Catch Fire

  • June 2020
  • PDF

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  • Words: 360
  • Pages: 1
*****Now that this is out the way let me inform you of something’s. These were the two demons that attacked Adam and eve in the garden. The first thing the spirit did was attacked eves security. He questioned the validity of truth of Gods word. Everything eve knew to be true was based on God’s word her whole security was based on the truth. When he said Gods lying to you she became insecure, now she wasn’t fully insecure, but she felt it. The second was the inferiority he said god knows if you eat of this fruit you will be like God and knowing the knowledge of good and evil…that was a lie (genesis 1&2) says man was already created into the image of God. What he was saying was eve not only is God lying to you, but you are not who you think you are, you are less valuable then you think you are, you are inferior. The moment she felt both insecurity and inferiority she had to grab to something to make her feel secure. Now, she didn’t loose her substance until she grabbed of the fruit and ate it then she loss her security from God and they were driven from out of the garden. Loss her value and are no longer in the image of god. The bible says that when Adam and eve had their child it was not in the image of God, but in the image of them. This is the same tactic of the enemy today…when we feel insecure we want to grab for something or someone to give us a sense of value. For example, society says you are not attractive/valuable enough unless you dress this way look this way or wear this perfume. Another example would be that you don’t have security in life unless you drive this car.

These are the two demons that every spirit gets their strength from (Not sure/uncertain and more)


Inferiority (the feeling of being lower in position in statue in value)

Two giant tentacles attached are the small sprits

adultery love drugs

theft etc

sexual immorality


anger pervasion rebellion false

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