Causative Pdf

  • April 2020
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  • Words: 336
  • Pages: 1

Use ♣The causative form is used when we speak about a professional service which someone has done for us.

When we want to refer to by whom the action is being done we use : By + a name / noun Susan had her dress designed by Carolina Herrera

♣ To talk about something that happened to somebody against his will ( e.g. she had her bag stolen) ♣ In colloquial language, we can replace “have” with the verb “get”

Complete with the correct form of have 1- I ______________________________my hair cut ( present simple) 2- Susan______________the kitchen tiles replaced last month (past simple) 3- we_______________our new television delivered tomorrow ( present continuous) 4- Mary____________________ her house cleaned this morning (present perfect) 5- He_________________________________the meeting organized before I came (past perfect) 6- You ________________________________your camera fixed,it is broken (should) 7- We _________________________the tap installed by the plumber (will) 8- Mum ___________________her new dishwasher put in when the electricity was cut off (past continuous) 9- I _______________________my bike repaired tomorrow (going to) 10- They __________________their house renovated by a famous decorator (past simple) Form the negative and question 1- They have the curtains cleaned professionally ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 2-Peter had his computer stolen last night ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 3- He´s having the furniture moved to the new house today ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 4- We will have the flowers watered by the gardener ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 5- They had their wedding reception planned by a professional ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Rewrite the sentences using the word given 1- They have painted Peter´s room ( has) Peter___________________________his room painted 2- The dentist checks my teeth every six months (checked) I______________________________________________________every six months 3- Antonio López will paint Patricia´s portrait (by) Patricia will ________________________________________by ________________________ 4- Someone is doing the actor´s make-up at the moment (having) The actor_______________________________________________done at the moment 5- Someone must mend your skirt ( have) You_________________________________________________mended 6- The vet is going to vaccinate their cat. ( are) They_____________________________________________________their cat vaccinated 7- Someone broke our hall window last night (broken) We______________________________________________________________last night

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