Catalog Update 17 New

  • April 2020
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  • Words: 21,651
  • Pages: 14
Sushi manufacturing


MC Donalds


The development of photographs




Scrapping of cars


Luxury Real estate agent


Formula 1


Relocation of an hospital


Ice sculptures


Handgun manufactury


Tupper ware




The worlds biggest market


Emirates Palace Hotel


Penguin Plague






Sushi manufacturing at sea A report about the world wide known Mc Donalds Burger and why they taste almost the same in every country. Learn the process ofworld developing Behindabout the Scenery of the largestphotographs. internet auction platform If the repair is not worthwhile itself any longer, then nothing else remains for the owner :It must let it scrap

His clients are Boris Becker, Ronald Reagan, Dave Steward (Eurythmics). He starts at 5 Mi

How Renault tries to improve their Formula 1 cars with the help of 3D printers and wha 620 employees, 185 patients, medical devices, medicine … everything has to move. The

Galileo went to Lübeck to see the best ice sculpturers from around the world to bu

It´s a 9 mm and it is the new standard handgun of the German police. The P 2000. Galileo

Tupperware. Everyone knows it and everyone has at least one item of it. But how is it actu

All cities have it but we never see it. The canalization. Take a look behind the scenes at ho One night at the biggest fresh foods market in the world Take a look behind the scenes of the most luxurious hotel in the world.

They are small an cute: Penguins. But not everyone loves them. In south africa they are e

It is every kids dream to own a race car. Unfortunately for most it will stay a dream foreve The construction of Munichs most unique buildings: the double towers.

Galileo Clips How its made? Chocolat candy in Bussels

duration 12:07



Jeans production in Hungary


The manufacture of lego


The manufacture of Corvette


The manufacture of Jeam Beam


How does corn gets into the can?


Sacher cake


Design and production of bikinis


The manufacture of Zippo Parboiled Rice in the USA The manufacture of synthetic leather The manufacture of Gorgonzola cheese The development of an book Soccer shoes Design and production of socks Top-hat chapeua claque The manufacture of cellphones The manufacture of camenbert cheese

10:04 7:55 11:36 8:00 17:05 5:10 10:42 7:47 10:44 9:00

explanation There is a chocolate factory in Brussels, that exports the chocolates to all over the world although nearly everything there is crafted.We take a look at the fabrication and maybe you like to do it by yourself. Backstage Ferrari - the trademark of Italy.The creation of the 700.000 Euro car - "Enzo Ferrari". Children spend each year nearly 5 billion hours with the play with Lego Behind the scenes of jeans production in on Hungary that is nearly one hour for each humans earth. Everything began in a small wood workshop in Denmark. Galileo visited the place, where Lego was born. We take a look atrecipe. the fabrication of this200 american the dream and use alsothe at the complex work of the engineers One - one For the more than Beams Littlefamily golden nuggets - how corn makes years, its way into the tin can same manufacturing method for distilling its bourbon whiskey “Jim of Beam”. We it tothe you! It is summertime in the southwest franceHow? - time toshow harvest maize corns. Not only to eat them at once, but most of all to conserve them in cans. Europes largest supplier of preser Sacher cakes women are exported allan over the world! Wereperesents show you, how the Sacher cake in feeling. the worlds biggest cake factory. Nearly every has got bikini.The bikini the they sun,fabricate the sea an a original certain kind of holiday We show youcigarette how they make is 112 bikinis out of a squaremeter of fabric. This special lighter exclusively manufactured in a small city in Pennsylvania. We filmed why this cigarette lighter is so special and how the klicking sound of the lighter is made. Artificial leather smells like real leather und it is indistinguishable from real leather when you take a look at it. Parboiled the grain`s interesting journey from the field to the plate We visitedRicethe biggest factory in europe that generates artificial leather. Cheese is one of the oldest fancy foods of mankind.Not only the netherlands and switzerland is famous for cheese but also italy. Ther are about 400 different sorts of cheese in italy and of course the mold cheese called gorgonzola.We visited a dairy in There only 14 dayssee to go for the printing office and the bindery to print a huge of ready books from a CD rom. Davidsare football boots how David Beckhams football boots are manufactured in amount a small village inbounded rural Germany. Not just a couple pairs per season - one pair for every game! Each boot made all by hand. Swept off one´s feet- behind the scenes of Germany´s oldest sock-company The Art of making a handmade stovepipe hat. How a German manufactor produces the top-hats (or stovepipes) for Ascot Mini High Tech: than pinhead -stands how 350 come intothe a mobile-phone. Mini High Tech: How does the camera comeline. into Since a mobile-phone? In Lauterbach in Smaller the middle ofaGermany theparts factory where first German made Camenbert cheese left the production 1887 the factory produces Camenbert - of course after the french purity laws! What is charcoal? Just burnt wood? Galileo looks not only onto the barbeque grill but into it. The Results: The wood istn´t just good for the sausage. In a misterious way it´s also good for the salad

The manufacture of charcoal


and the salami.

Who carves french fries?


Potato chips fabricated in Lelystadt at one day are enough for 25 000 people. That means each of them could have 5 servings of potato chips in an hour per one day.

The manufacture of chocolate


Chocolate with paprika, asparagus or celery? Yes, chocolate with such ingredients tastes good also! These different sorts of chocolate are made in a chocolate manufactury in austria (Steiermark).

The manufacture of wall plugs


The Swabian Arthur Fischer has invented the expansion anchor.The Company owned by his family produces more than seven million anchors a day.

The development of a comic


Manga Comics are from japan and they are read from behind. We visited a German illustrator. This guy is the first German who got famous with drawing mangas.

The manufacture marzipan The manufacture and testing of soccer ball


In former times it was an aphrodisiac - and it was unbelievably expensive. Today still everybody loves it: Marzipan. Galileo shows how first class marzipan is produced.


The manufacture of candy


Made for shooting how soccer balls are produced and testedcandies by hand in his manufactory in Berlin. He is one of the last of his guild.Hjalmar Stecher is cooking He and his business partner Katja Kolbe fabricate ginger candies, ananas candies, cough drops and many more sweets.

The manufacture of condoms


Instant Coffee


Little the pig,instant innocent puppy, moose ... But noseconds toys! This fun condoms! Look behind how these cute and preservatives Pour coffe into dreamy a cup, hot water, stir:careful! ready. ItThese takesare only to are prepare a cup of instant coffee. It was invented byfunctional swiss food designers in are the made. 1930s. In World War II the brown granulate is part of the american soldier´s victuals and



Everyone has driven by rain. The carwindow gets all blurry and you can not see properly. Wouldn´t it be great to have perfect vision when it rains? Galileo has tested the new carwindowcoatings…..

The manufacture of Bathroom fittings


Hightech in your bathroom. Have you ever wondered how tabs are made and why everything is so shiny in your bathroom? Galileo found it out for you.

The manufactuer of bathing caps


Galileo went behind the scenes of bathing cups productions.

The manufacture of glasses


Nearly every second person has to wear glasses. They have developed from a boring neccesity to an accesory. glaileo went behind the scenes of a glassmanufacturer.


Chindogus are japanese inventions that are supposed to make liefe easier. The only probelm nobody needs them.

Chindogus Modelbulding competition


The biggest digital Modeltrain Set- Up in the world was built in Hamburg. One Galileo viewer won the competition to help build "little Scandinavia". Here you can see who won and what all happened in Hamburg.

The manufacture of rubber gloves


They are essential for cleaning and scrubbing:Rubber gloves. We show you how they are produced.

Wodden chess figure


18th century! A wodden figure wins every chess game against the most powerful kings and world leaders. But how can a wodden figure play and especially win in chess?...Find out more……

Electrical toothbrush The manufactuere of batteries Lawnmower-Race Elephantmanure-paper

12:40 8:11 10:03 7:19

The manufacture of electrical toothbrushes. The manufacture of baterries. A race with lawnmowers?Is it possible? Yes it is…… Toiletpaper is needed for you know what…..But try it the other way round.:Using elephant manure to manufacture toilet paper…



Beer truffels


Everybody loves pralines. But can you imagine a beertruffel praline?Galileo tested it for you.

Lego Quatro


Lego quatro is the biggest of all legos. It is suitable for children from the age of one. We show you how it is made.

The manufacture of toilets


Everybody needs them, but who makes them? The manufacture of toilet seats.


Films with high picture quality, dolby suround sound. The DVD made homcinema possible.We´ll tell you how they are made.

The manufacture of DVD´s

The taste of a cheese is dependent on many factors. What milk you use (goat, cow, etc.), how long you let it ripe…..etc..This is the manufacture of the "youngest" chees the so called May Gouda.

The manufacture wine glasses The manufacture ofof "Teewurst" (Special kind of pate)

12:48 8:16

Wine glases.Why is the shape so important?How are they made? Galileo went behind the scenes of a wine glas manufacturer. How did the "Teewurst"ist name? How is it made. Galileo will tell you.

The manufacture of garlic butter


It tastes gorgeous on a steak. But how is it made? The manufacture of garlic butter.

The manufacture of bycicle tires


We take it for granted to ride our bikes on gravel and stone. But how come bycicle tires are so resistant? Galileo visited the last bycicle tire manufacturer in Germany.

The manufacture of lawn-mowers


A nice cut lawn is essential for a perfect looking garden. But how are lawn mowers actually made? Galileo will tell you.

The manufactuer of Ovomaltine


Made in Switzerland-How the nice chocolate drink is made from malt.



It´s not Spaghetti, nor is it Penne or Fussili. Spätzle - a traditional swabian food - we show how the tasty speciality is made.



How is milk turned into milk powder? Galileo found it our for you

The manufacture of padlocks


Every 3 minutes someone tries to brake into other people houses. In order for that not to happen people buy locks. This is the manufacture of extreme resistable padlocks.

Towel dispenser


A towel dispenser is one of these devices that you use every day but don´t really know how it works.Why does the used piece of towel go back into the machine?Galileo exposes the secret.

Swatch watches


It is probably one of the most reliable watches. It is only built in 5 minutes from 105 parts. How is that possible? Galileo will tell you.

Whipping cream


Everbody loves it on their cakes and ice-cream. Whipping cream! How does it work to get whipping cream out of the bottle? Galileo lets you know.

The manufacture of Ice-Cream


There is no better refreshment in the summer than ice-cream. No matter if strawberry, chocolate or vanilla. Everybody loves it. But how is it made? Galileo will show you…..



How safe are they? Are they realiable? Galileo did the test for you.

"Zimtsterne" (star-shaped cinnamon cookies) in August?


When are christmas cookies made?In december? Earlier? Galileo visited a christmas factory in the summer.


It is resistant. You can go offroad with it and up nearly every hill. But how are mountain bikes made? Galileo will tell you.

The manufacture of Mountain-Bikes Mens underwear Ikea Billy Shelf

11:00 7:54

There are boxershorts, some tight some loose, slips etc. But what is mens favourite underwear an how is it mad? It is in nearly every flat. The Ikea Billy Shelf. But how is actually made? We went behind the scenes.

The manufacture of bras


It is essential for every woman. But how are bras made? How do they manage to make the sizes the same every time. Galileo went to a bra manufacturer to answer all these questions for you.



There have been a lot of inventions to make our every day life easier. One of them is the intercom system. But how does it wokr? why can you "talk through walls"? Galileo found it out for you.

The manufacture of sweet mustard


It´s sweet, it´s brown and tastes gorgeous with "Weisswürste" (white sausage). Sweet mustard. Why is it so sweet though. Galileo found it out for you.


It is essential at the Octoberfest. Nearly every woman in Bavaria has one. But how ar Dirndls made? Galileo went to a Dirndl manufacturer and found out.

The manufacture of Dirndls TriTop drink The manufacture of pianos

10:52 7:40

This is the nostalgic story about the sweet sirup. This is the interesting story about how pianos are built and how they get their lovely sound. 3/14

Sugar production


Why is sugar so white? Why is it so sweet? We went to a suagar factory and answered these questions for you.



Everybody has drunk it before. Beer gets ist taste from it. But where does hops actually come from? Galileo found it out for you.

Pencil sharpener manufacturing


Without a pencilsharpener pencils would not work. Galileo visited one of the biggest pencil sharpener manufacturers and tells you how the pencils best friend is made...

The letters on keybords


Have you ever wondered why the letters on your keybord are where they are? We found it out for you.

Obazda (Special type of cheese)


This bavarian speciality is essential for a German "Brotzeit" meal. But what all is in it and how is it made? Galileo found it out for you.

The production of "Weisswurst" (German sausage)


Galileo went to a "Weisswurst"Factory and found out how these delicious sausages are made.

Pritt glue production


Until 35 years ago there was only liquid glue. Until a German factory invented the glue stick. But how does the liquid glue get hard?



Caipirinha is one of the most popular alcoholic drinks. But how is it made. Galileo went to brazil and found out how exactly one of the ingredients is made.



Just like Dirndls "Octoberfestival-Hearts" can not be missed on the anual visit to the Octoberfestival. We found out how they are brought into shape and how the lively writing comes onto them.


The manufacture of the typical German food - meatsalat.

"Meatsalad" Exquisa cream cheese




The of the baguels friend - cream cheese Withmanufacture the help of Eyeglasses youbest can see clear and sharp.How does it work to see clear and sharp? We visited Germanys leading producer of contacts and took a look at the fabrication of soft, hard and coloured lenses.

Prefabricated Houses I


Dreamhouses how they are made and constructed. The challenges of bringing all the parts to the building site.

Prefabricated Houses II


Dreamhouses how they are made and constructed. The challenges of bringing all the parts to the building site.

Prefabricated Houses III


Dreamhouses how they are made and constructed. The challenges of bringing all the parts to the building site.



Soya sauce


Look behind the scenes at how Soya sauce is made.

Liver loaf (a special type of German meat)


A German classic together with curry sausage, burgers and kebabs. The Germans eat 2000 tons daily. Learn how this speciality is made.

Chilled chocolate


Chocolate and chilled chocolate - what is the difference? You can´t see it but you can taste it. It cools your tongue. It`s a special physical reaction. Galileo shares it`s secrets.

Rice paper


How is rice paper produced and used in everyday life

Passport photo machine


Galileo investigates the inner workings of a passport photomachine.

Tea light


What type of wax are tea lights made from and why do they need the aluminium holder? Galileo visits the factory where they are made.

Puffy rice


You can buy it colored, white, pressed, loose and mixed with chocolate. Where does the name come from and how is it made?

Cabbage roulade


What can the German airforce do to avoid the need to shoot the hijacked aircraft down but at the same time avoiding a disaster on the ground

50,000 cabbage roulades a day. Learn about the amazing technique used to keep roulades together.

Liver dumpling soup


Do liver dumplings really have liver in them? Why do the dumplings not fall a part and how are they put into cans?



How do the north sea crabs get into the sausages? Galileo follows the smell of the sausages up to the north coast.



Galileo shows what they are made of, how a ton a day is produced and why they have grooves.

Cork screw


Today there are more than 50,000 types of bottles which need uncorking and the best instruments to do this are made in Germany. Visit the factory!

Christmas stollen


Stollen symbolises the baby Jesus in nappies. Since the 15th century stollen is been eaten at christmas time. Find out how it is made!

Advents calender


The most popular advents calender is the one with a chocolate behind every door. Galileo shows you how they are made and where this tradition comes from.

The manufacture of soft biscuits


What makes soft biscuits so light and fluffy. There are presently the 3rd bestselling biscuit in Germany. We look into the oven of the largest factory in Europe.

Letter soup


Writing love letter with a spoon instead of a pen or computer. Yes it`s possible and we show you how!

Wrapping paper


Why is the paper often nice than the gift itself. From design to production and packaging. We lead you through the process.

Coconut macaroons


The tips and tricks for making the perfect macaroon. We take you to the Germanys largest bakery where they are still produced by hand.

Door mats


Door mats can be found infront of almost every front door. Rubber, plastic, natural fibre - Which is the best? We tested them for you and show you how they are made.



Ribbons - and how they are criss-crossed into the shape of an egg for packaging purposes.

Pool table


The myth of the pool table. What do they look like from the inside? A look behind the scenes of a pool table factory.

Mortadella sausage


The largest sausage in the world measuring half a meter across and weighing 50 kg. It`s an italian speciality, originating in the 16th century in Bologna. We visit the factory in Bologna.



Tea - One of the most popular beverages. More than 2.9 million ton are produced per year. Before you can enjoy the perfect cup of tea, a lot of things happen to it on the way to you from india.

Parquet flooring


How does a tree get into your living room? It takes one year to turn an old oak tree into a parquet flooring. Galileo was there from the tree felling to the final polishing of the floor.

Barilla Pasta production


It`s the most widely sold spaghetti in the world and is produced in the largest pasta factory in the world in Parma, Italy.

Herbs de Provence


The famous french mixture of herbs - we went in search of it.



The best axe in the world - where does it come from? We visited the tiny factory in sweden where axes have been produced the same way for hundreds of years.



We visited a factory where cutlery has been successfully handmade for the last 100 years.



Learn how the most expensive and complicated watch in Germany

Down jacket


How do the feathers get into the jacket? Before the jacket is able to keep you warm the feathers must be specially washed, dryed, sorted.

Ski Googles


Hightech ski googles from design to production. Galileo takes your to the largest factory in Europe.

- the PaneRetroGraph - is made.



The world of knights in plastic. We show how this beloved toy is designed and produced.

Pumpkin seed oil


The healthiest oil in the world - Galileo visitits the oldest mill in Austria where the oil has been produced in the same way for the last 100 years.

Japanese scissors


The Rolls Royce of scissors. For the perfect haircut the best hairdressers in the world use hand forged scissors. They cost 800 Euros and are made in Japan.

Swedish Oven


We show you how swedish ovens are built and what ongoing maintanance they need.

Speaker production


Small, flat, loud - from draft to installation. We found a manufacturer who makes user defined speaker systems.

Pistachios Gold leaf manufacturing

12:17 11:35

Nuts from the Orient - from the harvest to shipping. A sliver of gold - how a thin leaf of gold is made out of a bar of gold.

Cable production and recycling Pannettone (typical italian cake) Paper recycling Tortilla chips BOSS Suits

15:38 6:06 9:33 7:55 12:12

Enormous cables, without them nothing happens. When they break, is it possible to use the old power cables instead Irrisistable Panettone. We show you how this Italien specialty is made. Out of old comes new. We show you how new paper is made out of old, using modern techniques. Everyone knows this popular snack food - made from corn tortillas, which are cut into wedges and then fried. We visited one of Germanys largest Production. Clothes make people. We show you how a designer suit is made out of 120 seperate pieces.

Taiko drum Production of mattresses sheep milk chocolate liqueur manufacturing - Ramazotti

7:55 4:23 13:15 9:00

Functional cloths Condom production Harley-Davidson Oysters from sylt Caviar Sugar cane harvest

9:38 5:30 12:24 11:33 11:05 11:25

The drum makers. We show you how Japanese instrument makers have been making unbeatable musical instruments for centuries Sweet dreams - how foam mattresses are made out of liquid. Cows forbidden! We follow the long journey of sheeps' milk from the barn to the chocolate bar. We show how you the most famous Italien herb liqueur is made. High-tech sports shirts. Using special fibres these shirts ensure that moisture produced during sport is released outwards in order that the shirt dries more quickly. We follow the development and manufacture of these special high tech shirts. Condoms are made out of the sap of rubber trees - a complex process! We visited the largest condom factory in Europe and looked closely at the strict safety tests. Made in the USA: Harley Davidson - how a myth on two wheels is built. Food of the rich. We show you how oysters from Sylt are cultivated. Luxury fish eggs. How does one recognize good caviar? The sugar factory - how a Brazilian worker harvests the sugarbeet can.

Lounge Chair Basil Rum distillery Grenada

11:15 10:56 9:33

The lounge chair - a piece of furniture which has fascinated people for almost 100 years. Nails, screws and hammers - how a lounge chair is made. A sensitive leaf. Galileo followed the planting and harvesting of basil for 3 months on the largest basil farm in Germany. We show you the secret of how Italian basil comes from an area in Germany. Since 1785 the waterwheel of the River Antoine rum distillery has been turning. Since this time not much has changed in terms of how the 80% proof rum is produced, the export of which is still forbidden to Europe.

Culatello Ham




One slice of culatello is more expensive than pure gold! What makes this Italian ham so expensive? Cantuccini are the most famous Italian biscuits. They originate from almond biscuits made in Prato near Florence, where there is still a backery making them using the recipe from 1858.Cantuccini from this family backery are even exported as far as Tokyo! 4/14

Spring rolls Chilli harvest Donut production Ricola cough drop The most expensive cellphones in the world The longest noodle in the world Leather saddle Fish smokehouse

14:40 9:30 12:56 6:57 9:45 14:08 12:35 9:25 11:20

Why does popcorn pop? Creditcard Knife block Bicycle lock Cycle helmet Block house

8:26 14:36 10:23 11:15 10:00 10:06

Sausage salad The celtic way of making sausages croquettes vs. french fries Fake food The production of sweets Euro coins Crystal glass Knight's armor The Production of calvados Cordon Bleu Wick Cough drop Camenbert cheese High voltage jacket Goat milk chocolate Low Fat chips Production of "weisswurst" (German sausage) Cookies cat cafe

9:59 10:10 10:17 12:14 8:00 18:30 9:29 6:40 6:56 9:23 4:50 7:30 4:27 12:38 7:28 8:30 7:20 9:04

How did spring rolls get their name? We show you how the vegetable filling is put into the spring rolls. What special chemical in chillis makes them so hot? We show you how chillis are harvested in Thailand. Have all doughnuts got a hole in them? How does the hole get into the doughnut? We visit Berlin's largets doughnut factory and investigate how the hole was put in the doughnut 160 years ago. A Swiss original. Who came up with the recipe and how do the herbs get into the sweets? Retail price 29,200 Euros. How are the most expensive cell phones in the world made out of platinum, gold and rubies. How is the longest noodle in the world made out of 50 kilos of flour? World record attempt. Spring is here again and everyone takes to their bicycles. The result is sore 'bottoms' for the first few days. We visit one of the oldest saddle manufacturers and look at how a variety of saddles are made. What tricks are used to turn a raw fish into a delicious smoked one. Popcorn is the most popular cinema snack. We reveal the secret behind the perfect popcorn and show how the professionals turn a small hard corn into a fluffy snack. We also test the popcorn machines available for home use. World wide millions of credit cards are used every year. How do they work and how is security ensured? Galileo is the first television show allowed to film the production process. The knife block with the professional knives. We show you which knives you really need at home and how WMF, one of largest knife producers in Germany, manufactures them. We show you how easy it is to pick a bicycle lock and how thief proof locks are produced, including all the test they must pass. Test, production and tips about cycle helmets. Living under wood. We show you how a house made from wood is built. In a factory in Freiburg five tons of sausage salad are produced everyday. We show you how the gigantic quantities of raw ingredients machines can produce enough sausage meat per minute to fill two bath tubs. The Celts discovered sausage making more than 2000 years ago. How did the Celts make sausages without the luxury of modern day equipment? Our Galileo test team try to make sausages the way the Celts did, using the same tools. Aren't french fries and croquettes the same thing? What is the difference? We have been to the biggest factory in Europe. Real or fake? We show you behind the scenes in a factory specialized in the art of faking. What is fake food used for and can you eat it? We show you how the aroma in a variety of sweets is produced. Why are Euro coins two colours? We take a look at the complex production process and show you how a machine differentiates between the different Euro coins. Crystal wine glasses are made by blowing glass in the traditional way (mouth blown) and by machine. We show you how a knight's armour is cast. Cider and calvados production in France. How is cordon bleu manufactured? What makes the peppermint in a cough sweet have a soothing effect? How are the medicinal properties of peppermint extracted? . We will shiow you how this happens and how cough sweets are manufactured. The cheese from the eastern part of Germany has survived the political changes and become Germany's bestseller. Take a look at how its produced. The No-Contact Jacket is a wearable defensive jacket created to protect women from violence. When the jacket is activated by the wearer 80 000 volts of low amperage electric current are released just below the surface shell of the jacket This electric armour prevents any person from unauthorized contact with the person wearing it. The healthiest chocolate in the world. What makes it so healthy we disclose the secret

Potatoe chips are the in Germany. take abutchers look at how the healthier kind 'low fat chips' aretell manufactured and thethe tellwhite you the secret Do of reducing fat. What would Munich benumber withoutone its snack culinary delights? We Munich's open the sausauge cookers for us and the secrets behind sausage. you knowthe why the white meat is actually red? New York, Rio or Berlin. Everywhere its the same story. Latte-Macchiatto served with a chocolate-chip cookie is trendy! Why don't the chocolate chips melt during baking? How much chocolate is in a chocolate chip cookie? The beans for Kopi Luwak coffee from Indonesia cost ten times as much as other beans. You'll now find out why the drink is also called cat coffee, watch out its not so appetising!!


French fries boutique


Snow dome Dickmann's Cream Cake Reproduction Pizza for the world Carrera Toffifee Imitation Tough jobs: Butcher The diamond path

08:54 11:45 11:35 14:07 11:34 13:31 18:03

Draft beer production Masterpiece Apple Danish After Eight

13:16 09:41 11:31

Saddle potato crisps The perfect tiramisu Pasta salad Haggis Fatfree sausage

08:32 11:15 12:30 08:52 10:16

The perfect Kaiserschmarrn

10:31 07:00

Mini-Salami Imitation


Bio Jeans The perfect pancake

12:47 11:30

Bio Oranges


The perfect Christmas goose


Der perfekte mulled wine The perfect Mousse au Chocolat

10:25 10:40

The prefect chilli con carne The perfect potato salad Luxury cuttlery

09:00 12:15 14:34

Worm cheese The perfect spaghetti The perfect schnitzel Luxury bathroom Luxury Parmesan

10:58 10:20 10:59 14:18 11:20

Cowboy boots




Perfect cheese cake Masterpiece "Nimm 2" Perfect Käsespätzle Masterpiece gummi bears Masterpiece cookie The perfect roast chicken Fakir Trade fair Aran-bread Construction petrol station The perfect apple strudel Masterpiece Prinzenrolle-biscuit beer glass fabrication Chocolate factory vs. -fan Asphalt ham Perfect Barbecue sauces The perfect Pizza The perfect Spaghetti Ancestral-ability wedding ring The perfect Wok

12:04 09:59 11:37 13:44 13:32 16:03 13:21 14:29 12:50 12:05 11:52 13:27 13:12 09:34 12:45 11:08 10:20 12:32 10:17

questions and answers Title in English Why does cheese stink? The formation of road holes How does bicecycle pros pee? Why is earth not round? Snails across razorblade Why is the egg egg shaped? Green eggs Why does the fall a sleep? What makes soap cleaning hands? Why do oranges consist of pieces? Talking Picture Frame Camera car Evesdrop pistol Holes in cheese

duration Duration 4:15 2:19 4:16 1:15 1:30 2:00 4:15 2:30 1:59 2:07 1:31 1:45 1:10 1:30

Combination locks for bottles Paw-Cleaner for dogs Spicy vegetables Beerbelly Ice-cream vending-machine

1:51 1:57 2:00 1:25 2:28

Electric Fishing Rod Bicyle helmet Where do fruitflyes come from?

1:42 1:47 1:37

The delicious luxury french fries are made from fresh potatoes and served with a large selection of tasty sauces and a sprig of parsley. The best thing about these luxury french fries is that they contain less fat, due to the method of frying used. Manufacture of handcrafted snow domes in small Vienna factory Perzy by the grandson of snow dome inventor. What are these snow domes made of and what are its the secret contents? Galileo goes after the mystery of the snow dome. Dessert expert and pastry chef makes a copy of the industrially produced Dickmann's cream cake and reveals how an original Dickmann's cake is made. The frozen pizza is Germany's most beloved frozen dish. Galileo pays a visit to Germany's biggest pizza manufacturer and gets an inside scoop into the development and sensory testing of new frozen pizzas , as well as how they are made. Manufaturing of toy carrera tracks and carrera cars designed by Formula 1's Ferrari in Hongkong. Parents and kids alike enjoy driving these toy cars on the Carrera race-track. Is it possible to imitate the original industrially produced toffifee candy, so that nobody can tell the dirrefence? Confectioners make a handcrafted toffifee candy. A piece of art… Reporter Sebastian Höffner makes blood sausage at one of the best blood sausage factory in Europe. Galileo traces the path of diamonds travel from the mines through the processing to the jewellery shop. A long journey that leads from Australia and South Africa through Antwerpen all the way to Germany. Traditionelle, manuelle Herstellung / Produktion Bierfässer auf Eichenholz durch Handwerker Bierfass-Bauer / Büttner / Schäffler [Aussterbende Berufe]; . Außerdem macht Galileo den ultimativen Test: Erkennt man ihn wirklich ? den Unterscheid zwischen Fass- und Flaschenbier? Und was schmeckt besser. Making of fast food pastry by caterer and housekeeper, test in restaurant. 16:9 format; Reproduction of the original English After Eight cholcolates. How are the saddle potato chips made that insead of being packed loosely in a bag come neatly arranged on top of each other in a long box? What is the secret behind their perfect saddle-form? Is it possible to cut such even pieces out of real potatoes, or is there a particular trick behind it? Galileo found out how this specific kind of potatoe chips is made. Proffesional chef prepares Italian dessert, gives tips to young woman on how to make Tiramisu. Gourmet chef Stefan Dadarski gives inexperienced young woman how to correctly prepare pasta salad. Butcher Joe Findlay prepares traditional Scottisch national dish made of cheep offal; celebration of custom "Burns Night" with haggis. Butcher Josef Pointner develops, after years of experimenting, a fatfree sausage, and manages to get it into serial production thanks to support by the Fraunhofer Institut für Verfahrenstechnik A look at the preparation of the typical German Kaiserschmarrn - a cut-up and sugared pancake with raisins. A Comparison between self-made Kaiserschmarrn and one bought from the supermarket. How to prepare the perfect Kaiserschmarrn: cooking competition between a couple and a cook. Nach Weihnachten der Weg Weihnachtsbaum zur Müllverwertung in Berlin Production of beloved German mini-salami snack BiFi. Comparision between a mini-salami from a bio butchery and a normal one. Attempt to imitate the most popular mini-salami worldwide, so that nobody can tell the difference. You have heard of bio tomatoes, bio oranges, but what do you think of bio jeans? Galileo takes you behind the scenes of a jeans factory, where not only tnot only regular, but also biological jeans are made, and shows you what it is that makes them bio. Chef Stefan Dadarski shows inexperienced young cook how to prepare the perfect pancake: tips on the right preparation, pan choice, pancake ingredients etc. Find out what it is that distinguishes the perfect pancake. Comparision between cultivation methods and pest control at a normal and at a bio plantation. Galileo goes to Italy to visit a renown bio plantation and shows you the differnece betwenn growing bio oranges and normal ones. How to prepare the perfect roast goose for your Chgristmas dinner? Galileo takes a look at the difference between a bio goose and a normal goose. What are the tricks to cooking a Christmas goose, and how to avoid the number of things can go wrong in the cooking process? Preparation of home-made mulled wine and evaluation by test people. Berlin top chef Michael Berling shows how to make the prefect Mousse au Chocolat, competition with amateur cooks. It is THE party dish par excellence. But how do you cook it properly? What kinds of vegetables are you supposed to use, which meat do you take? Chef Rene Bredow's tips and tricks on how to prepare the perfect Chili con Carne. How to prepare the prefect home-made potato salad Manufacture of luxurious Nesmuk chef's knives for prince Alexander zu Schaumburg-Lippe. Knife-test by top chef. Galileo travels to Sardinia in search of the renown worm cheese Casu Marzu that is produced in the region. A health and hygene hazard, the manufacturing of this cheese is illegal in Italy. Hence it is an insider cheese which only extreme cheese loverys would ever have the courage to try. It is not only made, but also eaten with the numerous worms that inhabit it. Galileo tells you about a new project to legalize the worm cheese's production. Test people cook spaghetti, TV chef Sante de Santis tells tips and tricks on how to make the perfect Italian pasta. Galileo shows you how to make the perfect schnitzel - meat choice and preparation by top chef. Craftsmen install a luxurious wellness bathroom at a millionair's villa , inlc. shower cubicle with lighting system and integrated steam bath. Manufacture of Italian parmesan cheese "Parmigiano-Reggiano" and German "Rigatello" Parmesan in traditional cheese dairy and modern cheese factory. Manufacture of cowboy boots in Texan shoe factory. Cowboy CJ Johns explains the advantages of cowboy boots and why it is so important to wear them and not some ordinary shoes. Galileo goes to seek answers in El Paso, Texas, the cowboy state. For people who love to eat hot there is only one real Chili sauce: The McIlhenny Tabasco Peppersauce. But: waht makes the sauce so hot and how does it get its distinctive taste? The exact production process and the recipe is a strongly cept corporate secret. We visit the McIlhenny Company on Avery Island in Louisiana. The cheese cake is among the most popular cakes in Germany. accordingly there are much variations: the classic one, without everything or with fruits, poppy seed. But so perfect as the confectioner does it rarely nobody can do it at home. If you want to impress your mother then you'd better watch otu now - we show you how its done For nearly 50 years now its one among the most popular sweets in Germany. manfred bach, the german world champoin of confectioners tries to produce it hand-made. Professional cook and student Jana make the perfect Käsespätzle. Different possibilities of cooking them in the test. Galileo makes the perfect Käsespätzle. Reproduction of industrial made gummi bears / sweets made of home cooks, blind test with cinemagoers Production Neapolitaner-Waffles in factory and arial reproduction Mannerschnitte through cook and noodle-maker Gourmet-cook Stefan Dadarski gives kids advice for the perfect roast chicken, comparison quality, price, taste of refrigeration chicken, fat chicken and free-range chicken Production of butcher knifes, spectacular experiments fakir on sherds and blade of swords Traditional production luxury-bread of sourdough baker for successful luxury bread chain Aran, production delicacies-spread on Kugler Formation of new petrol station tips of professional-confectioner on how to make a good home-made pie, protagonist demonstrates possible mistakes on strudel preparation Reproduction of well known chocolate-Doppelkeks (biscuit) of confectioner Elisabeth Guschak Reproduction of beer glasses. Explanation why different beer glasses for pils, wheat beer, lager Even wikipedia says: The production of chocolate at home at home is so exacting that you cannot do it at home. We wanted to know if this is really true. Asphalt consists of pea gravel and bitumen. For making streets the perfect recipe. But can you even cook with it? For example ham? perfect barbecue suace. we made it at home. How the sauce was received and do you taste the difference? The secret tricks and ruse of the perfect italian pizza Testerpsons on cooking spaghetti and explanation on how to make the perfect spaghetti through TV-cook Sante de Santis Bridal couple Andrea Pitschl und Thomas Stieber on the making of their own wedding rings according to the instruction of goldsmith Galileo shows you how to make a perfect Wok-dish

explanation Short description The stinkier it is the better it tastes! What is important to get the right flavour of cheese? After every winter we have to deal with road holes. Have you ever wondered how bicycle pros give in natures call without stopping in the middle of a race? Find it out! Haven't we been thaught the earth is round? Find out why the shape of the earth isn't round! How can snails across razorblades without cutting themselves off. Learn about the texture of a snail. How come that the egg gets it's own unique shape? Learn about the modelizing processes inside the body of a hen. Naturally green eggs for breakfast, no problem for this special race of chicken. What causes the numb feeling of bodyparts? What is the texture of soap that cleans off our hands? An apple is cut into pieces, quite complex.With an orange that all goes more simply. But why does the orange have these bits? " Ingenious invention: The talking picture frame. To make sure that your love message reaches the person you love. Neighbourhood Watch - Be everywhere with the romote-controlled camera car Spy Toy - Speed up with the four-wheeled camera Special Agent´s Secret - How to intercept far away talks? Listen up and find out secret sounds - use the special-bugging-microphone Where does holes of the cheese come from? Find out about it's natual ways! There a locks for everything:lockers, doors, piggybanks. Now there is a new type of lock on the market:the bottle lock. It is supposed to keep your finest liqueurs, wines and whiskeys safe. Everybody knows the situation:You are walking your dog and it is raining. You come back home and heimmediately jumps on you white couch. Not anymore with the new paw cleaner for dogs. We´ll show you if it works. What makes spicy vegetables so spicy? Nearly every man from the age of 30 gets it: A beerbelly! But why? Everybody knows vending machines. You through money in and a candy bar comes out. But have you ever heard of an ice-cream vending machine? Galileo found the first one in Hamburg. Fishers have to be patient. They have to sit and wait sometimes for hours. Not anymore. A new invention from the US sends the fisher via GPS Information where exactly the biggest fish are located. Galileo tried if it worked. It is essential in a car, but not on a bike:the back mirror. Now a special helmet with a mirror attached to it has been developed especially for bycicles and inline skates users. Fruit flies, the annoying small flies, which live in fruits. From where do they come? What can you do against it? 6/14

Driver's license test Chewing gum automat Road tax disc controller Myth Coca Cola Surviving in the elevator What does Germany eat, Part What does Germany eat, Part Masterpeice Snickers Bulky waste big store Masterpeice M&M cheat sheet - check Cultbeer Löschzwerg Shashlik in cans Bus-Pulling pitch torch Mission knowledge worldwide Mission knowledge worldwide knuckle of pork vs. knuckle benefit strategy chocolate furniture

2 1

- vitrics, Part 1 - vitrics, Part 2

Invention of the week: cooling sponge Mafia-Restaurant Mission Worldwide Most disgusting food 1 Mission Worldwide Most disgusting food 2 Is it true bellybutton Luxury tree house Luxury bath Fruit-chips

100 seconds knowledge

14:15 10:50 13:53 10:54 07:55 13:16 14:00 10:15 10:17 12:19 16:27 11:29 08:25 09:20 10:42 12:31 14:17 12:20 14:06 12:32

Half of all German drivers would fail the driving test, if they took it again. Is that true? Galileo puts it to the test: three drivers are tested on their driving skills and knowledge. We visited a automat positioner on his work. Maintenance of automats which are popular with kids Germany is surrounded by chargeable freeways. For this year you have to buy a road tax disc in Belgium. What happens if you don't buy it, you see here. Fritz-Cola is a competitor to the Coca-Cola imperium. But is the tase of the nex Cola as good as the old one? And what ingredients are in it? Again and again persons get stuck in the elevator. Hours or even days. what you can do if you get stuck in the elevator we show you now. Of what foods do the Germans eat the most? It's not noodles, chocolate, eggs, fish or cheese. what does Germany eat? What's the favourites and why? Of what foods do the Germans eat the most? It's not noodles, chocolate, eggs, fish or cheese. what does Germany eat? What's the favourites and why? More than 100 millions of Snickers are eaten per year. Confectioner Bernd Dostler tries to copy the sweet, can he make it? You will see it in our series "The masterpiece" Used goods for bargain hunters in the Hamburg bulky waste big store "Stilbruch", delivery with bulky waste of cleansing department M&M - can you reproduce the chocolate nuts? We gave it a try. Writing of cheat sheets and test in classwork trend beer, success of young brewers in family enterprise with invention, new mild beer in smaller bottles with new design, beer brewing in brewery This is popular in Germany: shashlik from the takeaway. Now there is shashlik that lasts one year. Most of the people WAIT for the bus - but there is another way - there are men who get the bus with rare muscle power For 1000 years pitch torches and candles shwoed us our way. But today can you made it for yourself? Two persons try it. What kind of light source burns better, we made the test for you. There is glass that is worth 10,000 €. Where does such glass exist? We travelled around the world to discover it for you. Galileo mission knowledge worldwide: the most precious glass in the world Galileo mission knowledge has detected the most precious glass ware all around the wolrd. The same piece of meat and two different recipes. In Bavaria you make crispy knuckle and in Berlin knuckles of pork. What recipe is the best? We made the meat duel with two persons. Lottery player have a rough ride. To win they have to fill out 140 million tickets theoretically. But when you are satisifed with less money winning is more easy. There are even professionals who win a prize every week. furniture out of choclolate. An armchair, 70kg of weight and with 400.000 calories, decorated with real gold

03:30 16:10 11:17 14:28 02:26 12:24

How a sponge can cool bottles an italian Mafia-prison Our Mission Worldwide Reporter Harro Füllgrabe has tested the most disgusting food for you 1 Our Mission Worldwide Reporter Harro Füllgrabe has tested the most disgusting food for you 2 bellybutton fluff - where does it come from? Galileo on ist search for the bellybutton fluff. Architect Andreas Wenning makes of a normal tree house a luxury estate for people with much money 0:10:00 old bath is demolished, new luxury bath is developed 0:09:03 Snacks make you fat - maybe this sentence won't be true in the future - because snack designer work on a truly new type of snacks, it is not made of potatoes or mize and it contains no fat



100 sec knowledge: utilities statement 100 sec knowledge: oil price 100 sec knowledge: money laundering 100 sec knowledge: men and women Bavarian sausage eating contest 100 seconds fuel 100 seconds knowledge: groceries crisis 100 seconds bank crash 100 seconds knowledge cell phones in the plane 100 seconds knowledge: olympic fire 100 seconds knowledge: staff spying 100 seconds knowledge: 1st. April 100 seconds summer time 100 seconds electricity tariff 100 seconds knowledge: easter 100 seconds knowledge: Euro 100 seconds knowledge alcohol 100 seconds knowledge: strike / power knowledge 100 seconds knowledge: plane / storm 100 seconds duty

01:52 01:41 01:40 01:40 09:43 01:40 01:41 01:41 01:42 01:42 01:40 01:40 01:40 01:40 01:42 01:38 01:40 01:40 01:41 01:41

According to the German authorities, every second utilities statement is false. What do you need to know bevore filling out your utilities statement for your appartment or house? Find out next. Galileo tips for tenants. Oil is getting more and more expensive every day. But why? And what does it mean for our daily lives? Explaination for the rising oil prices. In 100 seconds. Dirty money transfers in foreign banks. Tax evasion. The latest Lichtestein affair with secret foundations of wealthy Germans. How does money laundering actually work? Galileo explains the concept in 100 seconds. Men are from Mars, women are from Venus. Men can't be faithful, women can't park. Is it true? Galileo compiled some interesting facts on both sexes. Produktion of Bavarian veal sausage and eating contest in typical Bavarian inn. explanation for development, composition price for fuel the price for groceries explode - not only in our country but worldwide. What is the reason? You get to know it in 100 seconds! What happens if a bank crashes? And waht happens with the money of the customers? To make a phone call in planes was prohibited for a long time . Now that changes. More in 100 seconds power-knowledge cell phones in the plane. Facts to the olympic fire and traditional transport of torchbearer of olympics in the world Legal position limits with spying of employees through employers Explanation of origin and meaning of the april joke All important things to know to the time change explanation composition, reasons for the high electricity tariff, ways of the electricity, tips to change the electricity provider Origin / customs and other facts regarding easter Explanation reason strong european currency and US-Dollar-weakness, interaction currencies in the international financial market / world economy system Facts to alcohol consumption and effects (most popular alcoholic drinks, tolerance, BAC and alcohol measuring) Facts to strike Dangers in air traffic through storm, birdstrike, ice and thunderstorm 100 seconds knowledge about the income tax return

100 seconds electricity tariff 100 seconds cheap airlines 100 seconds milk boycott 100 seconds diesel 100 seconds poker ban

01:41 01:41 01:41 01:39

Why the electricityin Germany is so expensive cheap airlines are not so cheap anymore. On what you have to look after before planning your next holiday we tell you now!

Cartoons -> the greatest inventions Invention of the oscar Invention of toothpaste Invention of zipper Invention of dishwasher Invention of microwave Invention of electric bulb Invention of parking meter Invention of cigarette lighter Invention of bycycle Invention of mobil phone Invention of ear-plugs Invention of nylon Invention of aircondition Invention of condom Invention of ball pen Invention of margarine Invention of creditcard Invention of viagra Invention of filter paper Invention of computer

Is the diesel still worth it?

0:01:42 Post and labour union cannot agree about the job protection, labour time and money. What that mens to you you will know after our 100 seconds knowledge.


duration 2:53 3:18 1:56 2:56 4:02 2:45 3:08 3:34 3:22 3:05 3:28 3:14 3:27 3:27 2:57 3:36 3:03 3:25 3:21 3:38

The invention of the oscar The invention of toothpaste The invention of zipper The invention of dishwasher The invention of microwave The invention of electric bulb The invention of parking meter The invention of cigarette lighter The invention of bycycle The invention of Mobil phone The invention of ear-plugs The invention of nylon The invention of aircondition The invention of condom The invention of ball pen The invention of margarine The invention of creditcard The invention of viagra The invention of filter paper The invention of computer

Tech Checks Tech Check Jaccuzzi Tech Check park distance control systeme Tech Check Shower to go Tech Check Powerriser Tech Check Scorpion skates Tech Check Hillracer Tech Check profi steamer Tech Check laser keyboard Galileo CO2NTRA: Energy saving house

6:18 7:00 5:25 5:35 4:30 6:00 5:30 4:30 13:37

Checking the pros and cons of a mobile jacuzzi Checking the pros and cons of a d-i-y shop parking assistance Checking the pros and cons of a mobile shower Checking the pros and cons of a Powerriser Checking the pros and cons of scorpion skates Checking the pros and cons of a Hillracer Checking the pros and cons of a multifunctional steaming iron Checking the pros and cons of a pc keyboard which is connected through laser technology

5:45 12:48 6:13 12:26

A report on a hightech weapon against all private trespassers and intruders. Robowatch can faces them in 24 languages and calls the policew automatically. A report on the construction site of the highest bridge in Europe. When it’s finished it will lead even higher over the valley than the peak of the Eiffel-tower. A road trips through Japan’s high tech labs but also private young enthusiasts developing intelligent helpers for tomorrow. Heavy duty transport of a compact ampoule filling system per cargo aircraft "Antonow" from Munich to Korea Spidermen of Bamboo How workers in Hong Kong built up skyscraper scaffoldings of pure bamboo bars

Hightec Robowatch Bridge construction in france -update Robots in Japan Heavy duty transport of a compact ampoule filling system Bamboo scaffoldconstruction Hong Kong



Containerships Heavy duty transport Installation of ship diesel engine Luxury yacht on the ems river Eurocopter Higherrise Housing The Skip-Fleet The transportation of a mega tank Olympic Roof in Athens New tarmac Bridge construction

19:20 20:00 9:21 8:00 8:48 21:45 11:25 20:20 6:12 2:23 5:50

Nightcheck Changing an Changing an Changing an

13:17 13:00 5:41 2:05

A filmed captain’s diary: Six days onboard a big container ship, from England to Italy. How does a huge gas turbine, leaving the factory reach its working place in the middle of a metropolis like Munich? A report on a very special journey. filmed journey 120 tons diesel engine intoofthe of a cargo ship, which is under construction in built Lubeck dockyards. The Mayer shipyardofinaPapenburg produces some thewomb best luxury cruise liners. The problem: Every new giant must make its way throug a narrow canal – 25 kilometers long. A report as breathtaking as the challenge. With the camera on board of the Eurocopter. It’s a flying computer and one of the most advanced save and rescue helicopters in the sky. This is the story about the higherrising complex by German "Startarchitect" Helmut Jahn Monster machine-one day and one night with europes biggest skip fleet How do you transport a tank that is 320 tonns heavy for 270 km? We show you! The Olympic Stadium in Athens has the biggest "glass-steel" roof in the world. Galileo was the only camera team aloud on the roof and took a closer look for you…. It is summer and there are traffic jams on every major road. Road workers use the nice weather to lay new tarmac on the roads. But as nice as it is to have new roads, new tarmac can be very dangerous…. This story is about the difficult installation and adjustment of the middle part of a brigde off from a boat Lufthansa Nightcheck in the Munich airport hangars During the few night hours between last landing and the first start, the aircraft mechanics have to check all the electric system and devices of the planes, to do minor reparation work in the cabins and to clean the whole plane - a very special countdown for lift off and an adventure behind closed hangar doors. We filmed the spectacular change of a 23 meter antenna by helicopter on the Rheintower in Düsseldorf. We filmed the spectacular change of a 23 meter antenna by helicopter on the Rheintower in Düsseldorf. We filmed the spectacular change of a 23 meter antenna by helicopter on the Rheintower in Düsseldorf.

11:55 9:20 19:20 2:00 16:15 19:34 1:30 19:30 14:52 20:25 11:00 5:37 8:27

Moving an aquarium. Watch the relocating of 3000 sea dweller. We took a look behind the scenes of the biggest waterpowerplant in the world. Find out how this factory supplies sout america with electric power. Stripping down the munich central tax office - it s almost as exciting as to put up a new buildung. Many secrets are hidden in the building right in the middle of munich. Stripping down the munich central tax office - it s almost as exciting as to put up a new buildung. Many secrets are hidden in the building right in the middle of munich. For lifting up a 90 meter camin - europe's biggest crane is set up in two days and one night. The biggest heavy duty transport in austria - we followed the 5 day trip of an 430 ton reactor to it s final destination. The biggest heavy duty transport in austria - we followed the 5 day trip of an 430 ton reactor to it s final destination. The Sahara-Express - the longest train in the world fights heat and sand to pick up iron from a mine in the middle of the mauretanian desert. The giant on it s way to a new construction site It took Francois Zanella 11 years to built it s own cruise ship. How to manage to move the cruise liner from it's backyard to the sea? Munich, Theresienwiese - 2 weeks before Octoberfest starts. We followed the set upof the rollercoaster Eurostar. A fitness trainer versus a physics student, can both rotate 360 degree on the swing? We follow the deplanting of an 52 year old big tree from Germany to the Netherlands.

15:02 15:14

Preparation for complicated detonation of massive high-rise reinforced concrete building in the center of Munich. How was it detonated and how did the shotfirer avoid damaging the surrounding residential houses? Building a futuristic Olympic ski jump next to Munich. 100 meter long and tilted ub the air - assembling this structure proves to be quite the challenge! Felix Schoft dares the fist jump. Galileo takes you behind the scenes of the construction of a new subway station in Berlin next to the Reichstag. What makes this building site extraordinary is the ground - it is sand. Nevertheless, the Berlin construction crew is working on building a new metro station exactly there. This is probably the most complicated subway station in Germany. Galileo accompanies the installation of extraordinary mobile "Hotel Everland", a cube with only one room, on the roof of Museum Palais de Tokyo in Paris. We also offer you an inside scoop into the most exclusive and bizzare Hotels in the world. Building an iglu out of bottles - the record attempt fails because of defective glue and extreme cold weather at a winter resort. Construction of a model miniature landscape for world's largest model railway. construction work, renovation, rerconstruction/restauration ruinous old building to modern house with cutting-edge technology

Lufthansa aerial part 1 aerial part 2 aerial part 3

Moving an aquarium Itaipu - Waterpowerplant Demolition part 1 Demolition part 2 Europes biggest car crane Heavy duty transport part 1 Heavy duty transport part 2 Sahara Express - The longest train in the world Moving a digger Moving a cruise ship Part 1 Building a rollercoaster The physics of a swing Deplanting of big trees Detonation Agfa-Tower Ski jump Construction Subway Construction


Cube Hotel Bottle iglu Miniature landscape: Swiss Apls The house in the future

11:40 14:01 17:25 15:39

Everyday life improvement Bacterias in our everyday life Toothbrushes in comparison Cramps and stiches Why does milk boil over? Boiling water How to tan healthy in tanning boots? Simplify your life - the organized desk - reality based Fresh Fish Knigge - Testing manners Why do men not ask for the way Liquid-Gas-Cars

duration 8:52 6:47 2:28 2:20 1:37 4:26 4:55 6:45 6:33 10:55 6:03

Microwave The perfect fried egg

5:40 2:05

Peeling treatment Detector for sunburn

5:15 1:02

Dental Prosetheses




Peephole Car team station wagon Windshield damage Car defrosting

11:01 12:20 16:20 10:13 09:40

CO2NTRA Fireplace Handyman emergeny service Car fiol coating Wood stoves: heating with wood

10:00 15:42 10:44 10:33

CO2NTRA: Fiberglass CO2NTRA: Lights off contest Browning methods Car Team Porsche Co2 energy coach CO2 egg Most delicate steak Pan-test Car pope The perfect sushi Test leatherjackets Pizza delivery service Pizza carton Jumbo - biggest german Pizza chain

08:58 12:47 09:00 14:24 11:43 09:39 12:35 08:27 17:30 13:40 10:30 22:25 07:30 08:45

explanation No matter what we touch, where we go, what we do - bacterias are surrounding us every day at any time. There is no escape. What is effected by bacteries at most of our daily implements. Is it our toilett seat or the keyboard of our Computer or even a cutboard With which toothbrush shell we use? A hand toothbrush or an electrical? Both has their pro and cons. We compared it with one another. Is it a cramp or is it a stich? Where do the stiches come from when we run? why does hot milk overflow on the stove ? - and how a marvellous pot prevents the mess Why it becomes loud, if the water is boiling? We asked someone, which is been versed with water, the Dipl. Ing. Matthias Haselbauer of the technical University of Munich Tanning - The ultimate guide to tanning studios Tanning - What you have to know now about tanning studios. Simplify your life: How you get to the grips with your mess - bestselling auther reveals his tricks The characteristics of fresh fish - how can consumer test the quality of fish Galileo and themunich conduct coach Chri stoph Möller using a hidden camera to test three random men. After that the will benchmark the men within a system of 20 points. Everybody knows the situation. You are totally lost in a foreign city and your husband/boyfriend will not asked for the way.Why? We did the test. Do men really not ask for the way? Many people already have it liquid gas tanks. It is much cheaper than regular petrol. We tell you what you need to have and how much it costs. Mystic waves - how microwaves work Have you ever tried to cook an egg in a microwave? This might be dangreous. But except that you can make almost any kind of food in a microwave: from vegetables to meat or bakery. Galileo explains how the microwaves heat the food up from inside and shows how to use a microwave in the right way. The car as a frying pan - is it possible to fry eggs on the engine bonnet when it`s a scorching day? We make the energy-saving test Acne, crinkles, scars and pigment dysfunction are mischiefs an a beautifulface.We show you how to get along with these problems and and make a perfect peeling. Sunburn detectors: little devices that can help to prevent your skin from damage As good as gold (or better): A new invention of dental medicine is promising better coronas and bridges because of a new material: Instead of gold and platinum teeth will be made of of cercon- a high-tech ceramics. Up to now it was impossible to handle it because it is almost as hard as a diamond. But there is a new solution which really works… Dandruffs - a widespread disease.In Germany ther is the estimated amount of 16 million people being afflicted to this disease.Especially men have got the dandruff problem. How do you get dandruffs und what can you do against them? A cell phone is an open book, but not only for its owner. Galileo let a wiretapping expert test and explain how easy it is to get hold of private information stored in your cell phone. Fortunately it is just as easy to protect yourself from such pdata theft. Aufbau / Montage Kamin-Bausatz durch Laien / Hobby-Heimwerker Galileo car expert Nils Franck consullts young woman how to buy a used diseal station wagon. What is the best you can get for 3500 eur? Comparison in repairing methods of a stone chipped windshield. Should you go to a repair shop or will a do-it-yourself repair set do the trick? We tested various odd and extreme ways to defrost your windshield, e.g. be means of a gas explosion. Galileo shows you the most confortable and easy way to get rid of the ice on your car's windshield. And the most inconvenient ones too. Installation of an environmentally friendly fireplace with high heat output capacity and low toxic gas emissions. To avoid harming the environment and still enjoy a cozy dinner by the fireplace, Galileo went on a search for the most energy-efficient fireplace. And found it - in Finland. Selfemployed handyman Udo Kamp offers a low-priced home improvement service through his website Allround Galileo shows you how you can change your car's color by wrapping it with a foil sticker in the color of your choice. Without a drop of paint. Manufacturing wood stoves in Sweden. How can you save energy by installing a wood stove in your house. Galileo shows you the whole process from the stove's production thorugh its purchase and installation. Almost 90 percent of you home's energy consumption is used for heating and hot water purposes. Galileo shows you how you can usefiberglass made of recycled glass waste to isolate your home. A visit to the world's largest isolating material manufacturer. Enegry saving contest between two German cities. Galileo CO2NTRA launches a climate protection campaign, Two entire cities switch off their lights for 5 minutes. The city that manages to dim out the most lights wins. How can you get tanned in winter without going to the solarium? Galileo tests several artificial tanning methods: browning gun, browning handkerchiefs and carrot / beta-carotene consumption. Galileo consults man in used 80s porsche purchase, incl. paint repair. Tips on energy saving: installing a wood pellets fireplace. Energy coach Daniel Kraft advises on how to correctly heat your home with wood pellets. Comparison between different typesof fireplaces. Galileo test differnet enviromentally friendly ways of boiling an egg without additional energy consumption: cooking an egg in the coffee maker, washing mashine, car motor, in the sauna etc. How to make a tender steak instead of a chewy one? Galileo has tested different techniques on how to make the steak really tender and has tried extraordinary ways Car pope Andreas Kessler gives tips to young woman, new driver on buying used cars, reparation, old Golf in garage professional cooker / korean cooker gives advice on how to preparate raw fish for sushi. The Asian cook Kim shows how to make the perfect Japanese food at home test with three different jackets of different quality, test with professional biker Katja Poensgen Galileo-tester Jumbo Schreiner visits german pizzerias and dabbles in making pizza and pizzadriver, Part 1 Galileo-tester Jumbo Schreiner visits german pizzerias and dabbles in making pizza and pizzadriver, Part 2 Galileo-tester Jumbo Schreiner visits german pizzerias and dabbles in making pizza and pizzadriver, Part 3


Car Team cheap Cabrio ADAC-Roadhousetest Part 1

15:00 10:25

On what to look out for a convertible shwos you the Galileo-team Test roadhouse Medenbach Ost through ADAC-roadhouse-tester Oliver Knapp

ADAC-Roadhousetest Part 2 Thiefs in uniform Jumbo on the move Catering / XXL Catering Wellnessmassages / Wellness Clever Kitchen Confer nothing barbecue checker bath doctor Self-experiment mosquito bite test Ways of the tuna First Aid myths Luxury parquet

05:11 10:23 27:25 08:23 09:10 12:30 03:21 14:43 11:16 17:41 14:24 14:24

Test roadhouse Medenbach Ost through ADAC-roadhouse-tester Oliver Knapp tips against thiefs in the tourist traffic of police officers as test-thiefs, advise travellers of carelessness with luggage, danger pickpockets Jumbo joiner testing different catering-services testperson on different massages with different methods Cleverkithcnei s the cutting edge invention in the kitchen sector. Is it rahter a design piece or a pracitcal full kitchen? Home improvement made easy. How you do it right and ehat to pay attention to. Now at Galileo! Our reporter Kimmo enlightens you about three barbecue myths 80 % of the Germans love home mprovement. We show you amazing tricks to embellish your bath and technically have all under contol and save money at the same time? We show it to you! test testpersons medicine against mosquitos and against itching after mosquitos bites in laboratory Sushi without tuna isn't possible. Tuna is the most important fish in Japan, where does the best tuna com from? Around 80 per cent of the Germans made their last first-aid course for about 15 years. We test three persons: can they save lives if they need to? Luxury parquet is really expensive. Does it pay off to spend so much money? We have tested luxury and cheap parquet

organic bananas

0:13:46 Meanwhile there are even organic bananas. They are more expensive than a normal banana: but is it really worth it? And does it taste better?



Insideworld Nose Deep cold temperature experiment Deaf Model Deaf Parents Clinicship Anastasis Hear Screening Birth - the evolution of life Scull Surgery, crainial Cardiac Transplantation cardiac surgery of an enfant

6:25 6:57 8:55 9:27 13:05 6:07 5:07 7:45 7:35 4:45

Surgery of an hand


What is going on inside our nose? Learn about the important function of this little organ. A filmed university-experiment: How many students heat a room by 12 degrees centigrades? With their sole bodies. Can a deaf model be as succesful as ist healthy collegue? How does communication work between deaf parents and it's children? This Clinic is stationed around the african continent on the sea all through the year. The hospital staff is working under hard conditions trying to save and help the poorest! This is about a little device for a great problem: A new appartus detects that a baby is nearly deaf. And thus saves the sound upbringing of thousands of new born childs only in Germany. Childbirth - Galileo shows how life begins, when little Emiliy is delivered in Berlin´s biggest hospital. It was a hard birth for mother and child but there is a happy-end for the new family. Our camerateam attends a complicated sugery on a deformed scull of an 2 year old. Will this surgery help the child to develop without brain damages? We accompany a patient who urgently needs cardiac transplantion. We stay with him all the way through his 5 hour surgery . Watch the dramatic and most complicated cardiac surgery on an infant Screws instead of gypsum - a munich surgeon decided to medidate a scaphiod fracture in an unusual way: He srewed together the tiny bones of the hand instead forcing the patient to wear a gypsum for several months.The result: A motocycle race driver was able to take part in a very important race only several days after his accident. Selfmade hand – a 15 year old boy created an artificial limb working powered by electricity. He decided to invent this amputation appliance after the loss of several fingers duringt a gunpowder explosion in his cellar. Now he is able to use his hand again – even while juggling…

Medical stories

Amputation appliance inventor


Intensive care unit Anatomy

11:11 11:23

Stomach pace maker


Teen surgery Hospital for fire victims

5:38 7:52

Crack your nuckles Spray-on Panty hose 3D pictures of a pregnant

1:36 2:14 11:58

Heart valve reconstructur Deep Voice Tips for a healthy back Artificial insemination

8:10 3:00 4:40 11:46

Behind the scences Catacombs of Palermo Panicrooms Knife forging Cachaca - The Making of Brazil´s national drink No. 1 The colourful marketplaces in Thailand Catacombs of Paris Fireacadamy Rotterdam Crocodilefarm Sawfish Sushi manufacturing The most creative chef of the world Ferran Adria Herbs of the Provence Manufacturing of the original pork spit

duration 12:08 5:25 11:46 7:20 13:20 8:20 8:30 11:30 12:40 13:56 14:23 8:30 9:30

MC Donalds Koidealer Crime Scene Cleaners Sword of the samurai

14:58 14:05 7:00 6:00

Flowermarket Aalsmeer Chindogu - Crazy Inventions Fishmarket Japan

10:35 6:35 13:37

The biggest noodle factory "Barilla"


Water engineer of versailles Chef at the Adlon The German tank Platform of Gas A6A The development of photographs Birth of an gorilla Hotel laundry service

10:44 11:53 8:23 14:00 5:45 10:32 9:28



Relocation of an aquarium


Humans between live and death: On the intensive care unit it decides whether it continues... Young students of medicine do their first cut into a real human body: It is a corpse which they cut open to learn more about anatomy of the human body. This high-tech device helps overweight people not to get serious and dangerous problems with their disease. Being young and beautiful is becoming more important in our sociaty and although plastic surgery is a common procedure nowadays there are still lots of risks to consider. What about the danger of plastic surgery on teenager? How far do surgeons go? How to help fire victims. Galileo visited a special hospital for fire victims in Berlin and accompanied a doktor in his daily work. Everyone knows the horrible noise when the person next to you starts cracking their nuckles. But why does it creat such a horrible noise? Every woman knows and hates it:ladders in their pantyhose. A new invetion will prevent all this…. High Technology: stereoscopic pictures enable physicians to early diagonis on unborns Heart valves are pumping the blood through differnet chambers.Don`t they work as they should the can be perilous and heart must be operated.One of the leading heart specialists is Dr. Patrick Perrier from France.Every three weeks he is working in Germany. Headaches and a deep voice after partying all night? Galileo explains what causes the deep voice.. Is it healthier to stand or to sit? We take a look at equipment and postures to prevent the back from damage. What can medical science do to help couples to fulfill the desire to have children. We accompany Carsten und Nelly Junger on their last try to start a family.

explanation A German Scientist and a Franciscan monk on a quest solving the riddle of Rosalia. A girl, buried in the catacombes of Palermo, well preserved since 1911, but looking, as of it died just yesterday. A Homestory on the latest protection-achievement of Beverly Hills’ high society: A private panicroom, where the rich and wealthy can wait for the police for rescue. A visit at the workshop of Master doi, the 77 year old smith of the japanese damast knives. A place where tradition easily outplays high tech. Cachaca - The Making of Brazil´s national drink No. 1 Strange food. a journey into the world of strange eating habits. or: how to eat worms, crickets and antsalad. Get down to world famous catacombs of Paris. Red light alarm in Europe’s biggest firefighter school in Rotterdam. How German firefighters train to extinguish huge plant fires. Report about behind the scenery of an crocodile farm Sawfish - a remote controlled diving chain-saw harvests timber in underwater forests in British Columbia. Sushi manufacturing at sea We accompany the most creative chef of the world at the Costa Brava in Spain Galileo shows the harvesting of the herbes de provence and how they add their flavour and taste to the typical meals of the provence. Made in Greece - the way of original pork spits from the slaugtherhouse up to the pita bread. A report about the world wide known Mc Donalds Burger and why they taste almost the same in every country. A German dealer who travels to japan to find the best and most valuable koi for the German market. This workers start their job after a murder has taken place. The art of forging one of the sharpest swords on earth? We`ve visited the people in tokio, who fabricate the crafted sword with ember and a lot of time. That sword costs about 10000 euro. Roses for the world How Europe's biggest marketplace for flowers is working The story about the unusual but helpful invententions of an japanese In Tokyo the largest fish market of the world is located. The work begins there in the middle at the night, when the fish is delivered. And up to the large auction in the morning there´s a lot to do. The Biggest Pasta-Factory Of The World. Situated in the north of Italy in Parma. The owner is the famous "Barilla"-Family. We are showing the production of various pasta types joined with an interview with Guido Barilla, the boss of the company. Fountain technician at world's most famous castle: How Jean-Pierre Bianchin orchestrates and maintains waterworks that have once been built for the "roi de soleil". Cooking for gourmets - the chef of the famous luxury Hotel "Adlon" in Berlin A report on a rehearsal combat with the The Leopard II, one of the best tanks ever developed for the German Bundeswehr. A report on Germany’s biggest platform in the North Sea – the A6A. One week in the life and work of 12 lonely men, working hard for for their home country 360 Kilometers away. Learn about the process of developing photographs. The breathtaking story about the birth of an gorilla and the lifetime participation of it's keeper. Who is washing the daily tons of towels? Find out the far way of the laundry. Behind the Scenery of the world largest internet auction platform Moving fish – the story of a whole Sealife Center moving from Dortmund to Dresden. Not only the building itself has to be brought from one place to another- there are also 3000 inhabitants of the oceans- including sharks, stingrays and lobsters… 9/14

Annual general meeting


Animalhospital Leipzig


Scrapping of cars


Luxury Real estate agent Prisonmuseum Serengeti-Parc Formula 1 Water-Skiing-Parc

6:50 4:10 8:00 8:45 11:35

Manufacturing of the original pork spit White Roses from Athens Special Industrial Climbing forces

8:46 2:54 9:54

Ferry-Captain Security Van Wet-Water-Ride "The tomatoe king" Chancellory

11:00 10:12 12:30 9:32 13:03

Spermbank for elephants part 1


Spermbank for elephants part 2 Recycling of electronic scrap into gold Tarmac Airport Frankfurt Exquisite Ham from Spain Hotel Adlon Windmill Part 1 Windmill Part 2 Luxury board games The manufacture of gambling machines Relocation of an hospital Model railway Part 1 Ice sculptures The master of the knife Handgun manufactury

1:25 7:02 14:30 6:40 13:41 19:12 1:16 10:56 6:16 12:48 13:38 7:18 11:44 5:35

The Harakiri Slope Transportation of Prisoners The world championship of Patissiers The Catering of Germany's most popular cruise ship The Catering of Germany's most popular cruise ship Lime farm Tupper ware Queen Mary 2 The refuel of airplanes Taja Mahal Hotel Luxyury Hotel Maldives Tallest Hotel in the World Mount Washington Snail breed Italia logistics Cannondale Tropical Islands Beachvolleyball The Palace Open Air Teil 1 Open Air Teil 2 Canalization The worlds biggest market Emirates Palace Hotel Physalis Asphalt Lake Trinidad Chinese Restaurant Hermit Family Algae Harvest Hotel Sacher Nude photoshooting with handicaped Models Rebuilding Aida Cara Pascha

4:20 12:07 10:58 18:33 1:51 6:12 7:37 14:35 4:06 13:05 15:25 12:57 14:30 12:48 12:29 10:08 5:40 13:32 12:32 16:35 3:55 4:18 14:33 15:31 8:33 18:00 9:49 18:06 10:15 15:05 16:10 20:15 22:37

Penguin Plague Carrera Skyscraper Luxurious prefabricated house The fishconfectioner Amador-Germany's most creative cook The creator of the Döner kebap Burj al Arab cake Underwater Icehockey championship Create your own knife Beer from the black forrest The rivilary between two limousine builders Bouncer

8:01 19:23 21:45 20:55 9:24 14:00 8:48 10:00 16:06 20:00 11:20 13:00 13:46

Among millionairs – what has to be done in order to prepare an annual General Meeting for one of the biggest German companies? It is story about food and anti-terror logistic, about the necessitiy of loudspeakers even in the lavatories and, finally,ab On the area of the university of Leipzig there are altogether five animal hospitals. Each hospital has its special field. Here no patient is rejected. We visited the hospitals and watched the physicians at their animal work - the doctor and the dear cat If the repair is not worthwhile itself any longer, then nothing else remains for the owner :It must let it scrap His clients are Boris Becker, Ronald Reagan, Dave Steward (Eurythmics). He starts at 5 Millions Euros per object. He works all over the world to sell expensive things to rich people - property agent Alexander Kraft sells luxury villas to the HighSociety. People in prison have a lot of time on their hands to come up with illegal things to make every day life more interesting. All their invetions are exibited in the so called prison museum. Michael Boehr is an animal doctor to over 600 animals in the serengeti parc in the east of Germany. We followed him and saw his everyday work, which is not only helping to give birth to an elephant baby……. How Renault tries to improve their Formula 1 cars with the help of 3D printers and what happens behind the scenes of formula 1 is being shown here. The construction of a new water-skiing parc. Made in Greece - the way of original pork spits from the slaugtherhouse up to the pita bread. Galileo went to Greece and had a look behind the scenes. Everybody knows most flowers come from the Netherlands. But is it true that white roses come from athens? 85 meters high in the sky and the only safety you have is a rope. And that as your everyday job?Industrial climbers are used to it. We followed them for a day…… They have the same job description but two completely different lifes. The ferrycaptain of a manual ferry and the captain of a 35 000 horsepower ferry. We followed the daily routine of a security van and answered the questions why this is not more dangerous than any other job. It is 26 meters high and takes 5 day to be built, the worlds biggest moveable wet-water-ride. We found out for you where all the water comes from and how exactly the ride works. Galileo visited the world record holder for growing tomatoes and tried to answer all questions one could have about tomatoes. Look behind the scenes of the German Chancellory and discover the inner workings of the place where German politics takes place It is the story about an international research team that is helping to protect the asian elephant in northern Thailand from extinction. These specialists have developed a specific method to gain and save sperm from bull elephants . It is the story about an international research team that is helping to protect the asian elephant in northern Thailand from extinction. These specialists have developed a specific method to gain and save sperm from bull elephants . Three computers contain as much gold as two tons of debris in a gold mine. The recycling of electronic computer parts into gold bars. The express building site - how a runway was built in eight hours. The maturing takes 2 years and 8 months - The Paleta Ibérico - The manufacturing of one the most exquiste ham in Spain. One day behind the scenes of the Adlon Hotel Berlin. One of the most luxurios Hotels in Europe. The construction of the tallest and largest wind energy plants in the world in Schleswig-Holstein powers 5000 Households. The construction of the tallest and largest wind energy plants in the world in Schleswig-Holstein powers 5000 Households. The manufacture of the most expensive board games - handmade and very unique The manufacture of an original Las Vegas Gambling machine 620 employees, 185 patients, medical devices, medicine … everything has to move. The relocation of a 200 year old hospital in one day The nightmare of every wife - model railways. 500 trains with 7000 wagons, 30,000 figures, 50,000 trees and 3,000 bridges and houses - The largest model railway is located in Hamburg.

Galileo went to Lübeck to see the best ice sculpturers from around the world to built the world out of ice in only 19 days. Behind the Scenes of the manufacture of the worlds best and most expensive knifes from Japan. It´s a 9 mm and it is the new standard handgun of the German police. The P 2000. Galileo shows you how such a gun is made. It is 400 m long and has a 78 % incline. The Harakiri slope in the swiss alpes. This story is about how the workers at the Zillertal care for and prepare the Harakiri Slope everyday with their specially desingned snow cat. The tansportation of prisoners to their prisons. The fight of the German team to win the Patissier world championship in Lyon. How do you cater Germany's most popular crusise ship? Galileo went behind the scenes to show you. How do you cater Germany's most popular crusise ship? Galileo went behind the scenes to show you. It is very sour and you drink it with lots of ice. The Caipirinha. This is the story about how the Limes for the popular cocktail are grown. Tupperware. Everyone knows it and everyone has at least one item of it. But how is it actually made? Galileo went behind the scenes of the manufacturing of Tupperware. The Queen Mary II is the longest, heaviest and biggest cruise ship in the world. Galileo went on board from Southhampton to New York. The refueling of airplanes at Frankfurt airport. Look behind the scenes at one of the most luxurious Hotels in the world Behind the scenes of one of the worlds most luxurious Hotel in the Indian Ocean. The Grand Hyatt Shanghai is not only located in Chinas biggest city, it is also with it's 420 m the highest Hotel in the world. Look behind the scenes. The Mount Washington is said to be the home of the world's worst weather. It is also the home to many people. Look behind the scenes at how to live at such a stormy place. Snails used to be a delicatesse and were only bread in Italy or France. Not anymore. Look behind the scenes of Germany's first snailbreed. Italian cuisine is one of the most popular in Germany. But how do all the ingredients for the meals get from Italy to Germany. Look behind the scenes. The manufacturing of the Cannondale bike. Behind the scenes of the biggest free standing domeshape amusement swimminpool with ist unique artificial tropical inner landscapes. The construction of Berlin's new Beachvolleyballstadium Take a look behind the scenes of Africas most uncommon luxury hotel. The logisctic planning of an open air rockconcert for 60,000 people within 5 days Thecities logisctic planning open see air rockconcert for 60,000 people days the scenes at how much hard work it is to stop the water from overflowing in the streets and transporting it to the All have it but of wean never it. The canalization. Take awithin look 5behind canalizations. One night at the biggest fresh foods market in the world Take a look behind the scenes of the most luxurious hotel in the world. How is the cape gooseberry grown and how does it get to Germany? We will show you. It is located in the southwest of Trinidad. The tarmac lake. We will show you how this is possible and how the tarmac is shipped to other countries. Have you ever wondered why you can find an aquarium in nearly every chinese restaurant? Let us tell you. The remarkable life of a family who refuses the comfort of civilisazion to make their living in the forest We followed the algea from it s harvest until it s convertion into sushi. A look behind the scenes of the famous Sacher hotel and of course it s famous cake. They are beautiful desite their disability: disabeled athletes. Behind the scenes of their "sexy" fotoshoot for a nudecalender. Cars have to go to the MOT regularly. So do cruise ships. We followed the Aida Cara on it s way to the MOT. About 400.000 people in Germany make their living from prostitution. Galileo took a look behind the scenes of the luxurious brothel "Pascha" in Munich before it s opening. They are small an cute: Penguins. But not everyone loves them. In south africa they are even considered as a plague. They ruin the peoples gardens and scream all night. We show you the other side of penguins. It is every kids dream to own a race car. Unfortunately for most it will stay a dream forever. Or will it? Let us show you how the kids version of a formula one car can come true with the carrera racing track. The construction of Munichs most unique buildings: the double towers. We followed a family while building a luxurious prefabricated house in just a few days. They look like pralines but they taste salty. Pralines made of smoked fish. Not possible? Let us show you how they are made. Let us show you how Juan Amador cooks the most unique food creations using calcium chloride and nitrogen. Who invented the Döner Kepab? Was it the Turks? Galileo found it out for you. Galileo followed the confectioner Roalnd Beyer while he was creating a unique cake of the famous Burj al Arab hotel. Galileo followed the first world championship in underwater icehockey. How do you build a knife only with tools from the hardware store. Galileo put two contestants to the test. We tell you how a beer from the black forrest conquers the party scene. The race of two luxurious limousine builders for the next entry into the guiness book of world records. Being a bouncer is not the most enviable job in the world as Galileo found out as they followed one for one night. 10/14

Moving Competition The Human Tower of Tarragona Butcher championship Pincodechaos The travel of the banana The Iglu town Gasstation construction Luxurious Hotel Diamonddivers House of the future Sportstacking Bio eggs Crabfishers Camelrace Tire recycling Slaughtering for beginners The pizzabaker Avocado harvest

10:16 12:28 15:20 12:43 16:50 11:25 22:00 11:00 15:00 15:41 7:06 7:00 15:08 14:20 7:55 22:36 10:43 12:39

Bodybuilders should be perfect for a move with all their mussels. But are they better and faster than prfessional movers? Galileo put the two to the test. Galileo followed the inofficial championship to built worlds highest human tower. Follow Katharina Neun to compete against seven men to win the butcher championship. Everyone has forgotten their pin code in the past but are there sure-fire techniques to remember your pin code? We found out. The travel of the banana from Costa Rica to Germany. Galileo follows the trials and tributes of Benno Reitbauer as he attemps to built a town made solely from Iglus in Kitzbühel. The construction of a very modern gasstation in Frankfurt. Behind the scenes of the Grand Hyatt in Dubai. The hunt for thefrom worlds precious diamonds a newflat. turn It asknows divers swim ofof the to find even diamonds. It can change a most one bedroom to a fourtakes bedroom whattotothe dobottom in case a ocean fire and tells youbigger how the weather is going to be. Only possible in Science fiction? No, right in the middle of Berlin. Follow the exploits of Yannick Zittlau as he attemps to stack then unstack 12 plastic cups in under 7,41 seconds. What is do different about bio eggs and bio products in general. Is it worth it spending more money? Galileo found out. Follow the crabfishers of Cuxhaven as they perform one of the hardest jobs in the world. A robot camel race in the desert? Impossible? Galileo found out. Ever thought about what happens to your old tires? Galileo will tell you Galileo followed ten beginners to a slaughter seminar where they get taught how to slaughter an animal an turn it into sausages. Behind the scenes of an Italian restaurant. Mexicans couldn't live without this exotic fruit. We take you to the largest exporter of avocados in South Africa.

Bio fast food restaurant Tough jobs: Car accident helper Hollywood-Oscar hotel Four Seasons Tough jobs: Ski hut

17:13 12:08 06:30 15:05

Business Start-up Subway Distance control

24:25 14:05

Tough jobs: Kitman Bouncer Mega car wash Karate kid in one hour Surviving the chairlift Tough jobs: Pizza Hut Wedding gift: car prepair Hard jobs: Garbageman Garage Traffic warden Car Team bargains

12:15 14:54 13:23 09:59 08:45 11:57 12:13 14:33 14:01 12:54 14:00

Bootcamps Allianz-Arena Football stadium

14:14 13:34

The truth about gasoline consumption Tough jobs: Wienerwald Restaurant The money path Tough jobs: IKEA Christmas Car Towing

10:07 12:25 11:30 13:24 13:41

Ikarus night Auction house newbie Tough jobs: locksmith The German inflation Kentucky Fried Chicken

11:35 11:29 15:48 10:52 26:16

Bratwurst slide


Hotel inspectors Used car sale Car Team 4 Golf Variant Human tower construction

11:15 13:38 14:20 16:41 16:00 14:40 14:39 10:17 15:04 15:14 17:58 13:11 10:05 08:43 15:28 18:00 12:14 13:31 07:00 10:00 15:40 13:10

Preparation, buying groceries, logistics,employee training and opening of a modern bio restaurant "nat", which makes biological food - the first bio fast food restaurant in Germany Reporter Sebastian Höffner works one day at a car breakdown service. background typical work day, preparation of staff in luxury hotel "Four Seasons" for the arrival of celebrities at the Academy Award ceremony. A luxury hotel in a state of emergency. Job test woman works as a one-day-temp in ski hut during peak period in wintertime. A look behind the scenes. Marco Altinger sets up a Subway franchise restaurant. One such restaurant opens every three days in Germany. But how do you become the owner of such a place? How do you get a license? Galileo exclusively accompanies one Subway startup for a year. Highway control operations: Galileo shows how traffic control is done with surveillance cameras and distance control devices. Driver safety training. Job test reporter Sebastian Höffner works one day as a kitman at the football team FC Cologne; Look behind the scenes of professional football. Celebrity football players do not wash their jerseys by themselves - the kitman does it for them. And he is pretty busy. Security team at the Berlin club Goya. Role playing to train the bouncers how to handle in cases of a big fight. Test, Vergleich Autowäsche / Autoreinigung / Autowaschen in moderner High-Tech-Waschstraße und per Handwäsche Experiment: Taek Won Do grand master Yongho Kim trains 2 laymen in meditation techniques, so that they can break wood and stones with bare hands. Reenacted scenes of a rescue operation for skiers stuck in a chairlift. Tips on how to act in case of an emergency . Sebastian Höffner works in the kitchen and as a waiter at Pizza Hut restaurant. Wife surprizes her husband with a complete repair of his 18-year-old Audi 100 as a wedding gift. Job test: Sebastian Höffner works one day at the garbage disposal service. Hiddent camera test of the price performance ratio at an authorized repair shop, independent repair shop and a shop from a renowned garage chain. Galileo tries to answer the question if we can really trust the car repair shops. Galileo accompanies traffic wardens as they give out parking tickets. How expensive are parking offences really? How can you get out of a partking ticket? Expert tips on buying new and used cars, repair of defects at a car repair shop, buying an Opel Corsa for 1200 Euro . A comparision between ex-boxer Lothar Kannenberg's training camp for delinquent teenagers with severe bootcamps in US prisons. Galileo wants to know how one should deal with juvenile delinquents. Should there be more severe punishments in the light of the recent rise in criminal offences amongst teenagers? Or are boot camps a solution? Behind the scenes look at how a modern football stadium works: logistics, stadium maintenance, VIP box preparation, police on-site headquarters etc. Have you ever wondered why your car consumes more gasoline than it is supposed to? A comparison between the car manufacturer's official data on gas consumption with the actual values during a test drive. Galileo explains how the difference between the two values is brought about. Job test: Sebastian Höffner works one day at a fast food restaurant, preparation and sale of grilled chicken. An inside look into the logistics of money stranport companies: conterfeit money department, reconstruction of damaged euro banknotes in the German Central Bank. Reporter Sebastian Höffner spends one day working as an assemblyman at an IKEA furniture store. Galileo spends one day accompanying the largest Berlin car towing company in their daily business. We show you how the company handles the extreme work load during Christmas time. Behind the scenes look at the luxurious gourmet event that takes place every year in an old airplane hangar in Salzburg. The price: 777 euro apiece, including a 12-course meal prepared by renowned celebrity chefs. We want to find out what the challenges are that the cooks and staff have to face during this exclusive event. Galileo accompanies an auction house newbie at his first auction. An experienced auctioneer gives him the inside scoop as well as some tips and tricks on successful auctioning. Sebastian Höffner works as a locksmith apprentice for a day. Background report on the rise in prices of consumer goods since the introduction of the euro. Intensive mass chicken farming, production and fast food sales at one of the largest fast food chains worldwide, including new employee training and a restaurant test by KFC company inspectors. Comparison in service promptness between a fully automated Nuremberg high tech restaurant and a traditional Bavarian inn. Is the Nuremberg restaurant, where food automatically slides on your table, really the fastest restaurant in the world? We went in and checked it out for you. Cleanliness, service and security test at four-star hotel in Turkey /Side. Turkey is one of the most popular vacation spots for German tourists. Turkish hotels tempt tourists with luxury at an affordable price. But do they keep their promise? Two og Galileo's undercover inspectors checked that out. Galileo reporter tries to sell used car on ebay. versucht Auto bei Händlern zu verkaufen. Highest bidder gets the car for free. Galileo searches for the perfect station wagon, accompanies man during used car purchase incl. assesment of different used car by expert Nils Franck. Training in acrobatics for adults and kids: buildung a human tower at a traditional festival in the Spanish region of Catalonia . The Castell, building up to ten-storey towers out of humans, is a 200 year old custom in the area.


Back-breaking work Subway Smuggling cigarettes Back-breaking work beer brewer Back-breaking work baker Skysscraper blasting Dortmund My first time bouncer Jobcasting Confectioner Part 2 Jobcasting Confectioner Part 1 Environmental-zone control Back-breaking work tanner Miniature Wonderland Job report Blockhouse Steak house chain Extreme jobs: Dunkin Donuts North Sea logistics Part 1 North Sea logistics Part 2 The safest prison in Germany Kentucky Fried Chicken

Barely 600 subsidiaries exist in Germany. On the menu there is Chicken Teriyaki, Italian BMT&Co. How does Sebatian Höffner his job as apprentice in the reastaurant? Customs officer on their search for illegal and untaxed imported cigarettes. Galileo accompanies the custom on their hunt for smugglers and street hawkers Galileo-reporter Sebastian Höffner works one day as a master brewer in one-man brewery on the Lake Chiem-Fraueninsel Bying fresh brezels on the way to work, a matter of course. For the baker it means getting up early because bakery products still need time - and in real handcraft bakeries everything is handmade instead of using machines Blasting a scyscraper in the city centre with risk factor thoroughfares, inner city strees, residential area and subway duct Reportage first day of bouncer in Krefeld discotheque, role play-training in security-company Selection process with three applicants on the award on a bakery-job in munich luxury-confectionery Kustermann, Part 2 Selection process with three applicants on the award on a bakery-job in munich luxury-confectionery Kustermann, Part 1 Nightly traffic control car drivers in berlin inner city to compliance with new badge duty with cars retooled to environmental-standard Steven Gätjen works one day in a small tannery, labor, exhausting typical workday, Manufacturing / Production leather in leather factory Competition candidates in job-casting for model maker-job in a model railway in Hamburg Behind the scenes in Germany's oldest Steakhouse "Block House" and explanation how to cook the most loved steaks through barbecue experts Lemon Frosted, Boston Creme, Strawberry Filled. Colleague Sebastian Höffner worked one night in a big Donut-bakery Logisitics of the food chain North Sea Logisitics of the food chain North Sea Dail life in the prison in Kempten, Germany's most high-tech prison with high security standards Factory farming poult, production and sale of Fast Food in wolds biggest fast-Food-Chain, first day new staff, test restaurant through company controller

Gex - Galileo experiments Title in English


Short description

eXtreme: A House Made Of Food


Galileo extreme: 4 teams build a house out of food (fruit, pizza, waffles and much more). The crazy 4-course-house weighs 350 kilograms - not a problem for the 300 hungry viewers in the audience.

eXtrem 7 Car sins Gex cow fart extrem human conductor extrem without money eXtrem tablecloth reloaded eXtrem piling chairs eXtrem tin tower eXtrem giant fried egg eXtrem chewing gum bubble flying bike eXtrem giant hamburger Galileo XXL car lifting / car sticking eXtrem nail-contest eXtrem Top10 shooting myths

14:36 04:44 14:23 14:42 14:21 14:28 13:32 12:32 14:28 13:40 12:20 11:55 14:14 11:25

What are the worst things i can do to my car? extreme tests Galileo-Experiment: running a car with biogas / liquid manure (alternative energy); bio-energy out of methane, known as cow fart. can you really drive a car with a cow fart? We made the test. Human being as a conductor - test 24 hours living without a credit card, is it possible. Galileo sends out four persons in a big city. removing a table cloth from a full table is a tricky thing. Here come funny suggestions from Galileo-viewers on how to do this. Piling chairs: the attempt to build the highest chair-tower We want to know: How high can you pile tins. Two teams compete against each other. Cook Koch Bernd wants to make the biggest fried egg. Three competitors fail on their attemt to beat the world champion in making chewing gum bubbles. Is there really a flying bike? We made the test. failing attempt to make a giant hamburger for a charitable reason Funny test / try to lift a car with a carcrane and different glues Tips and tricks to nail the right way tests / experiments with reenactment of filmtricks / special effects of actionfilms, Part 1 11/14

eXtrem playground giant-ice-easter bunny Galileo extrem living room-buil up-contest eXtrem freestyle-sliding

14:38 10:34 12:10 13:45

experiments swing long jump and flash-over try with normal swing and sprecial swing, spectacular test with dummy-doll accelerated through rocket engine world champion experiment creation biggest bunny sculpture out of natural ice competition in buildup furniture with test persons, comparison methods, team man against woman with the right technique and a little training? - you can reach a speed over 50 Km/h - on a water slide

eXtrem stranded eXtrem bob lane barter transaction eXtrem stacking beer crate Strongman-Run Xtrem eXtrem recycling house eXtrem the fastest slide eXtreme: loco pulling loco Schocking Shorts GEX A House Made Of Food GEX 7 Deadly Car Sins Marshmallow XXL

14:24 14:27 14:23 14:30 12:28 14:23 14:19 14:22 09:01 14:17 14:36 11:31

GEX Coldest place Part 1


GEX Coldest place Part 2


competition of men and women stranded on island, demonstration float building through thai seanomads / Moks experiment bob lane time-competition / icecanal with different tools: bath tub, kajak, Bobbycar, Mountainbike, skies, wok and lavatory seat Galileo eXtrem: testperson Lara on barter transaction from pen to Vespa resord-breaking bid in stacking beer crates / beer crates tower as onetower and fourtower through acrobat and professional gymnast (quaint records) Can an untrained layperson train itself for an extremsprot-event in the shortest time possible? - 2 young men wanted it to know - they registered themselves for the Strongman 2008. Tetrapacks, yoghurt pots - can you make more out of these daily life waste? Four architecture students wanted it to know: a house made of recycling articles. Galileo Extreme How fast can you slide a water slide? Ther german champion in water sliding and galileo reporter made the test World record attempt: 150 miniature locos pull a real loco Hot Pants or skirt? We had two sexy classices tested. Galileo extreme: 4 teams build a house out of food (fruit, pizza, waffles and much more). The crazy 4-course-house weighs 350 kilograms - not a problem for the 300 hungry viewers in the audience. What is the worst you can do to your car? What actually happens when you put the wrong fuel in or drive without motor oil? Galileo tortures an ordinary car and finds out which are the 7 worst things you can do to your car. 16:9 format. Making of a giant marshmellow, 2000 times bigger than a normal one. Can Galileo make the largest marshmellow of all times? And how will they reast it when it's done? Imagine having to send your children to school at a temperature of minus 50 degrees Celsius! Incredible? Not in Oimjakon, the coldest place on Earth. The staggering -72 degrees Celsius have been measured in this Eastern Russan town. Galileo goes to check out how people live under extreme cold. And to conduct some ultimative cold experiments, like does water freeze in the air out there. Imagine having to send your children to school at a temperature of minus 50 degrees Celsius! Incredible? Not in Oimjakon, the coldest place on Earth. The staggering -72 degrees Celsius have been measured in this Eastern Russan town. Galileo goes to check out how people live under extreme cold. And to conduct some ultimative cold experiments, like does water freeze in the air out there.

GEX Cardboard furniture


GEX City rally GEX Whopper

14:22 14:20

They are modern, they are in, ther are cool - cardboard furniture is growing ore and more popular. But can it keep up with its wooden, metal or plastic competition? Galileo put cardboard furniture to the extreme test. Can it really endure the weight of an elephant? Or a car? Wettbewerb / Wettrennen vier Kandidaten zu Fuß im Parkour-Sport, per Fahrrad, Auto und öffentlichen Verkehrmittel quer durch Stadt; Ein dringender Termin und man stellt sich die Frage: Wie komme ich am schnellsten hin? In einem Rennen quer dur ch die Stadt haben wir vier Möglichkeiten getestet: Auto, Fahrrad, öffentliche Verkehrsmittel oder zu Fuß? Wie schlängelt man sich am schnellsten durch die Großstadt? Das Ergebnis sehen Sie jetzt im Galileo-eXtrem!? Is it possible to make the famous Burger King burger, so that nobody can tell the difference? Gourmet Chef imitates Burger King hamburger and whopper.

GEX Football GEX Beer bottle openers Yeast dumplings XXL GEX Glas piling Sandwich XXL GEX Snow cat GEX Fisch sticks

14:34 13:23 24:22 15:19 20:03 14:16 14:57

Galileo extrem: Schießen von Löchern in eine Glasscheibe Familiar situation: you want a cold beer after an exhausting day at the office, but you cannot find the bottle opener. What then? Three candidates compete in opening beer bottles using various everyday objects. XXL tester Jumbo Schreiner visits 3 restaurants preparing an XXL version of the Austrian dessert yeast dumplings. Successful world record in piling of drinking glasses by two competing teams. XXL tester Jumbo Schreiner in search of the largest sandwich in Germany and the USA. 16:9 format. Mega machine tester Lotto King Karl grooms the steepest slope in Austria, the Harakiri: 400m long, 78 % downward slope. Only three drivers are allowed to groom this ski slope - a highly dangerous job! Galileo's Lotto King Karl tries his luck. Galileo extreme shows you the production of a giant fisch stick.

GEX Flashmob II


Record attempt at organizing a big flash mob in fast food restaurants in Munich. Comparison to other flash mobs.

Doughnut XXL


Preparation and evaluation of a giant donut by XXL tester Jumbo Schreiner.

GEX Raw egg experiments


Kuriose / extreme Belastungstests mit rohen Eiern / Hühnereiern; Wir zeigen Ihnen, dass dieses schlichte Hühnerei gar nicht zerbrechlich ist.

GEX Giant snowman


Snow artists make giant snow sculpture as high as a house.

GEX Shopping frenzy II


Galileo's service test: hidden camera. Have you ever payed your bill at the grocery store only with loose change? Is the customer always king or is there a limit to everything? Imprudent lures test taxi drivers, train station personnel and supermarket cas hiers.

Glass marble XXL


Manufactoure of a giant glass marble.

GEX Snow bridge GEX Steak eating competition GEX Underwater car escape GEX German water slide championship Pizza record Monster schnitzel GEX IKEA shelf

14:29 14:22 14:15 14:04 14:40 12:05 06:48

Snow bridge building competition between male bricklayer apprentices and female architecture students - battle of the sexes. Galileo reporter Nadine Domröse puts the construction to the test and drives a snow car over it. Galileo reporter takes part in a steak eating competition. 60 minutes, 2 kg meat. Can he cope with a 4 pound meat mountain in one hour with no help whatsoever? Galileo reporter Haro Füllgrabe takes part in an experiment to escape a sunken car. Can he manage to get out of a car that is already under water? Two teams compete in fastest gliding on a water slide. Pizzeria owner establishes a new record - Europe's biggest pizza. Making of a 1,2 kg giant schnitzel for schnitzel restaurant. Followed by a XXLschnitzel eating competition. Four contestants compete in fastest assembling of am IKEA shelf. Battle of the sexes- two men against two women. Galileo wants to know who can assemle the shelf in the shortest time.

GEX Human ball GEX crazy sledge gliding GEX dangerous balls GEX Top 7 Self lifting

07:26 14:12 14:20 13:22

Three try to imitate- the Telekomrubber advertisement that shows giant ballbed made several persons rolling on the the Telekom commerial including tips and tricks. ever! In this competition, it is not only about making it to the finish line, but Galileosports tests 8teams different objects bathGerman tub, surfboard, boat, suitcase, toiletalid, water andofcaravan: are these suitable for street. sledge Making gliding?ofGalileo ventures on the craziest dledge experiment making it in record time! How dangerous can a normal sports ball really be? Galileo measures the damage and impact magnitude of a football, baseball, golf ball and Jai Alai ball. How fast can these balls get? And how dangerous? Best of odd methods to reach the top of a hill in winter without a chair lift or a ski lilft. Experiments with rubber rope, rocket, sledge dogs and propeller. What is the best alternative way to reach the ski slope?

Christmas tree ball XXL GEX Top 10 Everyday pitfalls, Part 2 GEX Top 10 Everyday pitfalls, Part 1 GEX Top Tire change

13:23 14:22 10:32 14:20

GEX gingerbread house German stollen Chrismas cake XXL GEX VIP eating contest USA GEX Coin tower

14:26 08:24 14:13 14:20

A team of glassblowers attempt to set a new record in manufacturing the world's biggest Christmas tree ball. Ranking of the 10 most dangerous accidents in everyday life / household. Galileo answers the question "What if?". Featuring a kitchen in flames. Ranking of the 10 most dangerous accidents in everyday life / household. Galileo answers the question "What if?". Featuring a kitchen in flames. What are thebetween most odd4 and to chefs change tires? Galileo commissioned to can perform experiments in tire changing while thano car is still in motion. neverhigh seengingerbread something like this before! Competition malespectacular and femaleways pastry in your making a 3While meterdrviving! high gingerbread house . Battletrained of the stuntmen sexes: who buildextraordinary a stable gingerbread construction in two days with additional means?You Canhave a 3 meter piece stand on it's own without any kind of auxilliary support? No wood, no wires! Not only that, but the Galileo jury will be judging the houses not only on their size, but also their looks and taste. 100 bakers make a giant stollen: a traditional German Chrismas cake made of sweet yeast with fruits and almonds. Will they succeed and who will eat it all? Galileo follows professional eating contestant Crazy Legs Conti. Explaination of risks and health hazards of extreme gluttony at eating contests. Attemp at a world record in building a tower out of 2 euro coins.


14:15 14:32 14:00 14:25 12:37 12:50

burger eating contest Carrera at home fastest couch Shopping Mania extreme gaining weight Paper plane

GEX amphibian vehicle


What is the best strategy for winning an eating contest? Male or female? Fat or slim? Who can eat the most? Carrera fans build a 300 meter long carrera race track inside indoors. The world's fastest piece of furniture comes from England - a couch that reaches the extraordinary 148 km/h! Three young German car mechanics want to top this record and are building a couch with a motor. Can they set a new world record? Galileo extreme puts service personnel in different locations to the test: fast food restaurant, sushi place, pizza delivery service. Lures with hidden camera make employees crazy. Odd experiment with oneself: can reporter Klas Bömecke gain 5 kg in one day? Is it possible to gain so much weight in 24 hours? Galileo reporter und origami spezialist build and launch a giant paper plane. But how big can you make a paper plane, so that it actually flies? Take a look at the enormous German Federal Armed Forces vehicle that can drive both on land and water. Can you imagine a 26 ton car glide seamlessly on water? We can't either. So we sent Galileo mega machines tester Lotto King Karl to check it out - the biggest amphibian vehicle in Germany.

The top of spectacular things Title in English Top 7 explosive blast Top 7 jobs in the sky Top 8 Most expensiv food Top 6 Animal Insemination Top 7 Aphrodisiaca Top 7 Candies Top 10 curious delicacies Top 14 Diet lies Part 2 Top 14 Diet lies Part 1

Duration 6:10 8:15 9:22 6:07 5:43 6:09

Short description

Top 8 clever inventions TOP 8 Eating contest TOP 7 mega toys Top 7 ingenious bras TOP Health myths

08:47 10:12 10:29 07:31 08:59

The Ranking of the top 7 most spectacular blasts The Ranking of the top 7 ariest jobs The ranking of the top 8 of the finest food The ranking of the top 6 animal insemination The Ranking of the top 7 aphrodisiaca The ranking of the top 7 candies Best of the most curious, disgusting food, eating habits and national dishes of different countries. A true treat for one is a pure horror for others. Galileo rated the most unusual delicacies worldwide. 16:9 format. To look like a topmodel is every girl's dream. However, this does not mean starving to death. What is the right diet? TOP 14 shows the most amazing nutrition lies. 16:9 format. To look like a topmodel is every girl's dream. However, this does not mean starving to death. What is the right diet? TOP 14 shows the most amazing nutrition lies. Couldn't somebody invent something against the constant wiping after taking a shower? Maybe it already exists and we know nothing about it. A lot of potentially useful inventions are largely unknown. Galileo ranks the 10 most ingenious and useful of them. Best of curious / extreme eating contests. You think you saw it all? How about eating 85 earthworm in 10 seconds, or 53 hotdogs in 12 minutes? Check out thetoughest eating records of all times. Top 7 of the most intricate toy records. Take a look at what people come up with when it comes to their toys. A bra made of chocolate? Or one you spray instead of put on? The Galileo viewers voted on the Internet and ranked the most beloved and bizzare brassieres. Can cold feet actually make you sick? And if you really got sick, does drinking large quantities help? Do sweets really cause spots? Take a look at the INternet voting of the top false health myths.


10 German food part 1 10 German food part 2 7 Everyday objects 7 Cold remedies

11:14 15:15 07:56 05:38

Ranking of the most beloved German dishes.Galileo-Reporter looks over the shoulder of top chefs as they prepare some popular German dishes. Ranking of the most beloved German dishes.Galileo-Reporter looks over the shoulder of top chefs as they prepare some popular German dishes. Best of the most common everyday objects. Ranking of the cheapest household remedies against colds and/or the flu.

TOP 14 fat snacks part 2 TOP 14 fat snacks part 1 TOP 14 Sausages

14:29 10:43 14:30

Best of high-calorie snacks and sweets. Best of high-calorie snacks and sweets. Ranking list of diverse sausages from fatfree to extremely greasy.

13:17 14:44 10:35


Top8 Galilexicon Top 9 Nutrition myths

08:59 09:53

16:9 format, Top 8 explaination of the most popular figures of speech and proverbs. The healthiest part of the apple is its skin. Chocolate will poison your dog. Galileo sheds light on some true and false facts concerning nutrition and food.

Top 7 sharp blades Top 6 Battle of the sexes Top 9 Galilexicon insults Top 9 Everyday sins

08:30 12:00 09:03 10:03

Ranking of sharp blades, knifes and axes. Best of battle of the sexes: men teams against women teams. Building and do-it-yourself of diverse objects: bicycle, cuttlery, flying device etc. Ranking explainations of sources and origins of differnet idiomatic and where they come from. Killing islist illegal, this is widely known. But what about the smallexpressions. crimes we Insults commit every day, and never knew they are actually illegal? Here is Galileo's top 9 of the most extraordinary misdemeanors and criminal offenses.

Top 6 Long term records TOP 7 transitory spectacles Top 14 Fast Food - part 1 Top 14 Fast Food - part 2

08:18 07:18 14:16 09:50

One hour rollercoaster riding is a horror to many. But what about doing it for 8 days non-stop? Best of most spectacular long term records. A woman made of chocolate. A sand figure. A whole castle entirely made of ice. Take a fast look at top 7 of the most intricate and exceptional spectacles. They'll be gone before you know it. 16:9 format, Top 14 olow-fat fast foood items, place 1 - 8. Odd competitions. 16:9 format, Top 14 olow-fat fast foood items, place 9 -14. Odd competitions.

Top 8 Ice myths Top 5 Living in the future Top 7 Protection against the cold Top 7 Food rekords TOP 7 erotic pitfalls TOP 7 bizarre laws Top 10 useful inventions TOP 7 Deep jobs Top 10 races Top 8 Pulling attempts Top 7 Galilexicon TOP8 Bodymyths TOP10 Luxury Foods TOP7 Stupid Parental rules TOP7 Gardenhelper TOP6 Computermyths TOP8 Things without names TOP8 Things without names 2 TOP7 biggest factory Top7 Jobs strong nerves Top7 nonperishable foods Top6 sweet sins TOP7 bizarre inventions from Japan Top9 Thai Food Top6 favourite torte Top7 Cell phone saving tips Top8 restaurant law Top14 Fast Food Part 2 Top7 traffic errors Top7 animalmyths Top7 cheapest meals Top7 luxury in daily life Top5 craziest hotels

08:15 08:04 08:12 10:01 09:48 06:38 10:56 09:00 09:30 11:01 08:20 10:11 11:48 07:52 09:26 10:42 07:54 07:56 09:18 09:50 09:50 06:40 06:25 14:33 11:58 08:10 07:49 13:14 06:55 08:50 14:38 09:14 07:36

Illustration of the most interesting facts and contexts in regards to ice / cold / winter. If you think there is nothing more to optimize in a current residence home, you are mistaken. Galileo gives you top 5 modern houses. Take a look at how the living space might look in the future. Ranking of the best means to protect yourself against the cold. Warm tips for a cozy winter. Making the world's biggest food: giant schnitzel, XXL burger and pizza. Galileo shows you a ranking of the worst turn-offs / mistakes women make when it comes to dressing sexy. We asked men to vote online on the top 7 no-goes in erotic wear. Before you walk the streets of New Mexico unshaved, chew gum in Singapore or die in Le Lavandou, take a look at the local laws! In New York it is really forbidden to spit at seagulls. Galileo summarized the most bizarre laws ever. Best Of "Galileo Genial" and "Wissenspreis", ranking of different practical, creative, ingenious and useful new inventions. Best of jobs at deep places: mines, galleries, waterbodies. Take a look the most important jobs of the deep. Car-against-car race? Boring. Do you remember the olden days? Racing at any cost. And with anything. Bobbycar against tricycle, Kettler Kettcar against scooter. Best of spectacular / odd experiments and record attempts at pulling heavy objects. Ranking and origin explaination of figures of speech, idiomatic expressions and proverbs. Our body is amazing: we can swim as babys, we are fat, thin, live in real heat and real icy reagions. But is it really all true what is written about our bodies? Galileo test eight bodymyths Ham, cheese, tasty wine. here comes the Top10 of the elaborate luxury foods. What is right of the parental rules? We check the seven nonsense rules of parents. Our tips for the perfect garden The six adamant computer myths? What is real? Experts of the magazine "Chip" have tested some myths. In the german language we have a word for everything. Really? Not really, it seems that there are some things without a name. We tell you the names. In the german language we have a word for everything. Really? Not really, it seems that there are some things without a name. We tell you the names. 2 What factory is the biggest in the world? We show it to you. Best of / Ranking of the Top jobs you need strong nerves. hard, risky work What are the most durable foods? Smoked fish, tins, Jamon Iberco? We show it to you. Best of / Ranking torten, cakes and other sweets according to their calories

Top10 craziest restaurants Top10 favourite desserts Part 2 Top10 favourite desserts Part 1 Top6 Cebit-innovations

11:31 14:14 10:32 08:41

Best Best Best Best

Top7 Top8 Top8 Top9

Excentrics Unbreakable Unbreakable daily routine sins

09:31 10:00 14:20 10:15

Best of / Ranking scurril persons with quaint spleens / ticks / crazy habits Part 1, place 8 to 6: experiment, trying to break robust, unbreakable objects Part 1, place 5 to 1: experiment, trying to break robust, unbreakable objects In daily life everyone is a sinner even without knowing it: to taste fruit in the supermarket, to pick up things from bulk rubbish or to gather flowers in the city park. Galileo shows, how easy it is to be a sinner without knowing it.

Top7 car misapprehensions Top9 bizarre plastic surgery Top10 daily life myths daily routine sins Part 2 Top7 car-gadgets

09:20 13:06 10:02 10:30

we clear up with common car misapprehensions Best of / Ranking diverse exceptional and quaint plastic surgery Best of / Ranking of the most solecisms in daily life Our ranking of daily life sins everyone has done

We show you the Top 9 Thai-Specialities you never get in a restaurant. Making of the most popular, most sold cakes in cult-cafe Winklstüberl Energy saving tips on how to best use your cell phone test with hidden camera: rights of customers, customers on example cases, issues in restaurants test with Galileo-Reporter Harro Füllgrabe and Nadine Domröse: what fast food is the fastest to prepared Best Of / Ranking postpositioned scenes of unknown traffic offences Ranking of different truth content of phrases related to animals different methods on how to get food as cheap as possible / or even for nothing through our reporter Best Of / Ranking luxurious / exclusive valuables / implements Best of / Ranking crazy outrageous hotels of of of of

/ / / /

Ranking Ranking Ranking Ranking

crazy groce food and extraordinary restaurants desserts with the most calories, reporter visits manufacturers of desserts in France, Austria and Italy desserts with the most calories, reporter visits manufacturers of desserts in France, Austria and Italy cutting-edge technology instruments /computer novelties

0:08:18 We had the most brilliant car gadgets for you tested.

Pimping Title in English Pimp lawn mower Pimp my MG Oscar Pimp Cadillac 1 Oscar Pimp Cadillac 2 Oscar Pimp Cadillac 3 Oscar Pimp Cadillac 4 Oscar Pimp Cadillac 5 Grandpa's Jaguar Giant light bulb Summerbike 2008 Galileo Special - Jumbos unbelievable Galileo Special - Jumbos unbelievable Galileo Special - Jumbos unbelievable Galileo Special - Jumbos unbelievable Galileo Special - Jumbos unbelievable Jägerschnitzel XXL Giant-Lightwell Pimp my SL Burger XXL XXL Leberkäse Pimp My Ravioli Jumbos XXL plian fare: Schnitzel XXL


world world world world world

of of of of of

food food food food food

(Luxury meal XXL) (Luxury meal XXL) (Luxury meal XXL) (Small things on the run): Pizza XXL Part 2 (Small things on the run): Pizza XXL Part 1

Jumbos XXL plian fare: roulade XXL / XXL roulade - Part 1 + 2 Pimp my bobby car Oldtimer restoration Pimp academy Top 7 craziest pimping ideas

Short description

10:27 13:10 7:05 7:02 4:05 3:54 5:10 13:40 13:41 12:39 19:10 06:28 18:21 13:00 07:04 26:25 16:00 16:54 29:51 14:30 10:51 15:01

A bigger engine with more Horsepower - a nicer look thanks to an airbrush-artist Restoring a classic MG to the highest standard How to turn a low budget caddy to a high class vip car with plenty of style Part 1 How to turn a low budget caddy to a high class vip car with plenty of style Part 2 How to turn a low budget caddy to a high class vip car with plenty of style Part 3 How to turn a low budget caddy to a high class vip car with plenty of style Part 4 How to turn a low budget caddy to a high class vip car with plenty of style Part 5 Restoring a Jaguar which was stored in a barn for ages to top condition Can one build a giant light bulb? Fuss pots accept the challenge. To cycle to the beach and barbecue there is a good idea in summer. But where to stow the carbon, the drinks...? We build a giant bike for this. Part 1: Jumbo joiner cooking holiday meal / easter meal with fivehead family in Waldreichenbach Part 2: Jumbo joiner cooking holiday meal / easter meal with fivehead family in Waldreichenbach Part 3: Jumbo joiner cooking holiday meal / easter meal with fivehead family in Waldreichenbach Cook Andreas Schweiger cooks the most expensive menue / seven-course-menue in Kempinski Grand Hotel des Bains in St. Moritz test-eater Jumbo joiner serches for giant pizza / preparation and degustation of traditional itaslian meal in Munich, Berlin and Springfield (USA) test-eater Jumbo joiner serches for giant pizza / preparation and degustation of traditional itaslian meal in Munich, Berlin and Springfield (USA) XXL-testeater Jumbo joiner search for the biggest Jägerschnitzel in Germany, preparation and eating of a more than five metre long giant schnitzel Manufacturing of a giant lightwell Conversion of an old Mercedes SL to a modern SLR-Convertible Jumbo joiner test preparation, taste, size and prize of a giant hamburger, XXL-hamburger in different restaurants in Germany and USA Some eat it even with ketchup. With potato salad or in a roll. We wanted it big, really big. The XXL-Leberkäse The experiment: what do two professional cooks with ravioli in tins: we made the ultimate ravioli-contest Protagonist Jumbo Schreiner tests quality, price and size of giant Schnitzel in different reastaurants in Vienna, Göttingen and Düsseldorf

14:03 14:27 09:49 15:24 09:13

Comparison test roulads to old traditional recipe and in reastaurants through XXL-testperson Jumbo Schreiner Tuning of a toy vehicle by car technician Dirk Auer. The result is a high tech bobby car for a speed world record attempt. An old Opel Record is restored after finding it at a barn. Take a look at how Galileo turns an old scrap heap into a fancy oldtimer. Intricate cars restoration of a verwahrloster used VW Golf. Several inexperienced technicians get professional how to turn a Here piececomes of junkour into a dream car. most intricate and crazy pimping experiments with vehicles and pieces of Pimping is something for beginners. Real professionals take up extraordinary challenges. Like turing advice a couchoninto a moped. ranking of the furniture.

Historical Title in English


Short description 13/14

Love behind monastery walls Weapons of the middle ages Love in middle ages Love in ancient rome Love in harem

14:55 15:55 10:58 12:40 8:40

Catholic priests and nuns are not allowed to marry or to have children. But what happened back in middle ages when they broke the rules of celibacy? How effective were weapons of middle ages really? We tested it. Love in middle ages - what technics and utilities people has made use of back than Love in ancient Rome - Why roman men could have sex at anytime Love in Harem - what really happend in sulantans "love nest"


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