Cake And Seve

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cake and seve.

cake and seve.

Peter Ganick

arrum press Puhos Finland 2008

cake and seve. by Peter Ganick (c) 2008 Peter Ganick Cover by Jukka-Pekka Kervinen For Jim Leftwich arrum press Vanhatie 20 C 33 82430 Puhos, Finland Printed in the USA.

cake and seve. cake and seve. the refoliation of merriment in plaudit, one from accentive laceration wiles of the tenebres mollifying nature and night, the consecrative laden with accrual, contemplation in motility the hammock wile of therein coatlicue perceived injurious those value-to-pertain, modest inculcation where briefly in on occasion therefore trenchant parapets overt introductory calligraphy. ... compendium. three voices coinciding elemental corresponding's evocation, specifically at glyphic alter temblors of crisis, templates dervish-literal moods witnessing broken herds, the wherever iteration's plus-que-parfait, and on this day, no less the amounting's met-you-there or did-not. a camel in brio. for flocking therein state-fuls of exegesis, thousands of texts, all notified brio therein caliphate. moot sere tenacity intends essence's noclue, there forested martian clubhouse, tendencies meeting temblor, visage

plus. this. what fronts a grammar of tenebres, flood-planet therefore riskmantra later, might in behavior, testamentary those thoughtfully ago. hammers with weird public, noumenon there traffic either wielding scape of reduction in fracas, tentatively: a nonspoken unravels not. which alter-dom the crucible awares the fixation-feral costing's alarum those penance-ful of equipoise tent-haven, those redolence competes will-dedromedary, each toy otherwise wiles of the contretemps. literature, theory, pulp. a vacant consideration, neon plastic radix. the flange wielding meticulousness aware of preentrapezoidal themself mien for the crash-out. romeo and jubilation reflectors of triplicates unrolling therefore a non-speak un-spoken each plastic randomness as potic, value of beads in tilde if real-

itized. doon of summarization lapis outside the window, traffic loathe to brillo, the marginal coherence torn through coverlet commerce homily washing trepidation out-rigger of salut. refuel air-play skeleton witnesses, then some accuracy plots diametric forestation of lipids in reflective narration allure those contemplating echo-plex, those from who once in asleep-of-bothammerklavier's lutenist. hemi where stalwart, oceanic theist mod-ten the brio of celadon veracious conceptual. needles. ie the readiness foom grapeshot weariness. numerously apparent the conference worlds-out tell coerces not, happens other. silence. a missive tepid in arlesienne traveling: blend, broken ear, earth lighted from backward tapas. there seers of trust & magnanimous reflection. in an real energetic negation, something light on watershed. as

notion for either in assumption, jasmine always lite than, tenor offering. scrape ministration of echo-trend, a chant without a changteuse. buffo the cranium exchanging elasticities' weal of momentary-mica-rubble on vero beach-trot. as gamed in reflectivity thensome replayed omniscient value of mirage, hidden in illusion, the broken shovel the truly replete were reined ousia the blooms on veils mitten oeuvre. contextually. as perforce the collection of trapezes nothing less hemi-flux, therefore opaque in rta. taffy pull-noesis the flume of reactionaries. at modesto tosses those overt ie the contextually broached raffles, noetic altering somnolent surfaces contextually. contextual planet. a nanotechnical beam in eccles, the refuel airplay on sere the convivial, more at for procedural-naming-each. consulting so latter then somewhere in the flick-cinema-filtering something wary of

indexicals woolen in cravat, mire festival those relaxation novices out of the stream. wilting a somnolent, not else because of sleet and rappel nottingham ontological if karmic doorway karnatic doorway opening kalpa open forming least bluette osmosis. 'a gradient wields noon' 'levitation in rotation for laments' at which notaries of exactitude the moss overshod imperative, liaison compexity homily hidden witness. .wittgenstein. thou seize theist soledad imparting sole du crucible, moebius there happens non-sic notebook contrasts thematic least fumigation elephantine, language in contention wroth-sally, so summarizing the echo of influx, kilter withness avails of need's presumption.

head toe themselves noteworthy as serrated invention something matinee thematic-alliances. at close range incipience of marigold stoma, therein palanquin-of-purport, willows crane through assurances-tocontrast, overly along-a-corner, the closer one faces as thrown. belief, in croyable in the majiscule. somewhat the incorporeal tatterswimming, clack throes of exigence, tunnels remain cued the star-gazer ontologically triste, a chord. borrowing arrows rarely the contrasted omnibus rationales front to being's infrastructure, as gleam corrals-outriggers-maelstromdovetailed-isthmus-troubadoursgalleons-nimbuses-attorneys-thisnessassurances-vocalizes-thimbleselsewhere-implacable-tattooedinfractions-momentary-listening-

stubs-graincellars-academiarisktaking-nothingness-asuras-devashermetic-alliance-bottleneck-striateswires out of a channel. definitions wherever a classist vocation renames simplicity as presumption, co-literal, minus, whereas, floodgather, moab, slurring a blur itselves not more than. at behavior in motion wholly caprice of eleganza, the met-with over summation's bleat. so ie the preciousity of salaam, geranium-stalsis borderlines of wittgenstein, hundred dramatic these all lopping the swoh marjoram, cubs on a veil of sturdy each etcetera. derives of derivation so slack, maneuver. outs already in textural velocity abyssal therefore as curt circulation's obliqueness, on site whereas feint nor than, a gorge offers often what salutary eo corrective of marigold glancing the 'ripieno' classless where flooded on into selectivity's argonaut, only phi-

losophers = truth seizure on articulation's epidemic witness = crumbling acres the chorister reaching name-plusform, an inversely practical idealism, progressions of no commercial value, no speci(al)(ous) value, ao the correctly rated over a light intended frames thinking's thematic in derivation excellence. bottleneck in happens nothing changes the redux bloat, corporeal beach asks previous grammars the incorporeal to walk-talkbalk-sulk-silk wires out of sliders therein soprano-tine fishing out if early, normally. criss-cross evolution's intelligence commerce with destiny's free-will no coatlique, the inroad to motion the cramped oasis that mountain offer. rinse those. factored involves dossier those psaltery velour boastful iteration's slight borderline, chromosome, blur the bagatelle tomomits terpitude in. silence. the fractal ousia, however granite eh is curiosity

nomenclatue, the abrupt inured themselves. repentant those slight(ly)(ed) token remainders oo incense a theory clobber, eu ruminate, where it is stability & spackle. roving some each -tere owns over-gigahertz, natural view, borough integrally a starry inexcusable traffic, so starry the columbine, so relegated the foresting simulacra of opacity's volition matter voices self, spiritual balance overly imprecise herein spate of spacious henotheistic merriments. cluck while transience doffs a grit-where-stippled umbrella chorales. condiment's well often rere that itselves straddle informality's echo terra firma thinks those portions leaving thoroughtly repaid and reported, not. an orison of de-fragmentation walked the beach with surreys & gritty cliques. can azure conflux throttle the vane of windless spotcheck. mere limbo, consequence of each noesis

trouble-free donning striped gardenscholastic, vowel before triplicate & lest they fly, therever something weeds something nettle over a grimly 'call-itgenius'. themselves literal loiterers, nimbus of oceanic remoteness merciful, striped triplicate forms the oi bluely espresso thought to rename for assurance, the conduit more inner space, the victory shortlag-tone as formal consequences. so much the waiting game. some waif impressario galleon of sforzando relic ie bluely those recruiting somatic inventories throws into being somewhere indistinguishable being and Being, where and why, for this structure alliances those nowhere-plans for everywhere's the cloak of Between, same publician those roro inversely a property ossification can rebut. gringo hamster invoice, relata.

is material, irony irreal to begone somewhere into least notion, so prattle if issuance those reported overly hemi, tenner witness outside slaggard. everywhere onto Being's matrix utterance numbly arrangment irreal tonic over heno-philia temporarily acura though renovation more moribund accuracy, mote innovation each notion Empty ingredient's Inventory of ingredients. something warded out if shine. a so-rta itselves iteration's parallel motion, intention's relique each lien oversight not non a flood intensive liter sizing the inner unnecessary tracking a notion whereas so else called ratio appropriate for Emptiness to sd-card, noetic rile of the caveat, muscle that trespass, ie seldom else the systematic voluntary. a hammer of laconic might ghetto beendrawn-outward, not elastic neon rasher, capped os theme-aleatoric.

languid roving the ghat ostrich moaning numbly curious, motio the stretch ankh, so the comportment, avalanche.

from which it starts note ei & in balance. bitterly, and for naught ie in Symmetry, somatic oversight rolls out the typhoon, ne is module from terra firma, elides no chorus theocracy in action, rere. in occasion, the folio na rotunda tenor of SaluT on valise a watchful replicator nimbus inner crawl, ghat topiary follicle chakra of shradda as in yellow-gray glowing flooring batons. smiling the frame outrigger tovarish mountain silica tempo, reload, clarionette in-draft silly forum for, ask as the streamlined forest, on ghost issue, reflex oversight, loaded on which onward bluette imbroglio one Self tough call,

eos though only cartouche-toentrance fee, mien of strata, viewpoint thinking's weirdly portent, a or b whose lolly-gagging therein afloat, imposes tensilar blueness, as rarity often solace ornament, ontological being having the ocarina tonation revelation's moon-sorghum, glance Content of Precipitation lettering of salt annual rehashing, merge mercy. otherwise rays of elementally precocious delirium those reopt for collation. o centric theorem, knack backward spoken, spookened far-away. on to lo gymnasium.. (m)erasure the (t)roaming (p)ringfigurations, elongation of fingers, dials into reason's unparalleled bo-tree.. glitter whle the orchrd noetic as salut foal tomrrow peristals oedipal

beethoven, fallow accsation, nor meringue, parlance for, in more theorem callista osis (k)nob-knob sleight-of-hndshake, widely prominent of eighteenth harmonic, sphota rel... grimly privte mirage, copied trape(z)e nor more thereof alizarin..cajun akers noetic darla ingredint, log-jamming where suitable (h)bot with slring the incrase, flake oceanic is indubitable werdness nominal to fke-flff the (o)reminscience, pollux and castor, invoiced. contravened incorporeal. tennis (blee)p docment milk-sop gneiss radio radio strata, incorporation of each tactle motive.. is (O) perhaps nor the vessel, science scenic vale of passel, tomrrow those repy congrgate oneselves toast to rove.

(as) a stadia th(O) commissariat crease of trailed a thoat rverie undrstood elective. AT crss those FRINGE the core a ballst vendr where solidarity voces theory-over-sound's bloop ei the chase hwever moving each throughout th nuance, shoddy fallow and grebe--arrive the comportmnt. roves tethering noappearence those of presentation's emergence trailing theory out-beside on furied for a mss at ethcal behavior--that sole fuse.. rendered those then someone was calling thorugh a doorway asking wideness of scurrying than the apoplectic voicE, xtart of elments. vacant those theeof mote surplusing sorted fringe, the oscillation of motion

where impost elides no stateless beaming horatio a-sunders those blueing which adamantine value of describe(S).. acTion coSmic alTerdum office scumble trattora, [a forlorn & surfeited ocean guerre over there]. mrrimnt vowels bought for sky. street-yi celadon the twin Cerebbellum naKed of wwhich the moBile rain caramel, other one Other a Guarded-ly fosTered wire-hound, more Captive reasoNs to vette a seRmon, rashly portentous--Millionth visiTor, compendiUm of tht mentord for Whirled Vision parlance-to-peaceful context.. bearing which entourage, SLOWlicense, FASCination of fastER lightyears with ascensioN impliED, of nothing elsewhere, Othering so mica, mocha, mringdam..

corneal corona cordillera clorox or as filamnt ovsight on fleck in radio bustle about it nor excellence, nor traffic of, nor which-standing, emptiness Around a Coincidental reMove. culpable torn theOry oeuvre cake and sieve, the metal overture, a snake-inthe-grass, impulse of revue & (a)target, in Missive. (s) (so) (sop) (soap) (soups) (seize) each behavior rEmoves A cOncept, not Adds cumbersme toreadr, vein of (of) Goal Gold each from omission c-o-ercion treble clef, in comparative Peace.. ..Belief dssier. trepanning for which connotes expectation.. the reason one structures literal scenery. anomie tee to JasMinE teA, cosmic precipice, Rappalo dusty-site off a

a horde Structured as MoTION where opaQUE. beset of hammock, not stadia precedent FOR isness a ray if of which dA-sein bloat.. a nodular piecemeal feature of signautre elision morE trafficking with oceans on slain vowel-scholastics, torn through inasmuch, energetic where patriarchal aND silENCEd,, not.. as brained targa ie solidly front ossified, ao, the plume with aSlan aLLadin..tokem of Choice, vantage proPerly cued inTExt., A.. nimble of preventions and forgivenesses tearing hearsay.. redden soar tha(nT) ould voealiZes tempo redden a blackly eo chorus the rostrum accelerando, VUE to par conduit of parsing a mall or chic a la carte. gleaming wii patina otentate

prevalent ceo forEIGN slUMber in fa leach Other Oxygen-ous ousia, conseqnence taylon ship-shock, gallatea. the invincible, mend a salon for as precious the TraVail, not. blakean eXile trobaR, not, ahead, ei EI, proLation of elementation, 100%.. as frame for eu eidos nor scumble widen so larygial thereon spaTial..or thisness counter-Class, protEAN abstract exp(erience)ressionism. tr ritardando. NaTURE oslo, teorama el the ti for mindfulnesss. a narrow veil, blackened, remote & shy. continenT for tarot, noun, ei = particulate, Oin. eh while tr twittering cahiers. elastic eos nee non alto sum of cardinals overhaul(ing), each sanctum wiles of Tartan soma, such theoretical mishigosh, glaring emptiness waives col.

tra-tilde for the random(S) hindsight ITEA, in the dormoir CLimb AD onion salad influx... grapeshot fealty, mumbo jumbo terre de giantesse, francophile, ea a.k.a.. annuated foment du cahier, vehicular neoprene. ue those roan flocks phlox ingeNues thot in ACE nary mardi gras, cloque of laddered in so far as, ei in treatment of already thun-dero-us ac-tors. night in arles, a grammar, peristalsis.. rat-ion-ale der-ive som-eth-ing bea-rin-g on r-ide.. gum-pti-on s-o la-rge the con-cep-t ro-ves sli-ppe-r.. bog of s-hro-ve t-he i-mma-nen-t wh-ich eva-des, not. as a clown itemizes vows to arbor vitae met isis' oce-an forementioned to parley each tee-slow-cahier.. florid then aprille saucy each.. roam f(x)=cluster-fob,

the skeleton ground alr-ead-y brigand tolerant, sepia, a raffle for witness column ice, thread okay, sloe shock-ridden, the parallel cosmos, -ic theory otherwise adorn, bund oven unit rank cell tear drone, cinema tool geomancer tool tray some lapis lazuli TRespaSSes the cohort muted where alizarin's plastic ocean, hypnosis agility, vehemece, the crick often eclair, eo template overshed, shopworn. eidos. vale, premiss from while a traption veils infinitude amidst when rose those thorough dint of link intent with crayPAS.. as predated for a mindset, com-bin-ed.. riemann specious arubaND OWe cos-MIC-ro phone-ist the treatpenchant voluble tr of sleight-of-hnda so, involuble torn the aoist rem-ove saer-m eacH reflection on a for-GonE

METICULOUSNESS.. convivial not shld with shoring alRIGHTS freely disbursed while of es-sense.. from grid-lock to madness, in a Recreation. a metal ocean, icy & silver throttle iamb offering roll of wi(i) PRO-FESsional, compadre a theory's blessing slipshod in in on in, tintinnabulations of that REasoN each mountain slackened tISane for iMAGine tildle reopen, rine.. toss le jour de naissance. swarth ie invective, mote. grout inarticulate of wall. no arrives through nothing. a game-plan orphic voice. retention of asana though. pearl ontologically pure. repartee calumnic columnb. tartan's empirical doubt info. thema in brio as gone school. the large ivory alchemy ante. blunt retro vocal noise ounce. mannered without parapets.

though illusion is remanded. a shreklik experience, note of amazin-g coeli foment aforementionable after which assumptions regulate, ramp, agenda without.

n.d. - the picture abysmal aeon abysmal coeffient wherever artiuclation, graces i.e. - the black/white pixilated, imperative to realitize ontologicaly abundant. least each the old eidos in place. natural icing in throttle in the emptying, around coinciding walls divoted vein to bottle-up ue room olfactory larmes denizen protean io until a rideau mollifies thematic slaughter. in the boar's heeding somatic invincibility (meet with clausal boroughs). if oe begone before of for oe onslaught roman du clef, ne-

fertiti. a gloaming from wormhole in trajectory delphic fido. grit of asylum threaded | outrigger on sly the avocation mere | then stanchion moebius strayling | overloads over a signature essay | numerous to replace witness | ooph the | closure of tenaancy heard night | in s contiguous relatedness, one collective rent jest of the igloo-high ribbon weed of though emo gratitude as in some such, threnody-in-airportr grimly precedent | to 'move' along eventuality process | all happens as incontroverted [...ment] snafu dmg may-pollster [omission compative jouisance | co-controling the defended scroll exhxume as in ripieno carolingean, an fracas over than is roving structures, widely provenant framing - the dint of repair, nodded in option to slurs. deflections | while the arrow prevails..

garden en gardea(n) stabile, unrolling a best pointed availing coreopsis | throughever the somnolent avows admitted for those tunneling site of aclu the orchestration vetoes comparative study belittling odd | chou's dynamic othering [Othering, q e d], in no excess trail to reach.. enough, triplicates th vouchsafe a conditional fuel-target. in consequence reminds treading silently over-reaacting collection voice, nyc rill goggles gargantan debilitated. not. gnarl.. knotted replay, ceofficiency per muni the strategy | rename | delivery, | for deemed per bearing loci wind regal ocean-liner "taking me far away/big old jet-liner" ... so which

largely, , , , , , , , , that ironic edifice menor's glutton.. deft impost revovlving a la federal coinciddence ghosh as in panallal tattering role tarry noesis rope broken from atilla's nounal covenant, the book as gripped svelte gestural. chou rama dint offs - a is the contrast of b inasmuch... as chase island effectua-. mp3 not too manages the also economy orphic and pragmatic uvlight while adaptations ensue, there street-wise anagrams oe the cunning ue wilderness-plotting summary over th, the always of remedy & mirage, tousled for. as if ingrained festive formalities greet. bolsheviki pater noster allotted. guerillas hotel's mirror clashes nowhere. contiguence roller-derby cloud-banners.

double therein forces outrigger onwardy. procedural impasto gargantuan lenders. a continent whose elevator languages. a/f(vant) of breve noam. bloodless while of ao h(f)ever inestringes, test-scores each infflux fol-i-essence of repartee solemnly those preparing situations eh oa while adrift drafting sorrel those motiv(s)(ated) a slight mortise of graffiti elastic, perhaps, nothingnessly sobering, within stripes of glar(e)(ing) the contrast in ya nth exigent flare. gnomon helas fomentings. in combinatorial gleam, un nth the fido, oneselves of outrange oneselves majority each-less not heuristic--communal toreador, vying theory tine of ebbing some offered, cafe latte merriment les. ardent hoops where is nomos alphabetically rubric of salut, in brook in brook the lanes were stylizations of borderline broken lights..nounal oe

so were the capricious threnody each lassitude of premature latinum sleighbells in dancehall root-calls..mumbo the crocus with karmic alsolitanists, cresting after that o'clock, each los amplitude those.. rename on name.. zero an inner gang, threaded forcing so many distances, erasure of elementary flow there sited cor anglais jet-set numbers settled. a miniature light, a legitimate occasion toe-to-heel in spar wit lei those revving engines. trou th info par licentiate more gash-gab, in re those fantasizing the deer-in-lily pad grotto. in par evocative when. clamoring ei oo the alreadyshaped ie module tea-time wroth invocation to empathy & gleam through-in the saber overlord book. as a game for FACTS, the INdisputable, nor else for ei notion welded to stargazer on celsius thereof roomy &

clout in the accoladE EAch tangibility redirects assumed game plan. so os.. in contrarist mode fumigation of plastic residue, long-term exposure, the regulatory excess de-meaning of which as pince-nez, there toulouse, in the mesto vacationing terabytes even petabytes of mirages processed by cellular oe commutations. largely the FUSS. consequently whe(N) correcting patina eram room format ceramic(S) thought to breathe. ingredients frosted rehearsal l(F)x for rule of OtherWard notification's yore traversal in migratory fleur-de-lis. noon moot moniker show-time whose mortise of cul-de-sac is greeting the street-corner each every, sere. grille of whistling(s) henotheistic globalism, tenency for wide-serial indexes, traveling a crop-share shradda issues th fuel riled so. fascinatory blush. chromo-lucent, tee-time with sizes named outs & ins, tripled for accual-

ity nor masts with tie on valise, no parallax each omission of jars & beads. tremulous orphic redux fleurde-lis, around coincidences/corners. admonish coeli trackmeet wii lease of humanity, commune wide for.. 1. which adorned 2. walled loud OS GHENT rose 3. damper while around corners mildly circumstan- tchaikovskian bloat immolates, numerously flooded in apparent ceiling vale of passel, in uo a priority enough organize to emptiness of a ration(alliance) tome of slurring each dna leery of crown. arrive:s t'order thought, roars dos, cheroot iamb clacking opposite dade never oi rainbow, alcestes keep ivory evacuee, midrange foo, terrifically boulder inarticulatio- for elementarizatio- routine(s), boutique (sso nyc) inncompletedm as borrowed inarticulatio- or-more for jet-

tiso- the rapallo- evening wired out of clambake. in consequence of remaining theoretical evolutes bearing re-regulatory asides the furor schizo-metricdisburse n nnoetic avalanches where combine to urgent rta offer waving clefs throughout lagging illusory loudness, claques of birdcalls the unfading strata, in immediacy borne, one seldom as crisply denominated feudal a raided maori celsuis nor regional sso nyc witness-free foaming-drink-of. cinnabar which role ultrafinery empathisizes non-engage contrafectionimble waverincough- iffy rotation emo__grit oveetranger el dority nevertheless on articlation's metric valor, vroom technology softens where picabia, un noticereflectio- nits in theo- [make-up one's only alarming recharge- noetic and vacancy-pleated. esca-corded invalidity pro-forma the execratio-moot burnt cocacola, re-doubt

and re-doubt and re-formulat- the other ousia which weather outside- in the corrective already having e-cake casein article inin agenda, those nurtures unvei- desecrates- not parachute the talk offer, no grim calligraphy immediately pre(S)umptuous offering of a natural as tteeeetthh ciderratcheti- elgin watteau vondura amalgam root-clannish there decoy smile the correctly articulated identificatio- inattentive to erlebnis, carrel offering soap rainbow, no sphota therei- of who as feint that wor-- gainsaid to (repeat), the confluence non-apparent, cedes a revue islands facing wiring of trinket an tarot idolate- memosyne foom agape. where reclaimed to aramark rebut a restore-disk (doorway escapee, convolutio- ex-cepted) in a chromium helas(irresponsiveofaccentuation) as a who'll reappear fenderpaste, heard from attitudina- more to pla- in the

motio- in EAch non-more theaawareness, particulate eidos the remnant.. which AS SO non-gordillera, corona detoxifies thimbl- each noet-oesism, that ei in combination eaves erei the quick-shove alreadyb, collected normal-natured convolution, not marring the planet of rta, conferenceS TENEBROUS THEORY AT podDded for amicability, m, northern also. as inin nono rere the Otherlexically abundant erlebnis, reminisce above-n-befor- ah therefore ununtherefore that in a sorted of insulation the blackly dress(ED) that as marginal offers AT WHICH in a chosen brunt of no other bane of coal-covered RTF in part to elation's bureaucracy.. correctly, ninin theory of ceilings real to reel, cellophane-theory. other already, oasis cover is-a bituminous reflectio-. that i of which everlasting theory, a theocratic mumbling cacphonous oddity...

1. that in ei, the feldenkreis byline(s) a mode tooimprecatio- blurring selections widely already vacant(ly)those proffering.. 2. re those afforded onon tiger alright-eady of salted noise those to form elastic summation elapsing either/waves. on there in already subsublime.. 3. ababsolutely formative lol caftan,, met in/art connotes a for(ce) evolve4. minus- item. as is ontologically pure, iamb oversought, pelikan ceiling norm offered silent maroon, etiquette wanders into sports-karma ifandsurely. one trafficking wherever.. 5. fascination w-ith perplex, coatlique the over-saltine- similar unrule of theorem

assignatiosymbiant trepidation clandestine

clannish-deconstruction maho gany -mahi-mahi..


6. switch on wALL OF THISness some rubicon voicing the siddha of seraphim orOR a nimbus of mistral Compatibility each on erlebnis Ssomewhere, clair de lune.. 7. iissyes of temporality,, whereas ubiquity protea- collective -until reappearance contemplatory of act-ive noting of altered statements' lol coefficient, bWo ie, jumbling lexicons attic a mountain collected ivrogne culpability,, ennui gags.. 8. so, as meticulous trtr f(x) remittance. klavier. reactionary. shape fractional essent, psaltery, midrange, on aprille's document, roar offeringalready.. 9. look(s) ramakrishna. threaded on a silent crunch, theory prehaps

cotended oe thematic condensatioburnceiling, so ao ubiqutous erlebnis, prehaps all lingual fine-.. 10. whirli- seize-quatorze and the finistratio- ellpsis of more trail- the runner ofs showing coefficiency appreciative leas'on concentric dapper also temporal investiture of alliance to prevaricate l-.. 11. so and as farm(S) oclock thematic oclock, immense crawls of traffick and surCharge caAusal ei craez'd chintz chocolatier godgodiva widely inarticulate, .. 12. that is, or is as self's t(h)economy of personamode to structur- a trtr weehours of imPounded another notary from-to solidar- eos norming the strata of edific-

nimbus in cacophony trepanned out only woven ie. in metallophones thought simplicities the motion is karmic tolerance to harden tokens of surreptitiously gravitas motion leased vouchsafed in a chaos referenced to neon plasma. integral to.. un0 thereOf ubiquito- neo-rama clong ivy colder & colder mabye perhaps,. coefficiencies on teo dram.. bilk returnably, one wave of language additio- ea rhetor inclusive of nnight daytime, coefficient maleable experiment wide--as articulation inmystical technique or roar, evin-ce closure opening at snail pacem dona nobis, crochets theory sham.. echt mime. trak. echt. vowel verb(s) al those freight er room room(s) rooms rime rimes rhymes DOES NOTES ONTENTATIVE INPERTINENCECceck ioa eeck -ish oversight memecorazon hemi prolatio- nor for else..

muteSERere venomous detritus fro naan unveil or is too much & too lghtly informed.. a malleability oceanic illusion's bleachers on rhde's fent portions, somewhat inferential, though noon pram mindstyle's tisane, geek solenoid bursar of impetuous gallantry, the least borne quasi infer qua qua--the replication unsolved.. insert memory cocoa-puff ce bWo not eos reo orphic salutation in meme or & wilder theory oceanic clauses ea indic-independen- vestigial nom-enc-lat-ure twittering saaid the folk oe gr trafficked & utterly incorporeal theatre fo of foof marmalade oven-poignancepoot feverish calming,. druid apportionment were itit savor is in niebulungen the faux cipher wooly caterpillars, those rostrum oe in nM-an-Ntoda- erlebnis hastens of dreams in after-tide net of metal abundant coMISsion, clearly not a riddle orthographically..

fulfillment aforemenioning a so-what defensive why? observe. dsl's a flock of unruly ribbon-cutter slackly euphonic symbian site-trawler, the motion while pardoned intent upon siding least urgency. as mars & greets & dslbackyard evicing ofF wildernessing something hinges ministration proclaimiing the ii of wholly integral vein arlesienne coherence theatre oceanic toggle while twirl ascendanting & one before. on connotation sumMary in an intention fools-glowcard, eons later yonder unveiling argonauts, the conferences of repeat incisors, ply as finis, prolatio- of feint more said oneself push availing evolutealready island cue-card mome borogrove the ee compartment where why becomes as far as, a coolest neibulungen avail vidya vulnerable code foop levee bro- the key of emcee, backs itemization which to chide incertitude no erer retrn eoeo once ofof a grainy peachtree a triad of muck ie.. the notoin alredy toned-enough enormity skillets warning forums the clan..

multiple while defines northern klister wax nur borbrobreaking so alright.. neithere vacating on-time largesse the condiment anterior, finder's teacher leash where pforte.. graciously attentive, yes-no. comparative roar eleison the fabric(s) otherwise glissanding leeway, to pounce trammel on shock, gloaming cerulean meerkat volition exegesis nonagenda to mark pagination in chora the modality purest. grissaile with surmount imagined viewpoint, glittery cursor mounted overly puttee omits from an agreement, enough for no clarity especial of the organic lionizing toon in summertime. congregating while graphemes middle the facing pout, incredibly corrective that a din preoccupation each tete-a-

tete more the syrupy jubilation of slowly framed illbience, there the module the modular picador, without trance to port a symmetry where on heeding so alarmist evaluation co efficient coefficiency &@&@&. THEREFORE, WITH COFFERS IN MINUS STRICTURE, CONCEPTUALITY REMOVES, mirrors, the roaring thousands mote integrally purification strata, behave ability to such, eindruck pout l'infinite, motion whose scalene derivative lops offline handdetailing so ces preoccupation offlike why??? incongruousthe tread of persistence onsilent oval narration's eerie countdown.. no framing cluster widely in queue notified relocation structures therein evolutes, more street thAN VOICE THE motion wherever on-site amalgams equate for from, which vouchsafes COVER. an amounting where clusters ofdogmatic




trickery mistral of pivot cellblocAGENDA too arguable from is in ecologicially ptarmigan..

somust beging within a stretto variously potic, veneer oven-holder sampligthe ocean of sighs where partisan---to reregulate invention's beauty -iful -lily, construing rhthere by no strum the polity moves coniflex burdensome lake spittle around a corner---the agoraphobic loan-word compulsory thatwhich allots coredexterityMULTIPLY... consequence of the flex-boundary..

in gr ai ne ds om et hi ng. wh er es om et hi ng. co nc or de nc es of wi ll in ga ff li ct io ns, if in articulatory blush nor in me-me fo- rt=0 trafficks. elgin echo-stratus more alliancess. needing slight intention forgone ink. is, consecutive imagination / information --- lately.. the restructured invoices, --- met pounds of exile e=10, mundo

bizzARRO. NIMBLE FORM INancestor-voice, the conflux p2p, irreal consequence milling portions while assumptions for.. motio-n scramble-s which evolutes where connotation of space, tookeen aaroouund somewhere the silence starts soso many---maybes, perhaps oversight includes assurances of potic ovo-lacto entourage-ing the classic appraisal, confered..

nounal as corona vie for intractible less than one.. wholly when in town's edition feom arlesiennes of bluer cloak, surname ON ACCRUAL OF PLAYTIME IN SKELETON-LANDING reNO the coarse ie the occasion freon classically potic availing CHANCE of decouvert motiocoMIDdlling the clarificatio-n.. WHERE

reach Real Real Role toon clarionette re the summons to PLATINUMTHIS THIRD-BASE PLAY-TIME A- GAINING. as dint and could be while traffic

leans the foreign pla notion weal of etiquette, rhythm --- a clas-sical,

voice on terra firma lofting graincellars --- humid how much.. voucher to a platypus,. in a cake alligator flecks of public UBERMENSCHEN TATTLE. STURGEON. SURGE---PRO-TEXTURAL cointreau.. band while tapping...excusing a notion whose alterity is scanned parroting somatic evaluation no cake and seve.. is the simulacra of emceeing the coherence of bluster...






be-stubbled from the wait, a miracle contorted from aguirre or was it aprille, these mental configurations, literally a wormhole, viz, startrek. voices in mighty-complausible, the amount exists only to breathe...... en-amoured vowels, co-erce noon's treadmill wiles of for the accelerativeS

MIDDLE TO PARIS,FRANCE in occasion the chora dulcet in-croyable muon celeriac those empty conferences de-ba-cl-e s of e-qu-at-io-ns. middle early ouch. a conduction meant ie oo grenache theory of borderline accents moniker to sham peroxide's numerical esse balance a balcony full of bacteria bothering no one. the crosswalk without ANGER. SNORE INarticlation of grace to. gear down into eos those pallorceded. until theory acid-scamperings. a vitiation pro-forma leased out rent. nominally, pax verbal nescience too. blut tuba, ur erlebnis moot salinates. gribble the sphota al-tering oceanic. cake and syringe over a duxburian. compartment's vacoule partition's. noon treacle vehicular modestion. practicum maculation of equality. 'buttal noenoesis, therein therein crane nicean code, conciliate more the structure those trondheim-lenses..



where someone cacophonous pushpush, eons matriculate desk-fading the actuality of seizure, a plasmatic ocean. denizens were stylized winsome illusion if contraire the pollux averring anterior valuations moon in samba oo a going voiceless unicorn,, trapping pla for the images too nostrum tater-tots vessels of synthesizers.. grimlette parsec the bouillon moins quatour pour le fin de temps.. notion whole of serial timpanum screes..

conjurer of attension's notification it-itself ONE one occasion.. no no tumblers acrostic vale-S ETCETERA nearly ghent rosicrucian existence frail combustible [from elsewhere on situateS an accretion more] melodic alcoves tureen. icon for major d'omo conciliation prema the light-hour, no therein feral toccata or oo the stealth skimmer-poot each leaning thensome trtrtr in coincidence to materialize one ce serration evolves a narrower weaving from freedom iss uance of para-chowder potic vales the serum plastic inin debate with surreality of roux for to engage bravura mot non oon trtr the exhumation merely. bo'tcha geomancer willow the crane denizen spung for ma-

terial ceramicist --- gaining units of unit-awareness.. usrg,,, etched on freesia cake, the moon straddled ousia broken earth for as gentle & plastic worlds awareness of awesome re-search poot vein to sass purely ocarina accordian acornicon network stumblingswheretheyrecruit a vantage imaging of no paradox-----------mercenary of fulfillment into integral attitude's borderline those plastic mome borograves in line to queue up laddering a somnolent vistaversion.. a frtr fiction of elastic pla, nom- mirror-s a game plan widely networkeassuming is a logical termination from aguilent inept --- cambria eccles, one offhand in/the landscape walleted over a signal yes.. a renumbered cahier, concentric amounts to dram. • • •

railroad vessels coronas of stye balance dortior

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

neither nothing alterity lackless a native levees notion motion's brunt of chakra emptiness nowhere language's trickery preempted forms lighthouse crashing mumbles vidyic perhaps maybe so vulnerable aloud concentric trammel ivrogne that frames bordighern summer nefertiti each design plaudit for deemed meringue classics terpsichore online downtown dovetails narrow stungun faux matinee dollops crash iterative outer a mindstyle of proem grooming such nature vendetta offered silence praline motion whereas

• coffee tea or a book • usury in a faction nearly nite one unfurling value to broken suitcases, the reopening slow in guffaw, thread with elemental quasar veto-power non maladjusted, run of manticore elective of formally trot in recursivity the bloss fantasizes overt lightness of battlement graffiti, there muesli foom leery those to rendezvous one on the pylons for aerial notification merely strophe indubitable fracas moom the accelerative on usage the robe neo- neon... trrread trtrtr those of flutterings... equanimously persistent... the fanaticist noon parallel... dulcet... inner name... voices to escalier toddy strophe... te the miim mimic talent talls parasite of spirals, tenor of all sites, the echoist immaterial to global inquiry... oomph moom steadfast, on assurances of tilde tilde tilde which was

as grade of prudence... persist with accuracy of salience the acorn duettino sortS out onto meld widely formalization morph stealth-ivory neuron site. regions for parlance, to emmets for grace-ful hours only on topsy ennui of the emptiness graded out siddha nominally orbital guerrila tensiliar fend with parapet on

the reasonbable gaffe to trtr trial so

soma thrall theory an ocean topaz rinse therefore formative

in excelsis devotee noun as mount overshot ee with which assumption's excel offering sopranist in ego that terabyte mellifluous gendarme that fell to feed roan plus ego sarcasm, el bidwell oceanside within a suretyof bulletin soap crowd once those irk pronunciations more the regionalism to pale iffy scrambles thought to the nth decrease fumeur of pada best for mitoses the fulmination of mysterium tremendum crown dour palindrome throaty cursor the fellowship flail echoplex technical divulgences met with for croon if cleft throughout mainsail mannered mattered inculcate initiate inverses opens operates optionals avowal aversion avenues the ceramic symphony

chokehold the blame-free once when said integrally rename toredor, bleachers for the massively persistent, greened out of acrostic bluette one natura light loadouts with burnt copies, birder ai theorem tool parlance compendiu- salti-e thoughtform plotted plotted plotted [less see which apropos, qua?] where thousands flowing exhortations met with within sallied forth something in vestigial puttee's foot-calendar, jutting soma. vale of persistent calumnic overtuning the foreign widely emptiness=its own salute, budding urgency, wherever as bloat, mime acrostic klister coros. neem. pla-. vineyard collectives where recreations of shards foundling oomph the dauphin oceanside mimetic volute witnessing so no once those of presumes

thresholding so mandala-free loutish muskets normally poseur nounal foible nowhere untidy paradoxic mouche in sat munifience mantras out ouch on the remedy for watershed partook there is no Other in signaturING a festival presumption as leases on livery queue flotilla nounal pristine water mannered, vigilance virgule before strategy cares askings mouche scara- metal renounce these mindstyles pale to beetreddening sonatas widely over the mirage while stoma versional pessimist option deleted reunification scope

those to bearig sown wilting theory to passim plastic where it was thousands scorpions inert vales or promissory gen-x negotiations each nomenclature the data reflexive wherever care is not relative mindset kitsch amazing eos more those reminded of whose par boggle crouton leveecrusher those page neoprene pla the omnibustles there as prop to strives a crouper mop up strapling evidences perhaps systematic eager to evoke lariat blush throttle as borg strife the sorting walrus onsite noetic siren fending whose pass

to choas in the resting wherever a curiously preludes nothing finally the moab surinam blush mimetic cacophony oxtail membranes, leafed ashen voicemail one sorts oneself a nounal pero to dram skeletal those pristine acrostic wherever gap wch way stylist each as repo grain calipers leas overhauling sorrow adaze fro- thematic leaning so croque tenderfoot wiles bagatelles leaning toxic notions linseed om stipple those remonstrances nearly a sorry fascist named fakir units renounce the nothing entry a cloque with rogue stop go when the ace of spades is framed

intensely prop. small small small small large:

large large a la carte thank you

very small very small very small very small very small very small a conduit to an infinite surface holds ie therefore wholly-endorphined alarm those threaded on theorems topics those remind in as widely not thrown away

even smaller even smaller can you read this dream-children? can you read this dream-shillings?

reminding a surrey for none of the above is wayland's ei the particulate improvisation mores of the binhex crustaceans, nothing without the shim & well-wishers, as groomings of daytime-tuba the stride whereas fluid nature of reality's in appropriate notions where errata invents a coros noema to rapport sullen etch says is no pilosophy th accuracy tendings of each...... narrowly on accolade(d)s noho haphazard, that worldview pla- for therein statelessly on omission the precariously rebutal offering something so s c a r a m o u c h e that that trawler, in as opacit- forformmigraine therely stubborn that that processual dualit- a dint of none of the above, then something else wakes on a signal forming the reticular bloss crawler

oversight noting a surmountable innuendo portions porridge debated & deleted a part of summa cut-rate laudability, stringstrange- the motions from as clueless in apostasy, harping a cloque re-read oversight no. mor- dent- rue-ee the treadmill paradoxically trend-chants building bulletin boards.. , mistral cease & document vein of already, cobaihundreded owl-extolls, a natural ghostwritten magic...! incorrigable! lampshade! where trtr those of equaniminius treble iccus location location location! theory-of-tones recharging lettered migrations, so lightly intractable, the motion frailty.. as dint of pre- dint toll racheted "if you dont mind!'' contrarist voluntrails oeuvre those prairie gen-x modular positions = meem to scramble widely wield-

ing somatic venue tureen of silent accidence. palindromes for progression. mending a circuitry in momentum's a crane for rapid-fire accidie render, aprille engorgesa. eon eos thousand'(s) the monition for plurality in vastly omniscient melee, stop go throes the bulletin-radio vend pieta movie-goers, the crouton nomenclature a belief of ai oe miniscule trapeze in mid-stream. module for malraux, theo theirselv in official mumblers' society scissored anteriority of rebec and saltarello graded outside renown op, tin-tintin, yoda thiks one 'snuff a taken treadmill onward from in a cilia too apostate moonsong redlines.

mambo betelgeuse prerogatives those laced wide nothingness one slater witness apostasy nor egregious amounts of pallor cleanse topics' throttle inversely doubt invested in lac du charme. geow a durable surfeit moon intent for ei a as a paleontological mime to strut investiture on the hloodline porcelain toot apportioned manners those a render. scaffolding melee framing assumptions of early dependence. mindstyle's on traffic torrent's a galleon atoll in the hebrides. nor burlap unveiling trafficks those iota's empathy so real it ei moebius. nimbus traits of the reminded. ag aguirre those ro rapport eu noetic alliance trails out of... a grecian millipede not the moralese of which foals, ghostly pardon's those on erewhon's the cad.

rot hammer theo occasion urgent hi-lite a morning unlike any other. invention for isa eos those prattle. metier foor gleich ramakrishna afternoon while steerping, around-side as walled. clipped rockets, around around rondele, forming sl(ai)ng took the buddy system, cloaked nonintrusive or foment dusty earphones. raga eos otb, least most freon turpitude alliance neuma, toot trot o'er language shaped forming that. gremla- xtreme volca- deplicate, more adamant harvest eyeliner -ation fo nom de plurality's exoteric allotment capillary aguirre the telos for exhumation re are the world-tank.. sleek acronymous designatiofor gatherings slowly procedural venus vendetta wilderness on parasol trochee trtr since exch..

head which spagnotelli far-reaching contra-distinction wear ontological(by) the crown double-tracked foursquare evolution's parapet, calculate ed fipple-flute t'Other on aCCEnt willingly premonitory sleigh-bells. debacle poverishly adaptive wildflower isa upanishad innoculation fomented faff eigentraum, vale for principum. a go ago a go ago ago aog agog the input(s) a goggle ago it was... each teach the ach oo unreg ulated an d imperiled one sounding.

act actor active actions actor in a blue su it Other as goggle in ar ticulate's bot, one human call.

x x x x


maho mahog cell bloc k kitsch a x x x x x ///

n ou na l,, the refugee oralization of small talk the ingrained. solidarity, text-and-lexicon, nothing faced into. as prelude the contradisction of X X X X X X



X Xx x



x x


cameraderie, the thread to e-base thought and rogue nice elemental inner lagtime jagged flotilla throes thought to be while adopting assumed parallel cosmic already.. s\a an evolute small ru-le proem to avail widening alright efficient armor the troll laughing where stoma. s\ba nounal crocus, thorough screaming there evermore intensification more those parapet moot noumenon solace these three lineative exactitudes.

s\cna erroneous though militia fronting solar papyruses those to tread will down acceptance of formal icon thrall issue fringe topos notification scan(mp3]ering under furniture s\cma dousing a feral ceramic alliance tool of equisse for might alright on the strada initial chorus elemental finery back trout s\cloa the foraging silently diagonalmuttering where alright sclerotic a study in bREVITY, MAJORS THE roughness of appearance. s\coa nothing with astronomical voir le candy disappear inveighing slacked though experience straddle.

s\cai bin volute orison thrall tolerance islands convolute ie throes is through espionage ritornello therein statelos as mundane tops\ci vidya of personalization framing the echo torrentous notions, leverage outside. os\lic neither willowy cohort, chorister marionette offers to dream a nyet neti-neti vociferous pleas to behave o\acai conduit mome robe o' the stabile moebius(al) infestation northern sail planet, mist where silence in, o\ilac not hammering lectern or hopping the stride offered on pelican troubadours

o\cae durable for mitre oceanic the motion window-leap to infinitous maelstrom, protean clubhouse, in faff. ol\ca not haphazard harassment a topos the infinite 500 as an island issuer offending serie- allian- allegheny troubadour notification kneel ol\cr notion serial formed noab neither an ocean tog slice thorough playtime l\de be where you are do not exceed as mindstyle -ing the polltax mirage a today illusion

c\sep al fresca im in ohha. blurrin-ed a network silo crosswatch in oe ulterior manning the post hammered out. v\sep anagraphic leas willed those to tantalus trondheim a curiously parnassian feature vn\spa nub intensification for a note nu-breed on value's parsing no flood manager. isles of detanment acetone. b\that it seve a\those it sat c\willow the ransom dials bin ei thorough the ipseity of oolean botswana dei boot- le- lutenist a vale of perimeters not surchrges tht ipana motif

cel ds those rotary pullets, moon in dogtown therein swoh-vinyl apostate umbrlla. ve gryphon the accordance to emote elope elane cllok it somewhere Else tonight niebulungen though ridden orthography of a molar bead infandibulum crisscrossing. carded where concentrc numerators gerbil attorney,. nesmyglyphic tatter while appreciates tosses night for day, etlantik numerators

crowd glyphic tantamount to seizure placates none of actions lamented no caloric duende nothing Least those Frantically snoring the Epoche, debilitiates, not! exoteric nuancs those trailblazoning sommersault in violation trespss widely ocean---ic. there.

a snag- ie o- property license, night where clout involves action from ascendant, prelude to immamence of detail(s) offline the contrarist volition made in usa. in of oa eri legitimate ei leis throw to vale processual diatonatio- of whicheve- the strata involvesnumbered claques over sid- sightseein-ghostlparachutist worldview appui the cordoned activity whereveR INCIDENCE REPLAYS IF... if is another side t-e t-dt t-des-d t-sed t-des tps-cco te-sce td-esa ts-ea tre-arte t-r t-ea t-re t-yr t-i t-unit awareness connotations t-1 t-21 t-2 t-31 t-4, accord in bchoice to v-art ie- numerality. as co-edi-ramshack, oteherwise situationist, the evolution's paeadoxical remuneration-----flood-lit. floodlit.

theatrical essent xtreme foregrond in spartan quasi wua wua, vovouchsafe, the intense grouping. numeral vei- gnu porcelain deters no onset forming arlesienne croupiersaround a corner that repatriated ahoy on twi- supremacyr ecouped framing so a os, tourney clapboard icing. a b(r)eam of whi- answer gift, emotionalism, therein aprille thought-ful to expect inarticulations nirguna behemoth -aviorist molecules. tachYON-DER ARR-ANG-ERS' PAR-MET-ERS ZLI slit eep peep out on crawler's if tiff on regal ------ ie the orbit for an eleganza aleatoric iteration, so asciiasciiASCIInot heard ontological pragrit grebe salient atomisthmus of the undeniable tangibility existence to enter oversight wholly dunce.

exactly existing, surveillance to poot, in coeli the rebounding ace-to, vermicelli what if, inundate refuels. coros the tiling literally in one sophistic malleability am actuals throes of descriptive anamneusis following solicitude as added perplex, node of shunt, inconvenience toot presidingbootlegs the correctly moondog alright oe i vigilance tores stores today celsius the fluttering slump irecursive of in b d locomotion, no sinkholes in posters vary clockwork ctivate whether nothi notion whereas and it changers ove- those coatlicue behemoth the in unlisted free mountain song, elides, quaff. . cough . out vanishing aheaneeding - no- alci- desc- pirouette ahoy, campin on vestibu- arli-essene-trabuccowhere as sump pud- ablution veccbeluga- confiter, already, venematodes where as fleshy

parrotas blaring tensilar sibelius sch-empthy woven swords the contemporaneous with nounmenon a respite preo-

ctcathexis novemetie-veno-parrot apple ice in a dromedary. smiling process.

which contusion formal contrasting activate combines f(happening) nowadays joint compound, already insectivorous -nnealing the fins . angels on faff, bot,

ctas twa-om learner codicil governant eos. vowels oar into thrall o nota bene the exultation now-non-ethereal.

yes, initialize of textdriven anarchy the space spare sport sprat spate specs noesis wonderfully absent. having to proe- sel-fel-leeun-rehearsaly the absolutely . incubatio- rrarre . emptiness ctyar,

vehicle, aor- eos- the cohnoumena topical tra- ve-

yes true miniseries, the co ntrarist value enue trail of sycolloidal email, sylph hoop craw immo

mannuquintuplettuce vobarometric allah tendency horologerie trespaarnault one ce-re-those on variorum, the cleat with nature. filing oases out of voimoe-bius street-car of. herald intend no reopening sort in wither within assumptions, cheroot, calipers, caliphate, calzone, curries, caprices, eternal whimsy the ptarmigan a noted bwana---clock croque.. in vo- commodore balcony calthe mimetic resonance transluc-id read orn- who-do-u-work-4? beet of airport hive and strumming, as parallel topos the

ctcontentious vacan- elnoamone, thought out of--ascertaining sass and furor. question. do rules make 4 freedom? nightly arraign. trtrtrttr whose,

a ranige ofhapp- vothereinin- alr-lr yammer, the plus-que-parfait. redding reed reddened out, loutish co-chaparral the viewfinder, the matinee of gestural ce-

ctvei- arno- armisthennicker- alrea conifer brok- arou- theory's accentenormous treadle, once inner the rere- brigand kestrel, a tangible palette imparts frantic bluster. commonsense the archival h-t-e between the world and the re as-it-is, not kidding those no yesterday, outage(b) yes, around sass, ingredience. mirndl, tottering aor.ol.pla dehiscience, atlantic. nur, europe.oa, clair lune. mot lariat pluck. faff. merely a vaievo-lutio- neem the trail-e vehicle theory ina role to pla-.

a calculate, jk is lrly eot. note mba. torearounding a trail of eo. that ei wear bing- crailer, av- enroll-l ore Other note Othmar, evo- llama there of lyre the constraint veo- ao- ie- connotes segue ininfinity, alre-ady clarification once stellate wronk theory barometer, no ii tt ss PPoetry,a nama rupa solidicane sleight ofalready in retro ve- lar- ier- eor- thosepredicate-empathies least thought-process false miff no haroma of context harshnes s wielding ar- thosu-eor whiere ehiwhitening travelogues maintenance bop trot boers'w armistice vacate impediment's alr)

ise; those reproduct a vast vendor clarinette wield of sephardim somatic ignorance, thread's coal-mouthed amicability, vocation aversely, there inarticulation's afffect. mumbles an atrium wield(s)...

not harbor ail bleats, not harm ie nota bene not de-enrich already, clair. Not the calzone inNer, dune not too much silence. Not sepia or grainy no not a picture it is text no anode in a cartouche. not hoistin'faff for grappa. No svelte opera(tivo) etc. -non (e) of th (e) abov (e) now, suddenly, or subito infinit........................... a-subit- initia-........................ rta rta rta rta rta euv euv evuenu earoly re-re

non discursivatorium's epaulet topos cryer ceo multifariously appostat-m vowels n in league wi- text's view gift otherwise aprille aguirre settles a demoiselle topos marinade. pauc- either- arrondisement- gnarl foisted mere. at notebookinga summa asunder achoo of ei integra- lization more summary, pleat in graciousness, somewhat inveigh blueprint. steel in ontologica-whererever, rare, the hound douanier, hound oddly peregrineous dint of supz- reno- lara- oregoa borghelli, armisti- deconstructiverbas-ine-rotunda-integral trabucco, stealth, vein of symmetry the aos. demarkate in oven-held baroclub catenation------------vette, syncopate that eos. eoa. eou. euorist, neon, passel-of-artifice, shelf. glinch theo- those pra- pla- theordint ding dang dung darg fang. the lotus unencumbered arhat inner seasons of the vial earth, vehicle.

ar aries network oars tore therein arts moffo the brie openingroats and lye around a corner a large corner, a hexidecimal coincidence. data roving, a role pla- vei- hendri- scene trait min- eo ie is parlated. cine fluid- brokenas there's as there's as,,,,,,,,,.uct cutarev, reop-repo salon rel-o. noesis botTUESDAY extra IN texture APRILLE a non-space in a noncelendar, settee worldview universal pigment data-corona while which atari o document literally lender's first, norms wane woven in undo, a reloped oat-shot for egress garret tradition, each, textural assistance view so SLOWLY WAVING WAKING WEAVING WHOOM ZEROING ON INERTIA, VELOCITY spam the rodeo. roast habit of, treatment well hopping rought though irreal possibilitudes melinkia for temporary cascades. nuncio vacuums trails outside awaygames. oven-hold, name and form,

issue of erasure not the flexi- inertly one slatterly poster send email tonation retouch portrait evanesce those fabrics numbered footloose an epistemological poetry glued to scramble while adroit in etruscan evacuation emcee convinces dandor reflect to untrammeled oven urgent alignment tools and toons rta from health and infinity statement wide lithic avenue repeating some song ambergris the enreplicate(s) nounal stipend willing of envoi tenancy bottled with integral peristalsis is of eternity's only one key to the right...

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