Cat 2009 Di Test 2

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CAT DE India Contest - DI Test 2 Directions for Questions from 1 to 5: Read the following arguments and answer the questions that follow.

1. Anna runs the canteen service in Buffalo Pvt. Ltd. On the first 3 days of the week he serves normal Indian food without any special delicacies. On the next 3 days of the week he serves special delicacies like Chinese food, Chaat, sweets etc. Customers are disgruntled with normal Indian food and wait for the 3 days of special food. The Special Delicacies cost more than the normal food. By this practice, Anna hopes to optimise cost as well as retain the disgruntled customers of the first 3 days of the week. Which of the following is being assumed by Anna?

Customers are worried about cost when it comes to food. There are some customers who are not worried about special food. Retaining customers is a very difficult task. Customers would put up with the first three days of normal food if special food is served in the next three days. The difference in cost between normal food and special food is not much. Skip this question

2. Discourse on Inequality is one of the most powerful critiques of modernity ever written. It attempts to trace the psychological and political effects of modern society on human nature, and to show how these effects were produced. In order to do this, Rousseau demonstrates that human evolution and the development of inequality between men are closely related. The result is both a weeping explanation of how modern man was created, and a sharp criticism of unequal modern political institutions. In the Discourse, Rousseau diagnoses the problem with modern political institutions that he later attempted to resolve in the Social Contract. Rousseau would agree with which of the following statements A. Inequality is good since it has been instrumental in creating modern man. B. Inequality has hampered human evolution. C. Political institutions have inherently created inequality.

Only A A and C A and B B and C None Skip this question

3. “One of the most interesting puzzles in child development is how infants and young children come to understand other people’s emotions, thoughts and inner feelings. They can see another person’s body move, but they can’t see into another person’s heart and mind. How do babies get from observing body movements to making attributions about internal thoughts and feelings? This research indicates that a key is that they use themselves as a model for understanding others. They assume that what affects them in a certain way, also affects others in that same way. It’s a good bet, and it works,” added Meltzoff. Which of the following can be inferred from the above argument?

Adults can understand other people’s hearts and minds easily. It is easy to understand babies. In the absence of body movements, it is impossible to understand the other person’s thoughts and feelings. Understanding oneself can help one to understand others. Behaviour of babies is complex as compared to adults. Skip this question

4. Mrs A lives in Dover court Road in north Bristol and considers five people on her street as friends. But Mrs B, who is roughly the same age and lives round the corner in a very similar house in Muller Street, has only one friend. The difference, says a study, has nothing to do with personality, but is because of the weight of traffic. Fewer than 150 vehicles a day pass down Dover court Road, compared with more than 21,130 a day on Muller Street. New research, based on interviews with households on three Bristol streets, has found that people who live with high levels of motor traffic are far more likely to be socially disconnected and even ill than people who live in quiet, clean streets. The conclusion above would be weakened if it was true that

North Bristol has the highest number of social networking organizations in the world. People in Bristol are generally more anti-social than people in other cities. The households which were interviewed were more social than the average North Bristol resident. Whether a person is socializing or not is solely determined by genetic factors. People in surveys usually project themselves as having a large number of friends. Skip this question

5. The Washington Post has taken a bold decision by launching a new web section that links readers to the best of political coverage, including that carried by rival newspapers. The idea behind the political browser is to brief political junkies on the top “must reads” of the day. Encouraging readers to leave one’s own website to find more content was unthinkable not long ago. But traditional news organisations have started breaking down their “walled garden” mentality in the past few years, writes the Editor. The shift is

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partly a response to the growing influence of bloggers, who link to items they find interesting regardless of the source. From the above paragraph, which of the following is a logical conclusions?

The Washington post was considered a traditional publication earlier. Newspaper readers are increasingly becoming disloyal. The Washington post wants to cater to the blogger type discriminative reader also. Bloggers do not read traditional newspapers. The quality of the political articles in The Washington post is not upto the mark. Skip this question Directions for Questions from 6 to 10: Answer the questions on the basis of the information given below. Mr. Alfonso has six cars such that each car is of a different brand. The cars with Mr. Alfonso are of one out of the six brands Chevrolet, Ferrari, Honda, Mercedes, BMW and Hyundai. In the months of January and February in the year 2008, Mr. Alfonso drove only one car a day. The following table gives details about the days in January and February 2008 on which he did not drive a car of each of the given six brands. Given that January 1, 2008 was a Tuesday. Chevrolet Ferrari Honda Mercedes BMW Hyundai

Sunday Tuesday Sunday Tuesday Friday Sunday

Monday Wednesday Thursday Saturday Wednesday Thursday Monday Wednesday Monday Saturday Tuesday Wednesday

Friday Monday Friday Thursday Tuesday Saturday

The number of days in January and February 2008 on which he drove a car of brand Chevrolet, Ferrari, Honda, Mercedes, BMW and Hyundai is denoted by CH, FE, HO, ME, BM and HY respectively. It is also known that HO > ME > CH > BM > HY > FE. The following pie – chart gives details about the number of days in January and February 2008 on which he drove a car of brand Honda, BMW and Hyundai.

6. Additional Information Mr. Alfonso drove the cars of the brand Mercedes only in February 2008. The total number of Fridays on which Mr. Alfonso drove the car of brand Ferrari cannot be more than

5 4 1 2 3 Skip this question

7. Additional Information Mr. Alfonso drove the cars of the brand Mercedes only in February 2008. The difference between the total number of days on which Mr. Alfonso drove the car of brand Mercedes and Chevrolet in January and February 2008 is

2 3 4 1 Cannot be uniquely determined. Skip this question

8. Which of the following statements CANNOT be true?

The difference between the number of days on which Mr. Alfonso drove the car of brand Mercedes and Chevrolet is 3. Mr. Alfonso drove the car of brand Mercedes only in January 2008. Mr. Alfonso drove the car of brand Ferrari only in January 2008. The difference between the number of days on which Mr. Alfonso drove the car of brand Chevrolet and Ferrari is 9. More than one of the above given statements.

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9. If Mr. Alfonso drove the car of brand Ferrari only once on each of the possible different days of a week in the given two months, what is the total number of days in the given two months on which he drove the car of brand Chevrolet?

11 12 13 10 Cannot be uniquely determined. Skip this question

10. Given that the number of days in January 2008 on which Mr. Alfonso drove the car of brand Honda is the maximum. What is the number of days in February 2008 on which he drove the car of brand Honda?

0 1 2 3 4 Skip this question

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