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  • Pages: 12

The Electrical Engineering major at Central Mindanao University will become nationally recognized for the graduating students that have experienced putting theory into practice and are also capable of succeeding in advanced studies.


The mission of the Electrical Engineering major is to provide students with a supportive environment that facilitates learning to solve problems in electrical engineering. The Electrical Engineering major is committed to excellence in student learning. Graduates will be problems solvers, able to apply engineering principles to electrical and computer systems. The faculty and staff of the major use their background in teaching, research, and industry to prepare students to be successful as they move into the workforce or graduate school.

Goals and Objectives

• To consistently produce technically competent electrical engineers needed by the agricultural, industrial, and manufacturing sectors. • To consistently provide dynamic, relevant and comprehensive instructions for both degree and non-degree programs in electrical engineering. • To actively conduct research and extension activities to advance and disseminate electrical engineering technologies in Mindanao particularly in areas of instrumentation and control power generation, communication and information systems.





We, the Electrical Engineering students of Central Mindanao University, cognizant of the need to establish an organization in order to attain and sustain unity, promote and protect student welfare, rights and interests, facilitate and enhance development of science and technology among its members and the entire academic community for the greater glory of God. Do hereby ordain and promulgate this constitution.

Article I. Name, Logo and Office

Section 1. The organization herein shall have an official name “Institute of Integrated Electrical Engineers of the Philippines, Inc., Council of Student Chapters, Central Mindanao University Chapter” otherwise known as “IIEE-CSC, CMU Chapter”. Section 2. The “IIEE-CSC, CMU Chapter” shall have an official logo and seal to be determined by the IIEE-CSC, CMU Chapter officers and approved by the majority of the members during the general assembly. Section 3. The IIEE-CSC, CMU Chapter shall held office inside the campus.

Article II Declaration of Principles

Section 1. To foster unity and develop sense of responsibility among its members Section 2. Promote students’ welfare by taking an immediate response to the member’s needs and problems whenever possible and feasible and will be subject to limitations set on this constitution. Section 3. To maintain harmonious relation among members, faculty and staff of the department of Electrical Engineering, of the College of Engineering and of the university. Section 4. Members shall defend and promote the general interest of the organization. Section 5. The organization shall encourage participation and shall support any educational, cultural, social, and athletic activities of the Department of Electrical Engineering, of the College of Engineering, or in the university in general. Section 6. Endeavour to affiliate in the national organization of Electrical Engineering students and practitioners. Section 7. To denounce hazing of any kind which will degrade the personality and dignity of the individual or discredit the good name of the society. Section 8. The organization shall be an academic, non-partisan, non-profit, and non-sectarian student organization.

Article III Membership

Section 1. All bona fide undergraduate students of CMU enrolled in Electrical Engineering are automatically members of IIEE-CSC, CMU Chapter.

Article IV Rights and Privileges of the Members

Section 1. Every member shall have the right to express his/her views on all matters concerning the organization. Section 2. Every member has the right to be afforded to public information, access to IIEE-CSC, CMU Chapter official records, documents, and papers pertaining to official acts, transactions, and decisions subject to limitations as provided by law. Section 3. Every member shall have the right to seek impartial and speedy assistance from the IIEE-CSC, CMU Chapter subject to limitations stated in this constitution. Section 4. Every member shall have the right to redress its grievances against excessive fines, compulsory payments, and involuntary servitude subject to limitations stated in this constitution.

Article V Duties and Responsibilities of the Members

Section 1. It shall be the duty of every member of the IIEE-CSC, CMU to abide with all the provisions as stated herein: A. To observe all existing laws, policies, decisions, and regulations of the IIEE-CSC, CMU Chapter, the College of Engineering Student Council (COESCO), the Central Mindanao University-Supreme Student Council (CMU-SSC), the Central Mindanao University and the laws of the Republic of the Philippines which may from time to time be promulgated; B. Faithfully attend general assemblies, dialogues and symposia called by the IIEE-CSC, CMU Chapter; and C. To support and participate in all activities, programs, projects, and actions adopted by the IIEE-CSC, CMU Chapter. Section 2. It shall be the responsibility of every member of the IIEE-CSC, CMU to: A. Pay his IIEE-CSC, CMU Chapter Semestral fee; B. Pay all fines justifiably imposed by the IIEE-CSC, CMU Chapter as a consequence of any violation of existing policies; and C. Pay other obligations as approved by the IIEE-CSC, CMU Chapter General Assembly.

Article VI Suffrage

Section 1. Suffrage may be exercised by all members of the IIEE-CSC, CMU Chapter provided that they have enrolled and completed at least one semester (1) preceding the election. Section 2. Suffrage shall not be denied or abridged by the IIEE-CSC, CMU Chapter on the account of academic load or gender rule. Section 3. The IIEE-CSC, CMU Chapter Political and Electoral Committee shall provide a system for securing the secrecy of the ballots and shall be autonomous in decision-making regarding election matters. Section 4. Any students suspended during Election Day shall be denied his right to vote.

Article VII IIEE-CSC, CMU Chapter Officers and Advisers

Section 1. The IIEE-CSC, CMU Chapter officers shall be composed of Chairperson, ViceChairperson Internal Affairs, Vice-Chairperson External Affairs, Vice-Chairperson Technical Affairs, Secretary, Associate Secretary, Treasurer, Associate Treasurer, Auditor, Press Information Officer(P.I.O.), five (5) year level representatives, and two (2) quiz team captains: A. The Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson for Internal Affairs, Vice-Chairperson, External Affairs, Vice-Chairperson Technical Affairs, Secretary, Associate Secretary, Treasurer, Associate Treasurer, Auditor, Press Information Officer (P.I.O.) shall be elected at large; B. The five (5) year level representative shall be elected by their year level constituents; C. The two (2) team captains shall be appointed by the IIEE-CSC CMU Chapter Quizzer team coach/coaches; and D. The Treasurer, the Associate Treasurer, Secretary, Associate Secretary and the Auditor must not be graduating students during their tenure of office. Section 2. The IIEE-CSC, CMU Chapter Executive officers shall be composed of Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson for Internal Affairs, Vice-Chairperson for External Affairs, Vice-Chairperson for Technical Affairs, Secretary, Associate Secretary, Treasurer, Associate Treasurer, Auditor, Press Information Officer (P.I.O.), five (5) year level representatives, and two (2) quiz team captains. Section 3. Any bona fide student of the College of Engineering may run for any IIEE-CSC, CMU Chapter office provided he/she must: A. Have enrolled at least one (1) semester except for the Chairperson who must at least eight (8) semesters;


B. Be a bona fide member of the organization; C. Not a graduating student during the first semester of tenure of office; D. Carry at most regular load prescribed by the college and his/her academic must not be warning or probation;


E. Have not been found guilty of any act involving moral turpitude; F. Not hold any office in any class organizations; and G. Shall not have on the job training or off campus practicum during his tenure of office. Section 4. IIEE-CSC, CMU Chapter officers shall not be allowed to hold two (2) or more offices in the organization. Section 5. IIEE-CSC, CMU Chapter officers shall have a tenure of office for one (1) school year and can be re-elected for the same position but not more than one-term.

Section 6. There shall be at most three (3) IIEE-CSC, CMU advisers that shall be elected by the organization officers. Section 7. The IIEE-CSC, CMU Chapter Advisers shall: A. Have the authority to sign important papers (i.e. Communications, reports, letters, minutes, resolutions etc.) as their signatures may be required; B. Attend during every regular meeting of the organization; C. Suggest activities deemed necessary for the achievement of the stated goals of the organization; and D. Criticize, discourage any activity of the organization where constitutionality is contestable.

Article VIII Powers, Duties, and Function of IIEE-CSC, CMU Chapter Officers

Section 1. The IIEE-CSC, CMU Chapter Officers shall have the power to interpret the provisions of this constitution. Section 2. The IIEE-CSC, CMU Chapter Officers shall: A. Execute and enforce the general policy and guidelines of the organization; B. Resolve matters referred to it by the general assembly and/or executive meeting; C. Present the problems, grievances and other matters, in which the organization is directly or indirectly affected, and recommend for discussion and formulation of policy if ever it is necessary. D. Organize, coordinate, and direct student activities designed to promote their general welfare, as well as to prepare them for constructive citizenship; E. Serve as a direct linkage of the Electrical Engineering studentry to the college administration, the Central Mindanao University-Supreme Student Council, Office of Student Affairs (OSA) and the University Administration; and F. Have the power to impose justifiable fines as stated in Article V Section 2.B... Section 3. The Chairperson as the chief executive of the council shall have the following powers, duties, and functions: A. Preside over general assemblies, regular and special meetings of the organization; B. To Vote in case of a tie in a procedural matters; C. To enforce the constitution and by-laws and all other rules and regulations which may be promulgated from time to time; D. Create an “ad-hoc” committees and appoint its members from the officers as well as the delegates and representatives to any affairs affecting the organization; E. Appoint each constitutional committee chairpersons and members to assist him/her in the implementation of the rules and regulation, policies and programs of the organization; F. To call for special election should the need arise; G. Sign all communication letters, papers, and resolutions of the organization, provided that the said organization are concurred by a majority vote of all the officers present during the meeting of the organizations officers;

H. Represent and carry the decisions of the organization in his official capacity as chairperson in occasions and events where organization needs representation and decision makings; I. Be an ex-officio member of the COESCO with a voting status in the formulation of laws and policies affecting the academic and extra-curricular activities of the studentry; J. Be responsible for the dissemination of information to his constituents of the undertakings, plans and program of the council K. Serve as direct linkage of the College of Engineering Student Council (COESCO); and L. He/She shall perform other functions inherent to the office as may be deemed necessary with the consent of at least two-thirds (2/3) of all the officers present. Section 3. The Vice-Chairperson Internal has the following power, duties, and functions: A. To assume the office of the chairperson in case latter’s death, incapacity, resignation, or absence; B. He shall perform all the functions delegated to him/her by the chairperson and shall assist the chairperson in the execution and implementation of all rules and regulation, policies, and projects of the organization; and C. He shall do the transaction for the activities done inside the campus when the chairman is not around. Section 4. The Vice-Chairperson External has the following powers, duties, and functions: A. He shall perform all the functions delegated to him by the chairperson and shall assist the chairperson in the execution and implementation of all the rules and regulations, policies, and projects of the organization; B. He shall have transactions in the national level for whatever activity the organization has outside the campus when the chairperson is not around. Section 5. The Vice-Chairperson Technical Affairs has the following powers, duties, and functions: A. He shall perform the functions delegated to him by the chairperson and shall assist the chairperson in the execution and implementation of all rules and regulation, policies, and projects of the organization; B. He shall assist the Two (2) Vice-Chairperson in the transaction for activities done inside and outside the campus; C. He shall take charge of the responsibilities and task when any of the two (2) vicechairperson is not around; D. He shall assist the chairperson in supervising the different committees of IIEE-CSC, CMU Chapter; and E. He shall settle technical matters pertaining to any activity of the organization such as revisions of approved communication letters, resolutions, and minutes. Section 6. The secretary and associate secretary shall have the following powers, duties, and functions: A. To prepare and certify the minutes of the meeting of the organization for posting; B. To keep and preserve the minutes of all meetings, the record of all members, and other papers relating to the various activities of the organization; C. To receive and reply all the communications addressed to the organization; and D. To perform such other functions and duties as may delegated to him by the chairperson.

Section 7. The Treasurer and associate treasurer shall have the following duties and functions: A. To act as the custodian of all assets, property, and funds of the organization and shall be accountable for them; B. To collect all fees and dues and deposit the same in the name and credit of the organization; C. To prepare and submit a complete financial report of the organization once a month or more depending on the number of activities conducted per month; D. To give report on the financial standing of the organization during the general assembly and in the executive meetings; and E. To perform such other duties and functions as may be delegated to him/ her by the chairperson. Section 8. The auditor shall have the following powers, duties, and functions: A. To audit the financial report of the treasurer before it is presented to the body; B. To check and make inventories of all the properties of the organization; and C. To perform such other duties and functions as may be delegated to him/her by the chairperson. Section 9. The Public Information Officer (P.I.O.) shall have the following powers, duties, and functions: A. To announce the general meeting of the IIEE-CSC, CMU Chapter at least two (2) days before the scheduled meetings called for; B. To inform the officers of the IIEE-CSC CMU Chapter executive committee of the meetings; C. To publicized IIEE-CSC, CMU Chapter activity; and D. To perform such other functions as may be delegated by the chairperson. Section 10. The Electrical Engineering Year level representatives shall have the following powers, duties, and functions: A. Serve as a direct linkage between the different year level and the IIEE-CSC CMU Chapter; B. Assist and participate in all the activities sponsored by the IIEE-CSC CMU Chapter or as dedicated to him/her by the Chairperson; C. Be responsible in the dissemination of all information’s to his constituents of the undertakings, plans, and programs of the IIEE-CSC, CMU Chapter; D. Have voting status in the formulation of laws and policies affecting the academic and extra-curricular activities of the Electrical Engineering studentry; and E. To perform such other functions and duties as may be delegated to him/her by the chairperson.

Article IX The Constitutional Committees

The constitutional committees shall be composed of the eight (8) committees and each shall be composed of at most two (2) executive officers. The constitutional committees are as follows: Section 1. The Political and Electoral committee shall:

A. Initiate programs concerning Political Activities which enhance political awareness among Electrical Engineering students; and B. Appoint chairperson and members that will compose the Commission on Election subject for the approval of the Council officers; B.1. The chairperson and members must not be affiliated to any students political party existing in CMU; B.1.1. Members of the COMELEC are disqualified to run for any position of the IIEE-CSC, CMU Chapter; B.2. Enforce and administer all guidelines and policies on the conduct of campaign and election process provided, however, that the same shall be consistent with the provisions of this constitution, including political parties; B.3. The COMELEC shall have exclusive jurisdiction over all election protests and its decision shall be final and executory; B.4. The COMELEC shall maintain impartiality at all time; and B.5. All COMELEC activities shall be funded by the IIEE-CSC, CMU Chapter. C. Be autonomous on its decision making. It shall be final, irrevocable and executory. Section 2. The Grievance Committee shall: A. Entertain all matters pertaining to the right and privileges, grievances and improper conduct of the engineering students; and B. Investigate and assist in solving problems referred to it by the students. Section 3. The Information and Communication Committee shall: A. Be responsible for answering queries of members of the organization; B. Be the one authorized to release announcements and disseminate information to the members. Section 4. The Technical Committee shall: A. Be responsible for the technical needs of the organization. B. Section 5. The Ways and Means committee shall: A. Initiate and plan income generating activities and projects in behalf of the IIEE-CSC, CMU Chapter; and B. Endorse all funds raised by the committee to the IIEE-CSC, CMU Chapter treasurer for custody. Section 6. The Academic Affairs Committee shall enhance the academic and educational background of the engineering studentry through sponsoring activities such as symposia, lecture, quiz bowl, tutorials, debates, public speaking contests, etc. Section 7. The Sports and Socio-cultural Committee shall: A. Initiate activities for the enhancement of the socio and cultural aspects of the Electrical Engineering studentry; B. Create programs and activities that promote camaraderie, moral and values formation among Electrical Engineering students; C. Initiate activities that promote sports development among the Electrical Engineering students; and D. Coordinate with existing sports association in the campus for the benefit of the electrical engineering studentry.

Section 8. The Committee on Governmental Affairs shall have the following powers and functions: A. Formulate rules, guidelines, policies for the IIEE-CSC, CMU Chapter and investigate all matters pertaining to disciplinary actions; B. Deal on matters related to the Constitution and By-Laws of the IIEE-CSC, CMU Chapter; C. Handle any resignation and impeachment or removal of office by an officer(s) which is (are) elected at large and take appropriate action(s); and D. Create programs concerning the enhancement and development of the IIEE-CSC, CMU Chapter officers.

Article X Meetings & Quorums

Section 1. Meetings shall be classified as regular, adjourned, special, and emergency. Section 2. All meetings shall be called upon the Chairperson, or by the designated in-charge or by petition of at least one-thirds (1/3) of IIEE-CSC, CMU Chapter officers. Section 3. The regular meeting of the IIEE-CSC, CMU Chapter officers shall be held twice a month and the date of which shall be decided by the officers. Section 4. Emergency and special meetings shall be called from time to time by the IIEE-CSC, CMU Chapter Chairperson, whenever necessary. Section 5. A regular General Assembly shall be called once a month. However, the IIEE-CSC, CMU Chapter Chairperson may call for special meeting anytime as deemed necessary. Section 6. A majority (50 % of the total population plus one) shall constitute a quorum in order to transact business. However, in a regular meeting a small number may adopt for the approval of the body whether the meeting will go on. In this case, all decisions agreed by the body shall be deemed valid and lawful. Section 7. Matters concerning the approval of the budgetary allocation, amendments to the Constitution, and impeachment of a member need two-thirds (2/3) vote of all officers for consideration. Section 8. The meetings of the standing committees may be called by the Chairperson or the designated in-charge. A. The committee shall hold a monthly regular meeting in which the date shall be designated by each members; and B. The committee Chairperson shall report in every regular meeting.

Article XI General Provisions

Section 1. The IIEE-CSC CMU Chapter shall be governed by this Constitution. Section 2. All officers of the IIEE-CSC, CMU Chapter shall hold an office for one school year and maybe re-elected subject to the stated qualifications in Article VII of this constitution.

Section 3. The election of IIEE-CSC, CMU Chapter officers shall be synchronized with the election of the COESCO unless a special election shall be held. Section 4. Election of first year level shall be held Five (5) days after the start of the first semester and their powers and functions shall take effect immediately. Section 5.There shall be a turnover of the finances, properties and functions of the outgoing sets of officers to the incoming sets of officers a week after the final exam. Section 6. The power and functions of the new sets of officers shall take effect immediately after the turnover of the finances, properties, and functions by the outgoing officers and shall terminate after the turn over. Section 7. All Year level Chairpersons and IIEE-CSC CMU Chapter Quizzer Team Captain shall chair committee assigned to them. Section 8. Permanent Vacancy A. Permanent vacancy shall only exist when a seat in IIEE-CSC, CMU Chapter has been vacated for reasons of death, resignation, impeachment, expulsion or permanent suspension and other reasons that shall hinder the officer to perform his/her duties; and B. Upon the existence of permanent vacancy, a special election shall be called for such reason. In case the permanent vacancy occurs three (3) months or less prior to the election, the officers shall appoint any person capable to fill vacated seat for the remaining term. Section 9.Temporary Vacancy A. Temporary vacancy shall exist when a seat in the IIEE-CSC, CMU Chapter was vacated by reasons of suspension or any other reason that hinder the officer to perform his/her duties; B. Upon the existence of temporary vacancy for one (1) month, the officers shall appoint any person deemed capable to fill in the seat temporarily; C. In case of the suspension of any officer an investigation shall be made; and D. If the suspended officer is found guilty of any act involving moral turpitude, he/she shall be replaced in his position upon a special election. Section 10. Appropriations A. All appropriations shall be spent solely for the intended purpose. Hence, there shall be no realignment of funds without the knowledge and approval of the IIEE-CSC, CMU Chapter officers and advisers. B. In case an appropriated activity was not pushed through, the appropriations may be reverted to the general fund or may be refunded to its members as approved by the officers. Section 11. The organization fees shall be determined and needs at least two-thirds (2/3) vote of the total number of officers. Section 12. The Student orientation of the IIEE-CSC, CMU Chapter Constitution and by-laws shall be held every 3rd week from the start of the class unless an unavoidable circumstances will hinder the activity. Section 13. Proper disbursement of funds is subject for the approval of the resolution by the advisers. Section 14. All laws’ provisions being formulated herein which are not in conformity with the Philippine Constitution shall be considered null and void.

Article XII

Impeachment, Expulsion, and Disciplinary Action

Section 1. Any IIEE-CSC, CMU Chapter officer may be suspended or impeached, as determined by the council, for any of the following cases: A. Violation of this Constitution; B. Gross neglect of duty; and C. Any disorderly behavior during meetings. Section 2. Any IIEE-CSC, CMU Chapter officers may be removed from office by the concurrence of at least two-thirds (2/3) votes of the total number of officers. Section 3. The Governmental Affairs Committee shall spearhead the investigation in case there is a petition for suspension or impeachment of any officers. Section 4. After the verification of the said committee about the complaint, it shall be endorse the prima facie evidence in the form of resolution to the IIEE-CSC, CMU Chapter officers. Section 5. At least Two-thirds (2/3) of the members present during the meeting can tackle and discuss petition for suspension or impeachment of officer(s). Section 6. An IIEE-CSC, CMU Chapter Officer having three (3) consecutive unexcused regular meeting absences, as determined by the officers is subject for impeachment. Section 7. For purpose of suspension, disciplinary proceedings at which the penalty shall be determined by the IIEE-CSC, CMU Chapter officers constituted by a quorum. Period of suspension shall not exceed twenty school days. Section 8. The complainant or respondent shall have no right to vote in any disciplinary proceedings. Article XIII The IIEE-CSC, CMU Chapter properties

Section 1. The IIEE-CSC, CMU Chapter treasurer shall be the property custodian in accordance to section 7.A, Article VIII of this constitution. Section 2. The property custodian committee shall present to the body the complete list of the IIEE-CSC CMU Chapter property, keep and preserve them, record all damages and shall recommend for replacement. Section 3. The property custodian shall issue a borrowing receipt or rental receipt for the use of IIEE-CSC CMU Chapter properties. Section 4. The IIEE-CSC CMU Chapter membership fee are appropriated for the organization and other funds shall be deposited in the reputable bank or any financial institution, the choice of which lies on the following a bank book signatories: A. Chairman B. Treasurer C. Adviser Section 5. Withdrawal of funds of the amount more than two hundred pesos(P200) shall always be done by all of the mentioned signatories. If the amount is less than P200, the chairperson and the treasurer can be the signatories.

Article XIV Amendments

Sec. 1. Any amendments or revision of the IIEE-CSC CMU Chapter Constitution may be proposed by: A. At least two-thirds (2/3) vote of all the officers of the Council for consideration; and B. The student through a system of initiative upon a petition of at least twelve (12) percent of the total number of the bona fide Electrical Engineering students. Section 2. At least two-thirds (2/3) vote of the general assembly shall approved the proposed amendments and revisions. Section 3. The IIEE-CSC CMU Chapter officers shall appoint the delegates of the Constitutional Convention with the concurrence of at least two-thirds (2/3) vote of all the officers of the Council. Article XV Transitory Provisions

Section 1. This Constitution shall take effect immediately after ratification of the majority of all the legal votes cast in a plebiscite, and shall automatically supersede the old IIEE-CSC, CMU Chapter Constitution. Section 2. All IIEE-CSC, CMU Chapter officers upon ratification of this Constitution shall continue to hold office and exercise functions until the end of their term of office.

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