Car Mi Natives - Oct

  • October 2019
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Test  Testing on info from Monograms o Pay attention to ‘exceptions to the rule’ re: contratindication, dosing, chemical composition  Case o Person who was suffering from eg. An IBS – a suitable astringent might be (and suitable astringents are listed) o Tested on information responsible for  Will be cases similar (or one of the cases, probably) that we have studied  be given same sheet than given in practice session  fill out the template  50 – 55 questions (multiple choice and written)  Up to Astringents, Demulcents, and Emetics for Exam  Set of handouts on Astringents/Demulcent Herbs (See Toby) Carminatives  most colourful group of botanical medicine  herbs characterized by their content of essential oils o antimicrobial, muscle relaxing, dispersing of unwanted G.I gases, stimulating G.I  many contain other constituents that make them widely useable o bitters  considered herbs and spices used in culinary  trade began when people who found something very valuable, took it to another culture near by to trade it for something they needed.  Spice trade was the beginning of a huge trade known as the ‘spice route’ o Across Europe and Asia  What was so special about these herbs and spices o All carminatives  Cinnamon • Bark of a tree • When discovered – the cinnamon was found as a component of eagle’s nest • Lived on top, at unscalable cliffs • Many men died in an attempt to take scrolls of cinnamon • Therefore, very expensive • Tastes wonderful, become flavouring in our foods • Grown in temperate environment o Mint, chamomile, rosemary, thyme, parsley, sage • Tremendously evocative  Fundamentally, herb which strengthens digestion  Alterative to the digestive tract

 Henry David Thorow (sp?) o Waldon Pond – not far from Boston. Where Thorow built a cabin of stone and wood and lived in wilderness o Did an experiment where he tried to understand the laws of nature o Did a book about all of the plants in his area o Dr. Godfrey has this book o Wild Fruits by Bradley Dean o Catalogued plants as they came out through the seasons o Noticed how things changed since the last time he was there o If look under carminatives in Mongraphs  Acorus Calamus  A lot of root consciousness around the plants  Case 21 o Bacteria in GI tract causing odoriferous bacteria o Bacteria are fermenting and putrefying undigested foods o Food that’s reaching this level of the intestine are not as completely digested as it should be o Number of reasons for that o How solving this problem?  Eating more easily digestible foods and in small amounts o What might help this women?  Carminatives are stimulants to digestion  One of the first thing that a carminative does is disperse gas  Break up gas bubbles  Anti-microbial, therefore help minimize the proliferation of microorganisms  Appropriate choice of carminatives • Can stimulate stronger digestions • Can treat symptoms of gas those that’s already produced and reducing amount that is produced  Suggested bitters before she starts to eat • Gentiana leutia – produce less gas and less uncomfortable o put the root in her teeth before she’s eating o then when sits down and eats, able to digest better  Mentha piperita  Chammomile  Feoeniculum Vulgare  Caution: Essential oil that has been distilled is very powerful medicine. Almost all are extremely toxic. Can kill human cells. Not wise to take most Essential oils internally as essential oils. Peppermint oil is one of the few that’s safe to take o She was having problems because teaching is very stressful job o If drink these in teas – never upset the healthy flora

o Garlic  Doesn’t upset healthy flora  Sulfur sensitive people cannot digest garlic and onion very well o Treat cause with Gentian o Treat symptoms with Gentian and carminatives o Tier 2  Resolve indigestion  Resolve digestive function  Suggest some improved eating strategies  Sit outside on porch to eat Case 22  Concern that thymus was growing too large and invading with breathing, therefore radiated to reduce size  Nestle’s Goodstart was best suited for the baby o Cow’s milk derived formula, but extensively modified to be nutritionally more similar to breastmilk and more digested  Any carminative would be good with this one  Mainly treat the symptoms, not much to treat the cause  At 4 mo. His colic disappeared  Chamomile – did best on  Matricaria recutita – did best on  Ginger  Catnip – did best on  Fennel – neurological defects if given too much o Baby didn’t like it  Total treatment approach was amelioration of symptoms  Main fallout from the whole scenario o Treating mother o Mother is feeling guilty o She has Hep. C o Have to help reassure women that she’s done everything she can and not to rob the relationship she has with her son and husband Case 23  Why would her abdomen be more distended in the morning than at other times? o Effect of the evening meal – not digesting it  Auscultation – normal is low swishing and gurgling o Higher pitched – overcoming pressure o Hear popping and clicking o Therefore, contents are under pressure and spastic  A little bit of swelling in the intestine is associated with distended stomach  Inflammatory Bowel Disease

 Herbs: o Filipendula Ulmaria  It has salicyates  Astringent b/c of it’s tannins (*good questions*)  One of the primary anti-inflammatory herbs  All carminatives are somewhat anti-inflammatory, also on joints and other parts of the body o Matricaria Recuritia – anti-inflammatory and anti-spasmodic  Antispasmodic  Slightly astringent • Going to help with bleeding • Tighten up mucous membrane • Strengthen digestion o Chammomilia  Widest spectrum  Good for almost everything o Althea Officinalis (Marshmello Root)  Very useful herb  Demulcent - mucopolysaccharide o Mentha Peprita  Anti-inflammatory and anti-spasmodic o If need more astringency can ad more astringent herbs o Made in a tea, 1-2 tsp 3 x daily o All herbs treat symptoms and cause o Deeper cause of inflammatory bowel disease are not so easy to uncover  When a person no longer feels stressed by the conditions they find themselves  Tier 2 o Freedom from drug reliance  Used Chinese remedy – Liu Junzi Wan o The formula that supports the ST SP complex o Has enormously tonifying effect on a weak digestive system Case 24  What is happening o She needed to get rid of the toxins that are in her body from the food poisoning o Probably still bacteria and endotoxins within her o Alleviate nausea, bloating and discomfort o Re-hydrate her  Herbs o Ginger  Used as carminative but good effect on circulatory system

 Useful in helping gwith CVD  Helps with the removal of plaque  Helps to tonify and relax the muscle of the CVS  Useful in the treatment of high BP  Esp. in the treatment of atherosclerosis  Useful in the treatment of weak vessels and atherosclerosis o Cinammon  o Matricaria o MEtha Peprita o Filipendula o Carum carvi  Good at stimulating digestion  Help gets things moving  Recommended taking them o Ginger – candied ginger o Ginger tea – slicing ginger and making concoction o Chew few seeds of caraway o Cinnamon, filipendula, matricaria – together as a tincture 40 to 60 drops 3x daily o Can take chamomile tea as it may help Case 25  Overtired – milk production decreased o Nervous o Anxious  Used Chinese herbs to strengthen her qi  Herbs o Borago Officinalis  Adrenal tonic  Energetics – encourages a person • Helps them to feel that they can manage • Have resources within them o Foeniculum vulgare (Fennel) o Trigonella fenum-graceum (Fenugreek) o Carum Caraway o Golageo officianalis o All have galactogoge effect o Causes  Borago  Panax Quinch  Eluthra Trictifolius  Somewhat stimulating and strengthening to qi

Can use for a few months at a time to get through the challenging period o 40 drops of tincture 3x daily  Anticipated outcome o Increased milk supply o Increased hopefulness o Increase energy o 

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