Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 118
  • Pages: 2
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Sue Renfrow RN, BSN

Carpal Tunnel *Entrapment neuropathy that occurs when the median nerve at the wrist is compressed by a flexor tendon sheath.

Causes *Repetitive hand activities *Arthritis *Hypothyroidism *Pregnancy

Signs and Symptons *Pain *Numbness *Paresthesia *Weakness

Assessment & Diagnosis *Tinel’s test (pop wrist with finger-will feel pain if positive test) *Phalen Test (bend wrist with hands down- pain, numbness, and tingling) *Nerve conduction test

Treatment *Rest *Splints *Ergonomic changes *NSAIDS *Cortisone shots *Surgery (24-48 will be flexing fingers)

Nursing Diagnosis *Peripheral neurovascular dysfunction *Acute pain *Self-care deficit *Risk for infection

Nursing Interventions *Neurovascular assessment *Motor function *Pain control Make sure bandage is not too tight do finger exercised teach how to do ADL’s

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