Canvas Magazine - August 2009

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  • Pages: 32
august 2009

TERRY TRAVI S ultimate networker mcdonalds career fair and stepshow

merv jones + stepshow pics + evelyn burnett + real estate tips



urban culture, community, & business in Northeast Ohio

august 2009 PUBLISHER goodproduce llc EDITOR jay bobo


ashley taylor, areial callieham


jay bobo, herb bias


goodproduce, the detroit studio, keturah ariel


ashley taylor, jameel davis, princess henderson, jay bobo, damien connor

PUBLISHED BY GOODPRODUCE LLC 1360 E. 9th Street, Suite 823 Cleveland, OH 44114 Copyright 2009 GOODPRODUCE LLC Reproduction without written permission of goodproduce llc is prohibited.


contents EXTRAS 07 editors note 26 event calendar 28 the list+

PEOPLE 08 mervyn jones II - love & relationships

09 evelyn burnett

- tips for young professionals

CULTURE 14 listen up: ashley norelle 22 nightlife: jack’s bar 23 eats: sergio’s sarava BUSINESS 15 larry greene

- surplus property management

FEATURE 18 terry travis

- the business of networking w/

26 mcdonalds regional career fair & stepshow



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Editor’s Note T

ime is the one thing that entrepreneurs always lack. There’s never enough time for promoting your business or for meeting new customers. There’s always more to do and more to learn. Running your own business is a constant battle with time. In launching the first issue of this magazine, I have had the opportunity to meet tons of people from all over Cleveland but not time enough to get to know them. As we continue to grow as a community magazine, we look to use our time wisely and truly get to know our community so that we can better profile, publicize, and market its efforts.

“Our customers are not dependent on us. We are dependent on them” - Flawless Barber Salon

Time. Despite our commitment to hard work, we realize here at Canvas that we’ll never have enough time to capture everything. A lot of great moments will be missed. In July, we’ve missed more than a few high school reunions (Shaw ‘09, we see you!), festivals (Soul ‘O Buckeye), and much more. But with your help, we can cover more. Please keep us informed of what we’re missing and we’ll try our best to be there. This issue would not be possible once againwithout Mom and Dad, the Canvas Magazine staff, and most importantly our advertisers. See you in September! Jay Bobo

216-624-7212 [email protected]


| love&relationships

Three things that you notice in a woman? Her eyes, I’m big on eyes and eye contact; second hair, if a woman tries to wear hairstyle that doesn’t fit her or her head it’s not gonna work. Lastly, personality, a woman has to be able to work a room and not be shy.


promoter / philanthropist

What are some turnoffs? What are some turn-ons? I can’t stand a woman who doesn’t have her own or doesn’t have a work ethic. It drives me nuts for someone not to want their own. Also I can’t stand a wallflower. A turn on is confidence to be able to approach a man without fear of being judged, another one is a sense of humor. What would be the best way for a lady to approach you in public? With confidence and honesty.

Bio: What’s the worst experience you

Founder of The have had with the opposite sex? Stephanie Tubbs I was set up on a date with a girl Jones Foundation whose parents were good friends Status:

In a relationship Location:

University Circle School:

with my parents and as soon as I gave her my number she called me 5 minutes after we met and kept on calling every hour to make sure we were actually gonna go out on a date. Needless to say, we never went out. What’s your idea of a perfect

Hiram College first date? A movie and drinks Social Science, BA afterwards - that was my first date with my current girlfriend. It gave us a lot of time to talk and get to know each other more, which is a cornerstone in any relationship. words ashley taylor




city of cleveland: office of sustainability

young professionals |


25 Title:

Project Director Location:

Warehouse District School:

University of Akron Degree:

Masters of Public Administration

Tell us about yourself? I’m from Youngstown, formally educated in Akron then moved to Cleveland, a NEO kid all my life. I’m a dot connector who tries to work in all sectors to connect the dots folks often miss. Describe your typical work day? Meeting, meeting, meeting, phone calls, email follow up, lunch, meeting, meeting, and then I head to my secret garden along Detroit Superior Bridge to sort through the day and prepare for the next. Why is your job important? Sustainability isn’t just a cool thing to do, it’s reality and it’s about survival. We don’t have steel mills, GM, Ford, and Chrysler anymore to rely on for comfortable lifestyles. We have to invest in green and sustainable careers, and smart communities for survival. What advice do you have for people seeking a similar career path? Hang in there, never stop being a student, always take time to listen to the person you would discount first, listen to your elders, and don’t expect rewards for doing good deeds. What is the salary range for your position? Depends on experience level and success rating per project, $25-$60/hr in the public sector. The private sector is a different story. Who’s your biggest influence? My mom and dad, because I can never thank them enough for being so amazing in my life.

words ashley taylor








| listenup


native of Mayfield Heights, Ashley Norelle sings backup for Ohio native and international recording star John Legend. Relatively new to the music industry but not new to singing, Ashley says, “Before I could even speak as a child, I was singing.” Her passion and desire to sing has always been a constant in her life whether while sitting in class at John Carroll University and daydreaming about writing and performing to actually taking part in local events. Local talent shows, festivals, and noted open mics are what prepared Ashley for her move to the industry and started her career. In 2007 at the B-Side on Coventry, she was first noticed by Conya Doss. In February of ‘09, she joined up with John Legend as a part of his Evolver Tour.

Over the past few months, touring has taken Ashley all over the world from Paris to Tokyo, literally. Still, despite the travel, Ashley is a humble girl from Ohio in the Find out more about Ashley Norelle at words gabe crenshaw midst of achieving her dreams. She states, “I sing about what my soul feels, not what’s trendy. I think that will not only make room for me in the industry, but also provide longevity.”



local entrepreneur |


Surplus Property Management


eal estate is one of the first investments that many hear about, what you don’t usually hear is how difficult it can be. Local entrepreneur, Larry Greene of Surplus Property Management (SPM), started his firm in 2007 after helping friends purchase rental properties and realizing a need in the area for property management. Since that time, SPM has grown exponentially and currently assist a number of property owners throughout the Greater Cleveland Metropolitan area manage, market, and lease their properties. Though there are a number of management companies in the city, Larry states that SPM is different. “What sets us apart is that SPM is hands on with both owners and those in need of housing. We work with both parties to accommodate their needs. We make ourselves accessible at all times.”


1. Market your property 2. Use your resources 3. Create property awareness He also states that there are difficulties that SPM has faced such as not being able to get 4. Don’t go with the first person a property rented in a timely manner or deal5. Screen all potential tenants ing with untrustworthy people but risk is a part of the game.

Read the rest of our interview with Larry Greene at

Larry advises that research and finding a good mentor are the key components to being successful in the real estate industry. He says, “Don’t be afraid to take risks and read, read, read! Do your research and get a prospective from somebody already in the business.” 15





There’s something great happening downtown thanks to East Cleveland native, Terry Travis of, and you should know about it!




feature |

etworking, networking, networking! How do you start? Where do you go? That’s a question that many people in our community ask themselves. Terry Travis has made it easier for young professionals to connect with the major movers and shakers of Northeast Ohio.

college in 1921 at a time when many African Americans let alone women were going to college, her experiences in the south as well as Chicago and resilience in the face of adversity provided a great lesson for me that anything is possible and with hard work and diligence anything is achievable.

What are three things that every aspiring entrepreneur should know? T: Research your market or industry. Be ready to adjust your business model. Don’t be afraid to go into areas that aren’t typical markets for start ups. Read business journals, study market Tell us about your company? T: Cleve- trends. Use technology to your advantage. is a niche multi-media network for a progressive generation, committed to What are your thoughts on the current empowering Cleveland’s young profession- status of Cleveland’s urban community? T: Having been raised here I know the resilal community 365 days a year. ience of the community and even though we Explain your connection to the Cleveland are experiencing what are clearly difficult Leadership Center and the Candid Con- times, this is nothing that we can’t overcome versations Lunch Series? T: One of our and actually benefit from. Cleveland is going recent launches, this lunch series provides through a transformation from a manufactura forum for Young Professionals to engage ing base to one of health care and technolwith major stake holders in a smaller envi- ogy if we can adapt our ways of thinking we ronment than an our other event “Profes- can really benefit from this evolution. If you sionals in the City.” As an alumni of the look at the health care centers in Cleveland, Cleveland Leadership Centers’ Cleveland they lie right in the middle of urban commuBridge Builders program which fosters lead- nities so we need to ensure that we are at the ership development and civic engagement. I table when decisions concerning new initiafelt that there was a great opportunity to col- tives are made and benefit from the growth laborate with the CLC. They saw the value of this sector. and have been a great partner on this series. What’s next for and Which of the sessions has been your fa- Terry Travis? T: We are working on increasvorite so far? Why? T: My favorite lun- ing our presence here where we live and opcheon has to have been with Albert Ratner, erate from as well as international projects Co-Chair of Forest City Enterprises. His particularly in Europe and Africa as well. Whether your ambitions are in technology, health care, politics, or real estate, Terry and his team have been a driving force in building some serious social bridges within the city.

insight, perspective on things and candor in relating to the subject of growing of the region was great not to mention the fact that because his company does investment around the country he was able to provide insight into market trends and best practices from other areas.

Recently, we have developed a mobile marketing technology that has really taken off for us. Based on what took place in the last Presidential Election many of our clients wanted to be able to reach consumers in this unique way.

Who inspired you to become an entrepre- We have also launched our ultra rich mobile neur? T: Without question my Great-grand- data collection service which utilizes techmother Carrye L. Coates, she graduated from nology that we incorporated from Europe. Read the rest of our interview with Terry Travis at





| nightlife


n owning a Sports Bar, ambition is a commodity. Owner, Jack Deher of Jack’s Sports Bar & Grill definitely attains that “gogetter” attitude. His parents, first generation Lebanese arrived to the US penniless in the early 1930’s. Eventually arriving in Lyndhurst, Ohio with his wife and four children, Jack’s father went on to open Nela Park Deli on Noble Rd. When his father reached retirement, Jack and his brother Elias decided to run the family business. After 20 years with the deli, Jack decided to follow his life long dream in becoming a bar owner. “Without the help of my dad and Elias, owning this bar would have been impossible,” says Jack. “We bought this building 6 years ago. I have 20 years experience in food but never in the bar business, but learning.” Jacks Sports Bar & Grill has an up-beat environment with friendly employees, delicious food and speedy service. Jack says his focus on incredible hospitality is the reason for his success, “I treat everyone with the same respect I want in return. Growing up, my father taught me that there are many people in the world but everyone’s money is green.” Its’ a spacious venue equipped with a dining area, patio deck, full bar, six plasma TV’s, pool table, and a TouchTune Jukebox. You can enjoy any major sporting event with your choice of any drink or delectable item listed on the menu. Jacks Sports Bar & Grill is one of the hottest “go-to” spots in the South Euclid area.



jack’ssportbar 4030 mayfield rd 216-295-1200 words princess henderson

excellent eats |


arnavaaaal! When Sergio’s Sarava throws it’s Carnaval, it’s as if for an entire evening some wild party in Brazil has been dropped right in the middle of the quaint and quiet Shaker Heights.


13225 shaker sq 216-295-1200 price: $12-18

There’s drums! There’s music! There’s food. More importantly, there’s barbecue! Hundreds of people from every walk of life are dancing and enjoying themselves at the most multicultural party in Cleveland. Independently owned, Sergio’s Sarava is all about delivering the energy, warmth, and sophistication of Brazilian street life to its patrons. It accomplishes this beautifully through great food and equally as great service. If you haven’t been, we recommend a caiprinha to drink with short ribs, slaw, and fries. Don’t worry, it’s affordable. It’s the best mini-vacation ever, all without traveling outside of Northeast Ohio! words jay bobo


| event pictures

nathan mumford, yolanda bonner (ndmp), angela bailey, & paul pawlacyzak (cleveland clinic)

troy smith (baltimore ravens) ted ginn jr (miami dolphins)

ainslee, valeria, & al fatz tara & dj fresh

nathan mumford & judge jeff buchanan

cal clements, jameel (eighty81), donte whitner - (buffalo bills)

patrice & danielle (tuffl luve)

2nd Annual Cancer Awareness B-Ball Game July 11, 2009 - Karen E. Mumford Foundation,, & Team 20 present this second annual event featuring Glenville vs. Heights alumni at Tri-C Metro Gym. photos by jbobo -

event pictures |

charita gadson young, kara d. beverly, peter lawson jones, viveca malone, & dr. bonita coe

jacques smith & family (tri-c)

khalib hawthorne, brandon respress, & michael blanchard (case western) dana chin & keesha salters (american greetings)

randy mcshepard (rpm), everlyn burnett, & andrew jackson (gcp)

damon johnson & johnny brewington (cleveland division of cire)

christina smith (revol wireless)

McDonald’s Regional Career Fair July 11, 2009 - presents this regional career fair sponsored by McDonald’s at the Greater Cleveland Convention Center.


| event pictures

shaw hs marching band

basheer jones (radio one)

alpha phi alpha delta sigma theta

phi beta sigma & zeta phi beta

omega psi phi

alpha kappa alpha

McDonald’s Midwest Regional Super Stepshow July 11, 2009 - presents The Midwest Regional Super Stepshow Classic 2009 sponsored by McDonald’s at the Greater Cleveland Convention Center. photos by jbobo -

event pictures |

dj k-nyce

judge mike ryan, basheer jones (radio one), marielle lue (wews)

iota phi theta (central state university)

alpha phi alpha esquires

iota phi theta

firestone step team

sigma gamma rho


| calendar

calendar - august 2009 Would you like to add your event to the our calendar? Email us at [email protected] for more information


8/01 John Legend

w/ India Arie & Vaughn Anthony @ Nautica Pavilion


8/06 Lil Wayne

@ Allen Theatre (8pm)

w/ Drake, Young Jeezy, & Soulja Boy @ Blossom

8/16 Foreign Exchange @ Grog Shop

8/16 Jamie Foxx @ Wolstein Center

8/25 De La Soul @ House of Blues

8/30 Sean McGee

@ Peabody’s Downunder

9/4 Charlie Wilson @ State Theatre

9/26 Joyfest 2009

w/ Tye Tribbett, Kirk Franklin, & Marvin Sapp @ Cedar Point

8/14 All New Diary of Black Men 8/15 Soul Food Festival

w/ Cameo, Peabo Bryson, & Angela Winbush @ Voinovich Park

8/20 SOUP @ Nite

Society of Urban Professionals @ Nighttowne - 12383 Cedar Road

8/22 Browns vs. Lions

@ Cleveland Browns Stadium

8/25 Football 101 for Women

Come meet your favorite player! @ Winners Sports Bar & Grille (8pm)

8/26 Gourmets in the Garden

Cooking demonstration courtesy of Lola Restaurant. Reservations required, call 216-7211600 x100 @ Cleveland Botanical Garden


8/17 Daniel Gibson Basketball Camp

Open to boys & girls (ages 5-15). Call 440-2877644 to register.

8/12-14 Sustainable Cleveland 2019

Mayor Jackson’s three-day economic sustainability summit. Call 216.664.2444 x5579 to register. @ Greater Cleveland Convention Center 28



the list + Would you like to add your business to the list? Contact us now to advertise your information, email us at [email protected]

SHOP// brigade

1785 coventry rd 932-0700

next coventry

1800 coventry rd 371-0777

style lounge

1273 w. 9th st 664-1104


1781 coventry rd 397-2923

athletes foot

2545 e. 55th st 361-2223

fashions by fowler 3090 mayfield 397-0808


sergio sarava

13225 shaker sq 295-1200

uptowne grille

11312 euclid ave 229-9711

luckys cafe

777 starkweather ave 622-7773

xo primesteaks

500 w. saint clair 621-5652

bluepointe grille 700 w. saint clair 875-7827

taste of jamaica 3936 mayfield rd 382-3936

mr. wonderfuls 5354 lee rd. 475-9233

la bodega

869 jefferson ave 621-7075

b&m barbeque

5501 warrensville ctr 475-8720


1390 w. 9th st 687-9494


2207 w.11th st 937-2288 30



supreme clientele 1649 lee road 932-4845

carls barbershop 4098 lee rd 391-4166


12619 larchmere blvd 231-7827


2541 e. 55th st. clair ave 361-1381

SALONS// headlines

5160 wilson mills rd 440-605-0500

new millennium 16808 chagrin 320-9119


12703 kinsman rd 752-1132


4110 mayfield 382-8200

listings |

BARS// madisons

4066 mayfield rd 381-4995


7707 carnegie st 881-0080

20/20 martini 2020 center st 776-0202


5120 warrensville ctr 662-8810


1854 conventry 932-3050




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