Cambridge Ielts 1

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Cambridge IELTS 1 READING PASSAGE 1 A spark, a flint: How fire leapt to life - spark ‫ جرقه‌ زدن‬،‌‫ بارقه‬،‌‫ جرقه‬،‫ اخگر‬،‫‌ژابيژ‬ v. produce sparks, emit sparks; flash, sparkle; excite, stimulate, activate, incite (Informal) n. fiery particle thrown out by a burning substance; bright flash; sudden discharge of electricity; flicker, gleam; small but important amount; vain young man who is overly concerned with his appearance; lover, beau - flint ‫ سنگريزه‬،‌‫ چيز سخت‬،‌‫ اتش‌ زنه‬،‌‫گ فندك‬ ‌ ‫ سن‬،‌‫‌سنگ‌ چخماق‬ n. type of hard stone, variety of silica; stone which is struck together to produce sparks and start a fire; something hard and stony - leap ‫ خيز زدن‬،‌‫ دويدن‬،‌‫ جستن‬،‫ خيز‬،‌‫ پرش‬،‌‫‌جست‬ v. jump, hop, lunge, spring into the air; move suddenly, act quickly n. act of jumping, lunge, spring; distance jumped; sudden change, abrupt transition - divine ‫ غيب‌ گويي‌كردن‬،‌‫ استنباط كردن‬،‌‫ كشيش‬،‌‫ الهي‬،‌‫ يزداني‬،‌‫خدايي‬ adj. pertaining to God (or a god); like God (or a god); heavenly; religious, sacred; especially good or beautiful v. foretell the future; find water or another substance using a divining rod; sense, intuitively understand n. theologian, scholar of religion; priest, member of the clergy - Log ‫ سفرنامه‌كشتي‬،‌‫ صورت‌ عمليات‬،‌‫ كارنامه‬،‌‫ سرعت‌سنج‌كشتي‬،‌‫ قطعه‌اي‌ازدرخت‌ كه‌اره‌نشده‬،‌‫‌كنده‬ v. cut down a tree or trees; cut a tree into sections; write in a log, make entries in a journal; travel at a certain speed, travel for a certain period of time n. block of wood; journal of a voyage; journal; logarithm; (Computers) record of operations which occur in a computer or between two computers; heavy object - charcoal ‫‌زغال‌ چوب‬ n. carbon prepared by imperfect burning; piece of charcoal used for drawing; charcoal drawing - pot

،‌‫ ماري‌ جوانا وسايرمواد مخدره‬،‫ هرچيز برجسته‌ وديگ‌مانند‬،‌‫ب پاش‬ ‌ ‫ ا‬،‌‫ كتري‬،‌‫ قوري‬،‌‫ ديگچه‬،‌‫ديگ‬ ‫گ پختن‬ ‌ ‫ در دي‬،‌‫‌گلدان‬ - invention ‫ابتکار‬، ‫اختراع‬، ‫جعل‬ n. act of inventing; something invented; creativity, resourcefulness; fabrication, falsehood; - through ،‌‫ تمام‌ شده‬،‫ كامل‬،‫ از اغاز تا انتها‬،‫سرتاسر‬،‌‫ بواسطه‬،‫ بخاطر‬،‌‫ از توي‬،‫ از وسط‬،‌‫از ميان‬ ‫‌تمام‬ prep. in from one side and out of the other; inward adv. by way of; in from one side and out of the other side; to the point of completion, to the end adj. direct, non-stop - friction ‫ حساسيت‬،‌‫ اختلف‬،‌‫ مالش‬،‌‫ اصطكاك‬،‌‫‌سايش‬ n. abrasion, scraping; discord, conflict


- peasant ‫ رعيت‬،‫ كشاورز‬،‌‫ دهقاني‬،‌‫ دهاتي‬،‌‫‌روستايي‬ n. farmer, agriculturalist; rustic, person who lives in a rural area; hillbilly, ignorant person - drill ‫ تمرين‌كردن‬،‌‫ تعليم‌ دادن‬،‌‫ مته‬،‌‫ مته‌ زدن‬،‌‫ مشق‌ نظامي‬،‌‫‌تمرين‬ v. bore a hole; practice, train; sow seeds in rows n. tool for drilling holes; practice, training; furrow; seeding machine; row of seeds in a furrow - brisk ‫ پاكيزه‬،‌‫اراسته‬،‫ تيز‬،‌‫ چست‬،‌‫ رايج‬،‌‫ باروح‬،‌‫ چابك‬،‫ تند‬،‌‫‌سرزنده‌ وبشاش‬ adv. quickly, briskly, energetically - palm

،‌‫ كف‌ هرچيزي‬،‌‫ف پاي‌ پستانداران‬ ‌ ‫ك‬،‌‫ كف‌ دست‌ انسان‬،‌‫ كاميابي‬،‌‫ نشانه‌پيروزي‬،‫ نخل‌ خرما‬،‌‫نخل‬ ‫ رشوه‌ دادن‬،‌‫ كش‌ رفتن‬،‌‫ با كف‌دست‌ لمس‌ كردن‬،‌‫ وجب‬،‌‫‌پهنه‬ v. hide in one's hand; steal, pilfer, filch; bribe, offer money in exchange for a service (Slang) n. inner surface of the hand; type of tree that grows in tropical areas - Speed Up - Concave


increase velocity

‫ واگرا‬، ‫ كاو‬، ‫مقعر‬

adj. curving inward

- concentrate ، ‫تمرکز دادن‬، ‫متمرکز کردن‬، ‫سير کردن‬، ‫متمرکز شدن اشباع کردن‬، ‫غليظ کردن‬ ‫تغليظ‬ v. focus, pay attention; collect in one place; make stronger, make more intense - Paleolithic ‫ وابسته‌ به‌ دوره‌ دوم‌ عصر حجر قديم‌ ياكهنه‌ سنگي‬،‌‫‌پارينه‌ سنگي‬ adj. of the earlier Stone Age - Chip ‫ قطعه‬،‫ ورقه ورقه شدن‬،‫ كندهكاري‬،‫ قلمكاري‬،‫ حجاري‬،‫ خرد كردن‬، ‫ تكه‬، ‫كندن تكه اي از چيزي‬ ‫ تراشه‬، ‫كوچك‬ chipping ‫سنگريزه‬ v. cut a fragment from, flake; be broken off in small pieces; sculpt, engrave - arctic ‫ شمالگان‬،‫ سرد‬،‌‫ وابسته‌ بقطب‌ شمال‬،‌‫ شمالي‬،‫‌قطب شمال‬ adj. of the North Pole, of the Arctic region adj. of ice; of the Great and Little Bear constellations (Astronomy) - Pyrites

‫ سنگ‌ اتش‌ زنه‬،‌‫‌سنگ‌ چخماق‬

- lit Light ‫‌زمان‌ گذشته‌ فعل‬ adj. illuminated, made light; aflame - porcelain ‫ پورسلين‬،‌‫ف چيني‬ ‌ ‫ ظرو‬،‌‫‌چيني‬ n. type of hard white ceramic produced using a special process - bamboo (‫ساخته‌ شده‌ از ني‬،‌‫ عصاي‌ خيزران‬،‌‫ چوب‌ خيزران‬،‌‫ ني‌ هندي‬،‌‫( خيزران‬.‌‫ش‬.‌‫‌گ‬ n. tall tropical grass having a hollow woody stem; stem of the bamboo plant - Steel ‫ مانند فولد محكم‌ كردن‬،‌‫ اب‌ فولددادن‬،‫ استوار‬،‌‫محكم‬،‌‌‫ پولدي‬،‫ شمشير‬،‌‫ پولدين‬،‫‌پولد‬ v. make strong, toughen, make inflexible; fit or edge with steel adj. of or pertaining to steel; resembling steel, having the properties of steel n. hard and strong metal alloy made up of iron and carbon; object made of steel - Tinder

‫ گيرانه‬،‌‫ فتيله‌ فندك‬،‫ اتش‌ افروز‬،‌‫اتش‌ زنه‬


n. easily flammable material - Alchemist ‫ كيمياشناس‬،‫‌كيمياگر‬ n. one who deals with alchemy (medieval form of chemistry which focused on the transmutation of base metals into gold) - Transmute ‫ تغيير هيئت‌ دادن‬،‌‫كيمياگري‌ كردن‬،‌‫ تغيير شكل‌ دادن‌ قلب‌ ماهيت‌ كردن‬،‌‫تبديل‌ كردن‬ v. change form, be transformed from one condition to another - Combustibility ‫( برانگيختني‬.‫ )مج‬،‌‫ قابلت‌ احتراق‬،‌‫‌سوختني‬ n. inflammability, state of being easily set on fire - equivalent ‫م ارز‬ ‌ ‫ ه‬،‫ همچند‬،‌‫ هم‌معني‬،‌‫ مترادف‬،‌‫ هم‌ قيمت‬،‌‫ مشابه‬،‫ برابر‬،‫ هم‌ بها‬،‌‫ معادل‬،‫همسنگ‬ adj. equal in worth or value, equal in importance; corresponding n. something equivalent, something equal in value or importance; equivalent proportion (Chemistry) - quest ‫ جستجو كردن‬،‌‫ تحقيق‬،‌‫ بازجويي‬،‌‫ طلب‬،‌‫ جويش‬،‌‫ تلش‬،‫‌جستجو‬ n. search, pursuit of something; expedition made in order to attain or achieve something; participants in an expedition; inquest, investigation (British) v. seek, search for, look for; pursue, go in search of - ethereal ‫ علوي‬،‌‫سماوي‬،‌‫ اثيري‬،‌‫ روحاني‬،‌‫ اسماني‬،‌‫ لطف‬،‌‫ نازك‬،‌‫ رقيق‬،‌‫‌اتري‬ adj. heavenly; light, airy; delicate - seal ‫ درزگيري‌ كردن‬،‌‫ بستن‬،‌‫ مهر و موم‌ كردن‬،‌‫ صحه‌ گذاشتن‬،‌‫ مهر كردن‬،‌‫تضمين‬،‌‫ نشان‬،‫‌مهر‬ v. fasten, secure, close tightly; imprint, stamp; approve, authorize; determine, set, decide Sealed ‫ مهر و موم‌ شده‬،‌‫م چسبيده‬ ‌ ‫ محك‬،‌‫مهر شده‬ - twist ‫ پيچ‌ دار كردن‬،‌‫ تابيدن‬،‌‫ پيچيدن‬،‌‫ پيچ‌ خوردگي‬،‌‫ نخ‌ يا ريسمان‌ تابيده‬،‌‫ تاب‬،‌‫‌پيچ‬ v. coil, curl, spin, turn; rotate opposite ends of an object in opposing directions; entwine; distort, pervert; sprain (ankle, etc.); produce a spiral shape n. curve, bend, spin, turn, coil; interlacing (rope); deviation from the standard; spiral form; strong silk thread; sprain; type of bread; abrupt change of course; odd tendency; variation - tip ‫ تيزي‬،‌‫راس‬،‌‫ سرقلم‬،‌‫ نوك‬،‌‌‫ انعام‌ دادن‬،‌‌‫ سرازير كردن‬،‌‫ كج‌ كردن‬،‌‫ نوك‌گذاشتن‬،‌‌‫ انعام‬،‌‫‌ ‌پول‌ چاي‬ v. give a gratuity; spill; cause to slant tipped adj. having a particular kind of tip (i.e. steel-tipped); having a point; edged - rush ‫هجوم بردن‬،‫جويبار‬، ‫جوى‬، ‫ازدحام مردم‬،‫حرکت شديد‬، ‫يورش‬، ‫حمله‬ v. hurry, make haste; act or move quickly; cause to hurry n. speed, haste; sudden increase in activity or speed; any species of marsh grass from the genus Juncus rushed adj. hurried, performed quickly, done hastily rushed in jumped in, leaped ahead, led, pushed his way into the first place - instantaneous ‫انى‬،‫دفعتا‬، ‫هردم‬، ‫ناگهانى‬، ‫لحظه اى‬ adj. instant, immediate; of or occurring at a particular moment - splint ‫ نوار يا تراشه‌اي براي‌ بستن‌استخوان‌ شكسته‬،‌‫ تراشه‬،‌‫تراشه‌ كردن‬،‌‫ خردكردن‬،‌‫‌برامدگي‌ كوچك‬ v. apply a splint, immobilize a broken bone by means of a splint


n. thin piece of wood or other material used to immobilize a broken bone while it is healing - dip ‫ غسل‬،‌‫ فرو رفتگي‬،‫ جيب‌ بر‬،‌‫ پايين‌امدن‬،‌‫ غوطه‌ور شدن‬،‌‫ تعميد دادن‬،‌‫‌شيب‬ v. immerse in a liquid; decrease, decline; reduce, lower - resemble ‫همانند كردن‌ يا بودن‬،‌‫ مانند بودن‬،‌‫ تشبيه‌ كردن‬،‌‫ مانستن‬،‌‫‌شباهت‌ داشتن‬ v. be similar to, be akin to; look like, have a similar appearance to - military ‫ ارتشي‬،‌‫ ارتش‬،‌‫ جنگي‬،‌‫ نظام‬،‌‫ سربازي‬،‌‫‌نظامي‬ adj. of or pertaining to the military; befitting or characteristic of a soldier; performed by the defense force of a nation n. army, armed forces, defense force of a nation - rocket ‫ موشك‌ وار رفتن‬،‌‫بطور عمودي‌ از زمين‌ بلندشدن‬،‌‫ راكت‬،‌‫ فشفشه‬،‌‫ موشك‬،‌‫‌پرتابه‬ n. rocket propelled missile; spaceship; airborne firework v. go up, ascend; soar to the heavens - patent ‫ حق‌ ثبت‌ اختراع‬،‌‫ داراي‌ حق‌ انحصاري‬،‌‫ بوسيله‌ حق‌ امتيازمحفوظ مانده‬،‫‌اشكار‬ n. exclusive right to an invention or design; invention or design that is protected by a patent adj. protected by a patent; clear; obvious, evident; ingenious, innovative v. receive a patent, receive exclusive rights to an invention or design - Lucifer ‫ ستاره بامدادى‬: ‫ نجوم‬،‫شيطان‬،‫لوسيفر‬ n. rebellious archangel who cast from heaven, Satan; morning star, planet Venus when seen in the sky before sunrise - fume ‫باغضب‌ حرف‌ زدن‬،‌‫ دود دادن‬،‌‫ بخار دادن‬،‌‫ غضب‬،‫ گاز‬،‫ بخور‬،‫ بخار‬،‫‌دود‬ n. smog, particles hanging in the air; smoke; angry mood, irritation v. make fumes; smoke; pollute; stink up; rage, rant - succumb ‫ سرفرود اوردن‬،‌‫ تسليم‌ شدن‬،‫ مردن‬،‌‫‌از پاي‌ در امدن‬ v. give in, surrender, yield, submit; die - jaw ‫ پرچانگي‌ كردن‬،‌‫ هرزه‌درايي‌ كردن‬،‫ تنگنا‬،‌‫ وراجي‬،‌‫م گيره‬ ‌ ‫ د‬،‌‫ گيره‬،‌‫ ارواره‬،‌‫‌فك‬ n. one or both of the bones which form the framework of the mouth; mouth; gossip, idle chatter v. talk, chat idly, gossip; scold, insult - prevail ‫ شايع‌ شدن‬،‌‫ مستولي‌ شدن‬،‌‫ غالب‌ امدن‬،‌‫‌چربيدن‬ v. win, succeed; overcome, surpass, prove superior; predominate, rule, reign prevailing adj. common, widespread, predominant, current - claim ‫ ادعا كردن‬،‌‫ مطالبه‬،‌‫ دعوي‬،‫‌ادعا‬ v. demand; sue; plea; assert n. lawsuit; plea - pioneer ‫ پيشقدم‌ شدن‬،‌‫ پيشقدم‬،‌‫پيشگام‬ v. pave the way, create a path; guide, lead the way; initiate, originate - match ،‌‫ بهم‌ امدن‬،‫ جور بودن‌ با‬،‌‫ وصلت‌ دادن‬،‌‫ زورازمايي‬،‌‫ جفت‬،‫ همسر‬،‌‫ لنگه‬،‫ نظير‬،‫ همتا‬،‌‫حريف‬ ‫ مطابقت‬،‌‫ تطابق‬،‌‫ب كبريت‌تطبيق‬ ‌ ‫ چو‬،‌‫ كبريت‬،‌‫‌مسابقه‬ v. be compatible, be suitable; be an equal competitor; compare; be compared; find something that matches another; marry off; pair, mate


n. small combustible stick designed for lighting things afire; competition, game (Sports); equal opponent; partner; something similar; counterweight; person considered suitable for marriage - brewery ‫ كارخانه‌ ابجو سازي‬،‌‫‌ابجوسازي‬ n. beer factory - advertise ‫ انتشار دادن‬،‌‫ اعلن‌ كردن‬،‌‫‌اگهي‌ دادن‬ v. publicize, promote, draw attention to (generally in order to sell goods or services); publicly announce - handed out

‫منتشر شدن‬gave out, distributed

- Smoulder ‫ه كردن‬ ‌ ‫ خف‬،‌‫ خاموش‌كردن‬،‌‫ بي‌ اتش‌ سوختن‬،‌‫‌سوختن‌ ودود كردن‬ v. burn or smoke without flame; display repressed feelings of anger; continue in a suppressed state n. small slow-burning fire, ashes of a fire (also smolder) - blow out

‫خاموش شدن‬

turn out, turn off, extinguish (e.g. a candle)

READING PASSAGE 2 Zoo conservation programmes - Conservation ‫ حفظ منابع‌ طبيعي‬،‌‫ حفاظت‬،‌‫‌نگهداري‬ n. guarding, preservation, protection from decay and destruction advertisement ‫ اگاهي‬،‫ خبر‬،‌‫ اعلن‬،‌‫اگهي‬ n. act of advertising, act of promoting (generally in order to sell goods or services); public announcement or printed notice designed to attract attention - patently ‫بطور اشکار‬ adj. openly, in an exposed manner, manifestly; clearly, obviously, evidently - distort ‫ ازشكل‌ طبيعي‌ انداختن‬،‌‫ تحريف‌ كردن‬،‌‫‌كج‌كردن‬ v. deform; falsify; twist; contort - reality ‫ اصالت‌ وجود‬،‌‫ اصليت‬،‌‫ هستي‬،‌‫ واقعيت‬،‌‫حقيقت‬ n. state of being real; real thing or fact; actuality - stuff ‫ انباشتن‬،‌‫ چپاندن‬،‌‫تپاندن‬،‌‫ پركردن‬،‫ چرند‬،‌‫ پارچه‬،‌‫ مصالح‬،‌‫ جنس‬،‫ كال‬،‌‫ ماده‬،‫‌چيز‬ n. material of which something is made; essence; objects, things; personal belongings; cloth, fabric (British); nonsense (Informal) v. force into a container or opening, cram; fill with some type of stuffing; fill an animal hide with material that preserves its shape; eat a large amount of food, gorge - endanger ‫ در معرض‌ خطر گذاشتن‬،‌‫‌به‌مخاطره‌ انداختن‬ v. put in danger, put at risk, imperil


- extol (extol) ‫ ستودن‬،‌‫ اغراق‌ گفتن‬،‌‫ ارتقاء‌دادن‬،‌‫‌بلندكردن‬ v. exalt, glorify, praise, laud - myth ‫ اسطوره‬،‌‫‌افسانه‬ n. traditional story about supernatural beings or imaginary people that narrates a common belief or explains some natural phenomenon; fable, folk tale; legendary character; commonly held but unsubstantiated belief - mediocre ‫ وسط‬،‌‫ ميانحال‬،‫ متوسط‬،‫حد وسط‬ adj. of medium quality, regular, ordinary, neither good nor bad; low-grade, poor - skeptical ‫ايرادگير‬،‫کم باور‬، ‫شکاک‬ adj. doubtful, hesitant - entertainment ‫سرگرمى‬، ‫پذيرايى‬، ‫پذيرايى کردن‬، ‫تفريحات‬، ‫مهمانى‬ n. something that entertains, something interesting or amusing, fun; hospitality - formal ‫ قرار دادي‬،‌‫ لباس‌ رسمي‌ شب‬،‌‫ عارضي‬،‌‫ تفصيلي‬،‫ داراي‌ فكر‬،‌‫‌رسمي‬ adj. ceremonious; conventional; according to custom; stiff; strict; symmetrical; requiring fancy dress n. occasion which requires fancy dress (dance, ball, etc.); evening gown - onward ‫ بجلو‬،‌‫ه پيش‬ ‌ ‫ ب‬،‫بسوي‌ جلو‬ adv. forward; further; from now on - buzzword n. password, key word, code word - commitment ‫ الزام‬،‫ تعهد‬،‌‫ حكم‌ توقيف‬،‌‫ ارتكاب‬،‌‫‌سرسپردگي‬ n. obligation, promise; act of committing - optimism ‫ك بيني‬ ‌ ‫ ني‬،‌‫‌فلسفه‌ خوش‌ بيني‬ n. state of seeing the good in life, state of hoping for the best - fail ‫ در ماندن‬،‌‫ وا ماندن‬،‌‫ورشكستن‬،‌‫ عقيم‌ماندن‬،‌‫ قصور ورزيدن‬،‌‫ رد شدن‬،‌‫‌شكست‌ خوردن‬ v. be unsuccessful; make unsuccessful; not do; be weakened; disappoint; go bankrupt; be stopped; be used up, run out - failing ‫در صورت کوتاهى از‬، ‫نقص‬، ‫ضعف‬،‫قصور‬ prep. in absence of, if not n. failure, lack of success; shortcoming, defect, fault adj. unsuccessful; tiring, weakening, becoming less - masquerade ‫ لباس‌ مبدل‬،‌‫ه لباس‌ مبدل‌ در امدن‬ ‌ ‫ ب‬،‌‫ تغييرقيافه‬،‌‫‌رقص‌ بانقاب‌ هاي‌ مضحك‌ وناشناس‬ v. assume a disguise; attend a masked ball, attend a costume party; impersonate; pose - perspective ‌‫ روشن‬،‫ه نظر‬ ‌ ‫ سع‬،‫ لحاظ‬،‌‫ه فكري‬ ‌ ‫جنب‬،‫م انداز‬ ‌ ‫ چش‬،‌‫ منظره‬،‌‫ بينايي‬،‫ لحاظ ديد‬،‫منظر‬ ‫ ديدانداز‬،‫ خطور فكر‬،‌‫تجسم‌ شي‬،‌‫ مال‌ انديشي‬،‌‫بيني‬ n. viewpoint, outlook; vista, view - flaw ‫ كاستي‬،‌‫ اشوب‌ ناگهاني‬،‫تند باد‬،‌‫ ترك‌ برداشتن‬،‌‫ عيب‌ دار كردن‬،‌‫ خدشه‬،‌‫ عيب‬،‌‫ رخنه‬،‫‌درز‬ n. defect, imperfection; crack; strong gust of wind v. make flaws in; crack; become defective; become cracked


- naive (naïf) ‫ خام‬،‌‫ بي‌ تجربه‬،‌‫ ساده‬،‫ بي‌ريا‬،‌‫ساده‌ و بي‌ تكلف‬ adj. lacking worldly wisdom, unsuspecting, gullible; childish, innocent, simple, unsophisticated - faith ‫ كيش‬،‌‫ پيمان‬،‌‫ دين‬،‫ اعتقاد‬،‌‫ عقيده‬،‌‫‌ايمان‬ n. belief in a particular thing or person; religion; trust, confidence; loyalty - criterion ‫ ضابطه‬،‌‫ محك‬،‌‫ نشان‌ قطعي‬،‫ معيار‬،‌‫ مقياس‬،‌‫ ميزان‬،‌‫ معيار ملك‬،‌‫‌ضابطه‬ n. standard against which something is measured (i.e. standard or principle) - inclusion ‫ شمول‬،‌‫ دخول‬،‌‫ دربرداري‬،‌‫‌گنجايش‬ n. act of including, state of being included, incorporation - mere ‫فقط‬،‌‫ انحصاري‬،‫ تنها‬،‌‫ خالي‬،‌‫ محض‬،‌‫ مرداب‬،‫ اب‌ راكد‬،‫دريا‬ merely ‫محضا‬،"‫صرفا‬،‫"فقط‬ adv. only, just, simply, purely - premise ‌‫ فرض‌منطقي‬،‌‫ فرض‌ قبلي‬،‌‫ قياس‌ منطقي‬،‌‫ بنياد واساس‌ بحث‬،‌‫قضيه‌ ثابت‌ يا اثبات‌ شده‬ ‫‌كردن‬ n. proposition, basic assumption, presupposition, fundamental presumption v. assume, hypothesize, theorize, presume, postulate - dubious (dubitable) ‫ مشكوك‬،‌‫‌مورد شك‬ adj. uncertain, doubtful - roundly ‫اشکار‬، ‫بى پرده‬، ‫بطور حسابى‬ adv. in a round manner; completely, entirely; vigorously, severely - censure ‫ سرزنش‌ كردن‬،‌‫ سرزنش‬،‫‌انتقاد‬ v. condemn, blame; criticize - press ،‫جرايد‬،‌‫ مطبوعات‬،‌‫ مطبعه‬،‌‫ ماشين‌ چاپ‬،‌‫ جمعيت‬،‌‫ ازدحام‬،‫ ماشين‌ فشار فشار‬،‌‫ مطبوعات‬،‌‫فشار دادن‬ ‫ چاپ‬،‌‫ دستگاه‌ پرس‬،‌‫اتوزدن‬،‌‫ ازدحام‌ كردن‬،‌‫ فشردن‌زور دادن‬،‌‫‌وارداوردن‬ v. push, apply pressure; iron, remove creases or wrinkles by applying pressure; confiscate for public or government use n. journals and newspapers collectively; act or process of printing; roller used to flatten or straighten objects; pressure, act of pressing - adventure ‫تجارت‌ مخاطره‌ اميز‬،‌‫ ماجراجويي‬،‌‫ مخاطره‬،‫ ماجرا‬،‌‫ حادثه‬،‌‫سرگذشت‬.vi &.vt ‫در‬ ‌‫ خود را بمخاطره‬،‌‫دل‌ بدريا زدن‬،‌‫ با تهور مبادرت‌ كردن‬،‌‫ دستخوش‌ حوادث‌ كردن‬،‌‫معرض‌ مخاطره‌گذاشتن‬ ‫‌انداختن‬ n. escapade, exciting experience; risky undertaking v. dare, participate in an exciting experience; endanger oneself, put oneself at risk n. magazine from the National Geographic Society devoted to outdoor adventure excursions - notorious ‫بدنام رسوا‬ adj. infamous, known for disgrace; well-known (usually ignobly) - establishment ‫ دسته‌كاركنان‬،‌‫ موسسه‬،‌‫ بنگاه‬،‌‫ برقراري‬،‫ بنا‬،‌‫ تشكيل‬،‫ استقرار‬،‌‫‌تشکیلت تاسيس‬، n. anything that is established; established institution (such as the church, a business, etc.); foundation, permanent organization; place of business


- amenity ‫ مليمت‬،‌‫ نرمي‬،‌‫ مطبوعيت‬،‌‫‌سازگاري‬ n. pleasantness; agreeability; affability - damn ‫ خيلي‬،‫ بسيار‬،‌‫ فحش‬،‌‫ لعنت‬،‌‫‌لعنت‌ كردن‬ v. condemn to a punishment or fate; bring ruin on; curse or swear at; say the word "damn" - inspector ‫مفتش‬، ‫بازرس‬، ‫نگهبان‬ n. one who inspects; one whose job it is to supervise and examine; police officer ranking below a superintendent - appoint ‫واداشتن‬،‌‫ گماشتن‬،‌‫ منصوب‌ كردن‬،‌‫ برقرار كردن‬،‌‫‌تعيين‌ كردن‬ v. nominate; designate - repute ‫ اشتهار‬،‌‫ شهرت‌ داشتن‬،‌‫ فرض‌ كردن‬،‌‫ شمردن‬،‌‫اوازه‌ داشتن‬ n. reputation, regard; esteem, renown v. regard as, view as, believe to be - grant ‫ اعطا‬،‌‫ بخشيدن‬،‌‫ دادن‬،‌‫ كمك‌هزينه‌ تحصيلي‬،‌‫ اجازه‌ واگذاري‌ رسمي‬،‫ امتياز‬،‫ عطا‬،‌‫ بخشش‬،‌‫اهداء‬ ‫ موافقت‌ كردن‬،‌‫م گرفتن‬ ‌ ‫ مسل‬،‌‫ تصديق‌ كردن‬،‌‫‌كردن‬ n. fulfilling (of a request or desire); act of granting, bestowing v. bestow; give; agree; answer to -; donate - incorporate ‌‫ داراي‌ شخصيت‌ حقوقي‬،‌‫جادادن‬،‌‫ل كردن‬ ‌ ‫ داخ‬،‌‫ متحد كردن‬،‌‫ بهم‌ پيوستن‬،‌‫يكي‌ كردن‬ ‫ غير جسمان‬،‌‫ معنوي‬،‌‫ تركيب‌ كردن‬،‌‫ اميختن‬،(‫ ثبت‌ كردن‌)در دفترثبت‌ شركتها‬،‌‫كردن‬ v. form a corporation; combine, blend; unify; unite; include; embody - scheme ‫ توطئه‌ چيدن‬،‌‫نقشه‌ طرح‌ كردن‬،‫ تمهيد‬،‫ تدبير‬،‌‫ رويه‬،‌‫ ترتيب‬،‌‫ نقشه‬،‌‫ طرح‬،‌‫‌برنامه‬ n. plan, design; system; plot, intrigue; diagram, outline v. plan, devise, plot; intrigue, conspire, contrive - assume ،‌‫ پنداشتن‬،‌‫ فرض‌ كردن‬،‌‫تقليد كردن‬،‌‫ تظاهر كردن‬،‌‫ وانمود كردن‬،‌‫ بخود بستن‬،‌‫بخود گرفتن‬ ‫ انگاشتن‬،‌‫ تقبل‌كردن‬،‌‫‌بعهده‌ گرفتن‬ v. surmise, suppose to be true (especially without proof); take on a position or duty; adopt an idea or cause Assuming ‫ پرمدعا‬،‌‫ لف‌ زن‬،‫ متكبر‬،‌‫ از خود راضي‬،‌‫خودبين‬ n. supposing, taking for granted; appropriating, adopting adj. presumptuous, arrogant, haughty, conceited assuming that: under the premise that, supposing that - facilities ‫ امكانات‬،‌‫‌تسهيلت‬ n. place used for a specific purpose; means, resources, tools, appliances - accommodation ‌‫ سازش‌ با مقتضيات‬،‌‫موافقت‬،‌‫ تطبيق‬،‌‫ وسايل‌ راحتي‬،‌‫ منزل‬،‫ جا‬،‌‫ تطابق‬،‌‫همسازي‬ ‫ مساعده‬،‌‫ كمك‬،‌‫ وام‬،‫محيط‬ n. housing; residence; lodging; adjustment; arrangement - argue ‫ل كردن‬ ‌ ‫استدل‬،‌‫ل اوردن‬ ‌ ‫ دلي‬،‌‫ مشاجره‌ كردن‬،‌‫ گفتگو كردن‬،‌‫‌بحث‌ كردن‬ v. dispute; claim; give reasons - breed ‫ گونه‬،‌‫ نوع‬،‌‫ جنس‬،‫ اولد‬،‫ فرزند‬،‌‫تربيت‌ كردن‬،‌‫ توليد كردن‬،‌‫ بدنيااوردن‬،‌‫ زاييدن‬،‌‫ باراوردن‬،‌‫‌پروردن‬ v. reproduce; raise animals; guide, nurture; cause breeding ‫تعليم وتربيت‬، ‫توليدمثل‬، ‫پرورش‬، ‫پرورش حيوانات‬ n. courtesy; education; upbringing, rearing, cultivation


adj. rearing; producing offspring - expansion ‫ انبساط‬،‫ بسط‬،‌‫توسعه‬ n. enlargement, increase, spread; development - endanger ‫ در معرض‌ خطر گذاشتن‬،‌‫‌به‌مخاطره‌ انداختن‬ adj. at risk, in danger; in danger of extinction (about an animal or plant) v. put in danger, put at risk, imperil - optimistic ‫ خوش‌ بينانه‬،‌‫‌ خوش‌ بين‬ adj. seeing the good, hoping for good - proposition ‫ دعوت‌ بمقاربت‌ جنسي‌كردن‬،‌‫ پيشنهاد كردن‌به‬،‌‫ قياس‌ منطقي‬،‫ مقصود‬،‫ كار‬،‌‫ قضيه‬،‌‫‌موضوع‬ ‫ پيشنهاد‬،‌‫گزاره‬ n. offer; plan; theory; theorem (Mathematics); problem (Slang) - persuade ‫ ترغيب‌ كردن‬،‌‫ بران‌ داشتن‬،‌‫‌وادار كردن‬ v. convince, induce, sway - devote ‫ فدا كردن‬،‌‫ اختصاص‌ دادن‬،‌‫‌وقف‌ كردن‬ v. set apart for, dedicate - captive ‫ دربند‬،‌‫ شيفته‬،‫ دستگير‬،‫ گرفتار‬،‫اسير‬ adj. imprisoned, held against one's will n. prisoner, person held against his will - resound ‫ پژواك‌ يا انعكاس‌ صدا‬،‌‫منعكس‌ كردن‬ v. echo, reverberate, resonate, ring out - pretty ‫اراستن‬، ‫قشنگ کردن‬،‫بطور دلپذير‬، ‫خوب‬،‫خوش نما‬، ‫شکيل‬، ‫تاحدى‬ adj. beautiful, physically attractive; nice, pleasant, genial adv. moderately, quite, rather; to some extent, relatively; very, extremely (Informal) v. beautify, improve the appearance of something

READING PASSAGE 3 ARCHITECTURE _ Reaching for the Sky - architecture ‫ مهرازي‬،‌‫ سبك‌ معماري‬،‌‫‌معماري‬ n. science of designing and building structures; layout, formation, arrangement; building style or method; design of a computer and its components - achievement ‫ موفقيت‬،‌‫ كار بزرگ‬،‌‫ پيروزي‬،‌‫ انجام‬،‌‫‌دست‌ يابي‬ n. attainment; performance, implementation; operation, mission - aspiration ‫ تلفظ حرف‬،‌‫ عروج‬،‫ ارزو‬،‌‫ اه‬،‌‫ استنشاق‬،‌‫ تنفس‬،‌‫م زني‬ ‌ ‫‌د‬H ‫ شهيق‬،‌‫‌از حلق‬ n. longing, ambition, goal, dream - client ‫سرويس گيرنده‬،‫ ارباب‌ رجوع‌ متقاضي‬،‌‫ مشتري‬،‌‫موكل‬،‫كاربر‬ n. customer, buyer - controversial

‫ هم‌ستيزگرانه‬،‫ هم‌ ستيزگر‬،‫ هم‌ ستيز‬،‫ جدال‌ اميز‬،‌‫ جدلي‬،‌‫‌مباحثه‌اي‬


adj. disputable, debatable, tending to cause differences of opinion - style ‫ ناميدن‬،‌‫ مد كردن‬،‌‫ متداول‌شدن‬،‌‫ ميله‬،‌‫ قلم‬،‌‌‫ سليقه‬،‌‫ سبك‌ نگارش‬،‌‫ خامه‬،‌‫ روش‬،‌‫ شيوه‬،‌‫‌سبك‬ v. plan, design; name, call n. manner, way; particular way of life (especially one that is luxurious); fashion, chic; vogue; ancient writing instrument; part of a pistil (Botany); stylet; slender pointed process (Zoology) - timber ‫ با الوار و تيرپوشاندن‬،‫ناهنجار‬،‌‫ صداي‌ خشك‬،‌‫ درخت‌ الواري‬،‌‫ كنده‬،‫ الوار‬،‫ تير‬،‌‫‌چوب‬ n. trees; logs; wood; qualities, characteristics v. build with wood; support with wood - concrete ‫ بتون‬،‌‫ سفت‬،‌‫ بهم‌ چسبيده‬،‌‫ واقعي‬،‌‫ ساروج‌ كردن‬،‌‫ بهم‌پيوستن‬،‌‫‌سفت‌ كردن‬، adj. tangible, real, substantial n. stonelike building material (containing cement, gravel, water, etc.); something tangible (idea, object, etc.) v. solidify; set or cover in concrete - Bar ‫ ازبين‌ رفتن‌)ادعا( ردكردن‬،‌‫ بارمشروب‌ فروشي‬،‌‫ ميكده‬،‌‫ هيئت‌وكلء‬،‌‫دادگاه‬,‫ شمش‬، ‫ ميل‬، ‫‌ميله‬ v. lock, barricade prep. with the exception of n. rod; latch, bolt; partition; barrier; pub, tavern; counter; restriction; examination to enter the organization which authorizes lawyers and oversees the law profession; lawyers collectively - reinforce ‫ مدد كردن‬،‌‫ محكم‌ كردن‬،‌‫‌تقويت‌ كردن‬ v. strengthen, fortify, support; increase adj. strengthened, fortified; strengthened with metal (as of concrete) Reinforced Concrete ‫‌بتون‌ مسلح‬ - slum ‫ محلت‌ پر جمعيت‌ وپست‬،‌‫ خيابان‌ پر جمعيت‬،‌‫‌محله‌ كثيف‬ n. poor neighborhood, densely populated poverty-stricken area of a city v. visit slums, visit poor run-down neighborhoods - emerge ‫ بيرون‌ امدن‬،‌‫‌پديدار شدن‬ v. appear, come out, be revealed - bold ‫ زبانه‬،‌‫باشهامت پيچ‬،‫ متهور‬،‌‫ گستاخ‬،‫ جسور‬،‫ خشن‌ وبي‌ احتياط‬،‫ دلير‬،‌‫‌بي‌ باك‬ ‌ adj. brave, courageous, daring; forward, blunt; rude - Geometric ‫هندسي‬ adj. of or pertaining to geometry; utilizing basic geometric shapes as part of a decoration or design (i.e. circles, triangles, etc.) - pillar ‫ ستون‌ ساختن‬،‌‫ اركان‬،‌‫ ركن‬،‫ جرز‬،‌‫ پايه‬،‌‫ستون‬ n. column, narrow vertical structure used as a support or for decorative purposes; tombstone, grave marker v. support, hold up, buttress - strip ‫ نوار‬،‌‫ باريكه‬،‌‫تهي‌ كردن‬،‌‫ چاك‌ دادن‬،‌‫ لخت‌ كردن‬،‫ محروم‌ كردن‌ از‬،‌‫برهنه‌ كردن‬ v. remove the covering from; undress; take away, deprive; clear away; empty; dismantle, take apart piece by piece; get undressed; perform a striptease - decoration ‫ل يا نشان‬ ‌ ‫ مدا‬،‌‫ن بندي‬ ‌ ‫ اذي‬،‌‫ ارايشگري‬،‌‫‌تزيين‬ n. ornament; adornment; beautification; medal or honor which is bestowed upon someone (e.g. in the armed forces)


- detract ‫ گرفتن‬،‌‫ كسر كردن‬،‌‫ كم‌ كردن‬،‌‫ كاهيدن‬،‌‫‌كاستن‬ v. belittle, speak ill of, slander, defame - influential ‫‌داراي‌ نفوذ و قدرت‬ adj. having or exerting influence, weighty, powerful, persuasive - economic depression ‫بحران اقتصادى‬ low point in a financial and commercial state - torn (‫ درهم‌ دريده‬،‌‫ پاره‌ شده‬،( ‌‫‌اسم‌ مفعول‬، tear v. rip, rend - Approach ‫ نگرش‬، ‫ رويكرد‬، ‫ نظر كردن نظر گاه‬، ‫نزديك شدن‬ v. appeal to -, turn to -; come near to n. access; incoming, drawing near; approximation; path or course leading to a specific location - Unfortunately ‫ بدبختانه‬،‌‫متاسفانه‬ adv. unluckily, unhappily - simplicity ‫ بسيطي‬،‌‫ ساده‌ دلي‬،‌‫ بي‌ اليشي‬،‌‫‌سادگي‌ سادگي‬ n. absence of complexity; plainness; sincerity, guilelessness; lack of sophistication; lack of intelligence - exploit ‫ شاهكار‬،‌‫ كاربرجسته‬،‌‫ عمل‬،‫ كردار‬،‫ استثمار كردن‌ رفتار‬،‌‫ استخراج‌ كردن‬،‌‫بكار انداختن‬، v. use, take advantage of, selfishly make use of; manipulate; use to the greatest possible advantage (as "exploit one's skills or talents"); promote; advertise - profit ‫ عايدي‌ داشتن‬،‌‫ فايده‌رساندن‬،‌‫ برتري‬،‌‫ مزيت‬،‌‫ منفعت‬،‌‫ فايده‬،‫ سود بردن‬،‌‫ نفع‬،‫‌سود‬،‌ v. earn income, make financial gains; be of service, be beneficial, be advantageous n. earnings, financial gain; benefit, avail; financial income; advantage, privilege - prefabricate (=prefab) ‫ پيش‌ سازي‌ شده‬،‌‫ پيش‌ ساخته‬،‌‫‌پيس‌ ساختن‬ v. make in advance, build in advance, construct ahead of time (parts for modular buildings) - meant ‫مشترک‬، ‫ميان‬،‫متوسط‬، ‫ميانه‬ v. intend; indicate; signify; be significant - builder ‫خانه ساز‬، ‫سازنده‬،‫ديوارگر‬،‫بناگر‬، ‫بنا کننده‬، ‫موسس‬ n. constructor, one who builds; - commission ،‌‫ كميسيون‬،‌‫مامورين‬،‌‫ هيئت‬،‌‫ حكم‬،‌‫ فرمان‬،‌‫ حق‌ العمل‬،‌‫ تصدي‬،‌‫‌ ماموريت‬،‌‫گماشتن‬ ‫‌انجام‬، v. contract, order; confer rank or authority, empower, authorize - handle ‫ سرو‬،‌‫ بكار بردن‬،‌‫ دست‌زدن‌ به‬،‌‫ احساس‌ بادست‬،‌‫ لمس‬،‌‫ وسيله‬،‫ه شمشير‬ ‌ ‫ قبض‬،‌‫دسته‬ ‫ه گذاشتن‬ ‌ ‫ دست‬،‌‫استعمال‌ كردن‬،‌‫ رفتار كردن‬،‫كارداشتن‌ با‬ v. feel, touch with the hands; deal in, do business with; manage; treat n. part of an object designed to be gripped by the hand; first name, nickname, code name, title (Slang); unique identifier assigned to a file which allows a program to access it (Computers) - demand ‫مطالبه‌ كردن‬،‌‫ تقاضا كردن‬،‌‫ طلب‬،‌‫ مطالبه‬،‌‫ درخواست‬،‌‫‌خواستارشدن‬ v. claim, require; strongly request


n. claim, requirement; strong request - discredit ‫ بي‌ اعتبار ساختن‬،‌‫ بدنامي‬،‌‫‌بي‌اعتباري‬ adj. disgraced, suffering shame; damaged, being unfairly brought into disrepute v. doubt; question, challenge, disbelieve; defame, ruin the reputation of - estate ‫ وضعيت‬،‌‫ حالت‬،‌‫ طبقه‬،‌‫ دسته‬،‌‫ دارايي‬،‌‫ املك‬،‌‫‌ملك‬ n. extensive piece of land usually with a large house on it; person's property, wealth, possessions; status, social standing, rank - Windswept ‫ بادزده‬،‌‫ه باد جارو شده‬ ‌ ‫ بوسيل‬،‌‫‌بر باد رفته‬ adj. exposed to winds, tousled from the wind - desert ‫سزاواري‬،‌‫ گريختن استحقاق‬،‌‫ ترك‌ كردن‬،‌‫ ول‌ كردن‬،‌‫ شايستگي‬،‫ صحرا‬،‌‫ دشت‬،‌‫‌بيابان‬، v. abandon, forsake; leave the army without permission n. wasteland, area where there is little rainfall - construct ‫ ايجاد كردن‬،‌‫ بنا كردن‬،‌‫‌ساختن‬ v. build, assemble, put together - demolish ‫ خراب‌ كردن‬،‌‫‌ويران‌ كردن‬ v. destroy, ruin, tear down; eat or drink covetously (Slang) - respect ،‌‫م داشتن‬ ‌ ‫ محتر‬،‌‫ احترام‌گذاشتن‌ به‬،‌‫ ملحظه‬،‌‫ احترام‬،‌‫ مراجعه‬،‌‫ رجوع‬،‌‫ نسبت‬،‌‫رابطه‬ ‫ بزرگداشتن‬،‌‫‌بزرگداشت‬ v. honor, admire, esteem, hold in high regard n. honor, esteem, high regard; consideration, attention - arose ‫لشگر‬ arise ،‌‫ قيام‌ كردن‬،‌‫ طلوع‌ كردن‬،‌‫ برامدن‬،‌‫ بوجود اوردن‬،‌‫ ناشي‌ شدن‬،‌‫ رخ‌ دادن‬،‌‫ بلند شدن‬،‌‫برخاستن‬ ‫‌طغيان‌ كردن‬ v. rouse, stir; get up, stand up; appear - townscape - preserve ‫ باقي‌ نگهداشتن‬،‌‫حفظ كردن‬،‌‫ نگاهداشتن‬،‌‫ كنسروميوه‬،‫ مربا‬،‌‫ شكارگاه‬،‌‫‌قرق‌ شكارگاه‬ v. guard, keep safe; keep, conserve; defend, protect; perpetuate, make everlasting - façade ‫ نماي‌ خارجي‬،‌‫ جبهه‬،‫‌نماي‌ سر در‬ n. front of a building, part of a building which faces the street; outward appearance; illusion, deceptive appearance - refer ‌‫ عطف‬،‌‫ب داشتن‬ ‌ ‫ منسو‬،‌‫منتسب‌ كردن‬،‌‫ رجوع‌ كردن‌ به‬،‌‫ بازگشت‌ دادن‬،‌‫ فرستادن‬،‌‫مراجعه‌ كردن‬ ‫‌كردن‌ به‬ v. send, direct; ascribe to, relate to; pertain to, apply to; call attention to, allude to refer to: direct attention to; apply to referring to: pertaining to, applying to referred to: mentioned, indicated - celebrate ‫ل كردن‬ ‌ ‫ تجلي‬،‌‫ تقديس‌ كردن‬،‌‫ ايين‌ )جشن‌ ياعيدي‌ را(نگاه‌داشتن‬،‌‫ عيدگرفتن‬،‌‫‌جشن‌ گرفتن‬ v. feast, hold festivities; praise, glorify celebrated ‫مجلل‬،‫مشهور‬ adj. famous, widely recognized, well-known


- parade ،‌‫ رژه‌ رفتن‬،‌‫اجتماع‌ مردم‬،‌‫ تظاهرات‬،‌‫ ميدان‌ رژه‬،‌‫جولن‬،‌‫ خودنمايي‬،‌‫ نمايش‬،‌‫ جلوه‬،‌‫ سان‬،‌‫رژه‬ ‫خود نمايي‌ كردن‬ v. march in a procession, arrange a procession; arrange an exhibition or display; show off, flaunt oneself - sophisticated ‫ تصنعي‬،‌‫ غيرطبيعي‬،‌‫ مصنوعي‬،‫ح بال‬ ‌ ‫ درسط‬،‌‫ مشگل‌ وپيچيده‬،‫‌خبره‌ وماهر‬، adj. seasoned, worldly-wise; refined, cultured; complex, intricate, complicated - disillusionment ‫ سرخوردگى از غفلت بیدار شدن‬: ‫روانشناسى‬، n. release from misbelief, disenchantment, freedom from illusion

Practice Test 3


Spoken Corpus Comes to Life

- Provenance ‫ منطقه‌ قدرت‌ يا درك‬،‫ حد‬،‌‫ اصل‬،‌‫ منشاء‬،‌‫‌زادگاه‬ n. source, origin; derivation, extraction - compile ‫ تاليف‌ كردن‬،‌‫‌گرداوردن‬ v. collect, gather together in one place; compose (an essay, book, etc.) from many parts - studious ‫ جاهد‬،‌‫ بليغ‬،‌‫ پرزحمت‬،‌‫خواهان‬،‌‫ مشتاق‬،‌‫ كتاب‌ خوان‬،‌‫ درس‌ خوان‬،‫ كوشا‬،‌‫ ساعي‬،‌‫زحمتكش‬ adj. scholarly, characterized by devotion to study; earnest, diligent; deliberate - professorial ‫ استادوار‬،‌‫ استادانه‬،‌‫وابسته‌ به‌ استادي‬ adj. pertaining to a professor, pertaining to a senior university instructor - bespectacled ‫عینک به چشم‬ adj. wearing glasses - Tome ‫ كتاب‌ قطور‬،‫ دفتر‬،‫ مجلد‬،‌‫ جلد بزرگ‬،‫جلد‬ n. large book - pronouncement ‫ اعلميه‌ رسمي‬،‌‫ صدور راي‬،‌‫‌اظهار عقيده‌ رسمي‬ n. announcement, proclamation; decision, opinion (Law); declaration, utterance - nuance ‫ نكات‌ دقيق‌ وظريف‬،‫ اختلف‌ مختصر‬،‌‫‌فرق‌ جزئي‬ n. slight difference, subtle distinction - crossword ‫حل جدول‬ n. puzzle which gives clues and players must find the right word to fit in the blank area - incorporate ‫ آمیختن‬،‫گنجاندن‬،‌‫جادادن‬،‌‫ داخل‌ كردن‬،‌‫ متحد كردن‬،‌‫ بهم‌ پيوستن‬،‌‫يكي‌ كردن‬ adj. formed into a corporation, existing as a corporation; united in a corporation v. form a corporation; combine, blend; unify; unite; include; embody - Lexicographer ‫ فرهنگ نویس‬،‫‌لغت‌ نويس‬ n. one who writes or compiles a dictionary - Vibrant ‫ پرطراوت‌ و چالك‬،‌‫ در حال‌ جنبش‬،‌‫ه تپش‌ در امده‬ ‌ ‫ ب‬،‌‫ لرزان‬،‌‫‌مرتعش‬ adj. lively, stimulating; characterized by rapid movement, vibrating; resonating; bright - vernacular ‫ زبان محاورهای‬،‫ زبان‌ مادري‬،‌‫ زبان‌ بومي‬،‌‫ كشوري‬،‌‫ محلي‬،‌‫‌بومي‬ n. local language of a particular place; regular spoken language adj. of or pertaining to the vernacular; in the local language; in ordinary terms - discreet ‫فروتن‬، ،‫ باخرد‬،‌‫ داراي‌ تميز و بصيرت‬،‫با احتياط‬ adj. careful in one's speech, respectful of other's privacy, circumspect; unobtrusive, modest - waist ‫ ميان‌ تنه‬،‫ كمربند‬،‌‫ كمر لباس‬،‌‫ ميان‬،‫‌دور كمر‬ n. part of the body between the hips and ribs; narrow middle part of an object (as of a violin)


- corpus ‫ تنه‬،‌‫ جسم‬،‌‫( تن‬.‌‫ل‬.‌‫ )م‬،‌‫‌مجموعه‌اي‌ از نوشتجات‬ n. main part of a structure or organ; corpse; collection (of writing, knowledge, evidence, etc.) - phrase ‫ه بندي‬ ‌ ‫ كلم‬،‌‫ عبارت‌ سازي‬،‫ فراز‬،‌‫ اصطلح‬،‫ تعبير‬،‌‫عبارت‬ n. idiom, saying; expression; group of words that functions as a single unit (Grammar) v. formulate in words, express in words; express in a certain manner - wolf down ‫ با گرسنگی زیاد خوردن‬،‫حریصانه خوردن‬ v. eat ravenously, eat quickly, gulp down, eat rapidly - intuitive ‫ خودبخودی‬،‫ ذاتي‬،‫ بصير‬،‌‫حسي‬،‌‫ مبني‌ بر درك‌ يا انتقال‌ مستقيم‬،‌‫‌مستقيما درك‌ كننده‬ adj. instinctive, sensitive - preposition ‫ حرف‌ پيش‌ نهاده‬،‫ حرف‌ جر‬،‌‫‌حرف‌ اضافه‬ n. part of speech that serves to express the relationship between two words (Grammar) - end up ‫ سرانجام‬،‫پایان یافتن‬ wind up; finish; become - sift ‫ الك‬،‌‫ وارسي‌ كردن‬،‌‫ بيختن‬،‌‫‌الك‌ كردن‬ sift out: search for, check carefully, investigate - literally ‫ معني‌ اصلي‬،‌‫ دقيق‬،‌‫ واقعي‬،‌‫ لفظي‬،‌‫ حرفي‬،‌‫‌تحت‌ اللفظي‬ adv. word for word; in a literal manner; accurately; actually, virtually - humorous ‫ خنده‌ اور‬،‌‫ خوش‌ مزه‬،‫ شوخي‌ اميز‬،‌‫فكاهي‬ adj. funny, amusing, comical - twist ‫ پيچ‌ دار كردن‬،‌‫ تابيدن‬،‌‫ پيچيدن‬،‌‫ پيچ‌ خوردگي‬،‌‫ نخ‌ يا ريسمان‌ تابيده‬،‌‫ تاب‬،‌‫‌پيچ‬ v. coil, curl, spin, turn; entwine; distort, pervert; produce a spiral shape - irony ‫ طنز‬،‌‫ سخريه‬،‫ تمسخر‬،‌‫ كنايه‬،‌‫ وارونه‌گويي‬،‌‫طعنه‬ n. sarcasm, speech or writing which is intended to communicate a meaning contrary to its literal sense - emotion ‫ هيجاني‬،‫ شور‬،‌‫ هيجانات‬،‌‫‌احساسات‬ n. strong feeling, sentiment

Practice Test 3

READING PASSAGE 2 Moles happy as homes go underground - mole - tramp

‫موش کور‬ ‫ ولگردي‬،‌‫ اوارگي‬،‌‫ فاحشه‬،‌‫ اواره‬،‌‫پياده‌روي‌ كردن‬،‌‫ خانه‌ بدوش‬،‫‌ولگرد‬،


v. wander, rove, loiter, travel by foot; trample over; trudge, tread heavily -






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