Cassis Sheikh

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 46,808
  • Pages: 118
cassie's sheikh chapter one

'if she's the bitch i imagine she must be, there is no way i shall let my uncle place his horses at her father's stable,' kasim said. 'it would be the worst thing he could do.' 'but you don't know that,' ben harrison, his friend, constant companion and lawyer told him. 'she may be a perfectly pleasant woman for all you know.' 'a woman who writes for one of those filthy rags?' kasim's eyes flashed with scorn. his face had the proud, regal lines of his ancestors, the bones angled beneath his olive-toned skin, but his eyes told another story. they were a deep brilliant blue, testimony to his mixed parentage, for he was the son of a desert sheikh and the beautiful blonde and blue-eyed daughter of an american millionaire. 'maybe she just does it for a living.' the angles of kasim's face hardened. 'don't try to make excuses for her, ben. i've had experience of her kind, remember?' 'yes, of course i remember,' ben replied. 'but you shouldn't jump to conclusions. you were all set for this deal until you found out that josh's daughter worked for that magazine.' 'my uncle thinks it is the best place available,' kasim said. 'so i shall keep an open mind, but i want to see what they're like on a normal working day, not when everything is cleaned up for inspection.' 'shall i come with you?' 'not today.' kasim's face relaxed into an affectionate smile, the angles softened as he looked at the man he trusted more than any other. 'if i decide to go any further we'll keep our appointment tomorrow – but today will be my little surprise.' cassie rushed out into the hall as she heard the commotion, feeling concerned as she saw everyone gathered about her father. her mother turned to look at her anxiously. 'your father thinks his ankle may be broken, cassie.'

'oh, dad,' cassie said. 'does it hurt badly?' 'pretty bad,' josh livingston said, grimacing. ' it may mean i'm stuck in hospital for a few days, and you know who's coming tomorrow, don't you?' 'an important client,' cassie and her mother echoed each other. cassie understood what was going through his mind. josh ran a small but successful racing stable in newmarket, but the owner who had kept a string of horses with them for the past several years was about to retire from the business. 'maybe they will let you out, josh,' helen livingston said but without really believing it. 'you may not have to stay in hospital.' 'but what if i do? who is going to explain the way we work here to our visitor? joe is great with the horses, but he hates getting involved with owners, it's the reason he doesn't work for himself.' 'i suppose i could try…' helen said doubtfully. 'if you helped me, cassie?' cassie hesitated for a moment. she was meant to be back in london the next day, and they had a magazine to get out – but she was due a few days leave and she could email her stuff through to the office. 'yes, of course. if dad thinks i'm up to it?' she grinned, tossing back her long pale hair, her greenish-blue eyes sparking with mischief. 'you know i'm a walking minefield, dad – dare you risk it?' 'it looks as if i may have to. this ankle is pretty awful, cas. try not to say or do anything daft when mr ahmed comes, won't you?' 'you mean like calling him the sheikh of araby and wearing my harem costume?' 'cassie!' her mother cried horrified. 'please don't joke about this, darling. your father has enough to worry him.' 'it's all right, cas doesn't mean it. i know you'll both do your best, but you're too like me, cas – you'll probably fall flat on your backside just as you go to shake his hand,' her father said. 'shake the sheikh's hand,' cassie said irrepressibly. 'i think i could make up a little song about that…'

'please spare me,' her father begged. 'that sounds like the ambulance outside, love.' he looked at his wife. 'i think i shall need a chair.' 'yes, of course. stay where you are, josh.' as his wife hurried out, he looked at his daughter. 'you know your mother hates horses, cas, always has. she can't bear to go near them. i sometimes wonder how she has managed to live with me all this time.' 'because she adores you,' cassie said and smiled at him affectionately. 'and because you treat her as if she were special, dad. not many women are lucky enough to find a man like that, and mum knows a good thing when she sees it.' 'bless you, love. i'm relying on you to charm mr ahmed, cas. he can be a pleasant chap, but they say he is hard to please when it comes to business and we need his horses. tell him that we shall be able to devote ourselves to his string by next month, and that we are very stringent about security, also discreet – that is important to him. he hates newspapers and magazines…' 'pity about that,' cassie said. 'i might have gained brownie points with maggie if i'd been able to get an interview for our rag.' 'mr ahmed wouldn't be seen dead in your rag,' her father said. 'whatever you do, don't tell him you work for stars & their lives magazine or he will be gone so fast we shan't see the dust.' 'i was only teasing, dad,' cassie said and for once her famous grin was missing. 'i do know how much this means to you, and i promise i shall do my best to pull it off for you. i won't breathe a word about the magazine, and i shall tell him what a wonderful trainer you are. not that i have to with your record. you had six winners last year and that surely speaks for itself.' 'i haven't won a classic for three years,' her father said with a grimace. 'that could all change with mr ahmed's string – if he placed them with us.' 'yes, i know.' cassie looked at him curiously. 'why doesn't he like to be addressed by his title?' 'he is a very private man. he never allows photographs, and is furious if the press catch him anywhere but at a race meeting. he can't prevent that, of course, nor being addressed as sheikh ali bin ahmed in public, but he prefers to keep a low profile in private.'

'he's extremely rich, isn't he?' 'one of the richest of them all. 'the thing is that he…' josh broke off as two ambulance men came in carrying a chair. cassie watched as her father was helped into the chair by the paramedics and taken outside, followed by his wife. helen livingston cast an agonised glance at her daughter as she left. 'you can manage, can't you, love? i may be with your father for the rest of the day. there are a few letters that need typing. you will find them on the desk in the office.' 'yes, of course,' cassie said. 'don't worry about anything here. i'll be all right until you come home, i promise.' and that was quite a promise, cassie acknowledged after her parents had left in the ambulance. she had columns to write for the magazine, those letters for her father, and a routine tour of the yard, just to make sure she knew anything she ought to know before the arrival of the sheikh of araby the next day. a little giggle escaped her as she pictured him, looking much like rudolph valentino, the star of the silver screen in the twenties. 'that's enough of that, cassandra,' she told herself severely. she had no idea of what mr ahmed looked like. he could be thin and dashingly handsome or fat, boring and ugly. and that wasn't important either. he was her father's one hope of keeping the stable going, because without him josh would probably have to sell everything and that would break her father's heart. he had put so many years into this business. a determined look came over cassie's face. if she had anything to do with it, mr ahmed was going to run straight to his lawyers and sign the contract even if she had to – what? oh no, there were limits, she decided. she'd heard about some of these rich playboys, and the one thing she wasn't about to do was fall into bed with him! but if mr ahmed was the private businessman he claimed to be, he probably wouldn't be interested in her as a woman. why should he? cassie glanced at herself in the mirror and giggled. she was exactly miss glamourpants was she? wearing her oldest jeans, a faded sweatshirt, her hair decidedly in need of a wash, she wouldn't exactly drive any man to madness with lust for her. that wasn't important. tomorrow she would be wearing smart jodhpurs, her best riding boots and her hair would be gleaming. but for the moment she

had too much to do to worry what she looked like! she walked into her father's office and switched on his laptop. she was just about to insert a disc with the details of the articles she had prepared for the stars & their lives when she heard a loud crunching sound and an expensive car came to a screeching halt in the gravel outside her window. now who on earth was that? she wondered, getting up to investigate. the car was a very expensive mercedes sports model in metallic silver with a black leather interior, and the hood had been rolled back, which made it appear even racier. oh, no, it couldn't be! cassie's heart sank as the man got out of the car, standing there in the sunshine for a moment. he was tall but not too tall, strong-looking with powerful shoulders and an air of assurance that made cassie's heart plummet all the way down to her white, wedge mules. it had to be mr ahmed! he was turning towards her now and her breath caught as she saw that he was better looking than any sheikh she had seen in old movies on the tv screen. his hair was jet black with a bluish tinge in the sunlight and his eyes – were hidden behind his designer shades. his suit shouted saville row at her, his shoes obviously handmade and expensive. what the hell was he doing here today? she felt like exploding as she glanced down at herself. she looked like something the cat had dragged in and felt worse. oh, why couldn't he have kept to his appointment as arranged? there was no help for it, cassie realised. she had to meet him as she was and grovel. she went swiftly through to the front door, opening it seconds before he could ring the bell. he removed his glasses and looked at her, his eyes going over her slowly in a measured way that made her want to die. this man was used to having the best of everything – and no doubt that included women! – what must be going through his mind? he must think her a poor specimen. hang on a minute! those eyes were blue, bright, clear and devastating. she had always thought men from the middle eastern countries had dark eyes – but his were startling. and she was staring like an idiot! 'i am so sorry,' she said, offering her hand and smiling. 'we weren't expecting you until tomorrow, sir. i'm afraid i'm not properly dressed for showing you round the yard, but i can find a pair of wellington boots and then i'll be with you.'

'and you are?' he asked, his brows rising. he did not immediately take the hand she offered, and she let it drop feeling rejected. his voice had the quality of cut glass and cassie shivered, her knees suddenly feeling as if they had the consistency of jelly. he was clearly a man of authority, and none too pleased by being met by someone who looked as if she'd been pulled backwards through a hedge. 'i was expecting to meet mr joshua livingston the owner of this stable i understand?' 'my father, yes, of course, sir,' cassie said, but her head went up and she refused to be cut down by the slash of his tone. his manner was sending shivers along the entire length of her spine, but she wasn't going to fail at the first fence. 'unfortunately, he had an accident this morning and had to go to hospital. actually, there must have been some mix-up, mr ahmed. i am so sorry to seem at a loss, but we weren't expecting you until tomorrow.' 'so you are miss livingston?' he said and appeared to be considering, his eyes surveying her with a calculating coldness. 'and you are offering yourself in your father's place?' 'it might seem a poor substitute,' cassie admitted. 'i'm not a trainer, but i've been around horses all my life and i love them. i don't have my father's expert knowledge, but i know a great deal about the way he runs the stable – and his head groom, joe green, will be glad to tell you anything that i can't, sir.' 'mr ahmed will do,' he said and his mouth relaxed slightly. she thought he might have been laughing at her, and for a moment her heart did a giddy somersault, but he had replaced his glasses and it was impossible to tell. 'do you think you could find those boots, miss livingston? i shall be calling on you officially tomorrow, but i decided to drive myself down early and take a quick look round this morning. i like to see things as they are, not specially tidied up for my benefit.' 'yes, of course, sir,' cassie said and opened the door of the hall cupboard, taking out the wellingtons her mother used for gardening. they were a bright turquoise, and really little bootees rather than the sensible boots she would have chosen given time, but at least they fitted. 'i hope you won't allow this little misunderstanding to put you off my father's stable. he really is an excellent trainer.' 'if i didn't know that i should not be here.' he glanced at his watch – gold, fabulously expensive – and then at her. 'i have just thirty minutes before i

have to fly back to a meeting in london.' 'you came all this way for half an hour?' cassie couldn't help being fascinated. there was something about him that she found stimulating, a raw masculinity that she had seldom met with in the men she knew, his mouth curiously sensual despite his aura of power and disdain. 'i assure you it was nothing. i would go much further on…important business. indeed, i often do, and few of my meetings last longer than thirty minutes. i am a busy man, miss livingston.' 'yes, of course.' cassie felt like a wilting rose under his withering stare. she was babbling like a fool, and that wasn't really like her. in her real life, apart from the odd accident, like knocking over her diet drink and ruining her copy, she was confident, vibrant and one of the best journalists on maggie's staff. but she mustn't even think the word. this man could probably read her mind – oh, she did hope not, and not just because she was a journalist. she couldn't help thinking that maggie would drool over this one, if only she could get photos – preferably of him wearing something less than his smart silk suit. she watched as he bent to remove his own shoes and replace them with a pair of riding boots that had seen a certain amount of wear, noticing the way his jacket pulled tight, across his shoulders for a moment. the body under that suit had to be something special! 'shall we go then?' his abrupt question broke into her thoughts, bringing her sharply to heel. stop dreaming of sunlit beaches, iced drinks and fabulous men in bathing shorts, cassie livingston, and get on with the job in hand. she switched into professional mood as they walked from the house to the yard. it was a matter of only a few minutes, but the walk was pretty with the blossom trees just beginning to drop their flowers, and the sound of birdsong all around them. she told him of her father's love of horses, the way he could often tell what was the matter with a sick horse just by looking and watching, and how he had saved his previous owner thousands of pounds by working with one particular horse they had all adored. 'the vet said we ought to have jester put down,' cassie said, her voice warm

and enthusiastic, 'but dad wouldn't hear of it. he nursed jester himself, slept there every night for weeks until my mother threatened to divorce him – but it was worth it in the end.' 'why – did the horse win a race for you?' 'no, but it sired a colt that won for someone else,' cassie said. 'besides, the very fact that dad made jester well again was worth all the trouble, wasn't it?' 'was it?' his voice was clipped, precise, slashing at her like a scimitar. 'it would probably have been more economic to have the horse put down in the first place.' 'but totally cruel!' cassie cried, infuriated that he could suggest such a thing. 'i hope my father would never think that the better option.' 'i was merely putting the point,' mr ahmed said coldly, his eyes raking her. 'there is no need to jump on me as if i had suggested murder.' cassie took a deep breath, counting to ten before speaking. had she been free to behave as she wished, she might have turned on her heel and left him standing there. he might be the most totally fascinating man she had ever seen, but he was also infuriating. unfortunately, her father was desperate for a new owner, and the only one to profess an interest was this man. she swallowed her pride. 'forgive me. i did not intend to be rude.' 'did you not? i would not like to hear you when that was your intention, miss livingston.' cassie clamped down on a sassy retort, giving him what she hoped was a conciliatory smile. 'it was just that we all loved jester so very much.' 'i had thought you meant that your father would do as much for any horse if it was sick?' 'yes, of course he would!' 'i am relieved to hear it. i should not consider placing my…horses with anyone who was not prepared to put themselves to extra trouble to nurse a horse that needed it.' cassie did a quick stock-take of her thoughts. just what was he doing here? had he deliberately set a trap for her? she paused for a moment, giving him

one of her cassandra looks. a look that her work colleagues knew well, though her parents and friends had rarely seen it. 'i hope you don't think i am a silly, sentimental woman, mr ahmed. i assure you that i have my wits about me. i care for all animals, not just horses, but if i loved an animal that could not be helped i should immediately send for a vet to put it down.' 'indeed? how practical you are,' he said and the look he gave her was deliberately provoking. 'i thought for a moment that i had discovered that rare thing these days – a tender-hearted woman.' oh, damn him! he was determined to turn everything she said on its head, and she had a dawning suspicion that he was laughing at her. not that there was a trace of it in his expression, his mouth firmly set in disapproving lines, and of course his eyes were hidden. 'tenderness should be reserved for the right moment, mr ahmed.' 'yes, i believe that is very true,' he replied. 'i have very little use for it myself – except at the right moment.' if only she could see his eyes! cassie was sure that he was thoroughly enjoying himself at her expense, and she was quite certain that she knew exactly what he meant by the right moment. thinking about what he would feel was a moment for tenderness was making her knees go wobbly again. oh, hell, this wasn't the time to start having fantasies about a man with beautifully tanned skin and a body to die for! they had reached the yard, and news of mr ahmed's arrival must have reached the stable boys and girls because they were working harder than she had ever seen them in her life. every stable must have been cleaned for piles of dung were piled into barrows waiting to be wheeled out to the dung heap, which gave the air a strong pungent smell and was not what she had hoped for, though the intention was good. 'that's what i like to see,' mr ahmed looked on with approval, as one of the boys dashed across the yard to remove a barrow from his path, thus removing some of the source of the smell. 'enthusiasm, miss livingston. they must have had about ten minutes warning of my arrival, for i saw a lad leaning over a gate as i drove by.' 'i think you have scared the life out of them,' cassie said, amused by the

guilty looks all around her. 'they had all planned to be so neat and tidy tomorrow, sir. i am afraid you are seeing life at the stable as it really is.' 'which was my intention,' he replied and looked so pleased with himself that she wanted to hit him. 'i am aware that my…reputation usually goes before me, miss livingston. i wanted to see what goes on here on a normal day.' 'well, you've certainly managed to do that.' 'yes, and i am quite content,' he replied, allowing his mouth to soften slightly. 'the yard itself is clean, apart from where the stables are in the process of being cleaned. there are no dangerous objects lying about that might injure a startled horse, and the layout is good. yes, i approve so far. now i should like to see what horses you have here at the moment, if that is not too much trouble?' 'no, of course not,' cassie said and signalled to joe, who came over to them at his usual measured pace. no one changed joe, not even an important new owner. 'mr ahmed would like you to show him some of our best horses, joe. could you walk them for him?' 'yes, of course, cassie,' joe said and tipped his cap to her. 'we've one or two you'll like, sir. they will all be up for sale at tatersalls next month i daresay.' 'then show them to me,' mr ahmed said. 'i doubt that i shall be interested in buying anything, but we may as well look them over.' he was very casual, but cassie caught an odd note and wondered. she knew that her father had a two-year-old that he thought might be a winner in future years. he had hoped to be able to train it up for the classics, but would not now get the chance. instead of watching the horses, all of which she knew from previous visits to her father's stables, she watched her companion, which was no hardship, because he was gorgeous, despite that haughty manner. he was very good at hiding his thoughts, but she noticed a slight stiffening when the two-year-old was led out and walked up and down the yard a few times. a little nerve had flicked at his temple, though in every other way he seemed unaffected. 'not bad,' he remarked when all the best horses had been paraded. 'my opinion of your father's skill as a trainer has been considerable heightened, for if he could win with these horses he could do much better with mine. it may be possible for us to do business, miss livingston – or may i call you

cassie?' 'yes, of course, if you wish, everyone does – though my name is cassandra.' 'ah…' his mouth quirked as if he were amused. for a moment she saw a very different man and her stomach clenched with a feeling she recognised as raw desire. her breath caught in her throat and she had to fight down the urge to touch him. 'the harbinger of doom if my memory serves me right?' 'you have studied classic literature, sir?' 'i was educated at oxford. my uncle thought it best for me to know more of the outside world – and he preferred england to america, though i am not sure i agree with him.' 'the americans might have given you a better grounding in business studies than our universities, i expect?' 'yes, quite probably. it was the football i was thinking of myself. i am a fan of american football, cassie.' 'really?' she was so surprised that she could only stare. somehow that did not equate with her picture of a typical sheikh. 'i would have thought…' her words died away for she did not know how to continue. 'hawking or visiting my harem?' again his mouth twitched as if he were nursing a secret amusement. now she knew he was needling her! she had suspected it all the time, but now she was certain. she gave him a look calculated to slay at ten paces. 'horse racing is commonly held to be the first love of your people, sir. naturally, that is what i imagined. i am not given to populist prejudices and fantasy.' 'indeed? what a pity,' he murmured. 'i should have liked to stir your imagination a little, cassie.' cassie's face flooded with colour for she could not mistake the tone of his voice, or his manner. he was flirting with her, discreetly but definitely flirting. she breathed deeply. it wasn't that she didn't find him madly attractive. only someone who was blind, deaf and couldn't smell would find him unattractive, because that expensive cologne was very, very sexy! 'always providing that i have any, of course.'

'oh, i believe there may be hope for you.' he was smiling now, provocatively, which made her pulses race, though whether with anger or desire she wasn't certain. she was at that moment torn between a need to hit him hard and fall into his arms. she allowed herself a small, formal smile for she dare not offend him. 'thank you, you are very kind.' 'no, i do not believe that is a word many would use for me, cassie. in business i am ruthless. in my dealings with others i try to be fair – but in my private life…' he removed his glasses and gave her a look from devastating eyes that would have had her swooning if he had been a chance acquaintance at a party. only the knowledge that her father's livelihood depended on this man kept her feet firmly on the ground. 'but there are others better able to give their opinion of my nature. i think i shall let you find out for yourself.' 'shall we be seeing you often, sir?' 'perhaps…' he replaced his sunglasses. 'this is strictly business, cassie. i shall visit tomorrow with my lawyer who will look at your father's papers and accounts. if we like what we see…' 'i am not sure if my father will be able to meet you, sir,' she said, crossing her fingers behind her back. 'but i know where he keeps everything. i shall be delighted to show you.' 'then you may expect me tomorrow at eleven,' he said. 'i shall not wish to visit the stable again – but i shall expect to see you, and to have my lawyer look at your books.' 'yes, of course.' they walked back to the house together almost in silence. cassie felt that things had gone as well as could be expected in the circumstances. even if her father had been here himself, he could not have altered anything. their visitor had been early and you couldn't pretend that stables didn't have to be cleaned! when they reached the house, she offered her hand to him and this time he took it, but then he held on to it longer than was strictly necessary. 'will you dine with me this evening, cassie?'

'but i thought you were returning to london?' 'i am – but i can have my plane return this evening.' 'surely you would not wish to go to so much trouble?' 'i do not fly the plane myself – at least not often,' he said. 'but i see that i have shocked you. perhaps it is best that we wait for a while. i should have remembered that english girls are more reserved. most women i know would have accepted my invitation immediately.' 'i did not mean to offend you, sir.' 'you have not,' he said, reached for her hand and lifted it to his lips to salute it. 'quite the opposite.' the touch of his lips against her skin seemed to burn her. she felt as if she were close to fainting but pulled herself together quickly. what kind of a fool was she? this man was dangerous, far too charming, and far too attractive. he was merely playing with her, as he had played mental games for his own amusement during their visit to the stable. 'perhaps another time,' she suggested in an effort to seem sophisticated and cool, though her pulses were racing like the wind. 'when we know each other a little better.' 'i know you, much better than you think, cassandra,' he said and smiled oddly. 'it was a pleasure to meet you – and do give my kind regards to your father. i shall hope to see him tomorrow, but if it is not possible i shall be quite content to accept you as his deputy.' cassie watched as he climbed into his car, started the engine and drove away. now her knees had gone completely to mush and she sat down on the wooden bench outside the office window abruptly. well, what a surprise! he had completely taken the wind out of her sails. and he knew it! she sat for a few minutes in the sunshine trying to recover her composure, which had gone sadly missing. what had he meant by that – he knew her much better than she thought? it was another deliberate attempt on his part to overset her, but what did he hope to gain by it? she was certain that they had never met, quite, quite certain. if she had seen

him even briefly at a party she would have remembered. you didn't forget a man like that! no way! especially when his voice, his eyes and the touch of his lips had such devastating effects. she had felt the pull of his personality as strongly as that of his fantastic physical aura. cassie didn't often fall for men as swiftly as that – in fact it was five years since she had even taken a man seriously. her last real relationship had ended so badly that it had put her off men for good, well, almost. she still went out with men for the odd drink and dinner, of course. more often she spent time with a group of friends. julie and lydia were single, currently between partners, and her best mates. shane was gay. a wonderful friendly guy who was always there to supply a lift, a bottle of wine or a shoulder whenever the girls needed it, and whom she loved to bits, just like the brother she'd never had. and, of course, she had her dreams of what mr right would look like – usually fair with blue eyes and a gentle smile. sheikh ali bin ahmed had blue eyes, damn him! one out of three was ok, she supposed, but mr ahmed certainly wasn't mr right. he was very definitely mr no, no! she would be very foolish to get involved with a man who had heartbreak written all over him. cassie finished sending her copy online, closed the computer and turned to leave the office just as her mother walked in looking shattered. concerned, cassie went to her immediately. 'you look tired, mum. was it dreadful?' 'your father was in a lot of pain.' helen livingston caught back a sob. 'i hated leaving him but they insisted on keeping him in – for a couple of days. his ankle isn't as bad as we thought but apparently, they detected a heart murmur…' 'mum!' cassie's eyes widened with fright. 'oh, don't worry. it's only something slight. he knew that he had a small problem ages ago, but it isn't serious. it's just that he's had a shock and it's made his heartbeat a little irregular so the hospital wants to keep an eye on him for a day or so.' 'you didn't tell me.' 'it wasn't serious. besides, you would have come rushing home, darling,

probably offering to give up your life for us, and you're doing so well. your father is really proud of you – but he's worried about mr ahmed. he wants you to visit this evening, to discuss something about tomorrow.' 'i've got something to tell him, too. mr ahmed caught us on the hop. he came a few minutes after the ambulance had left, and asked to see the stables.' 'oh goodness!' helen looked shocked. 'whatever did you do?' 'i took him to the yard. not much else i could do.' 'what a disaster! i suppose that's the end of josh's hopes.' 'no, i don't think so. it went quite well.' 'really? you must definitely visit your father this evening and tell him all about it.' 'yes, of course i shall.' cassie hugged her mother. 'i think mr ahmed was quite impressed. didn't think much of the string we have here at the moment – except perhaps one.' 'oh, well, it's his horses your father is interested in.' helen frowned. 'i've got a wretched headache. shall we have a salad this evening? i don't think i could cook.' 'leave it all to me,' cassie said. 'go and have a lovely bath, mum, and i'll call you when it's ready.' 'thank you, darling. thank goodness you were here today on one of your flying visits. i don't know how we would have coped without you.' 'well, you didn't have to,' cassie said. 'go on, have that bath and we'll talk later.' 'yes, i think i shall.' her mother's eyes travelled round the office. 'i hope mr ahmed didn't come in here? i've been wanting to tidy it for ages but your father always complains when i do.' 'he is coming back tomorrow to go through dad's accounts,' cassie said, realising that the office did look rather a mess. there were racing papers everywhere, cuttings from magazines, and all sorts of bits and pieces about the anatomy of a horse, that her father found useful. 'i'll tidy up a little before i get our supper, because you'll want a nice soak. it only needs a few things straightened up. offices are meant to look like this, mum. you should see

mine.' helen laughed. her daughter was optimistic like her father, and just as untidy, but she didn't want to fuss. she could always come in early in the morning and do a bit more if it needed it. cassie watched her mother leave. helen livingston was such a tidy person, she must find this office a terrible trial. moving about the room, cassie started straightening things. she had no intention of hiding everything in the cupboards, which were probably full to bursting anyway, but she could tidy those old newspapers away. it was a huge pile so she sat crossed-legged on the carpet and started to look through them, smiling as she found several of her own articles had been cut out and saved. dear old dad, he was always on her side! she managed to hide the first half of the pile under a wooden chest of drawers, then started on the second pile, reading them as she went. it was so fascinating to see her father's varied tastes, for he had collected things that covered a wide spectrum and not just racing. she was smiling over one article when she looked down and her blood ran cold. that was mr ahmed! he was pictured smiling as he came out of a london nightclub with a beautiful blonde on his arm. she'd thought he hated being photographed! how come he wasn't waving his fist at the camera. surely he could have done something to prevent a picture like this being published? reading the copy under the article her eyes narrowed in sudden suspicion. kasim bin mohamed, the son of the late industrial giant, mohamed alabdullah as-ahmed, seen last night with his latest companion. the gentleman rigorously denied rumours of an engagement, though the lady smiled and looked delighted at the suggestion. may we suggest that you watch this space for further bulletins. it had been published in a magazine that cassie's chief editor, maggie grant, considered their main rival, and was the kind of rag that would print anything. at least maggie did insist that her reporters verified any article they wrote as much as possible. but what leapt out at cassie was that her sheikh was not the man she had been expecting when he turned up that morning! so who the hell was he? the playboy son of a millionaire certainly, and of middle eastern descent, that much was not in doubt – but he was not mr

ahmed. he was not the man she had been told was interested in buying her father's stable. cassie tore the photograph and accompanying article from the paper, folded it and put into her jeans pocket. she would ask her father if he knew who the imposter might be when she visited him that evening. three hours later, cassie eased her car to a gentle halt outside her parents' house when she returned from the hospital. she had been unable to speak to her father because he'd been given something to help him sleep. 'he needs to rest,' sister told her. 'we think he has probably been under a bit of strain recently, and these drugs will slow him down a bit.' 'i thought his condition was not serious?' 'it isn't as a general rule, but sometimes stress can make life uncomfortable for the patient, and as he has to be here anyway, we may as well give him some treatment.' 'yes, of course,' cassie said. clearly she couldn't worry her father with her problem, even if he had been awake. so she had left him sleeping and come home to be with her mother, who was worrying even if she was pretending to be calm about the whole thing. in the morning, cassie would have to cope with whatever presented itself. obviously the man she had assumed was mr ahmed had no right to go through her father's accounts for a start – but he probably wouldn't have the cheek to turn up at all. did that mean they would receive a visit from the real sheikh or was this whole thing a hoax? if it was it was cruel, especially when her father was hoping for so much from the visit. oh, she couldn't wait to show that man this picture and ask him exactly what he thought he was doing impersonating a sheikh – that's if he dared to show his face, which in all likelihood he wouldn't. perhaps the real mr ahmed would arrive in the morning and her parents need never know about the terrible mistake she'd made. she only hoped that no lasting damage had been done. somehow she got through the evening without spilling out her worries to her mother, who already had more than was good for her. at ten o'clock she went

up to bed intending to research some material for her next series of articles, but all she could think about was the picture of that wretched man. she felt the irritation grinding inside her, her hands itching to get at him for what he'd done to her that day, raising her hopes, making her think he was pleased with the yard when all he'd come for was…just what had he come for? suddenly, cassie thought she knew. the two-year-old her father believed had potential as a classic winner! she'd seen the impostor's eyes sparkle as joe led barmy out and paraded him. they called the horse barmy affectionately, because he'd been so full of life as a colt, though he had a much grander name and a pretty good pedigree through his sire and dam. as a youngster he had been very naughty, nibbling at the stable girls when they were trying to look after his mother, kicking up his heels and racing round the paddock like a mad thing, and he kicked if you didn't watch out for him – but josh said that his spirit was what would make him a winner. the imposter must have got wind that there was a good horse likely to come up for sale at tatersalls the next month and, also, that they were due to be paid a visit by sheikh ali bin ahmed. it seemed that he'd used the excuse to spy on the two-year-old to get an unfair advantage for the sale. what a dirty, rotten trick! especially as he'd carried on the masquerade by saying he would be arriving to look at the accounts the following morning. was he trying to ruin her father? cassie thought of all the things she would like to do to the fake mr ahmed, which included boiling him in oil and tearing him limb from limb. and he'd even had the effrontery to ask her to dinner! she wished she'd accepted. she would have had a few words to say that might have put him off his meal. her anger and frustration kept her awake for sometime, but at last she fell asleep, only to confront the man who had made her restless in her dreams. but of course in the way dreams always have, everything had become muddled and she saw herself riding along a sunlit beach on a black horse, wearing something white and flimsy, and the man who rode with her, his arms about her, was wearing the robes and headdress of a sheikh. it was the most marvellous feeling, like floating on air, and she knew that the lovely warmth it gave her came from the nearness of the man who held her so close to him. in her dream she was breathing deeply, her body melting with desire – and then she woke up and it was morning.

so much for dreams! cassie thought as she stretched and remembered the vivid pictures. she had felt something in her dream that she had never known in a man's arms before, but it had faded and the light of day brought an unwholesome awakening, very different from her dreams. the dream had turned what was a rather sordid reality into something sweet and precious and that was foolish. she must put all such thoughts out of her mind, because if the imposter turned up this morning she would need her wits about her to deal with him. 'do you think mr ahmed would stay to lunch?' cassie's mother asked. she had spent the morning making her pretty home look as spotless and neat as always, and a beautiful cold buffet was waiting in her large american fridge, to be brought out should their visitor deign to eat with them. 'or do you think that sort of thing is against his religion? i'm not sure, are you?' cassie looked at the bowls of rice, some spiced, some plain, accompanied by cold asparagus rolled in brown bread and butter, diced avocado in a dressing that would keep it fresh and green, artichoke hearts, roasted peppers and green peas, also a large dish of her mother's special potato salad. there was also some goats' cheese, cold roast lamb, beef, and a dish of prawns in mayonnaise. 'it looks wonderful, mum. i should imagine he could find something here that he likes to eat.' 'do you think wine – or just chilled water?' helen looked anxious. 'or should i simply not ask?' 'i should imagine it is polite to ask if he would like some refreshment,' cassie said. 'he can always say no. if you don't feel able to ask him, mum, ask his lawyer.' helen glanced at her watch. it was only a quarter to eleven and she was dressed to the nines in one of her best suits, feeling very much like a fashion doll. she glanced at her daughter who, though wearing a better pair of jeans than the previous day, and an attractive white shirt, hadn't made much of an effort, except to wash her hair. 'don't you think you ought to wear a good trouser suit or something?' 'no, i do not,' cassie said. 'i am fine as i am. if he wasn't put off by my appearance yesterday, he won't care what i am wearing.' hearing the sound of a car pulling up outside, she held her breath as her mother went to the door.

would it be the impostor or…her breath expelled in a little gasp as she heard the unmistakable voice of the man she was itching to see again. oh, boy, was he going to be sorry he started this! 'please come in, mr ahmed,' helen was saying. 'we have been looking forward to your visit. i am terribly sorry that neither my husband or i were here to greet you yesterday, and unfortunately, my husband has had to stay in hospital for a few days – but my daughter will look after you.' cassie's eyes met the impostor's and the look she gave him made him blink. she held back the biting words until she could be certain of getting him alone, because he was offering to shake her mother's hand, introducing his lawyer as ben harrison, an englishman whom he'd met at oxford and who now worked for him on a permanent basis. 'i was concerned to hear that josh was ill,' he said, notching up another mark on cassie's list for daring to use her father's name so familiarly. 'i shall find time to visit him soon – how long will he be in the hospital?' 'a few days no more,' helen said smiling at him nervously. 'i wondered if you and mr harrison would have some lunch when you've had a look at the accounts? it is just a cold buffet, mostly salads and things.' 'yes, thank you,' he accepted easily. 'i expect to be checking records for some hours and it would be nice to eat in the office as we work – if that is all right with you, mrs livingston? we can just help ourselves and pick. a dreadful habit, but i seldom have time to sit down for a meal.' 'oh, lovely,' she said, feeling relieved because the thought of sitting through a formal meal with him was daunting. 'i'll let you know when it's on the table – in about two hours - and then you can help yourselves.' ben harrison thanked her, asked if they could possibly have coffee now and looked at cassie. 'you must be miss livingston,' he said and gave her a friendly smile. are you ready to get started?' 'if i may i should like a private word with mr ahmed first?' 'cassie?' her mother looked at her in surprise. 'yes, of course, cassie. a message from you father i expect.' the imposter was as cool as an iced cucumber, and too fantastic-looking for her peace of mind – but that wouldn't save him, even if he did make her knees turn to jelly every time he looked at her.

'in his office if you don't mind.' cassie's clipped tones would have warned any of her colleagues that a storm was brewing, but he seemed impervious – or maybe he was so damned sure of himself that he didn't care. he followed her into the office, leaving the door slightly ajar. cassie closed it, turned and gave him her best cassandra look, calculated to slay at fifteen paces. he didn't turn a hair, damn him! 'and what do you call this?' she held the newspaper photograph out to him. 'why are you here, mr mohamed? or whatever your name is.' 'i have a string of them,' he replied mildly. 'you chose to use ahmed. i didn't correct you, because it is a name i am entitled to use though seldom do.' 'but you're an imposter!' cassie burst out. 'you're not sheikh ali bin ahmed. you're not the man my father intended to do business with – so why are you here? was it to spy on barmy?' 'who or what is barmy? i'm sorry, i have no idea of what you're talking about.' 'the two-year-old my father thinks is a future classic winner. i suppose you think you can buy him on the cheap?' 'ah yes, that horse – i might consider buying him,' he said, a faint smile on his lips. 'tell me – why do you call him barmy?' 'don't try to charm me,' cassie said furiously. 'i know you for what you are now and…' she was in full flood, her voice rising when he suddenly took two steps towards her, grabbed her and kissed her hard on the mouth. it was a cold, ruthless, punishing kiss with no tenderness intended and it took her breath away. when he let go of her she almost stumbled, and only her feeling of utter shock stopped her striking out in retaliation. she needed a few seconds to get her breath back, and a few more to bring her mind under control. the warm feel of his mouth on hers, even though hard and impersonal, had sent such a wave of desire through her that she felt as if she were caught in her dream again. except that he had been smiling at her then, now he looked as if he wanted to break her neck. 'why did you do that?' 'to stop you yelling your head off and upsetting your mother. don't you think

she has enough to worry her without you provoking a quarrel with the man who is all set to save your father's yard?' 'what?' she stared at him in disbelief. 'but you're not the sheikh…' 'no, i have the honour of being sheikh ali bin ahmed's nephew,' kasim said his eyes narrowed and angry. 'i conduct seventy-five percent of his business for him. he may visit you very occasionally once his horses are here, but in matters of business he relies on my judgement. i should have thought your father would have told you about me. i know josh quite well. we've met at race meetings at least three times, and i believe he is aware of the position i hold in my uncle's esteem.' 'his nephew…' cassie felt awful, as if he had punched her in the stomach. that hadn't even occurred to her. oh hell, now she'd done it! he would walk out in a fury and it would be her fault. 'my father didn't tell me anything last night – the hospital had him on drugs.' 'i thought it was just a broken ankle?' 'he has a slight heart flutter apparently. nothing to worry about, but enough to keep him laid up for a few days, just to be certain he didn't suffer anything worse than a fall.' 'i see.' kasim frowned. 'that might alter things. horses need settling in when they move to new stables. i had recommended that we bring our string here, subject to your father's records being in order – but if he is going to be ill…' 'no, i'm sure he isn't,' cassie said quickly. 'and joe knows all there is to know about horses. your string wouldn't suffer here even if my father had to take a short break, mr ahmed. besides, i know most of my father's methods and if need be i'll take some time off from my work and make sure everything is done properly.' 'and what is your work?' with his cold eyes fixing her like a spear to the ground, cassie couldn't confess something that might make him turn round and walk out. 'i work in an office,' she said. 'a personal assistant…' which was almost true but didn't go far enough. 'and what is your boss going to say if you aren't around for a couple of weeks?'

'i-i can take compassionate leave. maggie won't mind.' she wouldn't mind because cassie could work from here, but she couldn't tell him that, could she? 'well…' he looked at her consideringly. 'i shall have to discuss this with your father – perhaps tomorrow. he may be feeling better by then. and we really do need to check the records – if you are satisfied with my credentials, of course. you may ask ben anything you need to know about me – unless you consider him suspect too?' 'no, of course not,' cassie said, realising belatedly that an apology was in order. 'i jumped to conclusions and…' she took a deep breath as his blue eyes swept over her coldly, wishing that the floor would open and let her through. 'i apologise without reservation.' 'i shall consider accepting it,' he said and then quite suddenly he smiled, which had the effect of making her gasp and fight for control of her senses as they went spinning madly once more. wow! it seemed like the sun had come out after a frosty winter. 'providing you will allow me to take you to dinner this evening.' cassie swallowed hard, her heart racing as she felt herself drowning in the blue ocean that was his eyes. she couldn't help it but she kept seeing him stripped to the waist, a towel covering his hips and revealing long tanned legs. oh, damn! she was absolutely mad to let him take her mind over like this, but she was fighting a losing battle. 'that is very generous of you, mr ahmed.' 'to save more confusion i suggest you call me kasim in future, cassie. i shall be here in newmarket quite often during the time my uncle's horses are being settled in, just to keep an eye on things – and i really prefer to use my own name.' 'yes, of course, if you wish,' she said her voice little more than a croaky whisper. did he guess what effect he had on her when he looked at her that way? even when he was angry she found him damnably attractive, but when he smiled…she licked her lips nervously, knowing that she had to pull herself together. 'i had better ask mr harrison to come in. you will find dad's records on the desk. there are the accounts for all the feed and transport expenses that he charges each month, but what you probably want to see the most are the breeding and racing records. they go back for twenty years, and

i think you will find they are impressive.' 'i am sure i shall,' he said. 'ask mrs livingston if the coffee is ready if you will, and then come and join us. ben needs his fix of caffeine before he gets started, and as neither of us smoke, we shall need a constant supply – if that isn't too much trouble?' 'no, of course not,' she said and gave a throaty laugh. 'maggie has banned smoking at our office too, and that means we all need endless cups of coffee or tea.' he smiled but made no reply, his head already bent over the first of her father's record books. she saw that he had chosen the racing records, and thought that he would probably leave the boring financial bit to his lawyer. ben looked anxiously towards her as she came out. 'is everything all right, miss livingston? was there some problem?' 'nothing that we couldn't sort,' she told him and then looked at her mother, who was hovering nervously. 'could you keep the coffee coming please, mum? we shall need lots of it.' 'what happened in there?' her mother hissed as ben harrison disappeared into the office. 'were you shouting at him?' 'it was just a misunderstanding, mum. it is all sorted now.' 'this means a lot to your father, cassie. please don't do anything silly, will you?' 'no, i promise, i shan't,' cassie said, but even as she said the words, she wondered. kasim had asked her out to dinner that evening, and there had been a look in his eyes that left her in no doubt of what was in his mind. kasim bin mohammed was a playboy, and by the look of the beautiful blonde he had escorted to that nightclub, he was used to dating sophisticated ladies of the world. after the way she had behaved, he had had every right to walk out in disgust, but he'd stayed – providing that she went out to dinner with him. just what more might he demand as his price for saving her father from going out of business? her thoughts were interrupted by the arrival of her mother with the tray of coffee, and some of her own sweet biscuits. cassie opened the office door for her mother and followed her inside. both men were working, kasim walking

about with a book in his hand, ben sitting at the desk, using his own very expensive pocket calculator. clearly they meant to be very thorough, and cassie felt a little indignant on her father's behalf. did they imagine they would find anything careless or underhand in her father's books? yet when kasim glanced at her, smiling as she offered to pour the coffee, her ridiculous heart did a little somersault. 'black, no sugar,' he said, 'and ben likes his with cream and two large sugars please.' he cast a look of mixed affection and ridicule at his assistant. ben didn't lift his head, obviously indifferent to his friend's comments, and it was plain that they were the best of friends. when cassie placed his coffee by his side on the desk, he did glance up, however, giving her a warm smile. 'thank you, that is exactly the way i like it, miss livingston – the way civilised people drink their coffee.' 'i do agree,' she said giving him a wicked grin. 'we share the same decadent tastes in coffee, mr henderson.' 'oh, ben, i think,' he said, his eyes bright with laughter. 'perhaps i could call you cassie?' 'of course. do try one of these biscuits, ben. mum makes them herself – but they should carry a danger warning because once you start you can't stop.' ben laughed, helped himself to two biscuits and rolled his eyes as he tasted the crisp, fresh-baked nuttiness. 'wow! i haven't tasted anything like that in years. my compliments to the cook.' 'is there anything i can do to help?' cassie asked as she helped herself to coffee and biscuits. 'if not, i'll sit over here and go through the post. my mother is a wonderful homemaker, but she types with one finger and i can whiz through this stuff for her in minutes.' 'carry on,' kasim said, wandered over to the table where the coffee was set and picked up a biscuit and his cup. he ate the biscuit almost absentmindedly, taking his coffee over to the windowsill, where he perched, still reading the records. 'oh, you could take a look at this for me…' cassie went to stand by him, looking at the entry in the book. she puzzled over it for a moment, and then nodded. 'yes, that mare had a twin birth but one of the foals had an internal defect that might have caused it pain and,

unfortunately, we had to have it put down.' he nodded, turning the page. she was certain that he had understood the entry perfectly but just wanted her here, next to him. she had noticed a little nerve flicking in his temple and wondered. did it annoy him that she had become friendly with ben so easily? it wasn't quite as easy to be natural with kasim, because her body wouldn't behave itself when she was anywhere near him. he made her feel weak inside, like milk chocolate melting in a fondue, and when he suddenly looked at her, she felt breathless, finding herself floundering in that blue ocean. 'get on with your post then, it was just that one entry.' cassie moved away, her feelings alternating between wanting to throttle him and jump into bed with him. and where did that come from? it wasn't her usual habit to jump into bed with men she hardly knew, in fact she hadn't done it in years. so why did her mind fill with erotic pictures every time he looked at her? cassie went back to her post. there were a few bills, which she could write out the cheques for but would need her mother to sign them, but most were inquiries from firms wanting to sell her father something, and some reminders about entering horses for various race meetings. most of them were small meetings and not the kind that would interest kasim, so she just put them to one side. later that day, she would ask joe if they had any plans for the horses that they still had in training before the sale the following week. she glanced up a couple of times, finding that kasim was watching her. a few minutes later, he asked her to explain something else, and it happened at least another five times while she was dealing with the post. she got the distinct impression that it amused him to have her on the end of a string. when her mother came in to tell them the meal was prepared, he took the book he was looking through with him, clearly intending to grab something on the run. he had spent the past two hours walking up and down, occasionally perching for a moment, but never truly still. ben on the other hand hardly moved. he stretched and grinned as he followed. the table in the dining room was loaded with food. as well as all the fancy bits and pieces in the fridge, helen had cooked a beautiful cheese and tomato

flan and she had cut her brown bread into chunks rather than slices, which made it look appetising. 'now that is sumptuous,' ben said appreciatively. 'you've gone to an awful lot of trouble, mrs livingston. when we're working we usually just grab a sandwich or a pizza or something.' 'i love to cook,' helen said looking pleased at the compliment. 'especially when we have guests.' kasim made no comment, but cassie noticed that he spent more than a few seconds wandering round the buffet and making his selection. he cut a small section of the flan, tasted it, ate it, and cut a larger slice, then added some of the roasted pepper salad and the artichoke hearts, also rice and avocado, and a chunk of her mother's bread. she noticed that he did not take any of the meat, though ben helped himself to some of each. he clearly had a good appetite. instead of picking at the food and disappearing into the office, kasim sat down and waited for the others to make their selection. cassie looked at her mother and then took her own plate to sit a little further down the table. 'is everything going well, mr ahmed?' helen asked 'if your husband is as meticulous in his training methods as he is in writing up his records we should deal well together.' he smiled at her. 'you have a lovely home, mrs livingston, and you keep it beautifully. your husband is a lucky man. most women have no desire to keep house for their family these days. they want the glamour of life in high-powered jobs, and the money that goes with it.' cassie's eyes narrowed as she listened and wondered, but he was being very nice to her mother, and she liked that. she ate in silence, content for the moment to observe. helen laughed and shook her head. 'i wouldn't be any good at it, mr ahmed. this is all i know how to do i'm afraid.' 'i have a lot of friends who would pay well for someone like you to put a business lunch like this on for them – and please call me kasim, helen. as ben said, we usually get offered sandwiches that curl at the corners, quiches that came out of a supermarket and tired-looking salad. i think you could be successful in your own right if you wished.'

'oh, but i don't want to be,' helen said a little flustered by the unusual compliment. 'i love my life. we have lots of visitors and i give them coffee and tea, feed them sometimes, and of course we entertain friends. it has been a wonderful life. i should be sad if we had to give it up.' 'i don't think you need worry about that – do you ben?' 'everything is in order as far as i am concerned,' ben replied and grinned as he looked at cassie. she smiled back. he was warm, open and pleasant to be with. it was easy to feel comfortable around him. kasim with his piercing eyes and startling looks was a different matter. 'it took me about twenty minutes to work out your husband's methods, mrs livingston, but once i had i saw that it was all very straightforward.' 'josh would have liked to be here…' 'i intend to pay him a visit this afternoon,' kasim said. 'i've made up my mind and i have my uncle's authority to proceed if i'm satisfied. i shall want to make certain improvements in the security arrangements for the horses, but we shall pay for the equipment to be installed since it is for our benefit. there is no point in keeping josh on thorns. we might as well get it settled this afternoon.' 'oh that is wonderful,' helen said. 'he will be so relieved.' 'of course…' kasim's gaze travelled across the table to cassie. 'i am relying on you to keep your promise to be here for a few weeks, until your father is properly fit again.' 'but cassie…' helen looked at her in bewilderment. 'it's all right, mum. i've promised to take a couple of weeks off to help out. maggie won't mind. i'll ring her later and talk to her.' 'good. that was an excellent meal, mrs livingston – and now i think we should tidy up a few things in the office, and then we'll pay that visit to josh.' kasim glanced at cassie as she stood up. 'i'll pick you up at seven, cassie. there's no need for us to take up any more of your time. i am sure you have plenty to do?' 'yes.' her eyes met his and she was certain he was mocking her. just what was going through his mind? his expression was expectant, rather like a cat waiting to pounce on a mouse. only she was no mouse, even if he did have her at a disadvantage because of his uncle's horses. 'yes, i have, thank you. i

ought to ring maggie, let her know my plans.' he nodded and she thought she saw his mouth tighten, a flicker of disapproval in his eyes. now what was that all about? did he think she was one of those women who only cared about their high-powered job and the big salary that went with it? he should try living on her wages in london! but of course he had no idea what it was like to live in the real world. her mother looked at her as the two men left, ben taking another chunk of bread with him as he passed. 'are you going out with him this evening, cassie?' 'he asked me to dinner, mum. nothing wrong with that – is there?' 'no. no, i don't suppose so…' her mother frowned. 'he's very attractive of course…' 'it's business, mum,' cassie lied. 'there are loads of things to discuss. i gather the sheikh wants to move his horses here as soon as possible. they haven't been happy where they are for a while.' 'oh, well…' helen looked doubtful. 'i don't want you to be hurt, darling. it took you a long time to get over…well, you know.' 'yes, i do know,' cassie said. 'but i am over it and i'm a big girl now – besides, this is only business.' she got up to help clear the dishes away, stacking the dirty plates in the machine in the kitchen, and then leaving her mother to it. she had better square her leave with maggie. fortunately, she had plenty of stuff on disc and video that she could use for the next magazine, because she certainly wouldn't be able to do any fresh interviews for the moment. 'does he know who maggie is?' her mother asked breaking into her thoughts. 'does he know what you do?' 'no and it's best that he doesn't find out,' cassie said. 'when we know each other better, and he trusts me not to do anything that might embarrass him or his uncle, then i'll tell him.' 'are you sure it wouldn't be best to be honest now?' 'it's all settled,' cassie said. 'let's leave it for the moment. after all, once dad is better i shan't be here much, shall i? he won't have to see me if he doesn't

want to…' and how did she feel about that? cassie wondered as she went upstairs. would she be happy if she never saw kasim again after the settling in period was over? ' i think you are wrong about her, kasim,' ben said as they drove away an hour or so later. 'in my opinion, she is a lovely, natural girl with a great sense of humour.' 'a sense of ridicule definitely,' kasim said with a frown. 'she couldn't write for that rag if she cared about what those damned articles do to people – and if she is so honest, why hasn't she told me what she does? when i asked, she lied – told me she was a personal assistant.' 'you can't blame her because of what happened to selima,' ben said and, glancing at his friend, saw his jaw tighten. 'your niece was an innocent child and that bastard took advantage of her.' 'my niece committed suicide because a ruthless fortune hunter seduced her while she was at a private finishing school, where the staff should have made sure it couldn't happen, and that damned reporter splashed it all over the papers when my uncle refused to give into his blackmail. selima was so shamed that she took her own life rather than face her father and me.' 'but cassie didn't write that story, kasim.' 'no, but the woman she works for did – and you can tell they are friends, the way she talks about maggie, her nice, kind boss, who won't mind if she takes a couple of weeks off work. if she dares to publish one word about me or prints a picture i'll sue the magazine for every penny they've got – and i'll make her sorry she was born.' 'if you feel like that, why didn't you tell sheikh ali that the stables were not suitable? he would have taken your word, he always does.' 'he takes my word because i never lie to him,' kasim said, 'and he trusts my judgement. in my judgement, josh livingston's stables are perfect for my uncle's horses. if i lied about that my uncle would be forced to remain with a trainer he no longer trusts, and he might begin to doubt me. besides, i have nothing against josh or his wife; they seem perfectly decent people – it's just the scheming daughter i intend to take down a few pegs.' 'and how do you intend to do that?' ben studied his face, noting the tiny

pulse flicking at kasim's temple as he drove. 'by seducing her and then dropping her? you're playing with fire there, kasim. my advice is to forget it. either tell josh the deal is off and cut your losses, or leave the girl alone.' 'i'm afraid that isn't an option,' kasim said. 'and this is my private business, ben, off limits as far as you're concerned.' 'i'm not so sure about that,' ben said. 'i work for you because it suits me, kasim, but i like cassie – and as far as i'm concerned everything is fair in love and war. if i don't like the way you're treating her, i reserve the right to take her away from you.' 'and marry her?' kasim's brows rose. 'this from the man who never dates more than once because he doesn't want a long term commitment.' 'i don't have time working for you,' ben retorted with a grin. 'and it's a case of the pot calling the kettle black here, my friend.' kasim laughed. 'ok! we're even – but if she gives me any trouble she will be sorry, ben, and that's no joke.' 'if cassie betrays you by selling pictures or writing stuff only she could know, then she will deserve what she gets – but go easy on her for now, kasim. i like her and she has done everything to please as far as i can see.' 'maybe,' kasim said, his mouth taking a grim line. 'i'm not given to rape or the seduction of unwilling women, ben – but if she steps out of line she will be sorry.' 'you never meet an unwilling woman,' ben murmured, a wicked glint in his eyes. 'i'm the one who has to fend them off as a rule, the keeper of all your dark secrets and wicked ways.' 'you could make a fortune selling them to the press,' kasim said, giving him a wry look. 'why don't you?' 'i'm saving them for my old age,' ben replied. 'when i'm old and grey and dribbling at the mouth.' 'yeah, yeah,' kasim said and laughed. 'remember to remind me to have you shot instead of putting you out to pasture when the time comes.' they grinned at each other, their trust implicit, each knowing that they would walk through hell and high water for the other's sake.

'so here we are then,' ben said as they drew into the hospital car park. 'last chance to change your mind.' 'i never change my mind,' kasim said. 'you should know that.' 'there is always a first time,' ben replied. 'one of these days, you'll find you've got yourself up the creek without a paddle, and then we'll see.' 'thank you for the quaint english saying,' kasim said mockingly. 'i have no idea what it means, nor do i wish to.' 'no? well, one of these days you might just find out.' 'do i look all right, mum?' cassie did a twirl for her mother in the sitting room. she was wearing a black dress, slim-fitting over her waist and trim hips, and flaring out mid-calf in a style reminiscent of the kind of thing worn by fifties film stars. 'i've no idea where we're going. i shall look pretty daft if he takes me to the local burger bar, shan't i?' 'somehow i don't see mr ahmed taking you to the local burger bar,' helen said with a smile. it wouldn't seem right for a man like that. i expect he's used to eating at the best places wherever he goes.' 'he seemed pretty impressed by the food you served today, mum,' cassie said, 'and so he should. i'm always telling dad how lucky he is to have you.' 'but i'm lucky to have him.' helen smiled. 'i think i can hear a car arriving – that is probably mr ahmed.' the doorbell rang even as she spoke, and helen went to answer. she was surprised to see a chauffeur, someone she had never met before. 'i've been sent to pick up a miss cassandra livingston,' the chauffeur said. 'i've been asked to drive her to the airport.' 'the airport?' helen turned to look as cassie came up to her, shrugging on a little velvet evening jacket. 'did you know about this?' 'no, but it doesn't surprise me,' cassie said. 'kasim flies back and forth to london as readily as you and i pop into town for an hour's shopping.' 'oh, well, i suppose i shouldn't wait up for you?' 'if i were you, i should visit dad and then relax with a good book,' cassie said. 'if i'm too late, i'll go back to my own flat, pick up some things and

catch a train back in the morning.' 'have a good time, love.' cassie kissed her mother, stepped into the expensive limousine and sat back, waving until her mother shut the door. 'mr ahmed will have a car waiting for you at the airport in london,' the chauffeur told her. 'he was called back to town on urgent business, but he should be finished by the time you arrive. he sends his apologies.' 'it's fine, don't worry about it,' cassie said. 'i feel quite excited actually. this is the kind of thing you see in the movies, but it has never happened to me before.' the chauffeur smiled at her but said no more as he whisked her through the streets to the private landing field where the expensive executive jet was waiting. clearance was pretty straightforward and they were in the air within minutes. on board, cassie was served chilled wine, nuts and olives by a friendly steward. she took a couple of sips of wine, ignored the rest, and picked up one of the glossy magazines lying on the seat beside her. flicking it open, she saw that it contained an article about a young girl who had killed herself over some terrible scandal, and when she glanced at the date, she realized that the magazine was more than four years old. the girl looked very young and very pretty, and cassie felt pity for her and her family. she put it away, not wanting to read more of the story. maggie was very strict on things like that, because she said young girls were too vulnerable. she insisted that they only did exposés on hardened stars who knew how to exploit the media themselves. finding a fashion magazine she always bought for herself, which happened to be the latest' edition, cassie opened it and lost herself in its pages. the flight was short and almost before she knew it she was being helped from the plane by the steward who had looked after her during the flight, and directed towards another expensive limousine waiting to carry her off to her dinner date. there were none of the usual problems of clearance, which must all have been seen to in advance of her arrival – diplomatic immunity she imagined. it must be nice to be a rich sheikh and have this kind of influence! what a waste of fuel, money and time, cassie thought, feeling a little disgusted by this show of power and what seemed to her a little like decadence! surely kasim hadn't needed to return to london so suddenly, and

if he had he could simply have cancelled their date like any normal man. even if he didn't care about the money, he might have thought about the environment! she was feeling slightly irritated by the time they reached the block of fashionable apartments, looking up at the tower block, which as far as she could see still had work going on. she was surprised as the chauffeur stopped and opened the door for her, and for the first time wondered if this was some kind of elaborate hoax. could she possibly have been kidnapped? but then as she hesitated, she saw ben leave the building and come towards the car. 'you came then,' he said and smiled at her. 'i bet kasim a fiver that you wouldn't.' 'shouldn't i have done?' cassie raised her eyebrows. 'what are we doing here?' 'kasim had some last minute problems with the architect of his latest project. we're on the top floor here, the only part of this building that doesn't still have decorators in. kasim and his builder are still arguing the toss as i speak, so we ordered in. i'll show you the way – i'm afraid the food may not come up to your mother's standards, but i used one of the best catering services i could find.' 'you shouldn't have gone to so much trouble,' cassie said as she followed him inside the foyer. although still in the grip of unfinished building work, it was obviously going to be magnificent. 'a simple phone call would have cancelled the arrangement for this evening.' 'i suggested it, but kasim insisted on sending the plane.' ben was frowning, an odd expression in his eyes. he hesitated for a moment, and then, 'it isn't like him to do something like that, cassie. i am not sure whether it is a compliment or something you should be wary of…' cassie nodded but made no reply as the top floor was reached and the sharp ping announced the door was opening. they stepped out into a huge open living and office space, unlike anything she had ever seen other than in the most expensive glossy magazines. it was minimalist taken to the extreme, with choice pieces of modernistic furniture, glass and the occasional and rare piece of art. but almost immediately, she saw that it suited kasim's personality, giving him ample room to pace, which from her observation earlier that day was how he liked to work. at that particular moment he was actually standing still, very close to another

man, who though tall appeared to be shrinking by the minute. a deadly silence seemed to hang over them, and it appeared that the other man had been on the end of a cutting reprimand. 'yes, of course, i do accept all that you have to say, sir,' the builder said and cassie felt sorry for him. he was terrified of whatever kasim had threatened to do to him. 'i shall put extra men on tomorrow and have it finished by the end of the week.' 'see that you do,' kasim said and turned to look at cassie. his eyes were blazing with blue fire, and they went over her in a slow trail that made her body turn to molten honey, and then he smiled as he came towards them. 'a definite improvement on the first time we met,' he murmured, the husky note in his voice sending shivers down her spine. 'forgive me for putting you through all this, cassie, but it was important that i return to london this evening. i still have several phone calls to make, so ben ordered a meal brought in for us – johnson is leaving shortly but my architect will be eating with us. come, i'll introduce you to michael rosen.' the gentlemen came forward as he spoke. tall, thin, grey-haired and impeccably dressed, mr rosen greeted cassie with a friendly smile and a warm handshake. 'you must forgive me for ruining your evening, miss livingston, but i practically ordered kasim back to london at the point of a gun. we are in the middle of very difficult negotiations over his latest development, and i needed to show him the plans and, also to sort out a few minor problems with this building. kasim clearly owned the building they were in, and was in the process of more developments, which would probably be as prestigious as this one. she hadn't realised he was into development, and found the idea intriguing. 'it is nice to meet you, sir,' she said to the architect. 'i find property and development fascinating. i had no idea kasim was into development.' 'my father was an industrialist,' kasim said coming to stand beside her. 'the business continues to flourish in america, but i leave that to my board and my mother's family to run. i prefer the concept of seeing an actual building rise from the drawing board.' 'and the higher the better,' ben remarked dryly. 'if we're going to eat, folks, let's eat.'

the caterers had set the food out on the table, some of it on little burners to keep the various dishes warm. there was a varied selection of vegetable dishes, meat in rich sauces, salads, also dressed lobster, and plenty of fresh crusty bread. 'do you like lobster?' ben asked her as he handed her a plate. 'i am partial to it myself, but i ordered it this evening because i noticed that you preferred the prawns to meat at lunchtime.' 'i eat very little red meat,' cassie replied. 'if i have meat it is usually chicken or turkey. i much prefer fish or cheese, and plenty of salads.' 'i wouldn't have thought you were the type who needed to slim,' kasim said neatly cutting ben out as he handed her a platter of lobster dressed in a delicate mayonnaise. 'but you may have noticed i prefer not to eat meat myself, though occasionally i do eat certain types of fish.' 'thank you,' cassie said as she helped herself to the lobster meat, and then to various salads. she noticed that ben filled his plate liberally, but kasim ate sparingly, as did his architect. they took their plates with them, clearly still needing to talk business, and leaving ben to entertain cassie, which he did with some enthusiasm, refilling her wine glass with a delicious white burgundy at least twice despite her protests. he was a very pleasant companion, and cassie found herself laughing often as he persuaded her to try some of the exotic-looking champagne dessert with strawberries that had been ordered especially for her. she tasted it and found it delicious, laughing as some of the cream transferred to the end of her nose, and ben wiped it off for her. 'well, i think that is it,' kasim's voice just behind her startled cassie. 'michael is leaving now. i've ordered the car. he has a few questions to put to you, ben, so my driver will drop you both off.' 'that's my marching orders,' ben said and winked at cassie. 'well, at least you'll have a little time to yourselves when we've gone.' 'goodnight, ben,' cassie said warmly. 'it was nice to meet you, mr rosen.' the men echoed her sentiments, and stepped into the lift. after they had gone the silence became deafening. her mouth felt dry and she ran the tip of her tongue over her lips, swallowing hard as she saw the little nerve flicking at kasim's temple. she turned away, hardly able to bear the tension that had

suddenly sprung up between them. 'if you want to leave at once i can arrange it,' kasim said at last. 'or i could make coffee and we could talk for a while?' 'i shall not return to newmarket tonight,' cassie said, and her heart caught as she turned to look at him, seeing the sudden blaze of fire in his eyes. why was it that he was able to do this to her with just a look? no other man had ever caused such havoc in her mind and body. 'i told my mother i would catch the train in the morning. i have a small flat of my …' her words were lost as he moved in closer. cassie felt her throat closing as she looked into his eyes, her body beginning to melt in the heat of the desire she could feel emanating from him. 'i've been wanting to do this all night – all day if i'm honest,' kasim said and reached out for her, drawing her into his arms. his mouth closed over hers, warm and sweet, his tongue softly invading her mouth and tasting the sweetness of the desert she had eaten moments ago. 'you taste of strawberries and champagne,' he murmured. 'i wonder what the rest of you tastes like.' then he was kissing her throat, his lips trailing across her bare shoulder; he moved the thin straps of her sexy black dress, slipping it lower so that the valley between her breasts was exposed above her lacy black bra. 'you are very beautiful, cassie, and you smell delicious. i want to lick you all over, starting here…' he turned her round, undoing her bra strap, then slid his hands down over her shoulders, gently caressing the nipples, which had hardened at his touch, evidence of her own growing need. at the same time his lips touched the back of her neck, his tongue just touching a sensitive spot at her nape, making her arch back into him with a mew of desire. she was on fire, in the melting pot of physical desire. 'tell, me, have you had many lovers, cassie?' 'why do you ask?' she turned in his arms, looking up at him. her body was clamouring for the lovely release, which she believed he could give her, but a part of her mind was warning that she might be sorry in the morning. 'surely you don't expect me to be a virgin in this day and age?' 'i never expect anything,' kasim replied, his face giving nothing away, save for that little pulse at his temple. 'but i would not want to take advantage – or to force something on you that you didn't want?' cassie hesitated, her mind telling her to withdraw while her body told her

that she wanted this more than anything she had ever wanted in whole life. 'you needn't worry, you won't be my first lover,' she said, 'but i'm not sure i'm ready to do this…' 'oh, but your eyes tell me something quite different,' he said and reached out to trace the line of her cheek with his fingertips. his touch made the heat leap in her and lips parted, her breath coming faster. she felt herself sway towards him, her body aching to be close to his, to feel the heat of his flesh burning her. 'why don't we go into the bedroom? we could start out by taking a jacuzzi together. i always think that is a good way to break the ice…' that meant she was just another in a long line of women panting to get into his bed! suddenly, cassie felt as if she had already stepped into the shower – a cold one. she was about to say she needed more time to think about what she wanted when kasim's mobile shrilled. he muttered something in a language she did not understand, which she imagined was rude, and made an apologetic face as he moved away to answer. the spell was broken immediately. what on earth was she doing? cassie had made up her mind a long time ago that she didn't intend to be used by a man ever again. rescuing her bra, she fastened it, pulled on her dress straps and slipped her jacket over the top. she then reached for her own mobile phone, dialling a number she had used many times in the past as she walked towards the lift. kasim had his back to her as she walked into the lift, pressed the button and headed down to floor level. she could wait in the foyer until the taxi came, and if they were as quick and efficient as usual, that would only be a few minutes. a rather sleepy night porter pressed the security button for her in the foyer as the taxi arrived, blowing its horn loudly as it drew up outside. she noticed that kasim had come to the main door of the building just as her taxi drew away. he must have cut short his call and followed her down. glancing back, she saw that he had actually come out of the building and was staring after them, a look of annoyance on his face. cassie was torn between regret at what she might have experienced in his arms, and relief at her escape, which she knew would probably never have happened if he hadn't answered his phone.

she was very attracted to him in a physical way, cassie admitted as she sat back in her taxi – but what kind of a man was he really? she had felt that he was mocking her at their two previous meetings, and he certainly hadn't wasted a lot of time wooing her this evening. it had been business all the way until he had sent the others away, and then straight into the seduction. it was a practised routine that had worked well for him in the past no doubt. and she had almost gone along with it! perhaps most women were only too eager to fall into bed with him. he was obviously a very busy man, and maybe that was the only kind of relationship he had time for, but it wasn't what cassie wanted or needed. she had been hurt badly once, when she was still at college and just beginning to understand what men and women were all about. it was the classic case of a student falling for her teacher, and he had taken advantage. he had seduced her after taking her out to dinner one night and giving her too much wine. she had believed that he cared for her, but a couple of days later she'd seen him with his very pregnant wife, and she'd realized that she was just a little light relief in his life. she had broken all contact with him, making sure that she sat at the back of the room during his lectures, and refusing to let him talk to her when he tried to explain that he was going through a bad patch with his wife. it hadn't looked that way to cassie when she'd seen him hugging and kissing the lady! she would be all kinds of a fool to get involved with a man who wanted to use her for sex again, especially as she felt that kasim could be important to her. she had hoped that they might get to know one another during the course of a few visits he might pay to the yard, and then perhaps, if they really felt they had something in common, they might become lovers. it didn't have to be marriage. cassie was a girl of her time and she was aware that a lot of her friends had relationships that lasted a few months or on rare occasions, a few years. few of them actually got married, and hardly any of the girls she knew expected to meet someone they would love for the rest of their lives. it would be looking at life through rose-tinted glasses to imagine she might fall deeply in love and marry, living together with her partner for the rest of her life. her own parents had been happily married for more than thirty years, but she knew that even in their own circles they were the exception. it was what cassie would like in a dream world, but she lived in the real one.

she thought she would be willing to settle for something less permanent, but she did want there to be respect and at least warm affection on both sides. love was the ultimate dream, of course – but how often was that found these days? sighing, cassie got out of her taxi as it drew to a halt and paid the fare. she shivered a little in the cool breeze as she went into her own apartment building and ran up the stairs. she had always enjoyed living here on her own rather than sharing with other girls, but as she closed and locked the door behind her, she was aware of a sense of feeling lonely. perhaps she should have stayed with kasim after all… * kasim frowned as he returned to his apartment, cursing himself for being fool enough to leave his mobile switched on. usually when he planned an intimate interlude switching off was the first thing he did, but he hadn't been thinking clearly. it had irritated him that business had intruded into an evening he had meant to be private, and watching cassie enjoying herself with ben had caused him to have feelings that he was unwilling to acknowledge were jealousy. left suddenly alone with her, his usual cool detachment had deserted him and he'd found himself wanting to make love to her with an urgency that he had seldom experienced in the past. a wry smile touched his mouth as he realised that his approach had been clumsy, and more like that of a green youth than the sophisticated lover, who more often than not needed to avoid the sexual advances of beautiful women rather than seduce them. no wonder she had bolted, he thought and laughed at himself for being too eager. she had told him that she wasn't a shy virgin so it stood to reason that she had left because she didn't like being rushed, and then ignored. next time he would have to make sure there were no interruptions. that was if he got another chance, and he wasn't sure that she was as eager to fit into his lifestyle as most of the other women he met. he didn't have a great deal of time for commitment to a relationship, perhaps because up until now he hadn't found a woman that interested him enough to make time for her. cassie was different. reluctantly, because he couldn't forgive what she did for a living, he had come round to ben's idea of cassie during the evening, discovering that he found it fascinating to watch her laughing and

eating with his friend. they got on so easily, seemed to like each other and respond naturally, and he knew that ben was interested. what about his own feelings? kasim thought about it as he stripped off and walked into the shower, needing to cool off because he still wanted cassie, wanted her here in his bed, so much that it was nagging at him like a toothache. he accepted that she was lovely to look at, but he met beautiful women all the time, and most of them hardly drew a second look from him. what was it about cassie that had got under his skin? the cool water felt good cascading over his body as he creamed on the scented gel, smoothing it over a hard, lean body, the skin a soft olive tone, lightly sprinkled on his chest and lower belly with fine dark hair. he couldn't recall ever having felt jealous of a woman before, and it irked him. for pity's sake! he wasn't thinking of making it a permanent relationship. at first he had been curious about a woman who made a living by destroying other people's lives. he had expected to meet josh, having been informed that his daughter worked and lived in london. having been told what she did by his uncle, and asked to make sure that her father understood that there must be no revealing publicity, he had believed she would be one of those hardbitten journalists, a woman without a heart, totally committed to getting what she could out of life. the reality was a shock and at first he had refused to believe what his eyes and ears told him, that she was warm and natural, and totally desirable. he had deliberately provoked her, and the sparks had flown a couple of times, especially when she'd discovered his little masquerade. she had come at him with teeth and claws then, and his motive in kissing her had been less a desire to prevent the others from hearing what she was saying than an urgent need in him. it was a need that had intensified during that evening, and though the shower he'd just taken had controlled the physical manifestation of that desire, it was still there inside him, in his head, his thoughts going round and round like a fairground wheel. surely it was just physical? kasim shrugged on a light cotton dressing robe and began to prowl around the huge emptiness of his apartment, for the first time feeling vaguely dissatisfied with his life. after selima's death he had been like a wounded tiger, wanting to strip everything away that reminded him of her. as a child, after the death of his father in a terrible accident, kasim's uncle had taken him into his home, and it was in the enchanting little girl who clung to her new big brother that he had found his salvation. the

waste of such a precious life had made him angry, and he'd thrown himself into his chosen work with new vigour, building higher and higher as if he could somehow build a ladder for selima to come back to earth and to her loved ones. but deep down he knew that he couldn't bring back the little girl he had loved, the child who had given him her love and made him whole again. he had to put her death behind him, and move on – but how? that was the problem. he had forgotten how to do anything but work, and loving hurt too much to be repeated, so he made sure that women were just playthings, brief interludes in a hectic routine of work. but what was it all for? he already had more money than any one man could possibly want, and despite the charities he supported, it kept on growing relentlessly. so just what did he want of life? cassie had a hot bath and then made herself a drink of chocolate, taking it to bed with her, because she knew she wouldn't find it easy to get to sleep. she could work on something for the magazine but somehow she wasn't in the mood. if she were honest, her job had begun to seem less exciting of late and she had wondered if she should make a change. perhaps now was the time – or perhaps she was just feeling restless because she had walked out on the most thrilling man she'd met in a long time – in her whole life if she faced up to it. hunching her knees up to her chest, cassie sipped her drink and thought about what she wanted to do with her life. she loved writing, she just wasn't sure she enjoyed writing for a gossip magazine. yet what else could she do? her eye fell on a book she had picked up the day before she went to visit her parents. it was a thriller by an author she admired, and she'd read half of it, intending to take it with her, but in the rush to leave she'd left it behind. opening it now, she quickly became engrossed in the story and it was nearly two in the morning when she laid it down. the last thing in her mind as she turned out the light was – why not? why not give in her notice and take some time out to write the book she'd always thought she might write one day? cassie ate cornflakes for breakfast, using the longlife milk she always kept in for emergencies. she had a notebook and pen beside her on the table and

made a few notes as she chewed. the idea had been there in her head when she woke, and it wouldn't leave her be. it was ridiculous, of course. she knew how hard it was to get anything accepted these days. several journalists she'd met had moaned that they'd had their own books rejected – so why should she have any better luck? hearing the buzzer, she got up and wandered over to the intercom, pressing the button. 'cassandra livingston. who is it?' 'delivery of flowers for miss livingston.' flowers? who would be sending her flowers? she'd never been sent a bouquet in her life. 'i'll come down,' she said. there was no way she was going to let a stranger into the building without making certain he was a genuine delivery man. however, when she reached the entrance hall she saw that someone else had unlocked the main door and admitted kasim's driver, the man who had fetched her from the airport the previous evening. he was carrying a huge basket of flowers, exotic lilies, roses and freesias, which were some of her favourites. 'these are for you, miss livingston.' 'thank you – how lovely,' cassie said. 'i've never seen anything so exquisite.' she saw a card, took it out and read, forgive me. next time i'll do better – if you will let me, kasim. 'will you thank kasim for me please?' 'yes, miss. he told me to say i am available to drive you down to newmarket - if you wish?' 'that is very kind of you – of kasim,' cassie said. 'but i shall go on the train a little later.' 'just as you wish.' he tipped his cap to her and went out. cassie carried the basket of flowers upstairs. delighted as she was with the gift, she couldn't help wondering just what kasim had meant by his message. was there going to be a next time? and would she be foolish to get deeply involved with a man who turned her on like crazy, but whom she wasn't sure she could trust?

cassie went into the office to see maggie that morning. her friend stared at her with a mixture of surprise, disappointment and admiration as she offered a month's notice. 'i'm going to miss you like hell,' she said. 'but i think you have a lot of guts to go for what you want, cas. you know you can come back if you want – and i'll look at anything you care to send in freelance.' 'you're not going to try and talk me out of it?' 'would it do any good if i did?' cassie shook her head. 'then no, i'm not going to waste my breath. if i thought i could write a decent book i'd have done the same as you years ago.' 'i thought you loved what you do?' 'it's a living,' maggie said an odd look in her eyes. 'i wrote an article once and a young woman committed suicide because of it. i've never forgiven myself. that's the reason i make sure we never target anyone who can't take it.' 'oh, maggie,' cassie said and hugged her on impulse. 'i knew you were scrupulous but i didn't know why.' 'well, now you know.' maggie smiled. 'good luck – and you won't fade out of my life entirely, will you?' 'you should know better. i shall keep my apartment and when i've got writer's block i shall come and drink gallons of your coffee.' 'see that you do!' cassie laughed, hugged her again and left the office still smiling. maggie had given her a safety net to fall back on if she needed it, but hopefully she wouldn't, and of course she would continue to send in copy for the next month. feeling oddly free, cassie jumped in the nearest taxi and went home to pack a large suitcase. she would need a lot more clothes if she was going to help out at her father's yard for the next few weeks. 'hello, darling.' helen opened the door wide as cassie started bringing her stuff from the taxi. 'oh, what beautiful flowers!' 'i couldn't leave them in london. it would have been such a waste.' cassie

giggled. 'everyone kept looking at them on the train. someone asked me if i was going to a wedding. i felt like an idiot but i wasn't going to leave them behind.' 'did kasim send them to you?' helen asked as they entered the spacious hall. she took the basket and stood it on a shining oak coffer, where the flowers had the effect of bringing in the sunshine and perfume of a lovely garden. 'he telephoned me earlier this morning.' a look of excitement had come into her eyes. 'you will never guess what he suggested.' 'he hasn't changed his mind about bringing the sheikh's horses here?' 'oh no, nothing like that.' helen smiled at her daughter. 'your father is coming home tomorrow afternoon. the hospital is very pleased with his progress – and kasim has arranged for us to be taken on board his yacht the following day. he insists that your father needs a good rest before he starts training sheikh ali's string, and we're going on a ten-day cruise in the mediterranean. what do you think of that?' 'it is extraordinarily generous of him. you and dad could both do with a holiday. you haven't had one in ages.' 'you don't think it would be wrong to accept?' 'of course not, mum. kasim would be offended if you did. besides, i shall be here to hold the fort.' 'are you sure maggie won't mind?' 'everything is settled.' she wasn't going to tell her mother that she had given up her job for the moment, because it might worry her and spoil her pleasure in the cruise. 'i can see to what needs to be done here. it's really just sending our horses to tattersalls and then getting the stables thoroughly clean. dad will be home by the time the sheikh's horses arrive.' 'well, if you're sure…' helen's face lit up. 'i thought i might buy some new clothes. i could pop into newmarket town centre first thing in the morning.' 'go to jane's,' cassie advised. 'treat yourself to some really nice things, mum. if i can manage it i'll come with you, but i must be around if i'm needed here.' cassie took her suitcase upstairs to unpack. she glanced at herself in the mirror. did she look any different? she certainly felt it.

first the extravagant basket of flowers and now this wonderful surprise for her parents. kasim had gone to a lot of trouble to please. just why should he do that? the previous evening she had thought he intended a casual seduction, but now she had begun to wonder. the memory of his kiss was sweet, and she could still feel the touch of his hands at her breasts, her stomach clenching on a swirl of desire as she let herself remember. kasim was a busy man but perhaps he would make time to visit the stables again soon. cassie held her breath each time the phone rang that day but her mother took the calls and it was usually one of her friends or someone from the racing fraternity ringing to see how josh was getting on. she spent most of the evening making notes for the story she had thought of on waking, discovering that writing a full-length novel certainly wasn't going to be a walk in the park. it would take months of work but she could combine it with helping her father. once he was better and she was really into the book, she would go back to london. cassie slept well that night but woke early to take a look around the yard and discuss their timetable for the day. three of the horses had been sold privately and were due to be fetched that afternoon, the others would go to the sale ring the following week. 'we can make a start on giving the empty stables a thorough cleaning tomorrow,' cassie said. 'but if i'm not needed here this morning i shall take my mother shopping.' she returned to the house, did a quick change into a fresh denim skirt and a pink, clingy top, and got the car ready. the drive into town was short, past high, neatly clipped hedges that hid various stables from prying eyes. newmarket was often called the headquarters of the racing world and a lot of valuable bloodstock was grazing in those paddocks. newmarket was a pleasant busy little town with its fair share of shops, restaurants and a post office in the main street. there were several shops selling clothes, but cassie and her mother made straight for one that stocked the kind of clothes women bought for ascot and weddings.

they spent an hour and a half buying three new dresses, two summer skirts, a variety of tops and a smart pair of white slacks. 'i don't think i've ever spent so much money in my life, cas,' helen said as they left after paying for their purchases. 'then it's about time you did, mum. the clothes look good on you and i know dad thinks you don't spend enough on yourself.' 'i have been very careful recently. i was afraid we might be in trouble if we lost the yard.' 'thankfully, it looks as if that is settled,' cassie said as she swung the car into the lane leading past the stables. her heart missed a beat as she caught sight of the sports car parked there. it was the one kasim had been driving that first day. 'it seems as if we have company, mum.' 'yes. i wonder what we can give him for lunch,' helen said practically. 'that's if he has time to stay…' 'i had better walk down and see what he wants,' cassie remarked as she parked her own car. 'i'll ask him if he will stay and let you know. i've got my mobile.' leaving her mother to take her exciting parcels inside, cassie walked down to the yard. she saw that joe had led barmy out and that kasim was stroking the horse's neck, seeming very much at home. the two men turned their heads as she approached. 'ah, there you are,' kasim said his eyes moving over her in a way that made cassie tingle right down to her toes. 'have you been enjoying yourself?' 'we've been buying my mother some new clothes. it was very kind of you to offer my parents a trip on your yacht.' 'it gives the crew something to do,' kasim said, mischief lurking in his eyes – those blue, blue eyes that did wicked things to her libido. 'i've decided to make an offer for barmy. your father thinks he has potential and so do i.' 'that's great,' cassie said. 'it means we'll get to keep him if you are successful.' 'i always get what i want.' she looked into his eyes, feeling as if she were being sucked under in that

blue ocean. 'always?' she asked with a smile. 'always,' he said firmly. 'you are a very lucky man.' 'no, just determined.' cassie smiled but made no answer. when he smiled like that she found it difficult to breath let alone think up clever repartee. 'i have an appointment in cambridge this afternoon, cassie. will you come with me? we could have lunch at the garden house and then you could go shopping for an hour or so – unless you've had enough shopping for one day?' 'i can find something to do. but will you want to waste your time bringing me back?' 'it won't be a waste of time,' he said and the look in his eyes hit her somewhere in the ribs. 'i want to see your father again. besides, i have no appointments for the rest of the day.' 'then i accept with pleasure.' she was breathing normally again, but her stomach spiralled with desire. 'and thank you for those wonderful flowers. i brought them home with me.' 'on the train?' his eyebrows quirked in amusement as she nodded. 'i should have liked to see that.' 'you're not the only one. some of the other passengers found the sight highly amusing.' 'you should have let sam bring you.' 'yes, perhaps i should. shall we have coffee before we leave? i'll ring mum on my mobile while you finish up here.' she moved away to let her mother know what was going on and then returned to kasim. he opened the door of his car for her. it was almost new and smelled of leather when she slid inside. 'how many cars do you actually have?' 'about six at the last count,' kasim said. 'i drive this myself. the others are for

the convenience of people i employ or my guests. i prefer it to ordering taxis. speaking of which…' 'yes, i know. it was rude of me to leave like that without a word.' 'it was rude of me to answer the mobile,' kasim replied. 'i was going to say that i consider it unsafe for young women to ride alone in a taxi at night.' 'i've used them before. they are very trustworthy.' 'that makes it slightly better – but i must ask you to be careful in future, cassie. once it becomes known that you are my constant companion it could be unwise to trust strangers. i do not have any particular enemies, because i don't mix in politics, but there is always the risk of abduction. the friends of wealthy celebrities are sometimes held for ransom, though it often doesn't get near the papers. we prefer to keep that sort of thing private if at all possible.' 'am i going to be your constant companion?' cassie could only think of those particular words, the others didn't sink in, mainly because her chest had gone tight and her mouth was dry. 'if you would like to be,' kasim replied as he drew the car to a halt outside her home. 'i'll be honest with you. no one else has lasted more than a few days, cassie. my work intrudes too often for me to have enough time. i am not sure that i can offer the kind of relationship you would consider worthwhile, but i would like to get to know you better.' 'yes,' she agreed. 'that sounds good, kasim. the other night i was frightened by how swiftly things were moving. i don't go in for one-night stands.' 'that wasn't my intention. but you said i wouldn't be the first?' 'a very brief and unfortunate mistake with my tutor at college. i didn't even know he was married until i saw him with a woman who was very pregnant and someone told me that she was his wife.' 'i see.' kasim was thoughtful. 'that might be enough to put you off men for life?' cassie laughed, her long hair swinging back from her face. 'almost, but not quite.' she swung her long, slender legs out of the car as he opened the door for her.

how beautiful she looked when she laughed like that! there was a natural enthusiasm for life that was very appealing. kasim felt a surge of desire, but any plans for a swift seduction had just been trashed. she'd had one bad experience, she certainly didn't need another. a few days earlier he might not have cared but somehow he was reluctant to hurt her. ben had been speaking the truth when he'd said that it wasn't fair to blame cassie for the article that had devastated his family. 'so we'll take things a little more slowly?' 'just for a while,' cassie said feeling suddenly shy. her body was melting in the heat of his look and she wanted him, wanted to be close to him, to feel the lean hardness of his body pressed close to hers. 'that's if you won't find it too boring?' 'i doubt i shall feel bored around you, cassie.' frustrated, angry, jealous – but not bored. she smiled but made no reply and when her mother came to welcome them and say that coffee was ready, she took the opportunity to slip upstairs and change into smart slacks and a silk shirt. the garden house hotel was a treat and she wanted to feel right. her eyes were bright with excitement as she looked at herself in the mirror. she had thought her chances of anything happening between them had gone after she walked out on him, but now the future looked promising. she wondered what kasim would say if he knew that she was actually longing to try out that jacuzzi with him! they ate what was for kasim a long leisurely lunch, though most of the time was spent talking business. kasim had a tight schedule worked out and wanted to start moving as soon as the yard was ready to take his uncle's string. 'we shall do a specialist clean after the other horses leave,' cassie said. 'though we've been free of infection for a long time, but you can't be too careful.' 'no, that's why i want to get a state of the art security system installed. i know your own security has been adequate up until now, but for the horses my uncle will be stabling with you we need more. there are people around who think nothing of stealing a horse and holding it to ransom. it has

happened in the past, though we kept it out of the papers.' 'yes, of course. i am sure my father would want you to have complete freedom in that respect.' 'the first horse i want to bring down is very special.' kasim told her. 'dawn lady was a classic winner herself, as you probably remember, and a favourite of my uncle's. at the moment she is in foal.' 'should she be moved?' 'she isn't due for a month. your father will be back long before then,' kasim assured her. 'and i'm not satisfied with her present conditions. the reason my uncle chose to move to your father was because we trust him to go to extra trouble for a horse that needs it. when you told me what your father did for jester, i knew we had made the right decision.' 'i thought you had decided i was too sentimental?' kasim's eyes teased her. 'i wasn't sure about you, cassie, but your father's methods had my complete approval.' if he kept looking at her that way, cassie wasn't sure how long she could wait before jumping into that jacuzzi with him! 'and am i still on trial now?' 'let's say that were both on trial, shall we?' cassie nodded, sipping her wine. so was that a yes or a no? cassie spent an hour at the main library in the lion yard, doing some research on various aspects of the book she was planning to write. it was going to be a country house murder, and there were things she needed to know about police methods, forensic tests and court procedures. she made a list of books she would need to do her research in full, and then headed back to the hotel. kasim arrived some twenty minutes later. he glanced at his watch and frowned as he saw she was drinking tea. 'have i kept you waiting long?' 'no, not long at all. i had finished what i wanted to do so i came back to wait for you. this is a lovely spot. i've been watching those ducks on the river bank and thinking.'

she had a notebook on the table in front of her in which she had been writing, but she closed it as he sat beside her, feeling slightly conscious. as yet she had told only one other person of her plans, because she wasn't sure she would actually be able to do it when it came down to it. 'have you been busy?' 'i've been doing some research.' 'for your work?' 'yes, in a way,' she said and smiled at him. 'did your meeting go well?' 'it was straightforward,' kasim replied a little coolly. 'i'm part of a consortium that wants to build a big leisure complex with a new luxury hotel, swimming pool, gym, golf course and tennis facilities.' 'oh, i hadn't heard about that,' cassie said interested. 'it sounds exactly what the area needs. will it be in cambridge or somewhere outside?' 'we are in negotiations for buying land outside the city,' kasim told her with a slight frown. 'we have preliminary planning approval, but as yet nothing is settled.' 'well, i wish you lots of luck with it,' cassie said. 'shall i order tea for you or shall we go?' 'i'm ready to leave if you are.' cassie stood up at once, picking up her bag and knocking her notepad to the floor. kasim picked it up for her, glancing at the open page. he saw the words police and courtroom in bold handwriting before closing it and returning it to her. 'something important?' 'just some notes i may need,' cassie said. 'it's for something i'm writing – at least i may be writing. i'm not quite sure just yet.' 'you write reports for your boss perhaps?' 'yes, sometimes,' cassie agreed because it was true. she bit her lip, realising that she couldn't go on hiding things from him. if he found out he would be furious. surely he knew her well enough by now to know she wouldn't harm his uncle, for she would be harming her father at the same time. 'i ought to have told you before, kasim. i sometimes write articles for a gossip

magazine – but before you throw up your hands in horror, i never write anything that isn't already in the public domain, and i usually do interviews with celebrities with their full permission. i wouldn't dream of writing anything about anyone i knew personally, and i certainly wouldn't risk alienating your uncle by writing about his private affairs.' 'you know that if you did, i would immediately take steps to remove my uncle's horses from your care.' kasim's eyes were on her, but she had a feeling that her revelation hadn't come as a surprise to him. 'yes, of course, but i wouldn't do it anyway. my father made it quite clear when i began writing for the magazine that i was never to use anything that came to me by way of being his daughter. he hears a lot of stuff in the racing world, and some of it gets repeated in my hearing. i have never used it. maggie wouldn't ask me to. she is very scrupulous.' 'that is not my experience of maggie grant,' kasim said coldly, confirming cassie's suspicion that he had known who she worked for all the time. 'she once wrote an article that had devastating effects on my family.' 'maggie…' cassie stared at him in dismay. 'was that girl something to do with you? maggie told me that she would never forgive herself for what happened – a young girl committed suicide over an exposé she wrote.' she saw disbelief in his eyes and laid a hand on his arm. 'really, she does regret it terribly, kasim. she was young and her editor wanted something sensational. if she had known what would happen…' 'she ruined my niece's life. selima couldn't bear the shame so she killed herself. it devastated our whole family.' 'yes, of course it would,' cassie said and her eyes stung with tears. 'believe me, i would never do anything like that, and i know maggie is very sorry that she ever did. she is really very nice.' 'i hope you haven't told her anything about us?' 'no, of course not. please don't be angry, kasim. i promise i shall never betray you in that way.' they were standing outside in the sunshine now, but there was a cool breeze from the river. he nodded, his expression relaxing slightly. 'i am sorry if i sound harsh, cassie, but selima meant a great deal to us all – and to me particularly. i have never forgiven your friend for what she did,

and it killed something in me.' 'i understand, of course i do,' cassie said. 'but if you knew maggie – if you could bear to meet her – you would know that she isn't really bad. she made a mistake, and anyone can do that once.' 'perhaps,' he said, a nerve flicking at his temple. 'but i'm not a very forgiving sort of man, cassie. perhaps you should know that before we go too far. i expect loyalty and i reward it – betrayal i punish.' 'if i ever betray you i'll take my punishment and accept it,' she said. 'i can't beg you to believe me, kasim. i can only ask you not to punish my father for what i do as a living.' 'if i had wanted to do that i would have told my uncle that the yard simply wasn't suitable,' he said. 'ben said i was wrong to blame you for something that you didn't do, and if i reserved judgement for a while i'm sorry. it isn't in my nature to be too trusting. i'm afraid life hasn't been that easy for me – but now that i know you a little better, i do trust you to keep your word.' 'shall we just leave it at that for now?' cassie asked as he opened the door for her to get into his car. 'words never prove anything of themselves in my experience. you will understand me better when you really know me.' 'i am beginning to know you,' he said and smiled, leaning forward to kiss her softly on the lips, 'and i am beginning to like what i know very much.' 'good,' she said and grinned, 'because personally, i can't wait to know you very much better.' kasim laughed as he closed the door on her, and then jumped into the driver's seat, but he didn't say anything more. he was glad she had told him at last, and as far as he was concerned it was a closed door. when they got back to the house, it was to discover that josh was out of hospital and looking fine. he had managed to hobble round the yard with the aid of crutches, despite his wife's protests, and he was full of enthusiasm for kasim's ideas for the new security system. 'tell me exactly how it works,' he said. 'if we have need to press that button what happens next? i hope we don't set off a terrible shrieking noise that will upset the horses?' 'no, it doesn't work that way,' kasim told him as they sat drinking coffee in

the pleasant parlour. 'there will be just two lights in the yard – green means it is set in neutral and red means it has been activated. that is all you will ever see and you hear nothing. a buzzer will sound in your office in the house to alert you or your wife that there is some trouble, but it is also connected to a private security firm. they will know immediately where the trouble is and contact the local police. we have the same system in all our buildings, just in case, though so far we've never had cause to use it.' 'what happens if someone sets it off by accident?' cassie asked. 'a key will be kept in josh's office,' kasim replied. 'you can use that to turn it off, but before that you make a phone call to the number i shall give you and tell them it was a false alarm. if that doesn't happen within five minutes all hell will break loose. we have special arrangements with the police, which will be extended to include your stables, josh.' 'it makes life a bit complicated for you, doesn't it?' cassie said frowning. 'you don't have bodyguards, kasim. i didn't realise you needed this kind of security.' 'my uncle has them all the time,' kasim replied. 'but his case is different because he is the head of state of his own country, and though we may not be as big or important as kuwait or saudi arabia, we have important resources of oil. my uncle spends much of his time in his own state, of course, though he loves england. his wife shulie practically lives in harrods and harvey nichols when she is staying in london.' 'i love them too but only to browse,' helen said and laughed. 'i buy a few of the special chocolates and treats from their food hall, but the clothes are too expensive.' 'shulie is spoiled and she knows it,' kasim said, smiling oddly. 'my uncle married her last year. his first wife died some years ago and he had been lonely after…' he broke off his eyes meeting cassie's. 'but shulie keeps him happy, and money is for spending, isn't it?' 'oh yes, i am sure it is,' helen said. 'would you like some more coffee – or a piece of that cake i made this afternoon? it is to a special recipe using almonds, honey and vegetable fat.' 'then i shall try just a small piece, helen,' he replied. 'but i think cassie was right, your cooking should carry a health warning – it would make us all greedy if we gave way to it.'

helen smiled and served him the cake. 'cassie isn't a bad cook, but she doesn't give herself time. she is always in a rush to do something else.' 'young girls…' kasim said, his eyes flashing wicked mischief at cassie. she put her chin in the air, but it gave her a warm feeling inside to know that he was openly teasing her. when he relaxed like this he was a wonderful, warm person, and she liked him very much. she had seen the other side of him earlier that afternoon, and it made her tremble inside. kasim had warned her he was not a forgiving person and she could imagine what he might be like if anyone betrayed him. but she wasn't going to do that! she had no reason to hurt him, and she wasn't the vindictive sort anyway. ' i must be going i'm afraid,' kasim said as he finished his coffee. 'i wish i could stay here longer, but i have appointments back to back for the next few days. in fact, i shifted some of today's appointments to tomorrow so that i could spend time here. now i have to heed the call of duty.' his eyes moved to cassie, dwelling on her as she met his gaze. 'would you walk to the car with me, cassie?' 'yes, of course,' she said and got to her feet. 'i'm sorry you have to go, but i know how busy you are.' they walked outside together, kasim standing with his keys in his hand, obviously reluctant. 'i have an evening full of appointments,' he said. 'if i asked you to come i couldn't spend more than a few minutes with you, and i don't want it to be like that for us, cassie.' 'don't worry about it. i can wait.' 'can you? i am not sure that i can.' his hot gaze sent shivers down her spine and she swayed towards him as he reached out for her, pulling her close, his mouth closing over hers, caressing her lips in a way that spoke of his hunger. 'but i really have to go. i sneaked off today and my secretary nearly had a heart attack rescheduling.' 'then you must go,' she said and reached up to touch his face. 'ring me if you can – and come down when you have a few hours free.' 'i'll make time,' he promised. 'probably this weekend, cassie. i'm sorry if i put you through the third degree this afternoon – but i have to be careful for my

uncle's sake. the last thing i want is a scandal of any kind.' 'yes, of course. if it happens, it won't be through me. i promise you that, kasim.' 'there's no need,' he said and stroked her cheek with the tip of his fingers. 'i'm glad we got it out into the open, but now it's over. all we have to think about is the future – our future. i think that maybe we have one, cassie…' she stood back as he got into the car, watching as he drove away, his hand rising to salute her in the mirror. was he serious? her heart was racing as she waved to him, the wind blowing her hair across her face as he disappeared behind high hedges and vanished from her sight. did they really have a future together? the idea made her tingle with pleasure. she knew deep down inside why it meant so much, because she had fallen in love with him. it had happened the moment she first saw him, though she hadn't recognised the signs because she had never loved a man before. her brief affair had been just a young girl away from home trying her wings; this was something different and she could feel a bubble of happiness beginning to swell inside her. kasim called her at half past eleven that night. she had given him her mobile number and she had it lying on the bed beside her so that, having set it to mute, she would feel it vibrate if it rang. 'cassie speaking…' 'my meeting has just ended. i still have some transatlantic calls to make but i wanted to hear your voice. i wish you were here.' 'i wish you were with me.' 'where are you?' 'in bed.' 'then i wish i was there,' kasim said, making her tingle with a sudden rush of desire. 'i'll take that picture with me when i finally get there and i'll see you as soon as i can, cas.' 'don't work too hard, kasim.' 'i don't know how to do anything else.'

cassie looked at her phone as it went dead. would they ever be able to have a proper relationship? kasim's life was geared up around work and by his own admission he didn't know how to relax. could he learn or would they only ever have minutes or hours snatched out of the routine of his life? she put the phone under her pillow and switched out the light, turning over on her side to sleep. there was no point in worrying about it. she had fallen in love with him, and all she could do was take each day as it came. cassie saw her parents off the next morning. kasim had sent one of his fleet of limousines for them, and they would be waited on like royalty for the next few days so she knew she had no need to worry about either of them. her mother was excited, though her father kept giving her last minute instructions, all of which he had already told her the previous evening. in the end she gave him a little push towards the car. 'go, dad! there is nothing that joe and i can't take care of. you will be home before the sheikh's horses arrive, so stop worrying and enjoy yourself.' josh laughed, kissed her cheek and got into the car with his wife. cassie waved them off and then walked down to the yard to check on the horses. the three empty stables were wide open and the brickwork was being steam cleaned, which would ensure they were ready for their new occupants, and was something her father often did when he was taking on new horses – just in case, as he always said. joe ambled over to have a word, and they chatted about the sale the next week. ten horses were going under the hammer, but barmy wouldn't be one of them. 'that mr ahmed is a fast worker,' joe said, removing his cap to scratch his thatch of dark ginger hair. 'i thought barmy would have to go under the hammer with the others, but it seems he's managed to persuade mr trevor to sell to him directly.' 'perhaps he made him an offer he couldn't refuse,' cassie said and giggled, but joe didn't recognise the allusion to the mafia film and nodded sagely. 'i daresay as you're right, cassie. he's a rich man so they say.' 'is there anything you think may be a problem?' cassie asked. her father would have understood the joke at once, though not many others shared her wicked sense of humour. it was one of the reasons she'd never found anyone

she wanted to settle down with! 'do we have any horses racing this week?' 'there's a couple at goodwood this saturday,' joe said. 'just small events, nothing important, but mr trevor wants to be there for one last time.' 'and will you be going?' 'yes, if that's all right with you?' 'why not? i shall be here. i can come down and check everything is ok for once. yes, you go. it will be nice for you to say goodbye to mr trevor – and say a big thank you from all of us for the last few years. they have been good ones for us all.' 'that's it,' joe said and smiled at her. 'right. i'll get back to the office then and go through the post.' she walked slowly back towards the house, enjoying the warm sunshine. there was no cool breeze today and it felt like summer, though it was still only may. as she walked into the office, the phone was ringing. 'cassie livingston speaking…' 'cas,' kasim's voice sounded slightly annoyed, impatient. 'why is your mobile switched off?' 'is it?' she felt in her jeans pocket and then swore under her breath. 'i never do as a rule; it must have happened by accident because these jeans are tight. have you been ringing me long? i've just been down to the yard.' 'several times. listen, i've got meetings all day and i may not get another chance to talk to you – but i wanted to tell you, we're sending dawn lady down to you today.' 'that's sooner than you expected isn't it?' 'one of the other horses at the present stables has developed a cough,' kasim said. 'dawn lady has been kept away from the rest of them for a couple of weeks as a precaution so she should be fine, but we want to make sure there are no slip ups. can you warn joe she is coming and find a place for her?' 'yes, of course. there are three empty stables that have just been given a thorough clean, and we'll use the one at the end. it's a bit larger than some of the others, and away from the main block. but all our horses are healthy so

she shouldn't be at risk here.' 'that's what i was relying on. sorry to pop this on you so suddenly, cas. did your parents get away all right?' 'yes, in style. mum was excited. dad had to be shoved into the car, but everything is under control. don't worry. dawn lady will be fine. it won't be the first time we've had a precious lady as a resident.' 'i can think of at least one other,' he said and the sudden gravel in his voice made her aware of raw desire. she wanted him here now, that minute, but there was no point in asking for the moon. 'i have to go now, darling, but i shall be there without fail on saturday. i'll ring you this evening if i can – it may be late.' 'that's ok, i'm going to sit up and watch some of my father's video collection. oh, one other thing, kasim. the men are working on that security system. they say it will be up and running by this evening.' 'i'm glad about that,' he said. 'it will make things easier for your staff if there should ever be trouble, not that it is likely to happen.' 'just in case, as dad says,' cassie giggled. 'by the way, did you make mr trevor an offer he couldn't refuse?' she heard kasim chuckle at the other end and knew he had understood. 'not quite, but i might have if he hadn't been so happy to oblige. seems he was thinking of selling the horse to your father, because he wanted josh to continue training him even though he couldn't carry on himself. when i told him barmy would remain with josh, he was very happy to accept my offer.' 'dad will be pleased and so am i.' 'keep being pleased with me and i'll be with you soon.' 'it can't be soon enough for me.' kasim's phone had gone dead and she wasn't sure whether he had heard her last statement or not. but it was important that joe knew what was going on so she gave him a ring on his mobile and told him to expect dawn lady at any time. then she went into the kitchen and made a jug of coffee, taking it into the office as she got down to work. she wrote up the report for the yard, made a note that dawn lady was expected that day, answered her father's post

and wrote out cheques for the bills, which her father had already signed. wandering into the kitchen again, she cut herself a piece of the quiche her mother had made the previous day, and sliced some tomatoes and cucumber, taking the food back to the office to eat while she continued her work. she had just finished eating when joe rang to say that dawn lady had arrived. she took her empty plate into the kitchen, and then walked down to the yard. the mare was just being walked a little before being shown her new stable. she seemed slightly restive and cassie noticed that she was sweating. it wasn't unusual for horses to be nervous when transported to a new home, but cassie was concerned because this mare was special. 'keep her walking gently, joe,' she said. 'i think i'll ask the vet to come and have a look at her, just in case.' 'yes, i was thinking much the same myself,' joe said. 'i'm sure she will be all right when she gets used to us, but it's best not to take risks.' cassie rang for the vet straight away. she was lucky. he had just that second come in from making another call and said he would pop down at once. cassie went back to the horse, stroking her and feeling her tremble. she was certainly nervous, more nervous than she should be after a simple journey. there might just be a problem here and cassie was relieved when the vet's landrover drove into the yard. dawn lady snorted, moving uneasily and rolling her eyes, but she quieted again as cassie stroked her neck. the vet's examination was quick, thorough and gentle. he nodded to himself a few times, and then looked at cassie. 'i should say this mare will deliver in a couple of days, not longer than a week. whoever sent her took a risk. she ought not to have been moved so near her time.' 'but they thought she wasn't due for a month,' cassie said. 'i'm sure they would never have moved her if they thought it might endanger her. she is very precious, and not just in terms of money.' 'well, i am pretty certain i'm right,' simon rush said. 'you need to keep a careful eye on this lady, cassie. i'm surprised your father didn't know that the minute he set eyes on her.' 'my father went on holiday this morning,' cassie said, feeling a sinking sensation. 'i'm looking after the stables for a few days. we didn't expect any complications.'

'well, you'll have to keep a strict watch over her,' simon said. 'if you need me call me, even if it is in the middle of the night. i am always available to you, cassie. i'll give her a mild sedative, which should help her to settle – but make sure you don't leave her for more than an hour or so without checking she is all right.' 'yes, of course we will,' cassie said, watching as the mare was given the injection. it took a few minutes before she stopped sweating, but then she seemed to be much quieter and was perfectly happy to be led into her new stable. 'we shall have to be very careful, cassie,' joe said. 'i think i ought to cancel my trip to goodwood this weekend. i'll send the head lad in my place.' 'let's wait and see how she is,' cassie said. 'she may have recovered by then – or she may have had her foal. it's a pity if you have to stay here, but if we're still anxious about her then you must.' 'i couldn't leave you in the lurch,' joe said and smiled. 'don't you worry, we'll manage.' 'i know we shall,' cassie told him, but she couldn't help being a little worried. it would be dreadful if anything happened to dawn lady or her foal soon after their arrival. walking back to the house, she tried ringing kasim on his mobile but it was engaged. she rang six times throughout the afternoon with the same result. it was impossible! so in the end she gave up. besides, there was nothing kasim could do. she knew that he was busy and miles away. they would just have to cope as best they could. cassie returned to the yard at about six that evening. she had arranged for joe to go home, have his evening meal and then come back at about nine that night. he had insisted that he would stay at the yard overnight to watch over the mare, but cassie had been equally insistent that he must go home for a few hours first. 'how is she now?' 'she seems a little bit edgy to me,' joe said looking worried. 'she was fine for a while, but she's been sweating again, moving about a lot. i'm not sure i should leave her, cassie.'

'i'm here. i've been around when a mare is giving birth before, joe. i know what happens. if i think she needs help i shall be on the phone to you and the vet straightaway.' 'all right. i'll get off home but i'll be back as soon as i've had my supper.' cassie nodded. she stood talking to the mare for several minutes, stroking her nose and feeling her tremble, but she had stopped sweating and there was no other visible sign that she was about to give birth. cassie took a walk around the rest of the stables. a couple of the girls were just finishing up for the evening, and she had a few words with them, then stood talking to barmy for a few minutes. she fed him a piece of apple she had brought for him in her pocket, then walked back to dawn lady's stable. at once she could see that there had been a change. the mare had moved further into her stable, and as cassie opened the door to look at her she saw that her sides were heaving, her eyes rolling as she snorted, clearly in some trouble. kasim would be so upset if anything happened to the mare and so would josh! she mustn't let them down. her heart racing, cassie dialled joe's home, told his wife that she needed him at once, and then rang the vet. his wife told her that he was already on the way to the stable. 'simon thought he would just call in and have a look at that mare, cassie. he was a bit worried about her earlier, with your father being away.' 'oh, thank goodness,' cassie said as she saw the vet's landrover pull into the yard. 'he's here, thank you.' she shut down, switching off her mobile, because she was probably going to have to help the vet if the signs were what she feared, and she didn't want it going off at the wrong moment. simon rush came towards her, picking up her frantic vibes without needing to ask. he looked at the mare, which was now lying in the straw of her stable. her sides were heaving and it was clear that she was about to give birth within a very short time. 'it's a good thing i came,' he said. 'i had a bit of a hunch earlier that it might be as soon as this evening.' 'i was just ringing valerie,' cassie said relief sweeping over her. 'thank goodness you're here, simon. i was just about to panic.'

'i doubt it,' he said and smiled at her. she was such a warm, giving girl and he understood what this meant to her and her family 'besides, i think our princess knows exactly what she's about. all she needs is a little bit of help.' for the next half an hour cassie was on autopilot, doing everything the vet asked of her, too concerned to think of anything but the mare and kasim's feelings if anything untoward happened. joe arrived as soon as he could. he had rushed straight back but he'd had a puncture on the way, and was so apologetic that cassie felt sorry for him. 'don't worry,' she said after he'd apologised for the fourth time. 'look at her, she's a star. she's doing it all by herself.' and apart from a little help supplied by the vet, that's exactly what dawn lady did, delivering her foal in a sudden whoosh that took cassie's breath away. the vet wiped some of the membrane away, and then left it to the mother to finish off. he gave her an injection to combat infection, and then nature's miracle took place before their eyes, and the mare was on her feet, nosing her foal, licking it clean and staring at them as if she wondered what all the fuss was about. 'oh, look,' cassie whispered, watching as the tiny filly nuzzled at its mother looking for milk. her throat caught and her eyes were misty. 'isn't that just the most beautiful thing you ever saw?' 'it's pretty special,' simon rush agreed and smiled as he saw her face light up with delight. it was a pleasure to do anything for cassie, because she was such a lovely person. 'what are you going to call her?' 'little darling for her stable name,' cassie said, 'because she is and she was so little trouble to deliver. but of course her proper name will be up to her owner.' 'well, they will both be fine now,' the vet assured her. 'i'll call in to take a look sometime tomorrow, and it would be as well to keep an eye on her every few hours, but i'm sure she will be all right.' 'yes, i'm sure she will,' cassie agreed. 'you are a good brave girl, lady, and your baby is beautiful.' they all left the stable, because the last thing the mare wanted now was human beings crowding her. she needed to be alone to bond with her foal, and there was nothing they could do that she couldn't manage alone.

'would you like me to stay around for a while?' joe asked as the vet drove off. 'i think she will be ok as simon said, but i can find some tack to clean or something.' 'no, there's no need,' cassie assured him with a smile. 'i shall walk down and look at her a couple of times this evening, but if you could come in half an hour early in the morning – just to be safe?' 'yes, of course. i'll be here by five at the latest. and don't worry. you did the right thing. it was those idiots the other end; they should have seen the signs, because there must have been some before they sent her off.' 'yes, i think they ought to have known,' cassie said. 'goodnight then, joe.' she had a last walk around the stable, then headed back to the house. as she went in, she took out her mobile and switched on. it rang before she had time to catch her breath, and she saw kasim's name flash up on the screen. her heart gave a little jolt. she had wonderful news for him. 'i was just about to ring you.' 'why did you switch off again? i've been ringing for ages.' 'we had a bit of a crisis…' 'are you all right?' 'fine. i'm glad to say dawn lady and her foal are both fine, too.' 'what?' cassie laughed, the warm gurgle sending reassuring vibes down the line to the man on the other end. 'yes, it came as a bit of a shock to us too. she was sweating and unhappy when she arrived so i called the vet. simon came over immediately and said he thought she might foal within a couple of days, but just after joe left to have his supper, i noticed that she was in a bit of distress. fortunately, simon was on his way and he got there in time to assist her. i didn't have to do much, except hand him things – but it gave me a fright.' 'good grief. those damned fools must have known before they sent her!' 'yes, i think they ought to have realised something was wrong. and someone got their dates mixed up – that filly is full term if i'm any judge, and i've seen quite a few new-born foals.'

'i'm sorry you were put through that, cassie. i had no idea. we were assured it wouldn't be for another month – but they've been messing up a lot recently and that's why we decided to make the change.' 'well, it all turned out well. dawn lady is great and so is little darling.' 'is that what you're calling her?' there was a warm, husky chuckle in his voice and she knew he was pleased with her news. 'is she lovely?' 'beautiful. you will love her when you see her, kasim.' 'i can't wait – and i can't wait to see you. i've been dying of frustration all day. i feel like getting in my plane and flying down this evening – but i have another meeting scheduled in half an hour.' 'it will soon be saturday.' 'i'm not sure i can wait.' cassie laughed. 'you're as bad as dawn lady. she was in a hurry to get it over with.' 'that's not what i had in mind. i want to relish every moment when i do actually get you to myself,' his voice was throaty, sending shivers down her spine. 'i've been thinking about you all the time, cassie, and that doesn't give me much rest. i don't know what it is about you, darling, but you've got under my skin.' cassie laughed softly, her eyes bright with naughty humour. 'if you keep talking like this, i shan't get much sleep either.' 'good,' he said. 'you can lie there and think about me instead. by the way, what do you wear in bed?' 'the same as marilyn…' she heard kasim's laughter and knew that he had picked up her train of thought. 'it's called dune…' 'by christian dior i think?' kasim's voice was a caress, as if his hands were stroking her from hip to thigh, making her tremble inside. 'oh, god, i want you, cassie. i want to feel you lying close to me, to touch you, kiss you… have you.' he groaned and she could hear a ringing sound in the background. 'i've got to go, but i'll be with you as soon as i can on saturday. say hello to little darling for me.' 'i'll be walking down to take a look at her later this evening,' cassie said.

'simon told me she and her mother will be fine, but i want to make certain. i'll see you soon, kasim.' 'there's a call on the other line. it's business. i have to go.' kasim shut down, and cassie ended the call. she laid her phone down on the table as she wandered into the kitchen and made herself a sandwich. the house seemed big and empty, and she realised that she had never been here alone at night before. she wasn't nervous because she was used to living alone, but she felt oddly lonely. perhaps it was because she wanted to be with kasim. the sound of his voice made her feel so alive that when she wasn't with him everything else seemed dull and meaningless, which wasn't a very hopeful outlook for the future. she knew that at the moment she was becoming important to him, and she believed it might last for a while, because he really did sound sincere – but even so he would be away from her such a lot of the time. that was the problem with falling for a successful tycoon. she took her coffee into the sitting room and looked through her father's extensive collection of videos, discovering a new one that she hadn't seen. it looked interesting, because she shared his love of thrillers in films as well as books. she would watch this and then walk down to the yard to check up on dawn lady. cassie paid three visits to dawn lady's stable that night, but mare and foal were doing fine, and at half-past twelve she tumbled into bed. kasim hadn't rung again and she was feeling a bit low, but fell asleep almost immediately. she had pleasant dreams that made her murmur kasim's name but on waking the dreams had vanished and she was aware of an ache deep inside her because she was missing him. and that was ridiculous! she'd never really had him, hardly knew him, but already he had become a huge part of her life. the morning was grey and overcast, making her feel that it was going to be a long day but in fact a heavy post and a walk down to the stables took up the pre-lunch hours. joe told her they had had barmy out on the heath early that morning, and that he was doing well. joe was playing it down but she could see that he was excited about the sheikh's horses coming to the yard, and to saying goodbye

to their previous owner the next day. 'are you sure you can manage here, cassie?' 'of course i can, joe. the boys and girls will do their work as usual and i'll keep an eye on things after they've gone. what time should i expect you back?' 'it will probably be late. i might travel on sunday if there's a bit of a party.' 'yes, that sounds sensible. we don't want you up before the magistrate for drunk driving in charge of a horsebox!' 'as if i would!' belatedly, joe realised that she was teasing and laughed. 'still you can't be too careful. i shan't have more than a couple of beers but it's best to be safe.' 'yes, of course.' cassie wanted to giggle but she kept a straight face as she walked back to the house. her mobile shrilled as she was making coffee and she smiled as she saw it was kasim, a feeling of pleasure invading her. 'cassie?' he said sounding urgent. 'i'm sorry but something has come up. i may not be able to get down on saturday until late…' 'oh, that's a pity. i was looking forward to showing you little darling in the morning.' 'this is something i want you to keep to yourself, cas, but my uncle is flying in tomorrow. he will probably want to see the foal so i should expect a visit on sunday morning. i shall have to meet him when he arrives, but if i can get away i'll be down during saturday evening.' 'oh…' cassie felt a spasm of nerves in her stomach. entertaining the sheikh wasn't how she had hoped to be spending the weekend. 'yes, of course. i imagine he is very excited about the foal?' 'very. furious with the idiots who put dawn lady and the foal at risk, but very pleased with you, and looking forward to meeting you.' 'he does understand that my father isn't here?' 'yes, of course. don't be nervous of meeting him, cas. he is rather a gentle man actually, and i shall be there to protect you.'

'promise – that you'll be here, not necessarily to protect me.' he heard the giggle in her voice and she knew he was smiling from the tone of his own. 'what would you rather i did with you?' 'well you could start off with kissing my toes and then work up.' he was silent for a moment, 'have i said something wrong?' 'i was lost in contemplation,' he said. 'if my uncle hadn't asked me to arrange certain things for him i would fly down there tonight.' 'i've always thought that the things you wait for are the best,' cassie murmured wickedly. 'like christmas morning…do you have presents at christmas, kasim? i don't really know anything about you.' 'you soon will,' he promised her. 'and yes, when my mother was alive we had presents at christmas. my father's was a marriage of mixed religions. my mother didn't convert, and he didn't ask her to – and later, we had a sort of celebration, but different. in my uncle's house any time is a good time for giving presents, and he sees christmas purely in that light.' 'he sounds lovely.' 'he can be to those he likes. i'm afraid this is a quick call, cassie, but i promise i will come on saturday evening. once i've seen my uncle, told him all he needs to know, then i'll fly down and be with you.' 'i shall be waiting for you.' 'wearing dune i hope?' 'and what else?' 'that i leave entirely to you…' kasim was laughing as he switched off. cassie smiled to herself. she had hoped that kasim would arrive early on saturday, and it meant another few hours of waiting, but it sounded as if it would be worth the wait. just like christmas, when she got to unwrap her presents! when joe heard in confidence that the sheikh was paying them a visit on sunday, he told cassie that he would be back late that evening. 'i shan't risk driving back on sunday,' he said. 'i'll be back tonight and i shan't drink anything that is remotely alcoholic, cassie, so you needn't worry.'

'joe, you are the least of my worries,' she assured him. 'have a good day. i shan't lock the yard gates, you can do that after you get back – but i shall walk down once or twice just to make sure everything is all right.' 'you do know how to work the new alarm system, don't you?' 'i think so – but it won't hurt to show me again,' cassie said and watched as he opened the little box on the inside of the stall they were standing in. 'so it can't be set off by the horses then? i see, you just open that and press the red button. that's simple enough.' 'it couldn't be easier,' joe said. 'that's the beauty of this system. if you do have any reason to be worried just press it, cassie. it is always best to be safe.' 'i've been brought up with that motto,' cassie told him with a grin. 'it is impressed into my mind in letters of fire.' she was laughing inside as she walked back to the house. joe was worse than her father, always meticulous in checking everything, always careful – but that was why they valued him so much. she was glad he was going to have a day out at the races, because he deserved it. she was sure that there was nothing to worry about. after all, the stables were half-empty and dawn lady was thriving. there really was nothing to concern her. except what to wear when kasim arrived… kasim made one hurried phone call to tell her he would be there by about nine that evening, but there was none of the pillow talk she had come to expect, and she thought he must be with someone. the day was pleasant but seemed endless. cassie was longing for the hours to pass so that she could be with kasim, but tried to be patient. she spent some time talking to the boys and girls at the yard when she paid them their wages. they were a happy crowd who loved what they did and worked well together. 'i saw that bobbie mills,' juliet told her just as she was leaving that evening. 'he kept asking questions about the yard, cassie, asked me what was going on up here. i told him to get lost – but i'd watch out for him if i were you. he hates joe for sacking him and i think he might try to cause trouble.' 'i doubt if he will dare come here,' cassie said and waved them off as they set out on their bikes.

she wandered up to the house, made herself a coffee but didn't eat anything, because she had some nice salads in the fridge that she hoped to be sharing with kasim later that evening. she watched the news at seven on the twentyfour hour service, and then made a few notes for her book. she was almost ready to start on the first chapter, but she hadn't been in any hurry, because she'd had other things on her mind. at a quarter past eight, she decided to walk down to the yard and take a look round before getting changed for the evening. she was pretty sure dawn lady was fine, but she didn't want to take any chances, and her father always made time to look at the horses in the evening. it was a cloudy night, very little light in the sky apart from the security lamps that came on as she approached. her first call was the mare, and she fed dawn lady a piece of apple, talking to her softly for some minutes. satisfied that everything was fine there, she walked round the stable. she had a pat and either a piece of carrot or apple for each of the horses, ending with barmy, who was her favourite apart from the mare and foal. 'how are you my lovely boy?' she asked, kissing his nose and feeding him the slice of apple she had saved for him. 'beautiful boy…' she was inside the stable with him when she heard the sound of an engine and was startled. that sounded a bit rough, not like the smart horsebox joe was driving. glancing out of barmy's stable, she saw that an old style horsebox had been driven into the yard, and immediately she was alert to danger. when she saw two men get out, she knew at once they were up to something. she went immediately to the little security box, blessing kasim for having them installed in every stable. she opened it and pressed the red button, then closed it again. a red light had begun to flash on the corner of the main block of stables, but the men didn't seem to have noticed. she held her breath as they walked past dawn lady's stable. please don't let it be the mare they were after! as usual her thoughts were for others; kasim would be so distressed and so would her father if anything happened to dawn lady. but no, they went straight by without so much as a glance, and cassie knew they were coming for barmy. of course! he was her father's big hope for the classics and if they wanted revenge he was the ideal target. the security lights were full on and she could see that one of the two men was the groom joe had sacked for being persistently late and lazy.

she had been warned only that evening that he might try something, but she hadn't believed he would dare. she realised that the men probably knew her father was away and that joe had gone to goodwood; they hadn't reckoned with her being here in her father's place. how long would it take for the police to get here? knowing the local constable he would probably amble over here when he felt like it, which might be in another hour. well, they weren't going to take barmy without a fight! cassie loved that horse and she knew her father had a lot of dreams wrapped up in his hope of a classic winner, and kasim had placed his trust in them by buying the horse. all the passion and love that was in her came rushing to the fore. there was no way she was going to let her father and kasim down! cassie wasn't afraid of a former stable lad, even if his companion was a great lout of a bloke. she wished that there was a weapon to hand, but joe had his staff well trained and everything was put away after it had been used so that it couldn't injure a horse that panicked. she didn't need a weapon! she would just face them down. cassie opened the stable door and went outside, stopping the two men dead in their tracks. they were shocked to see her, and she seized her advantage. 'i know exactly what you're up to bobbie mills, and you won't get away with it. your face will be on every security camera in the yard, and the police will be here in ten minutes.' 'i thought you said the place would be empty?' the other man said, glaring at bobbie. 'you little twit! you said there was hardly any security.' 'she's lying,' the stable lad said and sneered. 'i ain't afraid of her. 'she can't stop us taking that horse.' 'you touch barmy and you'll be in prison so long you'll forget what your home looks like,' cassie said fiercely and moved forward. 'you'll have to get past me first – and that carries an even stiffer penalty.' 'damned idiot,' his companion muttered. 'leave it, bobbie. it ain't worth the bother.' 'i bloody shan't then…' bobbie said and took a run at cassie, wrestling with her as she struggled to stop him getting to the horse's stable. 'get out of my

way bitch or it will be…' cassie fought him as best she could, but he punched her in the face and sent her staggering back. she shook her head and was about to take a run at him again as he attempted to open the stable door, which she had locked behind her with the new safety locks, and then, suddenly, shockingly, she heard the sound of a helicopter overhead and a bright light was shining down on them. 'stay where you are, all of you!' a loud voice hailed them. 'your exit is blocked. the surrounding area is covered and you cannot escape.' the men froze, stunned by something that must seem to them like a nightmare. cassie would have laughed at the look on their faces if it hadn't been so awful. the helicopter was hovering and keeping the bright light trained on them, and then six huge burly security men came rushing into the yard. bobbie's companion stayed where he was, raising his hands into the air, but bobbie made a run for it. he didn't get very far. one of the security men took a flying leap at him, bringing him down with a superb tackle that wouldn't have disgraced england's world cup rugby team! and then joe was there beside her, looking at her anxiously. 'i arrived just as the red light flashed on, cassie. i would have come in but kasim told me that if this ever happened i was to wait because the response would be swift. but it looks as if i ought to have followed my instincts.' he took a handkerchief from his pocket and dabbed at her cheek, from which a trickle of blood had begun to run. 'i'm sorry those devils did this to you. if i'd been five minutes sooner…' 'it's all right, i'm not hurt,' cassie began and then her breath died as she saw kasim coming towards her. a great wave of emotion rushed over her at the sight of him. she needed him so badly and he was here. 'i'm all right…' 'cassie!' she heard the agonised note in his voice, saw the way his eyes went over her. she went to him and he opened his arms, enfolding her. 'damn them! i hope they throw them into the deepest darkest cell they can find and leave them to rot.' his face was a picture of outrage, and cassie knew this was the powerful sheikh coming out, the side of kasim she had never seen. cassie's eyes were bright with mischief as she gazed up at him. 'i don't think they do that sort of thing anymore, your highness, not in england anyway.' 'cas!' he looked down at her, relief washing into his face as he realised she

wasn't badly hurt or distressed. 'why on earth didn't you just let them take barmy? the police would have tracked them before they could get out of the county – that's why we have all these special measures in place, so that you and your staff don't take risks.' 'i wasn't letting them take barmy,' she said. 'i couldn't let everyone down. you don't know his temper, kasim. wrongly handled he would have started kicking and playing up and he might have been injured.' 'as you have been,' kasim said touching her cheek with his fingertips. 'given the choice i would have sacrificed the horse.' 'it's a good job i think otherwise then,' cassie said her eyes sparking. 'i wasn't afraid of that stable lad we sacked, and i was there anyway. did you imagine i would hide in the stable while they simply walked off with him?' 'she's always been the same, sir,' joe told him with a shake of the head. 'best not argue with her. just take her home and give her a drop of brandy.' 'yes, i think you are right,' kasim said with a grim smile. he put his arm around cassie's waist. 'can you walk or shall i ask the police to move so that i can fetch my car?' 'of course i can walk,' cassie said, though she could feel her cheek just beginning to ache. 'but i shall be glad to get in and bathe my face – and i'd love a cup of tea and a painkiller.' 'we'll have the doctor out to look at you. he will probably give you a sedative.' 'we'll see about that,' cassie said. 'i had other plans for this evening.' 'so did i,' kasim replied and smiled oddly. 'but i think they may have to be delayed for a while.' 'huh!' was cassie's reply to that. however, by the time they reached the house, her face had begun to ache quite a bit, and she was glad to sit down while kasim bathed her cheek with cold water and then made her a cup of tea. 'that bastard must have hit you hard,' he said. 'you'll have a black eye in the morning, cas.' 'just when i wanted to look my best for your uncle's visit.' she swore aloud in

a very unladylike way and he grinned. 'what kind of an impression is that going to give him of our security?' 'the very best i should imagine,' kasim said. 'it proves it all works – and that we couldn't be in better or braver hands, because i am certain your father would have done very much as you did.' 'yes, he would,' cassie said, gazing up at him. the way he was looking at her made her heart turn over, and she was tingling right down to her toes. 'but how did you know that?' 'because you are very like your father,' kasim said. 'i noticed that the first time we met, and you share the same sense of humour.' 'unfortunate humour some people think.' 'perhaps some may not appreciate it,' kasim agreed. 'i dare say my uncle would not pick up on some of your jokes. he doesn't share my love of american films or my own sense of humour, though he tolerates it.' 'just like mum,' cassie said and giggled. 'ouch! it hurts to laugh.' 'you need to sleep,' kasim said. 'i think i'll call the doctor out just to be on the safe side.' 'don't you start – that's dad's favourite saying.' 'well, in this case it happens to be mine. i want to make sure no real damage has been done – apart from the bruise you are undoubtedly going to have, and it might be an idea to let him give you a sedative, cas.' 'i don't want that.' she gave him a careful smile. 'i've been waiting for today all week, and i'm damned if i'm going to waste it just because some idiot hit me.' 'oh, cas,' kasim said and shook his head. 'all right, trade off – you have the doctor and i don't insist on a sedative.' 'i'm not sure that's an actual trade off,' cassie said, 'but i agree – providing you don't try to send me off to bed like a little girl. when i go to bed you come with me, right?' 'if that's is your wish, my love,' kasim said and bent to kiss her forehead. 'now i'm going to telephone for the doctor and after he has been we'll talk about what comes next…'

cassie's doctor came out within a short time, which made cassie wonder just how kasim managed to snap his fingers and get the kind of attention that just didn't happen often enough in real life. he examined cassie's face, declared that no bones were broken, tested her for signs of concussion and found none, and declared her reasonably sound. 'i think the shock may come out later,' he said. 'it would be best if you weren't alone tonight, just in case. but i can give you a mild sedative if…' 'no, thank you,' cassie said at once. 'i have some painkillers and i shall be fine, thank you. i'm sorry to have troubled you.' 'oh, it was no trouble at all,' he replied. 'i was only too glad to be of service.' 'how did you manage that?' cassie asked after kasim had seen the doctor to the door and returned. 'we have to make an appointment to be ill around here as a rule.' 'sometimes it helps to use the title,' kasim said, a faint smile in his eyes. 'i'm ashamed to say it, but it works wonders.' 'are you a sheikh too?' cassie was curious. 'yes. my father was the eldest brother, but he preferred to live in america and leave state matters to his brother. i inherited the title on his death but i prefer not to use it, and i leave the politics to my uncle. i look after the business side of things, and we share responsibility for any decisions made on behalf of our people. i suppose one day he will want to retire and i shall have to take on the pomp and ceremony bit, but we hope to delay that for a few years yet.' 'when i called you, your highness earlier, i was teasing. i didn't really think you were…' she looked at him a little uncertainly. 'it makes no difference to us, cassie. i'm a man first and foremost.' 'then would you kindly help me make us some supper and then take me to bed?' 'oh, cas,' he said and laughed. 'i thought you would never ask. i haven't eaten all day and i'm starving.' 'i'd better feed you then,' she said and stood up, gasping as he swept her off her feet and started towards the hall and the stairs. 'i thought you said you

were hungry?' 'i am but mostly for you – the food can wait.' cassie gazed up at him contentedly. her face still hurt but what the hell, she wasn't going to pass this up for a little thing like that. kasim asked for directions. she pointed with her foot, and he headed in the right direction, pushing the door open with his knee, and standing on the threshold to look around him. 'yes, nice,' he said, approving of the colours of apricot and cream, which were somehow very her. 'i like it, cas.' 'good. so do i,' she said. 'it was new for my twenty-first birthday.' 'which was?' 'three months ago.' 'baby. i feel like a child snatcher. i'm thirty two next month.' she pulled a rude face at him and then wished she hadn't. he stood her down, standing with his arms about her, looking down into her eyes. 'are you sure about this, cas?' 'i've never been more sure of anything in my life.' her eyes were large and luminous with love as she gazed up at him, her body thrilling to his nearness and the burning heat in his eyes. 'you must tell me if i hurt you,' he said, bending his head to kiss her very softly on the lips. 'i've been wanting to be with you every minute, my darling. sometimes i've felt like telling them all to go to hell.' 'join the club,' she whispered against his lips, her body melting into his as he trailed his lips down her cheek to her throat, his tongue delicately licking at her, sending little whirls of delight winging down her spine. she was burning up with the heat of their mutual desire, her body trembling with anticipation. 'your phone calls made it almost impossible to sleep without having erotic dreams.' his chuckle was deep and husky, and she knew that he had been having them too. 'let's get rid of this shall we?' he said, unbuttoning her shirt and slipping it off her shoulders. her wisp of lace bra followed it to the carpet, and he

bent his head to flick delicately at her breasts, teasing the hardened nipples with his tongue and causing her to arch back whimpering with pleasure at the wonderful sensations he was arousing. 'and these…' he fumbled with the zip on her jeans, which, with a little help from cassie, gave up the ghost and fell open to reveal a matching wisp of lace that barely covered the v-shape of curls nestling between her thighs, and then they had joined the rest of her things on the floor, and kasim was kneeling at her feet. he buried his head against the centre of her femininity, kissing her fair curls, before trailing his hand over her thighs, and between them, his fingers seeking out the moistness there and stroking gently for just a moment. 'beautiful,' he whispered throatily, and then he rose, picked her up and carried her to the bed, depositing her carefully on the covers. as he moved away to strip off his own things, cassie threw back the duvet, so that when he came she was lying on the crisp, cool cotton sheet. he knelt beside her on the bed, bending so that his face was level with her feet, so that he could kiss them. he trailed his lips and tongue the length of her smooth legs, parting them so that he could kiss and tease her moist femininity with his tongue, making her gasp and writhe as the sensation took hold of her body. she had never known she could feel like this, never dreamed that it was possible to experience such sensation. a spasm of such exquisite pleasure shot through her that she cried out his name, her fingers working in his dark hair. 'kasim…' she breathed. 'it feels so good….i've never…' 'i know,' he said and moved so that he was lying beside her. 'you are sweet and innocent and lovely, my darling, and i want to show you how good loving can be. i want to teach you to enjoy your body.' cassie smiled up at him. she felt as if her body was liquid fire, and beyond her control as he kissed and stroked, teasing and turning her, doing things to her that she had never even imagined, giving her the kind of pleasure that even her most erotic dream could never match. when at last he entered her, her body was begging for him, her cries frantic with the desire that raged through her like a forest fire, consuming her and him in the flames. he took even this last pleasure slowly, thrusting into her and then withdrawing, almost, to thrust even more deeply into her the next time. for a while as he lavished her breasts with sensual, teasing motions of tongue and lips, he lay still within her, the calm within the storm, before

beginning the rhythmic assault once more, pushing deep, ever deeper inside her until something in her reached out to meet him and they reached the ultimate climax of all. afterwards, they lay still, kasim still holding her close to him, his hand shadowing the arch of her back, fingertips playing on her spine as she lay with her face pressed into his shoulder and he murmured sweet words against her hair. 'i never knew it was possible to feel like this,' she whispered shyly. 'i didn't know it could be so…so wonderful.' 'it doesn't happen often,' kasim murmured and his throat sounded croaky as if he too had experienced something special. 'sex is always good if things are right between a man and a woman, but i have never felt quite like this before, my darling. you are very special.' 'i think you are the special one,' cassie said. 'you made it happen for me. i know it isn't that way for a lot of girls. my friends have quite a bit to say on the subject at times.' kasim laughed and rolled away from her. he reached for his clothes and began to dress. 'i should like to be a fly on the wall at those times,' he said. 'but for the moment i am hungry. why don't you stay there and i'll find us something to eat and bring it back?' 'no, i'll come and help,' she said and wriggled over to the side of the bed. she slipped on the shirt she had been wearing earlier. 'i'll help you make supper and then i'll have a shower. i really wish we had a jacuzzi, but i'm afraid we've never got around to that.' 'it's something to look forward to,' kasim said, his eyes moving over her with appreciation as he realised that the shirt was all she intended to wear. 'but a shower can be rather nice to share with the right person.' 'i've never done any of those things,' she said, gazing up at him, her eyes dark and intent. 'i think my education has been sadly lacking.' 'in certain elements,' he agreed with a straight face but a lurking humour in his eyes. 'however, i think i can undertake to fill in the bits you don't know – given the time and opportunity.' 'does that mean you have to leave soon?' cassie felt a sinking sensation. 'i was hoping we would have at least tonight and tomorrow.'

'and we shall, but that isn't really satisfactory is it?' cassie avoided his eyes, which seemed to be invading her mind, reading her thoughts. 'it isn't what you want, is it?' 'i must admit i would like to be with you every night,' she admitted, raising her eyes to meet his now. 'but the way i feel at the moment is that i'm willing to take what i can get.' 'that has always been the offer before,' kasim said. 'anything else wasn't an option – but this is different. i shan't try to deny that there have been other women in my life, cas, but none of them meant more than a brief hour or so of pleasure. they drifted in and out of my life, and most of them were forgotten five minutes after they left. it isn't going to be that way for us.' 'isn't it?' she asked as they stood at the top of the stairs. 'how are you going to manage that? you scarcely have time to fit in everything you have to do now.' 'i'm going to have to delegate,' he said. 'ben has been telling me i should for ages, and he's right. he can do most of what i do, though sometimes i shall have to be there – but he can take some of the meetings, and there are secretaries, personal assistants. i shall simply not be as available as i have been.' 'will that have a detrimental effect on your business?' 'perhaps.' he shrugged. 'let's eat. i'm starving.' 'what do you fancy? i have loads of salads in, cheese, eggs, and fresh poached salmon.' 'i make a great omelette,' he said. 'why don't you whip up a salad and i'll make the eggs?' 'you can cook too?' 'if asked nicely,' he murmured wickedly. 'pretty please,' she said and stood on tiptoe to kiss him on the lips. 'that should do it,' he said. 'is there any of that bread your mother gave us? i haven't tasted any as good as that in a while.' 'she put some in the freezer for me, and i defrosted a loaf earlier,' cassie said.

'it is rather special. i shall have to ask her to show me again. i'm afraid i'm not as good a cook as my mother.' 'you have other talents,' he said and his eyes lingered on her breasts as they peaked beneath the shirt. 'stop tempting me, woman! i need to eat.' cassie smiled. her cheek still ached and she knew the bruise was coming out because it felt tender, but she wasn't going to let that spoil the magic of this special night. kasim had promised to make more time for them, but she knew that still didn't mean she could have him all to herself. for tonight perhaps, but the next day his uncle would be here, and then the working week would begin and they both had commitments. it was fun cooking together in the kitchen. kasim had found a bottle of white wine in the fridge. he opened it, pouring some for them both. 'i wasn't sure if you drank wine.' 'i don't often. mostly i stick to sparkling water, because i need to keep a clear head, but there's no reason i shouldn't – if that's what you're asking. i'm not a member of a strict religious sect, cassie. if i don't eat meat it's from choice.' 'religion is very much a personal thing,' she said sipping her wine. 'i go to church at christmas and i suppose i believe in a way, but i'm not a regular worshipper, though mum is, of course.' 'i'm not sure that i believe in god at all, either the christian variety or the muslim.' 'why?' she looked at him curiously. 'is there a reason for that, kasim?' 'yes, i think it is because of my parents. my father was devout and so was my mother. they prayed to different gods, but they both believed in a benevolent divinity – but when they needed their god to help them he wasn't there for either of them.' cassie felt a prickling sensation at the nape of her neck. 'what do you mean?' 'my mother died in hospital of a painful and malignant tumour on the brain, and my father died of his grief. no, he really did, cas. he couldn't bear it after she died and he drove his car straight over the edge of a ravine.' 'oh, kasim, i'm so sorry. i had no idea.' 'not many people know,' he told her with a wry twist of his mouth. 'it broke

my heart. i lost both of them in a week and i couldn't stop crying and hating them for leaving me.' 'it must have been awful for you.' she went over to him, sliding her arms about his waist. her heart ached for him, and she longed to ease his hurt, wash it away in the tide of her love. 'i know your father was suffering but he should have thought about you.' 'he adored her,' kasim said. 'i don't think he gave me a thought. he knew my uncle would take me in, and he did of course. i lacked for nothing, not even love. selima was only a little girl then and she called me her big brother and hung around my neck every chance she got. i think she saved my sanity.' and then he had lost her too, because of a man who had betrayed her and an article in a magazine. no wonder he and his uncle hated them! 'i'm so sorry,' she said and laid her head against his chest. 'does it still hurt very much?' 'not as much as it did,' kasim said truthfully. 'come and eat and tell me how wonderful these omelettes are.' cassie caught the teasing note in his voice and tried a mouthful of the one he was offering her. she tasted it carefully and nodded, her eyes dancing with mischief. 'not bad for an amateur,' she teased. 'i think my mother could teach you a thing or two, but…' she shrieked with laughter as he grabbed her and kissed her. 'it beats mine and mum doesn't have your extra talents.' 'that's something you don't know for certain,' kasim said. 'your father seems pretty happy to stay married to her – and there aren't many survive as long as they have these days.' 'no, that's quite true,' cassie said. 'most of my friends are in and out of relationships every few months.' 'and what about you?' 'i haven't lived with anyone,' cassie said. 'not even a girlfriend. dad helped me to buy a small apartment of my own, and i've preferred to live alone. i've got loads of friends, of course, and some of them are men – but they are strictly friends.'

'so the tutor did put you off relationships?' 'no, i don't think so. i just hadn't found anyone else i liked enough.' 'and now?' kasim's dark eyes were intent on her face. 'supposing i asked you to try moving in with me for a while – see how things work out?' 'yes, i think i might like that,' she said, her heart racing. 'i want to be with you as much as i can.' 'so i'll take you back with me on sunday afternoon.' 'no, i can't do that.' 'why?' he frowned at her. 'surely you don't need time to think it over?' 'no, of course not – but i can't leave the yard until dad gets back. i gave him my word that i would keep an eye on things, and i can't go back on it.' 'and i have meetings all next week,' kasim said. 'it would make things easier if you came back with me, cas. i don't want to be apart from you for another week, but these meetings are important, not the kind i can delegate.' 'i promised my father. i want to be with you, kasim – but it is only for a few days. next weekend i shall be able to return to london, and then i'll move in with you, if you want me to?' 'of course i do!' he glared at her. 'but i can't leave you here alone, not after what happened this evening. if you insist on staying, i shall move a security guard in…' he saw the militant look in her eyes. 'no arguments or i'll put you across my shoulder and carry you back upstairs.' 'promises, promises,' she mocked and he grinned. 'well, after i've eaten my supper,' he amended. 'and don't think you've got your own way, cas. i shall have a lot more to say on this subject before we're finished. kasim phoned every night that week and cassie found that she could just about get through the days by working on her book every minute she wasn't at the yard or working in her father's office. she went out with the horses a couple of mornings, riding a horse that had been a favourite with her in the past. she thought she might ask joe to bid for misty lad for her at the sale. the gelding was probably past its best over the flat, but would make a wonderful horse for her to ride when she came down to visit. but perhaps she ought to ask kasim first what he thought of the idea.

she was counting the days until she saw him again, and she knew he felt the same. her parents were due home on friday afternoon, and kasim would be with her on saturday. the week seemed to crawl by but at last the car arrived carrying her parents home, both of them looking nicely tanned, fit and more relaxed than she'd seen them in ages. 'cassie,' her mother cried and hugged her. 'how are you, darling?' 'i'm fine,' she said and kissed her mother's cheek. 'you look wonderful, mum. did you have a good time?' 'the most marvellous time of my life,' her mother assured her. 'the shore trips were interesting, but the best bit was being on kasim's yacht. we have never been so spoiled, cassie. i am so grateful to him for everything. it did us both the world of good, even your father.' 'how are you, dad?' josh was looking at her oddly. 'did you hurt your face, cas?' 'yes…there's a faint bruise,' her mother said. 'i thought it might be dirt but it is a bruise, isn't it?' 'it was,' she said, 'but it has almost gone and i'm fine so don't start imagining things either of you. kasim scolded me for trying to stop them taking barmy, told me the police would have got them within minutes anyway, but there was no way i was going to let them upset him.' 'oh, cassie,' her mother said. 'you didn't say a word of this to your father when he rang.' 'i knew there was more to it,' her father said. 'i've had a feeling all week.' 'well, you can forget it now,' cassie said. 'it has been as calm as can be since then – besides, i have something to tell you. sit down, both of you. i shall bring a tray of coffee and then we'll talk.' 'something important, cas?' 'yes, dad. nothing to do with the yard – this concerns me.' 'i told you so!' helen gave her a husband a triumphant look. 'does it also concern kasim?' 'yes, it does.' cassie sat down in the armchair facing her father, deciding that

the coffee could wait. 'he has asked me to marry him, and he is coming to fetch me back to london tomorrow. i am going to move in with him, and then, after we've been to visit his uncle at the palace of katar, i shall give kasim my answer.' 'cassie, that's wonderful,' helen said. 'i knew he liked you a lot the first time he came here.' 'thanks, mum.' cassie looked at her father. 'dad?' 'are you sure about this, cas? it seems rather quick to me.' 'i love him, dad.' 'yes, but love isn't everything. there are differences in religion, customs, and a whole way of life.' 'yes, there are bound to be differences, especially when we are in kasim's own country,' cassie admitted. 'but not as many as you may think. kasim's parents had a mixed marriage and they both kept their own faith. kasim isn't a strict muslim, though i suppose he follows the customs of his people when he is with his uncle. but so far it hasn't intruded, and since we shall be living in london or america for much of the time, i can't see that it is a problem.' 'what about if he decides to take another wife?' 'i suppose it is possible, but that is one of the things we would need to cover – also who gets custody of the children if we do split up one day. i know there are difficulties, dad – but i'm not planning on a short-term relationship. if i marry kasim i would want it to be for life.' 'i know you are old enough to make your own decisions, but before you marry him i want to talk to him – and that's not because i don't like him, cas. i do, very much. but you are my little girl and i don't want you to be hurt.' 'oh, dad!' cassie jumped up and threw her arms about him. 'i love it that you care about me. i want you and mum to be happy about this, but i love kasim. i love him so much that i don't think i could be happy without him.' her father's eyes went over her for a few seconds, and then he nodded. 'well, if you love him that much i shan't stand in your way – but i'm still oldfashioned enough to want that chat with him, cas. if he is the man i think he is he won't mind humouring an old guy.'

'dad!' cassie's eyes were brimming with affectionate tears. it was nice to know she was loved that much, and she didn't think kasim would mind one bit. she imagined that he would think it only right and proper. after all, it was marriage he was proposing, not an affair. 'i do love you!' 'humph,' her father said sounding as if he had a frog in his throat. 'well, i'm going to hobble down to the yard. you and your mother can sit and have a good natter.' 'he is pleased for you really,' helen said after josh had gone, 'but he would have been the same whoever you married. still, he did raise a couple of good points, love. it might be as well to clear the air before you jump in too deep.' cassie smiled but didn't say anything. she was already in way over her head. her love for kasim was so powerful, so consuming that she knew nothing could stop her doing whatever he wanted. kasim rang her when she was in bed that evening. she told him what had passed between her and her parents and he chuckled. 'i don't blame josh one little bit,' he said. 'the answer is that my uncle banned polygamy years ago. so it is one wife at a time, and i don't think divorce will ever come up – do you?' 'not as far as i am concerned. i'm a one-man woman.' 'you had better be! there are still a few deep dark dungeons around where i come from – and any man who dared to take a second look might find himself spending a few days of contemplation down there.' 'kasim! you sound very feudal.' 'where my woman is concerned i can be a positive tyrant.' 'well, you won't have any need to get the whip out.' 'how disappointing. i could just see you in black leather wielding it while i beg for favours at your feet.' cassie giggled at the picture this conjured up. 'i think it is a good thing you asked me to marry you. if that is the kind of life you've been leading, it is high time you settled down and became respectable.' 'it's you that makes me want to be disreputable – in the nicest possible way, of course.'

'so that's my sleep gone for tonight,' cassie said and laughed softly. 'you will be here tomorrow, won't you?' 'scout's honour! i have one last meeting this evening and then…you won't believe this, cas. i've wangled it so that i'm free for ten days.' 'i don't believe it!' she cried her heart leaping with joy. 'how did you manage that?' 'with a lot of bullying, pleading and downright bribery,' kasim said. 'i thought we'd have saturday with your parents, then come here – and on sunday we'll fly to katar for eight days. if that isn't rushing you too much?' 'it sounds wonderful,' cassie said. 'i shall have to raid my wardrobe for summer clothes, but otherwise it's all systems go…' 'thunderbirds, right?' kasim laughed. 'all week i've been coming up with these odd sayings, and ben gave me an old-fashioned look. when i told him you use these odd quotes all the time, he gave me a crash course.' 'don't worry,' cassie said. 'if you hang around me long enough, you'll get used to it.' 'oh, i intend to hang around for a long, long time.' 'good. i love you, kasim, and i can't wait to be with you again.' 'hold that thought. i'll be there by the time you've had your breakfast.' 'promises, promises…' cassie said and ended the call. she snuggled down in bed, feeling a lovely warmth steal over her. just one more night alone and then she would be with kasim for ten whole days. if things went well for them, she might be spending the rest of her life with him. and that was the best feeling in the world. kasim was as good as his word. she couldn't believe it when he walked in just as she was drinking her second cup of coffee. he was carrying a huge basket of flowers, which he presented to her mother, a bottle of very expensive single malt whisky for her father, and a small box, which he offered to her with a rueful smile. 'i haven't forgotten what you said, cas – but this is an anniversary for us. it's exactly a week since…' he left the sentence unfinished because her mother was there. 'i won't do it all the time, but i'm like my uncle. i like to give

presents.' cassie opened the box and saw it contained a pair of teardrop diamond earrings, which would match the pendent his uncle had given her. 'they are beautiful,' she said and lifted her face for his kiss. 'i shall forgive you this time.' 'thank you,' he murmured, and then against her ear, very softly, 'you can give me my present later, when we get home.' cassie gurgled with laughter. 'you are very, very wicked,' she whispered back, but her eyes told him that she couldn't wait to deliver. the rest of the day passed in a haze of pleasure. helen had prepared a magnificent lunch for them all, and whatever it was kasim said to josh in the privacy of his office, it was obvious that he emerged feeling totally satisfied. he brought out a bottle of special champagne he had been saving for this day, and they all had a glass, though kasim only sipped his once. they left newmarket at six o'clock, stopping on the way back to have dinner at an expensive restaurant on the way. kasim had phoned ahead, and they were shown to a discreet table in the corner of the room where they could talk privately. the deference shown them by the head waiter was a new experience for cassie, though she knew she was going to have to get used to it. the menu prices made her raise her eyebrows, but kasim smiled. 'don't worry, cas. i give most of my american profits to charity, so i think we can enjoy ourselves for a special occasion without feeling guilty.' 'i shall need a little time to get accustomed to this kind of life,' she told him. 'but i enjoy nice things as much as most girls, so i'm not going to develop a guilt complex.' 'i am glad to hear it,' he said. 'because i want you to enjoy the things i can give you, cas. i haven't had anyone to spoil in a long time – and there's no point to having money if you've no one to share it with.' 'oh, kasim,' she said and her eyes stung with silly tears. 'i'm so lucky to have found you.' 'as far as i'm concerned i'm the lucky one.'

they called at cassie's flat to pack a suitcase and she took the opportunity to play back her answerphone. there were only a couple of messages from friends, and one from maggie, asking her to ring her sometime. she saw kasim frown as he heard it, but he made no comment. 'you'll want to keep your apartment for the moment,' he said. 'but once we're married, you can probably let it out. i wouldn't sell if i were you. property is something you can usually rely on, cas. even if there is a dip in the market, people always need somewhere to live.' 'there's plenty of time to think about that,' she said. 'but i think it is a good idea to rent it out rather than sell.' she wasn't sure why she wanted to wait a while before she did that, because she knew that marriage to kasim was what she wanted from life – but it would be a bit scary once her boats were burned. 'you don't have to worry about anything like that now,' kasim told her. 'just tell me what you want and one of my lawyers will see to it.' cassie didn't answer. she was perfectly capable of renting out an apartment when she wanted to. that was one of the small points she and kasim had to iron out over the next few days -–but not tonight. she had missed him so much, and all she wanted was to be with him, to share the magic of the love they had discovered – and she couldn't wait to try out that jacuzzi. 'alone at last,' kasim said as he drew her close to him. they were standing in his bathroom. it had a corner bath, a large walk in shower and a huge jacuzzi with gold plated fittings. 'i've been waiting for this…' his eyes devoured her as she stripped off the briefest of panties and a wisp of lace bra. the water in the jacuzzi was warm and silky soft against her skin. cassie stretched out, enjoying the bubbles frothing around her as she relaxed and watched kasim climb in. he had such a beautiful body, strong, powerful but without excessive muscle, and the colour of his skin was gorgeous. she ran the bottom of her foot up his thigh, moving her toes to such effect that he gave a little growl and reached out for her. she was aware that he was aroused and knew immediately what he wanted, parting her legs to straddle him. she bent her head to kiss him on the lips as his hands encircled her waist, lifting her effortlessly. and then she went down on him, easing the

length of his hard shaft into her soft moistness. 'god, that's wonderful…' 'we're going to get the floor wet,' cassie giggled as a shower of water cascaded over the side of the tub. 'don't worry, this is a wet room. it won't go through the ceiling.' 'i'm glad about that,' she murmured as his strong arms lifted her once more. 'kasim…' she gave a little shriek of laughter as his hand cupped her bottom, bending her head to kiss him once more. their loving was a riot of mischief and mayhem that transferred much of the water from the jacuzzi to the floor, but made them both weak from laughter. afterwards, they dried each other with large warm towels and then went into the kitchen to make cups of frothy cappuccino, which they took into the bedroom. kasim's bed was kingsize and had fresh white linen sheets with a light honeycomb coverlet. 'i seldom need more than a sheet,' he said. 'i don't like duvets, they are heavy and too warm.' 'your apartment is warm.' 'i like it kept at an even temperature. when i get up to work at three in the morning i don't want to freeze.' cassie nodded, then, 'but you shouldn't be working at that hour.' 'it has become a habit. one i hope to break.' 'you won't have the energy to work all night once i've finished with you,' she promised and leaned towards him, licking a drop of frothy cream from his upper lip. 'i'm going to teach you to enjoy life, kasim.' 'yes,' he agreed, reaching out to pull her down to him. 'i think you are.' the flight to katar was as easy and pleasant as everything kasim arranged. they were served freshly squeezed fruit drinks, an adequate meal and coffee. there was a large flat screen on which cassie watched one of her favourite films while kasim did some work on his computer.

he had promised that there wouldn't be much time devoted to work during this trip, and she really didn't mind. she had her own laptop with her and could have worked on her book, but after a night of passionate loving, she preferred just to sip a cold drink and watch the film. on their arrival at the airport they were met by a sleek limousine, which was thankfully air-conditioned. the temperature was soaring and cassie was glad of her practical long-sleeved cotton dress. kasim had told her that he would be opening accounts for her at the top london stores. the shops in katar would simply send their accounts to the palace as always. 'no arguments,' he'd said and kissed her. 'i'm not going to force you to buy anything, but you will need clothes when we're married. you'll know that yourself, cas. besides, what is money for?' cassie couldn't argue with that. she had always been independent since getting her first wages, but kasim was right. her life was going to change and she had to get used to it. after all, what woman wouldn't enjoy wearing beautiful clothes? at the palace, they were met by one of the sheikh's aides and conducted to kasim's personal apartments. the building was like something out of an arabian nights film, not in the least what cassie had expected after seeing kasim's stainless steel and glass towers. its walls were gleaming white and the windows were small to keep out the heat of the day. cassie felt the welcome coolness of marble floors, powerful overhead fans and an efficient air-conditioning system. the furniture in the reception rooms was hardwood, old-fashioned and heavy, but that all changed when they reached kasim's own suite. here the traditional style had been swept away. instead of dark there was light with pink marble floors, lots of gleaming glass, billowing white curtains and soft leather sofas. 'i like this,' cassie said walking over to the open patio windows. she looked out on a small private courtyard. there were roses climbing the trellis, a fountain that tinkled into a pool and flowers everywhere. 'oh, that is beautiful, kasim.' 'we all have our own private gardens where we can be alone,' he told her.

'but there are also the communal areas with tennis courts and a swimming pool.' 'i should love a swim,' cassie said and then smiled. 'or better still, a jacuzzi.' 'we'll save that for later,' he promised. 'for now a quick shower and then you will be taken for tea with shulie while i visit my uncle.' 'do i get to see him later?' 'we may dine together this evening. i am not sure what has been arranged. sometimes we eat by the pool informally, at other times there will be a grand banquet. i'm afraid the ladies sit away from the men at those times, cas – but when we're a family, that's exactly what we are.' 'you don't have to apologise, kasim. i know that's the way things are here – you did explain last night.' 'i wouldn't want you to be offended.' 'if i couldn't stand the heat i wouldn't be in the kitchen!' kasim laughed and kissed her. they dined informally that evening. having already met shulie and discovered that she was a delightful girl of more or less her own age, cassie was quite relaxed as they sat in the cool of the evening. the meal was served by soft-spoken attendants in white robes and sandals that made no sound, and was absolutely delicious. cassie tasted a little of each dish served and exclaimed over the different flavours, many of which were very spicy. she particularly liked the delicate sherbets that were served between courses and were so cool on the tongue. 'it is good isn't it?' shulie said smiling as she exclaimed over one delicious sweetmeat. 'i am glad you like our food, cassie. i hope you and kasim will visit often. i have my friends but i like english people. i like london. our shops have nice things but london is so full of life. here it is very quiet.' 'but so peaceful,' cassie said. 'i think it must be lovely to live here.' 'some of the time,' shulie agreed with a laugh. 'but we travel much of the year, to england, america and paris. i am not sure which shops i like the best.' 'my shulie lives for her shopping,' sheikh ali said with an indulgent smile.

'but her pleasure is mine. she must have whatever she wants.' 'your highness is very generous.' cassie said but he merely shook his head. 'i think it is a family trait.' she was wearing her pendent and earrings that evening with a v-necked cool white cotton dress that reached her ankles but had no sleeves. over the top she had put on a lace long-sleeved shirt to cover her arms, and she noticed that shulie's outfit was much the same, though more expensive. 'i swim every morning at seven,' shulie told her, 'and in the evenings at six o'clock. no one else comes here for an hour at those times. i would be pleased if you would join me.' 'yes, of course. i had wondered if it would be possible to swim.' 'all things are possible here,' shulie said confidently. 'you have only to ask.' 'so what do you think of shulie?' kasim asked later when they were alone in their suite. 'very pretty, very pleasant,' cassie said. 'perhaps a little spoiled?' 'extremely spoiled,' kasim confirmed and laughed. 'she gets all her own way. she chose the times she wanted to use the pool. if she said it was only for her use it would be.' 'your uncle must love her very much?' 'he enjoys giving her things. i believe he tries to give her the things he can no longer give selima.' 'yes, i understand,' cassie said. 'he must have been devastated by his daughter's death.' 'we all were.' kasim's eyes looked bleak for a moment. 'but that is over now. i see no reason why we should speak of it again.' 'good – because it hurts you, and i never want to hurt you, kasim.' 'just don't stop loving me,' he said and reached for her. 'i think i could bear anything but that…' there were many things to learn and discover during the time that they stayed at the palace, but most were pleasant and not in the least disturbing.

of course cassie's father had been right to say that she would come up against differences of culture and custom, but although strange at first she soon came to accept them. it did not matter to shulie that she was excluded from her husband's business affairs, or that at public functions she was expected to join the other women. cassie knew that kasim would always talk to her of his day when they were alone so perhaps shulie talked to her husband more seriously at such times. at any rate, she seemed completely happy with her life. 'here we must conform,' kasim told cassie. 'but in london or america, we shall share everything.' his eyes were serious as they held hers. 'do you think you can accept this part of our lives, cassie? or will it make you feel that you are being treated as a second class citizen?' 'i do not think it will be too difficult to accept,' she said. 'from what i've seen the men pretend to be hard and important, but their wives are mostly spoiled and always protected, even revered perhaps.' 'that is what so many westerners cannot understand – our women are loved, sheltered and protected, held as something precious not to be sullied or insulted by the eyes of strangers. i do not deny that some of the stricter sects treat their women less favourably, but unfairness and prejudice can occur in any society. there are charities and commissions working to help bring enlightenment where we can and to alleviate the suffering and poverty that ignorance can bring. but we cannot change centuries of practice overnight.' 'we shan't quarrel over what neither of us can change,' cassie said. 'i love you too much to worry over what is a small part of our lives.' 'so, you will marry me, my darling?' 'yes.' she stretched up to kiss him on the lips, and he pressed her against him. 'yes, of course i shall, as soon as it can be arranged.' 'we'll marry in london,' he said. 'your parents will want to be there and my uncle will be satisfied simply to know that we are to be married.' ished…'the eight days they spent visiting with kasim's family were a happy, relaxing time, but kasim admitted that he was relieved to be returning to london. 'it's my home,' he said with a rueful smile. 'but i'm afraid we shall have to pay for our holiday, darling. once we get back i shall have a lot of catching

up to do.' 'yes, of course. i have things to do myself. i must pay maggie a visit, kasim. she is a friend and i want to tell her about us in confidence. just that we shall be getting married, and i also have to clear out my desk at the office.' 'you haven't told her anything?' his brows rose? 'i thought you were going to email her in reply to her phone message?' 'i did – just to say i would be in touch soon.' 'well, i suppose the press will know soon enough, but please, cas, no private details, particularly about my uncle.' 'of course not,' cassie said. 'i wouldn't dream of it, kasim.' 'as long as you remember that. naturally you are free to see your friends, darling. we must have a party soon – the best place would be at the villa in the algarve. we can fly everyone out for a couple of days. i thought we might spend some time there after we're married.' he pulled a face. 'it will take me three weeks or so to clear the decks, but after that we'll go somewhere we can be truly alone.' 'that sounds good,' cassie said. 'mum will want to arrange our reception. you won't mind that?' 'we'll have a civil wedding but the reception can be whatever you want.' he studied her face for a moment or two. 'you won't regret not having a church wedding?' 'i wondered…' she looked at him thoughtfully. 'people get married in all sorts of places these days. couldn't we have it at my parents' home? we could have a marquee in the paddocks, ask all the boys and girls from the stables – make it a fun day, as informal as possible?' 'would you like that?' 'yes. i think it would be different. better than a register office affair in town.' 'that's what we'll do then.' kasim smiled and kissed her. 'a fun day – yes, that suits you, cas, and i'll make sure it is a day to remember.' once they were back in london, cassie quickly settled into the new routine. she spent several hours each day working on her computer, mostly at her own apartment. kasim was often at a meeting until late in the evening, but

they had at least a part of each day together. a few days after their return she went down to see her parents, to ask if they would be happy to let kasim arrange for the wedding at their home. her mother was excited at the idea, though her father still had reservations. 'why don't you wait a bit, cas?' 'we know this is right for us, dad. please don't worry.' 'i just want you to be happy.' 'i am happy.' she smiled and hugged him. 'just as long as you're sure?' 'i couldn't be more certain.' 'then that's it then.' he smiled at her. 'i like it that you're getting married here. we shall plan a surprise for you.' 'what? tell me!' 'then it wouldn't be a surprise.' he refused to tell, shaking his head at her in a mysterious way. cassie laughed. her wedding was just four weeks away and she wanted to see her friends, invite them to be her guests. she saw julie, lydia and shane when she returned to town, lunching with them at a favourite restaurant. kasim's name meant nothing to them and they were just pleased that she had met someone who made her happy. after lunch cassie went into her old office to clear out her desk. she asked for maggie but was told that her friend was away on holiday. she'd gone just after cassie flew to katar so it was probable that she hadn't received the email cassie had sent her. 'tell her to ring me on the mobile when she gets back,' cassie said. 'i'm not at the flat much these days.' 'will do?' ruth said. 'did someone tell me you were getting married soon?' 'who told you that?' cassie was surprised. 'i haven't told anyone in town until

today.' 'someone mentioned it – terry nix. he works for a racing paper and we have a drink sometimes.' cassie nodded. it was impossible to keep a secret for long. 'it's what i wanted to tell maggie.' 'she will be back next week. congratulations. i'll tell her to ring you.' cassie was smiling as she left the office. kasim wouldn't be back for ages so she might as well go shopping. she had decided against a traditional wedding gown, but she wanted something special and she thought she knew where to look. it was almost six o'clock when she returned to the apartment. she had enjoyed her afternoon and was feeling happy as she took the lift up to the penthouse, clutching her parcels. kasim probably wouldn't be back for a while so she had plenty of time to prepare a meal and change into one of the outfits she had bought that day. however, when she walked out of the lift she saw that he was already there, on the mobile, his back towards her. she felt a surge of pleasure that he was home early, because it meant that they would have longer together. she saw that he had finished his call and was just about to say something when he turned to face her. the look in his eyes stopped cassie in her tracks. there was such contempt, such anger in his face! what on earth could be causing him to look at her in that way? 'what is it?' she asked. 'why are you angry?' 'don't pretend you don't know!' his voice was like the lash of a whip, stinging and hurtful. 'i have no idea what has upset you.' 'then perhaps you should look at this!' kasim thrust a magazine at her. it was the latest copy of the magazine she had worked for until recently and the cover picture was of kasim himself. cassie felt a sinking sensation inside. 'what does it say?'

'everything i asked you not to tell her,' he said coldly. 'how could you do it, cassie? i trusted you. told you things i've never told anyone else.' 'you don't think i had anything to do with this?' surely he couldn't believe that? 'didn't you?' his manner was scornful. 'i'm not a fool, cas. there are things in there only you could have told her.' 'i haven't seen maggie for weeks. i went into the office to see her today, but she is on holiday.' 'hiding until the storm breaks i suppose? well, she is going to be very sorry. i've instructed my lawyers to apply for an injunction. i'll have every copy withdrawn and trashed before it hits the streets.' 'do you know what that would cost them?' cassie stared at him in horror. would he really use his wealth and power to destroy what was only a small independent? 'they will be bankrupt before i'm finished.' 'just what did they write?' cassie hunted feverishly through the magazine until she found the offending article. she knew immediately why he was angry, because it was about his mother's last illness, his father's terrible suicide, the betrayal of his niece and her tragic death, and then it went on to talk about a brighter future for a family that had known its share of tragedy. there was a picture of shulie wearing western clothes and happily shopping for more clothes in harrods, also one of sheikh ali at the races receiving a trophy for one of his horses, and then kasim getting into his mercedes sports car. as cassie read further into the article she realised that it was actually a very sensitive and sympathetic piece. maggie was saying that the family had suffered too often in the past but had perhaps found new happiness. it ended by hinting that kasim might emulate his uncle by marrying soon. 'but this isn't meant to hurt or humiliate,' she said. 'if you read it all the way through you'll see that, kasim. maggie is saying that your uncle spoils his wife. it's very sympathetic…' kasim snatched it from her and threw it to the floor.

'that isn't the point! it is an intrusion into our private affairs. the last thing i want selling on every newspaper stand in the country.' 'i know that and i'm sorry it happened. i think maggie was trying to apologise for what she did before. if i had known i would have asked her not to do it.' 'but she couldn't have known these things unless you told her.' his eyes stabbed at her accusingly. 'any journalist worth her salt could have researched this. i told you i didn't have anything to do with it – don't you believe me?' 'i'm not sure what to believe.' his eyes smouldered with anger. 'but i don't want you seeing her again. you have to choose, cas. either you give your loyalty to me or…' 'or what?' 'cassie stared at him as the coldness spread through her. she didn't like what she was hearing. she didn't like it one little bit.' 'what? you will say it is over between us?' she stared at him but he said nothing. 'then let me say it for you, kasim. it's over. i'm leaving now. you can have my things sent over to my apartment.' she turned and walked into the lift. 'cas! don't be such an idiot. you can't expect me…' the rest of what he had to say was lost as the door of the lift shut. her eyes were stinging with tears by the time she reached the foyer. how could kasim accuse her of being disloyal? how could he think that she would tell anyone the things he'd told her in confidence? she hadn't even told her parents. if he thought so little of her he didn't love her. 'miss livingston! phone call from mr ahmed for you.' cassie ignored the girl at the reception desk and walked outside. it was a lovely summer evening. the streets were filled with people as she began to walk. they were all going somewhere, hurrying home to loved ones or to meet friends. the thought of returning to her lonely flat was unappealing,

besides she didn't have her bag with her so she was unable to pay for a taxi. she had never felt so lost and alone in her life. all her plans for the future had suddenly ended. she felt empty, bewildered by the swiftness of it all. one minute she had been looking at clothes for her wedding and the next her world had come tumbling about her ears. how could kasim think for one minute that she would ever betray him? it was so hurtful, so bitter. tears were beginning to run down her cheeks as she turned the corner of the street and stepped out into the road… 'i've tried ringing her apartment and her mobile,' kasim said, looking at ben as they talked in his apartment the next morning. 'i went round to her apartment last night but she wasn't in – at least she wasn't answering.' 'what about her parents?' ben eyed kasim thoughtfully. he looked awful. he didn't appear to have shaved that day and there were dark shadows under his eyes, and he was still wearing the shirt he'd had on the previous day. clearly he hadn't done anything but work himself into a state all night. 'her mother said she hasn't rung. she isn't there – unless she has forbidden them to tell me.' 'that doesn't sound like cassie.' ben frowned. 'you had a quarrel – what exactly did you say to her?' 'i'm not sure. i was so angry. i might have accused her of telling maggie grant things i'd told her in confidence. that trash in the magazine.' ben picked it up and glanced through the piece. 'any decent journalist could research this stuff. besides, it must have been written weeks ago. they send in their copy for these things at least three weeks before publication, probably more.' 'are you sure? i imagined they worked like newspapers.' 'then you imagined wrong. magazines go to the printers some while before they're distributed. this is a monthly not a weekly and they take some putting together.' 'then she couldn't have got her information from cas.' ben was reading the article. 'this is different from the last time. can't see

much wrong with it myself. your uncle is held up as an example to western husbands to follow – it's an exercise in public relations and quite sensitive. nothing actionable that i can see. you'll just make a fool of yourself if you go for an injunction. better to grin and bear it. pretty harmless in my opinion.' 'i wasn't asking, damn you,' kasim said. 'what the hell am i going to do, ben? she said it was over…' 'can't really blame her,' ben said. 'knowing you, i'd bet you were pretty rough on her.' 'i was angry – upset.' 'you should have known it wasn't her fault. cassie wouldn't do something like this – she's too honest and straightforward. if she'd known about it she would have tried to stop it, and she would have told you if she couldn't.' 'i'm a stupid fool. i don't know what i can do. she may not forgive me.' the look in kasim's eyes was bleak. during the long lonely hours of the night he had cursed himself for not talking things over with cassie sensibly before flying off the handle at her. it had just hurt and angered him so much that she could have talked about his affairs like that, but when he thought about it he knew that ben was right. most of this stuff was on public record. any journalist could research it. 'want my advice?' 'i need something,' kasim muttered rubbing a hand over his chin. 'right. first of all you have to find her, and then you grovel. you've been a fool, kasim.. there's no one more loving and loyal than cassie. if you don't know that you don't deserve her.' 'i do know it. i've been going mad all night. i'll do anything she wants, ben – but first i have to find her.' 'have you tried ringing the hospitals?' 'hospitals?' kasim's face went white with shock. 'you don't think…' 'she's either with friends or lying in hospital.' ben reached for a muchthumbed copy of yellow pages. 'use your mobile. i'll use the office line. if we ring alternate numbers we'll get through much quicker.'

'if anything has happened to her because of what i said…' 'you're wasting time,' ben said. 'remember i care about cassie too…' 'you were very lucky, miss livingston,' sister raven told her as she confirmed that the doctors had agreed that she could go home. 'after an accident like that, a sprained wrist is the least you could expect.' 'yes, i know,' cassie said ruefully. her wrist was aching like mad, and she was wearing a sling, but apart from a few bruises her encounter with a man on a bicycle hadn't left any lasting injuries. 'it was very foolish of me to walk into the road without looking.' 'your friend is waiting in the corridor,' sister said. 'we are releasing you into his custody, but you must keep your promise and take things easy for a few days.' 'yes, i shall, thank you,' cassie said and went out into the corridor clutching the bag of painkillers she had been given. she saw shane waiting patiently for her and smiled. 'thank you for coming so promptly. i don't have any money on me so i couldn't ring for a taxi.' 'you know i am always there for you, cassie, he said and gave her a big smile. 'who is a silly girl then?' 'me for not looking where i was going,' she said. 'i was lost in thought and i didn't see the bike.' 'you were lucky it wasn't a car or a bus,' shane said, 'but i'm not going to scold you. you look as if you need a good hug not a lecture.' 'a hug would be very nice,' cassie said. 'and a cup of tea when we get back to my flat – could we call for some milk and things on the way?' 'already done,' shane said. 'i thought you might be a bit low on supplies as you hadn't been living there for a while.' he gave her a questioning look. 'you're sure you want to go to the flat and not kasim's place?' 'quite sure,' she said. 'don't ask, shane – i'm not ready to talk just yet.' 'you know where i am,' he said. 'can you walk down to the car or shall i ask for a wheelchair?' 'i'm fine,' cassie said. 'at least, my wrist hurts but the rest of me is all right.'

they walked into a lift which had just come up to their floor, pressed the button for the ground and went whizzing down just as another lift arrived on the third floor and two men got out. * shane made a pot of coffee and some toast, which he brought into cassie as she lay on the sofa with her feet up and her computer open beside her. 'look, are you sure you are going to be all right here on your own?' he asked, setting the tray on a table beside her. 'i have to do some work, but i'll come over this evening. i could ring round and see if anyone is free this afternoon…' 'i am fine, shane, honestly,' cassie said. 'please don't worry about me. i have a sprained wrist, not a broken back. i can do most things for myself. it will just take a little longer…' she broke off as the doorbell rang, moving as if to answer it. 'stay there,' shane said. 'i'll see who it is. it may be julie. i did ring her to tell her what had happened.' he went over to the door and opened it without bothering to check who was there, and then gasped as he was pushed aside by a very disturbed looking man. 'hey! who the hell are you?' 'cassie!' kasim said as he ignored the man whose carelessness had let him in. 'why the hell didn't you ring me and ask me to fetch you from the hospital?' cassie put her feet to the floor and sat up, looking at him warily. 'how did you know where i was?' 'ben and i rang round all the hospitals in london,' kasim said. 'we were told we had just missed you so i came here and ben went back to my place. i thought you would come here.' 'well, you were right,' cassie said. 'so now you've seen me, you can leave. unless you've brought my things?' 'of course i haven't brought your things! you're coming back with me where you belong.' 'i am certainly not coming back to be told who i can have as a friend and who i can't,' cassie said fiercely. 'you don't own me, kasim – and you certainly don't love me! if you did, you would know that i would never betray you.'

'i know that,' he said and ran his fingers through his hair. 'i spent last night contemplating the fact that i am a damned fool and that i deserve to be horsewhipped for what i said to you, cas.' you know i love you. i was angry and i said things i shouldn't…' 'unforgivable things!' 'yes, i know they were pretty rotten,' he said. 'but i'm asking you to forgive me. i don't know what i can do to make amends, but whatever it takes, i'll do it.' 'and then lose your temper next time you think i've done something underhand!' 'it won't happen again. i've learned my lesson. please give me a chance. i love you, cas. i never meant to hurt you and i've been wretched since i realised that your accident was my fault.' 'who said it was your fault?' cassie was standing up now, glaring at him. 'i'll say goodbye, folks,' shane said, judging that he wasn't needed. 'ring me when you're ready, cas.' neither of them heard him. 'of course it was my fault. you were upset and you walked in front of that bike.' kasim's face worked with emotion. 'please tell me that it was an accident, cas. you didn't try to take your own life?' his voice was broken, husky with emotion, and cassie saw that he was deeply affected by what had happened. some of her anger evaporated as she looked at him. 'you look as if you shaved in a hurry.' 'i did…' he moved nearer, sitting beside her on the sofa as she sat down again. 'you didn't try to kill yourself?' 'of course i didn't,' she said and a flash of temper came out. 'i was more likely to try and kill you when i got over the shock.' 'thank goodness,' he said and reached for her hand. she pulled it back, not ready to forgive him that easily. 'i know i was a brute. i know i deserve to be

punished, but i do love you, cas. when i thought i'd lost you i understood how my father must have felt when my mother died. i hated him for years for abandoning me. i was brought up to be an american child, and suddenly i had no parents and i was whisked away to live in another country and follow another culture. if it hadn't been for selima i think i should have just curled up and died…' 'and that's why you are so sensitive where she is concerned,' cassie said, her anger vanishing as she felt her heart reach out to him. 'yes, i do understand. i always have, kasim that's why i would never have hurt you by telling anyone what you told me. if i'd known i would have asked maggie not to publish her story, but i didn't know. i think that is why she rang me, just to check it with me. i should have returned her call, but i wasn't ready to tell her about us then.' 'and that is my fault,' kasim said. 'you thought i would be angry and you didn't want to spoil things between us.' 'something like that.' 'i never meant you to feel that way. i'm not one of those men who wants his woman to do exactly as he says, cas. i want it to be a partnership. it's just that i feel protective of my privacy.' 'if i could wipe out what has happened i would.' 'it doesn't matter. ben made me see that i was barking up the wrong tree,' he said and laughed as her brows went up. 'you told me it was a sensitive piece but i wouldn't believe you. there is nothing defamatory in it at all. ben told me i would make a fool of myself if i tried to stop it coming out, and i've decided to ignore it.' 'i'm glad,' cassie said. 'it would have made things so much worse – and someone else might have done an exposé if you had.' 'that was ben's point,' kasim said and smiled wryly. 'he really read me the riot act, cas, told me i didn't deserve you – and the thing is he's probably right. i can't promise that i won't ever lose my temper again, because i might, but i'll try not to, and i'll apologise if i do.' 'that's if i give you another chance?' cassie raised her brows but her lips were trying to smile. 'you will, won't you? name your terms, cas.'

'really?' 'yes – anything.' 'there is one thing i want, kasim. i want you to let me ask maggie to dinner. we can invite ben too, because we need four of us so that i have someone to talk to while you get to know maggie.' kasim sat and looked at her for several seconds and her heart sank. if he rejected her proposal she didn't think they would ever manage to sort out their differences. 'is that all? nothing more?' 'i think that is quite enough,' she said and now she really was smiling. 'i know what that costs, kasim, and it's a lot more than a hundred diamond necklaces.' 'thank you,' he said and reached out to take her hand. this time she let him, gazing up at him as he held it to his cheek. 'yes, it will cost me, cas – but i shall do it and a lot more if you will give me the chance to show you how much i love you.' 'i don't have much choice,' she said, 'because i love you too much. i wasn't going to kill myself last night, kasim, but the future had an awfully bleak look and the reason i didn't see that damned bike was because i was crying.' 'cas…' he said and took her into his arms, holding her gently. 'i think i shall spend the rest of my life thanking god that you weren't killed.' 'but which god?' she asked, a hint of mischief in her eyes as she gazed up at him. 'yours or mine?' 'ours,' kasim said, 'because he sure as hell was looking out for us last night!' cassie glanced around the apartment. she had ordered lots of flowers, some cushions, a bright throwover, which she had used to cover the back of the stark black leather sofa, and piled a few paperback novels on the shining coffee tables. 'you can have your apartment back as it was tomorrow,' she told kasim when he raised his brows at the changes she had made, 'but i want maggie to feel comfortable.' 'i quite like it,' kasim said and put an arm about her shoulder. 'besides, when

our new house is ready, you can furnish it how you like, darling. this is fine for me as an office, but it won't do for when we're a family.' 'a new house?' cassie looked at him in surprise. 'that's the first i've heard of it. 'just where is this house going to be?' 'that is a surprise,' kasim said. 'i think you will like it but i shall be keeping the apartment anyway so we shan't be tied to one place – and when we get a chance we'll pop over to the states and meet some of my mother's people. i think you will like them, and i'm sure you'll like the house my father built for my mother. i've always kept it, just in case i ever decided to live there.' 'when are we going to have time to live in all these places?' cassie asked and laughed, flicking back her long hair. 'oh, a couple of weeks here, a couple there,' kasim said and shrugged. 'i thought you said you were interested in property?' 'who isn't? all my friends are trying to get a foothold on the ladder. we just seem to have rather a lot of it.' 'don't get a guilty conscience. we give lots of our money away, and you can take over some of the committee work from me if you like, cas. it will make my life easier and give you something to do – when you're not writing your book, that is. how is it coming on, by the way? can i read it?' 'not yet,' she said. 'i'll get a few more chapters finished and then print it up for you…' she broke off as she heard the ping of the lift, which warned they had visitors. turning, she saw that maggie and ben had arrived together, and from the way they were both smiling it looked as if they had hit it off straightaway. 'plan a seems to be working fine,' she whispered to kasim and he looked puzzled but she only smiled and went forward to greet her friend. 'why on earth didn't you tell me about kasim?' maggie exclaimed as they embraced. 'you know i wouldn't have done anything to hurt you, cas. when i hinted at marriage i thought there was someone else. i wrote that piece ages ago but only just decided to use it.' 'of course i know you wouldn't hurt me,' cassie said and embraced her with one arm. 'sorry i can't hug you but i sprained my wrist the other day and it is still sore.' she smiled at ben. 'you met maggie in the foyer then.' 'we arrived at the same moment,' he said and came to kiss her cheek. 'the food smells good, cassie. are you cooking or did you order in?'

'i'm giving you my mother's special shepherd's pie this evening, ben. maggie loves it and so do i. kasim will be having cold poached salmon, and you could have it too if you don't fancy the pie.' 'don't i just,' he said and nudged her as maggie went over to kasim. 'shall i see to the drinks, cassie? let them talk for a few minutes before we intrude?' 'good idea,' she said. 'just a tonic water for me this evening please, ben.' 'any special reason?' 'no, just that i'm still taking painkillers for my wrist,' cassie said but her eyes didn't quite meet his. ben didn't persist. instead he went over to the drinks cabinet and began mixing a gin and tonic for himself, plain tonic with ice and lemon for cassie. he looked at maggie and raised the gin bottle. 'what would you like?' 'gin and tonic please. i'm not driving this evening.' 'water for me,' kasim said. 'but as it is a special occasion i shall have wine with our dinner.' he smiled at cassie as she sat down on one of the sofas and maggie sat beside her. 'i am almost tempted to try some of cassie's shepherd's pie, but i gave up meat some years ago and i'm not sure i could eat it now.' 'i seldom eat red meat,' cassie said, 'but mum's shepherd's pie is to die for.' 'how are you, cas,' maggie asked. 'you look very well, blooming in fact. being in love must suit you.' 'yes, it does,' cassie agreed and her eyes met kasim's. 'you are coming to my wedding, maggie?' 'wild horses wouldn't keep me away,' she replied. 'how are you getting on with the book? i know a publisher who is interested if it is a thriller. he is looking for new authors and he has read some of your work, admires you as a writer.' 'i'm not sure when it will be finished. it isn't something you can do overnight.' 'i wouldn't expect it to be easy – but three chapters and a synopsis would

give him some idea of whether or not he likes it,' 'yes, well, i'll see. i might be able to give him that much as soon as next week.' 'i shall look forward to reading it,' maggie said, and looked at kasim. 'i love your apartment. you have so much space – room to walk about when you are thinking.' 'did cassie tell you that is the way i work?' 'no, i guessed,' maggie said. 'it's what i often do myself. i envy you your space, kasim. i'm like a tigress at times. i even go for long walks when i'm thinking an article through. i wish i could attempt a book, but i'm not as brave as cas…' ben brought them their drinks. 'cas is one of the bravest women i know,' he said. 'did she tell you that she was hurt saving one of kasim's horses from being stolen?' 'cas never tells me anything,' maggie said. 'i've always had to pry everything out of her bit by bit. she is the most private person i know.' 'but you love her?' kasim asked and smiled as maggie nodded her head. 'yes, i see that you do, which means that we are bound to like each other. tell me, maggie, do you like the magazine you work for?' 'not much. it is a living.' 'what would you prefer to do?' 'fashion is my first love, but i tried a couple of the top magazines and they turned me down.' 'would you call this a top magazine?' kasim handed her the glossy fashion magazine that cassie always bought for herself. 'yes, of course,' maggie said. 'shellie is one of my favourites.' 'and mine,' cassie said. 'i buy it every month.' 'then perhaps you would like to offer maggie the job of editor?' kasim said. 'i knew you read it all the time and i bought it last week. i thought you might like to have a say about what goes into it. it's one of your wedding presents, but you can have it early, cas.'

'you bought me a fashion magazine as a wedding gift?' cassie stared at him in shock. 'i don't know what to say…' 'say thank you very much,' maggie chimed in, 'and the answer is yes. i would love to be your editor, cas. how soon can i start?' 'as soon as you like,' kasim answered. 'the previous editor objected to being sold to a playboy millionaire, and walked out on us – so you will be doing us a favour, maggie.' 'my contract says i have to work a month's notice, but after that i am all cassie's,' maggie said. 'and i can moonlight in the meantime if need be.' 'now that is enthusiasm,' kasim said approvingly. he turned to cassie, eyebrows arching. 'well, haven't you anything to say to me, cas?' 'i'll say it later,' cassie promised, and there was mischief in her eyes. kasim grinned and said nothing. 'well, that was some thank you,' kasim said as they lay together after making love. 'i take it that you are pleased with my choice of a gift?' 'it beats diamonds any day,' cassie said and smiled down at him. she was still sitting astride him amongst the tangled sheets, and she bent down to blow gently on his ear. 'it was particularly special because you offered maggie the job, kasim. did you do it to please me?' kasim laughed, his hands encircling her buttocks as he slid her over to lie beside him, leaning up on his elbow to gaze down into her eyes 'yes and no,' he admitted. 'i thought it might earn me brownie points, but she is a good editor, and we did need one.' 'you didn't give the last editor her marching orders?' 'no. i am reliably informed that she said she didn't intend to be ruled by some playboy sheikh's mistress.' 'good thing she's gone,' cassie said, her mouth quirking at the corners. 'if she can't get her facts straight she would soon have been on her way.' 'i see you are going to be a tyrant to work for.' 'yes, of course,' cassie said and giggled as he pulled a suggestive face at her. 'i've always loved that magazine so there won't be that many changes – but i

can think of a few bits and pieces here and there.' lying beside her now, kasim trailed his finger down the silken arch of her back. 'what with the magazine, your book and the charity work i shall have to make an appointment to see you soon.' 'oh, no, i don't think so,' cassie said and smiled up at him. 'time with you will always have first place on my agenda, kasim.' 'that is another of my wedding presents to you,' he murmured. 'i've arranged to have ben chair all my meetings for three weeks so we can have a proper honeymoon, and after that i am shifting at least a part of my workload to some of my top employees.' 'now that is the best present ever,' cassie said and leaned over to kiss him. 'i shall have to think of something to reward you for that, kasim.' 'i was thinking about leather…' he said wickedly and laughed as cassie giggled. 'i seem to remember vague promises made a while ago…' 'and one should always keep a promise, shouldn't one? cassie teased, her arms sliding up around his neck as he drew her close once more. 'maybe that will be on my list of presents for you…' cassie went down to stay with her parents the day before her wedding. she had had all her wedding clothes sent down there rather than the apartment because they would be flying off to the villa in the algarve after the reception. 'no need to ask if you're happy,' helen said as she looked at cassie's shining eyes. 'i'm so glad it has all turned out right, darling. i was afraid you might have made a mistake when kasim rang here looking for you.' 'we had a quarrel but it's sorted now,' cassie said, 'and it cleared the air, mum. since then we've talked about all kinds of things that we hadn't before. i know kasim much better now, and he understands me. i don't think he will ever doubt me again. that doesn't mean to say we shan't quarrel, but it does mean that we shan't fall apart.' 'everyone quarrels,' helen said. 'when your father was threatening to come up there and sort kasim out i reminded him of some of our quarrels when we were first married.' cassie stared at her in fascination. 'i thought you two never had cross words?'

'then you thought wrong,' helen said and laughed. 'we used to have stand up fights in the early days, but we loved each other and we sorted it out. i think that is the best kind of marriage.' she eyed the large brown box on cassie's bed. 'i've been dying to look – is that the dress?' 'yes, but don't expect the traditional stuff, mum. this is meant to be a fun day, remember?' 'may i see?' 'of course.' cassie lifted the box and took out the contents, laying them out on the bed so that her mother could see them. 'what do you think?' 'well, it is certainly different,' helen said and laughed. 'yes, i think it is a fun idea, darling, and it suits you. i just hope kasim will like it.' cassie giggled. 'you needn't worry about that, mum. he will love it. 'i know he and dad are planning something so we shall just have to see who gets the biggest surprise.' it turned out to be a day of surprises all round, and one that the bride and groom, her family and friends would all remember. kasim had arranged for a big pavilion to be erected in the grounds of the stables. inside it was set with tables with sparkling white cloths and flowers in the traditional way with a deep blue carpet laid over a temporary floor so that they could dance in the evening. outside the marquee was another carpet, red this time and sprinkled with rose petals. each side of the carpet a row of standard roses bloomed, and garlands were strung over an arch above them. their perfume filled the air of what was a wonderful summer day. there was also a much smaller pavilion in which the wedding itself was to take place, and this had been set up to look like a las vegas wedding chapel and was decked out with billowing white drapes, a white carpet and masses of white roses and lilies. yet a third, massive pavilion had been set up a little further away from the wedding chapel, but cassie wasn't allowed to go near that until after the ceremony. when she came down that morning dressed in her wedding outfit her father's jaw dropped in amazement. he glanced at his wife, who shook her head.

'all cassie's own idea,' she said. 'i rather like it. i'm not sure what kasim will think.' cassie was wearing skin-tight white leather pants, white silk shirt and a white soft leather jacket with cowgirl fringes on the sleeves and across the back. she had a white stetson hanging down her back on silk ribbons, and there was a band of rhinestones around the brim. her short boots were also white leather with a sprinkling of rhinestones. and instead of a bouquet she carried a white riding whip with roses wound around the handle. 'well, you certainly kept you word when you said it was going to be a fun day,' josh said. 'i thought kasim's idea of a surprise was way out, but i think he is going to get an even better one.' cassie was taken to the marquees in a white limousine, which was garlanded with ribbons and more roses. as she got out of her car, she saw that one of her surprises was the little crowd of boys and girls from the stables. they each had one of the sheikh's horses; flowers were bound into their manes and tails, and their saddles were of the eastern style, beautifully crafted of red leather and studded with brass, some with what looked like jewels. one of the lads led barmy forward as cassie got out of the car. the lad grinned as cassie stopped to pat her favourite, and then she saw the big white ribbon tied to his rein, and a card that read: i belong to mrs cassandra mohamed. 'oh, kasim,' cassie murmured her throat closing with emotion as she realised that barmy was yet another of her wedding presents. everyone was laughing, and she saw that several of the guests had joined in the fun; there were harlequins, clowns, a circus ringmaster and several harem girls amongst the costumes her friends had donned. shane was wearing the clothes of a regency dandy and looked wonderful, complete with beauty spot on his cheek. but as she walked towards kasim, cassie's heart turned over. he was wearing not the traditional simple costume of his people, but the full regalia of an ottoman sultan. his tunic and trousers were of white silk edged with purple, his turban a rich white silk with a large amethyst pin holding it at the centre of his forehead. his smile when he saw her was a picture, and cassie's eyes danced with mischief as she took her place at his side. the wedding service was the new one, which left out the word obey – kasim's idea – and quite short. within a few minutes they were back out in

the sunshine, and to cassie's surprise the third tent had been taken down to reveal a funfair. there was hurdy-gurdy music playing and all the old fashioned roundabouts, with the painted horses cassie had loved to ride as a little girl, dodgems, swings and lots of stalls. 'oh, kasim, dad,' cassie cried as she was showered with confetti from all sides. 'that is the most marvellous surprise. can i go on a roundabout please?' 'of course you can, darling,' kasim said and grabbed her hand, pulling her towards the dodgems ride. 'i've always wanted to have a go at one of these.' 'i'll give this one a miss,' cassie said, drawing back at the last moment. 'go on, you have a go, kasim and i'll watch.' he looked at her oddly but did as she asked. the girls and boys from the yard were all racing to get the available cars, and in the next several minutes there was a fierce competition between kasim and the lads to see who could bump who the most. cassie stood at the sidelines, cheering them on. after that, she insisted on riding the painted horses, and then at a summons from a loud gong everyone trouped into the main marquee to have the wedding breakfast. 'did you like your surprise, cas?' kasim asked as they took their places at the high table ready for the meal and the speeches to follow. 'is today what you wanted it to be?' 'it's more than i could ever have dreamed,' she said. 'i do love your costume, kasim. i was tempted to wear harem pants but thought i'd keep that for another day.' 'i love what you chose,' he said and smiled at her. 'i told you i was brought up as an american boy, and i loved the old cowboy films where the heroine came in at the end dressed in white leather and sang a song.' 'i can see we are going to have arguments about what we see on the dvd,' cassie said and laughed huskily. 'that's if we ever get round to watching a film.' 'i can think of other things i would rather do,' kasim said and his eyes gleamed. 'can i look forward to more fetching outfits?' 'you will just have to wait and see…'

it was early morning when they arrived at the villa, having left later than they had planned because everyone was having so much fun at the wedding that no one wanted to leave, including the bride and groom. cassie's first impression was of a long, low building bathed in the glow of lights that shone amongst the lush greenery. she giggled as kasim carried her over the threshold, and then kissed her as he set her down on her feet. 'are you happy?' 'you know i am,' she said and reached up to touch his cheek. 'i have never been happier, kasim.' 'that's good, because i wanted to give you something.' 'more presents? don't you think you've given me enough?' 'i've only just got started,' he said and smiled. 'this one is to please me.' he handed her a box, which when she opened it, contained a magnificent diamond necklace. 'oh, kasim, it is wonderful,' she said. 'i shall keep it for very grand occasions.' 'i was hoping you might wear it later,' kasim said, a naughty gleam in his eyes. 'on its own?' 'i can see the possibilities,' she said and giggled. 'you are a very wicked man, kasim.' 'i've only just got started,' he said, repeating himself. 'two more presents, cas – and then we can go to bed.' he handed her an envelope and a small box. she opened the box first and discovered a key – the fob carried the logo of a mercedes sports car, not the one kasim drove but the slk, which was very much a woman's car in her estimation, and something cassie had always fancied but never mentioned. 'how did you know i like them?' 'they are fun cars and yours is rather fancy with white leather upholstery,' he said. 'open your envelope, cas.' she did so and discovered it was the deeds to a house near newmarket.

'kasim?' she stared at him in surprise. 'is that our new house?' 'it's your house,' he said and smiled down at her. 'i thought you would like to have a place near your parents. i know you love visiting them, and we shall get down to the stables as often as we can. i was having it built as a gift for my uncle before i met you, but as soon as i fell in love with you i knew it was the place for us. i can build something else for my uncle.' cassie flung her arms around him. 'you are so good to me,' she said. 'i shall be more spoiled than shulie if you are not careful.' 'i don't think it would be possible to spoil you,' he said and drew her close to kiss her. 'shall we go to bed now? are you tired, darling?' she shook her head. 'i slept a little on the plane coming here, and now i am wide awake.' as she wandered through to the bedroom, she saw the patio windows opened out onto a huge pool and gave a little cry of pleasure. 'can we swim together?' she asked, looking at him over her shoulder. 'at your uncle's home i didn't like to ask, but here we can do as we like.' 'we certainly can,' he said and moved towards her, a purposeful gleam in his eyes. 'in fact i can't wait…' cassie avoided him and ran outside, stripping off her fine lawn skirt and skimpy top, discarding them on the tiled surround as she reached the edge of the pool. she stood there for a moment, wearing her lacy underwear and then dived into the pool. as she surfaced, she heard the splash as kasim dived in after her and then she was suddenly grabbed and pulled under. when they surfaced together she was spluttering and laughing as he hoisted her in his arms, then lowered her to kiss her on the lips. 'my lovely water nymph,' he murmured. 'i adore you more every minute.' 'and i love you, kasim.' 'i want to make love to you,' kasim said. 'let's go inside. i've had enough fun and games for a while. i want to show you how much i adore you.' 'as my royal master commands,' cassie said, and lifted her face for his kiss. 'i want to feel you inside me, kasim. i want to kiss and touch every little piece of you.' 'my turn first,' he insisted. 'yours later.'

cassie laughed as he hauled her out of the water, carrying her back into the bedroom. they towelled each other dry, taking time to kiss lingeringly, to touch and give pleasure until they could wait no longer and fell into the cool linen sheets of their bed. a long time afterwards, they lay talking. kasim holding her pressed to the length of him, his face hidden against her hair. 'i think i have everything i want of life now,' he said. 'for a long time there was an empty space inside me, and i had no idea how to fill it. you drove the emptiness out, cas. i am full of you now and i want nothing more.' 'surely there's something you want?' cassie pushed herself up on to one elbow, gazing down at him, a teasing light in her eyes. 'can't you think of even one thing?' 'to see you in that black leather outfit you promised?' 'that too,' cassie said. 'isn't there something else that might make your life complete?' he shook his head, mystified. 'explain, woman. you've lost me this time.' 'not even a son?' 'a son?' he sat up and looked at her. 'you mean…you don't mean…do you?' 'cassie gurgled with laughter as she saw the dawning delight in his eyes. 'well, i can't guarantee it will be a boy first time, but a daughter wouldn't be too bad for starters, would it?' 'so that's why you wouldn't go on the dodgems with me! 'yes, that's why. but you haven't answered my question.' 'a daughter to spoil would be wonderful,' kasim said and bent down to kiss her softly on the lips. 'and a son to take to football games would be great – but either will do, as long as i have you too.' 'well, i've no plans to go anywhere,' cassie said teasing him. 'i think mum half guessed but i didn't tell her. it was my best wedding present to you, kasim, and i wanted to save it for tonight.' 'it is the best present i've ever had in my whole life,' kasim said and lay down beside her, gathering her to him, his hand moving slowly down the length of

her spine. 'do i have to start being more careful with you now, cas?' 'oh, i don't need to put my feet up just yet,' she said. 'i gave maggie my three chapters and a synopsis last week and she told me today that her publisher friend is very interested in seeing the rest of the book, so i shall have something to keep me busy when i'm forced to take things easier.' 'i never doubted he'd want it for a minute,' kasim said. 'i read a bit of it when you printed it out and i can't wait to read the rest – but then, everything you do is perfect.' 'well,' cassie said and gave him a provocative look, 'there is one little thing that i thought we might try…' she whispered against his ear and kasim gave a shout of laughter. 'you,' he said, 'my wicked woman, have a very inventive mind – but i think life with you is going to be lots of fun.' and of course it was, because that's what loving and being in love are all about.

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