Project Name: Location: Job Number: TED ID: Client (Owner):
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SAMPLE CAPTION Name of photo: Description:
3_hi-rail system.jpg (please use the exact name of the image) The steep terrain and remote location of this toe wall presents many challenges, particularly concrete placement. To overcome the challenge, crews use a Cat 320 excavator and a 20-yard bin on Hi-rail system to transport the concrete to the pour location. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
xxxxxxxxxxAerial view of 6 OCSD pump stations in the low lying area around the Newport Beach Harbor and Peninsula. Description: KPC constructed A St. and 15 th St. pump stations in 2005-2006. KPC/Mass won the Bitter Point and Rocky Point pump stations separately, 6 months apart.. Dewatering is a major challenge given the close proximity of the ocean and Newport Harbor. Name of photo:
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Site with utility rerouting xxxxxxxxxx
Prior to commencing construction of the Bitter Point pump station, KPC/Mass must re-route electrical power feeds and other utilities to all existing oil wells. KPC/Mass must interact with various outside agencies such as Fish & Game, Cal Trans, SCAQMD, City of Newport Beach, County of Orange, and 3 separate oil companies. xxxxxxxxxx --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Name of photo: Description:
xxxxxxxxxxWorking around oil wells. xxxxxxxxxxKPC/Mass must maintain access to all oil wells scattered throughout the Bitter Point pump station site during all phases of construction.
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xxxxxxxxxxActivity around oil wells. xxxxxxxxxxAnother view of the Bitter Point pump station site and KPC/Mass’s challenge to schedule activities around the existing facilities.
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Name of photo: Description:
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