Cellular Apoptosis And Disease

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  • Words: 1,396
  • Pages: 78
Cellular apoptosis and disease

Zhao Mingyao BMC.ZZU

2006 , 06

Cell signal transduction change

cell signal

Apoptosis ↑or↓or loss→disease

Concept of apoptosis • ——autonomic and ordered cell death controlled by gene or called as programmed cell death (PCD)

model: the nematode, drosophila and mouse

Flow Cytometer

nematode drosophila


research model



10000 8000 6000

rapid up-shift period

4000 2000

silent period

0 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005

Thirty years on apoptosis

Classical Apoptosis model

• Nematode : total 1090 cells in young ,959 cells in adult, 131 cells lost ? • Time : 1 h r • Gene : 14 gene known

Section1 Instruction of apoptosis

1.differences between necrosis and apoptosis

Strong stimulation

Passive ATP(-) 溶酶释出,

? 炎症反应

Weak ~

Active new protein ATP↓ Apoptotic bodies

Comparison between apoptosis & necrosis

DNA electrophoresis necrosis



famous nucleosomal ladder

2.the biological meanings of apoptosis

Holes are forming ?

Mitochondrio-nuclear AIF translocation in the interdigital cells of the mouse embryo

Inthehumans, By time I was born, as more me had thanadult survived. It was as many 1011ofcells die died in each each day andnoare wonder I cannot remember; during time went to through brain body by of other cells. replaced The mass cells we lose eachthat year is Iclose our entire after brain for nine months, finally contriving the one model that could weight! be human, equipped for language.

Apoptosis importance ①Maintain normal development and growth:remove excess cell ② Maintain homeostasis : remove damaged, mutant senile cell ③Active defense function: block replication of cells infected by virus

3. apoptosis process (period)

course of cellular apoptosis 1.Transduction of apoptosis signal starting signal Ca2+ 、 cAMP 、 ceramide

2.activation of apoptosis gene express enzymes and other substance

3.execution of cellular apoptosis DNase and Caspases

4.removal of apoptotic cell engulfed by near cell ( Mφor other cell )

4.the two major biomedical changes in the courses of apoptosis

(1)Endogenous Dnase activation and its effect • A series cellular ST activation • Execution of chromosome DNA cleavage

• Fragment of DNA : classic ladder pattern ?

chromosome Endonucleases first cleave 5min

300 kb pieces 50kb 90min 180~200bp

or its whole folds fragment

(2) Caspases activation and its effect • A group of protease ( 13 members ) cysteine-containing aspartate-spicific protease


note:Cysteine 半胱 aa Aspartate 天冬 aa

Caspases function ①Deactivating inhibitor of apoptosis: as Bcl-2 ②Hydrolyzing pro structure, cellular decomposing, apoptotic body ③ Hydrolyzing the related active proteins : make them to gain or lose function

Section 2 Regulation of cell apoptosis

1.Signal pathway and effectors of apoptosis

DNA damage


[Ca2+]i dyshomeostasis



Cyto C leakage Bad Bcl-XL-Apaf-1

TNFa, Fas

Adaptor (FADD,TRADD)

Bid Apaf- cyto c- dATP

Caspase 8

Caspase 9 Caspase 3 Cell apoptosis

Signal pathway of apoptosis

2. regulators of apoptosis • (1)the central role of mitochondria in apoptosis DNA damage

[Ca2+]i dyshomeostasis


Bax open p53



Bcl-XL closing Cyto C leakage Bad


Apaf- cyto c- dATP Caspase 9

mitochondria damage lead to apoptosis

PTP opening

(permeability transition pore)

Inducing factor →Δ Ψm↓ PTP permeability↑→apoptosis starting factor ( Cyt. C , Apaf , AIF ) released Abbreviation note: •PTP----permeability transition pore •Apaf----apoptosis protease activated factor •Cyt.C----cytochrome C •AIF---- apoptosis inducement factor

Deleterious network hypothesis of cellular apoptosis –

PTP opening


Caspase inhibitor


Mt Δ Ψm↓


AIF Pro-Caspase 9

Caspase-9 +

Inactivity DNnase

+ Ca2+

Pro-Caspase3 DNase activated DNA rupture


+ Protein hydrolyzed


(2)bcl-2 family pro • Bcl-2, Bcl-XL, Mcl-1 promote survival (anti-apoptotic pro) • Bax, Bad, Bak, Bid induce death (pro-apoptotic pro)


bcl-2 • • • •

Binding Apaf-1 Prevent release of cyto C Regulator of Ca2+ homeostasis antioxidant

• Inhibiting ~ : bcl-2 • Promoting ~ : fas , P53 • Dual direction regulating ~ : cmyc , bclx

Bcl-2 —— 229aa ( mouse 236aa ) distributing in endomembrane surface Bcl-2----B cell lymphoma/leukemia-2

(3)IAP pro • (IAP)/BIRP gene family: XIAP, c-IAP-1, c-IAP-2, ILP-2, NAIP, Livin and Apollon • block apoptosis directly interacting with initiator and effector caspases preventing their proteolytic processing and enzymatic activity BIRC# for "baculoviral IAP repeat-containing".

BIRC# for "baculoviral IAP repeat-containing".

The "Inhibitor of Apoptosis Proteins" family Characterization of IAP family members • BIRC1 (Neuronal apoptosis inhibitory protein; NAIP) • BIRC2 (API1; HIAP2; cIAP1; MIHB) • BIRC3 (API2; HIAP1; cIAP2; MIHC) • BIRC4 (XIAP; API3; MIHA; ILP) • BIRC5 (Survivin; API4; TLAP) • BIRC6 (Apollon; BRUCE) • BIRC7 (MLIAP; KIAP; Livin) • BIRC8: (ILP-2; TIAP)

******Inhibitory factor : cytokine— IL-2 , NGF hormone— ACTH 、 testosterone , estrogen other— Zn2+(zinc), phenobarbital , Cysteine protease inhibitor, EB virus, neutroamino acid

3.Inducers of apoptosis • (1) apoptosis induced by death signal TNFa, Fas

Adaptor (FADD,TRADD)

Caspase 8

apoptosis signal pathway cell Induction signal

many pathways SAPK/JNK

ceramide RR ROS

NF-kB,JNK/AP-1 pathway P53 gene

+ mtDNA

bax or down regulating bcl-2

(2) apoptosis induced by DNA damage DNA damage



Cyto C leakage Bad Bcl-XL-Apaf-1

Bid Apaf- cyto c- dATP

oxidative stress induce apoptosis? • • • •

P53 gene activation activating Ca2+ /Mg2+ -dependent Dnase Ca2+ influx↑ activating NF-kB and Ap-1 ( Fas)

(3)Other apoptosis triggers

1)Inducing factor : hormone, GF↑↑, GC physic and chemic factor immune microbe

2)P53 molecular policeman?

Blocking IGF+R + Bax


G1 Cyclin B



Cyclin D

S Cyclin A+CDK

Cyclin A+CDK1


3) [Ca2+ ] dyshomeostasis • activating Ca2+ /Mg 2+ -dependent Dnase • activating nuclear transcription factor related to apoptosis • Ca 2+ promoting to exposing enzymolytic sites between nuclear ribosomes

Section 3 abnormal cell apoptosis in diseases

1.tumor insufficiency of apoptosis • Bcl-2 express↑ • P53 mutation or loss

2. immune diseases (1) Autoimmune diseases • Hashilmoto’s thyroiditis (HT ) Fas/FasL mediated apoptosis • SLE


CD4+ cell damaged selectively

of CD4+

mechanism lymphocyte apoptosis Cell level



Effect and target effect


HIV Apoptotic body Signal substance


HIV induce CD

+ 4

apoptosis Receptor,molecule level

gp120- R Fas-R↑ TNF

OFR tat Host cell


3. Heart failure myocyte hypertrophy and widening of interstitial spaces due to depostion of collagen, inflammatory cells and amyloid.

atherosclerosis, AS Insufficiency and excess of apoptosis exist together

oxLDL ↑ activated plt ↑ Ag II hypertension

Endothelia ~↑ Smooth ~ insufficiency (proliferation↑>apoptosis↑ )

Endothelia barrier↓

4.Alzheimer disease, AD Neuron retrogression —— loss of neuron in hippocampus and basal nuclei • Loss of Cholinergic neurons reachs 30%~50% , involved cortex

AD mechanism disease cause such as OFR

neuron Ca2+ inward flowing↑ activating related genes promoting β- amyloid content ↑ Tan pro overphosphorylation

Section 5 regulating apoptosis in treating diseases

meaning of apoptosis in prevention and treatment of diseases • (1) Correctively administration of the related factors to ~ • Inhibiting ~ : AD---- NGF acute T cell leukemia : low dose • radiation 、 TNFα promoting ~ : heat therapy of local tumor ; high temperature 43℃ 、 30min prostate glands cancer : removal of • testicle(testes), testosterone↓

(2) Interfere apoptosis ST • FAS/FASL ST system : adriamycin stimulation • SPP ( metabolism products of ceramide ST system ): transducting proliferation signals , antiapoptosis→AIDS , AD

(3) Regulating related gene to apoptosis • transfection of wild type P53 gene

(4) Control related enzyme to apoptosis • DNase : Ca 2+ /Mg 2+ -dependent Ca 2+ ↑ activation ; Zn 2+ ↑inhibiting • Caspases: Ca2+ directive or indirective activation

(5)Prevent Mt Δ Ψm↓ • Cyclosporin A,immune inhibitor blocking Δ Ψm↓ , its depriver without immune inhibiting effect, but stabilize Δ Ψm, prevent↓

• • • •

A simple experiment A smart observation A further thinking Show a very different formation of cellular death and it`s abstruse meaning of life review founding the process of cellular apoptosis


Sydney Brenner

H. Robert Horvit

John E. Sulston

1/3 of the prize

1/3 of the prize

United Kingdom

United Kingdom


The Molecular Sciences Institute Berkeley, CA, USA

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Cambridge, MA, USA

b. 1927 (in Union of South Africa)


b. 1947

Apoptosis gene

The Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute Cambridge, United Kingdom b. 1942

cell lineages of the nematode

Sydney Brenner receiving his Nobel Prize from His Majesty the King at the Stockholm Concert Hall. Photo: Hans Mehlin, Nobel e-Museum


support & cooperation in my teaching

more success on the way of study & work in future Zhao Mingyao(Jasper) 2006-06-08

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