Capacity Management

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  • Words: 1,545
  • Pages: 15
IBM Global Services

ITIL Foundation Course V1.0 Introduction to the IT Infrastructure Library Capacity Management

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© 2004 IBM Corporation

IBM Global Services

Unit 11

Capacity Management Content:

 Capacity Management – objectives and overview  Responsibilities and obligations  Important aspects – Capacity planning – Capacity Database (CDB)

 Benefits, risks, costs  Best practices  Summary


ITIL Foundation Course | Student material v1.0

© 2004 IBM Corporation

IBM Global Services

Capacity Management

Integration into the IPW Model

Source: IPW Model is a trade mark of Quint Wellington and KPN Telecoms 3

ITIL Foundation Course | Student material v1.0

© 2004 IBM Corporation

IBM Global Services

Capacity Management

Mission Statement

Capacity Management is responsible for ensuring that the capacity of the IT infrastructure matches the evolving demands of the business in the most cost-effective and timely manner. Capacity Management needs to understand the business requirements (the required provision of IT services), the organization's operation (the current provision of IT services), and the IT infrastructure (the means of provision of IT services), and to ensure that all the current and future capacity and performance aspects of the business requirements are provided cost-effectively. However, Capacity Management is also about understanding the potential for service provision. New technology needs to be understood and, if appropriate, used to deliver the services required by the business. Capacity Management needs to recognize that the rate of technological change will probably increase and that new technology should be harnessed to ensure that the IT services continue to satisfy changing business expectations. One of the result of the activities of Capacity Management is a documented capacity plan. The goal of Capacity Management:

Ensure required, acceptable, cost-effective capacity of IT resources, in order that the service levels which are agreed with the company are fulfilled in a timely manner. 4

ITIL Foundation Course | Student material v1.0

© 2004 IBM Corporation

IBM Global Services

Capacity Management

Why Capacity Management? There are a number of reasons why an organization should implement Capacity Management.  Capacity Management provides the required information about: – Which components need to be upgraded (such as main memory, faster hard disk, larger bandwidth) – When to perform upgrades – not too early, otherwise expensive overcapacities cannot be used; and not too late, in order to avoid bottlenecks, bad performance, and consequently, customer dissatisfaction – How much the upgrade will be – planning elements and predictions will influence budget planning  Capacity management is based on: – Business requirements – Existing structures of the company – Existing IT infrastructure  The customer does not require capacity; the customer requires services  The expenditure for IT capacities needs to be continuously justifiable  It provides information on current and planned resource utilization of individual components, allowing decisions on which components to upgrade, when to do so, and how much it will cost. 5

ITIL Foundation Course | Student material v1.0

© 2004 IBM Corporation

IBM Global Services

Capacity Management

Capacity Management has three sub-processes

Demand Management Business Capacity Management

Service Capacity Management

Resource Capacity Management

Capacity Plan

Capacity Database


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Iterative activities (Performance Mgmt)

© 2004 IBM Corporation

IBM Global Services

Capacity Management


Iterative Activities

Business Capacity Manageme nt Service Capacity Manageme nt Resource Capacity Manageme nt


Analyze Tuning

Capacity Managemen t

Implementation Monitoring

Demand Managemen t Capacity Database (CDB)

ITIL Foundation Course | Student material v1.0

Application Sizing © 2004 IBM Corporation

IBM Global Services

Capacity Management

Input & Output


INPUT Technologies SLAs, SLRs, and service portfolio Business plans and strategies Maintenance windows Employment and development plans and programmes Planning of future changes Incidents and problems Service reviews SLA violation Financial plans Budgets


Business Capacity Management Trend, forecast, model, prototype, size, and documentation of future business requirements Service Capacity Management Monitor, analyze, tune, and report on service performance; establish baselines and profiles of use of services Manage demand for service Resource Capacity Management Monitor, analyze, and report on utilization of components, Establish baselines and profiles on use of components

ITIL Foundation Course | Student material v1.0

OUTPUT Capacity plans CDB Minimum requirements and profiles Threshold values and signals Capacity reports (regular, ad hoc, and in special cases) SLA and SLR recommendations Costs and recommendations for further calculations Proactive changes and service improvements Revised maintenance windows Effectiveness review Audit reports

© 2004 IBM Corporation

IBM Global Services

Capacity Management

Iterative Activities

A number of the activities of Capacity Management need to be carried out iteratively, and form a natural cycle: Tuning

 Set up and maintain the Capacity Database  Reporting – Analyzes and reports – Production of the capacity plan  Demand Management and Monitoring – Ensure that the future business requirements for IT services are considered – Report on performance against targets contained in SLA – Monitoring of resources – Forecast future capacity requirements  Document costs associated with options

 Assess new technology and its relevance


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Resource Utilization Thresholds

SLM Exception

Resource Utilization


Exception Reports

SLM Thresholds Capacity Management Database (CDB)

© 2004 IBM Corporation

IBM Global Services

Capacity Management

Capacity Plan

The Capacity Plan should be published annually in line with the budgetary cycle. Ideally, it should be updated quarterly, and consists of the following parts:

 Introduction        


– Scope of planning – Methods Assumptions and prerequisites Management summary Business evaluations and scenarios Service summary Resource summary Options for service improvement Cost model Recommendations • Business benefit to expect • Potential impact (of not) carrying out recommendations; risks involved – Required resources – Costs: unique and ongoing ITIL Foundation Course | Student material v1.0

© 2004 IBM Corporation

IBM Global Services

Capacity Management

Capacity Database

Capacity Database (CDB)

 Data in the CDB is stored and used by all the sub-processes of Capacity Management because it is a repository that holds a number of different types of data: business, service, technical, financial, and utilization data.

 The CDB is unlikely to be a single database, and probably exists in several physical locations.

 The information in the CDB is used to form the basis of performance and Capacity Management reports that are to be delivered to management and technical personnel.

 The data is also utilized to generate future capacity forecasts, and to allow Capacity Management to plan for future capacity requirements.


ITIL Foundation Course | Student material v1.0

© 2004 IBM Corporation

IBM Global Services

Capacity Management

Benefits and Costs

Benefits  Reduced risk of performance problems and failure

Costs  Setting up Capacity Management:

 Cost savings  Both achievable through:

– Planned buying – Deferring expenditure until really needed (but in a controlled way) – Matching capacity to business need Ensures that systems have sufficient capacity to run the applications required by the business for the foreseeable future

 Provides information on current and planned

– Procurement of required hardware and software, such as monitoring tools – Project management – Staff costs – Accommodation Daily management of Capacity Management: – Annual maintenance and upgrades – Ongoing staff costs – Recurring accommodation costs (leasing, rental, energy)

resource utilization of individual components allowing decisions on which components to upgrade, when to do so, and how much it will cost.

“Planned buying is cheaper than panic buying.” 12

ITIL Foundation Course | Student material v1.0

© 2004 IBM Corporation

IBM Global Services

Capacity Management


Potential problem areas:

 Customer expectations exceed technical capability  Unrealistic product information from vendor  Wrong estimation of future workload by the customer  Precise predictions become more difficult with shorter business planning cycles

 Considering all service areas (software, PC, server, LAN, WAN, TK, and so on) within the scope of capacity management


ITIL Foundation Course | Student material v1.0

© 2004 IBM Corporation

IBM Global Services

Capacity Management

Best Practices

 The Capacity Management process should be reviewed for effectiveness and efficiency at regular intervals to ensure that: – It is producing the required output at the required times for the appropriate audience – Its activities are cost-effective

 Critical Success Factors Success in Capacity Management is dependent on a number of factors: – Accurate business forecasts – Knowledge of IT strategy and plans, and that the plans are accurate – An understanding of current and future technologies – An ability to demonstrate cost-effectiveness – Interaction with other effective Service Management processes – An ability to plan and implement the appropriate IT capacity to match business needs


ITIL Foundation Course | Student material v1.0

© 2004 IBM Corporation

IBM Global Services

Capacity Management


 The goal of Capacity Management is to ensure that all the current and future capacity and performance aspects of the business requirements are provided in a timely and cost-effective manner.

 Responsibilities: Business Capacity Management, Service Capacity Management, Resource Capacity Management

 Demand Management  Capacity Plan and Capacity Database (CDB)

“Good Capacity Management ensures NO SURPRISES!”


ITIL Foundation Course | Student material v1.0

© 2004 IBM Corporation

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