Cfr - Iran Resources

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  • Words: 382
  • Pages: 2
IRAN RESOURCES NEWS Al-jazeera BBC Iran Press Service Islamic Republic News Agency Middle East Media Research Institute Tehran Times

English-language version Middle East news News from opposition group News service of the Iranian government News analysis Iranian daily

BACKGROUND / HISTORY International Crisis Group Iran Virtual Library Library of Congress US Department of State United Nations

History, briefings, reports History, chronologies, statistics, more Iran: a Country Study History, statistics Statistics

IRAN: foreign policy, governmental sources Constitution of Iran Permanent Mission of Iran to the UN Presidency of Iran Interests Section, Islamic Republic of Iran Ministry of Foreign Affairs Governmental bodies, ministries

Washington DC office Foreign policy statements, official stances, issues

UNITED STATES: foreign policy with Iran Congressional Research Service "Iran: current developments and US policy" (7.03) Congress Testimony on Iran Department of Commerce Trade with Iran Department of Energy Energy data, forecasts, country briefings White House State of the Union address, 1.29.02 ("Axis of evil") EU: foreign policy with Iran

Overview, news, documents

ISSUES Nuclear weapons, non-proliferation Arms Control Association Carnegie Endowment Center for Nonproliferation Studies Center for Nonproliferation Studies Center for Defense Information Federation of American Scientists

Iran: Documents, news, analysis Country Resources: Iran WMD in the Middle East: Iran WMD411: Primer on Iran Iran updates

--Special weapons guide --Intelligence agencies International Atomic Energy Agency

--IAEA & Iran: news, reports, resolutions --Implementation of the NPT Safeguards Agreement in Iran, 6.04 Iran Non-Proliferation Act of 2000 Human rights & democracy Amnesty International Human Rights Watch --Iran news --"Torture, Detention...Crushing of Dissent in Iran" (6.04) World Democracy Audit Reliefweb Human Development Index Sanctions Institute for International Economics Department of the Treasury Iran-Libya Sanctions Act (ILSA), 1996 Report on ILSA status

Annual Report: Iran

Ranking of civil/individual freedoms Press briefings on human rights issues Social indicators, statistics

Iran: case study in sanctions and terrorism Overview of sanctions against Iran Congressional Research Service report, 7.03

Energy / Oil OPEC

Oil-industry statistics

Terrorism Terrorism Research Center

Iran Country Profile

OTHER Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty University of Texas Nationmaster

Maps of Iran Military statistics on Iran

THINK TANKS, ORGANIZATIONS International Monetary Fund Program on International Policy Attitudes Rand Washington Institute for Near East Policy World Bank

Statistics, issues, statements regarding Iran "Americans on Iran" poll Research, commentary Policy Watches Country page

Library & Research Services / updated 10-2004

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