Cell Breathing Concept Soft Handoff area
Cell Breathing when new user come
BTS A Current Subscribers
BTS B Soft Handoff Users will directly serve by BTS B
New Subscribers Cell breathing is the constant change of the range of the geographical area covered by a cellular telephone transmitter based on the amount of traffic currently using that transmitter. When a cell becomes heavily loaded, it shrinks. Subscriber traffic is then redirected to a neighboring cell that is more lightly loaded, which is called load balancing.
Coverage Versus Capacity
High Rise Building Coverage
Multipath signal
30m, Typical Antenna height for Urban area
At high level building, signal will reach there through the multipath or reflection but this will be poor quality signal. Mobile receive level will be good because there will be many signal come through multipath or reflection. But Quality will be poor because of many weak quality signal come (pilot pollution). Call will often drop Also cannot place antenna in very high height due to signal can overshoot to far distance and will cause poor quality because signal fading. And it will make blank spot under its self.