Capital And Revenue

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 1,336
  • Pages: 5
Lecture Overview  

Topic 5 (A) Capital and Revenue (B)Income Statement For Tax Returns



Income is not defined in the Income Tax Act 2007 (or previous Acts) CIR v Boyton (2001) How to decide what is income? – – –

Case Law: Pitney, J. Supreme Court, USA in: Eisner v Macomber (1919) 252 US 189

Economists’ view – capital:


Why do we need to identify the distinction? New Zealand: –

In terms of receipts • • • •

Capital is generally non-taxable; Income/revenue; liable for income tax; income generally excludes capital; some capital gains may be taxable -“circulating capital” e.g. capital gains from the sale of land purchased with intention for resale)

In terms of expenditure •

deductions for capital outgoings are generally not deductible


What is capital? –

• tree; • a reservoir supplied from springs.

– Income is • fruit/crop; • outlet stream to be measured by its flow over time; • not a gain accruing to capital; • not a growth or increment of value;



Implied in the Act Normal usage - e.g.dictionaries Judicial interpretation - ordinary concepts and usages of mankind Recap Topic 4


Income definition Capital vs. revenue – why important to make the distinction – principles derived from case law Using income as the tax base – economist’s view – accountant’s view – capital gains tax debate Financial vs. tax accounting – why the difference – how different are they

An item of wealth or an asset capable of producing wealth e.g. buildings, land, investments.. the “tree” Nature of “fixed capital”

What is income? – –

The “fruits or crop”; rent, interest, dividends…derived from the above are income Nature of “circulating capital”

Case Law CIR v McKenzies NZ Ltd (1988) 

Taxpayer making a lump sum payment to lessor in consideration for surrender of lease

Case Law CIR v Inglis (1992)   

Court of Appeal held it is capital

Other Tax Cases 

CIR v Fraser (1996) 17 NZTC 12,607


Most complex and controversial

Impact of economic, accounting and legal principles

-inducement payment -character of receipt important 

Shares sold at a loss and claimed a deduction for the loss CIR claimed capital losses not deductible Court decision: share transactions were capital in character BUT is taxed under the Act (s CB 4)- profit on sale of shares; shares held on revenue account i.e. circulating capital

Union Steamship Co of NZ Ltd v CIR (1996) 17 NZTC 12,629 (CA) -surrender of option -agreement not viewed in isolation but in context of other agreements

INCOME: Economist’s View

EXAMPLE At beginning of the year has cash $1,500 but invested $1,000 in shares  Earned salary $15,000  Outside fees $2,000, expenses $400  Dividends received $900  Shares worth $9,800 at end of year  $400 in bank a/c at end of year  $17,600 cash spent on consumption items 

Income = increase in economic power

That is net accretion in wealth plus consumption during the period in question


Value at begin $500

Value at end $400

Increase or decrease ($100)





Increase in net worth


Consumption exp.


Economic Income


INCOME: Accountant’s view ‘inflows or other enhancements, or savings in outflows, of service potential or future economic benefits in the form of increases in assets or reductions in liabilities of an entity...result in an increase in equity’  GAAP - income measured on basis of completed transactions 


$ 1 5 ,0 0 0

F ees

$ 2 ,0 0 0

L ess: ex p en ses



1 ,6 0 0 D iv id e n d s


A /C In c o m e

$ 1 7 ,5 0 0


ACCOUNTING realisation concept historical cost conservatism objectivity matching expenses with revenue

Capital as a Tax Base


ECONOMIC Needs valuation Subjectivity Unrealised gains/losses Includes gifts, inheritances, bequests

New Zealand:

Economist’s approach – – – –

too impractical difficult to apply lack objectivity and accuracy measurement of taxable income; ‘monetary’ v ‘real’ income

– –

No specific capital gains tax; Tax Review 2001: current income tax base includes a wide range of changes in value of assets and liabilities; Capital gains tax, as used overseas, is a transactional tax on disposal of assets: encourage tying up of assets unproductively to avoid tax.

Capital as a Tax Base 

Arguments for:

Capital as a Tax Base 

Arguments against: – Administration problems such as:

– Equity i.e.

• the erratic nature of such gains; • difficulty in assessing -rate of tax to be applied? difficulties with adjustment in changes in money values; will the public accept a capital gains tax?

• Profits in the form of income taxable so should profits of capital nature; • Increase in taxable capacity (vertical equity); • It would prevent a common means of tax avoidance; • Avoids excessive concentrations of economic power in a few hands.

– Political • likely to incur bad feeling particularly as proportion of NZers own their own homes, shares, etc.

– Economic

• Absence – tendency to over invest in assets subject to capital gain and under invest in productive assets; • Stabilisation effective? In times of inflation and excess demands the tax yield would increase.

Income Statement: Accounting v. Tax 


Standard income year => “tax year” Tax year – 31 March Alignment of corresponding income year to a tax year Non-standard income year (early or late) and accounting balance dates Profit v net / taxable income:

Income returned in ‘prescribed forms’

– – – –

– Impact on farmers

Financial v Tax Accounting 

– –

Purposes of Taxation: – – –

Principles of taxation: – – – –

To raise revenue for public goods and services; To encourage certain economic behaviours; Redistribute wealth.

Equity; Certainty; Convenience/simplicity; Economy of collection.

Accurate assessment of tax liability

Why are they different? How are they different?

Purpose of Financial Accounting: –

Accounting is the “the process of identifying, measuring and communicating information to permit informed judgments and decisions by users of that information” (Bazley & Hancock, 110.100)

Statements of Concepts for financial reporting imposed for specific business/economic purposes

Concerned with ‘true and fair view’.

Financial v Tax Accounting 

Basic questions:

Financial v tax accounting

Financial v Tax Accounting

• Possible reduction in tax yield Economic; possibly interfere with society’s choice in the patterns of production and consumption Grounds of equity; is the tax to be on real wealth or illusory increase?

Tax accounting methods: – When income is derived and expenditure incurred? – Cash method • •

Based on income received Deemed to be derived if amount is credited in account, etc. (s BD 3)

Accruals method • • •

Based on income earned Adopt a method that best discloses taxpayer’s true income Generally considered the appropriate method for accounting for business

Financial v Tax Accounting 

Permanent & timing differences for deferred tax purposes

Permanent differences result from:

Financial v Tax Accounting 

Timing/taxable temporary differences are: –

Items of income/gains realised for financial accounting purposes but not recognized for tax; and Items of expense/loss matched against financial accounting revenue but not deductible against gross (tax) income.

INCOME TAX LIABILITY Annual Gross Income  Less: Annual Allowable Deductions  Net Income  Less: Available Losses (brought forward)  Taxable Income  Multiply by tax rates  TAX LIABILITY 

Difference between financial (profit) & taxable incomes arising strictly from taxpayer’s method of accounting Same item of income/gains or expense/loss is taken into account in different year(s) for accounting v tax purposes

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