Campaign Review 2007

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Campaign 50TH ANNIVERSARY 1958-2008




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year we mark the 50th anniversary of CND. We have achieved much as a movement, and we must recognise and celebrate that. Above all, this year we must build on our achievements and look to the future, for public opinion – nationally and globally –is moving increasingly in our direction. Our work over the decades has contributed to many significant achievements. The public pressure that we generate contributed to achieving the Partial Test Ban Treaty and the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. It helped bring about the INF Treaty in 1987, removing the missiles from Greenham and disarming thousands of nuclear weapons. Our campaigning helped prevent the introduction of the Neutron bomb, and US campaigners persuaded Nixon not to nuke Vietnam; time and again, it is our action that has prevented the worst happening, and has shaped the increasing demands for peace and genuine human security. This past year has been a very positive one – the majority of public opinion opposed the government’s plans to replace Trident, parliament saw a huge backbench rebellion on the issue, and even Cold Warriors like Henry Kissinger added their voices internationally to demands for fresh initiatives on disarmament. CND itself has attracted thousands of new members, and the generosity of our supporters has enabled us to step up our campaigning activity. This is a strong endorsement of CND’s increasing effectiveness. Much of our work is covered in this Review, but there has been so much going on it has been impossible to include everything. Thank you to everyone who was made this increasing success possible. The next steps in Britain this year are focused on Aldermaston. As we also mark the 50th anniversary of the first Aldermaston march this Easter, we are bringing the spotlight onto – and vigorously opposing – Aldermaston’s continued role as Britain’s nuclear bomb factory. We will be gathering at Aldermaston at 12 noon on Easter Monday, 24th March, to surround the base, and tell the government, ‘The Bomb Stops Here’. This will be an event of great significance – please join us there. We are planning to have a full page statement in the national press on Easter weekend, so please use the leaflet enclosed to add your signature to the call for nuclear disarmament. Let’s celebrate our history this year, let’s remember the commitment of those who have given so much and made our movement strong – and let’s make that a springboard to move forward towards a nuclear weapon-free Britain, and a nuclear weapon-free world.

Kate Hudson, Chair CND

Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament


CND campaigns non-violently to achieve British nuclear disarmament – for scrapping the Trident nuclear weapons system and preventing its replacement. CND works to secure a Nuclear Weapons Convention which will ban nuclear weapons globally, as chemical and biological weapons have been banned. We also work to end Britain’s participation in the US Missile Defence system and – with other campaigns internationally – against missile defence and weapons in space. Other current campaigns include the prevention and cessation of wars in which nuclear weapons may be used, opposition to NATO and its nuclear policies, and to nuclear power. CND is funded entirely by its members and supporters, and our policies are decided upon by our annual national delegates’ conference, where our national leadership is also elected. Details of our national offices, and our network of regions and local groups can be found at the back of this Review.

CND Mordechai Vanunu House 162 Holloway Rd • London N7 8DQ Tel: 020 7700 2393 Fax: 020 7700 2357 [email protected] 1


No Trident Replacement No Trident Replacement HE key focus of CND’s campaigning continues to be UK nuclear disarmament and the prevention of a replacement for the Trident nuclear weapons system. The first part of 2007 saw a huge campaign, both in parliament and across the country, to oppose the government’s determination to force a pro-nuclear decision through parliament. In the run up to the parliamentary vote on 14th March, CND groups and other supporters were holding public meetings across the country on an almost a daily basis, as popular opposition mounted. The national ‘No Trident’ demonstration on 24th February was a major campaigning focus, with up to 100,000 people participating. Public opinion shifted substantially against replacement. A week before the vote, an opinion poll showed that 72% did not think the government should go ahead with the decision. On the day of the vote we held an emergency lobby of parliament followed by a large rally in Parliament

Photo: Sheila Velez


Vivienne Westwood, Annie Lennox, Bianca Jagger and MPs Katy Clark and Joan Ruddock support CND on Trident replacement vote day

A week before the vote, an opinion poll showed that 72% did not think the government should go ahead with the decision.

Square. Whilst the government won the vote in Parliament, it suffered the largest backbench rebellion on a defence issue since 1924. In the meantime, over the start of the year, we gained nearly 1,500 new members. The fantastic response to our No Trident Replacement appeal, launched in late 2006, continued well into 2007. In total, members donated over £75,000 to support the campaign.


Photo: Rick Wayman

Populus/More 4 Survey, February 2007


24 February 2007: No Trident, Troops out of Iraq demonstration

The next steps In the course of the debate, the government had to admit that the decision was not irreversible, and building on the breadth of the antiTrident alliances that have been built up during campaigning – we are well placed to achieve that. The ‘'concept’ phase is currently underway. Once this has been completed, the issue will come back to parliament – in 2009, according to Des Browne. This is the first significant opportunity to reverse the decision. We are also pressing for interim reports, as mentioned – but not guaranteed – by the Defence Secretary. Decisions are also expected in the next parliament on missiles and warheads. Aldermaston 2008 Aldermaston continues to be an important focus for our work. Government funding is pouring into this nuclear bomb factory, and anyone who has been there recently will have seen the massive scale of the building work taking place. We have been working with Block the Builders and the Aldermaston Women’s Peace Camp over the past year to oppose the development of new nuclear warheads,

and will continue to do so in the year ahead. This year is the 50th anniversary of the first Aldermaston march so we will be bringing the spotlight onto AWE Aldermaston on Easter Monday 24th March, to surround AWE and say No to new nuclear warheads. We hope many of you who gave such great support to the Faslane 365 initiative over the last year will help to mobilise at Aldermaston. Please join us. The alternative to rearmament We have made it clear in our campaigning – ever since our Alternative White Paper in December 2006 – that the government must pursue constructive alternatives, in line with its stated commitment to

Photo: Sue Longbottom

multilateral disarmament. CND has been pressing the government to support the draft Nuclear Weapons Convention, which is lodged at the UN. The majority of states voted last year in the UN to begin immediate negotiations to achieve this Convention, banning nuclear weapons as chemical and biological weapons are banned. In spite of clearly stating that disarmament must be pursued, the government has not yet agreed to support the Convention and does not appear to be taking any alternative steps. We will be pressing for this in the year ahead, particularly at the time of the nuclear NonProliferation Treaty Conference in Geneva this spring. Last year we had a strong delegation in attendance, and we intend to make a similar impact this year.

Action „ Lobby your MP to sign EDM 72 supporting a Nuclear Weapons Convention. „ Sign the CND/Medact petition and get as many people you know to do so too – you can sign online and download copies from our website or order hard copies from the CND office.



ICAN We are very pleased to be working with other anti-nuclear groups in ICAN (the International Campaign for the Abolition of Nuclear Weapons), initiated by physicians worldwide. ICAN is raising the profile of the Convention. In the UK, a key campaigning tool is our petition, saying No to Trident Replacement, Yes to a Nuclear Weapons Convention. Global Summit for a Nuclear Weapon Free World Working internationally is vital, in campaigning for global abolition. CND is in regular communication with peace groups in the US, Europe and all across the world. There is much experience which needs to be shared. To contribute to this, CND is marking its 50th anniversary by hosting a Global Summit in London on 16/17th February 2008. Experts and activists from across the world are gathering to raise awareness of the Nuclear Weapons Convention and to discuss the practical steps needed to achieve it.

Regions CND groups campaigned exceptionally hard against Trident Replacement in early 2007, organising public meetings and debates with prestigious speakers; running street stalls and lobbying their MPs. Over the year, they also had a major presence at Faslane 365, and even managed to fit in some of the following work too: In October, East Midlands CND, supported by South Cheshire and North Staffs CND campaigners, demonstrated with Trident Ploughshares against the Rolls Royce Marine Reactor site in Derby (where Trident's nuclear reactors are made). This action was widely covered in the local media. In February, 100 people attended a day of workshops on Trident replacement organised by West Midlands CND 4

AWPC activist, Juliet McBride tests the new SOCPA legislation outside the Orion laser site at Aldermaston

and Birmingham Stop the War Coalition jointly. Speakers included Bruce Kent and Clare Short MP. Also in February, Lancaster District CND arranged for Bruce Kent to speak at a United Nations Association event in Kendal on: ‘Prepare for Peace – Redirect Trident Money’. In September, Greater Manchester & District CND organised a one day Teach-In at the University of Manchester with Rae Street and Jeremy Corbyn speaking on Trident, and Jenny Clegg running a workshop on the global context. 150-200 people (mainly students) attended. As a result of this Teach-In, a new University of Manchester CND group is forming. Kent Area CND members continued to support Aldermaston blockades and in November their

presence was featured in the local paper. They aim to form an affinity group, with support from Student CND, to plan for further actions. In February Exeter CND arranged both for the No Trident Replacement leaflet to be distributed to 45,000 homes in Exeter via the local free paper, and for a half-page advert to be printed in the local Express & Echo. In December they joined with the Woodcraft Folk to demonstrate in the High Street, to gather petition signatures and encourage people to write their Christmas wishes – what they would rather the government spent the money on rather than Trident replacement – on cards to attach to a big Christmas tree. All these wish-cards collected are to be presented to Exeter MP, Ben Bradshaw. Plymouth CND continues to be a


strong source of local opposition to the refitting of Trident submarines in the Devonport dockyard. For the third year, CND was deemed ‘too political’ to be allowed a float on the Lord Mayor’s Procession. But Plymouth CND activists took part anyway, marching with a banner and a mock-up model of a Trident submarine. This ‘insurgence’ gained excellent publicity with a quote and a colour photo in the local Evening Herald. The Nuclear Free Coalition was reconstituted in October as a formal organisation in order to ensure affiliations and generate income for activities against the Dockyard. It will bring together representatives from as many regional and local peace campaigns, environmental groups and trade unions as possible. Gtr Manchester & District CND’s blockade at Faslane

Around 200 delegates at NUS annual conference took part in a No Trident Replacement photo stunt, sending a clear message from the student movement to add their voice to calls against Trident. Photo: Ben Soffa

Specialist sections Christian CND’s major event in 2007 was an inter-faith dialogue on the theme ‘Trident Replacement – a Moral Question’. There were distinguished speakers from many different faiths including the Rt. Rev. Tony Dumper, a retired Anglican Bishop and Dr Daud Abdullah, from the Muslim Council of Britain. Members also held weekly vigils at Aldermaston throughout

Lent in 2007, with encouraging press coverage. Student CND designed modern new campaigning materials bearing the slogan, ‘Invest in Education – Not Trident’ and held numerous meetings on campuses. To this end they secured the active support of the National Union of Students (NUS) for CND’s campaign, getting to help promote CND’s events and appear on platforms.

Labour CND organised a Labour Movement Conference in February to oppose Trident replacement. It was held at Trades Union Congress headquarters with speakers from across the trade union and labour movement. This Conference and the fringe meeting held at the Labour Party conference in September, with Katy Clark MP and Fabian Hamilton MP speaking, were well attended and aroused much interest. 5


No US Missile Defence Opposing US Missile Defence and Weapons in Space


year we had a big increase in our campaigning activity against US Missile Defence (MD). UK government agreement – without any parliamentary consultation – to hand over Menwith Hill spy base for the MD system, plus US determination to locate new sites in central Europe, has increased international concern and raised the profile of this issue. There has been talk of a new Cold War, and a new nuclear arms race being triggered. In August, just after the Menwith Hill decision we organised a written response in national newspapers from 27 MPs demanding that any decision relating to Britain’s role in the US programme be decided by ‘Parliament rather than Ministerial announcement.’ AST

Bruce Gagnon’s tour included a visit to Fylingdales with Dave Webb and Jackie Fearnley (Fylingdales Action Group) to meet the Base Commander

68% of the British public believe that Britain’s role in US Missile Defence should be decided in Parliament, and not behind closed doors. YouGov poll, August 2007

We have been actively working with new campaigns in Poland and the Czech Republic and organised a highly successful conference in London in September. We were privileged to welcome Jan Neoral, Mayor of Trokavec – the village where the US plans to build a radar base for MD. This year we are building on those links in Europe and lobbying in the European Parliament, to win broad opposition to the scheme. Here in the UK we will be working to raise public awareness and focus on campaigning at Fylingdales, a key base for the US Missile Defence programme, and Menwith Hill. Strong concern from the parliamentary Foreign Affairs Committee, about the government’s failure to consult on the Menwith Hill decision will be followed up. 6

Ivona Novomestska, co-ordinator of ‘No to Bases in the Czech Republic, and Jan Neoral, Mayor of Trokavec at the conference organised by CND in September

Action „Lobby your MP to sign Early Day Motion 65 calling for a democratic debate in the UK parliament on the issue of US Missile Defence. „Send one of our new postcards to your MP – enclosed with your Review.


Specialist sections Youth & Student CND greatly publicised the Keep Space for Peace week actions in schools and universities, as well as organising a short speaking tour of a young member of the Czech Peace Movement.

The UK government has agreed – without any parliamentary consultation – to hand over Menwith Hill for the US Missile Defence system

No to NATO

Regions Yorkshire CND is responsible for considerable campaigning to oppose Missile Defence having both Menwith Hill and Fylingdales bases within its area. In June, convenor Dave Webb gave expert evidence at a European Parliament sub-committee on ‘Does Europe need a Missile Defence Shield?’ During the international Keep Space for Peace week initiative in October the group organised both a protest outside Fylingdales, which gained good local and national press coverage, and a nationwide speaking tour for leading campaigner, Bruce Gagnon, the coordinator of the Global Network Against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space. Yorkshire CND’s newest local group, Calderdale CND, also hosted Bruce at a very successful public meeting. Both the Menwith Hill and Fylingdales bases will see a number of planned stunts in 2008. Two Yorkshire CND activists, Helen John and Sylvia Boyes have been challenging the so-called anti-terrorism legislation being used to suppress peaceful protest. During 2007, the two activists were engaged in a lengthy trial process after they were found guilty of criminal trespass under this legislation at the Menwith Hill spy base. Their court case has received lots of local press attention.

Student CND saw the issue of US National Missile Defence become an important and growing focus for their activities in 2007. Members worked with the NUS to organise a mailing to all student unions on the issue, and organised meetings to raise awareness.


Lindis Percy speaking at the Croughton picnic and rally

The Croughton US communications base in Northamptonshire supports many US military operations including the war in Iraq, and is believed to have links to the US Missile Defence system. The 2007 annual Croughton Picnic and Rally, organised by the Oxfordshire Peace Campaign as part of Keep Space for Peace Week, was attended by many more picnickers than usual who listened to speakers, Lindis Percy, Peter Tatchell and the Rev. David Platt.

AISING public awareness about the continued location of hundreds of US nuclear weapons under the guise of NATO, at Lakenheath air base in East Anglia, remains a priority. With the expansion of NATO into Eastern Europe, plans to develop a NATO missile defence system, and increasing NATO involvement in Afghanistan, NATO is having a higher profile than it has had for many years. In December 2007, we made a submission to the Defence Select Committee Inquiry on NATO, emphasising opposition to NATO nuclear policy. Given NATO’s nuclear first strike policy this is a matter for grave concern, and we are increasing our links with other anti-nuclear campaigning groups across Europe who wish to see an end to NATO nukes in their own countries. We will be working to support protest at Lakenheath, working with Eastern Region CND, in the year ahead – this has been given particular significance because of reports in the press that Lakenheath could be a location for US interceptor missiles for the US Missile Defence system.



Not one more death End the occupation of Iraq: Don’t attack Iran


have continued to support the withdrawal of British troops from Iraq, and welcome progress towards this. But full withdrawal is necessary and we will continue to make that case until all the troops are pulled out. We will be participating in a national demonstration to that end in London on March 15th; this event is part of a global day of action against the continuing occupation of Iraq. We also work to oppose any attacks on Iran, and welcome the recent intelligence reports from the US indicating that Iran does not have a nuclear weapons programme. In summer, Chair, Kate Hudson addressed a conference at the European Parliament on Iran’s nuclear programme. We do not believe that military interventions, which overwhelmingly affect innocent civilians, are the right way to deal with complex regional problems, or with anxieties about potential nuclear proliferation. We support UN resolutions – over many decades – calling for a nuclear weapons free zone in the Middle East. E

Regions Sussex Peace Alliance members have concentrated on opposing military action against Iran with letter writing, vigils and meetings. One such candlelit vigil at a busy roundabout by Eastbourne activists with an enormous banner saying, ‘Don’t Attack Iran’ attracted supportive hoots from passing traffic. In May the Hereford Peace Council organised Voices Against the War, an evening of poetry and music with poet Adrian Mitchell. In November they held an Alternative Remembrance Day with Martin Bell, former BBC war correspondent and Independent MP and Reg Keys, founder member of Military Families Against the War. 8

Troops Home from Iraq demonstration, October 2007

With lots of media attention, Eastern Region CND members marked the 6th anniversary of the bombing of Afghanistan in October by blockading Gate 1 at Lakenheath for 3½ hours holding a banner saying ‘Stop the War Crimes not the Protests’. The 48th fighter wing had just returned from dropping thousands of bombs on Afghanistan. Lakenheath also hosts up to 110 US B61 nuclear bombs. Legal charges have resulted and the trial (26,27 and 28th March at Bury St Edmunds court) will be alongside the Lakenheath 8 who will be on trial for SOCPA and criminal damages for the action in 2006 to stop the loading of cluster bombs. (Court support for these dates would be greatly appreciated!) South Somerset Peace Group held meetings throughout the year on various peace issues with prominent speakers. They included Dani Hamilton of Military Families against the War who moved the audience greatly with her account of how service

Photo: Davinder Kaur

in Iraq had affected her son. He had been ordered to fire on a crowd, killing a child whose corpse he had to hand back to the father. In order to reach out to a wider audience, London Region CND opened up the guest speaker slot of its council meeting to the public. This proved to be extremely successful, with a well-attended public forum against the threat of a military attack on Iran, addressed by Professor Abbas Edalat. The event attracted a number of new, younger activists and produced a vibrant, extremely useful discussion, out of which came concrete steps for further activities, including the lobbying of MPs. Merseyside CND has shown anti-war artist Emily Johns’ exhibition Drawing Paradise on the ‘Axis of Evil’ inspired by her visit to Iran at two city centre venues with two more booked for 2008. Members also worked with Emily Johns to hold a public meeting and slide show of her visit.


No nuclear power

Eastern Region CND activists protest at Sizewell nuclear power station


E have continued to campaign against the building of new nuclear power stations, and to raise awareness of the dangers of nuclear waste, and the inability of nuclear power to adequately address the problems of climate change. Working together with other NGOs, we supported an initiative from Greenpeace to withdraw, at a national level, from the government's consultation on nuclear energy, given the evidence produced that it was not a genuine consultation. Members of local CND groups who participated in some of the consultation sessions were concerned about the lack of opportunity to make the case against nuclear power. We also work to make clear the links between nuclear power and nuclear weapons.

Regions Eastern Midlands CND was among several CND groups which challenged the UK government's consultation process on the future of nuclear power. East Midlands members presented arguments against nuclear power to the biased presentations of the pronuclear lobby at both the consultations held in Nottingham, and in the Plaza Hotel, London. There was also a protest at the Nottingham consultation. The group then submitted a critical response in October. Further work included the production of a pamphlet outlining the links between nuclear power and weapons, which was

distributed to all delegates. Eastern Region CND joined forces with The Climate Camp to stress that nuclear power is not the answer to climate chaos. Activists dressed in white with radioactive symbol masks blockaded Sizewell, gaining vast local, and some national media coverage. This action went on getting reported in the media: the group returned for a further blockade, and recently it challenged the Director of Sizewell nuclear power station to an open debate on his recent claims about nuclear power. Watch this space!

r e w o p r a e l Nuc– not worth the risk! 9


Festivals, fairs and conferences


help get our message over as widely as possible we have participated at a number of summer festivals this year, including at Glastonbury, where, amongst things, we gave out thousands of a special Glasto Campaign magazine. We have also participated at the Labour Party Conference, the Trades Union Congress, and a number of national trade union conferences, having successful fringe meetings at many of these events. We are delighted to report an increasing number of trade union affiliations to CND, and have seen increased trade union participation in our events. If you are able to help us out in a voluntary capacity at any of our events, we would be very grateful. Please let us know if you can help – email [email protected] or call 020 7700 2393

Photo: Jean-Pierre Magloire


Merseyside CND’s Gina Shaw enjoys the success of their Peace and Ecology festival

the centre of Liverpool. Around 2,000 people visited the festival and, with stalls from around 20 local campaigning groups and lots of live music from folk and rock musicians, feedback was very positive. Oxford CND entertained people from all over the region with a battery of some of Britain's finest jazz musicians at their Jazz Concert in February.

Regions Eastern Region CND had stalls and workshops on nuclear issues at many festivals, fairs and local events including Latitude, Eastern Haze, Ipswich Peace Festival and the Greenpeace Fair. They were a great success, with a continuous flow of interested people and lively discussion. A stall run by Eastern Region members at the University of East Anglia's Freshers' Fair helped encourage a new CND society to form. So far they have held debates, film showings, stalls and a CND Week. The enthusiastic new group has many ideas for the coming year. Sussex Peace Alliance members joined with a wide spectrum of Sussex peace and human rights groups to stage a 'Freedom Days' meeting in October. Juliet McBride, a political and legal academic and dedicated Nukewatch and AWPC activist, plus others spoke on: The Right to Protest, a Right under Threat. Part of the problem is that no such formal right is enshrined in English law. West Midlands CND took part in 10

a Borderlines Film Festival day in Hereford to celebrate 25 years since the first Greenham march. Jenny Maxwell, Chair of the group, was also on the evening debate’s panel. Kent Area CND has been giving lots of encouragement and practical support to a new Student CND group formed at the University of Kent. The students are meeting regularly and their activities have included taking part in blockade at Aldermaston and attending the parliamentary rally and lobby in London. More recently, they held a stall at the Freshers’ Fair, then in November a public meeting addressed by Caroline Lucas MEP. Merseyside CND marked the International Day of Peace with a hugely successful Peace and Ecology Festival in

Specialist sections By volunteering to serve drinks at festivals all over the country through the Workers Beer Company, many Youth & Student CND activists raised valuable campaigning funds. When not working, they handed out leaflets and badges and distributed a special festival edition of Disarm, their activist magazine, which was distributed at Glastonbury, Leeds and Reading festivals and which roused much interest. Student CND In the autumn, Student CND held Freshers’ Fair stalls all across the country, and produced a special newsletter and stickers for their groups to distribute


50 1958 –2008

Global Summit for a Nuclear Weapon-Free World Sat 16th & Sun 17th February, 2008 – City Hall, London Experts and activists from a number of different arenas, nationally and internationally, will discuss how nuclear disarmament can be achieved. Places are limited. To ensure a place, CND group delegates should register now. A reception at City Hall on the Saturday evening after the conference will honour our early members. Available for events History of CND exhibition The London School of Economics has organised a special CND anniversary exhibition on the history of CND. Consisting of three portable banners (approx 1m x2m) using photos, leaflets and other images from the collections, two sets will be available for CND groups to display from Easter. Book by

CND Annual Conference & AGM 18/19 Oct 2008 at Westminster University, London Nominations 9 July (directly elected) Please supply email contact for your nominee; your name will also be published Resolutions 14 July Groups will receive a mailing in early April; all members will receive full details in the summer edition of Campaign „ All correspondence to: ‘Conference’ at the CND office or e-mail [email protected]

Aldermaston 2008: The Bomb Stops Here, Surround the base Easter Monday 24th March, 2008 at 12 noon Get mobilising now for a day to remember on the 50th anniversary of the first Aldermaston peace march. Each of the gates of the site will be linked to a different decade in this lively, colourful event – dress up according to the decade or chose a theme to make your own unique demonstration! With speakers and entertainment, and designed to highlight the continued role of Aldermaston as a nuclear bomb factory, this is an event not to be missed. A mobilising pack, flyers, background information, details of coaches and other resources are available from or e-mail: [email protected] or call 0845 3370282 contacting Rebecca: 020 7700 2393 or [email protected] CND Documentary MADD (Make a Direct Difference) Movies are producing a documentary

about CND’s history and the antinuclear movement. It will cover developments from Hiroshima to the present day and will be completed by June 2008. Copies will be available for all CND groups. 11





Scottish CND 2 007 was a significant year for the campaign in Scotland. It saw not only the majority of Scottish MPs voting against the plan to replace Trident, but also the Scottish Parliament taking a similar stance. Since May, Scottish CND has been encouraging the new Scottish government to explore what effective action it can take to help achieve disarmament. We have deliberately worked with major Scottish institutions to build the campaign. The churches, other religious groups, trade unions and peace organisations have worked together in the Scotland’s for Peace initiative. Scotland’s for Peace organised a Bin the Bomb roadshow in February, culminating in a march and rally attended by around 3,000 people in Glasgow. The speakers included First Minister, Alex Salmond and Cardinal Keith O'Brien. During the year Scottish CND worked with other organisations in the campaign, including Faslane 365 which sustained effective protests throughout the year, and Greenpeace, which organised a high profile campaign in February. More jobs without Trident One of the main arguments used in favour of nuclear weapons in Scotland is that jobs would be at risk if Trident were cancelled. Early in 2007 Scottish CND and the Scottish Trade Union Congress (STUC) gathered together a small group of experts who drafted a detailed report on the economic implications of cancelling the Trident programme. This showed that the number of jobs at risk was far less than often claimed and that more jobs would be created if the money was reallocated to other projects. The report proved to be an effective and timely piece of research. Strong political lobbying Scottish CND members wrote to their MPs and MSPs, sent them emails and visited them in their local surgeries. In March, 33 of the 59 Scottish MPs voted against the government. In June, a motion calling on the UK government not to go ahead with its proposals at this time was 14

3000 people marched through Edinburgh in the People and Parliament against Trident event

‘We desire that Scotland should be known for its contribution to peace and justice rather than for waging war’. From the Scottish Covenant for Peace

overwhelmingly passed, with 71 voting for, 16 against and 41 abstaining or not voting. After the May election, Scottish CND held a conference to discuss with politicians and representatives of civic Scotland how to move the campaign forward. A key task has been to identify what a Scottish government can do within its devolved powers. The Scottish National Party (SNP) administration has taken this on board, and, in October, they organised a National Conversation on Scotland's Future Without Nuclear Weapons. Following this the Scottish government is setting up a Working Group to explore future options. In November, 3,000 people marched through the centre of Edinburgh in the People and Parliament against Trident event organised by Scotland's for Peace.

The event was effective in showing public support for the stance taken by Holyrood. Scotland’s for Peace launched the Scottish Covenant for Peace which states: ‘We desire that Scotland should be known for its contribution to peace and justice rather than for waging war’. This was signed by Alex Salmond, religious leaders and MSPs on 1st November. Thirty illustrated Covenant books have been printed. During 2008 we will work to ensure that there is a good turnout from Scotland at the Aldermaston demonstration on Easter Monday. Events in Glasgow and Edinburgh will mark CND’s 50th anniversary. The year’s main focus will be encouraging grassroots activity with a series of meetings across Scotland in March and later in the year. The major event will be a large protest at Faslane in June. We will also host a conference on Trident Replacement in the Autumn, assist Nuclear Free Local Authorities with a seminar in April, take part in the Scottish government’s working group on nuclear weapons and promote the Scottish Peace Covenant.


CND Cymru I T was that Strathclyde police station phone call on January 8th 2007 from CND Cymru Chair Jill Evans (and Wales MEP), letting us know that she and Leanne Wood (Assembly Member) had been arrested for blockading Faslane, that launched another action-packed year for CND Cymru. On that day, elected representatives showed how they too are excluded from decisions made on our behalf about weapons of mass destruction and war. If our elected representatives feel unable to directly influence such decisions and war plans, then we in Wales must continue to use our imagination, brains, and hearts to the best of our ability to get the world and future we want.

St Athan Military Academy A British government decision to site a privately funded military training ‘academy’ (built and run by a consortium led by arms manufacturer Raytheon) at St Athan, in South Wales, caused quite a stir. Many local politicians are keen to cash in on the professed number of wellsubsidised jobs to be (or not to be) 'created'. Others are deeply disturbed by the further militarisation of Wales, and by the principles behind an institution set up to train any ‘security’ force from Britain or elsewhere with the ready cash to pay. CND Cymru is playing a central part in the campaign to stop the academy and to present positive alternatives.

David Morris In January too, following the death of David Morris, a former CND Cymru Chair, we were reminded of his words, ‘we in the peace movement are always optimistic; never despondent; never cynical’. As an Aberystwyth student in 1957, David had been involved in the first anti-nuclear weapons demonstration in Wales. Later, having served as a Labour MEP for 15 years, he was deselected, he felt for ‘taking a stand and speaking out against Trident’. He was certainly not alone in his party and would have been proud to know that our February antiTrident demonstration in Cardiff was led by Labour MP Julie Morgan, Independent MP Dai Davies, Labour Councillor Ray Davies and Plaid Cymru MEP Jill Evans. Nuclear disarmament will only be won with cross party support. Red Dragon at Faslane At least 70 people from Wales were arrested over the Faslane 365 year; many more taking part. Wales will be watching closely to see what happens next as the Scottish Parliament rejects having British nuclear weapons in its country. Y Ddraig Goch (the Welsh flag) is frequently seen outside AWE Aldermaston and Burghfield, and our

Elections Following the Assembly elections in May, Wales now has a coalition government (Labour and anti-nuclear Plaid Cymru); most, if not all, of whom have at some time personally supported CND Cymru or its aspirations.

CND Cymru’s No Trident Replacement demonstration in Cardiff with (top) Jill Gough and Ray Davies, CND Cymru and Dai Davies MP and (middle) Jill Evans MEP

European Youth Event and Peace Boat Part funded by CND Cymru, Cynefin y Werin and British CND, BANg (Ban All Nukes generation) representatives, including Georgia Coles Riley and Emily Freeman from Wales, organised a weeklong youth event in Scotland. Some participants joined the New York bound ‘Peace Boat’ – a ship from Japan dedicated to the cause of disarmament, peace and international understanding. At a Nagasaki Day commemoration held in a New York street they read out a ‘Youth Appeal’ which was presented to the UN Head of the Office of Disarmament Affairs. CND Cymru would like to pay tribute to and express admiration for fellow workers and activists in Wales, and to our comrades, brothers and sisters throughout Britain and the rest of the world. Diolch yn fawr a chariad i ti gyd – Heddwch a Chyfiawnder! 15


CND in the media In the papers and on the television The first three months of the year were dominated by the run-up to the Trident replacement decision, with both broadsheets and tabloids running photographs of the projection of our No Trident Replacement logo on to the Houses of Parliament. More4 News devoted a whole television programme to a debate between CND Chair Kate Hudson, Defence Secretary Des Browne and others, with an audience of young people voting against replacement after the opposing cases had been presented. Later in the year, Kate was interviewed on Newsnight when it was revealed that Britain’s nuclear weapons are not protected by electronic security codes from unauthorised use – as other nuclear weapon states do. Big band and celebrity support Our anti-Trident replacement statement was signed by over 50 British big-name bands and musicians, such as Babyshambles, Thom Yorke, Damon Albarn, Kaiser Chiefs, Massive Attack and the Chemical Brothers. The statement was printed in the popular music press and reported in the London free newspapers and beyond. Dozens of photographers mobbed our celebrity supporters – Annie Lennox, Bianca Jagger and Vivienne Westwood – at a stunt organised outside Parliament on the day of the vote. Later, national television and radio reported on the direct-action protests during the day and transmitted live coverage of our evening rally in Parliament Square. Nuclear Power and US Missile Defence During the second half of 2007, the press heard our opposition to nuclear power and UK involvement in US Missile Defence. We were quoted in relation to parliamentary developments on nuclear power and blockades at 16

Sizewell nuclear power station. In August, the press reported on our opinion poll gauging opposition to US Missile Defence. A letter we organised, signed by several dozen MPs, was also printed in both the Independent and Guardian. International press covered our September 1st conference. November saw us widely quoted on the Foreign Affairs Committee report on Missile Defence. Individual and local news Throughout the year individual stories of

CND supporters have made the news, Eileen Daffern’s interview on Woman’s Hour being typical of the many fascinating tales from activists. Getting stories in the regional media is vital in presenting the issues with a local context. Local CND groups do an excellent job of generating coverage of their events and views. Regional groups’ coverage has been particularly prolific during the year with numerous appearances on regional television and radio.

o you have a story the media might be interested in? D In this anniversary year we would particularly like to hear from members with a personal story to tell about their involvement with CND. Are you part of a multi-generational family of campaigners? Do your relatives hold greatly differing views to yours? Do you come from a background generally seen as atypical for a CND supporter? If you have a story that you think might make an interesting magazine feature or article, please get in touch with Ben Soffa, CND's Press Officer on 0207 700 2350 or e-mail: [email protected]


Peace Education 2 007 has been a truly amazing year for CND’s Peace Education Programme; it is continuing to develop its network of speakers, school workshops and resources. The programme will continue to grow as more people become involved in 2008. ‘What was the Cold War?’ Teenagers in schools today were born in the early to mid 1990s and many do not know that Britain has nuclear weapons. Even more are unaware of their devastating effects. It is crucial that young people are empowered with enough knowledge to make informed decisions and that they know, if they decide to oppose nuclear weapons, there is something they can do to object. Most of all, young people should be presented with accessible, balanced and interesting information to engage and educate them. Hundreds of packs distributed Our new Peace Education Pack is based on co-operative learning methods and is designed to satisfy a range of different learning styles. It has five different activities appropriate for the classroom or youth group and is suitable for teenagers aged 13 to 18. The effects of a nuclear explosion are examined, as are the key concepts in the debate surrounding such weapons. The history of the peace symbol is explored and students are encouraged to think up their own designs. Other nuclearrelated issues, such as the story of Mordechai Vanunu, and the Chernobyl disaster, are investigated. Hundreds of copies of the pack have been distributed at teachers’ conferences and meetings, and lots of good feedback has been received from teachers and students alike. One teacher commented that the students really enjoyed the activities and were ‘engaged and interested’. A 15-year-old student also praised the pack, saying, ‘students aren’t told what to think and so they can make their own decisions and form their own opinions.’

Bruce Kent talks to school students in Bootham

An updated edition will include a CD with images to complement the lessons. ‘I’d never work in a nuclear bomb factory – it might explode whilst I ate my lunch!’ Workshops in schools have also taken off since the summer, with school visits all over the country. As you can see from the above quote – the young people involved were always keen to add their opinions to discussions about peace and nuclear weapons! Requests for workshops are still coming in and hopefully more will be occurring throughout the anniversary year.

'I was really impressed with the pack. It is very teacher friendly and makes a complicated topic engaging and thought provoking. Rowan Walker, a teacher in Coalville, Leics Schools’ Peace Lectures: 800 York students hear Bruce Kent Another successful initiative was the establishment of the Schools’ Peace Lectures. Our first lecture, in York, had almost 800 students listening to Bruce Kent speak on nuclear weapons, peace and

conflict. Many questions were asked, from the realities of disarmament – to Bruce’s age! In another such lecture planned for March 2008, the Mayor of Cambridge, accompanied by Bruce Kent, will address school students and explain why she signed the Mayors for Peace pledge. Hopefully in our 50th Anniversary year we will see Schools’ Peace Lectures throughout the country. Interested? Get involved! CND Peace Education is always looking for enthusiastic people to become involved. People in education, both teachers and school students, are invited to get in touch. You can also join the panel of people reviewing our materials. We can arrange workshops or speakers for your school and send you a copy of our education pack. We are recruiting speakers to join our School Speakers’ network. If you feel you have the knowledge and confidence to speak in schools, then please contact me. Prior experience is not essential as training will be provided where necessary. All enquires to Anna Liddle at [email protected] Let us spread the knowledge of nuclear weapons and disarmament further in our anniversary year by educating the young people who may carry on the campaign in the future. 17


Resources Campaign materials A range of CND campaign materials, including leaflets, reports and postcards will help ensure you have robust arguments when you lobby and inform your MP, write a letter to the local press and build awareness within your local community. No Trident replacement Our new report, Trident and Employment: The UK’s industrial and technological network for nuclear weapons comprehensively argues for UK defence diversification and examines the economic benefits of employing people outside of the nuclear weapons industry. It was written by Dr Steven Schofield, an expert on the subject, and was funded by UNISON. A Q&A and updated No Trident Replacement briefing and leaflet are also available. A new briefing with the latest information on warheads and missile developments related to Trident replacement will be available in early 2008. Our new information sheet, No to Trident Replacement: Yes to a Nuclear Weapons Convention compliments the CND/Medact petition which calls on the UK government to support negotiations towards a nuclear weapons convention and recognise its commitment to multilateral disarmament by not replacing Trident. Get everyone you know to sign the 18

petition on the CND website. Hard copies can also be downloaded or ordered from the office.

No US Missile Defence A range of new No US Missile Defence materials has been produced, a leaflet, briefing, and Q&A will ensure informed opposition along with a special new lobby postcard to send to all MPs.

Other leaflets and briefings Other leaflets are available, to oppose government spin on nuclear power, inform about Hiroshima and present the case against nuclear weapons, help scrap our current Trident system, and give general information about CND’s work. In addition, we have a wide range of different briefings to give more detailed

Join the letter-writing team 2007 saw CND’s letter-writing team concentrate on UK nuclear disarmament, writing about Trident replacement to Tony Blair, the Defence Secretary, Des Browne, and the Defence Select Committee. We also wrote related letters about the 2007 nuclear NonProliferation Treaty Preparatory Committee meeting to Margaret Beckett, (when she was Foreign Secretary), and Gordon Brown (on becoming Prime Minister). In autumn, we lobbied the UK Ambassador to the UN to vote for a resolution about the alert status of nuclear weapons. Later in the year, we objected to the planning application for new buildings at Burghfield. In May, we wrote to the peace movement in the Czech Republic supporting its opposition to a planned radar base as part of the US missile defence system. As usual, we ended the year by sending Christmas cards to Mordechai Vanunu Although the replies we get are usually unsatisfactory, and we often wonder whether the authors believe what they are writing, it is crucial that we make our voices heard and our letters inform, encourage and present our point of view. Many of our letter-writers send copies of the letters to their MPs – a good way of passing on useful information. We provide background information and a list of points to make eight or nine times a year. Not everyone can write every letter but even one a year helps. To join our team, please contact Katy, [email protected], or call the national office, indicating whether you want to receive information by e-mail or post.


information on topics including US nuclear weapons in Europe, Nuclear Power and Iran’s nuclear programme. CND briefings, Q&As and reports are available to download from the Briefings and Information pages of our website. Leaflets and postcards can be ordered from our online webshop. Alternatively call the CND office on 020 7700 2393

Keep up to date! •CND’s E-Campaign bulletins Sign up to CND’s regular e-mail bulletins for the most up-to date details on our events and activities by signing up with your e-mail address on our website home page

ecampaign Campaign for Nuclear


•Campaign magazine With opinion pieces, news articles and information on the latest CND events, keep informed by subscribing free of charge to CND’s Campaign magazine. All members receive the Membership edition in summer, but you can also subscribe to the spring and autumn issues by e-mailing [email protected] •Get political Strategic political lobbying is essential to CND’s campaigning. For keen and budding lobbyists, CND’s quarterly Lobby newsletter provides important information to help you lobby your MP effectively. To subscribe please email [email protected] or call the CND office on 020 7700 2393

CND Personnel Officers Chair: Kate Hudson Vice-Chairs: Jeremy Corbyn MP, Sophie Bolt, Dave Webb Treasurer: Linda Hugl CND National Council Directly elected Pat Arrowsmith, Jenny Clegg, Tom Cuthbert, Sue Davis, Joan Horrocks, Peter Leary, Gawain Little, Caroline Lucas MEP, Alice Mahon, Pat Sanchez, Tom Shelton, Tony Staunton, Rae Street, Carol Turner, Hannah Tweddell Nations, Regions and Areas CND Cymru: John Cox, David Bradley, Jill Gough Scottish CND: Adam Beese, Eileen Cook, Jim Taggart Cumbria & N. Lancs: Chris Prettyman East Midlands: Ian Cohen, Richard Johnson, Geoff Lawrence Gtr Manchester: Joan Abrams Kent Area: Pam Brivio London Region: Pat Allen, Jim Brann, Nicholas Russell Merseyside: Gina Shaw Southern Region: Graham Allen, Anna Chaplin South Cheshire & N. Staffs: Jason Hill South West Region: Peter Le Mare, Tom Milburn Sussex Peace Alliance: Anna Rehin West Midlands CND: Sandra Gardner, Joe Sturge Yorkshire CND: Helen John, Miriam Moss Specialist sections Christian CND: Bob Russell Labour CND: Daniel Blaney Student CND: George Woods Youth and Student CND: Catherine Crick, Brendan Lee, Joanne Stevenson Vice-Presidents Tony Benn, John Cox, Joan Horrocks, Bruce Kent, Alistair Mackie, Paul Oestreicher, Walter Wolfgang Staff and volunteers Staff at Holloway Road Sam Akaki: Parliamentary Officer Joy Annegarn: Membership, Finance Eve Cuthbert: Finance and Network Manager

Ben Folley: Campaigns Officer Sue Longbottom: Print & Website Designer Mell Harrison: Regional Campaigns Worker Michael Hindley: Membership Development Worker (until June 07) Davinder Kaur: Campaigns Officer Anna Liddle: Peace Education Officer Jon Nott: Fundraiser Dawn Rothwell: Campaigns Research and Information Officer Rebecca Sage: Office Manager Tom Shelton: Campaigns and Office Admin (until June 07) Ben Soffa: Press Officer Rick Wayman: Press Officer (until April 07) Katy West: Membership and Database Systems Officer Many thanks and good luck to Michael Hindley, Tom Shelton, and Rick Wayman National and Regional staff CND Cymru: Jill Gough (volunteer) Scottish CND: John Ainslie Gtr Manchester CND: Jacqui Burke, Doug Weir London Region CND: David Polden Yorkshire CND: Sarah Cartin, Denise Craghill Other regional offices are run by volunteers Specialist sections Christian CND: Claire Poyner (part-time). Other specialist sections are run by volunteers from home. Volunteers at Holloway Road Pat Allen, Pat Arrowsmith, Dorothea Baker, Jim Brann, Kitty Cooper, Marco Cosimiro, Pam Cowan, Sue Davis, Dave Esbester, Jen Jousiffe, Gina Mackenzie, Eileen Maclean, Stuart Minto, Luba Mumford, Mary Ogbogoh, Jill Poller, Becky Ridgewell, Rosemary Rogers, Annette Russell, Ellen Sheffield, Aby Simons, Stuart Stephenson, Jean Taylor, Jim Thomas, Marjorie Trevor, Ian Triggs, Tony Watkins, Matt West, Muriel Wood, Killian Zumpe Interns Amanda Cassiday, Roderick Cobley Thank you to all those who volunteer their valuable time and energy Goodbyes Many thanks and good luck to all



Support us CND launches Direct Debit Now you can give regularly to CND using Direct Debit. This flexible and secure payment method allows you to choose the amount you give and the frequency, while providing protection via the Direct Debit guarantee. You can set up a Direct Debit on our website or use the form on the inside front cover. Payment via Direct Debit cuts CND’s administrative costs and allows us to invest more in the future of the Campaign. Please note that a Direct Debit will not cancel any standing orders you may have with CND and you will need to cancel these with your bank. CND Membership Rates £24 Waged Individual £8 Concessionary Merchandise Our range of No Trident Replacement campaigning materials, including a t-shirt designed by Peter Kennard, sell extremely well. Many members help raise awareness by wearing our t-shirts and badges. A catalogue of our new materials, including several reproductions to mark CND's anniversary, is included with this mailing.


CND legacy income as a percentage of total income 35 30 25 20 15 10

Legacies Our ability to respond to government's plans for a new generation of nuclear weapons was greatly enhanced by generous legacies left to the campaign by life-long supporters. Money pledged to CND by members in their wills enabled us to employ extra staff and run national newspaper advertising campaigns at this crucial time. During 2007, over 60 members informed us that they had added CND to their wills – many in response to our new information pack A Legacy for Peace. If you would like a copy please email [email protected] or call 020 7700 2393 and ask for Jon. Legacies have generally increased in value since 2003 (see Chart 1). In 2007, 20

5 0






CND legacy income 90000 80000 70000 60000 50000 40000 30000 20000 10000 0 2003

„ Total income


„ Other income


„ Legacies




legacies contributed to approximately 30% of our income (see Chart 2), (although 2007 figures are very preliminary). If inheritance tax is payable on any legacy that CND receives, CND is able to revert part of the legacy in favour of the Nuclear Education Trust. Although this means that this part of the legacy can only be used for CND's educational work, the remainder can be used for CND's vital campaigning work. Nuclear Education Trust The Nuclear Education Trust (NET) received charitable status in March 2007 after a long period of discussion with the Charity Commission. CND has unsuccessfully tried to form a charitable arm on several occasions in the past, so this was great news. At present NET is mainly funded by a generous legacy to CND which was signed over to NET (120K), enabling inheritance tax to be reclaimed (£77K). In 2007, NET contributed over £27,000 to CND. This was mainly used for CND's peace education work and preparing the No Trident Replacement briefing. NET also funded the London School of Economics' CND's archives work enough to prepare for the 50th anniversary exhibition; this is the beginning of a much larger project between LSE and CND to make CNDs

archives much more accessible to a general and academic audience. NET will contribute over £50,000 to CND's peace education work in 2008 and over £30,000 to CNDs Global

Disarmament Summit. Other grants have been made to Scottish CND, the Movement for the Abolition of War and Christian CND for planned conferences discussing the role of nuclear weapons.



Autonomous sections CND supports and gives grants to the work of the following autonomous campaigns. bylaws introduced in June, we all enjoyed our celebration of being there and not giving up.

Aldermaston Women’s Peace Camp(aign) 'Concrete in a wheelie bin' blockades During the lead up to the Trident vote we lobbied and protested by all means possible, including giving evidence to the Defence Select Committee and an 'on top of the fence protest' which led to an arrest under the new Serious Organised Crime and Police Act 2005 (SOCPA). On vote day March 14th, we organised with Block the Builders and brought London's Parliament Square to a grinding halt with a successful and visually arresting blockade in which nine people were arrested. Risking back injury and hypothermia, blockades involving increasingly impressive concrete constructions have continued at Aldermaston, attracting widespread publicity on the disgusting new bombmaking facilities that are being built in front of our eyes. The Women's Cocktail Party of the Century Maintaining our monthly camp in the face of evictions and arrests relating to the new military by-laws is, in itself, an achievement, and we celebrated women's strength and sense of fun in June when about 50 women gathered for a fabulous cocktail party on a grass verge near Burghfield. Undeterred by spending the previous night in Reading police station, having been arrested under the new


Taking our 'Knickers to the Bylaws' challenge to the High Court Our application for a Judicial Review of the bylaws will now be heard in the High Court on February 1st, and, if agreed, will be heard immediately. Please come and support the court challenge - relevant to everyone who is committed to the right to peaceful protest. Come and join us at the Peace Camp – second weekend of every month at the Tadley roundabout. We camp there to give a loud, protracted and determined NO to Trident, its replacement, all nuclear weapons and all war. „

Campaign Against Depleted Uranium (CADU) CADU’s 2007 activities revolved around its role as the international office for the International Coalition to Ban Uranium Weapons (ICBUW). With more than 90 members worldwide, CADU believes ICBUW is the best initiative yet to achieve a ban on all conventional weapons containing uranium. In February, CADU organised a wellattended UK parliamentary lobby and public meeting. Soon after, we went to Geneva for a UN seminar, followed by some intense diplomatic lobbying. In May, we helped organise a DU photo exhibition in the European Parliament, sponsored by the Europe-wide Green political group. We then returned to Geneva for more lobbying. The summer was spent out on the road, fundraising at the Glastonbury, Big Chill

and Green Man music festivals. From September we were back in the office helping organise the annual ICBUW conference. Held at the UN Church Centre in New York, it welcomed activists and scientists from across the US and beyond. During the now obligatory post-event lobbying, it emerged that our draft resolution was to be submitted to the UN First Committee, and if passed, to the UN General Assembly in December. Although the final wording was somewhat weaker than we would have liked, the resolution passed both by a landslide, with 122 and 136 votes respectively. The five states that voted against it were the US, UK, Israel, Czech Republic and the Netherlands. Meanwhile, CADU launched the UK part of a divestment campaign against Barclays and RBS after it emerged that they help finance three uranium weapons’ manufacturers. The next year will be of great importance to the international campaign. In particular CADU is very aware of the challenge we face from the UK government. We welcome the support of CND members and groups! „ Faslane 365 A year of mobilising against Trident From 1st October 2006, thousands of people from all over the world took part in a year of almostcontinuous nonviolent actions at the Faslane base. Some 1,150 people were arrested, including survivors of the atomic bombing of Nagasaki and Hiroshima, elected members of the European and Scottish parliaments, hospital workers, trade unionists, teachers, students – a wide cross-section of civil


society from Scotland, England, Wales and beyond. Most blockaders were charged with ‘breach of the peace’ and held overnight in police cells. However, only 55 – usually repeat ‘offenders’ – were actually prosecuted. Some trials are still pending, so please give support, especially to activists from your area. Faslane 365 was conceived as a yearlong blockade rather than an open-ended campaign. The aim was to intensify political pressure and provide impetus for Scotland to reject the illegal imposition of nuclear weapons. By bringing autonomous groups to Faslane to challenge Trident directly we've helped to build a broader, stronger community of activists to share ideas and strengthen nonviolent activism on peace, justice and environmental issues. During this intense year of blockading, Faslane 365 achieved its main objectives, including the election of an anti-Trident majority in the Scottish Parliament committed to making Scotland nuclear free. Though we chose to disband Faslane 365 after 1st October 2007, when hundreds of protesters closed the Faslane and Coulport gates for hours in a celebration of people power, the campaign against Trident renewal is far from over. In 2008 it will be important for the movement to grow and carry on campaigning in different ways – against the nuclear convoys; to strengthen the Scottish government’s nuclear free policies; highlight the illegality and immorality of nuclear weapons; and also to oppose the upgrading of warhead facilities at Aldermaston and Burghfield. Make the government see sense, cancel Trident and pursue disarmament. „ Nukewatch Military convoys carrying Trident nuclear warheads regularly travel by road between the south of England and Scotland, tracked by citizen ‘weapons inspectors’ from Nukewatch. The convoys transport their deadly cargo for regular maintenance and inspections to and from Atomic Weapons Establishment (AWE) at Burghfield in Berkshire and the Coulport weapons store at the Clyde Submarine Base in Scotland.

Overnight nuclear convoys get lost In 2007 Nukewatchers drew attention to two occasions when convoys got lost. An overnight convoy monitored out of AWE Burghfield in May was tracked to the M1. From there it left the motorway at a junction signed as ‘closed’- onto the A52 Derby/Nottingham road. At roadworks, the support convoy separated from the load carriers and drove up and down the dual carriageway several times, ending up in a residential area at 5am. After several noisy turns in side streets the vehicles regrouped at a local barracks before heading off to Scotland. In November, a southbound convoy got lost around Stirling. In both cases the convoy was separated from its support units for half an hour. The MoD admits there is a risk of a nuclear explosion in a serious crash or as the result of a terrorist attack, yet can't even ensure that drivers take the correct route and that the safety equipment is kept with the convoy. Perhaps the crew should be issued with a simple map rather than relying on technology that is not up to the job! Nukewatch believes that no further warheads should be taken into service and those in Scotland should be returned to AWE for decommissioning in as safe a way as possible: in daylight, at reduced speed and with the road ahead cleared. Thank you to the valiant Nukewatchers who track these convoys day and night – without them, such incidents would go unreported and the MoD policy to sacrifice safety for secrecy would continue unchallenged. „ Trident Ploughshares (TP) In the works This year we have again been active at various places where the workings of Trident are tangible: at Aldermaston with the Block the Builders blockades; at Faslane and Coulport mainly with Faslane 365 (five days of blockading by

TP and members heavily involved in the support structure); at the HQs of Trident manufacturers and suppliers in London (Serco; Lockheed Martin; Raytheon; BAE; Rio Tinto); joining the Lord Mayor's parade in Plymouth, and at Rolls Royce Derby. In court Various alleged misdemeanours meant appearances in many courts across the land, including Ayr, Stratford in London, and Helensburgh, for trying to collect evidence of illegal transfer of weapons through Prestwick Airport, going into AWE Aldermaston, blockading Faslane, and imaginately re-decorating the entrance to RNAD Coulport. All these appearances were marked by a failure on the part of the accused to hold their heads down or show any contrition, and a parallel failure on the part of the courts to show a scintilla of understanding about international law. In jail Phill Jones did time in Barlinnie in Glasgow when an unpaid fine dating from a blockade of Rolls Royce in 2005 eventually caught up with him. Marcus Armstrong spent 14 days in Kilmarnock jail after refusing to pay a fine related to the citizens’ inspections of Prestwick Airport in August 2006, when it was being used to transfer bombs from the US to Israel. Marcus said: ‘I acted to protect my brothers and sisters in the Lebanon. It is the only way I know how to live.’ In reflection And the future? The public and political climate in Scotland at present is uniquely favourable for getting rid of Trident - an opportunity that may be temporary and cannot be missed. At the same time there is Aldermaston, the heart of proliferation, as well as Derby, Devonport, the WMD industrial nexus, and Whitehall itself. „



Contacts CND groups are essential in getting our message heard across the country. Contact your local or regional group to find out how you can get involved. Regions and areas Cumbria & N Lancs CND 34 Trafalgar Street, Denton, Carlisle CA2 5XY tel: 01539 723020 East Midlands CND 43 Cobden Road Chesterfield S40 4TD tel: 01707 643768 [email protected] Eastern Region The Anchorage, Low Road Bungay NR35 ITT 0845 337 0282 [email protected] Kent Area CND 78 Priory Hill, Dover CT17 0AD; tel: 01304 225078 [email protected] London Region CND Mordechai Vanunu House 162 Holloway Road London N7 8DQ tel: 020 7607 2302 [email protected] Gtr Manchester & District CND Bridge 5 Mill, 22a Beswick St, Ancoats Manchester M4 7HR tel: 0161 273 8283 fax: 0161 273 8293 [email protected] Merseyside CND 50-54 Mount Pleasant Liverpool L3 5SD tel: 0151 702 6974 [email protected]


Mid Somerset CND 12 Neales Way Evercreech, Shepton Mallet Somerset BA4 6LA tel/fax: 01749 830 741 [email protected]

West Midlands CND 54 Allison Street Birmingham B5 5TH tel: 0121 643 4617 [email protected]

Norwich CND Forge Bungalow The Street, Stotesham Norwich NR15 1YL tel: 01508 550446 [email protected]

Yorkshire CND 2 Ashgrove Bradford BD7 1BN tel: 01274 730 795 [email protected]

Southern Region CND Flat 12, Eliot House 483 Portsmouth Road Southampton SO17 2TH tel: 023 8032 8335

National offices

South Cheshire & North Staffs CND PO Box 2127 Stoke on Trent ST1 1LY tel: 01782 280 998 South West Region CND The Peace Shop 31 New Bridge Street Exeter EX4 3AH tel: 01392 431447 Surrey Peace Action Network 27 St Mary’s Road Reigate RH2 7JH tel: 01737 223003 Sussex Peace Alliance 67 Summerheath Rd Hailsham BN27 3DR tel: 01323 844 269 [email protected] Tyne & Wear CND 1 Rectory Avenue, Gosforth Newcastle upon Tyne, NE3 1XS tel: 0191 285 7260 [email protected].

CND Cymru Y Drain Gwynion, Heol yr Eglwys, Talywaun Pontypool NP4 7EF tel: 01495 773180 [email protected] Scottish CND 15 Barrland Street Glasgow G41 1QH tel: 0141 423 1222 fax: 0141 423 1231 [email protected] Irish CND P.O. Box 6327, Dublin 6, Eire tel/fax: 00 353 1 872311944 [email protected] icnd.html

Specialist sections Christian CND Mordechai Vanunu House 162 Holloway Road London N7 8DQ tel: 020 7700 4200 fax: 020 7700 2357 [email protected] Parliamentary CND Mordechai Vanunu House 162 Holloway Road London N7 8DQ tel: 020 7700 2393

fax: 020 7700 2357 [email protected] Labour CND 11 Pembury Road Worthing BN14 7DN [email protected] Student CND 28 Grove Road London E17 9BN tel: 07814 434939 [email protected] [email protected] Youth & Student CND Mordechai Vanunu House 162 Holloway Road London N7 8DQ tel: 0207 607 3616 [email protected]

Peace Camps Aldermaston Women’s Peace Camp Second weekend of every month. tel: 07969 739 812 [email protected] Faslane Peace Camp Permanent. A814, Shandon, Helensburgh Dumbartonshire G84 8NT tel: 01436 820901 [email protected] Menwith Hill Women’s Peace Camp 3rd weekend of every month PO Box 105 Harrogate HG3 2FE tel: 01535 603 240 mhs/wpcmhs.htm


Local Groups Abingdon Peace Group 01235 526265 [email protected] Bath CND 01225 312574; [email protected] Bedford CND [email protected] Birkenhead CND 0151 677 6896 Blackpool & Fylde CND 01253 899742; [email protected] Brentwood CND [email protected] Bristol & West Region CND 0117 9714112; [email protected] Bromley & Beckenham CND 0208 4601295

Hackney & Islington CND 020 8533 5838; [email protected] Hall Green CND 0121 778 2672 Haringey CND 0207 607 2302; [email protected] Headingley & Kirkstall CND 0113 2741011; [email protected] Hemel Hempstead CND 01442 230285 Hereford Peace Council 01432 342623 [email protected] Horsham Peace Alliance 01403 251276; [email protected] Huyton CND 0151 4894242; [email protected]

Central Manchester CND 0161 6961724 Cheltenham CND 01242 582985 Chesterfield CND 01246 455178 Chippenham CND 01249 651565 Coventry Peace House 01203 663031

Isle of Wight CND 01983 855359; [email protected]

Durham Peace Campaign [email protected];

Lancaster District CND 01524 33991 [email protected] Leicester CND 01162 705 604; [email protected] Lewes & District CND 01273 473912; [email protected] Lewisham & Greenwich CND 020 8857 1095 [email protected] Lutterworth CND 01455 552949

East Lancashire CND 01254 887017 [email protected]. Enfield Peace Campaign 0208 364 2606 Exeter CND 01392 431447; [email protected] Faringdon Peace Group 01367 710308

Kettering CND 01536 481392 [email protected] Kingston Peace Council/CND 020 8399 2547 [email protected]

Maghull and Lydiate CND 0151 526 7293 Maidenhead & Cookham CND 01628 522 331 Marple and District CND 0161 427 1191

Medway CND [email protected] Mid-Herts Peace Group 01707 331643; [email protected] Mitcham CND 0208 648 9037 Musicians Against Nuclear Arms (MANA) 0208 455 1030 [email protected] North Cumbria CND 01228 524351 Northumbrians for Peace 01434 604747 northumbrians_for_peace Nottingham CND [email protected] Orpington CND 01689 837848; [email protected] Oxford CND 01865 242919; Penzance CND 01736 787056; [email protected] Peterborough CND 01733 233047 Plymouth CND 01752 318625 [email protected] Prestwich & Whitefield CND 0161 733 0868 Quaker Peace and Social Witness 020 7663 1000 [email protected] Reigate & Redhill CND 01737 248487 [email protected] Rickmansworth & Chorleywood CND 01923 777754 Rochdale & Littleborough Peace Group 01706 370712; [email protected]

Saddleworth Peace Movement 01457 876013; [email protected] Saffron Walden Peace Group 01799 527449 Salisbury CND 01722 321865 Sheffield CND 0114 296 7596; [email protected] Southampton CND 02380 229363 Southend and District CND 01266 682820 [email protected] St Albans CND 01727 863 911; [email protected] Sydenham & Forest Hill CND 0208 699 8597 Tavistock Peace Action Group 01822 617457 [email protected] Tower Hamlets CND 0208 981 6871; [email protected] Wallasey CND 0151 6383967 Waveney CND 01986 896189 West London CND 0208 743 4189; [email protected] West Norwood CND 0208 670 0622 Wimbledon Disarmament Coalition 020 9543 0362 [email protected] Woking Action for Peace 01483 768228; [email protected]

CND Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament • Mordechai Vanunu House • 162 Holloway Rd • London N7 8DQ Tel: 020 7700 2393 • Fax: 020 7700 2357 • [email protected] Company Registration 3533653

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