Celebrating Passover - Seder

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  • Words: 3,783
  • Pages: 7
















The Passover celebration is called the Seder , which means, literally, The Order (the order in which the feast is conducted) ) The Seder begins at sundown and is conducted from the Haggadah (The Telling) The following comes largely from a Messianic Haggadah, which draws out the significance of various items to Y’shua, which most Jews have not comprehended. The leader ( Father in a family seder) leads us through the feast, with others taking part. We drink four times during the meal. There is an extra cup which will be mentioned later.

The events of the Seder is in the order of Israel leaving Egypt and is a visual journey in understanding the redemptive work of YHVH through His Son Y’shua the Messiah.





























































– YHVH’s Light, full moon First, a woman, mother in a family Seder, covers her head, lights the candles (usually two) and says the blessing: "Baruch ata YHVH, Eloheynu, Melech ha Olam, asher kidshanu b'mitzvah tov vitsavanu l'hadlich ner shel shabbat" " Blessed art thou o YHVH our Elohim, Ruler of the universe, who has set us apart by his word, and in whose name we light these festival lights." The light of the candles represents the full moon that shined for them to be able to leave Egypt at midnight.



















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– Leaving Egypt, death of firstborn.

Y’shua started the Meal prior to Passover with His disciples with the drinking of the cup. He used the symbolism to describe the spiritual essence of what He was about to go through. !"

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They now remember ELOHIM' S four promise to Moses, Ex 6 v 6-7 We bless the first cup. The cup of "bringing out", and all drink. “Baruch ata YHVH, Eloheynu, Melech ha Olam, borey pri hagafen" 'Blessed art thou o YHVH our Elohim, Ruler of the universe, who creates the fruit of the vine.'We tank YHVH for bringing us out under the bondage (Egypt) of sin and that we can be born again. Y’shua referred to the cup ; Luke 22:17-18. This cup is the “cup of bringing out” and represents the people physically leaving Egypt. The wine also represents the blood and death of the firstborn of those who did not follow the warning and instruction of YHVH. #

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– Red Rea Y’shua washed disciples feet John 13:5-17. ,



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The washing of the feet and hands represent the crossing of the Red sea where they were finally delivered from the rule of Pharaoh (Satan). This represents a new beginning and starting point of your life and you leave the one master (Satan / Pharaoh) and accept a new Mater, Y’shua). &

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- Grief We eat some parsley (representing life) dipped in salt water (representing tears).


This represents the tears of the people where they left their security, their homes and some of them, their families. *

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- Marah

The Matzah represents the Body of Messiah and even has the ‘stripes’ and the ‘pearsings’ for our healing and transgressions. It seems strange that the Jews breaking the Matzah do not see the connection, but scripture says these things have been hidden from them for the present (see Rom 10-11). %



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Y’shua taught these symbols on the Meal before He died; after drinking the cup, broke the bread and gave it to His disciples. 5

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Three Matzot are wrapped for Passover ( Think about why three wrapped together ) The leader takes the middle Matzah, breaks it in half. One half is wrapped in a white cloth. (Y’shua was wrapped in burial cloths). This half is called Afikomen (the coming one). He tells children to hide their eyes and hides the Afikomen. The Afikomen will return to end our Passover Seder. He blesses the Matzah: "Baruch ata YHVH, Eloheynu, Melech ha Olam, hamotzi lechem min ha aretz" ' Blessed art thou o YHVH our Elohim, Ruler of the universe, who brings forth bread from the earth' They have arrived at Marah after three days. YHVH tested them at this point and said that they will not receive the plagues of Egypt (which they saw), if they listen to His Voice and obey His Instructions. Y’shua is the Bread of Life and was tested in our place and He passed the test and we can benefit from it though faith in Him.



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- Tests


Eat some bitter herbs, scooping it up with the Matzah. They arrived at Marah, which means bitter. The bitter herbs are a reminder if this event and how unthankful we can get if things does not go the way we want it. This makes us bitter against YHVH, but in the end, He knows what is best for us and He allows situations to help us to get the “taste” of Egypt out of our system. Tell the story of Passover: The leader and other readers then tell the story of Passover. 1. Exodus 7:14-25) rivers and other water sources turned to bolood killing all fish and other water life. 2. (Exodus 7:26-8:11) Frogs 3. (Exodus 8:12-15) Lice or gnats 4. (Exodus 8:16-28) Flies 5. (Exodus 9:1-7) Disease in livestock 6. (Exodus 9:8-12) Unhealable boils 7. (Exodus 9:-35) Hail & Fire 8. (Exodus 10:1-20) Locusts 9. (Exodus 10:21-29) Darkness 10. (Exodus 11:1-12:36) Death of the first-born of all Egyptian families. 4

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The second cup is " The cup of deliverance. ". As each plague is recounted we dip a finger in and allow a drop to fall, reducing the fullness of our cup of joy. This cup is not drunk at this stage and is drunk during the meal.


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- Elim

Many Jewish families will recline to the left in their chairs while eating, or the four cups may be drunk while leaning the left elbow on the table. After this, if the Afikomen has been "stolen" by one of the children, it may be ransomed by the head of the table. We finish the meal by sharing the Afikomen. Drink the second Cup. They arrived at Elim, the place with 10 fountains and 70 Palm trees. This is a place of refreshment and enjoyment where they reflected on the goodness of YHVH and celebrated their deliverance.



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– Wilderness of Thorns After Y’shua and His disciples finished the meal, He raised the last cup and gave it to them to drink. 6% + )* (

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The third cup is the Cup of Redemption and it is drunk warm to signify the blood of the Passover lamb.


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The Hallel (praise) and is Psalms 113 to 118 or psalm 136. After partaking in the cup they sang a hymn and we read this in Mark 14:26: . / ) 0 % .This suggests to us that Y’shua'special Seder did not include the fourth cup, but adjourned to Gethsemane where Y’shua wrestled in prayer about the cup of suffering he was about to drink. 0 1 '

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After Elim they travelled through the Wilderness of Sin (thorns) and this was a difficult to go through on their way to Mount Sinai where they would receive the Ten Commandments and later, in Y’shua’s time, the Holy Spirit. This is fulfilled by Y’shua’s terrible time in the Garden where He prayed and sweated blood. This teaches us that if you go through a shadow of death (Ps 23), give praise to Him because He is in control and everything will work out for the good, for those who love Him. (Rom 8:28).


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– Mt Sinai, Torah, Spirit. The fourth cup Is The cup of the kingdom – cup of praise. It is drunk while joining in responsive praise for various ways in which ELOHIM has blessed us. The traditional ending " haba' ah bi Yerushalayim" "' Next Year in Jerusalem". This is to point to the longing we have to live with YHVH in the New Jerusalem. They arrived at Mt Sinai and had to wash themselves for two days. This foreshadowed the washing in the Word (Torah) and the washing in the Spirit needed for spiritual cleansing to be transformed into the Image and Likeness of YHVH (Set Apart). They needed His Word to get Egypt’s habits out of their system and had to submit under His Word and Authority as represented by the receiving of the Ten Commandments.






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Y’shua said, "It is Finished" But in Hebrew that is, Tam ve’nishlam- These are the first two words of the Hebrew phrase, "Tam ve’nishlam Shevach La’el Boreh Olam", "It is completed and fulfilled, blessed be Elohim, the Creator of the world." There is an ancient Jewish proverb that Passover would be an ideal time for Messiah to come: "in this night we were delivered; in this night we will be delivered” Mar 14:26.


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