Capri Forum Preliminary Programme (2)

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  • Words: 2,250
  • Pages: 6
University of Naples "Federico II"

University of Cassino

Program (as per 01/06) Tuesday, 16th June 2009


Welcome and Registration - Hotel San Michele - Anacapri

Wednesday, 17th June 2009



Registration - Villa Orlandi

Plenary session Gazebo Auditorium


Opening Ceremony. Evert Gummesson - Stockholm University, Cristina Mele - University of Naples "Federico II" and Francesco Polese -University of Cassino.


Robert Lusch, University of Arizona and Stephen Vargo, University of Hawai “ The Development Of S-D Logic”


Jim Spohrer, IBM Almaden Research Center, San Jose "Service Science for a Smart Planet"





Coffee break Prof. Evert Gummesson, Stockholm University "Network theory and many-to-many marketing"

Round Table - Chair Prof. Gaetano Golinelli, University of Rome "La Sapienza"


Parallel Session


Gazebo Auditorium

Red Room

Sea Room

Viable System Approach

Value-in-use and service

Doctoral 1







Barile - Polese. Service Dominant Logic and Service Science: a contribute deriving from network theories

Moreno - Besson . Creating Value: The Case Of Iphone’s Launch On The French Market

Alexander . Service dominant logic, loyalty and performance

MacDonald - Martinez - Wilson . Bassano - Piciocchi. Governance And Developing A Framework For Assessing Viability Of Franchising Networks From A The Value-In-Use Of Product-Service Viable System Approach (Vsa) Systems: A Case Study

Breidbach . Distributed service engineering: integrating clients in service innovation processes

Helkkula - Pihlstrom - Kelleher. From De Martini . Firm Viability Through Viable Customer Perceived Value (Perval) To Management Accounting System Value-In-Context Experience (Valconex)

Helle . Towards understanding value creation as an interactive process of creating and sharing dyadic productivity gains

Saviano - Bassano - Calabrese. The Harmony Between Ethical And Rational Behaviour In The Health Care System. A Relational Model Based On The Viable Systems Approach (Vsa)

Palmer - Koenig Lewis. A Longitudinal Study Of Value In Use For A High Involvement Service

Holttinen . Practices as units of value creation: theoretical underpinnings and implications

Schiavone - Dezi . A Strategic Rethinking On Services For Technological Transfer In Regional Hi-Tech Networks

Rindell - Strandvik . Image-In-Use In Service

Restuccia . Value co-creation orientation: conceptualization, measurement and impact on firm performance

Rettinger consumer choice of service provision in services industries Coffee break

15.00-15.40 15.40-17.30

Service science

From product and service to solution





Freund - Kwan . Co-Production Process Quality Management For Service Systems

Godsiff. Service Systems And Requisite Variety

Doctoral 2 Discussant:

Discussant: Carrubbo . Emerging value creation Wendelin. Developing Total Business models: contributes deriving from service Solutions, From Product To Solution Sales: science, service dominant logic and Possibilities And Challenges viable system approach Gudergan. Framework And Model For Kawohl . Solution-oriented retail Successful Service Solution Design – An strategies - concept, moderators and Organisational Design / Dynamic consequences Capabilities Perspective

Ng - Yip . Service Systems

Burianek - Reichwald . Contracting In The Context Of Solution Selling

Kilic . Usage of affective and cognitive feelings in high credence service…

Vrbka . Advanced Qa And Testing Approach Based On Service System Paradigm

Corsaro. Exploring The Interactional Value Creation

Moeller . The risk of service ineffectiveness due to value co-creation

Winkler - Stanicek . Service Systems Through The Prism Of Conceptual Modeling

Baumann - Meunier. The Implications Of Service-Dominant Logic And Integrated Solutions For The Sales Function

Tregua . Value creation in high-speed railway transport service

Badinelli. Stochastc Models Of Resource Allocation For Services

Naci . Servitisation, Service-Dominant (S_D) logic and supply chain management Minculesco . Measuring customization and standardization within service production


Capri Boat Trip


Dinner at Marina Grande

Thurday, 18th June 2009 Plenary session Gazebo 8.30–8.50

Jaquelin Pels, University of Torquato Tella


Professor to be confirmed Parallel Session


Gazebo Auditorium

Red Room

Sea Room

Value co-creation: the customer's role

S-D Logic 1: empirical evidences

Tourism and cultural events 1







Michel - Brown - Vargo . Relieving And Enabling Customers' Value Cocreation: A Research Agenda

Brodie . Empirical Evidence About The Service Dominant Logic?

Zouni - Kouremenos . How To Co-Create With A Stranger? The Gap Between Real Demographic Profile Of Customers And Service Providers’ Perceptions Of This Profile

Ravald . The Customer's Process Of Value Creation

Gudergan - Wilden - Lings . How Does Service-Dominant Logic Affect Firm Performance?

De Nisco - Riviezzo - Napolitano . Using Importance-Performance Analysis In Evaluating Tourist Satisfaction. The Case Of Campania

Windischhofer - Reen - Wikstrom Nemeth - Kovacs . Measuring Service Gustafsson -Hindstrom. Co-Creating Value Dominance - Difficulties And Results On Through Industrial Services: The Case Of Identifying Services In Statistical Systems Remote Condition Monitoring

Della Corte - Savastano - Storlazzi . Strategic Active And Proactive Role Of Citizenship In Tourist And Cultural Events

Montagnini - Sebastiani . Co-Creating Value In Retailing: The Eataly Case

Nevmerzhitskaya - Stenroos- Jaakkola . Insights Into Co-Creation Of Professional Service Offerings

Brognieri - Bifulco - Ilario . Customers “Experience-Driven” And Value Proposition In S-D Logic: Evidences In A Cultural Network

Mccol Kennedy - Vargo - Dagger Sweeney . Customers As Resource Integrators: Styles Of Customer CoCreation

Karpen - Bove . Service Dominant Logic To Iannone - Della Peruta . Italy Must Make Strategic Service Orientation: Examining System: Network, Clusters And Preliminary Customer Perceptions Innovation In Tourism Coffee break

10.50-11.20 11.20-13.00

Value co-creation: network

S-D Logic 2: contributes







Nenonen - Storbacka . Business Model Design:Conceptualizing Networked Value Co-Creation

Sempels - Felix . Service-Dominant Logic: Revisiting The Intangibility For A Sustainable Marketing

Duque - Gaston Breton - Lado . Drivers Of Participant’s Satisfaction And Continuance Intention In Virtual Communities

Rondell - Sorhammar . “-Actor, Model, Choi . Deriving A New Approach For Whatever…” - Addressing The Complexity Business Ethics From The ServiceOf Heterogeneous Actors In Studies Of The Dominant Logic Of Marketing Value Creating Process


Technology 1: S-D Logic and Web 2.0

Harwood - Garry . Co-Evolution Of An Experience Environment: The Machinima Community

Wikstrom . Value Creation In Food Consumption

Cesarini - Mezzanzanica - Boselli . Michalski - Helmig - Bruhn - Hadwich Technology Supported Services And Batt . Service-Dominant Logic: What About Knowledge Derived From User Nonprofits? Generated Contents

Lobler . How Is Value Co-Created In Advertising? Lessons Leaned From Sdl

Martinelli . Service-Dominant Logic And Retail Convergence

De Santo - Napoletano - Polese . Goods For Sale: Create Service With Just One Click

Laine - Paranko - Suomala . All Activities Are Interpretive: The End Of The Debate About Service Characteristics?

Fragidis - Tarabanis . When S-D Logic Meets Web 2.0: An Integrative Framework For A Service Based Web


Plenary session Gazebo 14.00-14.20

Professor to be confirmed Parallel Session


Gazebo Auditorium

Red Room

Sea Room

Service Innovation 1: different perspectives

Value co-creation: critical perspectives

Network and value







Loyout - Cova - Bonnemaizon . Mele - Russo Spena - Colurcio . Alternative “Multichannel Customers’ Behaviour In Tsantoulis - Palmer . Creating Value In Logics For Innovation: A call for Service Critical Situations : Is Co-Creation Possible Use Through Global Alliances – A Study Innovation Research Or Impossible? The Case Of French Utility Of Airline Quality ‘S Customers”* Van Der AA - Den Hertog - De Jong . Managing Capabilities For Service Innovation

Plé - Angot - Chumpitaz . Introducing Lund . Inter-Organizational Dynamics In Interactional Value Co-Destruction In Sdl: Sponsorship Alliances – The Case Of The A Theoretical Framework Royal Swedish Opera

Sundbo . The Expressive Consumption: Experience As A General Business Logic

Mills - Crute - Parry . Value Co-Creation In A Uk Defence Availability Signori . The “Virtual Beehive”: A Contract:Opportunities From Multiple Network Model For Process Integration Client Perspectives And Diverse Cultures

Sebastiani - Paiola . Rethinking Service Innovation: Four Pathways Of Evolution

Hassan Temerak - Hibbert - Winlhofer . Norrgrann - Halkoaho . Retailers And Managing Customer Partecipation Through Media As Resource Intermediaries Customer Education

Palm - Crevani - Schilling . Organising (For) Service Innovatrion: Formalzation Versus Creativity

Holmqvist . How Can We Co-Create If We Cannot Communicate?

Coffee break

16.00-16.30 16.30-17.50


Service innovation 2: Customer's involvement

Customer and realtionships

Co-creation in public services







Roberts . Consumers As Co-Creators: Implications For The New Product And Service Development Process.

Kiane . The Effectiveness Of Socializing Service Customers

Tyler . Co-Creation Of Value In Service Business Markets: A Case Study Of The European Hygiene Supplies Sectors

Kotro . Methods For New Customer Involvement

Tuzovic - Labs - Finsterwalder . Investigating Student’s Co-Creation Isberg . Creating Brand Value At The Experiences During Short-Term StudyService Encounter - A Front Line Personnel Abroad Programs On Learning Perspective Outcomes, Program Satisfaction And Word-Of-Mouth

Von Koskull . Imaginary Customers: A Source For Service Innovation

Pezzillo Iacono - Mangia - De Nito Ates - Buttgen . Customer Participation And Canonico . Governance Models In The Its Effects On Service Organisations: An Local Transport Industry: An Empirical Institutional Economics Perspective Research On Tariff Integration Systems

Nicolajsen - Scupola - Henten . How To Communicate – When Customers Are Involved In Co-Creation Of New Services

Bonnemaizon - Batat . Toward A Customer Trequattrini - Russo . Service Dominant Orientation Approach Based On Customer Logic In The Co-Creation Of Value In Competency: A New Deal For Companies Environmental Hygiene Services

Dinner at Faro

Friday, 19th June 2009 Plenary Session Gazebo

8.30 – 9.10

Prof. Robert Lusch, University of Arizona and Prof. Stephen Vargo, University of Hawai “The Development of S-D Logic"

Parallel Session


Gazebo Auditorium

Red Room

Sea Room

Service Networks

Service Innovation 3: Learning and cocreation

S-D Logic and co-creation: healthcare







Hofacker - Pagani . Managing Network Services

Vanska - Poskela - Paallysaho - Kuusisto . Karppinen - Huiskonen . Designing An Pursuit Of Business Renewal Through Intelligent Service Model For DiagnosisDiscontinuous Service Innovations Focused Professional Service

Kuisma - Jarvensivu . Creating A Network Strategy: A Longitudinal Case Study Of Marketing Service Network

Turchetti - Geisler . Home Health Care Halonen - Kallio - Saari . Towards CoServices: A Case In Service-Dominant Creation Of Service Research Proposals - A Logic In The Marketing Of TechnologyMethod For Learning In The Network Based Services

Nykanen . The Role of Social Relationships Pekkarinen - Ulkuniemi - Natti . Knowledge Nordgren . Matchmaking Of HealtcareIn Network Management: Creating Trust In Sharing In Innovative Modular Service Supporting The Patient Network Through Management Functions Offerings

Santos Vijande - Gonzalez Mieres - Lopez Planander . Facets of Management In Sanchez . Innovativeness And Firm’s Service Network Relationships - Exploring Valuation Of Customer And First-Line The Leadership Role Employees As Co-Producers In Nsd: Impact On Performance

Jougleux - Gujarro - Bancel-Charensol . Performance Management Of The Service Relationship: A New Tool ? The Example Of The Service Relationship Of A Health-Care Professional – Cpam

Onetti - Talaia - Verma . Business Models For Open Source Companies: The Shift Towards A Pure Service Model.

Paladino - Aguiari . A Second Chance At Life? Analyzing Customer Value In The Medical Industry

Tung . Service Co-Creation Activity In Health Industry

Coffee break

10.30-11.00 11.00-13.10

Resource Integration

Tourim 2: network's role

S-D Logic and network in banks







Harrison . The Resource Creation System And Competitive Advantage

Andreu - Curras - Gnoth . Dynamics Of Cooperation In Tourism Events: The 2007 America’s Cup Case Study

Modina-Formisano . The Role Of Local Banks’ Network In The Modern Banking System: An Italian Case Study

Peters -Pressey . Mechanisms For Resource Radicchi - Zagnoli . Sport Events As Integration In Business Networks Experiential Marketing Tool

Pisnik Korda . The Role Of Perceived Service Value In Customer Satisfaction And Loyalty Formation: The Case Of Banking Services In Small Cee County

Della Corte - Micera . Resource Integration Mele, Colurcio, Russo Spena . Innovation Gardes - Maque . Relational Competence Management In Networks’ Value Creation Process As Resource Integration: Co-Create : An Answer To Opportunism In An Empirical Analysis Of High Quality Value Through Service Systems’ Network. Bank/Firm Relationships Tourist Offer In Southern Italy Kleinal Tenkamp - Haase . The “Resources Von Friedrichs . Collective Processes Outcomes” Approach – Resource Entrepreneurship- Networking As A Integration At The Centerpiece Of A Market Strategy To Business Development Oriented Theory Of Marketing Presenza - Cipollina . Analysis Of Links And Features Of Tourism Destination’s Stakeholders. An Empirical Investigation On A South Italian Region

Buffa - Franch - Martini . Role Of Local Banks As Potential Primary Stakeholders In Community - Type Destinations Intrisano-Moretta Tartaglione . Emerging Trends In Value-Creating Processes: Co-Creation Through Corporate Finance And S-D Logic




S-D Logic 3: Expanding and integrating S-D Logic and service science

Technology 2: S-D Logic and ICT





Paiola - Rullani . Integrating S-D Logic, Ssme And The Network Approach: The Contribution Of The Italian Neo-Industrial Studies

Claffey - Brady . Understanding Technology Adoption Within ServiceDominant Logic Paradigm

Duque - Cesaroni . S-D Logic And The Egan . Marketing Evolution: The Time And Open Innovation Paradigm: Marketing For Place For Service-Dominant Logic? Unembedded Technologies Ferreira - Proenca . Confronting The Imp Network Approach And The S-D Logic Of Marketing

Nishioka - Minami . New Roles Of InterFirm Relationships In Service Developments:The Case Of The Japanese Ict Industry

Ben Leitafa - Paulin . Incorporate Marketing Lagergren - Kaulio . The Concept Of InfraStrategy And Management: The Umbrella Services: A Definition And Research Of The Ecosystem Theory Agenda 15.40-16.10 16.10-17.00

Coffee break Conclusion: Sergio Barile, Evert Gummesson, Bob Lusch, Jim Spohrer, Steve Vargo

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