Cal Cal-aa Tournament

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CAL :: CAL-AA Tournament

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1.00 League Information 1.10 Introduction 1.20 F.A.Q 1.30 Definitions 2.00 Match Information 2.10 Scheduling 2.20 Players 2.30 Substitutions and Player Drops 2.40 Roster Disputes 2.50 Voice Communication 2.60 Playoffs 3.00 Player Rules

5.00 Servers 5.10 Anti-Cheat 5.20 Server Usage 5.30 Server Assignments 5.40 Mandatory CAL Configuration 5.50 Ping Imbalance 5.60 Server Crashes 5.70 Shoutcasts 5.80 IRC Score Bot


6.00 Playoff/Tournament Specific Rules LIVE SUPPORT

6.10 Rescheduling 6.20 Match Process 7.00 Disputes

3.10 Screen Shots 7.10 Disputes 3.20 Demos 7.20 Evidence Requests 3.30 Game Modifications (Client 8.00 Changes Side) 3.40 Messaging 3.50 Conduct 3.60 Racism and Vulgar Language 3.70 Conduct towards Admins 3.80 Slander or Defamation


You have no new messages! TITLE SPONSORS


4.00 Teams 4.10 Rosters 4.20 Team Names 4.30 Forfeits 4.40 IRC Usage

1.00 League Information 1.10 Introduction The Cyberathlete Amateur America's Army League has been modeled after the highly popular leagues of the 20th century: the NBA, NFL, and NHL. Both the rules and conduct have been inspired by these professional sports, as online gaming soon will be considered one of them.


The Cyberathlete Amateur America's Army Open League is comprised of four quarterly (12-week) seasons per year. Team schedules will consist of 2 preseason weeks, 8 regular season weeks, 4 Divisional weeks, and 4 intra-divisional weeks. The top 16 qualifying teams from each conference will advance to the playoffs. After the completion of each season, the league will restart. 1.20 F.A.Q This will serve as the FAQ about this rule set. Everything here has been defined in the rules below, but summarized here for quick reference.

Rosters are open for creating, joining, and leaving teams.

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1.20a PB GUIDs and Handles

This league is currently accepting Admin Applications. Apply Here!

All members of teams are required to have the last 8 numbers of their GUIDs in their profile to be eligible for a match. To find the last 8 of your GUID, join any Punkbuster enabled server and type in the console "PB_Plist", your GUID will be located on that list next to your name. Players with their 32 digit GUID will not be considered eligible players. It is the team managerÂ’s responsibility to ensure that the GUID and handles of his teammates are kept up to date and correct. Additionally, all team members are required to have their ingame name in the handle field of their profiles. To ensure your handle is correct go to "View Account" from the main CAL page, select "Modify my account information" and your handle may be entered on the 7th field from the top. 1.20b Roster Locks Rosters are locked in CAL-AA for joining, creating, and leaving teams from Wednesday until Saturday through week 2 of regular season play. In week 2, teams will no longer be allowed to be created, but you may still join and leave teams. In week 6, the rosters permanently lock for both joining and leaving teams. CAL Admins are under no obligation to remove, add, or make any changes to your roster. 1.20c Smurfing Smurfing will not be tolerated. Smurfing is using an account that is not yours to become eligible to play in a match. In the case of smurfing, the offending team will forfeit the match, the offending player will be suspended for 6 months and the offending teamÂ’s manager will be suspended for 3 weeks. 1.20d Game Servers It is the responsibility of the home team to provide a server for the match or arrange otherwise. Teams who cannot provide a server should speak with their opponents or request to borrow another teamÂ’s server. If a server is borrowed, it is the responsibility of the team borrowing the server to ensure the server is using the CAL-AA Server config and that the PB Config file is loaded. CAL-AA currently does not provide servers. If you need a server for match time and neither team can provide a server, contact an admin in IRC or Live Support and we will do all we can to get you a server. All servers, unless both teams are Euro teams, will be hosted in North America, and be provided by an official AmericaÂ’s Army Game hoster. Honor servers are not required for play. At no time will a server with any modification be used for official game play. Modifications include but are not limited to Exploit Ender, ServerGuard, and AAO Trackers Advanced stats tracker. NOTE: If the home team waives its right to provide a server to the visiting team, the visiting team still chooses which side they want to play of first. 1.20e Anti-Cheat PunkBuster (PB) is the only acceptable anti-cheat program for use in CAL-AA matches. Teams should make sure that their server's are running the most current PB.cfg listed in the CAL files page. Teams found not running PB during matches are subject to forfeiting matches, suspension of leader, and removal from league. 1.20f Server Assignments Any agreement on servers must be completed prior to match play. Teams cannot decide at half to change servers unless the server originally agreed upon does not continue to allow acceptable game play under the ping rules. 1.20g Mandatory CAL Configuration The server configuration is subject to change as new

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information is provided to the league. The current server configuration will always be posted on the Server Configuration page. Teams are responsible for checking these on a regular basis and ensuring that their server settings comply. The server configuration should be executed as soon as the map for that particular match is loaded. Both teams should check the server's settings to verify that they are correct. If no objections are made, no team may challenge the settings during or after play. If an objection is made prior to the match commencing and the server settings do not match those required by the league, the settings must be fixed prior to the game. Failure to match the league server settings will result in the server team's forfeit. An initial objection will suffice as notice that settings are incorrect and may be given as evidence post-game that corrections were not made and will result in a forfeit. Any changes to the server settings in game will result in the host team's forfeiting and possible suspension of team. Player Admins are not allowed at any time. 1.20h Ping Imbalance The difference between each team's average ping can be no greater than 100 ms. Pings must be confirmed in game and not through pinging tools such as GameSpy or AAO Tracker. If the difference between the average team ping is less than 100ms, the server is acceptable for play. In the event of the ping exceeding 100ms on the home team's server, the visiting team's server shall be used, but this doesn't make them the home team (they still choose the side). In the event that both team's servers are deemed unacceptable by this rule, then a new server must be found or the match will take place on a CAL designated server, as chosen by an admin. Players from outside of continental United States and Canada, or those on dial-up will not have their pings averaged in when calculating ping imbalance. *When one team deems a server to be unplayable that team must use the same 4 players that were pinging the server in question if you choose an alternate server. *Both teams agreeing on any server at match time will bypass this rule. 1.20i Server Crashes If the server crashes, the game must be restarted and played with the same score. In the event of a third crash, the game must be cancelled and team captains report to the CAL-AA IRC channel ( #caleague-aa). An admin may assign a server and have the match restarted or allow additional time for the match to be played. If either team involved does not have a screen shot indicating the score at the time of crash, the whole match or half will be replayed. 1.20j Shoutcasts Shoutcasts must be approved by the Game Manager. The request must be sent in no later than the Monday prior to match. All teams must know that any match can be shoutcasted at the disgression of the CAL Admins if the match is deemed the Match of the Week. Objections to MOTW shoutcasts should be brought to the Game admins NLT 24 hours prior to the match being shoutcasted. If a team does not object in advance, than it will be taken as the team agrees to the shoutcast. 1.20k IRC Score bot IRC bots may be ran as long as both teams agree to their use. The bot is not allowed to broadcast any message mode information. 1.20l Authorization Occasionally the authorization server will go down, and teams will not be able to play unless authorization is disabled server side. If this is the case on match night, each team must agree to disable authorization in the server and play without auth. The command to disable authorization is

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"pb_sv_gameauth 0". To re-enable authorization the command is "pb_sv_gameauth 1". 1.20m Punkbuster Configuration The CAL Punkbuster configuration must be used for any and all CAL matches. It is the responsibility of both team managers to ensure that the proper PB server config is being used. The current config will show a message stating that the config file is loaded, and say what version is being run. For additional help with this consult with a CAL-AA Administrator. 1.20n Ban lists The banlist holds all information on players in CAL-AA that have been banned from participating in CAL events for cheating. The banlist can be found in the CyberAthlete Amateur League forums. Any questions regarding the CAL-AA AC banlist should be forwarded to [email protected]. CAL-AC Admins also police public ban records from organizations such as AASA, AON, ACI and the like for known cheaters. Anybody found to be competing in CAL-AA that is proven to have used any game hacks will be subject to the same 12 month suspension as players who have cheated in CAL competition. The community does a good job of policing itself for such players, but if you know of a player who falls under this category, please notify CAL admins immediately. No matches will be overturned in the event of a public cheater being caught on a team, unless they also cheated in the match in question. 1.20o Demos First person demos are required from all participants in a match. To record a demo in a multiplayer game, type "demorec " (ex. demorec CALweek1half1) at the console. Demos can be found in the "Demos" folder in your base AA directiory. Each player will need to record 2 demos from the match. One for the first half, one for the second half. At halftime we ask that you stop your demo by typing "stop demo" in your console and repeat the steps above to start a new demo. Please make sure you name your 2nd half demo something different or it will overwrite your first half demo (ex demorec CALweek1half2). Players who do not have all of the required demos will be subject to suspension. The penalty is a 2 week suspension per each half that a player is unable to produce, as well as loss of the rounds in question should the demos be related to a match dispute. In addition, if you crash or leave the game for any reason, your demo will need to be restarted. Please name the demo something else other than what the initial demo was named (ex. demorec CALweek1crash), or you will overwrite the demo you previously started. NOTE: Players will be held responsible for their mistakes of missing demos or overwriting them. Please use the preseason weeks to get familiar with using demos if you have not done so before. 1.20p Screen Shots Players are required to take 2 screenshots a match (first half F1 scoreboard with an enemy model showing, STAT NET enabled and a second half F1 scoreboard with enemy model showing, with STAT NET enabled.) To enable stat net, open the console and type STAT NET. Leaders will also take a screenshot of pb_plist AND the end half scores. (open console and type pb_plist and then shot to get ss of pb_plist.) 1.20q IRC IRC is mandatory for all teams. All teams must have a channel registered with Chanserv on the gamesurge network, and team leaders must be in #caleague-aa on the date of their match. Should any problems arise, contacting an admin

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in IRC is the fastest way to resolve your problem or to get a rule clarified. 1.20r Scheduling Matches Matches will be scheduled using the CAL site PM system. Should problems with scheduling occur, and the CAL PM system was not used, both teams will either receive forfeits, or be forced to play the match on another scheduled day. Please consult section 2.0.1 for information on default times for match play. 1.20s Changes The CAL-AA Admins reserve the right to make changes to these rules to better serve the community, to clarify the rules, or to close loop holes in these rules. If a situation arises that is not clearly defined in the rules, the admins will make a decision based on the facts and the nature of the situation. Team leaders are encouraged to talk with the admins about rule changes that would better serve the community. Should a player not be happy with the response they receive from their admin, they may feel free to consult the game manager for America’s Army or Quality Control. The current game manager is listed in the Admins section on the sidebar. 1.30 Definitions • Home Team - Team with server choice. • Away Team - Team with side choice. • Match - Two halves played in their entirety. Once as each side. • Half - One 7-round map session. • Round - One 5 to 7-minute map cycle depending on the map. • Setup Round - A dead round in which players will choose weapons. The round proceeding a setup round will be considered "live". • Live Round - A round in which official play will commence and the score will be counted. • Score - The accumulated amount of points in game. • Captain - The player listed as the leader or manager on the roster page. Captains are to assume all responsibilities for their team including scheduling. If the captain is absent, the Scheduler or Manager may act as captain, assuming all responsibilities. • Scheduler - The player listed as the scheduler on the roster page. Schedulers can talk with opposing teams and set a time and date for the match to be played. • Cheating - Any hack or significant file changes, i.e. sprites, skins, models, etc. • Exploits - The intentional use of game glitches or bugs that give a player or team an unfair advantage. • Screen Shot (F9)- taken before each half start. A request directed at any team participating in CAL-AA for evidence of any type. 2.00 Match Information 2.10 Scheduling 2.11 Season Scheduling The season will consist of 2 Preseason weeks, 8 Regular season weeks, and 5 weeks of playoffs. Your team will play within your division for 4 weeks, and have 4 out of division matches. This schedule may be affected by teams dropping/joining late in the season, or divisions being uneven. Schedules will be posted each week no later then Monday at 11:59 pm (EST) to give teams ample time to schedule their matches with their opponents. *Season scheduling is dependent upon the number of teams in each division or conference. 2.12 Default Match times The default match day is Thursday night at the conferences default match time. The following are the default match times for each conference. • Eastern Conference: 8:30 pm (EST), 7:30 pm (CST), 5:30 pm (PST) • Central Conference: 9:30 pm (EST), 8:30 pm (CST), 6:30 pm (PST)

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• Pacific Conference: 11:30 pm (EST), 10:30 pm (CST), 8:30 pm (PST) 2.13 Match Scheduling Each team is required to contact their opponent at least one day prior to the default match night by 8:30pm (in that team’s conference) to setup and agree on match time and server information VIA the CAL PM system. The team who does not contact the opposition is subject to forfeit and suspension. If a different time then the default match date and time is agreed upon, then that is your new default time and no further rescheduling is allowed unless approved by both teams VIA the CAL PM system. Game results must be reported within one hour of match completion. *Should a dispute come up and the match was to be played on any other time other than default, if you have no PMs to show the reschedule it makes it difficult for the Admins to decide what to do. So save any PMs with regards to rescheduling matches. 2.14 Scheduling Lock Matches may not be scheduled before Thursday at 12pm CST or past Saturday night at 11:59 pm CST without approval from the Division Manager. 2.15 Disputes If there is to be a dispute filed, a CAL official must be notified immediately by email or you can find us in the #caleague-aa irc channel on 2.16 No Shows If the match was scheduled, and a team fails to attend, the situation must be reported to an admin immediately. In the case of a no show, please take a screenshot of the F1 screen and notify a CAL official immediately. 2.20 Players Teams are required to have at least 3 players in the server by the agreed upon match start time. If one of the two teams does not have at least 3 players within 15 minutes of the agreed upon match time, then the match will be immediately forfeited. Should the teams wish to reschedule, they may, but it must fall within the time frame set in rule 2.0.3 above. Matches will not be rescheduled past Saturday due to a No-Show. Teams will be allowed to play 4v3 should they not be able to field a 4th player. If their 4th player should arrive during the match, a setup round may be requested by the team and the 4th player allowed to join after completion of any live round. 2.30 Substitutions and Player Drops Substitutions or dropped players may only join the server during a setup round. If a player drops, a setup must be called before the dropped player rejoins, or a substitute joins the server in his/her place. At no point is a player to join once a match has been called live outside of a setup round. Teams who violate this rule may face a 1 week suspension. 2.31 Substitutions As in all sports, substitutes are allowed. Furthermore, substitutions may be made at any time during the game. In the case of a substitution, the member that is being subbed OUT must leave the game PRIOR to when the member subbing IN arrives into the game. In the case of a substitution, a dead round must be called to accommodate the players entrance into the server. No subs should join the server during a live round. Should a sub join during a live round, that round will be forfeited by the offending player’s team and the next round will be a setup. 2.32 Player Drops If there is a player drop due to hardware issues, critical errors, or any other form of disconnect, then a setup round

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must be immediately called by the team with the dropped player. The team with the dropped player must then get that player back into the server within that mission planning round. Failure on the team to get the player back or to get a replacement within that setup round does not constitute reason for another setup, and the match will continue until the next setup round, and the team will play short. 2.33 Critical Errors Critical Errors and no spawn bugs are a known issue with America’s Army. Most of the time players will get them as one round ends and another begins. To help compensate for this, should a player get a critical error or no spawn at the top of a round, that round may be discarded and the match may be paused. The team of the player with the CE needs to notify their opponent of the error within the first 5 seconds of a live round. Should they do this, the round must be discarded and the player allowed to reconnect or a substitute to enter. If a player is experiencing multiple CE's and it becomes a disruption to the match, the team with that player upon request from the opposing team be replaced. 2.40 Roster Disputes Objections to either the players handle or GUID must be made during a setup round. If an objection arises, the player being disputed must leave the server. Once the match has entered live play, no dispute may be made about PB GUIDs or Handles, with the exception of players that join mid-match. Please be aware that a ringing dispute concerning individuals using PB GUIDs that are not their own does not apply to this clause. Players who are not eligible to play are required to leave the server upon request or face a minimum 1 week suspension. 2.50 Voice Communication The use of voice communication software such as Ventrilo and TeamSpeak are the preferred methods of communication between teammates and are authorized for use while participating in CAL. 2.60 Playoffs 2.61 Playoff teams The playoffs shall be determined by the teams with the best record, if teams are tied with record, then it will be between rounds won and RPI. 2.62 Playoff Scheduling Scheduling for playoff matches will be based off the default time of the Central Conference • Central Conference: 9:30 pm (EST), 8:30 pm (CST), 6:30 pm (PST) Should a match be scheduled for BEFORE the default time and a team no shows, then the default time becomes the match time scheduled for. If it's scheduled for AFTER the default time, all no-shows will be treated as such. There will be NO additional teams added to the playoffs once the teams have been decided. The exception to this rule is if a team requests to be removed from the playoffs more than 2 days before the scheduled default time of the first round. 3.00 Player Rules Players and teams are responsible for ensuring that all of their members know, understand, and follow all rules. Ignorance of the rules is not an excuse for a violation. 3.10 Screen Shots 3.10a Players Players are required to take 2 screen shots per match (first half F1 scoreboard with an enemy model showing, STAT NET enabled and a second half F1 scoreboard with enemy

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model showing, with STAT NET enabled.) To enable stat net, open the console and type STAT NET. 3.10b Leaders The team capitan is required to take a screen shot of the pb_plist AND the end half scores along with the required player screenshots. 3.10c Violations Violations of this rule will result in a one game player suspension for each missing screen shot. If over half of the participants of the match from one team are missing a screen shot, the team will be suspended for one week per missing screenshot. 3.20 Demos Participants are required to record first-person demos of all league matches as described in section 1.20o 3.30 Game Modifications (Client Side) 3.31 Player Models and skins All team members must use default models, any player using enhanced/colored models/skins can result in a forfeit loss for their team, as well as disciplinary action for the player. This includes all weapon and player models/skins. Players must use the default files for in game play. This includes all sprites, textures, sounds, etc. Players must use the files for the newest version of America's Army that is out. No replacement files are allowed. Teams caught with players violating these rules may have penalties imposed; including forfeit or suspension. 3.32 Client Variables Any client or server variable that allows for or forces an object to be translucent or invisible will be suspended. This rule applies to all objects or props whether detail or static and is not limited to any specific type. Teams with players in violation of this rule during match play will have the match overturned for the match the violation took place in. No overturns will be issued for past matches unless this violation is detected in them as well. Additionally, no overturns will be issued for past matches for a ban based solely on a 3rd party ban. Players in violation of this rule are subject to a 1 year CAL wide competition ban. 3.33 Exploits Illegal exploits have been broken down into 4 categories. • Multi-Action Exploits • Game Programming Exploits • Game Manipulation Exploits • Miscellaneous If it is not on this list, then it is not illegal during the current season. This list may be revisited during the season at the digression of the CAL AA and AC Administrators. Any/all updates to this will WILL NOT go into effect until the start of the next season, unless an update is done due to a patch or new version of the game itself. 3.33a Multi-Action Exploits • Running With Any Weapon in an Assault Position (Run-Fire) Description: This allows a player to run (sprint) with a weapon in firing position. • Changing to the Prone Position with Any Weapon in an Assault Position (Prone-Fire)

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Description: This allows a player to change from either the crouch or standing positions, directly to the prone position while continuing to fire a weapon. • Running With Any Form of Grenade (Run-Nade) Description: This allows a player to run (sprint) with a Grenade/Flash/Smoke grenade. • Any Type of Assault Action While Resting on or Climbing a Ladder. Description: This allows a player to shoot, or throw a grenade, while climbing a ladder. • 360° Turn On Ladder Description: This allows a player to rotate up to 360° while climbing a ladder. • Any Type of Assault Action While Taking an Objective Description: This allows a player to simultaneously fire a weapon, throw a grenade or backing away while taking an objective. 3.33b Game Manipulation Exploits · Show Debug Description: This allows a player to access built in game commands that turn on and off game features. · Smoking and Looking through an object. Description: This allows a player to through a smoke grenade, go prone behind a bush or view thru a window with reduced or no smoke effect from the grenade. · Ghost Description: This allows a player to fly around in ghost mode. · Speed Description: This allows a player to increase the running speed of the game on your local machine. · Self Healing Description: This allows a player with the Combat Medic class to heal themselves. · Pipeline (Roof) Description: This allows a player to get on the roof of the building on the Pipeline/Pipeline SF mission. Roof above main door accessed by vents is ok. · Weapons Cache (North Booth) Description: This allows a player to access an unknown part of the map on the Weapon Cache mission. · Seeing Through Walls Description: This allows a player to see through walls that normally should not be visible. · Seeing Through the Landscape Description: This allows a player to see through hills and valleys that normally should not be visible. · Seeing Under the Virtual Floor

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Description: This allows a player to gain access to the underside of the map which is an area that normally should not be visible. · Spectator Ghosting Description: When this occurs, it allows a dead player to take many different view points and could provide an unfair advantage. If this happens a player should immediately disconnect and reconnect prior to the next round. · Grenadier Class with 255 Grenades (203 Bug) Description: This allows a player with the Grenadier Class to arm themselves with 255 grenade shells and also enables them to use them at rapid fire or shooting two grenades consecutively. · Running from Spawn Description: This allows a player to run immediately upon spawning without enabling the player to ready a weapon. · Non-prone Fire Support Description: This allows a player to use the Harris Bipod while standing or crouching. · Firing a Weapon While Rolling Description: This allows a player to fire a weapon while rolling in the prone position. · Automatic Rifleman Launching Grenades Description: This allows a player to turn the automatic rifle into with fully automatic grenade launcher. · Ultra Fire Speed Description: This allows a player to use ultra fire mode with automatic weapons. · Smoking through Walls Description: This allows a player to use a smoke grenade to purposely pierce walls with smoke where it couldn't normally go through. 3.33c Game Programming Exploits · Louder Sounds (Rolloff) Description: This allows a player to hear normal game sounds louder then other players. pb_sv_cvar "ALAudio.ALAudioSubsystem Rolloff *" IN 0.5 1.000000 · Sound Volume Description: This allows a player to hear normal game sounds louder then other players. pb_sv_cvar "ALAudio.ALAudioSubsystem SoundVolume *" IN 0.000000 2.000000 · 16-bit Mode Description: This allows a player to see through walls. · Same Volume Description: This allows a player to hear all game sounds at the same volume no matter how far away it may be on the map. · Eliminating White Noise Description: This allows a player to eliminate water, smoke and other background sounds from game. 3.33d Miscellaneous

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· No single key may be bound to more than one action. · No non-Americas Army Text (.txt), Executable (.exe), or any other file may be called from the game. · The use of ANY command while in "Dev Mode" · Using another player to access any part of all maps that are considered outside of normal boundaries. · Using the "STAT ALL" console command at any point during game play. 3.40 Messaging Only team leaders are allowed to use public in-game messages (global chat) within a game. Team capitans will use the "csay" command to communicate with each other. Repeated use of global chat by any member but the leader could result in a forfeit loss, unless purely accidental. Other team members may only use team chat while in the game. This rule applies when you enter the actual match server. Small chat between players that are dead will be allowed so long as the chat is kept sportsmanlike and clean. Violators of this rule will be subject to a two game suspension that will be dependent on the nature of the violation. Racism or other forms of discrimination will not be tolerated. If a player is found to have used racist or otherwise discriminating remarks, they will be suspended for a minimum of two games. 3.50 Conduct All participants in CAL will be held to the highest standards. Anyone who has been caught cheating, whether on a pub, or in a scrim, match, or lan event will be suspended from all CAL events. The CAL Anti-Cheat team will review cases and penalties may be levied up to but not limited to: player suspension or other penalties deemed appropriate. 3.60 Racism and Vulgar Language Racism or other forms of discrimination will not be tolerated. If a player is found to have used racist or otherwise discriminating remarks, they will be suspended for a minimum of two games. Any member who uses vulgar, or disrespectful language towards a player in a CAL match (pre-game through post-game), or while using the CAL PM system or forums will be suspended for a minimum of 2 games. 3.70 Conduct towards Admins Any player abusing a CAL Admin with vulgar, racial, or disrespectful language will be suspended for a minimum of 2 games. 3.80 Slander or Defamation By registering at CAL, you agree not to maliciously disparage, discredit, slander, libel, or defame the CPL or CAL, CPL or CAL staff, CPL event or CAL divisions, CPL or CAL Sponsors, in any public forum, or format, including but not limited to, websites, IRC, Usenet/Web discussion systems, chat programs, magazines, newsletters, newspapers, radio, videos, documentaries, television, etc. If the Registrant fails to abide by this requirement, Registrant may be disqualified from the CPL event, forfeit prizes, be barred from future competitions including all divisions within CAL, and/or be subject to appropriate civil penalties. 4.00 Teams 4.10 Rosters There is a minimum of 5 players with 8 Digit PB_GUID's, Valid IRC channel, and Handles on any roster to be considered an active team. 4.10a Roster Changes All roster changes must be done Sunday thru Tuesday. CAL will not unlock the rosters for any reason. If you accidentally leave the team, it is your responsibility to rejoin the team when the rosters open. Do not ask CAL to re-add you. Checking rosters are the responsibility of both teams and not

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the admins or game referees. Any roster disputes should be addressed within one hour of the match commencing. All players are required to use their in-game names as seen on the roster for official matches. 4.10b Roster Lock After completion of 4th week of play team rosters and PB GUID changes will be locked. This will prevent players on losing teams from jumping to teams that are sure to make the playoffs. Checking IPs or PB GUIds will be used to enforce this rule. 4.10c Ringing/Team Jumpers Team hopping will not be tolerated. If a team hopper/ringer is suspected, notify CAL officials immediately. Penalties may include suspensions, forfeits or removal from the league. No player is allowed to be on two CAL team rosters at the same time. Players who are asked to leave a server, and return under another persons account will be considered ringers as well. Please note, THIS IS ONLY INCLUDING CAL. We do not look at other league rosters or websites for verification of rosters. This includes the leagues for the division that you are in, i.e. you can only compete and be listed in ONE (1) of the following leagues: AA- Open, AA-Main, AA-Euro. 4.20 Team Names 4.20a Unacceptable Team Names Team names including, but not limited to, the following will not be tolerated: profanity, hateful to any race, sex, or religious group, condone drug use, or general vulgarity. Teams found to have an offensive name will have 1 of 2 things done either placed inactive until the name is changed, or have CAL select an appropriate name for them. 4.20b Team Name Changes To request a team name change, please have your leader or manager email an admin requesting the team name change. Teams are allowed only one team name change per season as often team name changes coincide with large roster changes. 4.30 Forfeits Any team winning by forfeit shall receive a score of 8-0. When reporting a forfeit teams must include the reason for the forfeit in the match comments box. Anti-Cheat overturns will be awarded a score of 9-0. Teams receiving two (2) forfeit losses will be inactivated for remainder of season and moved down at the end of the season. 4.40 IRC Usage All teams are required to have their leader and/or scheduler idling in IRC on match night. Teams are also required to have a valid channel registered on the gamesurge IRC network. Idling in IRC does not take up much system resources and being able to receive pm's while afk will expedite the process of scheduling matches. 5.00 Servers 5.10 Anti-Cheat PunkBuster (PB) is the only acceptable anti-cheat program for use in CAL-AA matches. Teams should make sure that their server's are running the most current PB.cfg listed in the CAL files page. Teams found not running PB during matches are subject to forfeiting matches, suspension of leader, and removal from league. 5.20 Server Usage Teams that own and/or operate their own servers may use them for matches. The server must be dedicated and be on a T1 or better. Listen servers and

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servers hosted on cable or DSL are prohibited from being used for league play. All servers must be in North America unless otherwise agreed upon by both teams. 5.30 Server Assignments Any agreement on servers must be completed prior to match play. Teams cannot decide at half to change servers unless the server originally agreed upon does not continue to allow acceptable game play under the ping rules. 5.40 Mandatory CAL Configuration The server configuration is subject to change as new information is provided to the league. The current server configuration will always be posted on the Server Configuration page. Teams are responsible for checking these on a regular basis and ensuring that their server settings comply. The server configuration should be executed as soon as the map for that particular match is loaded. Both teams should check the server's settings to verify that they are correct. If no objections are made, no team may challenge the settings during or after play. If an objection is made prior to the match commencing and the server settings do not match those required by the league, the settings must be fixed prior to the game. Failure to match the league server settings will result in the server team's forfeit. An initial objection will suffice as notice that settings are incorrect and may be given as evidence post-game that corrections were not made and will result in a forfeit. Any changes to the server settings in game will result in the host team's forfeiting and possible suspension of team. Player Admins are not allowed at any time. 5.50 Ping Imbalance Although both teams agreeing on any server will bypass this rule. The difference between each team's average ping can be no greater than 100 ms. Pings must be confirmed in game and not through pinging tools such as GameSpy or AAO Tracker. If the difference between the average team ping is less than 100ms, the server is acceptable for play. In the event of the ping exceeding 100ms on the home team's server, the visiting team's server shall be used, but this doesn't make them the home team (they still choose the side). In the event that both team's servers are deemed unacceptable by this rule, then a new server must be found or the match will take place on a CAL designated server, as chosen by an admin. Players from outside of continental United States and Canada, or those on dial-up will not have their pings averaged in when calculating ping imbalance. *When one team deems a server to be unplayable that team must use the same 4 players that were pinging the server in question if you choose an alternate server. 5.60 Server Crashes If the server crashes, the game must be restarted and played with the same score. In the event of a third crash, the game must be cancelled and team captains report to the CAL-AA IRC channel ( #caleague-aa). An admin may assign a server and have the match restarted or allow additional time for the match to be played. If either team involved does not have a screen shot indicating the score at the time of crash, the whole match or half will be replayed. 5.70 Shoutcasts Shoutcasts must be approved by the Game Manager. The request must be sent in no later than the Monday prior to match. All teams must know that any match can be shoutcasted at the disgression of the CAL Admins if the match is deemed the Match of the Week. Objections to MOTW shoutcasts should be brought to the Game admins NLT 24 hours prior to the match being shoutcasted. If a team does not object in advance, than it will be taken as the team agrees to the shoutcast. 5.80 IRC Score Bot IRC bots may be ran as long as both teams agree to their use. The bot is not allowed to broadcast any messagemode information. 6.00 Playoff/Tournament Specific Rules During the playoffs and tournaments, some of the rules for game, and match play change. The following rules apply to playoffs and tournaments only, and are not valid during the regular season.

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6.10 Rescheduling Rescheduling will not be allowed in the playoffs/tournament unless it is approved with the game manager and the division manager. If a day is set for the match and one team fails to show up, this is grounds for a forfeit, and not grounds for a rematch. If a rematch is allowed due to extenuating circumstances and the team fails to show for their match a second time, their team will be removed from the league/tournament and replaced if the situation warrants. 6.20 Match Process The match process for the single elimination tournament (Including playoffs) is as follows: A.) Best of 14 match. All 14 rounds do NOT need to be played. Once one team wins 8 total rounds. If the match is called before the full 14 rounds is played, neither team receives credit for the unplayed rounds. The score should be reported as is. B.) In the case of a tie, matches will continue with two 2-round halves until one team wins 3 overall rounds. In the event that a playoff match should remain tied after 3 full overtime periods, admins reserve the right to change the subsequent OT rounds to different maps. 7.00 Disputes 7.10 Disputes Disputes are a serious issue and will not be taken lightly. 7.10a Dispute Process In the case of a dispute, team leaders or designated match leaders must submit a help desk ticket. Any member who is not a designated leader is not allowed to report a dispute. Disputes are not a public matter and should only be handled by an Admin. Posting disputes on public forums can lead to suspension. 1) A formal dispute must be filed within 24 hours of the match being reported. After the match has been reported, the leader or scheduler must login to the CAL site and click Report Match. Next to the reported match that you wish to dispute, click File Dispute. Please read the instructions and fill out all the fields that are listed. Only 1 person per team can be disputed, can dispute up to half the games of your season, this general disputes not AC. 2) Submit violation and explain in detail. If you suspect a player of cheating, be prepared to list exactly where you think this occurred in the match and have evidence. All evidence and information must be turned over at the same time. Once a dispute has been filed, you may not bring additional disputes or information up in the future. Teams that choose to dispute must be prepared to give their demos to admins as well before the dispute process continues. You must be prepared to turn over evidence that would substantiate your accusation. If you do not have specifics or do not have evidence, your dispute will be thrown out. The admin you file the dispute with will give you specific information on turning over evidence. A link will be provided to you to upload your demos and screenshots. 3) The objecting team must contain PROOF in form of game logs, demos, screenshots or any other form contained in an email to a CAL official. Demos and screenshots should be made available immediately. Teams are requested to limit the files they send to admins to only the required evidence that shows the items in dispute. If you suspect cheating during a match, be sure and take a screen shot showing all players PB GUIDs and ip addresses. 4) If necessary, a CAL admin will request the demos, screen shots or server logs from the opposing team. This can take up to 4 weeks. The opposing team will have 24 hours from the initial request to provide the requested items or risk forfeit or other disciplinary action.

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5) All evidence will be reviewed by admins and a ruling issued. In the case of Cheating Disputes, all demos will be reviewed by multiple admins. In some instances, the CAL Rules Council may be consulted to either help with evidence review or to discuss penalties. The CAL Rules Council will make the final decision. 7.10b General Dispute Information Teams should keep back-ups of their screen shots, demos and all logs for a minimum of four weeks. If there is no proof, there is no claim. If proof is sufficient, the player or team could be purged. Any losses by the claimee to the cheating team will be changed to wins. If a team continues to make false claims against other teams, the disruption may be viewed as grounds for team suspension. Teams crying wolf regarding cheating repetitively will also be purged. If teams are caught saying that they are relying on disputes to win their matches, teams may be suspended, removed or have disputes invalidated. For example, if during the course of reviewing demos, a team member says not to worry, that if we lose, we will just appeal based on their cvar violations. In this instance, a double forfeit will be issued with no team coming out as the winner. 7.20 Evidence Requests If a dispute has been filed, Admins will make a request for a variety of evidence; this includes screenshots, demos, server logs. Teams will have a maximum of 24 hours to present the requested evidence in the case of logs. Screenshots and demos should be made available immediately, but an extension up to the 24-hour window may be granted in extreme cases. Failure to present the requested evidence within the required time may result in overturned matches, forfeits or other disciplinary actions. Players must hold onto all things that could be disputed (Screenshots, Rcon Status, Demos, Server Logs) for 1 month. First failure to provide evidence is a 1 month suspension. Second Failure is 3 months. Third Failure is 1 year. 8.00 Changes The Cyberathlete Amateur League reserves the right to make changes to these rules to better serve the community, to clarify the rules, or to close loop holes in these rules. If a situatio n arises that is not clearly defined in the rules, the admins will make a decision based on the facts and the nature of the situation. Team leaders are encouraged to talk with the admins about rule changes that would better serve the community. Should a player not be happy with the response they receive from their admin, they may feel free to consult the game manager for AmericaÂ’s Army or Quality Control.

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