APPLICATION FOR MEMBERSHIP OF THE CHRISTIAN COUNCIL OF BRITAIN Subscription fees for both FULL and ASSOCIATE Membership of the Christian Council of Britain are EITHER for a single person, £24 yearly, or jointly man and wife, £36; each payable yearly by cheque by January 31st of each year (one quarter payable if joining in October through to December of the year before); OR by Standing Order at the rate of £2 a month for a single person or £3 a month jointly for man and wife. FULL Membership (Voting): Those applying for Full Membership of the Christian Council of Great Britain and Northern Ireland must sign and abide by the following declarations: I believe in the Godhead of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, one indivisible God eternally in Three Persons. I hold the Bible to be the inspired Word of God and I subscribe to the Mission Statement of the Christian Council of Britain, namely:
Doctrinal Confession:
Mission Statement: “To
promote Christian views and values in this our Nation and society; and to counteract cultural and ideological challenges and threats from extreme ideologies which would seek to undermine, persecute, or legally prosecute Britain’s national and Christian heritage as a basis for an attack on the free, open, liberal, and democratic nature of her People and of their society.”
Single Applicant: Name:…………………………….................Signature………………………….. Date………………… Jointly Man and Wife: Name:……………………………..................Signature…………………………..Date………………… Name:……………………………..................Signature…………………………..Date………………… ASSOCIATE Membership (Non-Voting): Those applying for Associate Membership for the Christian Council of Great Britain and Northern Ireland must sign and abide by the following declaration: Mission Statement: “To
promote Christian views and values in this our Nation and society; and to counteract cultural and ideological challenges and threats from extreme ideologies which would seek to undermine, persecute, or legally prosecute Britain’s national and Christian heritage as a basis for an attack on the free, open, liberal, and democratic nature of her People and of their society.”
Single Applicant: Name:…………………………….................Signature………………………….. Date………………… Jointly Man and Wife: Name:……………………………..................Signature…………………………..Date………………… Name:……………………………..................Signature…………………………..Date………………… For both FULL or ASSOCIATE Membership: Address:…………………………….............. ………………………………........................ ………………………………........................ Post Code………………………………........Tel…………………..Email……………………………… Send To: Christian Council of Britain, PO Box 41, Spalding, Lincolnshire, PE12 2AH.
STANDING ORDER MANDATE Note Well: Please send this Mandate to the Christian Council of Britain and not to your Bank.
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Please pay on the …………day of the month of ………………………………..20.…………………… the sum of ……………………….(in words) (£…………) to HSBC Bank plc (40-33-19) for the credit of the Christian Council of Britain (Account No. 31449095) and thereafter make like payments monthly until further notice in writing by me/us:
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Name/s (in CAPITALS)…………………
Address………………………………..................................................................................................... ………………………………................................................................................................................. ………………………………................................................................................................................. Post Code:……………………………............ DOB:………/………/………..
Send To: Christian Council of Britain, PO Box 41, Spalding, Lincolnshire, PE12 2AH.