Central Issue Proof 1

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Inclement Weather Information School cancellation information is released to the media as soon as possible. The best way to get school closing information is by checking our Web site or watching TV. Please check with the school district Web site at http:// www.qualityschool. org/schoolclosing/ index.shtml Television and Web sites 44 WOOD–8 44 WZZM–13 44 http://www. woodtv.com — click on School and Event Closings 44 http://www. wzzm13.com/ — click on Event Cancellations

Community forums helped guide Board of Education We hope you were able to make it to one of our three Community Forum “Focus Group” meetings. Topics discussed ranged from the newly adopted single bus runs to re-alignment of schools by grade levels and all day, every day kindergarten. Many of these topics depend on one another to be implemented. An example of this is the grade level re-alignment. If grade levels aren’t re-aligned to make staff available, all day everyday kindergarten would not be able to become a reality. The challenge the Board has assumed is to try and move student learning into “21st Century Learning” with a limited amount of resources. The Board is also challenged to look at the complete district, pre-k through adult, and make the well-informed decisions in the best interests of the district. The belief the Board has adopted is “What’s best for kids.” We appreciate everyone who made the time to attend one of our forums. Great comments, concerns, and feedback were shared by many parents and employees present at the meetings. The Board plans to continue this practice in the future. Look for meeting dates and topics of interest to be able to give your opinions and input. The podcasts of these meetings are available for your viewing at http://www.casair.net. Pick either podcast to gain information on some of the topics currently under consideration by the administration and the Board of Education. You are also encouraged to contact Jacob J. Helms, Superintendent at [email protected]. As stated earlier, single bus runs have been adopted to start in the 2009-10 school year. New buses will be purchased with anticipated savings from reduced fuel consumption and other expenses. Exact start times have yet to be determined, but school will likely start later in the morning around the 8 a.m. hour and end around the 3 p.m. hour. The ultimate goal is a bus ride that would be no longer than one hour. Safety was an issue with many parents, and we want to assure you that student safety will remain a priority. The Board extended a permanent contract to Mr. Helms as our superintendent. He has accepted the position with a contract extending until June 30, 2011, and then will serve as a consultant until December 2012. We are happy to continue working with him and look forward to moving Central Montcalm forward in the best interests of our students, parents, and employees.

School Times Upper Elementary 7:30 a.m.–2:40 p.m. Middle School 7:30 a.m.–2:25 p.m.

Submitted on behalf of the Board,

Roxanne Switzer

Board Secretary

Early childhood program available to CMPS families The Great Start Readiness Program (GSRP) for 4–year–olds is held at both Stanton and Sheridan Elementary. It is funded by a special grant through the State of Michigan. This program provides a quality preschool experience two days a week, for 32 weeks. It is a wonderful experience for children in a warm and nurturing environment. Children participate in a variety of activities to enhance their language and social abilities, fine and gross motor skills, as well as pre–reading and math skills. They also participate in gym and in music.

If you are interested in enrolling your child for the 2009–10 school year, applications will be available in April at the elementary offices. During this program, parents are actively involved in their child’s education. They participate in an open house at the beginning of the year, as well as two parent/teacher conferences and two home visits. At times, parents also help in the classroom and with field trips. Shelley Misner teaches the Central Montcalm GSRP, with the help of Deanna Braman. If you are interested in enrolling your child for the 2009–10 school year, applications will be available in April at the offices in Stanton and Sheridan Elementary. Your child must be four by December 1, 2009, and live in the CMPS district. You can call either elementary school for more information. Stanton’s number is (989) 831–2400 and Sheridan’s is (989) 831–2500.

Published by CMPS Superintendent: Jake Helms Editor: Rick Heitmeyer

The Central Issue is published six times during the school year from August–May. If you have any suggestions, or questions, please contact the Board of Education Office at (989) 831–2000 between the hours of 8 a.m.–4 p.m. All content copyright © MMIX by Central Montcalm Public School.

Web Site: http://www.Qualityschool.org

High School 7:30 a.m.–2:25 p.m. Sheridan Elementary 8:55–4:05 p.m. Stanton Elementary 8:55–4:05 p.m.

Board of Education Board of Education meetings will be held monthly and will begin at 7 p.m. Meetings will be in the high school library media center.

Membership 2008–09

President—Doug Bowen Vice–President—Bill Simpson Secretary— Roxanne Switzer Treasurer—Joe Kohn Trustee—Mark Christensen Trustee—Mike Williams Trustee—Chris Wetherington

ƒƒ Board of Education.......... (989) 831–2000 Jake Helms, Superintendent Jill Folsom, Business Manager

ƒƒ Community Education..... (989) 831–7902 Kathy Betts, Director

ƒƒ Food Service . .................. (989) 831–2312 Dianne Mitchell, Supervisor

ƒƒ High School ..................... (989) 831–2100 John Kearney Principal Dave McLoughlin, Assistant Principal/Athletic Director

ƒƒ Middle School ................. (989) 831–2200 Thomas Torok, Principal

ƒƒ Sheridan Elementary........ (989) 831–2500 Rick Heitmeyer, Principal

ƒƒ Stanton Elementary.......... (989) 831–2400 Marty Combs, Principal

ƒƒ Transportation.................. (989) 831–2240 Val Conklin, Supervisor

ƒƒ Upper Elementary............. (989) 831–2300 Susan Koster, Principal

Administration and Supervision


21st Century learning includes “different” tools and approaches

Support Hornet athletics

44By Amy Meinhardt, Data and Technology Support

44By John Kearney, Principal

Many of the students at Central Montcalm are exposed to 21st Century tools daily, either at school or home. This might include a cell phone, pager, laptops, desktops, GPS, digital projectors, digital cameras, etc.

Hornet athletics is always looking for help at athletic events. If you are interested in helping with the concession stand, selling raffle tickets, Hornet track relays, or state tournaments, please call the athletic office at (989) 831–2142. Get involved with Hornet athletics by joining the Hornet Boosters. We have our meetings second Monday of each month. We will be looking for you in March. The meetings are held in the high school media center. Come out and show your support for Central Montcalm athletics. People with scheduling or other questions may call the athletic office at (989) 831–2142

There is an important difference between 21st Century tools and 21st Century skills. There is an important difference between 21st Century tools and 21st Century skills. Many 21st Century education experts identify life and career skills, learning and innovation skills, and information, media, and technology skills as being the main student outcomes we should be striving for. As we integrate 21st Century tools into the curriculum at Central Montcalm we will also be working to integrate 21st Century skills.

2008–09 School Year Key Dates

44 April 6–April 12—No school due to Spring Break 44 May 22—We Love American Parade, 11 a.m. at the high school football field 44 May 25—No school due to Memorial Day observation 44 May 29—Last student day 44 Sept. 8—First day of school for 2009–10 school year

Stanton Elementary School had a special visitor to kick off March is Reading Month.

Stanton Elementary says good–bye to its leader Stanton Elementary second graders said good-bye to their principal, Marty Combs, by performing a play in his honor. The students sang songs about Combs and performed comical skits. The entire school enjoyed the music and laughter. Combs will be missed at the school. He was a good friend to staff and students alike. We wish him the best with his new career. Combs accepted a position at the Montcalm Area Intermediate School District as an early childhood special education programming director. His last day as principal was February 16. Jane Trimper, longtime Central Montcalm educator, will serve as the principal on an interim basis through the remainder of the 2008–09 school year.

CMHS band attends Danish Band Festival at Greenville On Saturday, February 21, the Central Montcalm High School band attended the Danish Band Festival at Greenville High School. The band performed three selections, and then took part in an hour-long clinic with Bill Gourley, retired band director from Chelsea High School. During the clinic, Gourley complimented the band members on their tone and rhythmic skills while giving suggestions to polish their attacks, balance their sound, and explore greater dynamic contrast. The band members came away from the day with memories of a good performance, tools to improve their playing, and excitement in being able to show their pride in the Central Montcalm Bands.


Sheridan Elementary School to “race for the cure” in April The annual Race for the Cure event at Sheridan Elementary began several years ago when it was discovered that a student was suffering from Juvenile Diabetes. Rylan Myers, son of Mike and Colleen Myers, was a second grader at Sheridan Elementary when his family learned he had Juvenile Diabetes. To help raise awareness and support for the cause, Sheridan Elementary School held an event where children walked to help raise money. It was called Race for the Cure, and featured a visit from a local race car driver. Brennan Bowen has returned every year to help support the cause. On Friday, April 17, Bowen will return to the school and help lead the annual race. Students enjoy the walk, but the highlight every year is a chance to get a photograph with Bowen and his car. It’s time to go racin’.



“What’s best for kids” at Central Montcalm 44By Rick Heitmeyer, Principal

Please take a moment to register in the Edvantage Program by following the simple instruction below. Your involvement, coupled with fellow members, could generate a significant amount of additional support for our school. So tell alumni or individuals about this Edvantage and help the athletic program. Go to http://www.

traditional, multiple-choice examinations. How can we effectively and realistically enable our students and teachers to meet the learning demands we have inherited from 20th Century legislative mandates, and simultaneously embrace and encourage the development of 21st Century skills, he asks. A focus on creating and collaborating within a context of project based learning offers hope in the face of these challenges, according to Fryer. Prensky suggests that today’s students — K through college — represent the first generations to grow up with this new technology. They have spent their entire lives surrounded by and using computers, video games, digital music players, video cams, cell phones, and all the other toys and tools of the digital age. Future learning of content may be to a large extent, not surprisingly, digital and technological, Prensky says. But while it includes software, hardware, robotics, nanotechnology, genomics, etc. it also includes the ethics, politics, sociology, languages and other things that go with them. Content is extremely interesting to today’s students, says Prensky. But he adds that natives still need to learn the core curriculum of reading, writing, math and logical thinking. The District School Improvement Team and Board of Education have worked together to address these ideas during two workshops. Furthermore, the school improvement teams at each building are working to create school improvement plans to address the changes occurring within the district and buildings. Watch The Central Issue for more information about the changing landscape of education.

Central Montcalm believes in doing “what’s best for kids” as we move into 21st Century Education

Central Montcalm Public School believes in doing “what’s best for kids” as we move into 21st Century Education. What exactly is 21st Century Education? What does a school look like today? Educational technologist Mark Presnky says kids have radically changed in the last several years. In the article, “Digital Immigrants, Digital Natives,” he wonders how in all the hoopla and debate these days about the decline of education in our country, we ignore the most fundamental of its causes. Our students have changed radically. Today’s students are no longer the people our educational system was designed to teach. Author Wesley A. Fryer adds that U.S. educators in the early 21st Century face formidable challenges, but are blessed with access to unprecedented tools and opportunities for shared professional learning. He suggests that teachers must help students master content area knowledge and skills, but also develop and refine a set of important 21st Century literacy Members of the District School Improvement Team work collectively on skills which are an idea during a recent DSIT meeting. not measured on

EdvantageProgram. com/MIAAA/ CentralMontcalm On the bottom left of your screen, click: “Click here to access the registration form>” Once on the registration form page, fill out the required information. Should you be required to enter an “Access Code,” please use the following: CentralMontcalm.

Above —Stanton Elementary students celebrate the 100th day of school. You can see pictures of the kindergarten sleep over, the 100th day hats, and a special visit from Zero the Hero. Upper left — Sheridan Elementary paraprofessional Michele Ehle works with a student during center time on the 100th day of school. Immediate left — Kindergarten teacher Barb Millard works with children during a 100th Day activity. Each year teachers tie mathematics instruction into the 100th day at the elementary schools.


New Ways to Learn Above three photos — high school band members attended the Danish Band Festival at Greenville High School, where they had special instruction from Bill Gourley, retired band director from Chelsea High School. Photos to the left and below — A night of science at the upper elementary school was a fun event on February 24. Science activities for the whole family were highlighted throughout the event.

A night of science at CMUE 44By Susan Koster, Principal

Everyone at Central Montcalm Upper Elementary, “A Night of Science,” held on February 24, had a night of fun and discovery. Over 35 CMUE families joined in the activities after enjoying a pizza dinner. The focus of the evening was on commonly held misconceptions about the causes of the seasons and the phases of the moon, ending with a hands-on activity where families made models of the moon’s phases. Using the models each family was able to actually see all the moon’s phases from Earth! Many families commented afterwards that this was great fun for the whole family! We at CMUE thought so too, and thank you all for your participation!


Show your Hornet Pride!

MACC preschool has openings Montcalm Area Career Center Preschool has openings in our morning preschool session running from 8:15 to 10:00, Tuesday,Wednesday and Thursday. Age appropriate activities and snack provided for children ages 2 1/2 to 5 years. The cost is $25.00 per month. For an enrollment packet or more information call Dorothy or Lu at (616)–225–5720.

MEL.ORG Did you know that the state of Michigan provides free research materials to all residents? Mel.org has a variety of resources, including full text newspapers and magazines. You can prepare for an ACT test, work on your GED, practice for a cosmetology exam, improve your math skills or use any one of the other twenty three tests and tutorials. To use the site, all you have to do is type in your driver’s license number.

CMCF offers scholarships The Central Montcalm Community Foundation has over $6,000.00 in scholarships to award to qualified CM seniors. You may pick up an application in the counseling office or download one from the Web site: www. cmcommunityfoundation.org. Please contact Kris Thwaites in the middle school library if you have questions. The application deadline is March 29.

Community Foundation The Central Montcalm Community Foundation (CMCF) is interested in updating alumni of Central Montcalm Public Schools on their scholarships, grants and endowment funds. If you are having a reunion in 2009 and provide us with a mailing list, we would be happy to mail information to your class. If you are not having a reunion this year but are interested in these services, we can also provide you with information. Please contact the CMCF at (989) 289-2312.

Montcalm Central Nursery Montcalm Central Co-Op Nursery will be having an open house on April 23 from 3:306:30 p.m. in Stanton Elementary’s room 3 for all interested parents. There are openings for both mornings and afternoons. For more information please contact Jeri Hardy at (989) 831-0610.

Show youth your Summer CMYL girls’ softball and boys’ baseball sign– ups are coming soon. Ages five through eighth can participate. Forms will be available in Hornet grade school offices soon, and you will be able to sign up at the Education Showcase or March 28 at Sidney Township Hall from 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. Pride! the Mail–in deadline is April 10. Questions? Please call (989) 248–3575.

Board hires Helms to stay at CMPS When Jake Helms agreed to serve Central Montcalm as its interim superintendent, he had no idea that he would be coming out of retirement for more than a year. On Saturday, January 31, the Central Montcalm Public School Board of Education voted 6–0 to offer Helms a contract that will run through June 30, 2011. Helms earned a Bachelor of Science and Master of Arts Degrees from Central Michigan University and started his career as a history and geography teacher at Vestaburg Community Schools. He then served as high school principal at Baraga Area Schools in Michigan’s upper peninsula. Next, he held superintendent positions at Bergland Community Schools, Brimley Area Schools, Hart Public Schools, and the Manistee Intermediate School District. He retired from the Michigan Education system in 2003.

Since that time, he and his wife, Barb, have been traveling for her job. She is a respiratory therapist and worked for an agency that places medical personnel in temporary assignments throughout the country. The Helms have two grown sons, Todd, who is teaching in Hulett, Wyoming, and Scott, who is attending Upper Iowa University in Fayette, Iowa. Helms’ roots are in this community. He says that he and his wife are happy and proud to have a history and an association with Central Montcalm. They are living in the house at Clifford Lake that we lived in 35 years ago. I guess you really can “go home again!” Helms says his educational philosophy has always been and will continue to be doing “what’s best for kids.” “By striving for educational excellence at all levels, I believe that we can make our great school even better,” Helms said.

Project Prom enters fourth year The Knights of Columbus of the Edmore decided to continue. and Stanton area voted unanimously to Nanzer said, “Cathy really has a knack for donate $850.00 to a Central Montcalm finding great deals on clothing and recruiting High School project called Project Prom. others to help accomplish what she sets her Jerry Winkler, former principal of mind to do. She has recruited her family CMHS, presented the idea to the Knights of members Millie King, Marie Jeffers, Deora Columbus in such a sincere manner it was Jeffers, and Mae Loper to help the girls with hard to say no. their hairstyles and painting nails. Project Prom started before he retired, so The girls look so lovely, and the special he had seen the results of the program and attention helps add to a memorable night. wanted to help support the project. The program began about four years ago when Cathy Scott presented the idea to Christine Nanzer. The mission of Project Prom is to allow special education students in eleventh and twelfth grade who may have barriers, to attend their local Prom Celebration. Scott found clothing, shoes, and accessories for students. Nanzer started fund–raising to buy tickets and pay for dinner. They had so much fun helping the kids and Thank you Knights of Columbus! Chris Nanzer, Deputy Grand Night dancing at prom they Flynn, and Mary Bovee.


Free Throw contest at CMHS champions are determined based on scores at the state competitions. Last year more than 199,000 boys and girls participated in 2,990 local competitions. Prizes for the winners were donated by Meijer, Inc. of Greenville. Thank you to high school students Jackie Swanson and Jacob Wright, who helped with the competition.

Must be in fourth grade or older to participate $50 per 8–person team Deadline to sign–up is March 15 Call Tammy at (989) 613-0624 for more information This is a fundraiser for Sixth Grade Camp 2010!

Pictured l–r (front row) — Todd Switzer, Kenyon Heether, Hunter VeltKamp (back row) Alexandra Barnwell, Brooke Schneider, Mackenzie Barnwell, and William Plavan.

Dodgeball Tournament

Seven boys and girls from Central Montcalm, ages 10 and 14, were named local champions of the 2009 Knights of Columbus International Free Throw Championship and earned the right to compete next at the district level. Knights of Columbus Council #7585, in Stanton, sponsored the local competition at Central Montcalm High School. A total of 16 students took part in the competition on Saturday, January 24. The winners in the girls’ division were 10–year–old Mackenzie Barnwell, 11– year–old Brooke Schneider and 14–year– old Alexandra Barnwell. Winners in the boys division were 10–year–old Hunter VeltKamp, 11–year–old Kenyon Heether, 12–year–old Todd Switzer, and 13–year– old William Plavan. The Knights of Columbus Free Throw Championship is sponsored annually by the K of C and consists of competition at the local, district and state levels. International

March 21 at CMMS Beginning at 8 a.m.

Thanks for your help and support!

Annual Education Showcase to Celebrate Student Success Thursday, April 2, 2009 6 – 8 p.m. Central Montcalm Middle/High School campus

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