Cardiovascular Herbs Ddx

  • November 2019
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HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE moderate:140-160/100 Allium cepa urinary ixn high cholesterol (-) platelet aggr (-) COX and LOX (mild) high blood glucose asthma/psoriasis/atopic derm (increase insulin secretion, increase hepatic meta of gluc in LIV, anti-microb, anti-oxidant for LDL) Allium sativum (moderate) (<160)

URTI (& OM) - Staph Worms/Intestinal parasites Candidiasis Int Claudication hypercholesteremia DM, syndrome X, NIDDM, IDDM (anti-trichomonas, increases artery muscle tone, reduces cholesterol and lipids, elevates HDL, increases blood flow by IL-6 + platelet and LOX (-) --> claudication, anti-cancer and redcues toxicity of adriamycin)

Apocynum venetum (FAST-ACTING) (160-180)

Mild HTN DIFFICULTY SLEEPING from anxiety --> before bed (renal + post-menopausal HTN, palpitations and tachycardia, helps heart pump more efficiently, systemic --> relaxes arteries, + chronotropic and inotropic)

Cratagus oxycanthus (moderate) not fast-acting (LT) CHF 1-3 (160-180)

Cardiac weakness + pain Valvular murmurs, mitral regurg Dyspnea Hypertrophy Anemia Poor coronary circulation Tachycardia (IV bolus) Arrhythmia (extra systole) CAD MYOCARDIUM WEAKNESS POST-IXN Bradycardia of elderly Depression Anti-oxidant (collagen stabilization, prevents synthesis of inflam molecules, decrease plaque formation, decrease ortho hypo flavonoids are vasodilatory+anti-inflam, decrease BP and HR, increase blood to heart and contractile --> + inotropic, mild diuretic, relaxes peripheral arts, decrease ANGII, increase O2 utilization of HRT, HRT Dz d/t LIV Dz, inrease CO, use after DIG or together, Acne - topical)

Rauvolfia serpentina (mild and mediumsevere, severe) (160-180)

STRESS AND ANXIETY H/A, vertigo Restlessness Fever Abdominal Pain Schizophrenia (acute/severe) Insomnia (slows HR, anti-arrhythmic, induce euphoria, decreases catecholamines and serotonin stores --> may increase incidence of migraine H/A, decreases amine stores --> sedative --> CI depression)

Tilia cordata (mild)

Fevers/chills (colds, flus) nervousness/anxiety nervous H/A/migraine (anti-spasm, anti-fungal, VO: sedative, anti-spas, terpenoids: diaphoretic)

Veratrum album (>180)

Cholera ((-) Na channels)

Veratrum viride (acute >180)

Fever convulsions ((-) Na ion channels, induce bradycardia)



cerebral hyperemia

Vinca major/minor (acute, high >180) 3-6 wks oral dose

RESTLESS Cerebral aterisclerosis (increases perfusion and increases oxygen, decreases oxidative damage) Headache Vertigo Defective hearing Visual disturbance Poor memory Emotional disorders (agression) CYTOSTATIC (hodgin's, leukemia) Cancer = Madagascar periwinkle (vincamine = hypotensive, alzheimer's, post stroke -- increases circulation) (vincristine = chemotherapy mainly from Catharanthus roseus - periwinkle)

Viscum album (acute HTN >180) Like Vinca

HEADACHE DIZZINESS Epilepsy, hysteria Nervousness - can't lie down Neuralgia/rheumatic Pain Weak irregular heart with hypertrophy OVARIAN CANCER - stage 1 & 2 -- Iscador


Nervous tachycardia

SOB Valvular insufficiency Bloating with no change with menstrual cycle (or bowel changes) Post menopausal bleeding (Breast cancer -- increases T cells, NK cells, IL-2, HLA-DR and DQ, IgG, IgE) -- also abdominal, lung, colon CA (HTN - inhibition of excitable fibers of medulla oblongata)


Digitalis purpurea + inotropic + chronotropic + dronotropic (electrical) Diuretic

TACHYCARDIA ARRHYTH Hypotension Cerebral arteriosclerosis Edema Digitoxin (purp) = rapid Digoxin (lanata) - not as rapid BRADYCARDIA (smaller doses); NOT ANGINA MONITOR DIGOXIN LEVELS + POTASSIUM

Dusky with Dyspnea Scanty dark urine

Mild Helleborus niger (stage 1) + inotropic Slows pulse Increases arterial tension

Hypotension Tachycardia Cardiac dropsy Renal atony Jelly-like stool Amenorrhea with HOT FLASH, burning of thighs and buttocks and sensitive pelvic

Cough THYROTOXICOSIS - large dose

Weak heart

Convallaria majalis + inotropic - chronotropic (do not combine with other cardiac glyc)

BRADYCARDIA MITRAL INSUFFICIENCY CARDIAC ARRYTHMIA PALPATIONS Cardiac dropsy Arterisclerosis + HTN Arterial hypotension Poor digestion; anorexia arrythmia - decreased blood flow to brain, stasis and pooling may disappear with exercise Will not change vegetative growths - increase heart and see less edema LAB: DHEA, rbc Mg Drug of choice = Amiodarone - blocks Na and K channels, lengthens cardiac AP - interacts with cardiac glyc + B6 (neurotoxic) SE = pulmonary fibrosis, aggravated arrythmia, cirrhotic hepatitis, hypoT, corneal micro-deposits (>6months) (glycosides = diuretic - increases K loss; 10% absorbed 50% lost in 24 hrs - SAFE; acts only on HRT mm + vessels

Leonarus cardiaca slow acting

Hyperthyroidism Cardiac with PERI/POST MENOPAUSE Amenorrhea from cold, bearing down, lumbar pain Suppressed lochia Nervous, irritable DELIRIUM TREMORS

Craetagus oxycanthus

Cardiac weakness + pain Valvular murmurs, mitral regurg Dyspnea Hypertrophy Anemia Poor coronary circulation Tachycardia (IV bolus) Arrhythmia (extra systole) CAD MYOCARDIUM WEAKNESS POST-IXN Bradycardia of elderly Depression Anti-oxidant Moderate HTN (160-180) (collagen stabilization, prevents synthesis of inflam molecules, decrease plaque formation, decrease ortho hypo flavonoids are vasodilatory+anti-inflam, decrease BP and HR, increase blood to heart and contractile --> + inotropic, mild diuretic, relaxes peripheral arts, decrease ANGII, increase O2 utilization of HRT, HRT Dz d/t LIV Dz, inrease CO, use after DIG or together, Acne - topical)

not fast-acting (LT) CHF 1-3

Sarothamnus scoparius improves venous return

Cardiac arrhythmia Mild atrial and ventricular fib


Palpations (cardiac sedative) Cardiac spasm

Myocarditis + dropsy Lung Dz TOPICAL: sore mm, abcess, swelling, brighten hair

improves conducting diuretic

Uterine hemorrhage Lochial d/c FIBROMYALGIA (QA - Spartenine: extends diastole with elevated heart pump output) (CG - Scoparoside: diuretic)

Scilla maritima (Stage 1-3) + inotropic - chronotropic

Chronic cough with tenacious expectorant Dropsy Kidney failure (ecclectics) -- also CI in modern texts ELEVATED PERIPHERAL ARTERIAL TENSION (with crataegus and valeriana) > dig (decreases left ventricular/diastolic pressure, decrease venous pressure, poor GI absorb < potent than Dig)

Selenicereus grandiflorus MITRAL REGURG Rapid pulse Edema ANGINA Tobacco heart HT Dz (rheumatism) Prostatitis KI congestion Bronchitis Dysmenorrhea MENOPAUSE (HT changes) Mental depression Hypocondria FEAR OF DEATH H/A at vertex TOPICAL: rheumatism (Tyramine = strengthens HRT mm contraction) (decrease HR, dilates peripheral vessels, increases renal output, stimulated spinal neurons)

Hypertrophy Tinnitus NERVOUSNESS

Strophantus kombe

Rapid pulse Mitral regurg/stenosis Cardiac insufficiency Arteriosclerosis HTN from weak HT angina Cardiac dyspnea SOB IV: dyspea from cardiac, Ixn HT failure, scarlet fever, cardiac insuff (less toxic than DIG b/c leaves heart sooner)

Xanthoxylum americanum (mild CHF) increase CO, slows HR mild diuretic incr peripheral bf to msk

RAYNAUD'S Intermittent Claudication Viral Ixn Sluggish circ Bowel spams and catarrh Uterine cramps Dysm with neuralgia d/t ovarian cysts Dry oral mucosa Excess sputum Chronic rheumatism toothache BERRY: sluggish circ, chronic rheumatism, pain bowels, cramps, slow and weak pulse, capillary engorgement (BA - Nitidin: decrease BP, anti-leukemia, lowers LIV enz) (IA - chelerythrine: inc LIV enz, affect GM+ bac, potentiates barbituates) (BA - Asarinin: anti-TB)

INTERMITTENT CLAUDICATION Allium sativum URTI (& OM) - Staph hypercholesteremia

Worms/Intestinal parasites Candidiasis DM, syndrome X, NIDDM, IDDM

Moderate HTN (140-160)

(anti-trichomonas, increases artery muscle tone, reduces cholesterol and lipids, elevates HDL, increases blood flow by IL-6 + platelet and LOX (-) --> claudication, anti-cancer and redcues toxicity of adriamycin) works on peripheral bv's Gingko biloba

Reduced cerebral circ Poor memory Cerebral arteriosclerosis Vertigo/emotional lability ALZHEIMER'S DZ - no short-term but excellent long-term memory Raynaud's Diabetic angiopathy Phlebitits Varicosities Leg ulcers Hemorrhoids TINNITUS PERIPHERAL ARTERY DZ (increases reperfusion without increasing oxidative stress) (rapidly absorbed in thyroid, adrenal, and CNS) (vascular constriction to KI, panic, and wheal and flare; inhibits cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase so increases memory) (increases DOPA and NE; may aid regrowth of damaged neurons in CNS) (decreases platelet agg; degranulation and conversion of membrane phospholipids to AA; reduces bronchoconstriction) (inhibits COX and LOX; maintains aerobic glycolysis in hypoxia) (bronchondilatory; weak estrogenic; alpha-reductase inhibitor --BPH)

Xanthoxylum americanum RAYNAUD'S MILD CHF Viral Ixn Sluggish circ Bowel spams and catarrh Uterine cramps Dysm with neuralgia d/t ovarian cysts Dry oral mucosa Excess sputum Chronic rheumatism toothache BERRY: sluggish circ, chronic rheumatism, pain bowels, cramps, slow and weak pulse, capillary engorgement (BA - Nitidin: decrease BP, anti-leukemia, lowers LIV enz) (IA - chelerythrine: inc LIV enz, affect GM+ bac, potentiates barbituates) (BA - Asarinin: anti-TB)

URTI/COLDS/FLUS Allium sativum

URTI (& OM) - Staph hypercholesteremia

Worms/Intestinal parasites Candidiasis DM, syndrome X, NIDDM, IDDM Moderate HTN

Int Claudication

(anti-trichomonas, increases artery muscle tone, reduces cholesterol and lipids, elevates HDL, increases blood flow by IL-6 + platelet and LOX (-) --> claudication, anti-cancer and redcues toxicity of adriamycin) Olea europa


Tillia cordata mild HTN

Fevers/chills (colds, flus) nervousness/anxiety nervous H/A/migraine (anti-spasm, anti-fungal, VO: sedative, anti-spas, terpenoids: diaphoretic)

Xanthoxylum americanum (mild CHF) increase CO, slows HR mild diuretic incr peripheral bf to msk

RAYNAUD'S Intermittent Claudication Viral Ixn Sluggish circ Bowel spams and catarrh Uterine cramps Dysm with neuralgia d/t ovarian cysts Dry oral mucosa Excess sputum Chronic rheumatism toothache BERRY: sluggish circ, chronic rheumatism, pain bowels, cramps, slow and weak pulse, capillary engorgement (BA - Nitidin: decrease BP, anti-leukemia, lowers LIV enz) (IA - chelerythrine: inc LIV enz, affect GM+ bac, potentiates barbituates) (BA - Asarinin: anti-TB)

Capsicum frutescens

Depression and debillity Atonic dyspepsia in alcoholic DELERIUM TREMOR (withdrawal) Colic and abd distention Flatulence Chronic hemorrhoids Sinus congestion CHILLINESS Dry tongue and scanty salivation with fever STIMULANT (lowers cholesterol, TG, and LDL:HDL, decreases LDL oxidation d/t beta-catoene, decreases platelet aggregation) (reduces TXA2 production, reduces erythrocyte hemolysis, increases Sub P --> dilates arteries and reduces blood pressure) (production of collagenase as anti-inflam, stomach protection by decreasing muscular contraction and increase mucus) (anti H pylori) (increases metabolic rate, decrease post-prandial glucose, decrease low back pain). Headache from painful ST Neuralgic Headache Neuralgias during cold or flu Lymphadenopathy Ovarian neuralgia Dysmenorrhea with sciatica
Melilotus officinalis

Malaria fever, diarrhea

SEVERE VIRAL IXN (calcium elenolate - monoterpene) (oleuropein - bitter glucoside - inhibits LDL, anti-oxidant)


urinary ixn high cholesterol (-) platelet aggr (-) COX and LOX high blood glucose asthma/psoriasis/atopic derm Mild HTN (increase insulin secretion, increase hepatic meta of gluc in LIV, anti-microb, anti-oxidant for LDL)

Allium sativum

URTI (& OM) - Staph Worms/Intestinal parasites Candidiasis Int Claudication hypercholesteremia DM, syndrome X, NIDDM, IDDM Moderate HTN (anti-trichomonas, increases artery muscle tone, reduces cholesterol and lipids, elevates HDL, increases blood flow by IL-6 + platelet and LOX (-) --> claudication, anti-cancer and redcues toxicity of adriamycin)

Commiphora mukul

Elevated LDL Hyperlipidemia Inflammation:OA Nodulocystic acne (inhibits cholesterol synthesis in LV; increase fecl excretion of bile acids and cholesterol; decrease TG and cholesterol - use in coolness and dampness picture, ayurveda; IV familial hyperlipidemia; does not decrease HDL; modest weight loss)

Olea europa Increases HDL



constipation with rectal fissures/ulcers (inject rectal) GI irritations Appendicitis Cholelithiasis (ensure no obstruct) dysentery poisonning Dry skin CRADLE CAP (caution eyes) ATHEROSCLEROSIS (increas coronary blood flow, lowers cholesterol) Preventative BREAST CA Hypertension (moderate) Malaria fever, diarrhea SEVERE VIRAL IXN (calcium elenolate - monoterpene) (oleuropein - bitter glucoside - inhibits LDL, anti-oxidant)

Strophanthus kombe

Rapid pulse Mitral regurg/stenosis - CHF Cardiac insufficiency Arteriosclerosis HTN from weak HT angina Cardiac dyspnea SOB IV: dyspea from cardiac, Ixn HT failure, scarlet fever, cardiac insuff (less toxic than DIG b/c leaves heart sooner)

Capsicum frutescens

Depression and debillity Atonic dyspepsia in alcoholic DELERIUM TREMOR (withdrawal) Colic and abd distention Flatulence Chronic hemorrhoids Sinus congestion CHILLINESS Dry tongue and scanty salivation with fever STIMULANT EXTERNAL: cold feet, toothache (dental carries), OA, RA, diabetic and post-herpetic neuropathy, psoriasis, chronic laryngtitis nasal mucosa pain from migraine (lowers cholesterol, TG, and LDL:HDL, decreases LDL oxidation d/t beta-catoene, decreases platelet aggregation) (reduces TXA2 production, reduces erythrocyte hemolysis, increases Sub P --> dilates arteries and reduces blood pressure)


Allium cepa

urinary ixn high cholesterol (-) platelet aggr (-) COX and LOX high blood glucose asthma/psoriasis/atopic derm Mild HTN (increase insulin secretion, increase hepatic meta of gluc in LIV, anti-microb, anti-oxidant for LDL)

Allium sativum

URTI (& OM) - Staph Worms/Intestinal parasites Candidiasis Int Claudication hypercholesteremia DM, syndrome X, NIDDM, IDDM Moderate HTN (anti-trichomonas, increases artery muscle tone, reduces cholesterol and lipids, elevates HDL, increases blood flow by IL-6 + platelet and LOX (-) --> claudication, anti-cancer and redcues toxicity of adriamycin)


Leonurus cardiaca

Hyperthyroidism Cardiac with PERI/POST MENOPAUSE Amenorrhea from cold, bearing down, lumbar pain Suppressed lochia Nervous, irritable DELIRIUM TREMORS

Sarothamnus scoparius improves venous return improves conducting diuretic

Cardiac arrhythmia WITH MENOPAUSE Myocarditis + dropsy Lung Dz Mild atrial and ventricular fib TOPICAL: sore mm, abcess, swelling, brighten hair Uterine hemorrhage Lochial d/c FIBROMYALGIA (QA - Spartenine: extends diastole with elevated heart pump output) (CG - Scoparoside: diuretic)

Selenicereus grandiflorus MITRAL REGURG Rapid pulse Edema ANGINA Tobacco heart HT Dz (rheumatism) Prostatitis KI congestion Bronchitis Dysmenorrhea MENOPAUSE (HT changes) Mental depression Hypocondria FEAR OF DEATH H/A at vertex TOPICAL: rheumatism (Tyramine = strengthens HRT mm contraction) (decrease HR, dilates peripheral vessels, increases renal output, stimulated spinal neurons) AMENORRHEA Helleborus niger (stage 1) + inotropic Slows pulse Increases arterial tension Leonarus cardiaca slow acting for CHF


Palpations (cardiac sedative) Cardiac spasm

Hypertrophy Tinnitus NERVOUSNESS

Hypotension Tachycardia Cardiac dropsy Renal atony Jelly-like stool Amenorrhea with HOT FLASH, burning of thighs and buttocks and sensitive pelvic

Weak heart

Hyperthyroidism Cardiac with PERI/POST MENOPAUSE Amenorrhea from cold, bearing down, lumbar pain Suppressed lochia Nervous, irritable DELIRIUM TREMORS

Palpations (cardiac sedative) Cardiac spasm

Melilotus officinalis

VARICOSITIES Melilotus officinalis

Gingko biloba

Headache from painful ST Neuralgic Headache Neuralgias during cold or flu Lymphadenopathy Ovarian neuralgia Dysmenorrhea with sciatica
Headache from painful ST Neuralgic Headache Neuralgias during cold or flu Lymphadenopathy Ovarian neuralgia Dysmenorrhea with sciatica

Depression and debillity

Atonic dyspepsia in alcoholic

DELERIUM TREMOR (withdrawal)

Colic and abd distention Flatulence Chronic hemorrhoids Sinus congestion CHILLINESS Dry tongue and scanty salivation with fever STIMULANT EXTERNAL: cold feet, toothache (dental carries), OA, RA, diabetic and post-herpetic neuropathy, psoriasis, chronic laryngtitis nasal mucosa pain from migraine (lowers cholesterol, TG, and LDL:HDL, decreases LDL oxidation d/t beta-catoene, decreases platelet aggregation) (reduces TXA2 production, reduces erythrocyte hemolysis, increases Sub P --> dilates arteries and reduces blood pressure) (production of collagenase as anti-inflam, stomach protection by decreasing muscular contraction and increase mucus) (anti H pylori) (increases metabolic rate, decrease post-prandial glucose, decrease low back pain). Gingko biloba

Reduced cerebral circ Poor memory Cerebral arteriosclerosis Vertigo/emotional lability ALZHEIMER'S DZ - no short-term but excellent long-term memory Raynaud's Diabetic angiopathy Phlebitits Varicosities Leg ulcers Hemorrhoids TINNITUS PERIPHERAL ARTERY DZ (increases reperfusion without increasing oxidative stress) (rapidly absorbed in thyroid, adrenal, and CNS) (vascular constriction to KI, panic, and wheal and flare; inhibits cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase so increases memory) (increases DOPA and NE; may aid regrowth of damaged neurons in CNS) (decreases platelet agg; degranulation and conversion of membrane phospholipids to AA; reduces bronchoconstriction) (inhibits COX and LOX; maintains aerobic glycolysis in hypoxia) (bronchondilatory; weak estrogenic; alpha-reductase inhibitor --BPH)

Vinca major/minor (acute, high >180) 3-6 wks oral dose

RESTLESS Cerebral aterisclerosis (increases perfusion and increases oxygen, decreases oxidative damage) Headache Vertigo Defective hearing Visual disturbance Poor memory Emotional disorders (agression) CYTOSTATIC (hodgin's, leukemia) Cancer = Madagascar periwinkle (vincamine = hypotensive, alzheimer's, post stroke -- increases circulation) (vincristine = chemotherapy mainly from Catharanthus roseus - periwinkle)

Xanthoxylum americanum BERRY: sluggish circ, chronic rheumatism, pain bowels, cramps, slow and weak pulse, capillary engorgement

HEADACHE Selenicereus grandiflorus MITRAL REGURG ANGINA

Rapid pulse Tobacco heart

Edema HT Dz (rheumatism)


Prostatitis KI congestion Bronchitis Dysmenorrhea MENOPAUSE (HT changes) Mental depression Hypocondria FEAR OF DEATH H/A at vertex TOPICAL: rheumatism (Tyramine = strengthens HRT mm contraction) (decrease HR, dilates peripheral vessels, increases renal output, stimulated spinal neurons)


Tilia cordata (mild HTN)

Fevers/chills (colds, flus) nervousness/anxiety nervous H/A/migraine (anti-spasm, anti-fungal, VO: sedative, anti-spas, terpenoids: diaphoretic)

Vinca major/minor (acute, high HTN >180) 3-6 wks oral dose

RESTLESS Cerebral aterisclerosis (increases perfusion and increases oxygen, decreases oxidative damage) Headache Vertigo Defective hearing Visual disturbance Poor memory Emotional disorders (agression) CYTOSTATIC (hodgin's, leukemia) Cancer = Madagascar periwinkle (vincamine = hypotensive, alzheimer's, post stroke -- increases circulation) (vincristine = chemotherapy mainly from Catharanthus roseus - periwinkle)

Viscum album (acute HTN >180) Like Vinca

HEADACHE DIZZINESS Epilepsy, hysteria Nervousness - can't lie down Neuralgia/rheumatic Pain Weak irregular heart with hypertrophy OVARIAN CANCER - stage 1 & 2 -- Iscador


Nervous tachycardia

SOB Valvular insufficiency Bloating with no change with menstrual cycle (or bowel changes) Post menopausal bleeding (Breast cancer -- increases T cells, NK cells, IL-2, HLA-DR and DQ, IgG, IgE) -- also abdominal, lung, colon CA (HTN - inhibition of excitable fibers of medulla oblongata) Melilotus officinalis

Headache from painful ST Neuralgic Headache Neuralgias during cold or flu Lymphadenopathy Ovarian neuralgia Dysmenorrhea with sciatica

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