Ccl Training

  • June 2020
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EFFECTIVENESS OF TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT OF EMPLOYEES IN CCL INTRODUCTION Training and development refer to the imparting of specific skills, abilities and knowledge to an employee. It is an attempt to improve current or future employee performance by increasing an employee’s ability to perform through learning, usually by changing the employee’s attitude or increasing his or her skills and knowledge. The need for training and development is determined by the employee’s performance deficiency, computed as follows: Training and standard – Actual development need performance. Successful candidates placed on this job need training and perform their duties effectively. Workers must be trained to operate machines, reduce scrap and avoid accidents. Supervisors, managers and executives also need to be developed in order to enable them to grow and acquire maturity of thought and action. Training and development constitute an ongoing process in any organisation. Whenever there is a gap between the actual performance and whatever is needed i.e. the standard, productivity suffers. Training can reduce, if not eliminate this gap. It does so by changing the behaviour of individuals by giving them what additional specific items of knowledge, skill or attitude they need to perform up to that standard. Emphasis has been laid on the training and development of employees with a view to productivity contributes to the growth and performance of the organisation. The revised training system aims to optimally utilize various agencies of training instruments, in an effort to transforming the company into a learning organisation.

Training shall include a training programme, seminar convention, or any other structured learning or developmental programme based on training need analysis. Human Resource development is growing steadily in size, outreach and impact. Increasingly, the HRD professional is recognised as a prime contributor to organisational effectiveness and individual satisfaction productivity. HRD aims at securing commitment of the employees and building competence in them. For building up a team of dedicated and committed employees, a strong and supportive open culture exist where performance is duly recognized. Any training and development programme must contain inputs, which enable the participants to gain skills, learn theoretical concepts and help acquire vision to look into the distant future. In addition to these, there is a need to impart ethical orientation emphasizes on attitudinal changes and stress upon decision making and problem solving abilities. There is greater stability, flexibility and capacity for growth in an organisation. Employees become efficient after undergoing training. Efficient employees contribute to the growth of the organisation. Training makes the employees versatile in operations. Well-trained employees can contribute to the prosperity of an enterprise. Accidents, scrap and damage to machinery and equipment can be avoided or minimised through training. Even dissatisfaction, complaints, absenteeism and turnover can be reduced if employees are trained well. Future needs of employers will be met through training and development programmes.

Training serves as an effective source of recruitment. Training is an investment in human resources with a promise and it serves as an effective source of recruitment. Training is an investment in HR with a promise of better returns in future. Another component of a training and development programme is development which is less skill oriented but stresses on knowledge. Knowledge about business environment, management principles and techniques, human relations, specific industry analysis and the like is useful for better management of a company. How training benefits the organisation? •

Leads to improved profitability and / or more positive attitudes towards profit orientation.

Improves the job knowledge and skills at all levels of the organisation.

Helps people identify with organisational goals.

Helps create a better corporate image.

Fosters authenticity, openness and trust.

Improves relationship between boss and subordinate.

Aids in organisational development.

Learns from the trainee.

Helps prepare guidelines for work

Aids in understanding and carrying out organisational policies.

Provides information for future needs in all areas of the organisation.

Organisation gets more effective decision making and problem solving skills.

Aids in development for promotion from within.

Aids in developing leadership skills, motivation, loyalty, better attitudes and other aspects that successful workers and managers usually display.

Aids in increasing productivity and / or quality of work.

Helps keep costs down in many areas, e.g. production, personnel, administration, etc.

Develops a sense of responsibility to the organisation for being competent and knowledgeable.

Improves labour – management relation.

Reduces outside consulting costs by utilising competent internal consultation.

Stimulates preventive management as opposed to putting out fires.

Eliminates sub-optional behaviour (such as hiding tools).

Creates an appropriate climate for growth, communication.

Aids in improving organisational communication.

Helps employees adjust to change

Aids in handling conflict, thereby helping to prevent stress and tension.

Benefits to the individual •

Helps the individual in making better decisions and effective problem solving.

Through training and development, motivational variables of recognition, achievement growth, responsibility and advancement are internalised and operationalized.

Aids in encouraging and achieving self-development and self confidence.

Helps a person handle stress, tension, frustration and conflict.

Provides information for improving leadership, knowledge, communication skills and attitudes.

Increases job satisfaction and recognition.

Moves a person towards personal goals while improving interactive skills.

Satisfies personal needs to the trainer (and trainee).

Provides the trainee an avenue for growth and a say in his / her own future.

Develop a sense of growth in learning.

Helps a person develop speaking and listening skills, also writing skills when exercises are required.

Helps eliminate fear in attempting new tasks.

Benefits in personnel and Human Relations, intra group and inter group relations and policy implementation. •

Improves communication between groups and individuals.

Aids in orientation for new employees and those taking new jobs through transfer or promotion.

Provides information on equal opportunity and affirmative action.

Provides information on other governmental laws and administrative policies.

Improves interpersonal skills.

Provides a good climate for learning, growth and co-ordination.

Makes the organisation a better place to work and live.

Central Coalfields Limited was formed on November 1, 1975 as a subsidiary of Coal India Limited (CIL) with 49 collieries CCL is continuously engaged in developing its band of power professionals, through intensive training with a view to optimum utilization of manpower for achieving the corporate objectives. CCL with its headquarter at Ranchi, operates 74 mines and 6coal washeries. Each mines and washeries is formed after planning preparation of the project by CMPDI appraisal and approval. The company is the major source of coal in India. Its all projects lay down certain basic objectives and target for growth and development, consumption, investment and resources to be mobilised.

Objectives of CCL •

Make learning one of the fundamental values of the organisation.

Ensure value addition through training to the overall business process.

Institutionalize learning opportunities that supplements work experience

Integrate organisational and individual developmental needs.

Enable employees to keep up with the latest knowledge and skills and enable them to undertake current and future responsibilities in a more effective manner.

Provide linkages between the different functionaries of training activity with overall human resource function.


To know and understand how the employees shall make full use of the training system to support, transform and develop CCL.



advancement taking place in the competitive

environment, how far does CCL make efforts to upgrade the knowledge of its work force through the training & development system. •

To know how far has the initiative been taken by the employees, to avail some opportunities provided by CCL to enhance this skill / knowledge through the training programme.

To know and understand how the organisational and individual developmental needs integrate through the training system.

To know and systematically identify developmental needs of the employees.

To suggest measures and areas of further training improvement for the employees.


Training is a practical and vital necessity because it enables employees to develop and rise within the organisation and increases their market value earning power and job security.

It moulds the employees attitudes and helps them to achieve a better cooperation with the company and a greater loyalty to it. Considering the importance of T&D, we tried to measure and verify the effectiveness of training and development in C.C.L. To measure and verify the effectiveness of training and development in CCL.


To know about the value addition through training and development.

To find the level of satisfaction with the current training and development programme.

To find the level of awareness regarding the training and development system.

To find how the employees view the training and development programme and their benefits.

To find out the suggestions so as to increase the level of satisfaction among employees.

To find out how far has the training and development been effective in their work.

RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Research is a careful investigation or inquiry specially through search for new facts in any branch of knowledge, systematized effort to gain new knowledge.

Research Methodology is a way to systematically solve the research methodology we not only talk of the research methods but also consider the logic behind the methods we use in the context of our research study and explain why we are using a particular method or technique and why we are not using other so that research results are capable of being evaluated either by the researcher himself or by others.

Research Design

A research design is the arrangement of conditions for collection and analysis of data in a manner that aims to combine relevance to the research purpose with economy in procedure, it constitutes the blueprint for the collection, measurement and analysis of data

Exploratory Research

Exploratory research studies are also termed as formulative research studies. The main purpose of such studies is that of formulating a problem for more precise investigation or of developing the working hypothesis from an operational point of view. The major emphasis in such studies is or the discovery of ideas and insight.

Sampling Plan

After deciding on the research approach and instruments, we will design a sampling plan.

Sampling Unit

In our survey, sampling unit is every member of the population that is all employees of C.C.L. Ranchi

Sampling Size

This refers to the number of items to be selected from the universe to constitute a sample.

Sampling Technique

Simple random sampling

Every member of the population has an equal chance of selection. We have used simple random sampling for our project.

Tools of data collection: •

Structured questionnaire with personal interview

We had given structured questionnaire to respondents in CCL and Conducted personal interview also with them.

Data Source:

Primary Data

Primary data be collected either through experiments or through survey, observation or direct communication with respondents in one farm or another or through personal interviews.

Our primary data are direct and personal interview with the employees and questionnaire distributed among them in CCL.

Secondary Data Secondary data means data that are already available i.e. they refer to the data which have already been collected and analysed by some one else and which have already passed through the statistical process.



100% of Awareness Findings Our research unfolds the fact that there is 100% awareness and almost all the employee knows about the training system prevailing in CCL. The main objective however is to develop the newer capabilities in the employees so, as to enable them to tackle both present and future problem realising organisational goal.

Employees attended the training programme %age of Respondents

Ans. 2



80% 60% 40% 20%


0% Yes


Findings The survey unfolded the facts that about 94% of the respondents have attended training. 6% have not attended any training programme.

The percentage of yes respondent reveals that CCL tries to provide training facility to its employees time to time on the basis of the requirement and ace to the them by attending short courses one is able to perform with greater efficiency.

Ans. 3

Duration of Training Programme 44% 45% 40% 31%

35% 30%


25% %age of Respondents 20% 15% 10%

More than 2 yrs.

1 - 2 yrs.


6 - 12 months



Findings: The analysis unfolds the fact that about 44% of employees receive training with in 1 – 2 years, 31% of employees receive training in more than 2 years and about 25% of employees receive training within 6 – 12 months. It implies that CCL tries to provide training to its time to time on the basis of requirement.

Ans. 4 & 5

EFFECTIVENESS & SATISFACTION LEVEL 50 50 45 40 35 30 25 19 20 15





5 0

3-D Column 1

Strongly Satisfied




Strongly Unsatisfied






Findings: The analysis shows that about 12.5% of respondent strongly satisfied and feel that these training programme effective and it has also helped them in their daily work, about 50% of respondent satisfied with the training system prevailing in CCL. 19% of respondent are neutral about their views and 6% and 12.5% of respondent are unsatisfied and strongly unsatisfied with the training system prevailing in CCL respectively.

Ans. 6 When the respondent were asked that what measure should be taken to improve the Training System provided by CCL. Every respondents have shared their opinion and suggestion with us: 

Mostly respondents said that the training programme should be related to real working situation, it should be based on problem solving.

Few respondents said that an interactive training system should be there to help the co-ordination in different departments.

Individual should be selected based on their needs of training and on the job training should be given to each employees.

Proper accountability should be fixed on both trainer as well as trainee in order to get their best efforts.

Some respondents also said that after training programme the prospects for implementation may be provided and some incentive for motivation should be imparted.

Ans. 7

Application of Training Programme & Achievement made by CCL 100 90 80

%age of Employees

70 62.5

60 50 40 30 20


12.5 10


Strongly Disagree

0 Disagree



Strongly agree


Findings: Our research unfolds the facts that about 62.5% of employees are agree that there has been a significant achievement in CCL as a result of the application of their newly acquired knowledge through the training programme; 18.75% of employees are neutral about their views and 12.5% of respondent are strongly agree on this and 6.25% of employee disagree for this.

Ans. 8

Application of skill level gained during the training programme 100 90

%age of Employees

80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10



Not so often




Findings: Analysis unfolds the facts that about 56.25 of employees often apply the knowledge / skill gained by them during the training programme; 18.75% of employees not so often apply their knowledge and 18.25% of respondent always apply their knowledge in working situation 6.25% of employees seldom use their training knowledge. It implies that most of them apply idea and concepts acquired during training which aims at helping the employees to acquire knowledge required to perform all their function effectively and make their organisation do well.

Ans. 9

Level of Training Received 70 62.5

Percentage of Employees

60 50 37.5



20 10

0 Yes


Findings: Our research unfolds the facts that about 62.5% of respondent feel that they have not receive sufficient training for doing your present job in a better way according to their views training never ending process and one has always crave for and need training and development to cope with modern technology and changing time. 37.5% of respondent feel that they have received sufficient training for performing their work.

Ans. 10


Strongly Disagree 0% Disagree 6%

Strongly Agree 13%

Neutral 25%

Agree 56%

Findings The above figure shows that this programmes are helpful in providing mental satisfaction. The training programmes bring them satisfaction, they are able to learn something new, something different that can be applied to their work life.

Ans. 11


Strongly Disagree 0% Neutral 13%

Disagree 0%

Strongly Agree 25%

Agree 62%

Findings Our analysis unfolds the fact that more half of the sample size agree that the training system somehow helps in establishing co-ordination between different department of the organisation. About 25% of the respondent strongly agree and believe that when people get training together the interaction amongst themselves improve the working condition which lead to inter-department co-ordination and rest 12.5% of employees are neutral about their views on this question.

Ans. 12.


Neutral 0%

Disagree 6%

Strongly Disagree 0% Strongly Agree 38%

Agree 56%

Findings Our research unfolds the fact that about 56.25% of employees from the sample size agree that the training and development system of CCL beneficial for the employees towards their individual and organisational growth. Organisation are never perfectly static. They keep on changing employees skills and abilities therefore require continuous upgrading. The employees fees that training has played a major role to improve productivity in the better way whereas 6.2% of respondent are not agree on this question.

Ans. 13.


70 62.5






18.75 12.5

10 6.25 0

0 Strongly Agree




Strongly Disagree

Findings The research unfolds the fact that about 62.5% of the respondent of our sample size agree that the training programme introduced them to new concept and tools that have helped them to perform their job better and about 6.25% are strongly agree that training contributes to employee stability and employees become efficient after undergoing training. 12.5% of employees are neutral on this question. From this we imply that through a training programme, an employees can perform better, they are useful for being introduced to new concept and tools.

Ans. 14. When the respondent were asked that what barriers you have been experienced while implementing your training knowledge in real working situation. 

Mostly employees said that generally they are not given a chance to implement new skills

Binding to follow laid down rules & procedure of the company.

Since the existing training system is not such that any new knowledge is imparted, hence application of the some does not arise.

Lack of practical experience.

Organisation structure and its complexity.


Once training needs are assessed, training and development goals must be established. Without clearly set goals, it is not possible to design a training and development programme and after it has been implemented, there will be no way of measuring its effectiveness.

We have taken five parameters to give our project topic a finishing touch:

Post training satisfaction

Enhancement of knowledge and skill

Empowerment of the employees

Efficiency of performance

Alignment of individual and organisational growth

Post Training Satisfaction

In general most of respondents were satisfied with the training provided. They believe training is the doorway to greater performance. It does ensure value addition to the overall business process. The respondents who were not satisfied with the training were emphasizing on not getting chance to implement their knowledge in their working condition / situation. Training can never be a success without a positive mind frame. The trainees should be prepared to involve themselves wholly for the training because this will not only set the organisation banner fly high but will also makes the employee be a part of the success. Thus training is a learning experience.

Enhancement of knowledge and skill Training does ensure enhancement of knowledge and skill. Our research unfolds the fact that CCL provides training only to the executives and not to the subordinates, which is very important to enhance their knowledge and skill. Those who have received such training are thus satisfied leaving others at a loss. Thus each employee should get adequate chance to explore his own ability. These training course are a major platform to exhibit their dormant talents and skills. The organisation’s significant achievement should be building up of a strong corporate culture and a committed team of power professionals. Empowerment of the employees The training system helps each individual to carry out his task with dedication and commitment. It also helps in an effective co-ordination between two departments in communicate in the organisation, helping in better working condition. When we asked the respondents, whether they are getting any mental satisfaction through these training programmes, about 75% of the sample size were agreeing to it and thus it implies that. It is beneficial for the employees for their individual and organisational growth. When an individual is able to take and make decisions in the course of his work, he is an independent person and an empowered one. Efficiency in performance

Training is needed by any organisation that wants to grow continuously. In the fast changing environment organisation can scale new heights only through the effective and efficient use of HR. The employees are encouraged to take risks, experiment, innovate and make things happen in an atmosphere of mutual trust, goodwill and cooperation. The barriers which were faced by the employees were: 

Generally the do not get chance to implement their training skill in their work life.

The rules and regulations framed by the company do not allow to grow ahead with the knowledge and skill gained by the employees during the training session.

Generally they have lack of equipment, knowledge & skill, thus effective implementation in real terms becomes difficult.

Most of the employees are unskilled and thus those in the upper level (executives) are not able to frame a good co-ordination between themselves, thus lacking co-operation which leads to adverse effect on the work in the organisation.

Thus training helps to perform task of higher degree and quality. For this there has to be continuous development of competencies in people, without this the organisation may fail to achieve its goals. Assignment of individual and organisational growth Majority have agreed to this, they feel training is beneficial for the individual because here his contribution alone can lead his organisation. The choice is in his hands.

Training helps to acquire or sharpen capabilities required to perform various functions associated with their present or expected future roles. The training system focuses on learning. To be effective, training is conducted in a systematic way backed up by careful needs assessment, solid programme design and thorough evaluation of results. Training helps in tapping hidden qualities in people in order to make them accomplish new functions leading to organisational and individual goals.


Issue and revise training policy and practices.

The training department should select the right person for the training and especially when there is a need for it. Most of the employees feel that the training given to them is not sufficient and satisfactory hence CCL should provide for training that is truly beneficial to the employees.

There should be availability of good trainers. This is one area over which the employees are once again dissatisfied. They hold the opinion that inspite of them attending the training programmes, yet they are unable to give their best to the organisation.

Programmes should be given more thrust on human needs and aspiration. They should be more need based. There must be an employee attitude analysis system and accordingly training needs are to be set as per the individual’s job requirement.

Being in technology business there should be availability of good inputs like international renowned manuals through which employees are made aware of the latest happenings in relation to their work.

Training other than work related should be imparted on attitude, motivation, change management because many feel it uneasy to accept a different work methodology after having received training.

Ensure that the management commits itself to allocate major resources and adequate time to training.

Ensure that training contribute to competitive strategies of the firm. Different strategies need different HR skills for implementation training helps employees at all levels acquire the needed skills.

Ensure that a comprehensive and systematic approach to training exists and training and retraining are done at all levels on a continuous and on going basis.

Ensure that there is proper linkage among organisation.

Create a system to evaluate the effectiveness of training.


The time available for research was insufficient

The analysis of data may not be sufficiently adequate to reveal the significance of the training system.

There was insufficient interaction with the employees because of the time limitation.

Some of the employees were reluctant to give adequate and accurate response.


Aswathappa K, Human Resource and Personnel Management, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co. Ltd – 7th Edition.

Gupta S.P. and Gupta M.P., Business Statistics, Sultan Chand and Sons Educational Publishers.

Kothari C.R, Research Methodology, Methods and Techniques, Wishwa Prakashan – 2nd Edition.

Sur G.K., Human Resource Development and Productivity, 1st Edition, National Product Council.

CCL (Central Coalfield Limited) Handbook & Personal Interview with Employees of CCL.






Objective for Study


Problem Definition


List of Information Required


Research Methodology


Analysis and Interpretation




Suggestions and Recommendations







Page Nos.


We take this opportunity to thank the “Management Department” BIT, Mesra for giving us the opportunity to do this project. There are people who simply by being they are influence and inspire you to do things. We acknowledge our gratitude and indebtedness to our guide Mr. S.N. Shahdeo who was a source of continuous guidance and inspiration to us and without their guidance and motivation this report could not have seen the light of the day. We also thank who cooperated with us and took out sometime to provide their responses in the survey questionnaire.

(Rakhi Singh)

(Garima Choudhary)

(Megha Anand)

CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL This is to certify that Project Report titled “COMPARATIVE STUDY BETWEEN HERBAL AND NON-HERBAL SHAMPOOS AND GAINING OUT THEIR MARKET POTENTIALITY”, a bonafide work of submitted by Swati Kanchan (BBA/1001/03), Sheetal Ajita Tirkey (BBA/1014/03), Suranjita Alina Ekka (BBA/1026/03) and Rashi Gupta (BBA/1034/03) in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the award of “BACHELOR OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATOIN” Degree of Birla Institute of Technology, Lalpur Extension Centre, Ranchi

(Internal Examiner) Examiner)



This is to certify that this term paper ‘Project Report’ titled “EFFECTIVENESS OF TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT OF EMPLOYEES IN CCL”, has been submitted in partial fulfilment for the Degree of

Bachelor of Business Administration of Birla Institute of Technology, Ranchi. It is a bonafide project carried out by …………..under my guidance and supervision.

Deptt. of Management


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