Cal-lab Lightning Isolators (clli) Can Make Lightning Safe For Equipment & Users, Because Clli Is Different!

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Download & View Cal-lab Lightning Isolators (clli) Can Make Lightning Safe For Equipment & Users, Because Clli Is Different! as PDF for free.

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  • Pages: 4
Lightning can kill someone indoors, but

CAL-LAB can help make a difference! < Check out equipment & life savers from CAL-LAB >

Another invention by CAL-LAB, that creates a safe-island for all connected equipment to share a power outlet with a PLC-adapter, keeps them safe from powerful lightning surges, also prevents EMI-RF-noises from being injected into the power-line, making it possible for PLC-adapters to improve connection-rate by at least two-folds. Read more

A woman was killed in October 2006


If a CAL-LAB product, was used correctly here, she might still be alive!

Power-Line Broadband + CAL-LAB Lightning Isolator Versions available: Add-on module / Single-outlet / Twin / Trinity 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

A NILI-PLC-Twin is needed at each PLC-adapter setup. NILI-PLC is added to other equipment that generate RF-noise into the power-line or weaken the PLC-signal. In simulation tests on Feb 17 2009, the connection-rate of HomePlug-AV200Mbps improved from less than 30Mbps to more than 150Mbps. With PLC-CLLI, a vacuum cleaner + a power-drill sharing supply from the same wall outlet with the PLC-adapter, had no negative effect! Performance-enhancement & Lightning isolation features of PLC-CLLI can be cost-effectively added into PLC-adapters or smart-equipment.

Power-lines, whether exposed or underground, can carry lightning surges or power-surges to your premises, destroying equipment & killing users!

Each CLLI is designed to self-sacrifice to protect your equipment when a powerful lightning or power surge is detected. An invention by CAL-LAB, that creates a safe-island which keeps users and equipment at equal-potential (no voltage-difference) would have prevented this death. Find out more about CAL-LAB Equal-Potential Safety-Mat or EPSM.


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– please call for Technical Assistance or to explore licensing. Two kinds of electric-forces can kill, if present at a fridge-handle – LIVE or HOT wire leakage or voltage-potential difference between your feet and the handle caused by a high voltage lightning-discharge. ELCB or RCCD can prevent death due to HOT or LIVE-wire leakage by simply cutting off power-supply. When the potential-difference is caused by a lightning discharge (This was the case that killed the widow!), whether the ELCB or RCCD

had tripped or not made no difference! Only the CAL-LAB EPSM could have made a difference – when used correctly, it would preferably involve a CLLI (equipped with SemiFloating-Equipment-Ground – SFEG) that provides the Equal-potential Grounding connection to the EPSM.

At time of writing, and having sold nearly 1,000,000 CLLI, there was not a single evidence to prove CLLI had failed to protect, where CLLI had been certified to have been correctly employed and installed. Read more

This CLLI has self-sacrificed and kept owner’s equipment safe!

If you think all Lightning Protection Devices are more or less the same, you can be so wrong! Why do you think so many big-time Equipment-owners (like Toll-plaza) have begun to put aside their INSURED & HIGH-COST Surge-Arrestors and then turn to CLLIprofessional series, to reduce down-time & losses?

One of the following pictures is an IMITATION (fake) Please beware! This FAKE is the inside of a look-alike

This is the inside of a genuine CLLI

Answer: Even lightning is safe, because CLLI is different – Save Money & Save Life! Consider the following findings: Self-sacrificed CLLI, protected owner’s equipment & 1-for-1 exchanged @RM25

Self-sacrificed CLLI, protected owner’s equipment & 1-for-1 exchanged @RM25

Did you know? • • •

CLLI is sold with Limited Lifetime Service Warranty Arrangement or LLSWA

Equipment is safe when CLLI is correctly used to create a SAFE-island at each setup

CLLI Professional-series •

• •

– please call for Technical Assistance. For Indoor & outdoor CCTV – CLLI (with ISOLATION-technologies) costs a fraction of so-called ‘reputable’ brands’ (whose devices are based on conventional ARRESTOR-technologies). BUT CLLI out-performs anyone in terms of equipment & user safeties (when installed correctly)! Even highly exposed cameras can be 99% safe! Any wonder why highly exposed Toll-plazas are switching to CLLI? Others in the range of Professional series – for KEY-PHONE-PABX, AUTOGATE, ALARM & DOOR-PHONE, CAR-PARKS, MEDICAL-EQUIPMENT, BUILDING-AUTOMATION, DATA & CONTROL SYSTEMS, ETC. General enquiries: 03-7726 8680 / 012-703 8225 Reseller assistance: 012-773 8225 / Technical assistance: 012-771 8225 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] URL:

CAL-LAB Lightning Isolators or CLLI are endorsed by a reputable International brand since 1990’s! CLLI is the most copied lightning protection device! Before satellite-TV was launched, SIRIM pointed European engineers to CAL-LAB to design, manufacture and supply 4-in-1 Surge Protection Device or SPD to protect their decoders!

CAL-LAB spent TIME on R&D, created 2-in-1 CLLI for FAX, cordlessphone, ADSL and 4-in-1 CLLI for Satellite-TV, cable-CLLI for CCTV, etc. & invented the Safe-island concept with U S Patent 5675468. • After selling nearly 1,000,000 CLLI, where installations were certified to be correctly done, by employing SAFE-island concept, we have not recorded any failure to protect equipment! • We believe in making sure CLLI, when used correctly, will be so effective that there is no need to mix with Insurance to sell! CLLI is like Insurance, by itself! Save money & save life! • Please beware of imitations & fakes! • Performance & safety of CLLI cannot be copied easily! • Have you ever wondered whether you would buy an SPD with Insurance, if without Insurance? Insurance cannot save life nor protect equipment! Why use an SPD if it doesn’t work? For more info, go to / Email: [email protected] PRICES, SPECS, TERMS & CONDITIONS subject to change without notice Enquiries: 03-7726 8680 / 012-703 8225 Reseller assistance: 012-773 8225 / Technical assistance: 012-771 8225

Lightning Is Awesome, But It Can Be Safe! “A concrete cement block cracked & exploded just as lightning crackled nearby. The sound was deafening and the flash was blinding! Such was the awesome power of lightning!” (A lightning-survivor’s account) If you do not believe in such an awesome power of lightning, we hope you do not have to come face-to-face with it.

What can we do to avoid death or damages from lightning? •

For more than a hundred years, Lightning-rods have been used to divert lightning discharges to Ground, with huge copper-rods BUT often being misunderstood as if Lightning-rods could protect electronic equipment. For more than 10-years now, a patented ISOLATION-technique must have saved millions worth of equipment which would have otherwise been damaged by lightning. Might even have saved some lives! Insurance cannot protect equipment nor help to save human life. Yet, we believe many buyers would not buy an ordinary SPD, if not because it comes with INSURANCE. We should not mix Insurance with SPD. The only solution is by having an effective protection device (like CLLI) for each setup.

Is it possible to really prevent damages or death when such an awesome power of lightning strikes? • •

The answer is: YES! Correctly creating a SAFE-island for each setup with CLLI is HOW!

To understand how something can be done to avoid death or destruction from the awesome power of lightning, we need to look at the following

Unbelievable-but-true phenomena: 1. 2. 3.


Lightning begins to discharge with forces in millions of Volts! Even air is turned into conductors, forming streamers & leaders! Once induced with such high voltages, an insulated cable of 1-meter long can pick up thousands of volts of electricity, sometimes causing it to melt; Another wire or cable side-by-side can also pick up thousands of volts, even when insulated (like transformers inducing voltages from one insulated coil to another) Mixing or putting side-by-side or bundling cables together (coiled-up or not) is like having a transformer waiting to happen when there is a lightning discharge nearby or picked-up from miles away by the power-line or telephone-line or TV-antenna or Satellite-dish or via poorly done grounding.

Specs, Prices, Versions & Conditions are subject to change without notice. Kindly refer to for latest info. Before you make any purchase, please make sure you know the model or version as we have NO REFUND policy. Non-tampered CLLI can be exchange-replaced @ RM25 or less, for life (LLSWA) Call / FAX: 06-9517680 or 03-77268680 Email: [email protected] Tech-support: +6012 771 8225 / Reseller assist: 6012 773 8225

Here are the ways how CAL-LAB deals with ‘The Millions of Volts of lightning discharge” – Realistically, thousands of volts would reach your premises and your equipment setups! • CLLI does not attempt to arrest the millions of volts (unlike other Lightning-arrestors or Surge Protection Devices that attempt to, but fail). CLLI measures and quickly (with lightning-speed) isolates most of the discharges and divert the preset amount to GROUND, with a patented ISOLATION-technique. That’s why CLLI = CAL-LAB Lightning Isolators.

Air and moisture, even insulators can turn into conductors – that’s why a CLLI is employed at each setup to create a SAFE-island separating the un-safe wires and cables from safe ones. To avoid TRANSFORMER-effect, we ask users of CLLI not to mix PROTECTED-cable with UNPROTECTED-cables. This is to avoid PROTECTEDcables in a safe-island from picking up thousands of induced voltages, simply because they are too near to UNPROTECTED-cables. When any COMM-cable, LAN-cable or USB-cable picks up more than 10-volts (let alone thousands of volts), it is enough to destroy sensitive components in the network card or circuit boards or mother-board (which normally operates at 5V or 3V).

After having sold nearly 1,000,000 units of CLLI since 1995, and where installations could be CERTIFIED to have been correctly done, we have no record of any severe damages to protected equipment. When your equipment setup is correctly protected with CLLI, by correctly creating a SAFE-island for each setup, you can expect the equipment user too will be quite safe from lightning! Such are the features in every CLLI that distinguish CLLI as being different from ordinary Surge-protectors or Lightning Arrestors.

“If CLLI is so effective, why isn’t it incorporated into every piece of equipment?” The answer is simple: •

Something must give way when faced with such awesome power of lightning! Without effective protection, your equipment

CLLI is designed to give-in long before your equipment will become damaged. So, if CLLI were to be built-into each piece of

will give in.

equipment, it would appear as if the equipment was damaged when actually the CLLI had given way to safeguard your equipment. •

It would make perfect sense to keep CLLI as an external add-on device so that it could be easily removed and replaced. That also explains why CAL-LAB offers Lifetime Replacement-Exchange, at a small fraction of the original cost (under LLSWA)!

Still not convinced? Contact us!

Your professional installations are safe because CLLI is different!

Lightning is ‘safe’ because CLLI is different! With SF9512-ARD or

For PC + Broadbandmodem, use SF9512-DSL

You & your FAX-machine Cordless-phone PC-Modem-router Are safe from lightning MODEM-ROUTER



General Specs for Customized Professional CLLI (Made-to-order versions / Non-standard CLLI / Approx. values +/-20%)




CLLI-model or version



MD-8Ccu MD-4Ccu MD-4Ccu(+12V) MD-4Ccu(24V) MD-4Ccu(CB-36V) DCJ-cu(12V-2A) DCJ-cu(24V-1A) DCJ-cu(DATA) MD-SC3Ccu

5V 5V 5V 36V 5V -

20V 30V 40V 20V 30V 275V

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Vclamp 45V 50V 80v 45V 50V 430V

A-ops (Normal) 1A 1A 1A 2A 1A 2A

A-iso (Isolating) 3A 3A 3A 3A 3A 5A 3A 3A 4A


The above are 9-examples out of 40+ models in our Professional series. They need to be connected to one EARTH-reference point, usually provided by our power-CLLI in each SAFE-island.

MD-BNC (0E) – for CCTV Camera at signal cable & at DVR • • HOME THEATRE


You & your LCD or Plasma-TV Audio-Visual HI-FI / Home-Theatre Satellite-TV Are safe from lightning With NILI9920F

• •


BNC-jack input & output are DATA & Connect EARTH-wires to voltage-compatible to camera-signal one reference point at Clamping-voltage: approx. 10V and Power-CLLI at DVR-side shorted to EARTH Connect all EARTH-wires to one point DCJ-cu +E at CLLI for DVR power-supply At camera-side, short CLLI EARTH– wires together to form one safe-island (floating). DCJ-cu Where the camera needs to be grounded, use only MD-BNC (StdPin-to-pin feedversion with EARTH-filter) through from CABLE For use with HIGH-speed DATAto equipment cable using BNC-co-ax cable, use connection only MD-BNCcu(DATA)

IMPORTANT: This MD-BNC version has been designed to be as small as possible. As a result, it may NOT be as rugged as can be expected!! Excessive use of force or prolonged pulling may cause the copper-lead or copper-pads or tracks on the PCB to give way. WASHING MACHINE MEDICAL-EQUIPMENT

You & your Air-conditioner Refrigerator / Microwave Washing machine Medical-equipment Are safe from lightning

NOTE: Professional-CLLI series is made-to-order by customized SPECS & REQUESTS. Please make sure you provide sufficient info for our Techsupport engineers so that effective proposals may be generated. < Private-label & OEM can be considered > Email [email protected] or call 012-771 8225 or visit

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