Cas112 Homework Assignment 1

  • November 2019
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CAS112 Homework Assignment 1 Student Name: Sydney Mireles Which script did you read: Raiders of the Lost Ark 1.Describe Act 1- What is the story set-up? Describe the setting, location, tone and which characters are we introduced to. Was there something specific that pulled you into the script? The story starts out in an action scene off the bat. Takes place in the jungles of Peru. It describes what he and others are wearing to give somewhat of a rustic feel. The adjectives used to describe the setting of the jungle make it seem as if it really isn’t the most pleasant place to be, already setting up that they will be facing many obstacles such as the ones they faced when exiting the tomb. Something that pulled me in was that they started the story in a highly intense atmosphere, somewhat implying that the struggles and adventure would only get greater from here. 2.Who is the Protagonist? The main character, the person who wants something and drives the story. The protagonist is Indiana Jones. The story is based around his life and extreme adventures. 3.Who is the Antagonist? Who is standing in the way of our protagonist, who is opposing them? This can be more than one person, it can also be a system or an institution. From the opening scenes, when Barranca pulls out the pistol it isn’t quite obvious to whom it’s aimed at but Indy took it from him before he could do anything. Perhaps this is foreshadowing to betrayal in the future. However another main antagonist through the Indiana Jones series whom also plays a big role in this film is Dr. Rene Belloq. He is somewhat of a wanna-be Indiana Jones. Tries to claim Indy’s discoveries as his own and is also a competitor professor of the same field at a different university. Another antagonist would be the locals or the troops that were stationed there when they went to Hok’s museum and palace. 4.What is Plot Point 1, also known as the Inciting Incident- this is the event that sets the protagonist off on his/her adventure in Act II. The story starts off showing that Indiana Jones is a big adventurer and it introduces us to the trouble he often finds himself in. They lost the idol to Belloq and went home unsuccessful. From there it shows him in his day job as a professor but from the way they describe his presence there, it’s almost as if he was made for better things and not many people besides his close friends really know everything he gets himself into. At the university he had a conversation with a close colleague and it led to Indy finding where the idol was taken, so he stops in Nepal to get “his girl” to come help him. From there they head to the African deserts where they find that the idol is protected by the Nazis. The next batch of scenes show the beginning of his second journey and the conflicts that

arose as soon as he stepped foot there. Foreshadowing that he really got himself tied into a situation much bigger than anyone else thought thus leading in to the main focus of the movie. 5.Describe the rising action in Act II- this is the series of obstacles that protagonist have to overcome to achieve their goal. What set-backs did they have to face. Indy had multiple setbacks, which included having to rescue his girlfriend, a numerous amount of fights with the Nazis along the way. When they found the idol they were then ambushed by Belloq and the Nazis. But before the ambush the tomb was booby trapped and filled with snakes which are known to be Indian Jones’ greatest fear. From there they had a shootout during a car chase scene to try and escape the city. They were then kidnapped and all hope was thought to be lost. 6.What new storylines and/or characters(if any) were introduced in Act II? A Samurai who battled Indy. Cella, man with eyepatch, and a group of local kids rescued Indy. Sherpa and the climbers. Belzig a Mongolian working with the Germans. They all played small roles throughout the journey. Whether it be to stop Indy from fulfilling his goal or saving him from trouble. Indian Jones is known to make allies wherever he travels due to his pure intentions. A new storyline would be when he was kidnapped and they were going to ship him out somewhat like a slave and people would take care from there. 7.What is Plot Point 2, also known as the Cinematic Turning Point. This could be a point of tension somewhere towards the end of Act 2 that exasperates or relieves the moment and forces our protagonist to change. This moment usually leads to the story climax and then resolution in Act 3. Plot point 2 would be when Indy and Marion thought they were in the clear, but ended up being captured once again but this time it would potentially lead to their deaths. This is where Indy realizes the level of seriousness this could lead to because now the women he loved could die to. Indian Jones never really accepted that he could die. He knew this was an obvious risk for the lifestyle he chose but being somewhat of a lone wolf it really never affected others so he always knew how to look out and primarily take care of himself. His loved ones being in danger was sort of a slap into reality that this was a life changing encounter. 8.What is the Climax of the story? This is the point of highest dramatic tension for our protagonist in their pursuit to obtain their goal. This could come right after plot point 2. The main climax of the story was when Indy and Marion were captured and the Nazi’s were using the idol to call the spirits back and were successful. However when all the ghosts immerged they began possessing anyone who made eye contact with them and it led many to their deaths. This was somewhat good considering the enemies were dying but this put Indy and Marion at risk because of their proximity and chances to be possessed. Also the fact that now the spirits were loose in the real world was also a huge dilemma.

9.What is the theme? The theme will show up throughout the script, it is like the coding of the story. Sometimes this is referred to as the “moral of the story” or the underlying message or meaning. There were many themes in this movie. I believe the overall one was initially Good vs. Evil because it never showed a scene where you could feel even the slightest bit of remorse for the antagonist. Everything that happened to Indy made it seem as if he doesn’t deserve all the cruel treatment and violence he faces in his adventures because he is portrayed as a man with good intentions. Underlying meanings in the story could be the elements of politics, religion, wisdom/knowledge. Due to the conflicts between the Germans and Indy, the difference of opinions with Belloq, and lastly all the knowledge that Indy either has or obtains on his journeys. Making him a wiser and more informed person at the end of every movie. 10.What is the resolution to our protagonists main objective? How does the story end, do they reach their goal? At the end of the story Indiana Jones walked out empty handed. However the final scenes of the movie show a very last battle where he and Marion were help captive but the ark ended up in flames. The fire led many of the captors to their deaths or extreme injury and it closes out with Indy and Marion escaping even though it was portrayed almost impossible for them to do. Once they escape they embrace a realize that they are okay because they came out together and safely. 11. Dialogue- How is the dialogue or the lack of dialogue being used to convey information and push the story forward? Is it witty, funny and fast paced? Or is it minimal, quiet and poignant The dialogue throughout the entire movie is intense showing that all in all what they are doing is within a serious manner. However the word choice selectively used ties in a humorous aspect. Showing that even in times of crisis Indy will always outwit others and ends up talking or fighting himself out of any situation. During the action scenes where a lot is going on at once the dialogue is very quick and to the point, not very elaborate but humor is always tied into it. When it’s a calmer less intense scene, they often speak pretty slow but it’s never very literal, a lot of metaphors are used to build up a higher climatic environment.

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