Campbuzz Xxxi

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Any HOUSE/JOB importantFAIR 2009 Any OPEN news heading 1

important news heading 1

Any important news heading 1

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OVERTURE LETTER FROM THE EDITOR So the long vacations are finally over, and it’s time for all of us to fit back into that routine of classes, quizzes and college. The new semester beckons us to start with renewed passion and zeal. We welcome you back! The end of the last academic year saw Degree 27 graduate. We cover the convocation ceremony being held on 3rd of October, and also bid the members of the graduating class farewell. As this class goes, a new one comes. We welcome the students of Degree 31 to the College! There was a lot happening in the summer. Obviously the National Engineering and Robotics Constest (NERC) and COMPEC were abuzz as usual in July. NUST, College of EME organized a workshop on Information Security and Privacy in August. Also, the graduating class had their projects on display at the Open House and Job Fair. We take a look back at these events in this issue. We also managed to find some space for a couple of really superb articles. Khawaja Fahad Iqbal writes on Electroactive Polymers, while Noman Bashir is his usual self with a typically thoughtful write-up. Nawa-e-Sarosh, the ‘poetry society’ has been kind enough to contribute a poem by Sundus Khalid. We hope you enjoy this edition of CampBuzz. Again, your feedback is vital to make this publication even better. In hope that this semester will bring forth your creativity, hard-work and passion more intensely than before, we wish you all the best for this semester, and the academic year as well. Good luck, and keep buzzing!

INSIDE Open House/Job Fair 2009 Page 4-5 COMPPEC 2009, Expressions Page 6-8 Convocation Special Page 9-10 National Engineering and Robotics Contest Page 11-12 National Workshop Page 13-13 And lots more 2


In issue 28, Head of Mechanical Engineering Department, Dr Afzaal Malik’s demand as a mentor for students seeking to carry out research was mentioned. Only recently, another student from IIT, Kanpur also expressed interest in carrying out research under Dr Malik. Dr. Malik was kind enough to share the contents of the e-mail with us, and we reproduce it below for our readers. Respected Prof. Malik , I am a third year(Btech-Mtech Dual Degree) undergraduate engineering student in Mechanical Engineering Department from Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur(India). I am very much interested in the following areas: 1. Advanced Manufacturing Processes 2. Nuclear technology 3. Design and Graphics 4. Multiphase flow As for now, I would like to pursue my further studies(PhD) after my in the field of Mechanical Engineering and right now I am looking forward to gain a better insight into the research aspects of the field. I have a three month summer vacations coming up starting from the first week of May and I am looking forward for an internship (from May to July 2009) so as to gain a better understanding of the field. I am writing this mail to inquire about the possible internship opportunities under you.I would like to convey that I have gone through your publication Analysis of circumferentially arc welded thin-walled cylinders to investigate the residual stress fields and it left me fascinated.I am convinced that given a chance to work under you as an intern, I would learn a lot. I am attaching my curriculum vitae along with this application. Kindly have a look at my academics, project and professional courses undertaken and let me know of the chances of getting an internship under you. In case you are unable to take an intern this year, I request you to please forward my application or direct me to some of your colleague who would be interested in taking an intern this summer in the fields mentioned.I would be glad to provide more information about my background or skills. Thank you for your time and patience. Looking forward to hearing from you Yours Sincerely, VIKASH KUMAR 3rd Year Undergraduate Mechanical Engineering Department Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur-India

Issue 31


CampBuzz Editorial Board OIC Maj. M. Salman Rashed EDITOR Malik Basharat Ali Khan, DME CO-EDITORS Jawwad Ahmed, DME Syed M. Ather Ali, DCE ASSOCIATE EDITORS Saqib Javed, DME Nauman Bashir, DMTS Talha Aftab, DCE CORRESPONDENTS Anas bin Aqeel, DME Saran Ahmed, DME M. Junaid, DCE GC Sohaib, DME

Saad Zafar, DME Waleed Mirza, DME COMPOSER M. Umar Bilal, DCE


Your articles, news and reviews for the next issue of the publication, as well as ideas for improvement in Campbuzz, are welcome at

College of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering Printing Press

[email protected] 3

Issue 31


NUST College of EME Open House & Job Fair: 16 July 2009 The annual event of Open House and Job Fair was held of Thursday, 16th of July, 2009 at College of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering, National University of Sciences and Technology. The objective of the event was to provide an opportunity to both, potential employers and the graduating students of the College, to come closer and share their mutual interests. Another purpose was to develop new relationships and strengthen the already existing links with the industry. A total number of 35 companies participated in the event and around 100 delegates were registered for participation. 15 companies conducted interviews to select members of the graduating class for jobs in their organizations in the afternoon. About 6 industries from various disciplines of engineering setup their stalls during projects’ exhibition to interact with the students and the faculty. The main focus of the event, however, were the Final Year Projects of the students of the graduating class on display. The event was an exhibition of sorts, with around 80 Final Year Projects showcased from all the disciplines of engineering offered at the College of EME. The projects were a wonderful reminder of the vast potential Pakistani students, in general, and those of College of EME in particular. Moreover, these were also to serve as inspiration for the rest of us.

Syed Asaad Mashadi, President Rawalpindi Chambers of Commerce and Industries, graced the occasion as Chief Guest. In his address he emphasized the need for strengthening the relationship between industry and academia, for rapid growth of science and technology in the country. He said that engineering universities were the focal points of such activities. He took keen interest in the projects which were focused on Pakistani industrial needs, for example, ‘waste heat recovery in sugar and steel industry’. Designing and fabrication of a rockclimbing and wall-climbing robots attracted many visitors. The Chief Guest very much appreciated the efforts made by NUST, College of EME to arrange jobs for the students before graduation, which was in-line with the need of the country. Speaking on the occasion, the honorable guest highly appreciated the work done by young engineers and congratulated them on their commendable performance. He also urged them to apply their technical skills for the betterment of the nation.

Among the projects was a wall-climbing robot, a working car developed by the students of Mechanical Engineering discipline, a ‘mechanical spider’, and some Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) developed by students from Mechatronics and Electrical Engineering Departments. Students from Computer Engineering Department also brought forth their brilliant projects. In fact, the avant-garde projects were representative of the quality of engineers the College is churning out. Ms. Aiza Abid, HR Manager of JGC Descon, spoke on the occasion sharing her experience regarding the expertise and skills of the graduates from previous years.


Issue 31

Chief Organizer

The Chief Guest

Prof Dr. M Shahid

President Rawalpindi Chamber of Commerce and Industry Syed Asad Mashadi

The host, Malik Basharat

Commandant Ms Aiza Abid HR Manager JGC Descon

Maj Gen M Shahid



Issue 31

COMPPEC 2009 NUST College of E&ME is one of the leading intui- tools in the field of engineering sciences and information techtions in Pakistan imparting quality education since many dec- nology. ades. College of E&ME has always been in the forefront and continuously striving hard to create an impact on the field of science and technology. The institution also promotes extra curricular activities which also bring a sense of competition among students. 8th All Pakistan Inter College/ University Software Exhibition and Competition (COMPPEC 2009) was organized by Department of Computer Engineering, College of E&ME from 17th to 18th July, 2009. The exhibition and competition visualizes the fact that building something new is important but presenting it to others is equally significant. The Department has the honor to successfully host COMPPEC for the last eight consecutive years. This event provided a platform for all the students from all over Pakistan to After the speech, the exhibition was formally opened. demonstrate their skills and share their new and innovative The guests and judges witnessed the displayed projects by the ideas. This exhibition is a forum for fertile minds to discuss contestants. The displayed projects were divided into four catetheir design strategies, implementation details, modular and gories which included: cost-effective approaches in a knowledge-rich environment.  Control/Automated Systems Large number of people participated in this mega event either as participants, guests, judges or contestants. Many senior faculty members from different reputed institutions also attended the exhibition and took keen interest in the displayed projects. The exhibition was formally inaugurated by Chief Organizer and Head of Department of Computer Engineering Dr. Mohammad Younus Javed. His inaugural address focused on the development of the state-of-the-art technologies, innovative ideas, new trends, technical skills and modern programming


Network/Communication Systems




Signal/Image Processing

Twelve highly qualified, skilled, experienced and professionally sound faculty member and experts from different organizations were involved for evaluation of displayed projects. Total of ninety one project teams from 30 different colleges and universities from all over Pakistan came together to take part in this mega event. All the judges critically analyzed the displayed projects and graded them based upon a number of factors such as innovation, useability, graphical user interface, implementation, methodology, quality, demonstration, presentation and design architecture. The second day witnessed the address by the College commandant, Major General Muhammad Shahid and the Chief Guest, Lt Gen Muhammad Asghar, HI(M), Rector NUST. Commandant in his address laid emphasis upon the importance of software that has become one of the key components of computer based systems and products. He also focused upon the need for collaboration between the renowned universities, industries and government departments of the country.


Issue 31

Universities have substantial highly educated human resource in all the fields of engineering and sciences. The industry and the Government departments of the country can utilize this valuable manpower to do research work. The commandant in his speech extended his appreciation towards the software competition and exhibition organizers, participants and judges.

Communication Systems was won by Khan Institute of Computer Sciences and Information Technology (KICSIT), “Implementation of IMS”. First prize in Applications/Utilities category was won by College of E&ME, for the project titled “A Sense of Danger for Windows Processes”.

The Chief guest also awarded special prizes in each The commandant speech was followed by the prize category. The overall best project in all categories was won by distribution ceremony graced by the Chief Guest. All the judges College of E&ME. The project name was “Design and Fabricaevaluated the projects with complete fairness and impartiality, tion of Prototype of Magnetically Levitated Linear Motor Car”. no judge was selected from the hosting institution and no judge evaluated the project representing his own institution/ organization.

In the end, Chief guest in his closing remarks appreciated the efforts of the participants. The Chief guest also emphasized that the youth of today holds the future of Pakistan. The The first prize in Image/Signal Processing category Chief guest also announced more cash prizes for the winners was won by College of E&ME, for the project titled “ Arryth- and project supervisors. mia Detection and Classification with Real Time Transmission of ECG”. First prize in Control/Automated Systems category went again to College of E&ME. The project name was “Automated Highway Driving System”. First Prize in Network/

The event finally ended by presenting a souvenir to the Chief guest by the College Commandant and Chief Organizer COMPPEC 2009. 7

Issue 31

NEWS Capt Sana Nasri (Trg Offr UG) has been awarded CLS Commendation Card for representing CLS Sectt and acquiring overall 4th Position at 33rd Army Declamation Contest held at Sargodha on 28th April 2009 and getting a title of Top 5 Best Speakers of Army level. Besides she has the honor of becoming first lady officer of Corps of EME who has done successfully adventure courses. Capt Nasri receiving Prize from Maj Gen Mubashir


SILENCE NS Noman Bashir, DE-29 MTS

For some reason or the other, strange states of mind have been haunting me lately. Ranging from moments of extreme elation, heightened awareness and happy moments, to times of weird, slow and lethargic melancholy. It is not the disturbance that bothers me most, it is the state of not knowing what it is…not knowing what to do, not knowing where to be, and not knowing what to think. To be lost in the moment and enjoying time as it comes has become rare. To look sensible and put up with things, life and people around me is more a farce than it is reality at times. I spent my life in a cocoon that i had weaved around me, divorced from the reality, and i was under the illusion that i could spend my whole life like that. I shut my parents and other people out, because i thought that the world they spoke of no longer existed, that my challenges of survival were different from theirs, more intellectual. I saw their hard work, their sacrifices with disdain, with a sense of absurdity. They didn't make any sense to me, because they were out of place in my cocoon-universe. And now, the cocoon is breaking. Reality is flowing in through the holes, its noxious air pungent to my illimmune senses. My world is breaking down, and it scares me that the world is not what i thought it was. That all my grand

ideas have made me debilitated and unsuited to function in the practical world. I can give up everything that i have ever believed in, forsake my dreams and ideals, and live on with an unending sense of defeat. Or i can persist in my vision, hoping to turn my illusions into reality, and risk ruination at the hands of a world that i had refused to acknowledge. I have this weird desire for silence, for peace and nothingness around me. It is as if i want to just take a step out of my body and for a moment just look at what goes on, how things are, how people are, maybe just fix things to whatever extent I can and then just vanish. I feel less. Lesser and lesser of me with the passing days and moments in time. The shadows of the walls around me fail to hold back the sun, and in the open, there is no sun. The day is now the night. Things that I want to say, cannot be said, what I want to do, cannot be done, what I want to be, just cannot be. I feel like I am cheating myself into saying that things are fine, that I am fine, for I am not. For I have never been. Criminally insane, in perpetual disdain. A slow rot eats into me skin, my flesh, succumbing, my mind, eroding, and my thoughts, just flowing, disappearing, and maybe evaporating. My life, just fading.

WORDS OF WISDOM “Common Sense is the collection of prejudices acquired by age 18” “Weakness of attitude becomes weakness of character” “Great Spirits have often encountered violent opposition from weak minds” Albert Einstein 8

Issue 31

CONVOCATION SPECIAL BIDDING THEM FAREWELL... Students of Degree 27 have completed their studies at EME College, and it is time for them to move on. The Convocation will see them formally awarded their degrees, and bid them a fitting farewell after a fantastic time at this institution. We look back at that wonderful time and those wonderful people. It is that time of year when we say goodbye. Students of Degree 27, having completed their four-year-sojourn at the College, will formally graduate on the 3rd of October at the Convocation Ceremony. The ceremony would mark the end of the graduating class’s time at this institution. We pray, however, that this would not mean the end of their association with the College, and all of us. We wish them all the best for their future endeavors. The event would not only see the out-going class being conferred their degrees, the single piece of parchment they have to show for four long hard years of study, but also the high achievers would be awarded gold medals for standing out among their class. The event is expected to end with the traditional caps being thrown into the air, marking the last piece of shughal from college life. The graduating class will definitely move on, like all those before them, in a sense that they would soon be running around industrial set-ups, or be engrossed in office work, or be carrying out further studies across the country, and beyond. They certainly have a lot to look up to. But, despite all that; despite the hefty pays they would be yearning for, or the experiences that they would be looking for, the graduating ceremony, the culmination of their time at EME College is bound to bring back memories worth reliving. As is true for any academic institution, a part of the students’ time here revolves around building up GPAs, working hard for quizzes and building up a decent resume. While this is true to an extent for every student, for most of us, life at EME is more; much much more. While our learning curves are largely unidirectional, only increasing ones that is, life at EME College was, and is, a roller-coaster ride, with intermittent highs and lows, local maxima and minima to be more precise. No single thing defines it; it’s the whole experience, the complete package, that is that ride. The highs in the spasmodic euphoria when those awful three digits (for the most of us) exceed expectations, or when Manchester United thump Arsenal a few thousand miles away, or those merry times at the cafeteria or the football ground, or the lows in those melancholy rainy days, or when the robot didn’t work as planned, or when some teacher took that unwanted quiz, are close approximations, but approximations nonetheless. Life at EME College is yet more.


Typical scenes at a graduation ceremony: Students of DE-25 celebrate at their coming-of-age at the convocation ceremony in 2007 It was about learning new things every day. While almost every engineer in any part of the world studies those stupid things like statics and electromagnetism, we get to add a whole new dimension to our learning: the cool battle tanks, the destroyed army jeeps (with differentials and wheels lying around) and the dilapidated solar lab are but a few examples. And then, there were those times and those friends. Who would forget the very first day at the College? (You would, in all probability, have been shouting greetings to Sir, and be uttering profanities under the breath, or be standing chin-up in the sun, or be mimicking airplanes or footballs). These days transformed the discrete individuals we were, into the discreet group we are. Time in the workshops was more about forging friendships than metal, shaping a community than wood, and hardening our bonds than steel. Drawing classes might have sometimes been more about new ideas than actually drawing a stereotypical shape. Thermodynamics classes might have been sometimes more about a utopian perpetual motion machine than entropy. Computer labs might have sometimes been more about a counterstrike game then simulation. But hasn’t that all made us much wiser then we were before? We might be bunking some classes, but aren’t we still learning new things?

Issue 31

For the out-going class, graduation would also mean the end of the other requirements in uniforms and discipline codes. Although these might be peeving at times, but they have been a blessing in disguise (for one thing, they would be over!) Haven’t we all become more resilient to such robust codes and procedures? (How many signatures were there in the clearance form again?) It is time for us to bid the members of the graduating class farewell. Let’s admit it; they (most of them) have played their roles as seniors aptly by helping and guiding us throughout, and they deserve a fitting sending-off. From the CampBuzz Editorial Board, we wish to bid them farewell! Above: Rector NUST speaking on the occasion of the graduation ceremony from last year. In the past, very distinguished and prominent personalities have graced the convocation ceremonies. In 2007, at the graduation of Degree 25, then President of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, General Pervez Musharraf, was the guest of honour. At right, he congratulates a graduating student. Last year, the College of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering saw the Prime Minister of Pakistan, Yousuf Raza Gillani come and award medals and confer degrees to the graduating class of Degree 26. At bottom-left, he confers the degree to a student from Degree 26. Below: President General Pervez Musharraf poses for photographs along with the Degree 25 students after awarding them their degrees at the 13th convocation ceremony in 2007. The convocation ceremony will be marked this year, as per tradition, with students of Degree 27 being awarded their degrees. High achieving students, who stood out among the rest, in academics in general, and in Final Year Projects will also be awarded medals to commemorate their achievements and their distinctions.


Issue 31

NATIONAL ENGINEERING AND ROBOTICS CONTEST 2009 Ms Sumaira Batool Department of Mechatronics Engineering National Engineering Robotics Contest 2009 was orAt the end of the ceremony the Chief Guest gave away ganized by STEM Career Programme, HEC and NUST at the the prizes to the winning teams of “National Engineering RoCollege of Electrical & Mechanical Engineering (EME) Rawal- botic Contest 2009” (NERC) in the following categories: pindi on 11th July 2009. Winner NERC 2009 Shield with cash prize of Rs. 80,000 was The Head of Mechatronics Department Brig. Dr. Ak- awarded to Challenger (CASE Islamabad) htar Nawaz Malik, in his opening address, welcomed all the teams and honorable guests. He stated that Mechatronics is a fast growing discipline of engineering with widespread applica- 1st Runner up NERC 2009 Shield with cash prize of Rs.50,000 tions in industry and that the contest is aimed to train the indi- was awarded to SYLAR (NUST College of E&ME) vidual for engineering services in Pakistan. The Commandant of College of Electrical & Mechani- nd 2 Runner Up NERC 2009 Shield with cash prize of Rs.40,000 cal Engineering (EME), Major General Muhammad Shahid (SI) was awarded to Gladiator (CASE Islamabad) M declared the final round of the contest open. The Chief Organizer of the contest, Col Dr. Javaid Iqbal informed that 80 teams from different Engineering Uni- 3rd Runners Up NERC 2009 Shield with cash prize of Rs.35,000 versities, Colleges and Institutes from all over the country par- was awarded to Wanderer (NUST College of E&ME) ticipated in the qualifying round. The Commandant of the College of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering, Major General Muhammad Shahid (SI) M welcomed the Honorable Chief Guest, Executive Director Higher Education Commission, S. Sohail H. Naqvi. In his address the Commandant congratulated the qualifying teams of the heats. Giving a brief over view of the past and future activities of the College, he emphasized that the over all atmosphere of the College is very well suited for academics as well as cocurricular and extra curricular activities.

3 x Best Engineering Design Award with cash prize of Rs.30, 000 each was awarded to Neo (NUST College of E&ME), TBOB (CASE Islamabad), Legend Killer Returns (NUST College of E&ME) Winner NERC 2009 Lego Award with cash prize of Rs.25, 000 was awarded to MTS Crawler (NWFP UET) 1st Runner Up NERC 2009 Lego Award with a cash prize of Rs. 15,000 was awarded to Cyber Invictus (Headstart School Islamabad) 2nd Runner Up NERC 2009 Lego Award with a cash prize of Rs. 10,000 was awarded to Blitzkrieg (BeaconHouse Islamabad) Youngest Participant Award with cash prize of Rs. 5,000 was awarded to Daniyal Mustafa Baig (Headstart School Islamabad)

The Winners of the NERC 2009 Robot Challenger from CASE Islamabad 11

5 x Participation Awards (Less NUST Students) Rs. 15,000 were awarded each to Smart Rover (Bahria University), Wachu Mana (UET Taxila, Chakwal Campus), Hitman Returnz (International Islamic University), Herald (Ghulam Ishaq Institute), TRIS-T (Custom Public School Karachi)

Issue 31

In his address the Honorable Chief Guest, Executive Director Higher Education Commission, S. Sohail H. Naqvi complimented the efforts taken up so vigorously by the College of E&ME (NUST) to enhance the technical know -how of its students through such exquisite national level events such as NERC. He said that “I believe that Pakistan cannot compete with developed nations unless strong ties are established between industry and educationists. “ He further commented that “Since every machine these days is a blend of several technologies, Mechatronics Engineering as a new discipline has found widespread acceptance in the world, including a large number of developing countries”. In his speech the Chief Guest congratulated all the participating teams, faculty of Mechatronics Department and the College to make this contest a success.

NERC 2009 at a glance Men and Machines at work


Issue 31

National Workshop on Information Security and Privacy (NWISP 2009) The rapid advancement in information technology has heralded a new age of explosive growth in all fields of life with an increasing demand for practice of security in all applications. Security has moved into the mainstream of every domain of Information Technology and has become a key technology in determining future research and development activities in many academic and industrial branches. NUST College of E&ME has always been on the forefront to increase exposure of students to the latest tools and trends in the industry and academia. The Department of Computer Engineering, NUST College of E&ME organized “The National Workshop on Information Security and Privacy (NWISP 2009)”, held from 17-18th August 2009 at the ASG lecture hall. The purpose of NWISP 2009 was to cover topics from various domains of computer and network security to provide an indepth view of the information security landscape. The workshop served as a forum to gather academicians, researchers, practitioners and students in the field of information security and privacy. The speakers at the workshop presented new developments, lessons learned from real world cases, and provided a platform for exchange of ideas and discussions on various domains of information security and privacy. The talks of IT industry experts and instructor-led lectures gave the audience a real sense of applicability of security technologies in the enterprise environment.

NUST College of E&ME; Ms. Ruhma Tahir – Lecturer from NUST College of E&ME. The workshop was formally inaugurated by the Head of Department of Computer Engineering, Brig Dr. Muhammad Younus Javed (Patron-in-Chief NWISP 2009) with an opening address focusing on the importance of information security in the academia and the industry. He stressed that Information Security is one of the most pressing challenges facing all kind of organizations today. Although many companies have discovered how critical information is to the success of their business or operations, very few have managed to be effective in keeping their information safe and for this purpose we need to bring security awareness among the individuals in our society. Ms. Ruhma Tahir (Organizer NWISP 2009) gave the workshop introduction by highlighting the salient features of the workshop, the intended events and a brief introduction about the honorable speakers. The formal proceedings of the workshop started from Mr. Ammar Jaffri who gave talk on “Law and Ethics in Cyber Crime”. He stressed on cyber crime forensics, investigation, procedures and prosecution of cyber crime cases in the courts of law. Ms. Ruhma Tahir gave a detailed presentation on “The Threat Environment and Cryptographic Protocols”. She emphasized on various cryptographic protocols used to safeguard networks against various threats in the environment. Mr. Tariq Malik spoke on “Host Security”, focusing on the onion approach as opposed to the orange approach to provide system security. He further promoted the concepts of sandboxing and virtualization to implement comprehensive security. Mr. Muhammad Kaleem presented his viewpoint for providing comprehensive security by the use of firewalls and changing format of messages for UDP and TCP communication on different types of networks. Lt. Col. Hasan Islam gave a detailed presentation on “Intrusion Detection in Network Centric Cyber Warfare” by focusing on the concept of information advantage and how security can be used for gaining advantage over an enemy.

The speaker panel included experienced individuals from the industry and academia, namely Mr. Ammar Jaffri – Additional Director General (Technical) from Federal Investigation Agency; Mr. Tariq Malik – Chief Technical Officer from Communications and IT Branch, GHQ; Mr. Muhammad Usman Saleem – Assistant Manager IT Security from Mobilink; Mr. Saeed Qadiri from Nokia Siemens Networks; Lt. Col. Hasan Islam from Communications and IT Branch, GHQ; Dr. Ghalib Assadullah Shah – Assistant Professor from NUST College of E&ME; Mr. Muhammad Kaleem – Assistant Professor from


Issue 31

NWISP 2009 was attended by around 80 participants who came from different organizations, establishments and academic institutions. They gained the required knowledge and skills for providing threat free networks and security solutions for their respective organizations. The participants suggested that the duration of the workshop should have been more than two days keeping in view the sensitivity of issues and security threats pertaining to all sensitive establishments of the country. The participants also suggested that more such workshops be arranged in order to cover specific topics relating to QoS and security in Wireless Sensor Networks, WiMAX and EVDO. All of them highly appreciated the initiative taken by Department of Computer Engineering for organizing such first workshop of its kind in the country. They also commended the excellent administrative arrangements for the participants such as arrangement of quality food and snacks during tea breaks and lunches on both days of the event, and giving workshop folder to each participant containing the necessary workshop material. The second day of the workshop started with the lecture on “Penetration Testing” by Mr. Muhammad Usman Saleem. He spoke at length about the importance of white hat hacking and its importance in evaluating the vulnerability of information systems. He also demonstrated various penetration testing tools used in the industry. Mr. Saeed Qadiri emphasized on the importance of security for telecom operators, thus stressing on the trends and challenges faced by telecom operators regarding incorporation of critical security infrastructures. Dr. Ghalib Assadullah Shah gave a detailed presentation on “Wireless Network Security”. He stressed on various wireless network threats and security protocols used to safeguard against different kinds of threats. The last lecture on the second day of the workshop was on “Security in Wireless Sensor Networks” given by Ms. Ruhma Tahir. She introduced the concept of lightweight security algorithms and emphasized how traditional security algorithms/ procedures are not suitable for providing security in wireless sensor networks.

Ms. Ruhma Tahir

Organizer NWISP 2009

Brig Dr. The event finally ended by awarding souvenirs and certificates Muhammad to the speakers and participants of NWISP 2009. Younus Javed Patron-in-Chief NWISP 2009

The closing ceremony took place on August 18, 2009. Brig Dr. Muhammad Younus Javed welcomed the dean College of E&ME Brig Dr. Akhtar Nawaz, who was the guest of honor on the occasion. Speaking at the closing ceremony he said, “Security indeed is the greatest challenge facing individuals/ organizations today and National Workshop on Information Security and Privacy was a very positive initiative towards information security awareness among individuals”. He appreciated the efforts of the department of computer engineering for organizing NWISP 2009.


Issue 31

COLLEGE DEAN: BRIG GHAFOOR HANDS OVER TO BRIG AKHTAR NAWAZ Brig. Abdul Ghafoor, previously Dean of the College of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering, moves on to bigger assignments at the NUST Headquarters in H-12, Islamabad. His post is being taken up by Brig Akhtar Nawaz, who was the Head of the Mechatronics Department. We look at the contributions of Brig Ghafoor, and the task ahead of Brig Akhtar Nawaz. With a plethora of achievements for his predecessor, the new Dean has big shoes to fill. But the repertoire that Brig Akhtar Nawaz brings suggests that he is the big man for the big job. Brig Akhtar Nawaz is to take over the position Brig Abdul Ghafoor leaves. However, Brig Akhtar Nawaz, has shown in the past that he would take on new challenges with great vigor, determination and success.

Outgoing Dean: Brig Abdul Ghafoor

Brig Akhtar Nawaz is an alumnus of the prestigious Military College of Jhelum (MCJ). He did his BE in Aerospace Engineering from College of Aeronautical Engineering (CAE) also receiving the coveted Sword of Honor. He then proceeded to the University of Cincinnati, Ohio, USA for his MS, before completing his PhD from Salford University in UK. He did his Post Doctorate from Kings College UK.

Brig Abdul Ghafoor leaves for the post of Director General NUST School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, at NUST HQ, after wonderful time at the College. As Dean, he oversaw the a long list of projects and activities undertaken at the College. Indeed, it was during his tenure that the existing MI room was upgraded to a complete Shaheed Mushtaq Baig Medical Centre, with a marked improvement in the medical equipment and the number of patients that can be accommodated.

Having joined EME College in April 1994, he remained HOD Mechanical from 1995-97. He was among the founding members of the Mechatronics Department at the College in 1998. When he and his fellows laid the foundations of the Department, EME became the first institution in the country to do so. Today, his efforts have turned the department into a hotbed for research in robotics.

The look of College as it stands today is all dedicated to the tireless efforts of Brig Abdul Ghafoor. In fact, all the functions, ceremonies, and routine College affairs have in fact matured due to tremendous contribution and active involvement of Brig Ghafoor. Besides massive development of ASG paraphernalia , Brig Ghafoor also deserves credit of construction and renovation works including New JCO Mess, Golden Jubilee Monument, Utility Area Shops, married accommodation of Officers and Soldiers, sports facilities at Jhangi Complex, are to name a few. Then is the revamped Army Public School Campus at College with professional principal and upgraded pay structure. Volumes can be written on the achievements of College during the tenure of Brig Abdul Ghafoor as Dean College of E&ME, but I fear the pen would not do justice.

As the Head of the Mechatronics Department, we oversaw a host of improvements , both in the curriculum, but also in the facilities available to the students. It was his vision that paved the way for EME hosting the first National Engineering and Robotics Contest (NERC) in 2002. Since then, the competition has gone on to become Pakistan’s most sophisticated. Brig. Akhtar has always been extremely supportive of the his students. His support and encouragement extends beyond academics. This is reflected by the fact the he is currently the patron of SPAL, SAS, the Drama Club and the founder of the Media Society.

Brig Ghafoor served the College for 17 years as Battalion Commander, SI, HOD Mechanical, Dean, Head of Quality Management Cell and Deputy Commandant.

It is apparent that his traits and qualities will allow him to take on this new challenge in the best possible manner. We hope that his time as Dean would be auspicious for him and the College, and wish him all the best.

We wish to thank him for his services to the College, and wish him all the best in his future endeavors. 15

ANOTHER MILESTONE ACHIEVEMENT OF ISO 9001:2008 QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM CERTIFICATION FOR COLLEGE OF E&ME Quality Management Representative (Professor Brigadier Dr Nawar Khan, Head of Engineering Management Department) and his team including AQMRs (Assistant Quality Management Representative), CQA (College Quality Auditor, CQC (College Quality Coordinator), QPO (Quality Project Officers) and Support Staff have once again proved the existence of a standard Quality Management System at the College of E&ME, both in its Academics Studies Group and Military Engineering Group. The present certification of ISO 9001:2008 version is valid till April 2012. A simple but graceful ceremony was held at the College of E&ME to celebrate the achievement. Top management of the College appreciated the efforts of all those who contributed to the certification process. College has consistently maintained its quality engineering education through Quality Standard Certification System since 1998.

RESULT OF CAMPBUZZ ARTICLE WRITING COMPETITION We take pleasure to announce the much awaited result of the 2nd CampBuzz Article Writing Competition, held before the summer break. The level of the competition was quite good, and the judges were indeed impressed. After careful evaluation, the following were found to have taken the honors.


Obaid ur Rehman, DE-29 ME

Second: Mashud Khan, DE-29 EE Third:

Salman Hameed, DE-29 MTS

The CampBuzz Editorial Board congratulates the winners of the contest.

FEDERAL MINISTER FOR SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY APPRECIATES GSR PROJECT BEING CARRIED OUT BY DR MOJEEB BIN IHSAN By the grace of Allah Almighty the Ground Surveillance Radar project has met many successes. The radar has under gone successful field trials by Pakistan Army and the radar’s performance and features demonstrated in the field were equivalent and in some cases better than those of the radars of European origin. Recently Minister of Science and Technology Mr Azam Khan Swati witnessed the radars performance at M-2 Motorway on 8 Jun 2009 where all capabilities and features were successfully demonstrated. In particular a new feature wherein detected target were displayed on google earth satellite image of M-2 Motorway which clearly showed targets moving on the motorway with the correct range and speed detected and displayed on the radar screen. The radar is at the threshold of pilot level production with very bright prospects of becoming the first and very significant project to see commercialization.


Issue 31

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