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  • Pages: 21
CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM Calculate the Cardiac output using the following values. Stroke volume= 70ml Heart rate =70/min CARDIACOUTPUT= STROKEVOLUME× HEART RATE = 70 × 70 =4900ml/min (i.e.,) =4.9Litre/min

CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM Calculate the cardiac index using the following values. Cardiac output (CO) = 5 lit/min Surface area (SA) = 1.7m2 CARDIAC INDEX (CI) = CO SA =5 1.7 =2.94L/min/m2

CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM Calculate the cardiac index using the following values. Stroke volume (SV) = 70ml Heart rate (HR) =72beats/min Surface area (SA) =1.7m2 CARDIAC INDEX = CARDIACOUTPUT SURFACE AREA = SV×HR SA = 70×72 1.7 = 2.91L/min/m2

CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM Calculate cardiac output using the following values. O2 consumption/min=250ml Arterial O2 = 20ml/dl Venous O2 = 15ml/dl CARDIAC OUPUT=O2 CONSUMPTION [A02] ― [V02] = 250ml/min 20 ‒ 15 100 = 250 × 100 5 = 5000ml/min = 5lit/min

CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM Calculate the mean arterial pressure using the following values. Systolic blood pressure (SBP) = 120mmHg Diastolic blood pressure (DBP) = 80mmHg Mean blood pressure (MBP) =DBP+1/3SBP =80+1/3(120‒80) = 95mmHg


Calculate the Alveolar ventilation perfusion ratio using the following values. VA = 4.2L/min Q = 5L/min VA/Q= 4.2L/min 5L/min

= 0.84

Calculate minute-volume using the following values. Tidal volume (TV)= 500ml Respiratory rate (RR) = 12/min Minute volume= TV×RR = 500×12 = 6000ml/min = 6Litre/min

Calculate Alveolar ventilation using the following values. Respiratory rate (RR) = 12/min Tidal Volume (TV)= 500ml/min Dead Space (DS) = 150ml/min Alveolar Ventilation= (TV‒DS) ×RR = (500‒150) ×12 = 4.2 L/min

Calculate the dyspnoeic index using the following values. Maximum voluntary ventilation= 90L/min (MVV) Pulmonary ventilation (PV) = 6L/min Breathing Reserve (BR)

= MVV‒PV ×100 MVV =90‒6 × 100 90 = 84 ×100 90 = 93%

Calculate Functional Residual Capacity (FRC) using the following values. Expiratory Reserve Volume (ERV)


Residual Volume

= 1200ml FRC = ERV + RV = 1100+ 1200ml = 2300ml

EXCRETORY SYSTEM Calculate the Effective filtration pressure from the following data. Glomerular capillary Hydrostatic pressure (Pg) = 55mmHg Glomerular capillary Oncotic pressure (дg) = 30mmHg Bowman’s capsular Hydrostatic pressure (Pb) = 15mmHg Bowman’s capsular fluid Oncotic pressure (дb) = 0 mmHg Effective Filtration Pressure (EFP) = 55‒ (30+15) = 10mmHg

Calculate the Glomerular filtration rate (GFR) from the following data provided below. Concentration of Inulin in plasma (P) =0.24 mg/ml Concentration of Inulin in urine(U) =34mg/ml Volume of urine excereted (V) = 0.9 ml/min Plasma inulin clearance = Conc. of Inulin in urine× Vol. of urine/min Conc. of Inulin in plasma Cinulin (or GFR) = UIN × V PIN = 34× 0.9 0.24 = 127ml/min

Calculate the urea clearance from the given data. Concentration of Urea in urine(U) = 20mg/ml Concentration of Urea in Plasma(P) = 38mg/dl Volume of Urine excretion(V) = 1.5ml/min Urea Clearance = U × √V ×100 P = 20 × √1.5 38 = 20 × 1.22 38 = 64ml/min

Calculate the Renal plasma flow (RPF) using the following data. Plasma concentration of PAH (P)= 0.01mg/ml Urine concentration of PAH(U) = 5.85mg/ml Volume of urine excreted(V) = 1ml/min RPF = UPAH× V PPAH = 5.85×1 0.01 = 585ml/min

BLOOD Calculate the Mean corpuscular volume (MCV) using the following values. PCV =43% No. of RBC =4.5milllions/mm3 MCV= 43×10 4.5 = 95.56μm3 Normal range= 74 – 95μm3

If the Haemoglobin was 12g% and RBC count 5 millions/mm3, calculate the Mean Corpuscular Haemoglobin (MCH) value. MCH= Hbg% ×10 RBC million/ mm3 MCH= 12×10 5 = 24pg Normal range= 27 – 32 pg

Calculate the Mean corpuscular Haemoglobin concentration (MCHC) using the following values. HB =15gm%


MCHC= Hb gm%×100 PCV% = 15×100 40 =37.5% Normal range= 30 – 36%

With Haemoglobin concentration of 14gm % and RBC count of 5.5million/mm3. Calculate the Color index(CI). RBC= 5.5million/mm3


CI= Hb concn. (% of normal) RBC count(% of normal) =

14 15 5.5 5.5


= 14 × 5.5 15 5.5 = 0.933 Normal range = 0.85 – 1.15

Calculate the Oxygen carrying capacity in 100ml of blood using the following data. Hb: 12.4gm % Oxygen carrying capacity of 1gm of Hb is 1.34ml of O2 100ml of blood with 12.4gms of Hb can carry, 1gm of Hb can carry=1.34ml of O2 12.4gm of Hb can carry=1.34×12.4ml of O2 =16.61ml Therefore 100ml of blood with 12.4gms of Hb can carry 16.61ml of O2

Calculate the intracellular volume from the given values. Total body water (TBW) = 40litres Extracellular fluid (ECF) = 12litres Intracellular fluid (ICF)

= TBW –

ECF = 40 – 12 = 28 litres Calculate the Interstial fluid volume from the given values. ECF = 14litres Plasma volume = 2.9 litres Interstitial fluid = ECF –Plasma volume = 14 – 2.9 = 11.1 Litres.

Calculate the Total blood volume(TBV) from the following values. Plasma volume = 3litres PCV = 45% Total blood volume = Plasma volume 1-Hematocrit =

3 1 – 45 100

= 6.7 litres

In an individual the Extracellular fluid (ECF) amounts to14litres and Intracellular fluid (ICF) to 28litres.What will be his Total body water (TBW)? ECF: 14 L

ICF: 28 L

Total body water (TBW) = ECF + ICF = 14 + 28 = 42Litres

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