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A pleasant day to all of you! Please see below some pointers to review that will help you for CBT exam. CBT EXAM: Important: *Read blue book or Blue print @ The NMC website 1. NMC Code for Nurses 2. NMC Standards and guidelines 3. NMC Blue print for adult (general) nursing 4. Always read topics that are marked as E (Essentials) 5. Study drug calculations Standard formula:


6. Read / browse the website / links in NMC blueprints 7. Read topics in NMC blue book about geniatrics / caring for older persons. 8. Read about drugs like Colchicine , Epinephrine , Emergency drugs , Preacutions and Nursing Considerations.

1. Read ALL the links found in the NMC Blueprint (do not memorise, just read and understand) 2. Secure a copy of the Royal Marsden Manual of Clinical Nursing Procedures, 9th Edition. Follow the instruction below and you'll get a copy of the book. just email: [email protected] and write the subject THE ROYAL MARSDEN 3. Answer and review this link, it is very helpful http://www.royalmarsdenmanual.com/student/mcqs/complete.asp 4. Read a lot about SAFEGUARDING. CONSENT and CONFIDENTIALITY. What to do if you have safeguarding concerns What to do if a client confides or reports abuse to you When are you allowed to breach confidentiality, For consent, if the person has CAPACITY, the person's decision is always followed. Consent to treatment (Children and young people) 5. Read about Clinical governance, clinical effectiveness and clinical audit (definitions) 6. Observation and scoring tools: MUST, NEWS (AVPU)- keep in mind the interventions for each score, the purpose of NEWS VIP score- signs and interventions Waterlowe score 7. Vital signs and its indications 8. Nursing process (activities done for each) 9. Infection control (6-step handwashing, PPE's, waste disposal, barrier nursing, standard precaution, universal precaution) - take note of infected waste, linens and sharp disposal. Color of waste disposal and linen bags. 10. Notifiable diseases 11. Medicines Management (indication for IM,IV; proper injection technique, safe/danger sites, transport and storage of controlled drugs, emergency drugs, Nitrogycerina,opioids, digoxin, allopurinol, colchicine - nursing education, s/e, action) 12. Read about dementia, delirium, Alzheimer's - s/s, how to communicate, nursing interventions 13. Communication Techniques (talking with unconscious pt, communication skills) 14. Identify if pt is undergoing shock (Anaphylactic, Hypovolemic etc) and your initial actions

15. Transporting biohazard specimen, routine lab studies (basic only) proper collection and transport 16. Yellowcard scheme 17. Clostridium difficile and other diarrheal diseases (nursing actions. instructions) 18. frequency of monitoring of pt with head injury(NICE guidelines) 19. Manual handling and proper use of walking aids 20. End of life care (Last offices) 21. Tuckman's team formation, Contingency management, Benchmarking, Contingency management 22. The Code, Standards of Practice, 6Cs, Registration 23. Nutrition and hydration, nutritional support 24. Very basic drug calculation (D/S, CC/hr) 25. Leadership and management 26. use of social media 27. Services: Community nursing, acute care, primary care, intermediate care 28. Hospital DISCHARGE 29. steps to take during needlestick injury 30. Pre, Intra and post op 31. Positioning of patient for procedures 32. Pain Ladder (WHO) other tips: read the question carefully (easy but tricky) make sure you respond appropriately in emergency situations (safety is very critical in the exam) you have plenty of time, don't rush. do not study complicated cases, pathophysiology. Focus on the basics. 1. Read ALL the links found in the NMC Blueprint (do not memorise, just read and understand) 2. Secure a copy of the Royal Marsden Manual of Clinical Nursing Procedures, 9th Edition. Follow the instruction below and you'll get a copy of the book. just email: [email protected] and write the subject THE ROYAL MARSDEN 3. Answer and review this link, it is very helpful http://www.royalmarsdenmanual.com/student/mcqs/complete.asp. - more or less 10 questions came from these samples 4. Read a lot about SAFEGUARDING. CONSENT and CONFIDENTIALITY. What to do if you have safeguarding concerns What to do if a client confides or reports abuse to you. - what to do if a colleague reports to you about what they saw When are you allowed to breach confidentiality. - what to do to ensure confidentiality For consent, if the person has CAPACITY, the person's decision is always followed. Consent to treatment (Children and young people) 6. Observation and scoring tools: MUST. - (interventions for monitoring weight/preventing weight loss) NEWS 9. Infection control. - (source isolation) 11. Medicines Management - controlled drugs, situations when it is NOT advisable to let patient take their own medication 12. Read about dementia, delirium, Alzheimer's - s/s, how to communicate, nursing interventions 13. Communication Techniques - (Therapeutic responses to relatives of terminally ill, expired patients) 14. Identify if pt is undergoing shock (Anaphylactic, Hypovolemic etc) 17. Clostridium difficile and other diarrheal diseases (nursing actions. instructions) - read about TRAVELLER'S DIARRHEA 19. Manual handling and proper use of walking aids - this was mentioned but the issue was about patient refusing to use walking aids 22. The Code, Standards of Practice. - what to do if an emergency situation occurs outside your work environment 23. Nutrition and hydration, nutritional support - familiarize yourself with BMI categories 24. Very basic drug calculation (D/S, CC/hr). - around 15 questions, no need to review for this. As long as you know

the basics of drugs and IVF computations, you can calculate answers mentally 25. Leadership and management - Delegating tasks, responsibilities 27. Services: Community nursing, acute care, primary care, intermediate care 28. Hospital DISCHARGE - Transcribing, what to include 30. Pre, Intra and post op - types of operation where you should NOT tilt the bed after operation OTHER TOPICS INCLUDED: Review signs and symptoms of these diseases, choose carefully because the choices would list 4 or 5 symptoms, and each choice would have 2 or 3 similar symptoms in them. Diabetes Hypertension CRF Anemia Sepsis Read about covert medication, CVP line, Entonox, Neutropenia, Resuscitation ( case where defibrillation is not advisable ) Nurse prescribers, Patient Group Directions, Rewarming core temperature for hypothermia, pH level of blood, foods rich in anti oxidants, bringing foods from home to the hospital, Discomforts of pregnancy, what happens to patient diagnosed with anxiety/stress if it's not managed? JANUARY 2017 CBT EXAM 1. Controlled drugs: how to securely transport from pharmacy to patient's home (know the steps) 2. Denture stomatitis : recognizing the signs 3. COPD : best health education to prevent exacerbation; common ABG readings (elevated CO2, decreased 02) 4. Consent of a 16 year old: Read about Gillick competence 5. Safeguarding and raising concerns (child and elderly) 6. Services of a community hospital: know all as the choices seem to be all similar 7. NMC Continuing education hours for revalidation 8. NICE guidelines on GCS 15 head trauma patient in ER. How frequent are the monitoring? 9. Meds: Allopurinol (what to monitor for long-term use) Dopamine (what to monitor prior to administration) Morphine (overdose and naloxone) Nitroglycerine (proper storage and potency loss, precautions, patient safety, patch disposal) 10. Managing breathlessness 11. Post partum hemorrhage (recognize between primary and secondary) 12. Eat Well guidelines: fruits and vegetables serving 13. 6-step hand hygiene 14. Managing diarrhea while taking contraceptive pills 15. Stoma care 16. Medication calculations 17. Crsytal therapy in managing breathlessness? FALSE. this is the weakest research to support lung cancer and manage breathlessness 18. Recognizing a good leader 19. Tuckman's stages of group development 20. Early signs of phlebitis 21. A relative calls you and tells that she is vomiting and having loose motion, can she visit her patient? What is your best response? 22. Delegation, legalities in health care 23. NEWS and AVPU 24. Aphasia (expressive and receptive) 25. Post CVA patient with dysphagia: whom to refer?

26. Aneurysm: most common site (aorta, AAA) 27. Anaphylactic shock 28. Pressure relieving device for Waterlow Score of 20+, and pressure ulcer grading 29. UK list of notifiable diseases and notifiable organisms 30. Elderly Care especially in the community 31. Best health teaching to a young patient on antibiotic 32. Delirium related to acute urinary tract infection 33. Observation tools: MUST, NEWS, Waterlow. try to know others too 34. Sharps: disposing and needle stick injuries 35. Documentation: legally correcting errors; legalities 36. 6 Cs in NMC: understand the meaning of each (Care, Competence, Compassion, Communication, Courage, Commitment) 37. Antibiotic therapy and bloody diarrhea.. what is most likely the cause? -C Defficle proliferation sine Antibiotics alter the intestinal flora 38.ABG values in kPa not mmHg I learned this conversion: 1atm = 760mmHg = 760 torr = 101.32 kPa = 14.69 psi 39. Staffing issues and unit management. How to manage when staff are short? -Contact out-of-hours manager or senior manager and consider pulling in or manage from out of hours staff. Never compromise patient safety. 40. MENTAL CAPACITY. how to determine A 45-year-old Asian patient refusing surgery, parents and family still wish it for her. Respect the patient's decision assuming she has capacity. Educate her with the consequences but give her time to reflect on her decision A seemingly confused patient asking to be discharged. What should you do? Encourage to stay for his safety. 41. CTT insertion, care, removal 42. CONFIDENTIALITY scenarios. Patient wants to tell you a secret and asks you to never tell anyone, what should be your best response? You may divulge some information if it will compromise the well-being of the patient. Know the instances when should confidentiality be breached 43. How to ensure that patients in a busy care home are well nourished and fed? -assign competent staff to feed those who are at risk -blind or partially blind, cups should be filled by competent staff and ensure it is not full to the brim to avoid spillage 44. How to respond to patients who display sexual behaviour towards you. -Professional boundaries, state policies, never tolerate 45. Patient who is at high risk of malnutrition post op: Consult dietician to correct low BMI 46. Injections (subcutaneous, how many degrees according to Royal Marsden, when is it appropriate to use parenteral route and when not?) 47. Defense mechanisms (regression) 48. MRSA (methicilin-resistant staph Aureus), Clostridium defficle (nursing management) 49. Teratogens on first trimester: Alcohol 50. Which are ot to be reported to NMC for License restriction? Theft, Fraud, cheating-reportable Speeding violation -non reportable 51. Heart failure Right-sided and left-sided (Which one causes systemis edema) 52. Adjuvant meds during palliative therapy. How do they work? 53. Airway obstruction: WHat is the most common cause when patients are unconscious and lying supine? TONGUE obstruction 54. Transfusion reactions (pyrexia and pain in loin? Signs of severe BT reaction) 55. Social media and nursing students (worst advise you can give? Rely completely on sites privacy settings)

IMPORTANT REFERENCES: NMC Code, NICE Guidelines, Royal Marsden Manual 9th Edition. I practically read all chapters of the Royal Marsden.

1. NEWS- intervention if score is above 5 2. Use of crutches 3. Communication 4. Waste, linen disposal 5. Yellowcard-purpose 6. Elderly-dehyd, safety 7. Basic drug calcu 8. Confidentiality 9. Blood transfusion reaction 10. Dorothea orem- selfcare theory 11. DABDA 12. Lumbar laminectomy- post op postioning 13. Def of acute illness- severe and sudden onset 14. Consent 15. Dementia and delirium 16. Professional values 17. Wounds and dressing 18. Pressure ulcer 19. Positive and negative fluid balance 20. Use of zimmers frame 21. Benchmarking 22. Nonmaleficence 23. Care of the dying *mostly po is nasa handout na binigay nyo sakin. tas dun sa royal marsden mcq website. March 2, 2017 – NMC CBT ToC- Part 1 1. A patient who is experiencing diarrhea and vomiting wants to visit her mother who was hospitalized. What will you advise? 2. Leadership and Management. The Code.6 C’s. Safeguarding 3. Blood Transfusion reaction (Fever, and Loin pain= severe reaction?) 4. Consent. Read about rights of 16 and 17 year-old children. 5. Reportable diseases 6. Signs of Denture Stomatitis 7. Safe and effective position for administering eye drops. 8. Revalidation. (35 hrs. of Continuous Professional Development) 9. Signs of Opioid overdose (Fentanyl) 10. Controlled Drugs (transporting) 11. Infected waste color and mode of disposal 12. MUST moderate risk management 13. Average HR of 1 to 2 y.o. 14. Tuckman’s Formation 15. Allopurinol nursing management 16. AVPU stands for? Alert. Verbal.Pain. Unresponsive 17. Postpartum Hemorrhage 18. Contraceptive pills and Diarrhea- what to advise? 19. What to advise a woman about sex while pregnant? 20. Oropharyngeal Airway risk.

21. A senior nurse is angry and threw something at the vulnerable patient under her care. What would you do? 22. Read about SAFEGUARDING, CONSENT and CONFIDENTIALITY.  What to do if you have safeguarding concerns?  What to do if a client confides or reports abuse to you?  When are you allowed to breach confidentiality? (Patient and Public safety are at risk)  For consent, if the patient has CAPACITY, the patient's decision is always followed.  Consent to treatment (Children and young people) 23. Early Sign of PHLEBITIS 24. Fluid Deficit signs 25. Common site of ANEURYSM 26. What will you do if you noticed a colleague not doing handwashing when taking care of an immunocompromised patient? 27. Aphasia 28. SPEECH THERAPIST assesses swallowing of a stroke patient 29. What to assess before administering Digoxin 30. Hyperthyroidism signs 31. Not safe IM route 32. Staffing issues 33. What angle to inject Subcutaneous route? 34. Cause of Gingival Bleeding 35. What to do during Anaphylaxis 36. Community Services 37. Courage (6C’s) 38. 6C’s 39. GCS 15 frequency of monitoring (post CVApatient) 40. Standard daily serving of vegetables and fruits. (5) 41. Grade II Pressure Sore 42. Read about Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) 43. Pulmonary Embolism signs 44. Children under 16 are generally considered to lack the capacity to consent or refuse treatment. The right to consent remains with the parents unless the child is considered to have significant UNDERSTANDING AND INTELLIGENCE to give consent. Children 16 or 17 years old are presumed to consent for themselves although it is good practice to involve the parents. 45. What to advise a young patient taking ANTIBIOTICS. 46. You forgot to administer a patient’s medication, what should be done? 47. A nurse suspects child abuse, what should be done? 48. Read about THYROID PROBLEMS 49. Community hospice services.. 50. Standard used for an anticoagulant’s effectiveness ( PT?) 51. What should you do when a student nurse is busy texting while you, a nurse, is doing an assessment in the house of a patient ( community nursing)? 52. Read about DELEGATION. The nurse is still responsible for a patient’s overall health despite delegating a task. 53. What is MRSA stands for? 54. Basic calculations (less than 5 items) Desired Dose Stock on Hand 55. What to do to avoid exacerbation od ASTHMA? 56. Waterlowe score of 20. What to do? 57. Yellow card scheme 58. Vital signs and its indications

59. Nursing process 60. Infection control MARCH 14, 2017- CBT TIPS What to do with broken equipment? What to do if you suspected your pt had uti? Benchmarking Routine medications with student Delegation Roles in nursing Nursing ethics Effective communication Moderate malnutrition in childten What to do when a pt makes another complain about a colleague primary care Infection dementia old ageing care plan for wound can be changed when? Walker Moslow waterlow Avpu Type of postpartum 48 hrs Subq injection Allerfic reaction sa meds teamwork Digoxin Aggressive behavior Waste NEWS DABDA Childbirth Controlled drugs *MARCH 17, 2017 -Mental Capacity Act -UK Code for Nurses -Accountability of Delegation -Consent -Drug/IVF Computations -Chronic Renal Failure -Septic Shock -Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease -Furosemide -PATIENT Group Direction -How to Report Nurses -Confidentiality -Covert Medications -Maintaining Boundaries MARCH 23- CBT TIPS:

-Mental Capacity Act -UK Code for Nurses -Accountability of Delegation -Consent -Drug/IVF Computations -Chronic Renal Failure -Septic Shock -Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease -Furosemide -PATIENT Group Direction -How to Report Nurses -Confidentiality -Covert Medications -Maintaining Boundaries APRIL 5, 2017 CBT EXAM digoxin> side effects digoxin> Interventions for HR of 58 News score of 5 Community Nurse comprehensive assessment Controlled drug in patients home... steps moderate pain- Fracture in arm or leg> WHO ladder Carer assessment Primary careRole of nurse as giver of information and develops knowledge=? What is empathy Routine Wound drain removal> Who? Active listening Bed for pressure ulcers oral contraceptive with diarrhea what is a community hospital regression Colusion APRIL 6, 2017 CBT EXAM -SAFEGUARDING CONFIDENTIALITY -INFUSION PUMP CALCULATION -NMC CODE -MANAGEMENT FOR BREATHLESSNESS -6C’S -LEFT VENTICULAR FAILURE -CONTROLLED DRUGS -YELLOWCARD SCHEME -STOMA APRIL 7- CBT EXAM. NEWS DABDA NGT placement Diabetes Mellitus What is NMC and its role

Basic drug calculation Questions from royal marsden online practice test Oral corticosteroids Confidentiality Pain management Infection control Confusion/falls in elderly Injection sites Controlled drugs Digoxin Clostridium difficile Hypovolemic Shock Lumbar laminectomy Liver biopsy Lumbar puncture Adovacy Effective communication Active listening Community nurse policy Mga acts po sa UK Emphatic nursing Record keeping Resuscitation Guideline Wound dressing Standard precaution Benchmarking Reflective practice Accountability Key ethical principles Raising concerns Delegation to student nurse Patients with: Demetia Suicidal tendencies Learning disabilities Fracture drug calculations PGD PCA pain management delegation duty of care DM thyroid probs oxygenation circulation vital signs ACLS anaphylactic shock moving&positioning terminal care PEG post op care

May 1,2017- CBT EXAM Cortisol Hypothyroidism Controlled drugs Duty of care Infusion pump Dementia Cvp Spo2 of adult Hemoglobin Blood ph Prions Mrsa The code Delegation Mental capacity act Safeguarding of elderly Travellers diarrhea Isolation room setting Pgd Anxiety Hypovolemic shock

Stress complication Medication error Breastfeeding Hepatitis A Anemia signs & symptoms MAY 15, 2017 cbt questions, mostly situational questions. karamihan ng lumabas ay nasa common review items rin na sinend nyo last time. MUST score and intervention NEWS MEWS Last exam, 8 lang computations sakin. then itong may 15 Computations. sabi po ng iba ay all computations are critical questions Review BSA computation of drug doses BSA formula IV computation via 15 and 20 drops per minute Drug concentration per ML. BMI computation and interpretation >>>1%=1g per 100ml per 250ml, per 1000ml then compute dose for BSA or BMI double check computations because given values are mixed Microgram, Milligram, Nanogram Review "NMC Blueprint Manual" na binebenta online instead of NMC blueprint na mostly nonworking links and redundunt JUNE 21, 2017 AVPU GLASSGOW COMA SCALE and monitoring Pressure Ulcers Accountability The Code Social Media Sites Usage Subcu Injection Delegation Professional Development Anaphylaxis Reaction Community Hospital Alzheimer's Dementia Aphasia Ataxia Aneurysm in Adults Contingency Theory in Management Tucker Foreman

Teratogen P.S Please do take some time to answer the MCQs sa Royal Marsden. Thank you!

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