Can You Spell Wannabee Book.

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 16,560
  • Pages: 45
Rachel and her friends were the type of girls that could make you cry in five second flat. They were the type of girls who always wore designer clothes and looked amazing. They kept their heads held high and told people what to do, and how to do it. Like they ruled the school, and to some, they did. They walked down the hall their hair blowing in the wind. Looking like supermodel material. By the look of their lips, it looked as if they had just applied a coat of Vicky’s gloss. Typical G.G behavior. Golden Girl, the name its self made Ariana’s stomach sink. Not as much as the girls themselves. Golden and good were to different words. For one, good meant sweet, kind, and caring. They did have caring. But it was only for their kind. Golden in their dictionary meant rich, popular, cold, a-list, pretty, or anything like that. They slightly puckered their thin lips. Their stilettos click-clacked, as they walked down the halls of Harbor Day. All heads turned towards them. They had a rep. too. They have meet tons of famous people. Calvin Klien, Marc Jacobs, Brittney Spears, ect. Well that’s what people say. They were so rich they could buy Bill Gates, and then some. On key they all turned and faced Ariana. “Excuse you.” Rachel smirked. Ariana glared at her, hoping she would run away crying. But of course, she stayed perfectly calm. Ariana stepped out of the way and went back to her locker. Sadly their dark blue lockers were right next to each other. Rachel smiled as her and her friends stepped forward. They swiftly turned the dial on their lockers. Their Tiffany & Co. bracelets jingling at the movement. There were four of them. Rachel, the top dog, leader, alpha of the group. Ella, the beta, and shopper. She would live in the mall if she could, and could find a sale on anything. Megan, the boy crazy. Boys were crazy for her too. So no one blamed her. And Sydney, the sporty one. The one that always had her head in the game. How did Ariana know this? Well, sadly enough… she used to be one of them. Those were hard days for Ariana. Always having to watch what she said, eat right, walk in sync, think in sync. She couldn’t believe Ella, Megan, and Sydney hadn’t gone crazy yet. Even though Ariana did want to be back in the G.G.s more than everything. But there are something’s she didn’t miss. Everyone one wanted to be them, and people who say they don’t were lying. They were goddesses.

Rachel with her brown hair and her hazel eyes. She was the perfect height. Really skinny and developed like the other girls. Ella with her blond hair, crystal blue eyes. She was also the perfect height, skinny, again developed. Megan with her dark brown hair and deep brown eyes. She looked Spanish. But wasn’t fully Spanish. She was skinny but a tiny bit more curves then the other girls. Sydney had almost bleached blond curly hair and blue eyes. Her eyes were deep, almost teal. She was the second skinniest of all of them. And to top it all of they all had perfect tans. Ariana grabbed Olivia and Lydia as they walked by, to talk to them. Well to make it look like she was talking to them. When in reality she was trying to ease drop. “What the heck!” Lydia yelled as she was yanked by the arm. “Quiet.” Ariana whispered to her. “I’m totally taking Christina of my top twenty. I like hate her with a passion. Ugh!” Megan said, as she practically threw her books in her locker. “Can’t believe she got water on my Prada.” Megan muttered, almost to herself, as she switched out her Prada for her Coach purse. “The word is loath.” Ella said. She made it sound like she had said it more then once. “What?” Sydney asked, as she checked her gloss in her fuzzy purple mirror. “To hate someone with a passion means loath.” Ella said with a duh-how-doyou-not-know-that tone. “Where did you learn that? From Mrs. Carter?” Megan snickered, adjusting her Stephanie Lean headband. Megan and Ella had Mrs. Carter for Language Arts. She was always using words the class didn’t know. She also had the class do a ton of vocabulary. I mean like constantly. “No, surprisingly. There was a sign that said, Make the boys love you and the girls loath you. It was right next to this pair of the cutest pair of gold Jimmy ‘Choo shoes. What do you think aren’t they cute?” Ella said, showing of her new shoes. “Yeah, there so sparkly.” Megan gushed. “I know righ—“Ella started. “Yeah, sure there cute. But that doesn’t explain how you learned what loath meant.” Sydney pointed out. “Oh, I asked the cashier.” Ella said, and went to grab her social studies book. “Let me guess. In the mall?” Rachel asked. She took a brush out of her locker and brushed her hair. “Duh, where else?” Ella giggled.

Rachel rolled her Sephora mascara covered eyes. She loved her friends, really she did. They were all like sisters. But they could be annoying sometimes. “So is anyone trying out for soccer or softball?” Sydney asked, turning to her friends with a hopeful expression. They never signed up for anything. Rachel, Ella, and Megan all turned to her with an I-can’t-believe-you-justasked-us-that look. “The only time I would sign up for an extra curriculum activity is if they had a fashion club. And by the look of how most of the girls here dress, I don’t think they do.” Ella explained, with a sneer. “They sure do need one though.” Rachel added. All the girls except Sydney laughed. Ariana and her friends looked down at their cloths. Basic Hollister and Abercrombie clothing. They didn’t think they looked bad. But apparently they were wrong. “Fine don’t try out.” Sydney said lightly. Once aganin Sydney would have to play a sport by herself again. Great, more whispering about where the other G.G.s were. Just what she needed. Two guys walked by and whistled at the girls. The girls rolled their eyes. Guys were always doing that. They had a good reason, its just they do it all the time. It got old, like last months Candy jackets That’s when Rachel noticed Ariana ease dropping with her friends. “Uh, hello do we look like E news…cause were not giving out free gossip.” Rachel said, crossing her arms. “Ugh, What ever it wasn’t even good gossip. Come on girls.” Ariana said, stomping away with her friends. “Wow, how pathetic.” Megan said, fluffing her hair. “So, it’s Friday. What should we do tonight?” Ella asked, as she clutched her black coach wallet. In hopes that someone would notice she needed to shop. No one spoke. “Oh, shot! I totally forgot!” Rachel gasped, as she read her Pam pilot. All the girls around them looked over to see what all the commotion was about. “There is a party at Jason’s tonight.” She read aloud. Girls around them started to whisper. Probably about what they were going to wear to a party they weren’t invited to. The girls grabbed the last bit of their stuff, including their monthly issue Teen Vogue. “Time to party!” Megan giggle-yelled. Anyone who knew Megan—well anyway, knew she couldn’t let down a party. They all laughed at Megan as they locked arms. They walked to their

first class. With their mini skirts blowing in the wind, you could literally feel the envy leave the hallway. “Please pick up, you better pick up.” Rachel said as she waited for Ella to pick up the phone. What was taking her so long? “Hello?” Ella answered right before it went to voice mail. “God Ella what took you so long?! I thought you said you always answer your phone no matter what? Do you not realize how big this party is? We all have to look and be our best. That won’t happen if I don’t know what you’re wearing. Now what are you wearing?” Rachel said, annoyed. “Sorry, I was getting ready for this so called, ‘big party’, and got lost in my closet. Relax.” Ella said. “I am relaxed!” “Doesn’t sound like it.” Ella mumbled What are you wearing?” Rachel ignored. Ella sighed and said sarcastically, “Um, black Marc Jacob’s denim skirt and a blue Angel blouse. I think its page twenty four in Vogue. Is that to your liking Miss Rachel?” “Yes.” Rachel said through clenched teeth. She knew if she said more there would be a fight, and tonight had to be perfect. “Okay, well gotta go. I need to do my hair—Bye.” The line went dead. Rachel sighed and finished getting ready. Now she knew what all her friends were wearing. Now…she could, and would look better. Megan was wearing a white Juicy Couture tank-top, and black skinny jeans. Sydney was wearing a light blue Channel tank-top with a mini black jacket over top, and a pair of white skinny jeans. “What to wear, what to wear?” Rachel chanted as she walked into her huge closet. She needed something high school-ish, but classy. Something an alpha would wear. Rachel grabbed a dark blue Ralph Lauren blouse, a white Channel denim skirt. She put her hair in curlers, and as they worked their magic she did her makeup. At approximately eight thirty she was in her white Hummer Limo on her way to the party. Normally Rachel would drive herself in her lovely red Ferrari, but thought it would look better if she arrived with a driver. Rachel’s phone vibrated. She took out her phone and read her messages. Megan: C u there chica! Ella: C u there girl! Sydney: C u there Rach! “Um Steven?” Rachel called to her driver.

“Yes, Miss Gerovac?” He asked, as he rolled down the window dividing them. “Could you step on it?” She asked in the sweetest voice she could. She was in a hurry to get to the party before her friends. Steven didn’t realize he was meekly making his way down the road, it was irritating. “Yes Miss Gerovac.” He adjusted his tie. “Thanks.” When Rachel arrived at the party, it was a minute to nine. The party had already started. Well she definitely didn’t get here before her friends. Ella’s yellow Porsche, Sydney’s red Lamborghini, and Megan’s silver Camaro were parked—garage door open, in Jason’s out back garage. You could just see it through the parting in the tall bushes. “This is good here Steven.” She told her driver as they pulled up right in front of the house. Knowing Steven he would probably try to find the best spot to drop her off, he was just like that. But she didn’t have time for that now. “Are you on the guest list?” Steven asked as he pulled the car to a stop. “Of course I am.” Rachel flipped her hair as she got out. What an idiotic question to ask. The Hummer Limo drove away, leaving her with a tall muscular man with a clipboard. “Name?” He asked sternly. His eyes were so brown you could hardly see his pupils, and he needed to shave of his straggly side burns—NOW! “Rachel Gerovac.” Rachel said, looking him straight in the eyes. She couldn’t show fear. The man looked down at his clip board, flipped some pages, and looked up at her. His expression and toned changed. It was more or a “yes your majesty” tone now. Rachel liked how it sounded. “Ye-Yes right this way. You’re on the V.I.P list.” He said with a smile. He held up his hands and the gate to the house opened. Rachel’s stomach lurched. She wasn’t scared just nervous. But she couldn’t let anyone know that. Especially girls that were anything less than an Alisters and she couldn’t even let A-listers know. If they knew they’d knock her to the out slot faster than last years Sevens. If she wanted to stay on top, the alpha, she couldn’t show weakness. So she flipped her hair and walked towards the house just fast enough so her hair blew in the wind. She kept her eyes glued to her target, the front door. She walked up the wooden steps. Not touching the railing. Imagine how many girls Jason invited to his party that don’t moisturize their hands, I mean how gross is that.

“Hey Gerovac.” Someone said. She knew that voice. She looked over at the bench swing. Of course, it was Jake. He had the cutest blue eyes and brown hair. His teeth were so white it made his already tanned skin look even tanner. In that moment tons of questions rushed into her head, Should I say hi? Should I just sit next to him? Should I just walk inside? Should I say hi and walk inside? Or should I ask him were he gets his teeth whitened, cause wow are they blinding? Why did crushes have to be so difficult? “Hey, why are you outside? You know the party is inside right?” She said cocking her head to the side. “Huh, yeah. It was gettin’ a little crowded in there.” He chuckled, she couldn’t tell if he was laughing at an inside joke or her expression. So she changed it quickly, just to be sure. He patted the seat next to him, signaling for her to sit. Rachel didn’t normally let people tell her what to do. But she could let it slide this time. She sat next to him and crossed her legs. “Well instead of sitting out her by yourself, why don’t you escort me into this so called ‘crowded party’?” Rachel said, flirting. “Are you asking me out Gerovac?” Jake asked. His voice sounded almost hopeful. “You tell me.” She stood and walked towards the door. Knowing Jake would follow, he did. Oh yeah, she had him right where she wanted him. He opened the door for her. Rachel got great pleasure watching as everyone get whiplash from turning around to fast to see her. Rachel scanned the room looking for her friends. She spotted Ella and Megan in the middle of the dance floor, dancing to Patron Tequila. Girls around them tried to copy their moves. The girls around the looked like belly dancers with a stomach ache. Megan spotted Rachel. “Rachel, there you are. Where have you been?!” Megan yelled over the music, as she walked forward pulling Ella along with her. Ella looked like a Raggedy Ann doll. Megan saw Jake and smiled. “Oh now I know you’ve been with.” She giggled. Ella pulled her lips into a thin line, trying not to laugh. Rachel shot Megan a shut-up-before-you-say-something-you’ll-regret look. Megan replied with a sorry-lighten-up smile. “Jake this is Megan and Ella.” Rachel introduced them. “Wait, the Ella, the one Jason is always talking about? God that’s all he ever talks about.” Jake asked. Ella’s mouth dropped open, making Rachel giggle a little.

“Oh, did she not know that?” Jake whispered to Rachel, receiving another giggle. “And Megan the guys are always talking about you in the locker room.” Megan stood tall making her boobs look even bigger. “Well their always talking about all you girls.” He smirked. “Jake, hey man!” Jason walked over and gave Jake a high-five. Rachel looked over with Ella with a smile. Ella mouthed “help” to Rachel. Rachel nodded slightly, “Um, we’ll be right back. Were gonna… get something to drink.” Rachel pulled Ella away, saving her from an encounter she obviously wasn’t ready for, with Megan following. “What’s wrong with you? You’ve never had trouble with guys before. Are you sick,” Rachel felt Ella head with the back of her hand, “He obviously likes you. Oh and why did you hang up on me so quickly?” Rachel said quietly, she couldn’t take any risks. The wannabees might be listening. Oh yeah, they were here, Ariana, Olivia, Madison, and Lydia. Rachel didn’t know how they got in, but they did. “Okay, first of all I’m not having boy trouble…that much…okay, maybe a little…okay, I am. But I was fine until Jake said, “he always talking about you.” Ella said mimicking Jake and making air quotes with her fingers. Or bunnies, as Rachel’s six year old cousin would call them. “And I hung up on you so quickly because he was calling.” Ella said. “Well did you talk to him?” Rachel asked. She loved gossip. “No, I let it go to voice mail. But I did text him on the way here.” Ella slightly smiled. “Amazing—so do you think Jake likes me?” Rachel asked. She was becoming annoyed. Not because Ella didn’t answer Jason’s call, she could care less. But because she was taking forever on her stupid problems and not moving on the Rachel’s bigger problem, about her and Jake. “Yeah he likes you, great. Now has anyone seen Jeremy?” Megan was looking around the room like a dog that had lost its bone. “Wait!” Rachel yelled. Everyone looked over to see what had happened. “We can’t talk about this without Sydney. Where is she?” Rachel said between clenched teeth. There were only a few things Rachel would not stand for. 1. Bad facials. 2. Bad manicures/pedicures. 3. Knock offs. 4. Humiliation. 5. Gossiping without all her friends.

By now everyone had turned back to their dancing. If you could call what they were doing dancing. Sydney walked over quickly, making Rachel a little relieved. “Sorry I’m late.” Sydney panted, holding the place her heart was. “I had Softball try-outs, and then I had to go get ready and yeah.” She added. “Why didn’t you text me? We could have been fashionably late together.” Rachel barked. “I didn’t thin—”Sydney started. “Your right you didn’t, and now it’s too late.” Rachel hissed, her right eyebrow lifted and her lips pursed. Everyone who was anyone knew that face. Sydney had about three seconds to change the subject, or risk humiliation. “Oh and Megan, Jeremy is looking for you.” Sydney lied, remembering seeing him when she ran in. Megan’s eyes immediately lit up. Just like Sydney knew they would. “Really, where is he?” Megan asked, eager to see her dark brown hair and crystal blue eyed crush. She looked like she had just had a Double Chocolate Chip Frap. from Starbucks, and we all know what chocolate does to Megan. “Over there with Jason, Jacob, and Jake. There playing BS or something.” Sydney made sure to say Jake extra loud so Rachel could hear. Rachel rolled her eyes. “Well can we go back over there?” Megan asked mostly to Ella. Ella thought about of it for a second then said, “Yes…we can go over there.” “Good, right this way.” Megan plastered on a smile, and led the way. It reminded Rachel of the trip her and her friends took to The Museum of Life History with there school. The tour guide looked like she was faking a smile the whole time, like she hated her job. The girls didn’t blame her. Rachel put her arm around Ella and said, “Just let it go and talk to him.” She said it like she had a life time of experience. They reached the boys easily because everyone who saw them made room for them to get by. Jason was the first one to notice them. He had dark brown hair and deep blue eyes. “Hey, there you girls are.” Jason smiled and on key all the other guys turned around with a smile. “Here we are.” Ella smiled. The girls could tell Ella was trying to not be so nervous around Jason, even if she knew he was talking about her ah-lot. “So… what do you guys wanna do?” Megan asked. She was practically begging to hang out with Jeremy.

Everyone stood around, waiting for someone to speak up. Rachel watched as smirk inhabited Jake’s face. Here we go, she thought. “Wait here. We’ll be right back.” He continued to smirk as he grabbed his friends Jason, Jeremy, and Jacob by the arm and pull them away. Rachel stood there trying to think of something alph-ish to say. She decided the best thing to do was to look like she didn’t care about what the guys were doing. They came back then with big smiles on there faces. Rachel watched calmly as the guys moved into each one of her friends. But something wasn’t right. Why was Jeremy moving towards Sydney, and James moving towards Megan? What was going on? Rachel forgot all about her friends as Jake leaned in, her stomach fluttered. At this moment a little voice inside Rachel’s head sing-songed, “Ha-ha Ariana, he likes me!” Ariana, well back when she was in the G.G group had a big crush on Jake. But he never really liked her like that. “Follow me.” He whispered in her ear. Questions rushed into Rachel’s head again. Where were they going? Was he mad? What did he want? Rachel watched as Jake pulled away with a smile. Well at least he wasn’t mad. He grabbed Rachel’s hand and led her to the front porch. She looked back and saw her friends being guided in different directions. She still didn’t understand why Jeremy wasn’t with Megan, and Jacob wasn’t with Sydney? Great, more drama, because that was something this school needed more of. They stepped outside as the crisp night sky greeted her face. Jake let go of her hand. She had a strong urge to grab it. But then she thought about how desperate that would make her look. He sat down on the bench they had sat on earlier and patted the spot next to him. Rachel made her way over, careful not to trip on the cracks in the wood porch. She sat down and tilted her head up so she could see the stars. “Nice night, huh?” Jake asked looking up too. “Yeah.” Rachel said quietly. She was amazed. She couldn’t remember the last time she had looked up at the stairs. They were… beautiful. Not like her beautiful, but like a diamond or pearl. There was a dead silence for a minute or two. So, when Jake spoke it made Rachel jump slightly. “So…um, I have a question.” He said, still looking up at the stars. Rachel’s head whipped around to look at him with hope filled eyes. But his eyes stayed fixed on the sky.

“Do you want to go out with me? You know, like as my girlfriend?” He asked his eyes still on the sky. “He did not just say that”, Rachel thought. She wanted to scream. But instead said, “Um, yeah.” She smiled. “I’d love to.” Jake finally looked down at her. Rachel froze. She knew what was coming next; she had seen it in movies a billion times, the-you-said-yes-to-me-kiss. She wasn’t ready for this she didn’t apply any gloss or check her breath. Rachel watched as he slowly leaned in. She couldn’t think of anything else to do so she leaned in to. Their lips locked and at that moment Rachel thanked the God for giving her perfect teeth. She couldn’t imagine kissing Jake if she had braces. How would she kiss him? They continued kissing. Rachel slightly opened her eyes to find a girl with dark brown hair and brown eyes, Ariana. The leader of the W.T.W.U. girls (Wish. They. Were. Us. — Well that’s what they called them.) But more importantly one of the x-G.G.s peeking through the window. As soon as Rachel saw her she quickly closed the curtain. Rachel wished they would stop competing with her and her friends. I mean it’s not like they had a chance. They both pulled away then. Both smiling and not saying anything. Jake leaned back, against the back of the bench. Her through his arm around Rachel’s shoulders. “So since you’re my girlfriend now, does that entitle me to a dance…or two?” Jake asked, with a huge grin. Rachel sat there looking like she was thinking about it. She already knew the answer; I mean of course it was yes. She just liked messing with him. “Hmmm, I don’t know…yes. I’ll dance with you.” Rachel stood, with Jake standing right after. The walked back into the party, Jake opened the door for her again, and—of course everyone looked over. Jake led the way on the dance floor, spinning her onto it when they got there. They song immediately changed as they started dance. Ocean Avenue blared through the speaker. Rachel just started dancing, she didn’t care who watched. Plus she was a dancer so she was a good dancer. No one could make fun of her. As songs like, Mr. Brightside, Swing, and Starstrukk played all Rachel could do was sing along and dance with Jake. She forgot all about her friends and just kept dancing until her feet gave out. Thank god she brought her driver.

“Miss Gerovac! Time to get up!” Rachel’s maid, Rosa, called from downstairs. Rachel’s parents had decided four years that their other maid, Amelia, would be her parent’s personal maid and Rosa would be Rachel’s. Amelia couldn’t keep this entire house clean by herself. So Rosa would help out. The only problem with Rosa was she was very chipper. The upside is Rachel could rub Rosa in Derek, her brother’s face. He wasn’t allowed to have a maid because of his grades. Rachel’s opinion was that her mom and dad like her better. But that was just an opinion. “Uhhhh!” Rachel rolled over and pulled her pillow over her head. Rachel was really starting to regret having a maid. Rosa scurried in caring Rachel’s agenda and a two clean bath towels. She set the towels in Rachel bathroom and quickly walked back over to the window and opened the curtains. Causing a bright light to shine right on Rachel’s bed. “Oh come on! Would you please close the curtains?!” Rachel yelled from under her pillow. Rosa ignored her and read what Rachel had planned today. “Okay, you have breakfast with your parents and the Williams—“ “Ugh!” Rachel moaned into her pillow. “A manicure and pedicure with your friends. Oh and your going to a boy named Jake’s house.” She told Rachel. “What?!” Rachel sat up quickly. “You have breakfast—“She started. “I heard you. When am I going to Jake’s?” Rachel asked, she didn’t have the patients to listen to the whole list again. “Um, at 4:30 ma’am.” She answered. Rachel jumped out of bed and ran into her bathroom to start her shower. Rachel ran back into her room. “Um will you make my bed, and that’ll be all. Thanks!” Rachel said as she ran back into the bathroom. Rachel took a long shower because, hello Madison was coming over, one of the wannabees. She had to look good. When she was finished she did her make-up and blow dried her hair, making it perfectly straight. Rachel walked into her walk in closet to pick out an out fit. “Missy what should we wear today?” Rachel called to her cat. The cat didn’t answer. Instead she jogged in and sat next to her silver mini closet, that on of her dad’s handy men built inside Rachel’s closet. The

inside was like a marry-go-round. The cloths hung on a rack and slowly spun around in a circle when you opened the door. Rachel spent forty-five minutes getting dressed and then she had to get Missy dressed. This took another fifteen minutes. Now Rachel understood why Rosa had gotten her up so early. She picked out a Ralph Lauren dark denim mini skirt, a red Mashino blouse. She decided on her Versace black leather knee high boots. But she was still missing something, something to complete her outfit. Turns out that something, turned into some things. Rachel put on a black Calvin Klein belt, and wore her Tiffany Co. earrings and bracelet. For her cat she grabbed a silver cat sized Chanel dress, and a pair of Angel flats. Rachel had to quickly run back into her bathroom to grab her black Stephanie Lean head band and run down stairs her cat close behind her. Rachel walked out to the enclosed back porch. The table out there were set in their finest China and. The room was perfect for breakfast. Nice neutral colors. The floors were a nice tan color with white shag rugs in some places. The table was a customary Yolanda piece. Rachel’s mom loved Yolanda, she always gives her great deals on furniture. Apparently they used to know each other back in their high school days or something. The circular table was made out of entirely crystal. The ten chairs that were around the table were all crystal to, except for the white cushion were your bottom and back rested. This room was usually used for relaxing. White leather cushion were set on either sides with glass coffee tables in front of them, and hand painted beach pictures. She saw her mom and immediately walked over. “Really mom?! Really?!” Rachel yelled, throwing her hands in the air. “Honey, Mrs. Williams and I are very good friends. Can’t you just be nice for an hour and a half?” Rachel’s mom, Heidi, asked. “Uh-No! Can’t you just say I’m sick? I don’t want to be anywhere near Madison.” Rachel hissed her name. Rachel’s mom sighed and looked at her sternly. “Oh come on!” Rachel yelled, her mom’s expression didn’t change. “Ugh, fine I’ll be good. But, I won’t talk to her. And your getting me that new tan Prada bag. I would like it on my bed when I get home tonight from Jake’s.” Rachel turned on the heel of her boot and took her seat. “Sweetie at least say hi—” The door bell rang interrupting what Rachel’s mom was saying. Not that Rachel was listening any way. Rachel watched as her dad walked in and sat next to her mom. She looked around the table at the place cards. Her face went cold when she saw

Madison’s place card in front of the seat next to Rachel’s. Not only did Rachel have to be in the same house and room as Madison but she had to sit next to her. Rachel looked over at her mom with a How-dare-you look. She responded with a sorry-its-what’s-best smile. Making Rachel roll her eyes. “Right in here.” Amelia, Rachel’s parent’s maid guided the Williams to the back porch. As usual Madison was wearing all Hollister or maybe it was Abercrombie. Like Rachel cared. Rachel’s brother Derek walked in late and sat on the other side of Madison. Great now Rachel had to hear Madison try to flirt the entire breakfast. After everyone was seated the food was served. Rachel didn’t eat much. She was to busy trying to text without being seen. “So Rachel I hear you’re into fashion and designers?” Mrs. Williams asked, interrupting Rachel’s texting. Madison looked up for the first time this morning. “Yes, my friends and I are very good at it.” Rachel knew that wasn’t the answer to the question Mrs. Williams had asked. But was trying to make a point to Madison. Hopefully she would understand Rachel was making fun of her cloths. But just incase she didn’t, she looked over at Madison, looking at her outfit. Madison noticed this and fidgeted in her seat. “Oh, well I’m glad.” Mrs. Williams said confused, not noticing the exchange Rachel and Madison had. Rachel faked a smile and took a sip of her water. Rachel was relived Madison didn’t flirt with her brother. She didn’t think she could keep down the little food she had eaten. “So Madison, I heard you were offered a job at Hollister? That’s exciting.” Rachel’s mom asked trying to make small talk. Madison’s eyes widened, she looked horrified. Rachel didn’t blame her. Working was so last year, and working at Hollister just made it worse. “Um, yeah. I haven’t decided if I’m taking it or not.” Madison said quietly and peeking at Rachel fro the corner of her eye. Quietly asking for an approval. Rachel txted her friends as soon as know one was looking. Rachel: OMG!!! madison got offered a job at…hollister!  Ella, Megan, Sydney in unison: No way!!!! Ewww It was then that Rachel decided the only way she was getting out of this was if she faked a sickness. So she sat there holding her stomach, careful not to wrinkle her top, and rocked back and forth. Rachel’s mom saw this and looked her with an you-have-got-to-be-kidding-me face. But instead of making a scene, she decided to just go along with it.

“Honey are you okay?” She asked with fake concern. “I think I need to go lie down.” Rachel said, adding a cough for affect. She stood and Rosa came in to help her out of the room and to her bedroom. As soon as they were out of the room and ear shoot Rachel said, “Thanks; I think I can take it from here, Rosa.” Rachel said, a little snobbish then intended, making Rosa run off, back to her work. Rachel walked up the winding stair case. Staring at the dangling lights that hung small the farther she walked up, until it was just a stud of light in the ceiling. She walked inside her room and made sure to close the door. Her cat was sitting on the turquoise plush window seat in front of her bay window. That showed the newly cut grass, trimmed bushes, the house across the street, and the two gates in front of her house. The gates were closed, which was unusual. Rachel’s mom normally liked it opened to show people they were welcome here. “You’re lucky, you can sneak out easily, and can you believe no one complimented us. Not even the wannabee. Wasn’t that their like job? Everyone else at school does. Who gave her a free pass?” Rachel said annoyed, to no one in particular. Rachel walked over to her bed and crashed down on the turquoise, king size, pillow top bed. “Sean John, Calvin Klein, Donna Karen’s fashion line, Valentino, YSL—” Rachel answered her phone. Ella had recently found the song on YouTube and set it as her ringtone in everyone’s phone as her ring tone. “Hello?” Rachel said. “Hey, are we still on for Manis. and Pedis. today? Or do you have other plans?” Ella asked. There was a splash of water in the back round and Ella screamed. It was almost a high pitched squeal, making Rachel yank her cell away from her ear then pushed it right back concerned. “What was that?” Rachel tried not to laugh. She heard the phone being passed on to someone. Well more like snatched away from Ella. “Hello this is the amazingly hot Jared speaking. How may I help you?” Rachel didn’t know any Jared, did she? “Um, who is this?” Rachel asked. “I’m Ella’s hot cousin.” He answered. Ella screamed, “Give me back my phone you twit!” Rachel let out a little giggle. “So may I ask who this is and are you single?” Jared purred into the phone.

Rachel waited a second then answered, “This is Rachel, Ella’s friend, and no I’m not single sorry.” “Give me the phone Jared!” Ella screamed. She must have gotten the phone back because she said, “Sorry about that my cousin is such a player, and not even a good one at that.” Ella sneered. “Call me Rachel!” Jared screamed in the back round. “Does he know what I look like? Please don’t let him in your room. There are pictures of me in their.” Rachel whispered even though she knew Jared couldn’t hear her. “Yeah about that, he snuck into my room when we were a Jason’s party and he saw the pictures from last years Fourth for July beach pictures, sorry.” Ella said. Rachel wasn’t seriously mad, a little irritated. But not mad. “Ugh, just make sure I never have to meet him in person.” Rachel sighed. “You should have heard what he said when Ella called. Oh, and about Jason’s party—” “Well I’ll see you later; I need to check my MySpace. I haven’t been on in for-ever, see ya.” Rachel interrupted then hung up. That’ll teach Ella not to hang up on her. Rachel walked over to her rolly chair and sat down, careful not to knock down her black Prada bag hanging on it. a-lister4eva ******* Her password was simple GG4life. Simple right? She checked her message box. Ninety-eight new messages, it read. She smiled. Rachel decided to read just one. So she clicked on her mail box and opened the first message. Rachel wasn’t as surprised as se should have been about Ariana sending her a message. 1. Oh, do you think you’re cool now that you have a bf? Well your not!

So get off your high horse!!  Rachel couldn’t remember why she hadn’t deleted her a while back. So she deleted her making it official that they where no longer friends, and never would be again.

The Hummer pulled up in front of Jake’s house. Rachel was looking out the window away from Jake’s house, remembering all the things the girls discussed. They had a great plan for Monday. They would tell Sarah Jabber about their bfs’. She could never keep a secret, hence Jabber. Rachel had explained that Ariana knew about her boy friend. But to make sure everyone knew they would have Sarah tell everyone. It would be around the school in a heart beat. Then to top it of Megan suggested they walk down the hall with the guys. That way no one accused them of bragging. Rachel noticed no one would look her straight in the eye, and no one spoke about what actually happened at the party. Every time Rachel tried to talk about it, someone would change the subject. Rachel looked down at her toes and her nails. They were perfect, just like the rest of her. Two centimeters away from the skin on the tip of her finger, curved at the end, and painted French style. Her favorite style, French tip. “Rachel!” Her driver, Steven, yelled from the front seat. Looking at her through the rear view window. Rachel came back to reality. “What?!” Rachel yelled back. “Were here.” He said, confused as to why Rachel had zoned out.

Rachel looked out the window towards the house. How long had she been zoned out? “I know. I was…pausing for dramatic effect.” She rolled her eyes and stepped out. Steven shook his head. Rachel walked up to his house as slowly as humanly possible. Well without looking like a totally crazy. The last thing Rachel needed was Jake’s mom calling a doctor because she was acting weird. Rachel took in every detail of his house just as Sydney said to do. The two story, white house was surrounded by a to of bushes cut in a square shape. Her detailing was cut short when she saw the door start to open and froze. “Hey you made it!” Jake called from the front door. Rachel smiled. The door opened a little more and a little girl came running out. She had light brown hair. It was in spirals and when she ran the curls bounced. She was wearing a dark blue tank-top and black short shorts. “Hi, you must be Rachel? Jake talks about you ah-lot. He was right you are pretty. I heard you kissed, is that true?” The little girl gushed. Rachel let out a little nervous giggle. Who was she? “You’re cute. What are you like seven?” Rachel smiled. “It’s a gift, and actually I’m nine. But if you have the card from where you got you hair done, I’ll give you my facialist’s number?” She stuck her hand out. She’s a fast learner? Rachel thought. Jake jogged over then. “I see you meet my sister, Lacey?” He said, looking a little embarrassed. “Yeah, she’s cute.” Rachel said. She was cute, but no competition. “Okay, she’s seen you. Now go on back in the house.” Jake pushed her sister towards the house. Her heels digging into the dirt, trying to stop his pushing so she could turn around. When he finally stopped pushing she hollered, “Call me!”, as she ran back inside. “Sorry about that. She can have a bit of A.D.H.D sometimes.” Jake let out a nervous chuckle. Jake looked good today. He was wearing a green Hollister t-shirt and tan Aeropostale cargo capris. Good, Rachel thought to herself. He was abiding by her rule. If you’re a guy it’s okay to wear Hollister, Abercrombie, ect. cloths. If you’re a girl and you’re wearing them you are just asking to be lower then a c-lister. Rachel imagined Jake in Ralph Lauren cloths and giggled at the site. “What’s so funny?” Jake asked as he guided Rachel to what looked like a garden.

“Oh nothing.” Rachel said. She wanted to tell him so they could laugh together. But if she did then she would have to explain the rivalry between Ariana’s group and Rachel’s and she didn’t want him to remember her. “No, tell me, please.” He begged, and smiled—probably trying to get Rachel to crave. Rachel had to think of something fast. So she said the first think that came to her mind. “I was laughing at…what you said about your sister.” Rachel lied, hoping he would buy it. “Oh, yeah.” Jake chuckled. His chuckle sounded forced. But Rachel let it go. “So, uh…how’s Ariana lately?” Jake asked, as he plucked a daisy out of the ground and sat on a white stone bench. Rachel put her hands on her hips and said, “Why do you care about her so much?” It was a little harsh. For all Rachel knew he was about to make fun of her or something. But she had to make sure. Plus just her name made Rachel want to throw up. Jake looked taken back. Like he didn’t understand the question. “I heard you weren’t friends with her any more. I was wondering if that was true.” He said. There was no way of getting out of this now. “Um,” Rachel sat down next to Jake, “well no, were not—were not friends any more.” “Anymore?” He asked. Rachel sighed and stood up, walk over to the mini fence a foot away. She turned around and leaned on it, hooking the heal of her boot on one of the polls in the fence. Looking down at the ground. She didn’t know how to word this. “She’s not my friend any more because…she hurt me and I will never forgive her. And if you don’t mind I don’t want to talk about it any more.” Rachel said still looking down her hair forming a curtain around her face. There was a silence for a second or two, until Jake said, “Well then what do you wanna talk about?” Rachel thought about it for a second, then smiled and said, “Why don’t we plan a quadruple date?” Rachel giggled at the word quadruple, Jake joining in. “You have a pretty laugh.” Jake said, causing Rachel to blush. “Well were would we go my lady?” Jake said in a per-fect British accent. He stood up and walked over to where Rachel was leaning, handed Rachel the daisy, bowed and held his hand out like he was asking Rachel to dance. Rachel looked around to make sure no one was watching, or there were no hidden cameras.

Then she tucked the daisy behind her ear, curtsied and said, “I don’t know my good man. Maybe we’ll skip through the meadow?” Rachel suggested, in a British accent. They both laughed and started skipping, almost simultaneously. They got about seven feet and fell over laughing. Rachel couldn’t remember the last time she had so much fun, she didn’t even care that she was destroying her new Seven Jeans. She held her sides because they hurt from laughing so hard. “Maybe I’ll saddle up ole Mick and we’ll ride off into the sunset.” Jake said in a Southern Accent. They could hardly breathe they were laughing so hard. Rachel lifted her head upin an attempt to make her sides not hurt as much, and saw a giant field with what looked like white lines painted on it, and equipped with two goals. “You have your own soccer field?” Rachel asked as she stood up, Jake following. “Yeah, for practice. And it does come in handy when the guys wanna play.” He mumbled. “I should have known.” Rachel smiled. “Let’s play.” She suggested. “You play soccer? I find that hard to believe Gerovac.” Jake chuckled. Rachel crossed her arms and gawked at him. Her mouth making a perfect ‘o’. Trying to look offended, but before Jake could feel bad she added, “I used to, for your information, and why scared I might beat you?” Rachel challenged looking at him. Jake stood there for a second then said, “No, but your not really dressed. Unless…” Jake thought gesturing to her outfit. “What?” “I have some old soccer stuff that might fit you.” Jake offered. Rachel thought for a minute, she didn’t really want to wear his old sweaty, grass stained cloths. But then decided it would be fun to kick his butt at his own sport. Plus, she could take a long shower when she got home. “Okay.” She agreed. Jake gave her one of her old jerseys that was a little big so she tide it in the back, a little of her mid-drift showing—like he would mind. He didn’t have any shorts that would fit. Rachel remembered she had a pair of black boy shorts from tennis last Friday. They ran back outside and Jake took his position at goal, while Rachel took a spot in front of the goal with the ball. She stepped on the ball, rolling it back and kicking bouncing it on the tip of the borrowed cleats—that only fit with five pairs of socks on. She bounced it high enough so she could get her

knee under the ball, when it came back down she bounced it on her knee a few times, let it fall then she shot one high, towards the top right corner of the goal. Jake just stood there and let the ball fly by, hitting the net. “What was that?!” Rachel yelled over to his frozen self. “I-I—how many years did you play?” He asked still looking shocked. Rachel liked it, it gave her a boost of confidence. “Um, like six seasons when I was younger. Why?” Rachel asked, now she was confused. Jake just shook his head and gestured for her to kick again. Rachel grabbed another ball of the rack to her right and set it on the newly cut grass. She stepped back a little, ran up, and kicked the ball to the same area as she had before. But a little lower this time. Jake went for it, but the ball—it looked almost purposely—fell out of his hands as he dived for it. Which was weird, because Rachel had seen him make that save at one of his early games. “Your letting me win!” Rachel yelled, so he could hear. “No I’m not.” Jake said jogging over. Rachel smirked and said, “Fine, if you make five points off of me… I’ll let you kiss me goodbye.” Rachel challenged, with a smirk—knowing he would agree. “Alright let’s go Gerovac.” Jake said as he aimed the ball towards the goal. Rachel took goal. He kicked the ball low, left corner, scoring. It only took Jake ten minutes to score all five goals. When they were done they were gasping for air. “Interesting how you did so much better after our bet.” Rachel said as she breathed deeply. “Huh?” Jake said, agreeing. “Sir?” A deep voice called, from the sliders about a yard away. “Ye-yes George?” Jake stuttered, because he was trying to breath and talk at the same time. Rachel found it to be quite cute. “Your…friend’s ride is here.” He said. Rachel realized he was referring to her and said, “It’s Rachel.” He smiled and said in his own British tone, “Lady Rachel’s coach awaits.” Rachel and Jake tumbled over laughing. Rachel wondered how he knew about their little British joke. But didn’t care enough to investigate. “That’ll be all George.” Jake said while laughing hysterically. Rachel though Jake had the cutest laugh she’d ever heard. Even cuter then herself.

George nodded his head and swiftly walked away. After they had calmed down enough to stand, Jake stood and held out his hand. Rachel took it and stood. “I’ll see you tomorrow my lady.” Jake said, causing Rachel to giggle a little. Rachel could feel herself blushing as she turned around and walked away. But before she could get to far Jake grabbed her wrist, pulling her back around. “Did you forget about our bet?” He smiled and then kissed her. Just like he had the night he asked her out. Sweetly. Their lips moving in sync. They both pulled away simultaneously and smiled. “See you tomorrow.” Rachel said and walked away, blushing again. He was always making her blush. She only turned around once to wave. Then he was out of site. Steven was standing by her door. “Did you get him?” Steven asked a smile growing on his face. “You better believe it!” Rachel squealed, giving Steven a high-five. “You go girl.” He said, sounding like a girl. Then they were serious again. Steven opened the door and signaled for her to get in. “We need to step on it Steven. I don’t want to miss my show, I forgot to record it.” Rachel said as she stepped inside and sat down. “Yes Miss Gerovac.” He smiled and closed the door. No one could replace her driver. Even if at times he was ah-nouying, he was still the best.

Girls fight and thrive to be the best. But no one was as good as Rachel…well that’s how she saw it. Being the alpha was like a vine. If she wanted to grow she always had to be on top. The only problem with being the alpha is you always have to be perfect. But it was worth it, right? “I don’t know what to do Missy. What could be the next big thing?” She asked her pure white cat. Her cat was so white it looked like Rachel had bleached her. She always wore a Tiffany Co. diamond collar, specially made, and from the collar hung a silver tag that read ‘Missy’. Rachel thought gold would look tacky on her pure white cat. The cat had specially made designer cloths including Marc Jacobs, Chanel, Calvin Klein, ect. The cat was silent as she stared up at her with golden eyes. “Come on I won’t laugh. Just tell me your ideas.” Rachel pleaded with her cat. The cat began to purr. Which only irritated Rachel even more. Rachel laid back on her bed and closed her eyes. What could she do? The G.Gs needed a popularity boost if they were going to get rid of Ariana. Metaphorically of course? Sure they had boy friends now. But she—I mean they needed more. “Ugh! How can anyone think with that music?!” Rachel screamed as she stormed out of her room. Her brother Derek had recently taken a liking to heavy metal. She walked down the long hallway and stopped at Derek’s dark brown door. She kicked the door and immediately the music stopped. “What’s your problem?!” Derek yelled as he opened the door. Derek was popular too, but for a different reason. Rachel was popular because of her looks, style, and money. Derek on the other hand was popular because, well, Rachel didn’t really know why he was. She assumed because of his money, looks, and he was the best athlete his school has ever had. Thank good they went to different schools. Both of their egos would never fit in one school, they barely fit in one house. The confusing part was how he was still an athlete with the grades he gets. It was like Da-Da-Da-! “I’m trying to concentrate!” Rachel shrieked back. Derek rolled his hazel eyes and said, “Oh is your popularity status down again?” He plumped out his bottom lip, making a sad face. He didn’t really fell badly for Rachel, and she knew that. But she wasn’t about to tell him that she had a boyfriend and where was his girlfriend? Last time she told

him he ran straight for mom and dad and told them everything. Mom never let it go and dad got all protective. “Whatever just keep the music to a minimum, and don’t you have a big math test tomorrow?” She put her hands on her hips and made the I’m-tellingmom-face. The same one Derek made when he told their mom and dad about her dating a boy whose name will remain on the D.L. “Fine,” Derek spat, “don’t tell mom I’m not studying and I’ll keep my music down, deal?” He stuck out his hand. Rachel glared at her brother. His dark brown shaggy hair, like dad, and his tan skin. “Fine, deal.” She shook his hand roughly and marched back into her room. She got to her room and close the door behind her. “There, he won’t be bothering us anymore Missy. So, can you tell me your ideas now puh-lease?” Rachel begged her cat as she sat down on her plush turquoise couch. Missy jumped up onto the couch and curled up into a tight ball remaining silent. “So are you going to tell me or not?” Rachel asked her half asleep cat. “Ugh. Fine don’t tell me. I don’t care anyway. I’m gonna text my real friends, and you’re getting dry food tonight. So don’t even ask for wet.” Rachel grabbed her Blackberry and sat on her window ledge that Missy was sitting on earlier this morning, throwing her legs up and bringing her legs half way to her chest. Rachel: Hey girlies!  Ella: Hey! How was Jake’s? Sydney: Hey Rach! Yeah did u have fun?! Megan: Hey G.G! Of course she had fun! Rachel smiled, she liked that all her friends care about her so much to ask about her time with Jake. Rachel let her thoughts drift off to her day at Jake, until Ella txted… Ella: Well… Rachel: It was fun! We played soccer. ;) Megan: R u cereal?! Sydney: Cereal? Megan: Serious…*rolls eyes. Ella: Did you kick his butt? Rachel: Duh!!! Lol, I showed him some of my moves from bck when I used 2 play soccer. Megan: And… I know there’s more I can tell…

Rachel: I can’t explain through txt 4-way NOW… Rachel dialed Ella’s number first. “Hello?” Ella answered on the first ring. “Hey! I’ll get Sid.” Rachel said and then dialed her number. “Hey!” Sydney said. “I’ll get Meg. Oh and Ella’s on Sid.” Rachel said, then dialed Megan’s number. “Hey L.!” Sydney said. “Hey Sid!” “Hello?” Megan answered on the third ring. “Okay, now that were all here… So, I kicked one to him and he totally missed it on purpose so I said he was letting me win. I bet him that he couldn’t make five shots off of me, and if he did he could kiss me goodbye. I know what you’re thinking its genius!” Rachel cooed. “Wait hold on.” Rachel walked over to her door and checked to see if anyone heard that. Good no one heard, that was the last thing Rachel needed. “Okay.” Rachel said. “Totally brilliant!” Megan yelled. “Now way!” Sydney shrieked. “Two words Ah-some.” Ella giggled. “That’s one word.” Sydney confirmed. “Whatever.” Ella huffed. “We are so much better than those middle class poplars’.” Rachel hissed their names. “Ariana, Lydia, Madison, and Olivia can kneel down and kiss our Jimmy Choos’ and beg to be one of us.” Rachel announced, making the girls—including her—break out in hysterias’ Rachel looked out her window at the dark night sky. Her eyes automatically flickered to her diamond studded clock—and yes, the diamonds were real. “Oh and before I forget, Meg if Jeremy asked you out, and Sid if James asked you out. Why did you James walk off with Meg and Sid with Jeremy?” Rachel asked biting the inside of her check. She wasn’t nervous, bad habits die hard. “Oh yeah…that.” Megan giggled to herself, like she was nervous. This wasn’t like Megan. There was a long awkward pause, and then Sydney took over explaining. “Well apparently Jeremy and Jacob were to nervous to ask us to our faces. So the switched and asked us both to ask the other out. It was very confusing, and awkward. Then Jake called us that night and said the actually

just did it mess with us.” You could almost hear Sydney roll her eyes at the last part. “Oh, thanks for clearing that up I was really worried. Well we need our beauty rest if we want to look good tomorrow. Wash, Moisturize, Brush, and to bed girls, ‘nite.” Rachel demanded, but it came out more like a plead. “’Nite.” Ella said, and the line went dead. “See ya.” Megan yawned and hung up. “Love ya.” Sydney hung up. Rachel smiled. Just imagining everyone’s faces as the G.G.s walked down the hallway with their soccer bfs, made her happier than Britney Spears when all her baby fat was gone. Rachel feed Missy, almost giving her wet food. But reminded herself that Missy didn’t deserve it, and went to wash her face; she moisturized, brushed her hair and teeth, and put Missy in her bed. She climbed into bed and hit the switch on her Homedics Sound Spa. It was a sound maker; she listened to it every night. She liked the rain sound the best. She put on her ‘Daddy’s Rich’ eye mask. It was a gift last Christmas. Real gold studs lined the words ‘Daddy’s Rich’, the rest was black. She wore the same type of cloths every night, boy shorts and a tank-top. Rachel laid there for a few minutes, not thinking of anything. Until she felt herself drift of into a dream filled sleep.


Rachel woke to the sound of her television, NYC prep. One of her favorite television shows. Re-runs in the morning, but it was nice to wake up to in her opinion. She sat up and stretched her back. Took off her eye mask, and climbed out of bed. She slipped her feet into her Victoria Secret slippers and walked to her bathroom. Her phone rang as she turned on the shower. “Ugh! How does Megan do that?! Can’t I just have one morning of complete silence?!” Rachel moaned as she flew her hands into the air and went to grab her phone. Megan had this weird thing were she can tell when you don’t want to talk and that’s when she would call. “Hello?” Rachel answered a little irritated still. “Hey?” Megan said. There was an awkward silence for a minute until Rachel said, “So, what’s up?” She was in a hurry. Not because the water was running, she doesn’t pay for it. So why should she care? She just wanted time to blow dry and style her hair. “I told Sarah Jabber about the D.L.C. (Down Low Case)” Megan whispered. “Meg it’s not a D.L.C. if you told Sarah. So, stop whispering.” Rachel snapped. “Well someone hasn’t had their morning shower yet.” Megan muttered. “You did it again.” Rachel declared. “Did what?” Megan asked confused. Even though Rachel knew that when she told what she did she would remember. That’s just how she was. “The thing where you call at the worst time.” Megan laughed to herself quietly and said as she giggled, “Sorry.” “Ugh, I gotta go.” Rachel scoffed. “Bye.” Rachel was right, as usual. The look on everyone’s faces were priceless. Mostly they were gawking at the site. But when the girls reached their lockers Ariana and her friends were scowling. They looked like monkeys when they pursed their lips, monkeys with horrible style. The guys hugged and kissed Rachel and her friends. Rachel kept her eyes locked on Ariana the whole time, until the guys walked off. “Do you think your cool now?” A familiar voice asked. Rachel turned around to a skinny, tannish girl. She had brown hair, with bad split ends, and brown eyes.

“What are you talking about? More importantly, why are talking to me at all?” Rachel asked. She was not in the mood to talk to Ariana and her friends. Her friends stood behind her with arms crossed, just as Rachel’s friends did. The entire hallway of teens turned to listen in to the conversation, a few giggling at what Rachel had said. “Are you happy now? Using a nice, helpless guy to get a popularity boost? Have you really stooped that low?” Ariana growled. Rachel heard the teens watching gasp, but didn’t look at them. Rachel stared daggers at Ariana and stepped forward, their noses an inch apart from each other. “First of all just because I got to him first doesn’t me you can assume stupid things that aren’t true about me. Second, I don’t think I’m cool, I know I’m cool. And third even if I did use him—which I’m not, I wouldn’t need to. Unlike some people.” Rachel said looking at Ariana up and down. She flipped her hair and walked of with her friends following. Knowing two things, 1.Everyone was watching her and this conversation would soon be all over the school. Like the date for the next Twilight movie. 2. Ariana was going down. Lunch was Rachel’s favorite time of the day. Not because of the disgusting carb infested food. But, because lunch time was the perfect time to get complimented and show off. Rachel took a bite of her lettuce, tomato, carrot, and Ranch salad. “Rachel, you do realize everyone’s talking about the little cat fight between you and Ariana this morning right?” Megan asked. The boys were getting their food. So the girls had about six minutes to talk gossip. “Let them talk. Like I always say, ‘Bad Gossip is still Gossip’. The more they talk, the popular I get. ” Rachel responded casually. Even though she was a little irritated that Megan had brought up the subject. “And Ariana.” Ella said before she took a sip of her ten calorie Vitamin Water. “What?” Rachel asked, almost doing a spit take. “Well the more they talk about it the more popular you and Ariana get.” Ella said getting quieter as she explained. Way to ruin it Ella. “Oh when I see that girl I’m gonna—” Sydney kicked Rachel lightly under the table to signal the boys were back.

“…hug her to death.” Rachel said, covering up what she was really going to say. “Literally.” Rachel said under her breathe. Making them all burst out laughing. “What’s so funny?” Jeremy asked as he sat next to Megan. It looked like when he pulled it out he slid it a little closer to Megan. “It’s an inside joke.” Sydney said, as she tried to stop laughing. “You girls sure do have a lot of those.” Jacob chuckled with his friends Jeremy, Jason, and Jake. “What’s so funny?” Ella asked. “Yeah.” Rachel added. “It’s an inside joke.” Jake and Jason said jokingly at the same time. Then they saw what they had done and they bumped each other’s knuckles. “You guys sure do have a lot of those.” Rachel muttered. Everyone burst out laughing. Rachel looked around the cafeteria. Everyone was looking at their table. Grieving, wondering, and wishing they could know what they were talking about. Table six, right in the middle of the room. Rachel saw out of the corner of her eye Lindsey and Jennifer walking towards their table. They were so ah-nouying, and never left G.G. alone. She cupped her hand around the side of her face to shield her self from them. Hopefully they would notice she was doing this and would walk away. “Hey Rachel, Ella, Megan, Sydney. Nice shirt Rachel.” Lindsey commented, just another c-lister. “Yeah it’s so fab.” Jennifer added. C-lister were always looking for G.Gs attention, so they could go brag to their other friends. “Thanks.” Rachel tried to be as nice as possible. “Hope you do well at your game to night.” Lindsey gushed, and they walked away. Rachel grabbed her Blackberry out of her Prada. Rachel: Fab. Really, who uses dat word anymore? LOL! Megan: 2 words c-lister Ella: Totally Lame!  Sydney: H8t’em!!! Ella: c-lister, more like z-lister! Did u c their knock of Prada bags ew! Meg/Sid in unison: ROTFL!!!! And that was why they were friends—no more than friends, best friends. They had the same style, amount of money, popularity, and most of all there

minds were like synced in a weird way. They knew what each other were thinking, how they felt, and what they needed. It was Rachel’s favorite part of her life. No one could change that, right?

Rachel stepped inside the dark auditorium. The stage was lit making it even darker every where else. She turned around quietly and just sneak in. “Nice of you to join us Miss Gerovac. Please take your seat.” Ms. Mulvane sneered making Rachel jump. Rachel did as she was told and took her seat in one of the disgusting theater seats. Seriously this is a private school and Rachel’s parents don’t pay big bucks to have her sit in a gross theater chair. They should really clean them then fire the janitor because he isn’t doing a good job.

Rachel wasn’t late often. It’s just that Ms. Mulvane didn’t like her, even though she was the best actress in the school, and always got the lead. Rachel just assumed she was jealous, but the only way she could take it out on Rachel was to yell at her for no reason. “Alright now class today you’ll be doing a partner exercise,” The class groaned at the gray-haired, bone-skinny, old woman. “And I have taken the liberty in already a signing you partners.” The class groaned again, and she smiled so big you could see a piece of lettuce in her teeth from lunch, because Rachel highly doubted that dentures came with built in lettuce. Gross. Girls around Rachel scooted closer together, hoping to be partners. Rachel saw no point in it. Ms. Mulvane had already picked the partners, and what were the odds she put friends together? “So let me just find my list here.” Ms. Mulvane scurried around her desk. It was amazing she got any work done. Her desk was covered in papers and who knows what else. It should be in the ‘T’ pile for trash. “Hope I get to be your partner…so I can show you how to really act.” Ariana in Rachel’s ear, her friend Olivia laughed in her other ear. But Rachel remained calm trying not to make a scene in front of everyone, there would be time for that later, and said, “I’m sorry I couldn’t hear quite hear you understudy, or do you prefer stage crew?” Rachel turned around and looked them both in the eyes to show she wasn’t kidding. In the last play they did, Grease, Ariana and Rachel both tried out for the lead female, Sandy. One can only guess who got the lead. Anyway Rachel got the lead and Ariana was her understudy. Ariana fought with Ms. Mulvane for a better part. Until Ms. Mulvane just made her stage crew with Olivia for questioning her judgment. It was spread around the school then the Chris Brown and Rhiana drama, and was talked about for weeks. “Okay Lindsey you’ll be with Olivia.” C-lister. “Amanda you’ll be with Norah.” D-listers. “Ashley and Alexis.” G-listers. “Tabitha and Beth.” They weren’t even on the list. Rachel didn’t even know they went to this school. Wait a second everyone had a partner except…OH-NO! “Oh and Rachel and Ariana.”

The whole class, which wasn’t very loud. But still hearable, gasped. Ms. Mulvane split up the boy’s and girl’s classes, go figure. Rachel just sat there, legs crossed, looking completely content. But inside she was furious. She wanted to rip the fake ruby earrings out of Ms. Mulvane’s ears. “Okay so in this exercise you’ll get a card and that card will be a form of fighting. Examples, siblings, or married couples. And yes, on of you will have to act as a guy.” She answered to the disgusted faces facing her. “Here are you cards, and I’ll give you three minutes to get ready.” Ms. Mulvane said as she passed out the cards. Rachel got her card and wasn’t surprised, “ex-best friends.” Oh the irony of it. Rachel flicked the card back to Ariana, aiming it at her face. “Ugh!” Ariana scuffed. Goal! Right in the face. Rachel couldn’t believ—well, no that’s not true she could believe it. Last year when Ariana and Rachel started hating each other, everyone knew about it, students, teacher, and parents. They just didn’t want to get involved. It should have embarrassed Rachel but why hate the pop. boost. Bad gossip is still gossip, as long as they were talking about her why should she care. “Rachel turned around and sarcastically said, “I can’t wait for you to show me up.” This would be the easiest project ever. All Rachel had to was out act Ariana, that would be easier then finding people who are not really into fashion. Just look for stores with the word ‘barn’ in it. “Okay is everyone ready—Good. Now let’s see,” Ms. Mulvane mumbled, “Rachel and Ariana you can go first.” There was a low gush of whispers from the girls watching. Rachel stood and slowly made her way up the rubber steps and to the back of the stage, with Ariana following behind. They went for enough back so that no one could hear. “Alright since I have more experience at acting, I’ll start.” Rachel suddgested—well more like demanded with a smile, one of those Crest White commercials smiles, that look like the people are totally thinking “I’m so better than you”. Ariana got the message and wasn’t happy about that at all. Sure Rachel had gotten the lead in the last play, but that didn’t mean she was the best. The only way Ariana could prove that was to out…act her. Maybe if people saw how much better Ariana was, they would worship her and not Rachel. She just prayed it would work. “Do whatever you gotta do. I’ll still act your butt right of this stage.” Ariana said, folding her arms across her chest, standing her ground.

Ms. Mulvane cleared her throat and said, “Girls? Let’s go.” They both rolled their eyes. If they had anything in common it was how much they both detest Ms. Mulvane. They walked forward to the front of the stage with all eyes on them. Rachel turned on the heel of her gold Angel flats, making her whole left side facing her audience. Ariana stumbled to stop too. Tripping lightly on her own feet. Some of the audience giggled, Rachel thought she heard Olivia giggle. But wasn’t sure. “So Ariana how’s life since, since I took you out of mine?” Rachel asked even though she really didn’t care. All she wanted was her A. “Well it was good till I saw you showed up at this school. I was hoping you would be moving after what happened last year.” Ariana replied sternly. Rachel felt the atmosphere change awkward from tense. No one wanted to go back to those days. If Ariana didn’t give up soon it would be a repeat of last year but ten times worse. “And deny you the opportunity to show me who the real alpha is, I don’t think so. I’m quite content where I am.” Rachel tested It was quiet for a second, while Ariana thought of something to say. She was coming up short. So she went with, “Well at least I’m not a snobby rich brat!” Girls watching gasped, including Ms. Mulvane. Which surprised Rachel, I mean they all new this was coming. Duh! “Your right. Your not a snobby rich brat. You’re an attention hog, and a bad one at that. So just leave me and my friends alone, before I make you. And I don’t fight fair.” Rachel hissed, emphasizing rich. Hopefully she would understand. “Is that a threat?” Ariana snapped, as she glared at Rachel. Rachel stepped forward, glaring at her and said, “Absolutely.” They continued to glare at each other, like they were having an internal conversation. “Um…er, alright. That was…good girls—next!” They both walked of the stage and back in their seats. Not making eye contact again. Rachel had won this round. But everyone could feel the balance had shifted. Harbor day is about to get a boat full of drama.

Blah-Blah-Blah. Rachel felt like she was in an episode of Charley Brown. No, she wished she was. Then all she would have to hear when Mrs. B spoke would be WahWah-Wah. Mrs. B was one of those annoying teachers who told more lectures than actually teaching the class. Rachel just sat there doodling. I mean what was she supposed to do, listen? Not a chance. It would probably end up being another one of those stories about how her husband completely ignores her. Bet you can guess why he does? Rachel’s notebook was filled with more doodles than work. But as long as she got A’s, she didn’t care if Mrs. B started doing the Charleston. She probably wouldn’t notice any way. A little piece of white notebook paper, shaped like one of those footballs that guys play with, was flicked onto her desk, causing her to jump a little. She heard a muffled chuckle from behind her. Her head whipped around to find who the cooperate was. Jake was sitting there mouthing, “open it”, to Rachel. She nodded with a smile.

Rachel looked around the room to see if anyone had seen her exchange with Jake. But anyone who could have seen was either passed out from boredom or totally into Mrs. B’s lecture. Her first note from Jake. She would definitely have to document this. It was monumental. Well, maybe that’s weird. She opened the note careful not to rip it. Hey, bored 2? Mrs. B loves her lectures. So, the guys & I were wondering if u girls wanna come watch us play soccer tomorrow? We could use some cheerleaders.  Rachel took a quick peek at her Palmpilot. Mrs. B wouldn’t have noticed any way, she was to busy writing something down on the board. Just as she thought, they had nothing planned. Even if they did it would get re-scheduled any way. Rachel turned around and nodded while she mouthed, “yes”. Jake winked at her, heat flashed into her cheeks as she blushed. Rachel quickly took out her Blackberry and texted Ella, Megan, and Sydney the news. It was going to blow the mascara off of their eyes. “Right here, stop here Steven.” Rachel said as she spotted the fancy brick building. Crowded by other two story shops. Shops that didn’t even remotely look as good as the one brick buiding. Two large windows let you see into the shop. With large French doors between the windows that just screamed if you’re not rich, don’t even bother. The sign between the two large windows on the second story read, Debonair, in curly cursive letters. Steven stopped the Hummer Limo in front of the shop. He walked around the car to open their doors. Rachel carefully stepped out, followed by Ella, Megan, and Sydney. All of them wearing their black Soffees, different colored tank-tops, and flip-flops. Their hair pulled back into messy pony tails. As the stepped out they slid their sunglasses on. Rachel smiled as she saw the tall, tan, skinny Cecelia walked out of the two French doors. Now being held open by two of her many assistants. “Ah, my dear Rachel. It’s been to long.” Cecelia said as she leaned in to kiss both sides of Rachel’s face. Her new botox job making it hard to stop smiling. “I agree Cece.” Rachel said. Rachel excused herself to go see Steven off.

“Oh and Ella you never texted me, how did your Christmas party go? Your costumes were spectacular were they not?” Cecelia beamed, as she hugged Ella. Megan spoke before Ella, “The party was awesome—you should have been there.” “And the out fits were…fantastic. Santa’s little helpers. So cute!” Ella gushed, with a big cheeky grin. As Cecelia greeted Megan, and Sydney Ella re-glossed. Just as the Hummer drove off and Rachel stood back next to Ella. The girls heard Good Girls Go Bad blaring through someone’s speakers. When the turned around four, badboy looking guys pulled up in the spot where the Hummer had just been. They were whistling and kissing the air towards the girls. The girls—without thinking—waved towards them. Right before the twenty nine year old, botox infested Cecelia yelled, “I’m married!” They must have thought that was funny, because they drove off laughing. The girls all turned around slowly, their glossed lips in a tight line, trying to compose their faces. Holding their laughter for later. “Well come in girls”, Cecelia said totally oblivious to what just happened. She guided the girls into her shop. Her assistants lightly closing the doors behind them. Just to stand on either side of the double doors. Wow, that’s what they got payed to do? Well you gotta do what you gotta do. The entire room was either white or silver. The glass sofas and seats were set up in the front of the shop, with white cushions on top. Probably as the waiting room. In the back was a large desk made entirely of glass, with four glass chairs with white cushions on top, in front. A smaller glass desk was on either side of the side walls. Both occupied by assistants who looked really into what ever they were doing. Pictures of Cecelia’s best designs were hung in a row on the side walls. “So how can Cecelia help you girls today?” Cecelia asked as she sat down at her desk. She gestured to the seats in front of her desk. They girls sat and as soon as they did plate full’s of fruit and trays of sparkling, regular, or flavored water crowded them. “Water?” asked a petite blond. “No thank you.” Rachel waved her off. “Okay, well Cecelia we were hoping you could make us a dance outfit of some sort?” Rachel asked, leaning back in her chair. Crossing her legs and placing her hands in her lap. “Colors?” Cecelia wondered, her eyes closed. Probably tying to picture an outfit. “Dark blue, gold, and silver.” Rachel said without hesitation. “Shorts or skirts?”

“Skirts.” “T-shirts or tank-tops?” “Well I was actually thinking…both.” Rachel said not knowing how Cecelia would take her idea. Her eyes flashed open, “What do you mean?” Rachel thought of how exactly to word this to make it sound good. “Well how about a tank top with an of the shoulder shirt over with like Knights written on the front.” Cecelia sat there thinking about the idea. Her face looked dazed or in deep concentration. The girls couldn’t tell which one was more accurate. Ella looked around noticing that all her assistants were frozen with what ever they were doing. Waiting for Cece’s response. “Perfect!” Cece squealed. Causing the girls and a few of her assistants to jump a little. The assistants seemed to relax a little when they heard Cecelia agree. “I got it—I have the picture. Note pad!” Cece demanded as she snapped her fingers. A tall brunette scurried over with a note pad, pen, and colored pencils. Cece began scribbling down her idea and holding it up when she was done, with a hopeful expression on her face. “It’s perfect.” Rachel and the other girls looked over the outfit. The outfit consisted of a silver mini-skirt (and I mean mini-skirt), a silver tank top that showed of mid drift, and a dark blue off-the-shoulder-half shirt, with the word Knights in gold writing on the front. “I know it’s amazing.” Cecelia said with a very confident tone. “So when do you need it by?” “Tomorrow.” Ella hesitated. The room fell silent again, but not for as long as before. “Tomorrow?” The girls nodded in unison. “Um, well that is very inconvenient. But you are one of my best clients. So…I think we can hook you up. But you have to pay up front. Will that be a problem?” Cecelia offered. The girls looked at each other with faces that were boarder line amused and disbelieve. They all burst out laughing, including Cecelia. The girls took out their wallets and pulled out eight hundred dollars already clipped together, and handing it to Cecelia. A few of Cece’s assistants gasped. Sydney turned around in her chair and asked, “What, you’ve never seen four sixteen year olds give a fashion designer eight hundred dollars before?” The assistants stood there mouth open like they didn’t know what to say.

Again the girls burst out laughing, standing up and starting to walk out of the shop. Rachel stopped, Ella, Megan, and Sydney continuing out the store. “Tomorrow, at five?” Rachel asked. “They’ll be ready as promised.” Rachel smiled and turned back to follow her friends.

Everything had fallen into place. Jake and his friends had told the coach Miles about the girls being their dancers. Coach Miles left it up to the boy’s soccer team. They took a vote and—of course—it was unanimous, they vote yes. They would dance before the game started, half-time, and at the end if they won there would be a surprise performance. Cecelia had all the outfits ready when the girls arrived. All her assistants had dark circles under their eyes and Venti sized coffees in their hands. That made the girls happy that they didn’t work. “Whoo! Go Knights!” Some c-lister hollered. The girls found it disgusting. She sounded like a guy when she yelled like that. The worst part was the soccer game hadn’t even started yet. “I’ll go give the DJ our CD. B.R.B.” Megan said as she walked off the bleachers. Thank god she had a copy of their favorite songs. Jake, Jason, Jeremy, Jacob, and a few of the soccer players jogged over with big grins on their faces. “You girls ready?” Jason asked as he stood beside Ella. The other two soccer players who ran over with the girls bf’s were both blonde. One with brown eyes an another with blue. “Yup, were totally ready.” Rachel said, as Jake sat next to her on the bleachers. The other two boys looked awkward standing there. They kept fidgeting, and messing with their hair. “Is there anything you girls can’t do?” Jacob asked, as he put his arm around Sydney’s waist. Causing her to blush slightly. The girls thought about it for a second, Megan jogging over as they continued to think.

“What’d I miss?” Megan said through deep breathes. She stood over by Jeremy, giving him a side hug as he put his arm around his waist. “Guess that’s a no then.” Jason chuckled lightly, putting his arm around Ella. “Yeah, I’d say we were capable of nearly everything.” Rachel said with a nod. Scooting closer to Jake as he rested his arm on her shoulder. “Nearly?” He asked. The girls giggled but didn’t answer. Something’s are better unsaid. Coach Miles came walking over then, checking his watch as he walked. “You girls are on in ten. Are you ready?” The girls grabbed their Vera Bradley duffle bags as Rachel said, “Yeah we’ll get dressed.” Coach Miles walked away mumbling something incoherently. It sounded like “Here we go”. But Rachel couldn’t tell. The guys hugged and kissed the girls goodbye. Other girls around them giggling at the site. The only scary part about this whole experience was that they had to change in a public bathroom. Who knew what was in there. They made their way over to the gym. Walking inside to the girl’s locker room bathroom. Located just outside of the locker room. As soon as the were inside they locked the door. “Okay we have about nine minutes to get ready. I have the outfits. Ella do you have the make-up?” Rachel said as she lifted a white garment bag with the word Debonair in the same writing as the sign on the shop. Below that was Cecelia Jayne Davis in legal writing. She handed each of the girls their bags, reading the name tags before hand. “Yup,” Ella said popping the ‘p’, “down to the last eye lash curler.” She opened the bag to show the girls the her make-up stash. Ella had spent three hours at Sephora picking out the right kind of make-up for there outfits. “Good. Megan you gave the DJ our music.” Rachel mumbled. “Sydney, ribbons and shoes?” “Here you are.” Sydney handed each girl a box of Versace black flats with straps, and Dark Blue bows for their hair. The girls quickly got dressed, being careful not to rip their outfits. When their were all dressed they each picked a mirror and added their make-up. Eye shadow, mascara, blush, foundation, powder, eyeliner, the works. The eye shadow was silver with glitter inside, that was sure to make their eyes pop. They all threw their heads forward. All their hair dangling, using a hair tie they made a high ponytail—tied tight—on top of her head. They added the bow—tight too—heaven forbid their bow fall off. After their hair was done

they added gloss. They all walked over to the larger full length mirrors to see how they looked. “Remind me to send Cecelia a bonus.” Rachel said, twirling around in the mirror. They looked amazing their skirts were just at their mid-thigh. Their shirts all fit perfectly, with the words Knights is sparkles. Their hair all straight in high ponytails, and bows. They packed up their stuff, an walked back out to the field the entire soccer team was standing by the bleachers were the girls were sitting before the went to change. All the girls got great satisfaction at watching the guys—not just their guys—but the entire soccer team’s eyes bug out when they saw them. Jake stammered over to Rachel with a big grin on his face. “Hmmm,” he said as he tapped his finger on his chin, “I think you girls could raise our sprits.” “Oh, really, because I think we’ll do more then that.” Rachel said smiling as their introduction came on through the speakers. “Heeelllllooooooo Knights! Get ready for you new, never before seen Knight dancers! Give it up for Rachel Gerovac, Ella Swan, Megan Rodriguez, and Sydney Davis!!!” That’s all they got. Really, the nerd in the broadcasting booth could have done better then that. The girls kissed their bf’s goodbye and joked out to center field. Taking their positions. Rachel nodded towards the broadcasting booth. Signaling for him to start the music. None of the girls had any butterflies in their stomach’s. They were using the same routine as the one they did when they were thirteen. I know what you’re thinking. ‘Why would sixteen year olds be using thirteen year old dance moves?’ Well there more impressive they you would think. Like enough to get first in Regional’s. As soon as Piece of Me by Britney Spears blared through the speakers, the girls were off. Giving everything they had. They moved in sync, their moves right on key. Moving their hips, they all scanned the crowed. All the guys were eyes wide, mouth open. All the girls were either sitting back arms crossed, or trying to get the guy they were talking to attentions back. Ariana seemed the angriest. Just her face alone said, ‘You’re so dead.’ Only a few z-listers were trying to copy their moves, and they were behind the bleachers. Rachel counted the beats out in her head. One, Two. One, Two. Each move made the guys watching mouth’s drop more. Each move went perfectly; even the other team was staring.

The song was coming to an end. As the song rapped up, so did their dance. There finale was far from simple. But that’s how they planned it. Everyone was sure to love them after this. With ten seconds left in the song they finished with one, two, three back hand springs landing in a split on the last. As they landed in a split they threw their hands up, with big smiles on their faces. Their freshly whitened teeth gleaming. When Rachel looked back over at Ariana her mouth was hanging open like she had an invisible tennis ball jammed in her mouth. Round two. Rachel two, Ariana none. The crowd went crazy. Chanting the girls names, and whistles was all you could hear. The girls as the soccer players jogged out to the field. “That was amazing!” “Spectacular!” “I can’t wait till half time!” They all said over and over. Wishing the guys good luck, the girls walked off the field. Also receiving props on their dancing from the guys and girls in the stands. The rest of the night was amazing. The Knights kicked butt in the first half. The score was seven to three going into half time. At half time the girls performed Radar by: Brittney Spears. And again everyone loved it. In the second half the other team, The Snakes, made a come back; seven to six. They tide with two minutes left on the clock. Jake kicked the ball to Jeremy, who kicked it to Jacob who kicked it to Jason, who scored the winning goal. After the crowed settled down after that nail biting win. Rachel, Ella, Megan, and Sydney took a seat on the bottom bleachers. They soccer players sitting to seats above them with the rest of the crowd. They only players that weren’t their were Jake, Jason, Jeremy, and Jacob. They were still on the field in a huddle. Whispers began, as people tried to figure out why they were still on the field. Until Good Girls Go Bad by: Cobra Starship blared through the speakers. Well only the music, the voices were cut out so Rachel and her friends could sing the female parts, and Jake and his friends could sing the male parts. The guys began to sing, and all the girls’ mouths dropped. The guys walked towards the girls. Each one lured their girlfriend out to the field as part of the act. Just before the female part started. That (of course) made all the guys watching mouths drop open. In the end Rachel still won this round. And that’s how it would stay…

“Are you sure you can’t come with us to the mall? Were getting the new Coach bag, it came in today.” Ella pleaded. Rachel thought about just skipping her little earn. She could always do it tomorrow—No it had to be done today. “No, sorry I really wish I could. But I have some things to finish up.” Rachel insisted. If the girls—or anyone else for that matter—knew what she was about to do. They consequences would be disasters’. “Well then I’ll buy it for you, and you can pay me back later.” Ella said. “’Kay.” Rachel said, as the phone as passed to someone else. “Megan and I will get you something special too.” Sydney declared. That was Sydney for you always so giving. “But you better come to next weeks shopping trip!” Megan yelled so Rachel could hear. “I will I promise. Alright I gotta go. Bye.” Rachel hung up. Rachel ran her fingers along the ceiling, trying to find the button to lower the tinted glass, sound, and bullet proof glass separating her from Steven. She pressed it, and the glass lowered silently. “Are we almost there Steven?” Rachel called up to her driver. “Yes, Miss Gerovac. Another minute or two.” He replied, still looking forward. Rachel raised the glass again and sat back, trying to relax. The truth was Rachel was going to see a c-lister. She spread Rachel’s personal gossip. She was also more discreet about it, compared to Sarah Gabber. Her name was Selena Richmond. She used to be a b-lister. Back when Ariana was in Rachel’s group. But as you know she is no more. Just then the drove threw the gates of the neighborhood. They drove about fifteen houses down. Until Steven stopped in front of Selena’s house. The house was sandy brown color, with a dark brown roof. Her mom must like plants, because they were literally everywhere. Lots of bushes, roses’, daises’, ect. Her mom must be earth friendly.

Steven around to open Rachel’s door, but Rachel’s was out before he had a chance. “Gotta be quicker then that.” She said, not taking her eyes off the house. She didn’tmean to be so mean, she was just really stressed because of the drama going on at school. It never seemed to end. She walked forward, looking around as she did. The last thing she need was for a c-lister to catch her walking into another c-listers house. She got the front door in a matter of seconds, they didn’t have a very large yard. You practically got a work out walking from the gates of Rachel’s house to the front door. Rachel’s perfectly manicure fingers went to knock on the door. But before she even touched it a very skinny woman with blonde hair answered the door. “I told you we don’t want any cookies—Oh, Hello?,” She looked at Rachel’s Ralph Lauren ensemble, “Can I help you?” She hesitated. “Yeah, is Selena here?” Rachel asked, as nicely as she could. Couldn’t they just get past the small talk; the longer she stood on their porch, the greater her chance of someone to see her. The woman looked really confused. It was as if her thoughts were being broadcast across her forehead. ‘What the heck does this girl want with my daughter, and how can she afford those cloths?’ “Ye-yes she’s out back. Come on in.” She stepped out of the way so Rachel could step inside. Rachel stepped inside and walked forward so the woman could close the door. The house was nice. If you like middle class houses I mean. Tan leather coaches, a small flat screen, a white slider door, and a glass coffee table were in the living room. Plants were again practically everywhere. The television was on, so Rachel assumed the woman—who she decided must be Selena’s mom—had been watching TV. That is until a little—well he looked about eleven—year old boy sat up, to see who was at the door. He had a little freckles, and small ears. “Why does Selena know all the pretty girls? Mom you know she only invites them over to taunt me.” The boy whined, when he saw Rachel. Rachel smiled awkwardly. “Eric go back to the TV and leave Selena’s...friend alone.” Selena’s mom must not have known who I was, because Selena and Rachel certainly weren’t friends. Acquaintances…yes, friends…not so much. Eric rolled his eyes and laid back down. Selena’s mom gestured for Rachel to follow her. As the kept walking through the house Rachel continued to examine the house. Selena normally came to Rachel’s house. But Selena couldn’t make it. So Rachel was stuck coming here.

They past a by a white saloon door, that must have lead to the kitchen. The next room must have been the dinning room. A dark brown table, dark brown chairs with light brown cushions around it. Wow, did this woman like any other color. The other side was all doors which were closed. So Rachel wasn’t able to see much else. While they walked Selena’s mom asked, “Those cloths you’re wearing, are they real?” Rachel found the answer quite obvious, but then remembered then that Selena’s mom didn’t really know who she was. “Yes, everything I own is real.” Rachel said, checking out her outfit. She was wearing a track suit. It looked like Hollister, but it didn’t have the precious look. Must have been from that store Rachel had heard about, what was it called—Oh right, Plato’s Closet. “Oh.” She said sounding pleasantly surprised. She opened the sliding glass door. Rachel stepped outside, and looked around. She didn’t see anyone, she went to turn around and ask if she was sure Selena was out here? But she was gone. Rachel walked out to the middle of the gated yard, and really looked this time. She saw a girl with curly blonde hair—now put up in a low ponytail, sitting on the grass near a very large flower bed. Rachel was confused, what was Selena doing. She was wearing paint covered shorts, and a shirt that said ‘Some day a Woman will be President’ on the back. There was a large black garbage bag sitting half full next to her. The gloves she was wearing were covered in dirt. How long had she been out here? “Um, what are you doing?” Rachel walked over to get a closer look. Selena immediately stood up, and brushed off her pants. “What are you doing here? I told you I would be by tomorrow.” Selena whispered. “Okay two things. One, What are you doing out here? Two, I’ll be busy tomorrow. I need another manicure and pedicure.” Rachel said as she examined her nails. “Uh, I’m weeding, and your nails look like you got the done yesterday.” Selena said, bending back down to continue weeding. This time without gloves, she dug her fingers into the dirt and pulled out a scrawny little weed and threw it into the bag. “I did, but I need a new coat. You don’t have people to do this?” Rachel gestured to the have weeded garden. Selena looked up confused, using her cupped hands to shield her eyes. “No, why would we?”

“I don’t know—but that’s beside the point. I have a job for you.” Rachel declared, rather then ask. Selena stood up and turned around. She seemed to have gotten very serious in the short time since Rachel had told her she had a job for her. “What kind of job?” She asked looking Rachel straight in the eye. “The usual a little gossip spread.” Rachel said. “I would’ve asked Sarah. But not everyone believes her until they see it and I don’t have time for that.” Selena seemed to wait patiently, her face saying ‘And…’. “Okay, here it is, last Monday I kicked Ariana’s butt at this acting exercise we had to do. After she threatened me like twice. Then as you know—well you know have of it,

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