Cdk Folders Index Draft

  • November 2019
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Folder 1 Part 1 - Conferences - various Part 2 - Conferences and outlines - various Folder 2 Part 1 Philosophy of Nature: pp. 1-26 L'image du monde de l'antiquite: pp. 27-31 Philosophy of Nature: pp. 32-53 Part 2 Philosophy of Nature Part 3 Philosophy of Nature Folder 3 Part 1 Various - philosophy of nature, mathematics Part 2 Various - mathematics (Lalor draft), theology Folder 4 Part 1 loi Providentia Prudentia: pp. 30-34 Answers to questionnaire: pp. 49-52 Part 2 Certitude: pp. 8-13 letter on evolution: pp. 15-20 St. Thomas on Virtual Quantity: pp. 21-23 Ideal: p. 26 Correspondence (Quodlibetal questions?) - Belleperche, etc.: pp. 28-46 Part 3 The Revolt Against Prudential Truth: pp. 3-23 La role des universites francaises au Canada: pp. 24-32 Le role de l'universite Catholique dans le monde moderne: pp. 35-45 Part 4 outline for "Abstraction from Matter": pp. 2-5 Suppositio: pp. 6-12 La Sainte Vierge et l'ascendance royale du Christ: pp. 12-54 Part 5 Notes re: Marian theology: pp. 1-24 "Science et vie politiques": pp. 24-34 Part 6 Science and the humanities - lecture #3: pp. 2-24 Science and the humanities - lecture #4: pp. 25-49 Science Experimentale: pp. 50-54 Folder 5 Part 1 Philosophe de la nature: 2nd Sem. 1940: pp. 1-20 Finalite en Biologie: pp. 21-44 Philosophie de la Nature 1941: pp. 45-66 Part 2 Philosophie de la Nature 1941-1942: pp. 1-6 Philosophie de la Nature 1944-1945, etc: pp. 7-66 Part 3 On the Nature of Contingency

(Summer School notes, typed, 1953): pp. 1-23 Physics I and II: pp. 24-34 Part 4 Physics I, Lect. 12-13: pp. 1-25 Physics II, various: pp. 26-53 Contrariety, 1964: p. 54 Folder 6 Correspondence - de Monleon Folder 7 Part 1 Notes of course on Natural Philosophy, taken by Mrs. Oesterle, Fall, 1961: pp. 1-53 de manu et lingua: pp. 54-78 Part 2 Notes sur nos etres objectif: pp. 2-9 Utrum quia experientia decepti Aristotelis et d. Thomas causas posuerunt aequivocas in natura operantes: pp. 10-13 Notes de cours "Humanisme": pp. 14-18 Marxism: pp. 20-44 Philosophia Naturalis - Platonism and Aristotle: pp. 45-49 Communism and Marxism: pp. 51-85 Part 3 Marxism, dialectic, etc. Part 4 Marxism: pp. 1-24 Philosophy of Mathematics: pp. 25-66 Part 5 Philosophy of Mathematics: pp. 1-51 Folder 8 Part 1 Review of "De la primaute du bien commun" from Culture: pp. 1-3 Theologie Mariale: pp. 4The Nature of Mary's Universal Queenship: pp. 10-32 Art and Morality: pp. 35-38 Note on History: pp. 39-43 Art and Morality: pp. 44-52 Memoire sur l'enseignement des Humanites: pp. 53-75 Part 2 Le materialisme dialectique et historique d'apres Staline: pp. 4-32 Marxisme et societe politique: pp. 34-37 Vie conjugale et regulation des naissances: pp. 49-51 Part 3 letters of doctrine: pp. 1-15 Principe de contradiction: lettre de Jacques de Monleon: pp. 16-30 letters of doctrine: pp. 31-44 Part 4 "The Nature and Use of Symbols in Science": pp. 1-12 "Indeterminism and Indeterminacy": pp. 13-23 "De la causalite accidentelle dans la nature": pp. 27-34 Part 5 Evolution (for Otis?): pp. 1-14 sur la misericorde divine: pp. 15-26 Part 6 "Les fins de l'education": pp. 3-40 "Les limites de la competence de l'Etat et la religion": pp. 41-54 Part 7 De Angelis

Folder 9 Part 1 handwritten cosmology notes - p. 2-3 typed references - p. 4-23 handwritten lectures on angels - p. 24-53 Part 2 handwritten lectures on angels - p. 1-67 (some duplication) Part 3 cosmology/philosophy of nature course 1934-5 Part 4 continued Part 5 continued (various forms) p. 1-39 classical mechanics p. 40-45 Folder 10 Part 1 Philosophy of Nature/Cosmos (galley's with additions) Part 2 typed intro to cosmology/history of cosmology p. 1-18 notes p. 19-41 Part 3 Philosophy of nature - status as science p 1-55 Part 4 Certitude / philosophy of science / subalternation of PN to mathematics. Part 5 - Philosophy of Nature '37-38 - good outline on first page Summary of first two books of physics p. 57-59 Part 6 - Cosmos - notes on galley, handwritten pages Folder 11 Part 1 - Theology and Cosmos Quomodo theologus utatur logica pp. 4-12 Causalite materielle - p. 37 and following Misericorde et redemption - pp. 47-68 Part 2 Sacraments pp. 1-21. Process 23-24 Teleological Mechanisms 32-42 43-62 Trinitarian Theology Part 3 Theology 1-20 Notes on Averoism - 21-28 Scientific Methodology 29-44 Philosophical Terminology as Deliberately Ambiguous - 46-56 Part 4 The automation of thought (hollow universe) pp. 1-10 Teaching as a function of divine government pp. 11-23 The Anatomy of Mind 24-29 Aristotle's Anatomy of Mind 30-50 Matchette Lectures (I) 51-55 Part 5 (conferences from '60's) Le role du bien dans la nature pp. 27-37 conference on philosophy/science/words pp. 42-49 "Teaching" 7 of 17 pages - 1961 Folder 12 - Oesterle Correspondence Folder 13 Part 1 texts for "Sobriete": pp. 1-8

partial draft on thinking machines, etc.: pp. 9-18 "Les Trois Dogmes de Marie et leur lien a la Lumier de la Coredemption: pp. 21-55 Part 2 Q. de "Mot"? Mary : pp. 1-19 "La verite pratique": pp. 20-39 "Le mythe de l'"Avenir"": pp. 40-41 "La revolte des intellectuels": pp. 42-45 "Le passe comme pretexte d'inaction": p. 46 Part 3 La Revolution des Intellectuels: pp. 1-10 L'Universite et l'Eglise: pp. 11-33 St. Thomas - Doctor Communis: p. 34-36 "Utrum nostro tempore confirmatio universim conferenda sit immediate post baptismum?": p. 3745

Part 4 "Words of Wisdom" (1960): pp. 1-35 "De Mundo": pp. 37-39 Notes on number: pp. 40-44 "The Basis of the Theory of Limits": pp. 45-50 "Parmenides and Heraclitus": pp. 51-52 various notes on math and theology: pp. 53-61 "Mathematiques et Philosophie" (1940): pp. 62-71

Folder 14 - Symbols, philosophy of science Folder 15 Part 1 La Structure Noetique du Monde Physique pp. 7-22 Various typed lectures 23-34 Les Paradoxes de l'univers purement humain 35 - 60 Discours Fete de S. Thomas (1940) 61 - 66 various notes on moderns 67-69 Part 2 Principle of the New Order 1-27 Discours Fete de S. Thomas (1942) 28-36 Conference - Political philosophy, prudence, speculative and practical truth - pp 37-46 three notes on knowledge - p. 47 Two images of the Universe: the ancient and the modern - pp. 48-59 Part 3 Two images of the Universe: the ancient and the modern (typed) pp. 1-11 Cette parole est dure pp. 13-37 Part 4 At Hic Latet Simul ed Humanitas pp. 1-6 Mysterium Fidei pp. 7-16 La philosophie et la communaute politique pp. 31-41 Discourse Fete St. Thomas 1946 42-55 (Common Good controversy) Part 5 St. Thomas today - pp. 1-18 (various notes) pp. 19-43 Feast of St. Thomas 1949 pp. 44-47 De Relativite pp. 51-56 Part 6 The end of the family and the end of civil society - pp. 1-12 L'etudiant chretien devant le monde present pp. 13-24 Various brief conferences on the world, sight, images, etc. pp. 25-49 Humani Generis letters and notes pp. 50-67 Discourse on the Church and St. Thomas pp. 71-77 Folder 16 Part 1

La Philosophie Politique et la Federation pp. 1-36 Note sur la patriotisme pp. 37-47 Part 2 Tremblay Commission - Les Tentatives de Contourner par l'Art les Difficultes de l'Agir Part 3 Tremblay Commission - La Loi Naturelle et l'Economique Part 4 Tremblay Commission - La Confederation, Rempart contre le grand etat Folder 17 Part 1 Cours de philosophie des sciences 1934-35 pp. 1-75 Various parts Part 2 Philosophy of the Experimental Sciences pp. 1-4 Introduction a la philosophie pp. 5-82 (history of philosophy) Part 3 La Metaphysique pp. 1-4 Introduction a la philosophie pp. 5-73 Folder 18 Part 1 Comment on De Caelo pp. 1-19 Comment on De Potentia pp. 20-24 Evolution - pp. 25-56 - including material on first man. Part 2 Indetermination postivie et indetermination negative pp. 1-4 De Formatione primi hominis pp. 5-19 De Operibus sex Dierum pp. 24-27 Quibusdam Objectionibus Respondetur pp. 28-30 Various texts on evolution pp. 31-56 Part 3 Quaestiones de universo sub statu motus existenti pp. 1-6 De l'appetit de la matiere pp. 7-10 Excursus: A New meaning of 'Science and the Possible' pp. 11-20 (galley or published article from 1960-61 at St. Mary's or Notre Dame) Course on Evolution - English course notes, possibly from 1961 pp. 21-65 (very rich material) MUST BE TRANSCRIBED AND DATED Part 4 Various notes on indeterminism pp. 1-17 Typewritten article: Determinisme, contingence, hasard et finality dans la Nature pp. 19-47 Part 5 Various considerations of "scientificum et ratiocinativum" pp. 1-31 Necessite absolue, necessite hypothetique et les lois de la nature pp. 32-46 Necessite de la matiere pp. 47-67 Folder 19 Part 1 Notes and drafts involved in "Abstraction from Matter" II-III and "Reckoning with the Computer" in The Hollow Universe pp. 1-56 Part 2 "Conscience" and philosophy of science, pp. 1-6 "Le Point de Vue Theologique" (draft of Cosmos) pp. 7-23 "La Hierarchie Humain" pp. 27-31 Cours de pedagogie 1935 pp. 32-39 La Naissance de la Pensee philosophique chez les grecs pp. 39-87 (la relat. entre numbres et geometrie p. 47) Part 3 Science et Religion pp. 2-11 Relativite Einsteinienne pp. 12-38 Part 4

Conn. Inutile pp. 1-9 Part 5 Prolegomenes a la dixieme categorie pp. 1-3 Letter to Belleperche pp. 6-8 La philosophie du vetement pp. 9-35 Part 6 10th Praedicament On the Making of Man by Saint Gregory Nyssa pp. 6-11 De Xth praed from Summa Logica pp. 11-19 Habitus - pp. 20-22 Le 10th Predicament pp. 23-25 Relativity pp. 29-32 Why St. Thomas? pp. 33-34 Le Thomisme devant l'existentialisme p. 35 The Beard of St. Joseph pp. 36-40 Wisdom and dialectic: pp. 41-43 Sagesse et Mouvement (excerpts) Part 7 The Role of Woman in the Work of Redemption pp. 1-15 On Repetition pp. 16-28 The relevance of Vague Knowledge: 29-33 Qu'est-ce que la philosophie pp. 34-38 Part 8 Dixieme des predicements pp. 1-37 Folder 20 Part 1 La Probleme des valeurs dans la culture canadienne-francaise pp. 1-24 The Primacy of the Common Good 25-30 Pourquoi Saint Thomas pp. 36-38 La piete de saint Thomas pour ses predecesseurs et la piete que nous lui devons pp. 40-44 Part 2 Philosophy and the Authority of the Church pp. 1-5 Course sur la philosophie pp. 6-12 Philosophie et autorite pp. 13-16 discourse similar to "La dialectique des limites comme critique de la raison" pp. 17-22 Original justice pp. 23-26 La natur de l'homme et son etre historique pp. 27-30 Nature of Communism pp. 31-33 Marxism and human redemption pp. 34-37 Marxisme comme tentative de transformer la nature humaine pp. 38 - 54 Part 3 Introduction to Nietzsche pp. 2-56 Part 4 Nietzsche, continued pp. 1-58 La magnanimite est-elle une virtue? pp. 59-63 Part 5 The Problem of evolution in Philosophy and Science pp. 2-18 L'Evolution en Biologie Philosophique pp. 19-28 Part 6 A propos de la division de la certitude pp. 1-21 L'image du monde dans la physique aristotelicienne et dans la physique contemporaire: pp. 22-26 Part 7 Essay on evolution: pp. 3-32 Le monde comme elan vers la pensee: pp. 33-51 Part 8 Le monde comme elan vers la liberte: pp. 1-28 Part 9 l'evolution en philosophie de la nature: pp. 1-39

Folder 21 Part 1 The Art of Medicine as a kind of prudence: pp. 7-12 L'avenir de l'humanite suivant le mythe de la societe sans classes: pp. 14-27 Deux Types de nihilisme: pp. 27-43 Sculpture: pp. 43-56 Part 2 La Sculpture et la Gravure: pp. 1-10 Conference on tragedy(?): pp. 11-14 Assumption: pp. 15-16 L'Univers de la construction symbolique: pp. 18-36 Part 3 L'autonimie de l'homme: pp. 1-4 Science and Conduct: pp. 6-17 Hollow Universe: pp. 18-51 (NOT the final version - check for unpublished material) Notes pour Msgr. Parent: pp. 52-57 Part 4 Conference/notes for Msgr. Parent: pp. 1-21 Notes for conferences on social sciences, Catholic University: pp. 22-58 Part 5 Allocution de son excellence Mgr. Maurice Roy:pp. 1-10 Notes pour Mgr. Vachon: pp. 11-27 Le Nouveau sentier de l'esprit: pp. 28-40 Part 6 On "to be" and "to be good": pp. 1-15 Part 7 Philosophie de la nature et sc. experientientales: pp. 1-4 La Phil. de la nature et science et sagesse: pp. 6-18 Various philosophy of nature: pp. 19-57 Part 8 Negation reelle, negation de la negation, et affirmation de la negation: pp. 2-18 The New Philosophy of Work: pp. 19-23 Person:pp. 24-27 Mathematique et phil: pp. 24-31 Conference: Marxisme,Descartes, Kant, Hegel: pp. 32-37 Possibilite logique et possibilite realle: pp. 38-45 Folder 22 Part 1 Introduction a la philosophie: pp. 1-54 Part 2 Course de methodologie psychological: pp. 1-40 Part 3 Les Methodes Psycho-physiques (professor Michette): pp. 1-51 Part 4 Physique des Vibrations: pp. 1-19 Part 5 Introduction a la methodologie (Formal abstraction, mathematical abstraction) Part 6 L'abstraction mathematique selon l'ecoule thomiste, etc Folder 23 Part 1 Lectures: Science & the Humanities in the Renaissance: pp. 6-25 Science & the Humanities in the 19th Centure: 26-45 Part 2 Science & the Humanities Today: pp. 1-18 Untitled: pp. 19-39

Part 3 Christian Benignity: pp. 1-12 Graduate Studies and Research in the Humanities: pp. 14-20 Our Awesome Creed: pp. 21-30 Sa Saintete Jean XXIII: pp. 31-34 Philosophy and Science of man: p. 35 allocution aux etudiants de la Faculte de Philosophie, January 1965:pp. 36-40 Interview with Mgr. Lavois on la regulation des naissances de 'lusage des pilules:pp. 43-54 Part 4 L'Assomption de la Mere de Dieu: pp. 6-12 Bien Commun: pp. 14-32 Part 5 Bien Commun: pp. 1-36 Part 6 Mercy and Cruelty, Common Good: pp. 1-15 Ce que Jean XXIII nous a enseigne: pp. 16-19 La charite et la justice: pp. 20-40 Part 7 Fond doctrinal pour un sermon sur la devotion au Coeur Douloureux et Immacule de Marie: pp. 18

Untitled article (Marx): pp. 10-14 La Compassion Douloureuse de la Vierge Mere: pp. 19-31 Part 8 La Confessionnalite: pp. 1-12 Projet d'une formule de Consecration au Coeur Douloureux et Immacule de Marie: pp. 16-28 La Confessionality: pp. 29-51 Part 9 La Contingence et la physique mathematique: pp. 2-4 loi naturelle: pp. 7-9 Contingence et Finalite: pp. 10-34 Notes sur la prudence d'apres duns Scot: pp. 35-40 La Dialectique: pp. 41-50 teaching and divine government in Summa: pp. 51-58 Folder 24 Part 1 Various pp. 1-8 Methodologie Scientifique 1940-1941: pp. 9-57 Part 2 Methodologie Scientifique 1940-41: pp. 1 - 59 Part 3 Methodologie Scientifique 1940-41: pp. 1-41 Part 4 Methodologie Scientifique 1940-41: pp. 1-55 Part 5 Course on Carrel: pp. 1-29 Materialism, Mathematicism, metaphysics: pp. 31-37 Part 6 Divertissements sur l'Evidence: pp. 1-12 Materialism, mathematicism, metaphysics?: pp: 13-44 Part 7 Les Peregrinations de l'evidence du centre de certitude: pp. 1-16 Methodologie Scientifique: pp. 17-50 Folder 25 Part 1 Note sur le "Nous" d'Anaxgore: pp. 1-8 Philosophie de la Nature: pp. 9-24 La Physique d'Aristote, livre VI - Presentation schematique: pp. 26-54

Part 2 L'Indeterminisme chez S. Thomas: pp. 1-49 Part 3 Notes, etc., on indeterminism and science: pp. 1-25 Introd. a la Phil de la Nature et la Philos des Sciences: pp. 26-40 Part 4 The Possible: pp. 1-37 Part 5 Physics VII pp. 2-8 Ethics I, 6 lect. 7: pp: 8-11 Physiques I, Lecon I: pp. 12-19 Aristote 'essentialiste' or existentialiste: pp. 20-21 Philosophie de la nature et sciences naturalles:pp. 22-26 Commentary on Physics lect. 14, c.8: 1963: pp. 28-32 Folder 26 Part 1 Eddington Part 2 Eddington Part 3 Eddington Part 4 Eddington Part 5 Eddington Part 6 Eddington

cours de 1934-35: pp. 1-64 cours: pp. 1-57 cours: pp. 1-38 cours (typescript): pp. 1-54 cours (typescript): pp. 1-57 cours (typescript): pp. 1-60

Folder 27 Part 1 Yves Simon Common Good correspondence: pp. 1-48 Part 2 Various correspondence, including some Dionne Part 3 Various correspondence Part 4 correspondence - Father Durand Part 5 correspondence - Father Durand Part 6 correspondence - Father Durand Part 7 correspondence - Father Durand Part 8 correspondence - Father Durand (evolution views pp. 5-13) "The Teaching Sister" (CDK?) pp. 30-35 Folder 28 Part 1 Assumption: pp. 1-13 Philosophy of Nature, theology, various: 14-33 Part 2 Various notes, mostly Philosophy of Nature Part 3 Various pp. 1-18 Number: pp. 19-26 Part 4

Life and internal/external experience: pp. 1-18 Mathematics/number: pp. 19-27 Abstraction/singular/various : pp. 28-52 Part 5 Various notes: pp. 1-21 Lettre a la Revue Thomiste: pp. 22-26 La Synecdoque: pp. 27-33 Note sur les noms "mediatrice" et "co-redembrice": pp. 34Part 6 Le principe de contradiction: pp. 2-3 Notes "a moi" on dialectic, angels, evolution: pp. 4 Spinoza: pp. 7-8 Quantity, Hegel: pp. 9-10, 16-17 Various notes, PN: 18-41 Part 7 Sur l'universite catholique: pp. 1-40 Part 8 Notes sur l'education pp. 2-10 Les fins de l'education: pp. 11-14 essay on private property: pp. 15-19 Aristotle on form and privation: pp. 20-24 L'Eglise et la Science: pp. 27-31 The Good of the offspring requires infecundity as well as Fecundity: pp. 32-34 excerpt on soul: pp. 35-37 Folder 29 Part 1 Assumption notes: pp. 1-8 "Pourquoi 'une plus grande piete'": pp. 9-13 Authority of the Church (notes): pp. 16-18 La Charite et la justice: pp. 21-44 The Knowledge of Good and Evil: pp. 45-47 Part 2 Various notes: pp. 1-14 handwritten essay - Thomism in the modern?: pp. 15-18 Notes for "Darwin's Dilemma": pp. 19-23 (Eiseley excerpt: p. 20) portion of draft essay on man and nature: pp. 29-33 Ego Sapientia: pp. 36-43 Part 3 En quel sens les termes de la Physique experimentale sont-ils dialectiques?: pp. 1-9 Quid Fortuna: pp. 6-8 Ignorance (complete handwritten essay: pp. 9-33 note on imitation: p. 35 Part 4 Imitation, fine arts: pp. 2-17 Interpolation de l'infini: pp. 17-20 Good and evil (and chance): pp. 24-30 Part 5 Good and evil, chance, Oedipus: pp. 1-14 Assumption, Ego Sapientia, etc., notes: pp. 15-32 Folder 30 Part 1 degrees of abstraction: pp. 2-21 Language - conventional sign: pp. 22-23 projet d'une meta-mathematique / notes on mathematics: pp. 24-56 Part 2 Course notes: sociology: pp. 1-12

A demonstration in geometry: pp. 13-15 philosophical biology: pp. 16-30 Existentialism: 31-56 Part 3 Existentialism: pp. 1-29 Cours de l'existentialisme (typed): pp. 30-52 Folder 31 Part 1 Correspondence: McCoy, Kolnai Part 2 Correspondence: Kolnai Part 3 Correspondence: Kolnai Folder 32 Part 1 Correspondence: Brennan Part 2 Correspondence: Brennan: pp. 1-20 Notes on philosophy of nature (for Brennan): pp. 21-27 Durant: "The Mansions of Thomistic Philosophy": pp. 28-37 Quelques Reflexions sur l'etat actuel de l'enseignement scientifique dans la province de Quebec (Author?): pp. 39-53 Part 3 Correspondence: Belleperche: pp. 1-61 Part 4 Correspondence: Belleperche: pp. 1-13 Letter to Father Baisnee, re: Eschmannn and Common good controversy: pp. 14-18 Letter to Father Flynn - curved space: pp. 19-21 Correspondence: Babin: pp. 22-47 Part 5 Correspondence: Babin Part 6 Correspondence: Adler Folder 32a Part 1 Contingence and Appetit: pp. 3-18 La nature de la contingence: pp. 19-21 Modern Philosophies of History: pp. 22-33 notes on history: pp. 34-38 Le Possible absolu est inseparable du bien: pp. 40-48 Notes on philsophy of nature: pp. 49-58 Part 2 The Problem of Contingency: pp. 3-4 On the conditions of becoming: pp. 6-12 Sensible matter, abstraction, etc.: pp. 16-60 Part 3 The notion of Intelligible Matter: pp. 1-7 Philosophie de la Nature (1961-1963): pp. 8-13 Physique I, Lecon I: pp. 14-20 La Physique d'Aristote, livre VI (Presentation schematique): p. 21 Philosophie de la Nature cours, 1962: 22-25 Albertus Magnus on natural and dialectical definitions: 26-35 Part 4 Thesis proposal: A comparative Evaluation of Aristotle's Theories of the Elements: pp. 1-2 philosophical notes: pp. 3-22 Science and the possible: pp. 23-26 Q. 24: Praedestinatione Christi: pp. 27-30

Considerations of Books I, II and V of Physics: pp. 33-35 Part 5 De Anime (handwritten lectures): pp. 1-18 Remarks on Cosmos: 19-21 Part 6 De Anima (cours a ND, 1963): pp. 1-28 De Caelo notes: pp. 29-44 Folder 33 Part 1 Symbole / mathematical physics (various notes): pp. 1-48 Part 2 Le principe d'identite, etc. pp. 1-19 Extract from Huxley: pp. 20-22 Notula in Iae Partis Q. I. a. ix, ad 1: pp. 25-33 Notes on distinct and confused, etc: pp. 36-42 Part 3 Meth. scientifique (1939-1940): pp. 1-55 Part 4 L'abstraction mathematique selon l'ecole Thomiste: pp. 1-20 Various on Methodologie: pp. 23-30 Part 5 Methodologie Scientifique: pp. 1-34 Part 6 Methodologie Scientifique: pp. 3-38 Part 7 Methodologie Scientifique Part 8 La dialectique comme mimique de l'univers ?: Methodologie: pp. 24-40 Folder 34 Draft manual for Philosophy of Nature Folder 35 Part 1 Pedagogie Philosophique - handwritten lecture notes Part 2 Hylomorphisme, pedagogie: pp. 1-8 Racisme: pp. 9-27 L'un et le multiple: pp. 28-31 Part 3 Rire: pp. 1-11 letters on practical and speculative: pp. 13-16 La Theologie est a la fois speculative et pratique: pp. 19-37 Part 4 Theologie de la nature: pp. 1-45 Part 5 L'etonnement: pp. 1-4 Dialectique - Rire - humour: pp. 8-19 Speculatif et Pratique (Dionne notes): pp. 20-30 Part 6 Various on nature and evolution: pp. 1-12 De Formatione primi hominis: pp. 13-28 Part 7 De Immensitate: pp. 2-10 Notes on work of the six days: pp. 11-30 Theologie et Cosmos (1941) pp. 31-35 Part 8 various

Part 9 Introduction a la Theol. Part 10 Introduction a la Theol. Folder 36 Laval Archive index Folder 37 Dissertation on Eddington Folder 38 Note cards

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