtr No. DII/ 146, Kaka Nagar, N.D.-3 Darya Ganj 23273043 CGHS Disp. No. 28, Behind Golcha cinema Hall, Darya Ganj, Delhi02 9868093427 3. Dr. Neelam Sharma, A-32, Nirman Vihar, Delhi-92 Dilshad Colony 22352200 22018303, 22013979 CGHS Disp. No. 87, E13 & 14, Express Market, Dilshad Colony, Delhi

4. Dr. M.L. Rathore, C-9A, Old Govind Pura Extn. Gali No. 3, Parwana Road, D-51 Ghaziabad 951202789969 22526136 CGHS Disp. No. 68, Kamla Nehru Nagar, Ghaziabad 5. Dr. V.K. Mittal, 7B, MS Flat, Swasthya Vihar, Delhi-92 Krishana Nagar 22512866 22522181 CGHS Disp. G.K.G. No. 56, H.No. A-1, Krishna Nagar, Delhi-51 6. Dr. J.K. Handa, 5/4, Maharaja Lal Lane, civil Line, Delhi-54 Kingsway Camp 27459411 CGHS Disp, KWC No. 60, New Police Line, ingsway Camp, Delhi 9810511303 7. Dr. B.P. Acharya, 605, Devika Apartments, Vaishali, Ghaziabad Laxmi Nagar 22543108 9512027766301 CGHS Disp. No. 67, Laxmi Nagar, Main Vikas Marg, Delhi-92 8. Dr. S. Pradkar, 715, Block – 10, Kailash Dham, Sector 50, NOIDA Mayur Vihar 22751321 951202571240 CGHS Disp. No. 77, 264, A, Mayur Vihar, Pkt-I, Phase-I, Delhi 9. Dr. B. Bohra, G-106/G, Dilshad garden, Delhi-95 NOIDA 951202574254 22354719 CGHS Disp. No. 22, Hathikhana, Pul 1 INFORMATION AWAITED F:\CGHS 2005\Brief Summary of CGHS\Address of CGHS Delhi & Outside combined 1.doc Page 4 of 29

Bangash, Near Azad Market, Delhi-7 10. Temporarily closed Pul Bangash 23614603 CGHS Disp. No. 22, Hathikhana, Pul Bangash, Near Azad Market, Delhi-7 11. Dr. S. Chakraborty, 2101, Delhi Admn. Qtr., Gulabi Bagh, Delhi-7

Rajpur Road 23973646 23651032 CGHS Disp. No. 59, 5, Rajpur Road, Old Police Line, Delhi-54 12. Dr. Nanak Das Jolly, J-12, Naveen Shahdara, De lhi-32 Shahdara 22583766 22323736 CGHS Disp. No. 49, Mansarovar Park, Shahdara, Delhi-32 13. Dr. B.S. Chajjed, AO-10, Kala Kunj Apartment, Shalimar Bagh, Delhi-88 Shakti Nagar 27114162 27475758 CGHS Disp. No. 6, 23/1, Shakti Nagar, Delhi-7 14. Dr. R.K. Mundra, J-22, Dilshad Colony, Delhi Lancer Road 23813808 22357936 CGHS General Hospital No. 7, Lancer Road, Delhi 15. Dr. K.L. Gupta, B-19, Vivek Vihar, Delhi Ghaziabad 951202624279 22151295 CGHS Disp. Vivek Vihar No. 79, D-12, Chander Nagar, Ghaziabad 16. Dr. A.K. Saxena, KM-117, Kavi Nagar, Ghaziabad Bhajan Pura 22565516 2713232 CGHS Disp. No. 84, C67, Gali NO. 8, Bhajan Pura, Delhi 9868519393 F:\CGHS 2005\Brief Summary of CGHS\Address of CGHS Delhi & Outside combined 1.doc Page 5 of 29

North Zone 2Dr. (Mrs.) Usha Raina Addl. Director,CGHS(NZ) Shankar Road, New Raijinder Nagar. New Delhi Tel. 28745842 28743646. Additional Director, CGHS, North Zone, New Rajinder Nagar, New Delhi, Tel. – 28745842 28743646 List of CGHS Dispensary & Details of CMO I/c Sl. No. Name & Address Dispensary Name

Tel. (O) Tel (R) Dispensary Address Mobile No. 1. Dr. A.K. Gupta, Flat No. 6/3, MCO Flat Model Town, Delhi Ashok Vihar 27242028 27676670 I-97, Ashok Vihar, Phase-I, Delhi-52 2. Dr. (Mrs.) Sushma Sethi, F-102, Rajouri Garden, New Delhi Delhi Cantt 25692914 25104297/ 25460867 CGHS Dispensary Delhi Cantt. Near Sadar Bazar 3. Dr. A.P. Singh, 3 C/44, New Rohtak Road Dev Nagar 25860275 28714484 Block No. 12, Mother Dairy Both, CGHS Disp. Dev Nagar 4. Dr. I.D. Bansal, C 3A/9A Janak Puri, New Delhi Hari Nagar 28125518 25507885 CGHS Hari Nagar, Near DTC Depot, Hari Nagar. 5. Dr. P.S. Tomar, 394, Sector –4 R.K. Puram, New Delhi Inder Puri 25836573 26188705 Flat No. 647, 648, Krishi Kunj, Inder Puri. 6. Dr. K.K. Bhushan, E1073, Palam Extn., Part-I, Sec.-7, Dwarka Janak Puri1 25551434 25089088 C-4, CGHS Disp., Janak Puri-I. 7. Dr. B. Das, 25, IES Apts., Plot-9, Sec.-4, Dwarka, Phase-I, N.D.-45

Janak Puri2 25593558 25081828 B-1/20, Janak Puri, N.D.-528 F:\CGHS 2005\Brief Summary of CGHS\Address of CGHS Delhi & Outside combined 1.doc Page 6 of 29

8. Dr. G.S. Dhillon, 316, Double Storey, New Rajinder Nagar Karol Bagh 23619345 25733009 883, East Park Road, Karol Bagh, N.D. 9. Dr. H.K. Chandiramani, 5/26, Ground Floor, Old Rajinder Nagar Naraina Vihar 25778775 55461795 C-Block Near community Centre, Naraina Vihar. 10. Dr. (Mrs.) S. Behl, 26/20, Old Rajinder Nagar, New Delhi New Rajinder Nagar 25742850 25732164 CGHS Disp. Building New Rajinder Nagar 11. Dr. S. Dutta, CMO (NFSG), B-29, Apurva Aptt. Sec.-5, Plot No. – 14, Dwarika, New Delhi Nangal Raya 28521863 25072559 CGHS Disp. Nangal Raya D Block, Janak Puri 12. Dr. S.C. Mehra, Plot-1, Sec.-11, 2nd Floor, W.P.N. behind Block-10 East Patel Nagar 2583326 25888437 11/14, East Patel Nagar, New Delhi 13. Dr. M.J. Nayyar, 11/26, West Patel Nagar, N.D. West Patel

Nagar 25882551 25880028 11/26, West Patel Nagar. 14. Dr. S.K. Jain, A-3/63, Sec.-3, Rohini, N.D. Pusa Road 25768071 27516420 23, Pusa Road, N.D. 15. Dr. (Mrs.) S. Senapati, Q.No. 308, Sec.-I, Pkt-I, Dwarka (SFS Flat) Palam Colony 25035839 25086644 CGHS Dispensary Palam Colony, Near Subzi Mandi, Mangla Puri. 16. Dr. G.P. Sahoo, A-3/18, Sector-3, Rohini Pitam Pura 27344481 27516461 Income Tax Colony, Pitam Pura 17. Dr. P.B. Sexena, C5A/237, Janak Puri, N.D. Paschim Vihar 25268410 25536085 Qtr. No. –A1, A2, A8, Pkt-3, Paschim Vihar 18. Dr. Dharam Parkash, Q.No. 2, P.H.C. Palam Village, New Delhi-45 Rajouri Garden 25493955 25084205 CGHS Dispensary Hari Nagar, Near DTC Depot, Hari Nagar 19. Dr. R.C. Senapati, Q.No. 308, Sec.-I, Pkt-I, Dwarka (SFS Flat). Rohini 27040169 25086644 CGHS Dispensary Nahar Pur, Sec.-7, Rohini 20. Dr. H.C. Gupta, I-159, Ashok Vihar, Phase-I, N.D. Sunder Vihar

25264239 27127172 I/6, Sunder Vihar, Delhi-57 21. Dr. A.K. Jena, F-17/125, Sector-8, Rohini, N.D. Tilak Nagar 25998900 27945626 CGHS Dispensary Tilak Nagar, Near Subzi Mandi. 22. Dr. S.M. Valecha, H.No. 3, Pocket 24, Sector – 3 Rohini Tri Nagar 27385025 27564500 Building No. 564, Gali No. 37, Onkar Nagar, Tri Nagar F:\CGHS 2005\Brief Summary of CGHS\Address of CGHS Delhi & Outside combined 1.doc Page 7 of 29

South Zone Dr(Mrs.) Asha Bansal, Addl. Director(SZ) Sector VIII, RK Puram, New Delhi. Tel. 011-26197906 011-26711358 Additional Director, CGHS, South Zone, R.K. Puram, Sector - VIII, New Delhi, Tel. 011-26197906 011-26711358 List of CGHS Dispensary & Details of CMO I/c Sl. No. Name & Address Dispensary Name Tel. (O) Tel (R) Dispensary Address Mobile No. 1. Dr. Poonam Puri, K-33, NDSE-II. Andrews Gang 26257628 26256500 D-2, 65 & 66, Andrews Ganj. 2. Dr. S. Bhattacharjee, 513, Sector-III, R.K. Puram Pushp Vihar 29593193 55672355 Information Awaited 3. Dr. A.K. Dutt, M-18,

Green Park. Hauz Khas 26507894 CGHS Dispensary Building, SDA, New Delhi. 9811979260 4. Dr. P.C. Samal, D-6, Hudco Place, Andrews Ganj. Jangpura 24312213 26266662 Q.No.46, 48, 50, 52, 56, Block No. 8, Jangpura 5. Dr. (Mrs.) Neelam Joshi, E-23, Jangpura Extn. Kalkaji – I 26430857 24314614 CGHS Maternity Centre & Disp., Kalkaji. 6. Dr. (Mrs.) Shakti Malik, 28-Godavari Aptts., Alaknanda Kalkaji-II 26028746 26218411 Qr. LIG DDA, Flat 38-B, 42-43A, 745A, Kalkaji. 7. Dr. (Mrs.) S. Batra, S288, Greater Kailash Kasturba Nagar-I 26622867 26470167 CGHS Polyclinic, Kasturba Nagar, New Delhi 8. Dr. P.C. Samal, B-319, Pragati Vihar Hostel Kasturba Nagar-II 24327736 2436243 R. 525,526,529, 530, 533 Kasturba Nagar. 9. Dr. Brinda, E-34, Kidwai 24624546 2626712 CGHS Own Building, 61-63, F:\CGHS 2005\Brief Summary of CGHS\Address of CGHS Delhi & Outside combined 1.doc Page 8 of 29

Hudco Place, Andrews Ganj. Nagar Building, 61-63, Kidwai Nagar. 10. Dr. G.R. Bhilwar, Sector – C, Pocket – 9, Flat No. 9297, Vasant Kunj. Laxmibai

Nagar 26874643 26892324 CGHS Disp. Building, Near Navyug School, Laxmibai Nagar, new Delhi. 11. Dr. (Mrs.) Kusum Mehra, 3/9, Kalkaji Extn. Lajpat Nagar 29816439 26467832 CGHS Disp. Building, Lajpat Nagar Market, New Delhi. 12. Dr. (Mrs.) Beena Namchoom, N-31, Nivedita Kunj, SectorX, R.K. Puram Moti Bagh 24620333 26177389 CGHS own Building near Begum Zaidi Market, Moti Bagh, New Delhi. 13. Dr. R.K. Goel, D-II A, 2734, Netaji Nagar Munirka 26107983 26116766 DDA Flat, JNU Campus, Munirka. 14. Dr. (Mrs.) Chanda Dutta, H-1518, C.R. Park M.B. Road 29564988 26277234 CGHS own Building, Sector – 1, M.B. Road. 15. Dr. Nandan Raj, Flat No. 1, CGHS Dispensary, R.K. Puram, Sector VIII Malaviya Nagar 26671494 26168278 Senior Secondary School, Malviya Nagar. 16. Dr. (Mrs.) Indira Bishnoi, 381, Sector-IV, R.K. Puram Netaji Nagar

24670222 26170438 CGHS Disp. Building, Netaji Nagar. 17. Dr. (Mrs.) Mridula Singh, 13-70, Swasthya Vihar Nauroji Nagar 26106127 22047173 77, 79, 81, 83-E, Nauroji Nagar. 18. Dr. R.P. Singh, 13-70, Swasthya Vihar Nanakpura 24670444 22047173 CGHS Disp. Building, Nanakpura. 19. Dr. Jeewan Prakash, 5LE, Todarmal Square, Bengali Market, New Delhi R.K. Puram-I 26175132 23320810 Q.No. 817-818, Sector – IV, R.K. Puram. 20. Dr. (Mrs.) Madhu Asthana, C/8/8797, Vasant Kunj R.K. Puram-II 26175323 26893988 CGHS Disp., Building, R.K. Puram, Sector – II, New Delhi 21. Dr. (Mrs.) Sucheta Malhotra, 30-West Avenue, IIT complex, New Delhi R.K. Puram-III 26175490 26581029 CGHS Disp. Building, R.K. Puram, Sector – VI, New Delhi. 22. Dr. S.N. Mishra, 0/5/2, M.S. Flats, R.K. Puram, Sector – XIII R.K.

Puram-IV 26173988 26888946 CGHS Disp. Building, Sector _ VIII, R.K. Puram. F:\CGHS 2005\Brief Summary of CGHS\Address of CGHS Delhi & Outside combined 1.doc Page 9 of 29

Sector – XIII 23. Dr. (Mrs.) Manorama Govil, 132, Vasant Enclave, New Delhi R.K. Puram-V 26170472 26146635 Qr. 810, 818 – 825, Sector – XII, R.K. Puram 24. Dr. (Mrs.) Meera Hazala, Block-N, 20FF, Malviya Nagar R.K. Puram-VI 26173911 26672556 Qr. No. 833,837,839, Sector –13, R.K. Puram, Qr. No. 817 25. Dr. (Mrs.) Geeta Pant, D-II/255, Vinay Marg, Chanakya Puri Sarojini Nagar-I 24170555 26882005 Y-342-346, Sarojini Nagar 26. Dr. D.R. Dey, DII/ A/55, South Moti Bagh Sarojini Nagar-II 24670666 24105119 I – 165, 67, 69, 171, Sarojini Nagar 27. Dr. R.C. Mahapatra, C585, Laxmi Bai Nagar Sarojini Nagar Market 24670777 26874591 G – 150, 152, 154, 156, Sarojini Nagar 28. Dr. (Mrs.) S. Bhatnagar, B-302, Kaveri Apartments, Alaknanda Sadiq.

Nagar 26255516 26023741 CGHS Disp., Near G.K. – I, New Delhi. 29. Dr. R.K. Anand, 16Samroa Bazaar, Jangpura Sri Niwas Puri 26910251 CGHS Maternity Centre / Disp. Building, Srinivaspuri, New Delhi. 9810063762 30. Dr. (Mrs.) Thussu, H. No. 1719, Sector-28, Faridabad. Faridabad 95129241719 9512922712393 NTT, Sector – IV, Faridabad. 31. Dr. (Mrs.) Asha Bagga, J-1188, Palam Vihar, Gurgaon Gurgaon 951242320516 2460717 482/16, Civil Lines, Gurgaon 32. Dr. (Mrs.) Vinoda Lal, 1238, Sector – A, Pocket B, Vasant Kunj. CBI Colony Information Awaited---26890862 33. Dr. (Mrs.) I.K. Judge, P-24, South Extension, Pt-II M&G. Hospital, R.K. Puram 2617490 26251825 RK PuramSector-V New Delhi F:\CGHS 2005\Brief Summary of CGHS\Address of CGHS Delhi & Outside combined 1.doc Page 10 of 29


DR. SAHOO (NEW) CENTHEALTH BHUBANESWAR 06742500127 (TELEFAX) 2506538 (R) 9437007911(M) 09937340988 2404611(Fax) 6. DR.S.S. SAHER, JOINT DIRECTOR,




2405205 (O) 2411890 (FAX) 2314402 (R) cghs@sancharn 15. DR. B.S. JAIN, ADDL. DIRECTOR, CENTRAL GOVT. HEALTH SCHEME, HOTEL RADHA KRISHNA PREMISES, STATION ROAD, JAIPUR302006. CENTHEALTH JAIPUR 01412379717 (O) 2369278 (FAX) 2724242 (R) tddutta@sancha 16. DR. (MRS.) SHASHI BALA PURI, ADDL. DIRECTOR, CENTRAL GOVT. HEALTH SCHEME, KENDRANCHAL COLONY BUILDING, GUL MOHAR VIHAR, P.O. JUHI, KANPUR-208014 CENTHEALTH KANPUR 05122618199 (O) 2618144 (O) 2618122(FAX) 2292364 (R) F:\CGHS 2005\Brief Summary of CGHS\Address of CGHS Delhi & Outside combined 1.doc Page 12 of 29




CGHS(NEW), RANCHI CAMP, A.G. COLONY, CGHS DISP., DORANDA, RANCHI-834002 CENTHEALTH RANCHI 06512265069 (R) 09433142418 (M) F:\CGHS 2005\Brief Summary of CGHS\Address of CGHS Delhi & Outside combined 1.doc Page 13 of 29



KESAVADASAPUAM, TRIVANDRUM-695004. CENTHEALTH TRIVENDRUM 04712449760 (O) 2554329 (FAX) 2542100 (R) F:\CGHS 2005\Brief Summary of CGHS\Address of CGHS Delhi & Outside combined 1.doc Page 14 of 29

State Offices 1. Ahmedabad DR. J. ARJUNAN, JT. DIRECTOR, 2ND FLOOR, “S.R. HOUSE” OPPOSITE MOUNT CARMEL HIGH SCHOOL, ASHRAM ROAD, AHMEDABAD – 380009. Tel. No. - 079-26587798 (O), 26580185 (O), 26587322 (FAX), 27470363 (R) Dispensary Details S. No. Name of Dispensary & Address Name of CMO I/c Tel . No. 1. CGHS Disp. No. 1, Kashi Viswanath Mahadev Trust Building, Out side Shahpur Gate, Shahpur, Ahmedabad Dr. J.N. Mehta, CMO (NFSG) 079-25603848 079-26610616 (R) 2. CGHS Disp. No. 2, Govt. F. Colony, Block No. 34/284, 285, Shahalam Tolnaka, Shaha Alam, Ahmedabad Dr. P.D. Chavda, CMO (NFSG) 079-25393262 079-25391714 (R) 3. CGHS Disp. No. 3, 1, Jeevan Prakash Society, Darpan Six Roads, Nr. St. Xaviers School Road, Navrangpura, Ahmedabad380014 Dr. G.C. Day, CMO (NFSG) 079-26430021 079-27498949 (R) 4. CGHS Disp. No. 4, Qtr. No. M/49/289, 290, Pragatinagar, Naranpura, Ahmedabad Dr. (Mrs.) C. Dey, CMO (NFSG) 079-27478393 079-27498949 (R) 5. CGHS Disp. No. 5, A.G. Staff Qtrs., Block

No. 68/1615, 1616, Meghaninagar, Ahmedabad Dr. (Mrs.) Namrata Bharava, CMO 079-22680487 079-27480270 (R)

2. Allahabad DR. N.K. ANAND, ADDL. DIRECTOR, CENTRAL GOVT. HEALTH SCHEME, 2ND FLOOR, SANGAM PLACE, CIVIL LINES, ALLAHABAD-211001 Tel. No. - 0532-2560578 (O), 25612310 (Fax), 2602712 (R), 2603090 (R) Dispensary Details Sl. No. Name of Incharge Name of Disp. / Polyclinic with Postal Address Tel. No. Dispensary Tel No. Residence 1. Dr. Dilip Kumar Polyclinic, 2nd Floor, Sangam 2560065 2502608 F:\CGHS 2005\Brief Summary of CGHS\Address of CGHS Delhi & Outside combined 1.doc Page 15 of 29

Place, Civil Lines, Allahabad 2. Dr. M.P. Singh Disp. No. 1, 41, I.L.N. Road, Allahabad 2468188 2506196 3. Dr. P.K. Tandon Disp. No. 2, 4/6 Drumond Road Allahabad 2624435 2607683 4. Dr. A.P. Rastogi Disp. No. 3, 113C-1131A, Kalyani Devi, Allahabad 2651530 2233850 5. Dr. S. Barik Disp. No. 4, 9 Bank Road, Allahabad 2642457 2232535 6. Dr. V. Shankar Disp. No. 5, Type-II, 2, 7 & 8 Kendranchal, Dboomnganj, Allahabad 2232562 ---------7. Dr. Ganga Ram Disp. 6, 646, 38 Leader Road, Allahabad 2403822 2436688 8. Dr. D.D. Tarai Disp. No. 7, 97, Industrial Colony, Naini, Allahabad 2697132 2667464


E- WINGH, III RD FLOOR, KENDRYA SADAN, KORAMANGALA, BANGALORE-560034. Tel. No. - 080-255539058 (O), 25500899 (FAX), 25729395 (R) Dispensary Details S. No. Name of CMO I/c Name & Address of Dispensary Tel . No. 1. Dr. (Mrs.) R. Vatsala CGHS Disp. No. 1, Shivajinagar (Functional Dispensary) – 18/1, Infantry Road, Shivajinagar, Bangalore 22861255 2. Dr. (Mrs.) Padma CGHS Disp. No. 2, Malleswaram (Functional Dispensary) – Malleswaram Cooperative Society Building, 8th Cross, Margoss Road, Malleswaram, Bangalore – 560003 2311492 3. Dr. (Mrs.) Lakshmi Dev CGHS Disp. No. 3, Basavanagudi – A-5, Aradhya Complex, Vanivilas Road, Basavanagudi, Bangalore – 550004 26673000 4. Dr. P. Subramnyam CGHS Disp. No. 4, Ulsoor – No. 27, Car Street Ulsoor, Bangalore – 560004 25510759 5. Dr. Y. Narayanaswamy CGHS Disp. No. 5, Vijaynagar – GPRA CPWD Quarters, Vijaynagar, Bangalore – 560040 23351893 6. Dr. P.S. Gupta CGHS Disp. No. 6, Jayanagar – No. 57/190, R.V. Road, 2nd Block, Jayanagar, Bangalore – 26570202 F:\CGHS 2005\Brief Summary of CGHS\Address of CGHS Delhi & Outside combined 1.doc Page 16 of 29

560011 7. Dr. J.A. Ananda Alwar CGHS Disp. No. 7, Koramangala, CPWD Quarters, Koramangala, Bangalore – 560034 25539277 8. Dr. (Mrs.) U. Pramila Rani CGHS Disp. No. 8, Domlur, CPWD Quarters, Domlur, Bangalore – 560038 25355662 9. Dr. K.M. Shivakumar CGHS Disp. No. 9, Gangenahalli – 256, 1st

Cross, II Main Ganganagar, Layout, Bangalore 23330320 10. Dr. H. Chikkabyrappa CGHS Disp. No. 10, DRDO Complex – DRDO Complex, C.V. Raman Nagar, Bangalore – 560093 25243236 11. Dr. K.H.S. Rao CGHS POLYCLINIC, Shivajinagar – No. 119/1 & 2, Infantry Road, Shivajinagar, Bangalore – 560001 22869225

4. Bhopal DR. J.P. SHAKYA, JOINT DIRECTOR, CENTRAL GOVT. HEALTH SCHEME, POLICE ITE BUILDING, JAHANGIRABAD, BHOPAL-462 008 (M.P) Tel. No. - 0755-2768621(TELEFAX), 2562042 (R) Dispensary Details S. No. Name of Dispensary & Address Name of CMO I/c Tel . No. 1. CGHS, Police I.T. Building, Jahangirabad, Bhopal (M.P.) Dr. V.S. Tomar 2765071

5. Bhubaneshwar Postal Address of this Unit Govt. of India, Ministry of Health & F.W. Office of the Joint Director, CGHS, A.G. Colony, Unit-IV, Bhubanewar-01 Name of the Joint Director / CMO I/c Dr. R.C. Samal, Joint Director Poly clinic Nil Office telephone Number 0674-2500127 (O) 0674-2500127 (FAX) 0674-2506538 (R) Name of the CMO I/c Dr. D. Sahoo Telephone No. 0674-2403545 F:\CGHS 2005\Brief Summary of CGHS\Address of CGHS Delhi & Outside combined 1.doc Page 17 of 29



E-II, C, RAJAJI BHAWAN, BESANT NAGAR, CHENNAI-600090 Tel. No. - 044- 24901886 (O), 24916955 (FAX), 2491924 (R), 09444367757 [email protected] Dispensary Details S. No. Name of CMO I/c Address of Dispensary Tel . No. 1. Dr. (Mrs.) Yesodha Thanikachalam, CMO (NFSG) Adyar Dispensary, Block No l. 122/169-170, CPWD Quarters, Indira Nagar, Adyar, Chenai600020 24415251 2. Dr. T. Krishna, CMO (NFSG) Ana Nagar Dispensary & Polyclinic Central Revenue Quarters, No. 15, Ranganathan Garden, Anna Nagar, Chennai-600040 26160531, 26160971, 26160853 3. Dr. P. Venkatachalapathy, CMO (NFSG) George Town Dispensary, No. 64, Thathamuthiappan Street, George Town, Chennai-600001 25220585 4. Dr. K. Babu Rao, CMO (NFSG) Gopalapuram Dispensary, No. 1, 1st Street, Gopalapuram, Chennai-600086 28114535 5. Dr. S. Palanivelu, CMO (NFSG) Guindy Dispensary, Block No. 6/1-5, BCG Staff Quarters, Guindy, Chennai-600032 22351242 6. Dr. P. Damodaran, CMO (NFSG) K.K. Nagar Dispensary & Polyclinic GPRA Complex, CPWD Quarters, K.K. Nagar, Chennai – 600078 24745646, 24744242 7. Dr. (Mrs.) S. Geetha,

CMO (NFSG) Meenambakkam Dispensary, DGQA Complex, Meenambakkam, Chennai-600114 22326373 8. Dr. B. Sundararaju, CMO (NFSG) Nandambakkam Dispensary, Quarter No. 16-19 – CDA Residential Complex, Nandambakkam, Chennai-600089 22312153 9. Dr. (Mrs.) A. Vatsala, CMO (NFSG) Nungambakkam Dispensary C&B Block, 1st Floor, Shastri Bhavan, Haddows Road, Chennai - 600006 28277607 F:\CGHS 2005\Brief Summary of CGHS\Address of CGHS Delhi & Outside combined 1.doc Page 18 of 29

10. Dr. (Mrs.) Jacinth Augustine, CMO (NFSG) Perambur Dispensary, No 28, Perambur High Road, Perambur, Chennai – 600012 26621198 11. Dr. (Mrs.) E. Leelavathy, CMO (NFSG) Raja Annamalai Puram Dispensary No. 6, Kamaraj Saalai, R.A. Puram, Chennai – 600028 24938775 12. Dr. N.K. Eswaran, CMO (NFSG) Royapuram Dispensary, No. 108 & 109, Mannar Swami Koil Street, Royapuram, Chennai – 600013 25900851 13. Dr. A. Doraiswamy, CMO (NFSG) Triplicane Dispensary, No. 54, Akbar Sahib Street, Triplicane, Chennai – 600005. 28510049 14. Dr. (Mrs.) K. Mee nakshi, CMO (NFSG) Vepery Dispensary, No. 143, Perambur Barracks Road Vepery, Chennai – 600007 25322179

8. Dehradun Dr. JAYANT KUMAR, THE JOINT DIRECTOR, CGHS DEHRADUN, 19 NAVYUG ENCLAVE, INDRAPURAM PHASE- III, MILAN VIHAR, DEHRADUN. Tel. No. - 0135-2521235 (TEL. FAX), 9837091603(M), 2761718 (R), 2761122 (FAX) Dispensary Details S. No. Name of Dispensary & Address Name of CMO I/c Tel . No. 1. CGHS Disp. – 20, Navyug Enclave, Indirapuram, Milan Vihar, Phase – II, G.M.S.Road, Dehradun Dr. M.S. Rana, CMO (NFSG) 0135 – 2521235

9. Guwahati DR. P.D. PARUAH, JOINT DIRECTOR, CENTRAL GOVT. HEALTH SCHEME, PINAKI PETH, 7TH BY LANE, ZOO NARANGI, TINALI, GUWAHATI-781 003 Tel. No. - 0361-2457742 (TELEFAX), 2267806(R), 2268516 (R), 2457742(O) Dispensary Details S. No. Name of Dispensary Name of CMO I/c Tel . No. 1. CGHS Disp. No. I Dr. (Mrs.) N. Borgohatn 2269743 (O) 2333861 (R) 2. CGHS Disp. No. II Dr. I.D. Deka 2552304 (O) 2411181 (R) F:\CGHS 2005\Brief Summary of CGHS\Address of CGHS Delhi & Outside combined 1.doc Page 19 of 29

3. CGHS Disp. No. III Dr. (Mrs.) K.M. Patir 2485454 (O) 2661719 (R)

10. Hyderabad DR. P.V.S. RAO, ADDL. DIRECTOR, CENTRAL GOVT. HEALTH SCHEME, KENDRIYA SWASTHYA BHAWAN, BEGUMPET, HYDERABAD-500016 Tel. No. 040 - 27902316 (O), 27900115(FAX), 27634499 (R), 9440844499(M) E-mail – RATNAKAR_C@ Dispensary Details S. No. Name of CMO I/C. of Disp. / Polyclinic Postal Address of Disp. / Polyclinic Tel. No. 1. Dr. Eswara Prasad, D-I, Charmina, Hyderabad 23-1-693/1/1, Moghulpura, Hyd. 24525415 2. Dr. (Mrs.) Amulya, D-II, Humayunagar, Hyd.

10-3-273/10, Humayunnagar, Hyd 23531833 3. Dr. I.E.L.N. Rao, DpIII, Secunderabad 6-1-103/5, Padmaraonagar, Secundarabad 27508899 4. Dr. G. Range Swamy DpIV, Begumpet, Hyd. K.S. Bhawan, Begumpet, Hyderabad 27904259 5. Dr. (Mrs.) Sobha Chand DpV, Humayatnagar, Hyd. Oilseeds Qtrs., Himayatnagar, Hyd. 23220454 6. Dr. B.S.R.S.A. Sarma, DpVI, Kachiguda Kendriya Sadan, Sultanbazar, Hyd. 24734901 7. Dr. A.J.N. Murthy, D-VII, Malakpet 16-3-994/A/1, Chanchalguda, Hyd. 24529090 8. Dr. P.N. Murthy, D-VII, Kanchanbagh DRDO Complex, Kanchanbagh, Hyd. 24640685 9. Dr (Mrs.) I. Fernes, D-IX, Alwal, Secunderabad 8-88 & 89, Alwal, Senderabad 27972563 10. Dr. (Mrs.) D. Hymavathi, D-X, Ameerpet AGS Staff Qtrs. Yousufguda, Hyd. 23810449 11. Dr. (Mrs.) rekha Chandra, DXI, Kakatiyanagar 9-4-84/20, Kakatiyanagar, Hyd. 23513955 12. Dr (Mrs.) L. Kanthamma, DXII, Dilsuknagar

7/2A, Balaji Complex, Dilsuknagar, Hyd. 24066222 13. Dr. (Mrs.) Pramila Tripathi, DXII, Tamaka St. No. 5, Tarnaka, yd. 27019223 F:\CGHS 2005\Brief Summary of CGHS\Address of CGHS Delhi & Outside combined 1.doc Page 20 of 29

Polyclinics S. No. Name of CMO I/C. of Disp. / Polyclinic Postal Address of Disp. / Polyclinic Tel. No. 1. Dr. R Narayanan, PC-I, KS Bhawan KS Bhavan, Begumpet, Hyd. 27902051 2. Dr. Ravindra Joshi, PC-II, AGS Office Bldg. AGS Office Bldg., Hyd. 23232911 3. Dr (Mrs.) A. Sultana CE Bldg., PC Hyd. CE Bldg., Hyd. 23240445

11. Jabalpur DR. P. NEMA, JOINT DIRECTOR, CENTRAL GOVT. HEALTH SCHEME, 323, NEPIER TOWN, NEAR UTI BANK, JABALPUR-482001 Tel. No. – 0761 - 2405205 (O), 2411890 (FAX), 2314402 (R) E-mail - [email protected] Dispensary Details S. No. Name of Dispensary & Address Name of CMO I/c Tel . No. 1. Disp. No. 1, Napier Town Dispensary – 249, Napier Town, Shashtri Bridge Chowk, Jabalpur – 482001 Dr. O.P. Saxena, CMO (NFSG) (0761) 2405205 2404553 2. Disp. No. 2, I.B.N. Colony Disp. – Qtr NO. 9 to 12, Type III, Indian Bureau of Mines Colony, (Kamala Nehru Nagar), Garha Road, Jabalpur – 482002 Dr. R.N. Gupta, CMO (NFSG) (0761) 2416805 3. Disp. No. 3, Civil Line Disp. – 640, Civil Lines, Behind Civil Lines Police Station, Jabalpur – 482001 Dr. M.S. Nety, CMO (NFSG) (0761) 2623967 4. Administrative Office – 249, Napier Town, Shastri Bridge Chowk, Near UTI

Bank, Jabalpur. Dr. P. Nema, Jt. Director (0761) 2405205 2411890

12. Jaipur DR. B.S. JAIN, ADDL. DIRECTOR, CENTRAL GOVT. HEALTH SCHEME, HOTEL RADHA KRISHNA PREMISES, STATION ROAD, JAIPUR-302006. Tel. No. - 0141- 2379717 (O), 2369278 (FAX), 2724242 (R) E-mail - [email protected] F:\CGHS 2005\Brief Summary of CGHS\Address of CGHS Delhi & Outside combined 1.doc Page 21 of 29

Dispensary Details S. No. Name of CMO I/C. of Disp. / Polyclinic Postal Address of Disp. / Polyclinic Tel. No. 1. Dr. (Mrs. ) Kamlesh Gupta, CMO CGHS Disp. NO. 1, Chandan Mahal, Choura Rasta, Jaipur. 0141 – 2317086 2. Dr. R.K. Gupta, CMO CGHS Disp. NO. 2, B-121, Janta Colony, Jaipur 0141 – 2614407 3. Dr. R.K. Das, CMO CGHS Disp. No. 3, A.G. Colony, Bajaj Nagar, Jaipur 0141 – 2710836 4. Dr. V.S. Shekhawat, CMO CGHS Disp. No. 4, D-143/A, Kaushalya Path, Basant Marg, Banipark, Jaipur 0141 – 2203130 5. Dr. S. Capoor, CMO CGHS Disp. No. 5, Income Tax Colony, Jyoti Nagar, Jaipur 0141 – 2740748 6. Dr. (Mrs.) N.P. Grover, Consultant- in-Medicine, Officer Incharge CGHS Polyclinic, A.G. Colony, Bajaj Nagar, Jaipur 0141 – 2710021

13. Kanpur

DR. (MRS.) SHASHI BALA PURI, ADDL. DIRECTOR, CENTRAL GOVT. HEALTH SCHEME, KENDRANCHAL COLONY BUILDING, GUL MOHAR VIHAR, P.O. JUHI, KANPUR-208014 Tel. No. – 0512 - 2618199 (O), 2618144 (O), 26181822(FAX), 2292364 (R) Dispensary Details S. No. Name of CMO I/c Name & Address of Dispensary Tel . No. 1. Dr. S.S. Singh Titingyal CGHS Dispensary 15/45 (A&B) Civil Lines, Kanpur. 2306876 2. Dr. (Mrs.) Rekha Saxena CGHS Dispensary, Saketnagar, Near Sushila Nursing Home, Kanpur. 2666240 3. Dr. Ashok Kumar CGHS Dispensary, 110/58, R.K. Nagar, Kanpur 2542379 4. Dr. Kali Charan CGHS Dispensary, E-15, Khanpramohal, Kanpur. 2322924 5. Dr. (Mrs.) Kusum Lata CGHS Dispensary, Kidwainagar, Kanpur (128/H/123, Kidwainagar, Kanpur) 2643379 6. Dr. R.C. Gupta CGHS Dispensary, 89, Gandhi Gram, Kanpur. 2403733 7. Dr. Arvind Bawa CGHS Dispensary, Pandunagar, 117/H-2/28, Pandunagar, Kanpur. 2217339 8. Dr. Kuldeep CGHS Dispensary, A/186, Azadnagar, Kanpur. 2560272 9. Dr. Santosh Kumar CGHS Dispensary, 155, Z-1, Barra, Kanpur. 2612372 F:\CGHS 2005\Brief Summary of CGHS\Address of CGHS Delhi & Outside combined 1.doc Page 22 of 29

14. Kolkata DR. B. BISWAS, ADDL. DIRECTOR, CENTRAL GOVT. HEALTH SCHEME, IVTH FLOOR, 8, ESPLANADE EAST, KOLKATA Tel. No. – 033 - 22103921 (O), 22485346 (Fax), 24435069 (R) cghs [email protected] Dispensary Details S. No. Name of CMO I/C. of Disp. / Polyclinic Postal Address of Disp. / Polyclinic Tel. No. 1. Dr. S.K. Saha Belvedere, Flat NO. 68, Belvedere Estate, Kolkata – 700029 2479-1153

2. Dr. (Mrs.) Pratima Rakshit Lake Area, Flat No. 55 & 56, Lake Govt. Qrts., Southern Avenue, Kolkata – 700029 2466-1733 3. Dr. S.K. Sahu Dover Lane, Dover Lane Govt. Qrts., Kolkata – 700029 2461-9292 4. Dr. D.K. Biswas Narkeldanga, Flat No. 27 & 28, Narkeldanaga Govt. Qrts., Kolkata – 700054 2320-3998 5. Dr. P. Malhotra Shyambazar, 7-A, Kalachand Sanyal Lane, Kolkata – 700054 2555-6385 6. Dr. R.N. Karmakar Regent Estate, 102, Regent Estate, Kolkata92 2412-5528 7. Dr. J. Bhattacherjee Bhownipur-Kalighat, 1-A, Satish Mukherjee Road, Kolkata – 700025 2464-1852 8. Dr. (Mrs.) J. Ray Bidhan Sarani, 168, Bidhan Sarani, Kolkata – 700006 2555-8034 9. Dr. A. Sikder Mint Colony, 9, Mint Guard House, Kolkata – 700053 2401-0558 10. Dr. S.K. Mondal B.B.D. Bag, 39, Rabindra Sarani, Kolkata – 700073 2235-8282 11. Dr. K.K. Patra Santragachi, Govt. of India Press Colony, Santragachi, Howrah. 2657-1526 12. Dr. R.D. Maduli Salt-Lake (AF), Bidhan Nagar, B1-AF, SecI, F1-209 & 210, Kolkata – 700064 2337-4635 13. Dr. P.R. Biswas AIR-PORT, New Qrts., Dum Dum Kolkata52 2511-9442 14. Dr. R.K. Das Lake-Town, P-112, Kalindi Housing Scheme, Lake-Town, Kolkata-700089 2522-2137 15. Dr. (Mrs.) U. Sikder Tollygunge, Gollygunge C.G. Qrts., Complex, Gr. Floor, Type-II, Kolkata –

700089 2411-6059 16. Dr. A. Golder Salt-Lake (EB), Qrts. No. 81& 82, Type-C, 2334-4849 F:\CGHS 2005\Brief Summary of CGHS\Address of CGHS Delhi & Outside combined 1.doc Page 23 of 29

Kolkata-700092 17. Dr. N.C. Mondal Kudghat, 51-A, Gangapuri, Purbaputiari, Kolkata – 700092 2431-1328 18. Dr. Ashis Biswas POLYCLINIC - Salt-Lake IC Block Polyclinic, Kolkata - 700091 2335-2801

15. Lucknow DR. A.K. MITRA, ADDL. DIRECTOR, CENTRAL GOVT. HEALTH SCHEME, 9-A, RANA PRATAP MARG, LUCKNOW-226001 Tel. No. - 0522- 2611480 (FAX), 2621668 (O), 2508377 (O), 2353160 (R), 9415010528(M) E – mail - [email protected] Dispensary Details S. No. Name of Dispensary & Address Name of CMO I/c Tel . No. 1. CGHS Disp. No. I, 372/12, Mewa Nursery, Nishatganj, Lucknow Dr. Ashok Kumar Agarwal 0522-2781707 2. CGHS Disp. No. II, Skylark Building, Nawal Kishor Road, Lucknow Dr. Vinay Kumar Bansal 0522- 2613763 3. CGHS Disp. No. III, 21, Patel Nagar, Alambagh, Lucknow Dr. Siya Ram Singh 0522- 2454715 4. CGHS Disp. No. IV, 58 Nazeer Building, Nakkhas, Lucknow Dr. Ram Sewak 0522-2260238 5. CGHS Disp. No. V, 12B, Mall Avenue, Luckonw Dr. Rakesh Asthana 0522-2238841 6. CGHS Disp. No. VI, HS 1/10, Sector-Q, Ram Ram Bank Chauraha, Aliganj, Luckonw

Dr. Siddharth Kumar Chaudhary 0522-2364621 7. POLYCLINIC, Skylark Building, Nawal Kishor Road, Luckonw Dr. Gopal Krishna 0522-2618585 F:\CGHS 2005\Brief Summary of CGHS\Address of CGHS Delhi & Outside combined 1.doc Page 24 of 29

16. Meerut DR. R.K. AGARWAL, JOINT DIRECTOR, CENTRAL GOVT. HEALTH SCHEME, SWASTHYA BHAWAN, SURAJ KUND ROAD, MEERUT. Tel. No. – 95121 - 2601426 (O), 2620090 (R), 2661734 (FAX) Dispensary Details S. No. Name of Dispensary & Address Name of CMO I/c Tel . No. 1. S.K. Road Dispensary, Swasthya Bhavan, Surgaj Kund Dr. A.K. Agarwal, CMO (NFSG) 2763159 2. CGHS Disp. Mohanpuri, 124, Avas Vikas Colony, New Mohanpuri, Meerut Dr. C.M. Kohli, CMO (NFSG) 2641320 3. CGHS Dispensary, Vijay Nagar – 154, Western Kutchery Road, Meerut Dr. S.C. Govil, CMO (NFSG) 2642981 4. CGHS Disp., Abu Lane, 171/V Abu Lane Meerut Dr. Jai Pal Singh, CMO (NFSG) 2661739 5. CGHS Disp., Lekha Nagar, DAD Quarters, Lekha Nagar, Meerut Dr (Mrs.) Nirmal Baliga, CMO (NFSG) 2647895 6. CGHS Disp., Kanker Kehra, Shardhapuri Kanker, Kehra Meerut Dr. Chander Prakash, CMO (NFSG) 2556394

17. Mumbai DR. K.N. JOG, ADDL. DIRECTOR, CENTRAL GOVT. HEALTH SCHEME, UNITED INDIA BUILDING, 2ND FLOOR, SIR PM ROAD, FORT, MUMBAI-400001 Tel. No. – 022 - 22641354 (O), 22660249(FAX), 26840776 (R) E-mail - [email protected] Dispensary Details S. No. Name of CMO I/C. of Disp. / Polyclinic Postal Address of Disp. / Polyclinic Tel. No. 1. Dr. (Mrs.) S.O. Verma CGHS Dispensary No. 1, C.G.O. CGO Building, M.K. Road, Mumbai - 400020 22018799 2. Dr. (Mrs.) J.K. Singam CGHS Dispensary No.2, Pedder Road, Income tax Flats, Pedder Road, Mumbai – 400026 23516680 3. Dr. M.M. Lunwara CGHS Dispensary No. 3, Worli, 25-C, Sea Race, Opp. Flora Hotel, Thadani Marg, Worli, Mumbai – 400018. 24932909 F:\CGHS 2005\Brief Summary of CGHS\Address of CGHS Delhi & Outside combined 1.doc Page 25 of 29

4. Dr. M.L. Bawane CGHS Dispensary No. 4, Mahim Building 13, Minti Colony, Type-I Qtr., Mahim, Mumbai-400018 24454135 5. Dr. A.R. Bora CGHS Dispensary No. 5, Santacruz, Near Airport Colonu, Santacruz, Mumbai – 400028 28210971 6. Dr. (Miss.) N. Idnani CGHS Dispensary No. 6, Ghatkopar, Flat No. 25, C.G.S. Colony, Ghatkopar, Mumbai – 400088 25149229 7. Dr. (Mrs.) S. Gopalan CGHS Dispensary No. 7, Wadala, CGHS Quarters, Flat 226-227, Type IV, Wadala, Mumbai – 400031 24124515

8. Dr. (Mrs.) V. Saraswathy CGHS Dispensary No. 8, Koliwada, Building No 21, Sector I, Kane Nagar, Mumbai – 400031. 24013694 9. Dr. D.M. Kamble CGHS Dispensary No. 9, CLI Central Labour Inst. Premises, Trombay Road, Sion, Mumbai-400022 24081616 10. Dr. S.P. Athyle CGHS Dispensary No. 10, Bandra, Plot No. 215, 31st Road, Bandra Sadan Annexe, Bandra, Mumbai – 400050. 26428114 11. Dr. K.N. Murthy CGHS Dispensary No. 11, Byculla, Khan Mansion, Flat NO. 1, Victoria Road, Byculla Mumbai –400027 23722150 12. Dr.(Mrs.) K.D. Sharma CGHS Dispensary No. 14, Vakola, P&T Colony, Vakola, Mumbai – 400028 26650366 13. Dr. K.K. Navale CGHS Dispensary No. 15, Deonar, Deanor Post Office Building, Telecom Factory Camp, Deonar, Mumbai-400088 25512137 14. Dr. (Mrs.) S. Yesuratnam CGHS Dispensary No. 16, Matunga, Type III, OCS Qrts., No. 230, Mogul Lae, Mahim, Mumbai – 400018. 24376812 15. Dr. (Mrs.) J.K. Patki CGHS Dispensary No. 17, Bhandup, Flat No. 321-322, Type IV CGS Qtrs., Bhandup, Mumbai-400078 25819655 16. Dr. S.V. Deshpande CGHS Dispensary No., Vikhroli, Flat No. 81 & 83, Type III, OCS Qrts., Vikroli, Mumbai-400083 25782421 17. Dr. N. Mandal CGHS Dispensary No. 19, Mulund, Bldg., NO B-2, Type II, P&T colony, Mulund (W), Mumbai-400080

25616267 18. Dr. (Mrs.) D. Desai CGHS Dispensary No. 20, Goregaon, Siddharth Nagar, Bldg., No. 38, Near Samrat Talkies, Goregaon (W) 28722188 19. Dr. (Mrs.) N.S. Bhatia CGHS Dispensary No. 21, SAHAR, P&T Colony, Sahar, Mumbai-400029. 28210959 F:\CGHS 2005\Brief Summary of CGHS\Address of CGHS Delhi & Outside combined 1.doc Page 26 of 29

20. Dr. (Mrs.) S. Haridas CGHS Dispensary No. 22, Shaikh Mistry, S.M. Plot, Koliwada, Mumbai-400037 24015758 21. Dr. V.S. Kulkarni CGHS Dispensary No. 23, Parel, Govt. Mint Colony, Bldg. No. 20, F1 – 41-43, Sai Baba Marg, Parel, Mumbai-400012 24137276 22. Dr. (Mrs.) A.V. Mukne CGHS Dispensary No. 24, Kanjurmarg, Naval Armament Depot Campus, Kanjurmarg, Pawai, Mumbai – 400078 25784026 23. Dr. D.D. Malekar CGHS Dispensary No. 25, Jogeshwari, Bldg. NO. 10-12, Income tax Colony, Jogeswari (E), Mumbai-400082 28210948 24. Dr. (Mrs.) V.P. Halarankar CGHS Dispensary No. 26, Seepz, Seepz Qtrs. complex, Qrts. No. D-2, Andheri (E), Mumbai-400098 28365751 25. Dr. (Mrs.) N.M. Bawane CGHS Sub-Dispensary, Juhu, Aerodrome Opp. Nanavati Hospital, Juhu, Mumbai400057 26601744 26. Dr. (Mrs.) L. Allawadi CGHS Sub-Dispensary Nepean Sea Road, Hyderabad Estate, N.S. Road, Mumbai400006.


Polyclinics 27. Dr. M. Somashekhar CGHS Polyclinic, Ballard Estate, Commerce House, Karimbhoy Street, Ballard Estate, Mumbai – 400038 22619267 28. Dr. B.T. Kudwa CGHS Polyclinic Koliwada, Building No. 221, Sector I, Kane Nagar, Mumbai – 400037 24013449

18. Nagpur DR. R.S. KULKARNI, ADDL. DIRECTOR, CENTRAL GOVT. HEALTH SCHEME, T.V. TOWER SQUARE, SWASTH BHAWAN, SEMINARY HILLS, NAGPUR-440006. Tel. No. – 0712 - 2510620 (TELEFAX), 2534723 (R), 9823049013(M) Dispensary Details S. No. Name of Disp./ Polyclinic Name of Incharge Postal Address Tel. No. 1. CGHS Polyclinic Dr. P.V. Koranne Katol Road, CPWD Quarters 2580299 2. CGHS Disp. No. 1 Dr. W.N. Kale Katol Road, CPWD Quarters 2581773 3. CGHS Disp. No. 2 Dr. U.N. Gupte Civil Lines, CPWD 2560310 F:\CGHS 2005\Brief Summary of CGHS\Address of CGHS Delhi & Outside combined 1.doc Page 27 of 29

Quarters 4. CGHS Disp. No. 2A Dr. (Mrs.) N. Hirani Seminary Hills CPWD Quarters 2511398 5. CGHS Disp. No. 3 Dr. A.S. Kewalramani Pachpaoli, Near Kamal Talkies 2640684 6. CGHS Disp. No. 4 Dr. V.S. Kane Itwari, Ganga Bhavan, Tel. Exchange Square 2764600 7. CGHS Disp. No. 5 Dr. A.G. Nashikkar Med. Square, 80

Handa’s Building, Rambag 2744490 8. CGHS Disp. No. 6 Dr. (Mrs.) P.S. Bhave Shankarnagar Dispensary, Shivajinagar 2549781 9. CGHS Disp. No. 7 Dr. A.C. Morey Sitabuldi, ‘O’ Miles, RBI, Square 2565169 10. CGHS Disp. No. 8 Dr. (Mrs.) J.R. Saraf Khamala, 7&8, Laxman Appartments, Sai Mandir, Wardha Road, 2226516 11. CGHS Disp. No. 9 Dr. M.K. Chachondia Shakkardhara, Tiranga Chowk 2749379 12. NADT Miniature CGHS Disp. Dr. K.G. Kuhikar NADT, Complex, Chhindwada Rd. 2583609

19. Patna Information Officer – Dr. S.I. Amir, CMO (NFSG) Office Address Tel. No. Residential Address Tel. No. CGHS Dispensary, Budha Marg, Patna – 800001 2221479 Askari Villa, Sultan Gunj, Patna City. 2682786 Appellate Authority – Dr. T.S. Bhat, Additional Director Office Address Tel. No. Residential Address Tel. No. Office of Additional Director, CGHS, Chajjubagh, Near AIR Station, Patna – 800001 2221819 C/O Sri R.P. Sinha, Rtd. Chief Engineer, 116/B, Budha Colony, Patna – 800001 2525991 F:\CGHS 2005\Brief Summary of CGHS\Address of CGHS Delhi & Outside combined 1.doc Page 28 of 29


PUNE-411037 Tel. No. – 020 – 24262831, 24269461 (FAX), E-mail - [email protected] Dispensary Details S. No. Name of CMO I/C. of Disp. / Polyclinic Postal Address of Disp. / Polyclinic Tel. No. 1. Dr. R.R. Naik CGHS Dispensary No. 1, Qtr. No. 1,2 & 9, Bldg. No. 46, DAD Complex, Wanowrie Range Pune-411040 24275430 2. Dr. K.K. Kothari CGHS Dispensary No. 2, ……………….. …………………… …………… 26693709 3. Dr. (Mrs.) S. Gaur CGHS Dispensary No. 3, CAD Chitragupta Complex, Hidayattullah Road, Pune-411042 26455163 4. Dr. S.B. Nadoni CGHS Dispensary No. 4, 23, Mangalwar Peth, Pune-411011 26120018 5. Dr. S.R. Pashupatinath CGHS Dispensary No. 5, Armament Colony, Banashwada Road, Pune – 411007 25652045 6. ………………. ………………………………… . ……………. ………. …..………….. 25819776 7. Dr. (Mrs.) M.D. Joshi CGHS Dispensary No. 7, Swasthya Sadan, Mukund Nagar, Pune – 411037 24266402 8. Dr. Anand Rao CGHS Polyclinic, Swasthya Sadan, Mukund Nagar, Punej-411037 24269311

21. Ranchi DR. K.K. SINGH, JOINT DIRECTOR, CGHS, NEW A.G. COLONY, POST DORANDA, RANCHI-834002 Tel. No. – 0651 - 2480858 (O), 2482623 (O), 2412517(FAX) (PP), 2265069 (R) Name : Dr. (Mrs.) Pushp Lata Aind, CMO I/c., CGHS, Ranchi Address : (Office) C/o I/o the Joint Director, CGHS (New), Deep villa, 10A, Purulia Road Kanta Toli, District – Ranchi – 834001. Phone No. 0651-2482623 (PP). Phone is yet to be installed in new CGHS Premises. F:\CGHS 2005\Brief Summary of CGHS\Address of CGHS Delhi & Outside combined 1.doc Page 29 of 29

22. Shillong DR. B. BAISHYA, ADDITIONAL DIRECTOR, CGHS, C/O REGIONAL DIRECTOR, HEALTH & FAMILY WELFARE, DHENKHETI, NEAR SHILLONG COLLEGE, SHILLONG –793003 Tel. No. 0364 - 2520652 (O), 2520626 (R), 9864049019(M), Name of CMO I/c. : Dr. L.S. Singh, CMO I/c. CGHS Dispensary No. I, Laitumkhrat, Shillong. Postal Address of Disp. : Dispensary No. I, P.O. Laitumkhra, Shillong – 793003. Office Tel. No. : (0364) – 2501569.

23. Trivendrum DR. JOYCE MATHEWS, JOINT DIRECTOR, CENTRAL GOVT. HEALTH SCHEME, 3/45, KESAVADASAPUAM, TRIVANDRUM-695004. Tel. No. – 0471 - 2449760 (O), 2554329 (FAX), 2542100 (R) Dispensary Details S. No. Name of the CMO I/c. Address of the Dispensary Tel. No. of Dispensary 1 Dr. M.K. Mohammed Aslam CGHS, Disp. No. 1, 3/120, Kesavadasapuram, Trivandrum-4 2443452 2. Dr. D. Vinod Kumar CGHS Disp. No.2, C.P. Gopalapanicker Lane, Sasthamangalam, Trivandrum-10 2728110 3. Dr. V.P. Philip CGHS Disp. No. 3, Dharmadesan Lane, Vanchiyoor, Trivandrum-35 2471143 1. Abeyance of orders to decentralize settlement of MRC of pensioners 2. Ceiling rate of Hip and Knee replacement Implants 07.03.1995 3. Ceiling rate of Intra- ocular Lens - 21.12.2004 4. ceiling rate of stents-Rotablator-single and Dual chamber pace maker - see also OM dated 1.8.2005 5. Cost of OPD medicines reimbursable under emergency -18.02.2000 6. Cypher Stent - 10.03.2003 see also OM dated 1.8.2005

7. Delegation of powers to HOD for permission - Ex-post facto approval – in respect of serving employees – OM dated 7/3/2000. 8. Enhancement of CGHS Subscription - 20.09.20049. Ex- Governors and ex- Vice-Presidents - medical facilities-see also OM dated 31.01.2004. 10. Ex- Governors reimbursement -30.01.2004 11. Fixed medical allowance of Rs.100 to pensioners in non-CGHS 12. Gant of Medical Advance upto 90% -13.05.1997 13. Issue of CGHS cards directly by 23 CGHS cities to pensioners 14. Issue of medicines for '3' months power to CMO incharge-13. 15. OM -07.09.2001 page 1 16. OM dated 7.09.2001page 2 17. orders to decentralize settlement of MRC of pensioners from departments from where retired. 18. Permission to avail IPD Tt. in CS(MA) Hospitals – Chandigarh , Bhopal and Shillong 19. Post. operative follow up Tt. -10.04.2001 20. Raising income limit of dependants on CGHS card to Rs.1500 – also see OM dt. 15th September 2004. 21. Raising income limit to Rs.1500- for dependants on CGHS Card OM dt.15/9/2004 22. Referral System - 24.10.2000 see also OM dated 7.3.2000. 23. Referral System OM dt. 07.04.1999 - see also OM dt. 7.3.2000 24. Reimbursement for treatment in CGHS and CS(MA) hospitals while on tour / visit / emergency 25. Reimbursement of cost of OPD medicines - Post op. follow up Tt. 26. Reimbursement of Dentures- 13.12.2001 27. Reimbursement of same medical bills from '2' sources - CGHS and Insurance

28. Revised rates of Coronary Stents -01.08.2005 29. Revision of pay-slabs for entitlement- 04.09.1998 30. Revision of treatment charges at LRS Hospital - 03.02.2000 31. See OM dated 30.01.2004 also -Ex- Governors reimbursement initially by Raj Bhawan see also OM dt. 30.01.2004. 32. Simplification of procedure for referral system -11.06.1997 33. Stop referral to 7 hospitals and 2 diagnostic centres – Delhi 34. Taxus Stent - 08.03.2004-see also OM dated 1.8.2005 35. Treatment at AIIMS - no permission required -05.11.2001

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