Caricom On Trial

  • July 2020
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Caricom on Trial By Dr Michael Cuba Ryan, MA-JD

How Caricom failed Guyana They Guyana dollar could fall to 1000/1 at the fall of the PPP government because the economy is propped up by illegal government drug trade

Blacks and Indians alike are shackled and tied together by the system. They are crying out for help, pleading for freedom but the system being so power drunk did not hear them. The sons of the people, who cried, found a louder voice in their guns; the PPP heard that cry and used cops who kill for fun to respond. Until my voice is heard my guns will continue to blaze, for I refuse to be a prisoner in my own land where I was burn. I have lived a peaceful life and abided by the laws. If I do not break a law, I should not lose my freedom , my children shall eat bread and my wife shall be free to love me and I be free to love her.

If I abide by the laws of the land, I shall not have sleepless night while thinking how to put food on the plate of my children. I have a right to be angry when I have no food to eat while others plunder the wealth of the land. I have a right to pick up my Gun if you ignore my cry of hunger, dignity, and freedom I have a right to resist if I am being imprisoned in my mind. I know the difference between being pissed on and being told it is raining. Michael Cuba Ryan


Dr Michael Cuba Ryan, MA-JD The PPP cannot be allowed to continue to make the Blackman and the Indiaman of Guyana feel like a foreigner in the country of his birth. Michael Cuba Ryan

Guyana is now one big prison, in this prison every citizen living in Guyana is serving a life sentence imposed by the PPP government and president Jagdeo has become the Director of prisons. This his government has turned Guyana into a killing field, where innocent and the guilty are being executed at the hands of PPP party members who are now part of a state killing squad, in another book entitled: COPS WHO KILL, a laundry list of victims are named with the dates, times and the people who killed them. Army officers are dealing drugs under the cover of the military, guns are disappearing from the military headquarters, and solders are being tortured and are made to confess to stealing the missing guns.

Army food are being shipped to Indian areas for party members and supporters, the last time this was done, was on June 27 th in 2009 when a fake training operation was set up for success on the east coast. This was a simple switch; the troops were moved in and set up camp for a three-week operation. Three trucks of food were moved in on the night of 26th in advance of the troops, (nothing wrong with this). Now here is the switch, for some reason, the operation was called off on the morning of the 28th and the food remained behind. After the troops leave, the food was distributed to PPP supporters in the area, this was the plan all along. To supply supporters with food using the army as a sham for a fake operation.

Soup drinker number one The chief of staff signed off this operation.

When Caricom was set up, many charters were put in place, a. b. c. d. e.

A security charter. An economic charter. A trade charter. A single market charter. In addition, to many more.

Before I go on to tell you how Caricom failed Guyana and why this organization is on trial, let me tell you about a puppet master called the USA/CIA. And how Caricom got put in check.

The CIA busted up the contadora group, in Latin America. Like Caricom, they were supposed to be an organization of unity. The military school of the Americas was quickly formed and scholarships were rapidly offered to bright military officers from Latin American countries. Soon as these officers graduated from this school, they returned to their countries and over throw their leaders. So much for United States of Latin America. Follow your history of military coup in Latin America and you will see what I am talking about. It is public record.

The Libyan president said he wanted to unite the African countries to be one United States of Africa. Every African president who was involved in this process were killed or kicked out of office by Sand Hurst trained officer in their military, So much for United States of Africa. The nonaligned movement met the same faith. Nonaligned leaders like Mrs. Gandhi were killed like flies, so was other nonaligned leaders.

Now, let us see where Caricom stands here. The United States of America would not allow another united states but the United States. Any kind of unity is seen as dangerous. Divide and rule is the word here. Bob Marley said when you have to get some food your brother has to be your enemy Caribbean leaders like Burnham died premature deaths. Walter Rodney tried to bring unity to Guyana, he was murdered in the process and Caricom should have

banned Guyana from its organization until an international organization had a chance to investigate Dr Rodney murder. This is Caricom first failure of Guyana. Rodney as a citizen of Guyana was by definition a son of Caricom. Cuba should have been made to answer to answer for the death of Forbes Burnham as bad as he was. After all, it was one of their specialists who were standing over Burnham when he died. This is Caricom 2nd failure of Guyana, but by this time Caricom was talking about a united single market community and the world powers that be were not having it.

Other Caricom leaders were dying at the same rate as the leaders of the other groups. The third failure of Caricom was when Guyanese citizens were being rounded up in sleeping clothes and tossed out of the island, in the midst of talks on implementing the single market economy. Caricom said nothing even though their headquarters are based in Guyana, but what do you expect if their checks are drawn on an American bank. The fourth and biggest failure is this. Over four hundred people are murdered in Guyana at the hands of cops who kill and the Rodger Khan Hunter killer group. Caricom like the rest of the world got this

information live from the American courts as the trial was covered by CANA. Still Jagdoe are allowed to travel freely in and out of Caricom like the king of England. Not all the charters of Caricom permit this organization to help the people of Guyana because the CIA said so. Remember when the crisis in Grenada erupted? Remember whom fast Caricom gathered and invited the United States to come in and crush the resistance? Caricom has that right under their security charter to intervene on behalf of the struggling people of Guyana, but they chose not to. This is another one of Caricom failure of Guyana.

Now let us get into the meat of this book The President is hardly at home, because he is always on a jet to some part of the world trying to look important. He is harboring a child predator in his office, even after the USA and Canada have revoked or refused to give this predator a visa. His wife claims abuse at the hands of his hands. How can the people of Guyana speak against abuse of women by ordinary men and the wife of the president cries out in the wilderness? This president should have been made to demit office a long time ago.

People die at the best hospitals because of the inattention of the doctors and there is no recourse. People are running drugs through the government diplomatic channel to the USA. People are being caught, and are calling the names of senior ministers of this government that is why the visas of some government ministers are being revoked. Why is Jagdeo continuing to say the Americans are wrong? His chief of police and other members of his government’s visas are being taken away by the USA for drug connections and the president is sitting on his hands.

Could it be that the president’s men are aware of his illegal deals and that is why he cannot force them out of office? This is indeed a strange relation between a head of state and his ministers. A fifteen-year-old boy are accused of killing a member of the president political party and in order to get him to confess the police pour a liquid on him and light him afire. On this Caricom remained silent. I could go on and on as I will further down in this book. While the president is running around traveling first class on our dime rubbing shoulders with other world leaders and film stars like Harrison ford and appearing on the front pages of the national newspapers on a regular,

In addition, what does Caricom do? They shake hands and knock glass with this criminal passing himself off as the President of Guyana. While all this is happening, some Caricom countries are kicking Guyanese out of their countries, in the middle of the night while still dressed in their nightclothes or under wear. Our people have nowhere to run, so they have to come home and face the violence, mental and emotional prison time in the dear land of Guyana. I blame this on Caricom as an organization and the heads of Caricom personally. Am I my brother’s keeper? The answer is yes!

I remember when, Maurice Bishop was in trouble in his country. The rest of Caricom came to the rescue of the citizens of Grenada by voting to allow the United States forces to come in, kill, and arrest the remaining members of the Bishop Government. This was done in the name of saving the citizens of a sister Caricom state, but the underlining reason was that Bishop was a Marxist. I would rather have a Marxists as president than a president who allows his people and the state police to kill citizens so in this case yes Guyana qualifies for that that type of intervention now. Guyana has allowed the Caricom Head Quarters to sit in Georgetown for as long as I can remember on prime property, but

Caricom sits on their hands and allow the PPP administration rape, and pillage the disadvantaged citizens of Guyana. Is it because the Republic of Guyana has Rice Sugar, Flower, Gold, Diamond, and other resources which may one day include Oil that the inept Caricom Presidents and Prime Ministers just sit and allow my people to remain in prison in their own country? If Guyana was a nut meg Island like Grenada, with nothing to offer I believe Caricom would have sent in the American military to remove Jagdeo. Having noticed the atrocities in Guyana why hasn’t Caricom come to the defense of the children of Guyana. Is it because the leaders are all dictators in their own right?

Is it because they are all soup drinkers and are hungry for Jagdeo soup?

Caricom is a waste of time and does not serve the people of this region well to say the lease. The heads of these Caricom states should bow their heads in shame and give up their human ship card for this earth, if there is such a card. Drink some sort of liquid, which will cause them to lose their life and just die as Jim Jones did when he found out he, was a useless human.

I find the leaders of this region at fault, stupid, undereducated, ill-informed, ill bred, inept, unconscionable, and out of step with real humans of this world. Further, I find them with their heads up their rear end and they are stuck so far up there that they are now full of themselves. I have never seem a bunch of elected officials act in such a cowardly manner, so much so that none of them have made a public statement condemning the over four hundred or so unsolved murders committed at the hands of the GUYANA POLICE AGENTS OF DEATH. This is the time that we all miss Dr Walter Rodney, had he been around today I believe that both Indians and Blacks would have lived in unity, and talking about Dr

Rodney’s Murder, none of the Caricom leaders has called for an inquiry into his death.

Caricom have many questions to answer in the aftermath of Guyana’s death as a fruitful and progressive nation. All Guyanese have lost their freedom and dignity in this country where struggle is the order of the day. It has gotten so bad that members of the military are now hunting and killing the rich and taking away their cash and Gold, these

military men are even enlisting the help of their families to take part in these brutal crimes along with them. This is a documented fact. The PPP has for the longest, practiced a form of racial politics. I call on the people of Guyana to stand up against this racist government and stop them from continuing this practice. We must reject this racial politics in favor of struggle for all oppressed people. Do not become a prisoner of political orthodoxy. We have to start a grass root movement and create a street force to remove this PPP government.

Our children wives and husbands lives are at stake here as oppressed people. Indians Blacks, Chinese, Amerindian , all of us must join hands and march together , rain or sun night or day, hungry or filled, sleepy or not, let’s not get faint but ask God for the strength to carry this load that the PPP has put on us in such an unjust manner. Let us mobilize together, let us bury the hatchet, we are not indo Guyanese or buck Guyanese or black Guyanese , we are all Guyanese and we want our country back, we were tricked by the enemy, we were taken for a ride, we were sold a bag of dust by the PPP government. This is no time to look to the PNC or the ANC this is a time for new blood, new ideas new thinking, a leader who will stand up for

all Guyanese wither you are black or Indian or Chinese or buck or whatever. This PPP government is so dangerous that they fooled their own supporters and are now killing their own supporters. To make their killing acts look real; they want to blame it on other parties so bad that they killed one of their own ministers; Minister Shaw to make it look like the gang did the killings. Make no mistake the PNC did the same thing back in the 80’s and blame the PPP and the WPA too. We are on our own like in a Friday the 13 movie but the difference here is that it is not a movie it is real, we are being killed, JASON IS for REAL HERE.

If the president have the heart to put out his wife what else would he not do to other people, He showed a child predator more mercy that his wife what does that make this man? Either he is a child predator too or he is a heartless beast. This is the same man the rest of the Caricom leaders are helping to hold up as a leader in this region. This being the case then I would settle for Burnham and his snake oil ministers he had with him. We are on our own here, the Caricom leaders will not stand up against him, nor will our military ask him to stand down. The head of the GUYANA DEFENCE FORCE is a chicken; he is a soup drinker too.

I remember when Burnham had the largest band in the world, flower Oil and so on, flight Lieutenant jerry Rollins of Ghana visited here and spoke with Burnham ,when Mr. Rollins left Guyana things started to change. Mr. Rollins visited Surinam, and when he left that country, the five-year curfew was lifted the next day. Why does it always have to take a leader from outside of the region to come here and tell us how to act? Where are our so-called Prime Ministers here in the Caribbean?

People we have to move on our own, we have no help coming, we have to start small groups in the community, groups of twelve to fifteen men and women. Form a few groups in the ward where you live. Have telephone numbers for the leaders of each group, so when you have to come out and protest on the streets of Georgetown linden, Bernice or where ever, all you have to do is, press speed dial and call the next leader and that leader contact his soldiers and link up at a point and show force in the streets. No violence is necessary, just let these people see that we are aware of what is going on we are not asleep and we are about to put an end to this dictatorship.

If it comes down to violence then we have that too, but we do not have to start out with violence. Understand this; we are going to start a revolution, with or without the help of Caricom. Do not take a knife to a gunfight. Get on the internet and learn to make a pipe bomb and use it if you have to. The PPP will not be moved by any peaceful means. The PPP government has taken the people of Guyana for granted too long and it’s time to rebel. You do not need the ex solider to show you how to carry this fight to the PPP, again, go on line and learn how to fight urban gorilla

style. You will find many handbooks out there with instructions. The PPP is a party of race, they understand that they outnumber the blacks by a large number and it is not in their interest to promote unity among race. A unify Guyana would pose a problem for the PPP a disunity among races serves them well, because when they call on their people to vote for your own kind, blacks will not have the numbers to win. Having said that, the PPP will rather promote hate by killing their own race and pin the murders on blacks. That way the race hate will continue to be alive and well. Race hate is the hallmark of the PPP party led government because of the number of black compare to the number of Indians.

We need to educate our people to understand that it is not black or Indian it is we together.

The most potent weapon in the hands of the oppressor is the mind of the oppressed. President Jagdeo is the most dangerous leader in this part of the world. People found it cute when he was swarmed in at age thirty-four, but he took the job as a boy and remained as a boy he never grew into the position.

Most Caribbean leaders to be more precise, head of states have never written a Doctoral dissertation, mainly because they have never attended graduate school and is under educated, ill-bred, ill-informed, ill mannered, and inept. Having not attend a graduate school or run a major business with no serious management skills or experience and have never had more than three thousand dollars in their personal bank account, how could these people run a country? This is what our Caribbean family is faced with today, inept leaders. Having no money management experience and never having

managed more than four or five people, these leaders are overwhelmed as world leaders. I personally know of a leader from the island of the commonwealth of Dominica who was involved in witchcraft to fight off another junior minister who he thought was trying to take his spot. I dated his niece on the island for a while so I visited his home on many occasions, the odd thing is he invested hounded of thousands of state founds in an African get rich scheme and lost it all, he was conned by a uneducated African. They use the government treasury as their own and president Jagdeo and his band of crooks are no different, but the thieves we have in Guyana government are also drug

dealers who invest the people’s money in their get rich schemes. Our economy is propped up by drug money; at the direction of king pin Jagdeo. Dealing drugs alone is not the issue, they kill many Guyanese in the process, and this is a natural fact documented by the United States Government Department of Justice. The Guyanese economy will fall the day that the PPP government leaves office because the economy is not real, it is a runaway economy. the Caricom leaders are aware of this if not of the details they surely know of the events that are taking place because the United States government have been taking actions against Guyanese officials like canceling

their visa’s and restricting their travel to that country. With that being said Caricom leaders have been made aware indirectly because of the newscast all over the region announcing the actions of the Americans. If Guyanese think, the country is in a bad shape now, wait either until the collapse of the PPP administration by electoral lost which I don’t think will happen or by violence which is most likely But the same week after the PPP is gone, the Guyana Dollar will shot up to about 1000/1 One thousand Guyana Dollars to one American Dollar and climbing

Guyana will most likely be the poorest country in the region running a far second behind Haiti Why? Because the Guyana economy is propped up now by the drug running fraud the government is pulling now. Yes, I am outright calling the Government of Guyana a drug running government and president Jagdeo will end up Dead or arrested like the President of Panama a few years ago. If the David Clark verdict does not make Guyana wake up< I don’t know what will> The American government does not hand out political asylum like that.

Each applicant has to do what is called a creditable fear hearing, at a hearing you have to prove that your life and the life of your family will be in deadly danger on return to your country. The American department of justice will investigate this and only if this found to be true will you be granted a petition to stay. What a I saying? I am saying that the American government is believing that the government of Guyana is involved in some sort of illegal and murderous activity against its citizens if not they would not have given major Clark Political asylum. In effect the Government was put on notice along with all the Caricom leaders who allow safe passage for drugs out of Guyana.

When the South African government held blacks at bay for years, turned the dogs lose on and made blacks sit at the back of the busses, Caribbean leaders made a large commotion, some even boycotted several Olympics because South Africa was taking part. South African cricket teams were banned from coming to this region. In support of the blacks there. Graham Gooch who played in South Africa while he was on the British team was banned from playing in some Caribbean countries. Caribbean leaders are quick to challenge the white man when he does something to the Blackman but it seem to be ok for black

leaders to advantage their black citizens and that is okay with these Caricom leaders. This is sick; the military leaders are also to be blamed for allowing these leaders to dictate like this in this region. Walter Rodney Slogan of people’s power no dictator catch like wild fire in the Latin America region, Latin citizens do not take kindly to dictatorship , they rebel and toss their governments out on their head, thanks to Walter Rodney. Caricom have failed the citizens of Guyana, plain and simple. It is as if we are not a part of Caricom and enjoy no protection. While I put Caricom on trial for letting us down, I equally accuse the leadership of the GUYANA DEFENCE FORCE who took an oath to protect the people of Guyana, from

foreign and domestic forces and violence instead they are aligned with the and are sleeping with the PPP government. If anything, the Military have perpetrated violence against us, beating, and shooting defenseless men in Buxton and other parts of the east coast. If the government is unable to rule this nation of Guyana then the GDF must step in and put an interim government in place, this they have failed to do. President Jagdeo should be held accountable for the death of the citizens of Guyana who die at the hands of the Guyana Police Force members who take matters into their own hands. The Caricom security general should call on the government of another sister nation who

are not protecting their own citizens, even though they take away their taxes on every par check. Why are we paying taxes and do not enjoy the support and protection of the government?

Why are the government contracts given only to Indian contractors?

Why are more that 98 % of top government positions given to Indians? Why are unqualified Indians placed into positions that they are not qualified for? Why are Indian citizens given millions of dollars to open businesses while blacks are refused and are forced to stand outside the Indian stories and sell goods for the Indian man or are forced to walk and sell? This forces the black man to go on the hustle and end up on the remand at the Georgetown prison on for something that is a bailable offence. Moreover, why are the jails full with black brothers and sisters, while the Indian family get bail even if they commit fraud on the bank of Guyana?

How can the magistrate grant bail and allow an Indian employee of a bank to make restitution of millions of dollars and a black man who slap his wife is refused bail or is sentenced to four years for a quarter pound of weed? I say Guyana is one big prison and the president is the Director of prisons

It is a popular belief that the PPP care about all Indians and hate the blacks in Guyana, this is not true. There are some Indians that the PPP do not care for, those Indio Guyanese are treated

with the same contempt the PPP government show for the afro Guyanese. The PPP in effect have marginalized a part of society into the have and the have not’s and those they do not give a dam about. The sad thing is, almost all indo Guyanese think they are loved by the PPP, only to find out they are cast away just like the black society. Some politicians will not talk about this in this way; they do not want to sound like they are talking about race. The fact of the matter is you cannot address the situation in Guyana without addressing race because this is what has driven the politics in Guyana for decades.

As Guyanese, we go to the cricket match when two teams from the Caribbean are playing, we scream and jump and hug each other while we are in the cricket ground. When the match is over, we go back to calling each other Coolie and black man.

When the West Indian team is playing the team from India or Pakistan the same people are in the stands but this time the indo Guyanese are rooting for the Indian team while the black Guyanese are rooting for the black team. This is some form of insanity. Both the PNC and the PPP have played on this weakness and kept us apart. For their own sinister agenda. The PNC and the PPP must go in peace or go in peaces Mark Benchop put up a web site and printed news; he invited comments and debate from the readers. I was shocked to see readers living in both Guyana and the United States

went at it with each other, calling each other names and begin to use death threats. Both PPP and PNC have used this insanity to their advantage.

I can understand Caricom not getting involved in Guyanese indo afro issues but when the Guyanese leadership are using cops who kill as their agents of death to wipe out mostly afro Guyanese it is like ethnic cleansing, Caricom heads are obliged to come to the rescue of the citizens of Guyana.

Caricom failed the people of Guyana. I call on the people of Guyana to forcefully remove Caricom diplomats from the country by any means. I call on the people of Guyana to picket the American embassy until they force the Jagdeo Government to demit office. If none of this works take to the street in peaceful way until you have the attention of the international press. If this does not work then we practice what we learn from the internet and do not mess with the PNC nor the AFC it’s time for fresh blood.

Every African state had to do it on their own, Guyana is not an African state but we are no different, we do not have the complexion for the right connection, we have to fight for our own freedom.

Ask yourself a question, why would the government of Guyana change the constitution to protect a drug dealer from being sent back to the USA? This means that this man would call names that the government does not want to be called so to protect themselves they change the constitution to protect drug dealers.

Do you remember I told you that the PPP government is propping up the economy with drug money? Well there is your first piece of evidence.

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