Captain Nobody.docx

  • December 2019
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  • Words: 720
  • Pages: 2
CAPTAIN NOBODY  3 Events that must be memorize for SPM: 1. Newt climb the dumpster 2. Newt save the ferret 3. Newt save Ratner

1) Newt climbs the dumpster. (Helpful/kind) After school, Cecil sees a big bass drum right on top of a huge pile of trash in a dumpster at a corner of Warren and Kander. He wants it badly, so he calls Newt for help. When Newt comes, Cecil asks him to get the drum kit for him. Newt’s palms begin to sweat as it is dangerous and he fears heights. But he fights his fear to fulfill Cecil’s dream of owning the first drum in his drum kit. Cecil convinces Newt that Captain Nobody can do the job as he is fearless. Encouraged, Newts climbs the rungs at the side of the dumpster to the top of the trash. He panics when he sees how high he is but he whispers that he is Captain Nobody and feels calm. Then, crawls to the drum, pulls it to the edge of the dumpster and slides it into Cecil’s arms. Cecil lowers the drum into his low, red wagon. As Newt climbs down the rungs of the ladder at the side of the dumpster backward, a man grabs his ankle. Newt recognizes him as Mr. Clay, the locksmith, who used to help his mother. But now, he has Alzheimer’s. Newt understands that he has lost his way. He says he is Captain Nobody, holds Mr. Clay’s hand and walks him home, six blocks away. 2) Newt saves the ferret. (Determined/Responsible) Newt tries to save Ferocious, a ferret which is the Fillmore football team’s mascot. Ricky and his friends scratch and claw at its cage until the door open and Ferocious runs away. Newt and his friends, JJ and Cecil give up saying that only Captain Nobody can catch it. Soon Ferocious bolts into the middle of the highway. Newt risks his life to the highway, waving his arms and screaming to stop the traffic. Then he and Ferocious race all over with cars zooming dangerously close. Slowly, the traffic on all four lanes comes to standstill. Suddenly, a small passenger airplane with engine trouble makes an emergency landing on the freeway what is cleared of traffic. Finally, Ferocious comes and sits at Newt’s ankle. Newt has saved the lives of Ferocious, the pilot and the passenger even he has risked his life. 3). Newt save Ratner. (Courageous) Newt also saves Reggie, who has climbed the water tower to spray paint on it but people think he wants to kill himself. Apparently, he is depressed that people are blaming him for knocking Chris unconscious and his reputation is bad. Newt is afraid of heights but as Captain Nobody, he climbs the rickety ladder courageously. Unfortunately, his mask gets caught on a nail and is ripped off his face. When he looks at it fluttering down, he is terrified and wants to climb down. But thinking of Reggie alone and desperate, he climbs to the roof of the tower to help him. Then he slithers slowly towards Reggie and tells him that he saw Darryl peeps knocking his brother out. He sees Reggie’s foot is trapped in between two beams and helps to untie his triple-knotted shoelace until Reggie pulls his foot out although his hands are painful and shaking with exhaustion. After that, Newt helps him to slither across the roof to the ladder safely.

SYNOPSIS The novel that I have learned is Captain Nobody written by Dean Pitchford. The story was about an ordinary 10 year old boy, Newton Newman who lived in the shadow of his brother, Chris Newman, a football player for Fillmore High School. A few days before the Halloween, Newt and his parents attended Chris’ final and the biggest game of the season, The Big Game. As the game heated up with only seven seconds left, Chris managed to score a winning touchdown for his team but he fell into coma after terrible collision. During his brother coma, Newt has turned out to be an unlikely hero, Captain Nobody. With the help of his two best friends, JJ and Cecil, Newt began to gain more confidence and courage in his Captain Nobody outfit. His tale of adventure began as he started to help people.

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