Cardiac Output, Preeclamp

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 371
  • Pages: 1


Sub jec t i ve : Decreased Kapoy kau s i r as ca rd iac outpu t verba l i zed by the re l a ted to pat i en t dec reased Ob jec t i ve : venous re tu rn . • Var i a t i ons i n b lood pressu re . • Edema • V/S taken as f o l l ows : T: 37 .1 P : 78 R: 20 BP : 140 /90



• Af te r 8 hours o f nurs ing i n te rven t i ons , the pat ien t wi l l par t i c i pa te i n ac t i v i t i e s tha t reduce b lood pressu re or ca rd iac work l oad .

Monitor blood pressure of the patient. Measure in both arms or thighs three times, 3-5 minutes apart while patient is at rest, then sitting, then standing for initial evaluation. • Observe sk in color, moisture, temperature and capillary refill time. • Note dependent or general edema. • Prov ide ca lm, restful surroundings, minimize environmental activity or noise. • Main ta in ac t i v i t y restrictions

Instruct in relaxation techniques, and guided imagery. Collaborative: • Implement dietary sodium, fat, and cholesterol restrictions as indicated.

RATIONALE Comparison of pressures provides a more complete picture of vascular involvement or scope of the problem.

Presence of pallor, cool,moist skin and delayed capillary refill time may be due to peripheral Vasoconstriction May indicate heart failure, renal or vascular impairment. Help reduce sympathetic stimulation, promotes relaxation. Reduces physical stress and tension

Can reduce stressful stimuli, produce calming effect, thereby reduce blood pressure.

These restrictions can help manage fluid retention and with associated hypertensive response, which decrease cardiac.

EVALUATION Af te r 8 hours o f nurs ing i n te rven t i ons , the pat i en t was ab le to par t i c ipa te i n ac t i v i t i e s tha t reduce b lood pressu re or ca rd iac work l oad .

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