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  • December 2019
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What's at Stake

I S S U E 30 • W W W.CAI RO MAGAZ I N E.CO M • 3-9 N OVE M B E R 20 0 5 • L E 7









3-9 November

With the opposition massing, if not lining up, to take a collective swipe at the regime’s parliamentary powerbase, the upcoming elections will be interesting. And with businessmen increasingly looking to move into the driver’s seat, it could be that the engines of privatization are just beginning to rev up. This is good news for business generally, and music to the ears of neo-cons in Washington and London, the ones who spout that specious nonsense about how democracy, freedom and general happiness inevitably follow from free trade and privatization. Businesspeople are necessary. Somebody has to create employment, pay taxes and provide services. It is easy enough to identify a community of interests among businesspeople. They need a certain degree of freedom in which to operate—burden them with silly taxes and an unworkable regulatory system and either they or their money will simply go elsewhere. This is fair enough. However, democracy, freedom, social services, human rights, environmental controls, safety regulations, building codes and an education system that teaches anything other than job skills are not necessary items on the list. In fact, they are more often seen as impediments—expensive luxuries that might, or might not, be affordable once low wages, high unemployment, low taxes and a general absence of regulation have allowed the factory owners to build up a big enough surplus. Other countries balance the contradictory demands of capitalists versus the rest of us in different ways. In the West, the twentieth century was a century of protracted, and sometimes violent, struggle to define the balance of power between big business (as often as not in the uniform of the state), unions and civil rights groups. As a starting point, the balance of power in Egypt is not promising. Thanks to a decrepit education system, the workforce has little bargaining power on the world market, and thanks to a repressive government, there is no meaningful trade union system. Giving business its breathing space is a practical necessity, but we have to ensure that there’s enough air left over for the rest of us.


Breathing room

At Cairo University, students and faculty are demonstrating for a campus free of government interference.




6 News in brief

14 On the waterfront

24-25 Not the whole picture

Catch up on recent headlines.

7 Keeping the peace

After deadly sectarian riots, everyone is pointing fingers.

8 The Birds

Egypt braces for bird flu.

8 Nukes and zibda

Iran’s nuclear program may be making the neighbors jealous.

9 Tapping out Editor: Matthew Carrington Managing Editors: Issandr El Amrani and Elijah Zarwan News Editor: Charles Levinson Culture Editor: Ursula Lindsey Contributing Editors: Steve Negus, Paul Schemm and Sameh Fawzy Copy Editors: Matt Hall and Luke Yarbrough Writers: Ahmad Aboul-Wafa and Eman Shaban Morsi Interns: Judith Boessenkool and Kristina Roic Design coordinator: Michael Keating Staff photographers: Ahmad Hosni and Tara Todras-Whitehill Cover Photo: Dana Smillie Published by AS & A Publishing Printed by Sahara Printing Company S.A.E. Designed by Fatiha Bouzidi For advertising contact: Cairo Media Services 39 Qasr Al Nil Street, Suite #24, Cairo, Egypt Telephone: 010 171 1408 [email protected]



Karam Gaber, Egypt’s Olympic golden boy, is emigrating.

elections 10 Spirit of ‘84

These parliamentary elections will be the ones that count.

11 High noon

A son looks to avenge his father’s defeat in Abbasiya.

13 Free shoes

The battle for Bab Al Shaariya gets dirty.

13 Dueling Islamists in Bulaq The “religious vote” is up for grabs in Giza.

Alexandrian dockworkers demand canceled bonus.

Liliane Karnouk’s useful new book ignores key artists.

15Businessmen Powerbrokers dominate this year’s parliamentary lists.

in-depth 18Professors The ivory dungeon are resisting security incursions on campus.

opinion 16 Bullpen 16 From the driver’s seat

What taxi drivers have to say about the Alexandria riots.

17 Press Review

24 27 Arabic Literature 2.0

Union and website for Internet writers highlight new genre.

Cartoons from the Arabic press.

out and about 22Though Anatomy of a firecracker illegal, these Ramadan traditions are hot items.

23 Malibu

New Doqqi eatery is no SoCal, but offers service with a smile.



Theater, music, workshops and exhibitions.


and finally...

Pagodas in Myanmar, this week in regional history and Golo’s turn to deal.



news briefs


the week in review Egypt

On 26 October, US authorities deported Mohammad Abouhalima, an Egyptian citizen jailed for eight years in the United States for his role in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing. Six people died in the bombing and more than 1,000 were injured. Abouhalima was convicted in May 1997 of trying to help his brother, Mahmoud, who had been involved in the bombing, escape to Saudi Arabia. President Hosni Mubarak appointed a new army chief of staff on 26 October. Lt. Gen. Sami Anan will replace Maj. Gen. Hamdi Wahiba, who has held the job for the past four years. Wahiba will now serve as the head of Egypt’s Arab Industrial Authority. President Hosni Mubarak said on 27 October that Israel’s demand for the disarmament of Palestinian militants before a resumption of peace talks could lead to civil war. He further urged Israel to take steps to strengthen Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas’ position. On 28 October, the electoral commission published the final list of 5,414 candidates who will compete for the 444 parliamentary seats in 222 constituencies in the coming elections. (see elections coverage p. 10) Attorney General Maher Abdel Wahid said on 29 October that he was dropping the bribery case against Ayman Nour for lack of evidence. But the Ghad leader still faces separate charges of forging documents in the process of registering his party. On 30 October, religious authorities at Al Azhar banned a book on Wahabism. Azhari scholars found that Wahabi Islam—From Revival and Reforms to Global Jihad was blasphemous and promoted hatred of Islam. The book is an analysis of Mohammed bin Abdul Wahab’s work. A medical source said on 30 October that two dead chickens from


Al Ahly football club extended its 50-game unbeaten streak Saturday in a 0-0 draw against ESS Tunisia in the first round of the African Champions League final. The tournament’s deciding match will be played in Cairo on 12 November.

Region Iraq’s electoral commission on 25 October announced that Iraqis had approved the country’s constitution ten days earlier. The 78.59 percent vote in favor of the draft obscured heavy opposition in predominantly Sunni provinces.

A World Trade Organization (WTO) working group brought Saudi Arabia a step closer to joining the WTO on 28 October by approving the terms that would allow the country to join. The WTO’s General Council is expected to approve Saudi Arabia’s entry into the organization on 11 November. Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said Iran “was not planning an attack against Israel” on 29 October. The remarks followed a diplomatic row and censure from the UN Security Council caused by the Iranian president’s earlier call for Israel to be “wiped off the map.” At least 30 people were killed in a car bomb in Howaider, a predominantly Shia city 35 miles north of Baghdad on 30 October.


NUMBERS 1,000,000 Amount in Egyptian pounds that independent candidate for parliament Mohammed Kamel told Agence France-Presse it costs to secure a nomination for the NDP list.


that the group is to blame for the politicization of religion in the country. “What would be the reaction to a political slogan like ‘Christianity is the solution?,’” asked Nahdet Misr columnist Ramzi Zaklama in a recent editorial.

After deadly sectarian riots, Copts and Muslims are pointing fingers

The ultra-secular left is also blaming the politicization of religion. Abdel Halim Qandil, ISSANDR EL AMRANI

King Tutankhamun was a red wine drinker, scientists announced on 26 October. Previously, the color of the pharaoh’s wine was unknown because it dried out over time, but a team of Spanish scientists pinpointed an acid left by compounds in red wine.

Kurdistan, suspected of carrying deadly avian flu, had been tested for the disease in a US Army laboratory in Cairo. Both birds were found to be infected with an avian virus, but not the H5N1 strain. (see story p. 8)


10 Seats in the parliament filled by presidential decree.

the editor-in-chief of Nasserist weekly Al Arabi and a leader of the Kifaya movement, gestured to the increasingly political role of Pope Shenouda III: “Pope Shenouda III is not innocent, because he has transformed the church from a spiritual institution to a political one. The pope has given the impression that Copts are protected by the person of Hosni Mubarak rather than by their citizen-

2 Dead chickens from Kurdistan tested for bird flu in Cairo.

ship. Hence the confusion between religion and politics.” Mohammed Badrashin, an independent MP for a nearby district in Alexandria, suggested

2,000 American soldiers killed in Iraq since fighting began in 2003.

that paranoia about Copts’ political role escalated the crisis. “The US backing of minorities in the Middle East has given the Copts a different way of dealing with the majority—it’s

80,000,000 The US dollar value of dates, nuts and other traditional iftar staples imported into Egypt this Ramadan.

given them confidence and power,” Badrashin said, adding that it was “a minority” of Copts who thought this way. The government’s worst fear, a crisis on the international level, could be looming. The UN Committee on Human Rights’ Special

Several explosions shook the Kurdish city of Suleimaniya in northeast Iraq on 25 October. In total, 9 people were killed and 6 injured. The city had previously been relatively peaceful. Two thousand US soldiers have been killed in Iraq, Pentagon officials acknowledged on 25 October. Iraqi Shia leader Moqtada Al Sadr’s faction said on 25 October that it backs the Arab League’s proposed conference on national reconciliation in Iraq, but not at the proposed location, Cairo. “We believe it should be held inside Iraq,” Sheikh Al Arji of Al Sadr’s Shia faction said. Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon vowed “wide-ranging and ceaseless” operations against Palestinian militants on 27 October following a suicide bombing the day before in Hadera—the first in two months. President Hosni Mubarak and Syrian President Bashar Al Assad held surprise talks in Damascus on 28 October to discuss a UN report on the killing of the former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri. On 28 October, members of the Sliba tribe in Kuwait occupied the offices of Al Rai TV. They were angry at televised remarks comedian Daoud Hessein calling Saddam Hussein a “dog of the Sliba tribe.”


Al Ahram reported on 28 October that the cost of this Ramadan’s Omra pilgrimage trips totaled $2 billion. Imports of yamish foodstuffs totaled US$80 million, Al Ahram reported. Orascom Construction Industry said on 26 October it would acquire a 30-percent stake in a $540 million investment to build Egypt’s first ammonia plant. Other companies include PSK Holdings, Amiral Group and the Egyptian General Petroleum Company. During his upcoming visit to Russia, scheduled for 12 November, Minister of Foreign Trade and Industry Rashid Mohammed Rashid will discuss a possible free trade agreement between Russia and Egypt. Emaar Misr, a subsidiary of Dubai’s real-estate development firm Emaar Properties, signed an agreement with the Egyptian government on 25 October for a $172 million project in the Smart Village outside Cairo. Emaar Properties will build an exhibition center, a hotel and apartments. State-owned insurance giant Misr Insurance Company will sell 80 percent of its real estate subsidiary, Misr Company for Real Estate and Tourism Investment, to a strategic investor. The company will accept acquisition bids until 1 December, 2005.

Rapporteur on Freedom of Religion, Asma Jahangir, has requested permission from

THE WEEK IN QUOTES “The Brotherhood has abandoned districts to all the parties, to the Copts and to the Communists, but has refused to leave Bulaq to me.” —Montasser Al Zayat, lawyer for Al Gamaa Al Islamiya and a candidate for parliament in Boulaq al Dakrur, expressing his anger with the Muslim Brotherhood for challenging him in the district. “Big businessmen are participating in this election to a degree unprecedented in any previous election in Egypt.” —Abdel Ghafar Shokr, a member of the Tegammu Party’s policies committee, on the growing influence of businessmen in Egyptian politics. “I was later suspended from working at the Port for three months just because I brought in some yoghurt for the protesting workers so they could break their fast. Now that I have been denied access to my work and wages for three months, how am I supposed to feed my family and three children?” —Adel Al Hassri, a non-union employee at the Port of Alexandria who was suspended for helping fellow port employees protest the cancellation of their Eid bonuses.

the government to visit Egypt to investigate. Jahangir, a Pakistani lawyer who recently com-



once (over two years ago), was distributed in

p State security

pleted a report dealing with issues of conver-

the neighborhood to sabotage the candidacy

massed outside

sion and the religious rights of detainees, is

of National Democratic Party Candidate Maher

Alexandria's Mar

highly regarded on the international stage.

Khilla (one of only two Copts running for the

Girgis church—and

party). Khilla announced that he would step

the two mosques

umnist for the independent daily Al Masri

A few days earlier, Suleiman Gouda, a col-

s Friday prayers come to an end in

down last week in protest at the violence, but

that flank it—on 28

Al Youm, suggested that the government’s

the middle-class Moharram Bey district of

was later told by the ruling party leadership


incompetence in handling the crisis would

Alexandria, hundreds of Central Security riot

not to run anyway. In a common variant of the

encourage foreign intervention. “Aside from

police cordon off streets in a four block radius

story, one of his rivals in the race (which will

the president’s declaration, there has been

around the two mosques that lie on either side

be held on 20 November) distributed the CD to

no reaction from the ministries that are con-

of the church. They allow people to return to

incite Muslims against Copts.

cerned, or from the prime minister,” Gouda

their homes in small groups, blocking every

Abdel Fattah says that security forces may

wrote, adding that this was tantamount to “an

part of the normally busy thoroughfare in

have participated in the affair, with the goal

indirect invitation to Mr. Mehlis to come to

neatly aligned rows. They carry gas masks and

of blaming the Brotherhood. The Brotherhood

Alexandria”—a reference to the UN envoy who

cartridge guns in addition to the standard-

has seized the opportunity presented by

is investigating Syria’s involvement in the as-

issue batons and shields. Others wield pump-

the sectarian riots to run a candidate in the

sassination of former Lebanese Prime Minister

action shotguns. At major intersections and


Rafik Hariri.

in front of the church, light armored vehicles

“The Christians go to the state for protec-

Coptic groups abroad had warned that

with gun turrets serve as a nerve center for

tion, and then they both spit in our face,”

another riot was scheduled for after Friday

plainclothes commanders. There has been no

says Abdel Fattah, who says he saw the play

prayers on 28 October as well as 1 November,

repeat of the 21 October riot that left three

and found it insulting. But he says he wants

the last day of Ramadan. In a press release

dead and more than 150 injured.

to help repair sectarian relations and that


It was never clear what sparked the previous

the governor of Alexandria, Abdel Salem Al

Dawoud, the president of the New Jersey-

week’s riot, but the state seems intent on

Mahgoub, had asked him to sit on a “Council


preventing such events from recurring. In

of the Wise” composed of members of differ-

American Coptic Association, said Muslims

Alexandria, political leaders and ordinary

ent religions and political tendencies.

were planning “the death of Christians and the

citizens give widely differing accounts of how









newspapers, Christian





continued destruction of churches throughout

protests over a play led to violence and death.

Brotherhood is part of the problem. Among

Egypt.” Dawoud accuses security services of

For Ali Abdel Fattah, a spokesman of the

the many rumors surrounding the riot’s cause

“giving the green light to the mob” to attack

Muslim Brotherhood and one of the organiza-

is the story that a flyer was distributed in

the church, while the release says it fears

tion’s leaders in the Mediterranean port city,

the neighborhood condemning the play on

“impending ethnic cleansing of Christians

the violence was the result of political maneu-

behalf of the Brotherhood. The flyer report-

in Egypt.” The organization will be holding a

vers ahead of the parliamentary elections.

edly included the group’s slogan, “Islam is the

protest outside the United Nations in New York

According to Abdel Fattah, the CD containing

solution.” Some commentators on the affair,

City next week. A French Coptic organization

a filmed version of the play I Was Blind but

even if they don’t think the Brotherhood is

was also due to hold a protest in front of the

Now I Can See, which was performed only

directly responsible for the incident, believe

Egyptian embassy in Paris on 31 October. h






chicken farmers in Egypt. Ahmed Sayed, the owner of both a Zamalek fowl store, Tuyur Gomhorriya, and a chicken farm, estimates that business has dropped 35 percent. Should bird flu appear, Sayed says he’ll have no choice but

Egypt braces for bird flu

to close shop. Health officials say the likelihood of wild birds TARA TODRAS-WHITEHILL

contaminating Egypt’s domestic birds is highly t If avian flu

unlikely. “The country’s privately and publicly

strikes a poultry

owned chicken, turkey and quail farms are all

farm, the Ministry

indoors,” said Abdelkhaliq Abbas, spokesman

of Health plans

for the Animal Health Research Centre.

to quarantine and

At least one sector is reaping the benefits of

decontaminate a

the bird flu panic: the pharmaceutical industry

three-mile radius.

may see an upswing in demand for vaccines and antiretroviral drugs. The Ministry of Health’s Al Sayed said the government is stockpiling antibi-


30,000 fowl died while impounded. The government has called off the hunting of



fter experiencing the elation of their first

gold medal since 1948—awarded to wrestler Karam Gaber—Egyptians were shocked by the

had ordered a consignment of Tamiflu, the

announcement that Gaber is retiring from the

WHO-recommended vaccine for bird flu, from

sport and will go into business with his brothers

the Swiss pharmaceutical company Roche. The

after moving to the US. Gaber has come under heavy criticism as

There is a worldwide shortage of Tamiflu,

a result of the announcement, particularly

however. And the readily available equivalent,

after speculation that he is trying to obtain US

Amadine, “does not have any effect on the bird

citizenship to compete with the US team in the

flu virus,” according to pharmacist Ahmed

upcoming world championships and the 2008

Montassir. While neither drug would cure in-

Peking Olympics. Since the 2004 Games in

fluenza, they would reduce symptoms of the

Athens, Gaber has traveled to the US and Japan

disease if detected early. Amadine treats influ-

to participate in two unofficial championships

p Karam Gaber

hasn’t resulted in any real reward,” he said. “I

which went to lightweight Ibrahim Shamis and

enza A, of which H5N1 is a strain. Amadine is

for money, without the knowledge of the wres-

(r), says he wasn't

have not received the honor due an Olympic

featherweight Hamoud Fayyad. At that time, it

available for LE5 in many pharmacies, whereas

tling governing body in Egypt.

rewarded for

gold medal winner. With the passage of time,

was the royal anthem.

helping the NDP

everyone forgot the gold medal, so I decided to travel to America to join the family business.”

flu shots such as Vacciflu can be bought for

In an interview with Al Bayt Baytak, the

LE35. Vaccine shots (especially for the elderly)

popular talk show on state television, Gaber

take down its

are recommended. h

objected to the attacks. “My love for my country


Gaber has been bringing in medals for Egypt

Gaber won the 96 kilogram gold in 2004 by carrying a powerful performance through his Olympic matches. Gaber was born on 1 September 1979 in a

set up along Egypt’s borders to collect statistics

since 1997. Throughout that period, Gaber said,

working-class home on Nasser Street in the heart

he has planned his own nutritional regimen and

of Hai Manshiya, one of the oldest and most tra-

spent a great deal of his own money on the sport.

ditional residential areas of Alexandria. He com-

When he appeared on Egyptian television screens

pleted his studies at the Technical Commercial

after news spread that he was thinking of leaving

Institute. He is the sixth of seven brothers and

Egypt and emigrating to the US, he did not deny

sisters. h

about migratory birds, according to the Ministry

from Eastern Europe seeking more temperate

avoid contact with birds along the North Coast

climes, the threat of avian flu looms large in

and Fayyoum, among other areas where hunting

Egypt. Recent outbreaks of the deadly H5N1

is prevalent.

strain of bird flu have been confirmed in Turkey

Ministry of Health officials say there is a

and Romania, and the much-feared virus is

national plan to guard against the spread of

expected to hit Eastern and Sub-Saharan Africa

avian flu. Health Minister Mohammed Awad

within weeks, according to the United Nations

Tageddin told Akhbar Al Youm on 28 October

Food and Agriculture Association (FAO).

that in the event bird flu hits Egypt, infected birds on poultry farms will be killed.

contact with animals is especially frequent, there

Dr. Nasr Al Sayed, the Ministry of Health

exists “an ideal breeding ground for the virus,”

official responsible for preventative measures

according to FAO Chief Veterinary Officer Dr.

against bird flu, told Cairo that areas within

Joseph Domenech. Bird flu has killed 62 of the

three kilometers of an infection will be quar-

120 people it has infected. Currently, the disease

antined and decontaminated. Those infected

can spread only slowly among humans because it

will be quarantined immediately, and a vaccine

can only be contracted directly from birds. There

will be prepared using the strain found in those

is a widespread fear, however, that should bird

carrying the virus. In the event of the feared

flu become endemic in Africa, the virus could

pandemic where human-to-human transmission

mutate into a form easily transmittable between

takes place, antiviral drugs will be administered

humans. The result could be catastrophic, and

by the government, though officials say that

experts are already drawing comparisons to the

such a scenario is unlikely.

Spanish influenza which killed 25 to 50 million

But public awareness even at the highest levels of administration seems insufficient. Dr.

The Egyptian government is taking note. In

Ayman Abdel Rahman at Al Salam International

response to UN bird flu warnings, Egypt banned

Hospital’s emergency ward in Maadi said that no

all live poultry imports on 18 October despite in-

direct information had been given to hospitals

ternational import agreements. Egyptian authori-

from government authorities regarding avian

ties quarantined 12,000 turkeys imported from

flu. Abdel Rahman said that he and his col-

Germany in mid-October. These were released

leagues have had to educate themselves about

after testing negative for bird flu. A cargo of

the disease through World Health Organisation

ducklings seized by Egyptian civil aviation au-

(WHO) press releases.

thorities, however, weren’t so lucky. Half of the



in Arab, African and international championships

of Agriculture. Warnings have been issued to

people from 1918-1919.

Egypt’s Olympic golden boy is emigrating

wild birds, and 27 observation posts have been

ith the seasonal migration of birds

In developing countries like Egypt, where


otics and antiretroviral drugs. The government

shipment is expected to arrive by 1 November.




The global buzz around bird flu is hurting

Nukes and zibda FREDERIK RICHTER

If Iran succeeds in developing a nuclear weapon, Egypt may decide to follow suit. That’s the conclusion of a recent report by the Londonbased International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS). In addition to Egypt, the report says, Saudi Arabia and Turkey are also closely monitoring Iran’s alleged nuclear weapons program and could respond to such a program with similar efforts. IISS director John Chipman said on 25 October during the presentation of the IISS’ annual military balance report that if Iran developed a nuclear weapon, “at a very minimum, Egypt, Turkey and Saudi Arabia would have to reconsider their positions.” On 8 October, British daily The Guardian cited a report prepared by the British Secret Service MI5 and titled “Companies and Organizations of Proliferation Concern.” The report listed more then 360 organizations, companies, university departments and governmental organizations from eight countries in the Middle East and Asia that have allegedly obtained goods or technology for covert arms programs. The majority of the organizations cited are Iran and Pakistan, but the MI5 report also lists a private Egyptian chemical company “as having procured technology for use in a nuclear weapons programme.” The MI5 report, prepared two years ago, was meant to be a warning to British companies against dealing with the listed companies. The report became public the day after Mohamed ElBaradei and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) were awarded this year’s Nobel Peace prize on 7 October. In fall 2004, the French newspaper Liberation published speculations that ElBaradei had covered up an Egyptian nuclear program. This program was said to have links to the Libyan nuclear program that Egypt’s neighbor officially acknowledged and abandoned in 2004.

The accusations against ElBaradei were never substantiated, and were widely attributed to American diplomats who opposed a third term for ElBaradei as head of the IAEA. Most independent international analysts suggest that Egypt does not actively maintain a large-scale nuclear weapons program. Last February, however, ElBaradei’s IAEA criticized Egypt for failing to report experiments that lasted until 2003 at two research reactors at Inshas in the Delta. Following inspection tours of Egyptian laboratories, however, the IAEA dismissed speculation about an Egyptian weapons program. Egypt gave up its nuclear ambitions after its defeat by Israel in 1967. As a consequence, Egypt lost many of its nuclear experts due to a dearth of work opportunities at home. Some of the unemployed nuclear scientists joined the Iraqi nuclear weapons program. Egyptian expertise also contributed to Iraq’s chemical weapons program, according to a CIA report on Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction (WMD) program. “During the early years, Egyptian scientists provided consultation, technology and oversight allowing rapid advances and technological leaps in weaponization,” the report claims. The report also refers to Egyptian assistance in the Iran-Iraq war, during which chemical weapons were used. According to the report, Egypt enabled warheads to store chemical agents on a rocket launch system in 1983 and exported Grad rockets, designed to hold a chemical agent. Iraq also invited Egyptian chemical weapons experts to assist in producing the nerve gas Sarin. That Egypt was able to boost Iraq’s chemical weapon program suggests that its own program was quite advanced at that time. Egypt employed chemical weapons during its intervention in the Yemeni civil war in the 1960s. The Egyptian foreign ministry has denied all links to the Iraqi chemical weapons program. It remains to be seen whether Tehran’s nuclear ambitions could set in motion a renewed arms race in the Middle East.

that he would compete for another country. He blamed his discontent on the Egyptian Wrestling Union. “The group has not paid sufficient attention to me and has spent too little money to allow me to maintain myself as an Olympic athlete,” he said. He also charged that the Union had refused to set up a training camp for him outside Egypt, which would allow him to focus on his training. “My principal reason for emigrating and retirement is the wrestling union’s mismanagement of me as an Olympic champion,” Gaber said. “Turmoil in the administration has forced me to shoulder the burden of maintaining this level of training.” Gaber participated in the publicity campaign for President Hosni Mubarak during the presidential elections. After the elections, he said, he did not receive the compensation he had expected. He is currently preparing to marry the Russian woman to whom he has been engaged to for a month. After the wedding, she will travel with him to the US. Gaber recently declined a tempting offer to play the leading role in an Egyptian film. When the Egyptian national anthem played at Gaber’s 2004 medal ceremony it was the first since Egypt’s two weightlifting golds in 1948,

Doping rumors Karam Gaber’s withdrawal from last month’s Wrestling World Championships in Hungary may have been related to steroid use. The doping accusations are at the center of an imbroglio that has pitted the Egyptian Olympic Committee against the Egyptian Wrestling Union. The independent daily Al Masri Al Youm reported on 29 October that the committee had issued a sharp warning to the Wrestling Union after the latter disregarded the committee’s request to hand over the results of an investigation into allegations that Gaber had used performanceenhancing drugs. Olympic Committee Secretary General Khalid Zein said that “decisive steps” would be taken against the union if it refused to divulge the results of its investigation. These could include referring the matter to the International Olympic Committee (IOC). The IOC has the authority to strip the union of its drug-testing oversight privileges. Zein also had harsh words of criticism for Gaber, who, according to the report, “lost the enthusiasm of his sympathizers after he became obsessed with amassing money.”



elections news

elections news





hen the country’s first presidential

election took place on 7 September, the outcome

is both too organized and too intertwined

running one of its members against him in the

remarks. If the NDP’s reformists are earnest,

limited, it can still have an impact from under

with state authority to cede its dominant place

Giza district of Bulaq Al Dakrour. This was

they have yet to prove that they are able to

the rotunda.

on the political landscape. But it has formed

all the more surprising as the Brotherhood is

control the party.

an opposition front that, warts and all, is the

widely reported to have made deals with not

This in turn leads to the most important

for policies hatched by the executive branch

most impressive coalition built in years and has

only opposition parties but also the NDP not to

player in the election: the regime itself. Under

(or, lately, the NDP’s Policies Secretariat), but it

overcome ideological and personal differences

run in certain districts.

assault for the slow pace of reforms from the

can also be a pulpit from which politicians of

domestic opposition at home and its most im-

all stripes can stand up and be counted. Ayman

People’s Assembly is essential to the opposition

paradoxically, is for the NDP. While there

portant ally, the United States, abroad, there

Nour used his position as an MP to increase his

for one simple reason: come the next presiden-

is little doubt that it will achieve at least a

is considerable pressure to show a real politi-

public profile before placing a distant second

tial election (at the latest 2011), only parties with

two-thirds majority (compared to the current

cal opening while retaining as much power as

in the presidential election. Nour would never


at least 25 MPs will be able to field a candidate.

89-percent majority it holds now), this is

possible. If the election is marred, as previous

have gotten where he is today without the

Director of the Wafd

Under current legislation, it will be practically

more than enough to control parliament and

elections have been, by voter intimidation,

many scandals he raised under the rotunda


impossible for an independent to run.

steer major political decisions. Two-thirds of

Egypt could forfeit its claim to be one of the

and the occasional grandstanding—which is

Abdel Nour is fighting

n the streets of

the poor Weili district Abassiya, Mounir

Deputy Fakhri

Chances are that most parties will not make

parliament is all that is needed to renew the

most progressive Arab states at a time when

why the NDP is putting up a fierce fight in his

an intense battle to hold

this quota. This will mean that only one or two

Emergency Law (should President Mubarak’s

the United States is ideologically committed

Bab Al Shaariya district, where he is extremely

his seat against medical

opposition parties will be able to field a presi-

pledge to replace it with an anti-terror law not

to the spread of democracy in the region. Even


doctor and NDP candi-

dential candidate, or more likely that they will

be fulfilled), grant full powers to the executive,

though there are question marks over the true

The coming election is in many ways remi-

date Ahmed Sherin. It’s

band together. Although Cairo has highlighted

secure the expulsion of an MP from parliament

extent of this commitment, a patently unfair

niscent of the one that took place in 1984, at

an old family rivalry.

the many internal divisions in the current

or pass a constitutional amendment. So the

election would likely perpetuate the instabil-

the dawn of the Mubarak era. Then, despite a

In 1995, and again in

alliance, it remains that opposition parties have

question for the NDP is not so much whether

ity of the past year—with its constant street

proportional-representation system that en-

2000, Abdel Nour ran

at least partly put aside their usual bickering

it will win, but rather which of its candidates

protests and clashes with security forces—and

gineered small parties out of the running, a

against Sherin’s father.

and gone to some trouble to coordinate their

will win and what that will mean for its much-

make a mockery of parliament.

Wafd-Muslim Brotherhood alliance managed to

Abdel Nour lost in 1995, but won in 2000.

campaigns. Even more important, though,

vaunted reform process.

Egypt’s main opposition forces, for the first

secure 58 seats, the highest number the oppo-

With sensitivities about Coptic-Muslim relations running high fol-

would be to start reform at home. The emer-

One aspect of the NDP’s attempt to reform

time in quite a while, seem to have decided

sition has ever gotten. It now seems plausible

lowing the recent riots in Alexandria, the country is watching the Weili

gence of the Kifaya movement, the heightened

has already been a failure. In the 2000 elec-

that parliament deserves to be more than

that the opposition could better that score. On

campaign closely. In both campaigns, local Coptic leaders allege, the

profile of party offshoots like the neo-Nasserist

tions, official NDP candidates won only about

a rubber stamp. Even the anarchic Kifaya

13 December, when parliament reopens for

elder Sherin unleashed a volley of sectarian propaganda against Abdel

Karama and the neo-Islamist Al Wasat parties,

38 percent of seats, while 51 percent of winning

movement is dedicated to entering the politi-

business, it could have its most diverse com-

Nour. The combination of family rivalry and the specter of sectarian

and Ayman Nour’s rise in popularity through

candidates were NDP members who ran as in-

cal mainstream rather than staying outside it.

position yet—and that is why naysayers are

division make this race a sensitive contest.

sheer charisma have shown what new blood can

dependents and later returned to the fold to

This is because the opposition should know

wrong to be as apathetic about this election as

do to opposition politics.

form the current 89-percent majority. Despite

that even if parliament’s field of action is

they were about the presidential one. h

For the Muslim Brotherhood, which is part of

constant threats from the party leadership, a very similar scenario is likely to unfold this

candidates with other parties, the next election

time around. This will not threaten the hold

could be the biggest boost to its political profile

of the party on parliament, but it will weaken

in two decades. For the first time since 1995,

the ideological grip that the NDP’s new leader-

there are no Muslim Brotherhood members

ship, headed by Gamal Mubarak, has tried to

in jail only a week before polling starts. The

impose over the past few years. For now, the

Brotherhood is fielding three times as many

NDP remains mostly a party of opportunists,

candidates as it did in 2000 and is campaigning

more interested in the access to the state appa-

openly under its own name. Its leader, Mahdi

ratus that membership offers than in the fancy

Akef, says he expects as many as 70 seats in

program dreamt up by the Policies Secretariat.

p Young Turk

the next parliament. That claim may be too

As prominent Al Ahram commentator Salama

Hossam Badrawi

ambitious, but unless massive arrests or fraud

Ahmed Salama noted in a recent column, should

faces Hisham

mar the elections, a group that has had many

the NDP accept the return of its members who

Mustafa Khalil in

obstacles in previous races will find itself vir-

ran as independents against the will of the

the race for Qasr

tually unhindered—apart from the fact that it

party leadership, it “will risk the credibility of

Al Nil's seat in

remains illegal.

the party.” A related question is whether the “old vs.

was both simple and unsurprising. There could

election, however, is that for the first time since

new guard” disputes that have marked the last

be only one winner and it was already quite clear

the 1970s new Islamist movements are actually

four years in the NDP will continue. Some NDP

that it would be Hosni Mubarak. Even though

being allowed, if not encouraged, to run. The

insiders are lamenting the fact that key old

history was being made in that there had never

Muslim Brotherhood’s current domination of po-

guard figures are still at the helm of electoral

been a multi-candidate election—or opposition

litical Islam was not always so. From the 1930s

politics. Kamal Al Shazli, the party’s parlia-

campaigns in which other candidates took on

through the 1970s, other groups competed

mentary powerbroker, is practically guaran-

the incumbent—the excitement was more in

with it for the “religious vote.” This year, can-

teed re-election in his hometown of Bagour. It

the process than in the outcome.

didates affiliated with Al Gamaa Al Islamiya, a

will mark his forty-second year in parliament.

The opposite is true for the three-round

popular Islamist movement that took up terror-

It’s not surprising to find Hossam Badrawi,

parliamentary election that will take place in

ism in the 1980s, are running as independents,

an MP for the central Cairo district of Qasr

November and December. While the campaigns

in addition to moderate Islamists from the Al

Al Nil—who is facing a strong challenge from

currently underway have offered just a few sur-

Wasat movement. The most prominent of these

Hisham Mustafa Khalil, a fellow NDP member

prises so far, this election could make a differ-

candidates, former Gamaa Islamiya member

who is running as an independent—quoted in

ence for the future of political reform in Egypt.

(and Ayman Zawahiri cellmate) Montasser

the 26 October edition of Al Masri Al Youm as

The opposition is taking things seriously.

Al Zayat, a lawyer who specializes in Islamist

saying that the party’s leadership was “sacri-

There is little chance that it will defeat the

cases, has already blasted the Brotherhood for

ficing reform and reformists on the pretext of

ruling National Democratic Party (NDP), which

trying to “monopolize the Islamist scene” and

regime survival.” Badrawi later disavowed the



But the biggest challenge of the election,

One of the most interesting aspects of the



among most parties. Making inroads in the

the opposition front but is not coordinating its


Parliament may sometimes be a rubber stamp

Son aims to avenge father’s Abbasiya defeat TARA TODRAS-WHITEHILL

This year’s parliamentary elections will be the poll that really counts

Abdel Nour was one of only three Copts elected to parliament in 2000. This time around, the NDP will run only one Coptic candidate, but the opposition National Front is running 13. Kamal Al Shazli, a senior

The election at a glance

member of the NDP’s Policy Committee who boasts of being the longest-

Parliament after the 1995 elections:

serving MP in the world, has said during past campaigns that to put a Copt on the NDP list is to risk losing a seat. Ghad Party candidate Sameh Mahrous, also a Copt, is running a distant third. Some here speculate Al Ghad chose a Copt to run against Abdel

Five thousand, four hundred and fourteen candidates will compete for 444 seats in the People’s Assembly in either the fiaat (professional) or umal (worker) category. This distinction is a holdover from the Nasserist era, when it was put in place to ensure more representation for the lower classes. Today, the lines are blurred and many umal candidates are wealthy businessmen. A call to abolish the current system was met with uproar earlier this year. In addition to the 444 seats that will be up for grabs, an additional 10 seats will be filled by presidential decree. Traditionally, these seats have gone to Copts and women—two groups that this election are again disappointed by their representation on official party lists. More than 1,600 candidates will stand in the first round of voting. Of these, 523 will be running in the greater Cairo area. Four hundred thirty-two of the candidates running for seats from Cairo are running as independents, but many of them are members of the NDP who were not selected as the party’s official candidates. Of the 1,600 competing in the first round, only 82 are registered with a legal opposition party.

Nour in an attempt to siphon votes away from the rival Wafd Party and to build on their success in Abassiya in the September presidential elections. Voters in the district returned roughly 1,000 votes for Ayman Nour in September, compared with just 168 for the Wafd’s Noman Goma. Sherin, the NDP challenger, says he is committed to the NDP program of reform laid out during the presidential election. He was elected to

n NDP: 317 n Independents who joined NDP: 114 n Independents: 13

the local neighborhood council in 2003 and has a base of support in the district. He is working to undermine Abdel Nour’s credibility, portraying the Wafd Party businessman as an absentee parliamentarian who has neglected his district’s interests since elected to parliament for the first time in 2000.

Parliament after the 2000 elections:

The program appears to be working. “[Abdel Nour] always said ‘my door is open,’ but he was never there,” Abdel Tawab, an elderly Weili resident, told Cairo. Abdel Nour’s own political missteps haven’t helped his image. During a recent radio program he asked the residents of his district to “stop the noise.” According to his own account of the interview, Abdel Nour says he told the interviewer that “having worked for Weili and the parliament for the past five years, he would like to have five minutes rest with a ‘no noise’ sign on his office.” Abdel Nour admits that he has not always been visible in his electoral

n n n n n

NDP: 174 Independents who joined NDP: 216 Independents: 20 Muslim Brotherhood: 17 Legal opposition: 17

district. “If ‘presence in the district’ means that I sit with people in coffee shops playing backgammon, I apologize—that’s not my duty,” Abdel Nour told Cairo. “I think the role of a public official is solving the overall problems of the country, not giving private services to supporters.” Abdel Nour says that during his time in parliament he supported laws to encourage foreign investment by relaxing state control over economic

Source: Egypt Almanac

policy. This program of economic liberalization, he said, would create jobs, which he sees as the greatest challenge facing Egypt today. h



stand d w o r c the

news election

m o r f t ou

news elections


young man who is going to do a lot for Bab Al Shaariya. Ayman Nour serves only those who follow him,” says Osama Al Toukhi a fatatri (Egyptian pastry maker). “Wahdan is from Bab

Battle for Bab Al Shaariya gets dirty as Ayman Nour takes on an ex-state security officer

2000. He lost that race and returned to work as a public prosecutor until this year, when he resigned again to seek revenge for his 2000


defeat. Along Port Said Street, a banner for Wahdan

n old woman hurries into Ayman

reads: “Yehia Wahdan—Native Son.” Opposite,

Nour’s well-known headquarters in Midan Bab

a Nour banner lies discarded on the pavement,

Al Shaariya howling: “Hey everyone, they’re


pulling down Nour’s big banner next to the

orange banner. Pointing at Nour’s banner,

kebab place.” Hagga Hamida was on her way

Wahdan campaign manager Emad Shami says,

back from the hospital when she witnessed a

unprompted, “That was a result of natural

young man taking down the banner. “I would


Nour supporter says defiantly.


Dueling Islamists in Bulaq MAGDY SAMAAN

TEL: 010 12


171 1408

[email protected]

It’s predictable that the principal competition in the parliamentary elections will be between the National Democratic Party and the opposition. The district of Bulaq, however, is witnessing a different phenomenon entirely. In this sprawling district of illegal slums, the primary competition is between powerful opposition candidates. Bulaq Al Dakrour is a big district that includes parts of Al Haram, Al Omrani and the rural Kafr Al Tuhurmos. More than 50 candidates are competing for the votes of the district’s 130,000 low-income residents. In most electoral districts, the opposition alliance has agreed to run a single candidate. Not so in Bulaq. Opposition wrangling has left the district open to outsider Montassir Al Zayat, a lawyer for Al Gamaa Al Islamiya and a member of the Lawyers’ Syndicate leadership council. Al Zayat has lived in Bulaq for more than 20 years and, to the dismay of many, has received the endorsement of the liberal Wafd Party. The Wafd’s support will help Al Zayat gain the support of Coptic voters, and Al Zayat’s




“Ayman Nour is a successful media man,

In Nour’s parliamentary election campaign

Shami says, but admits that, as the incumbent,

center, banners torn down in the streets are

Nour has a better chance in the elections.

brought in regularly. “When we have objected,

Shami pauses mid-sentence and calls out to a

police officers have sided against us,” Mahmoud

woman, a Wahdan supporter, passing by. He

Al Nahas, the district director for Nour’s

gives her a brand new pair of shoes from a

campaign, says. Nour’s campaign workers are

stockpile, a token of appreciation, he says, for

full of stories about threats against them and

her support.


p Campaign banners have been casus belli in Bab Al Shaariya.


but he markets only himself, nothing else,”

an atmosphere of fear shadowing Nour sup-

Michael Emad

Wahdan, the son of a former MP from the same district, was a state security officer until he resigned to run against Ayman Nour in


have beaten him if I’d had the chance,” the

for advertising contact

Al Shaariya, while Nour is not.”

New shoes or otherwise, petty political paybacks are quite commonplace in this

“Every day I hear NDP supporters threaten-

district. “Nour spoiled many young men in

ing me, saying I can be detained or fired from

Bab Al Shaariya by giving them a monthly

my job. I know they can do nothing to me,”

salary just in exchange for supporting him,”

says Tamer Abdel Wadoud, a physician and

Shami adds. He also showed Cairo a pile

Nour supporter. Others display injureis which

of job applications that the NDP candidate

they say are from encounters with thugs from

had collected from supporters. The applica-

their opponent’s campaign.

tions had been passed on to the Minister of

Outside Nour’s campaign center and

Finance, Youssef Boutros Ghali, and at the

throughout Midan Bab Al Shaariya, the majority

bottom of each was a written confirmation

of banners bear the name of the district’s NDP

that the applicants had been hired in a tax

candidate, Yehia Wahdan. “Wahdan is a nice

agency. h

campaign is pitching him as a protector of national unity. At an Al Zayat press conference, a representative of the Wafd announced that “the Wafd supports national unity, and Montassir Al Zayat does not distinguish between Copts and Muslims.” Recent events, however, have belied these statements. Al Zayat has adopted the slogan “Yes, we want it Islamic.” He is stressing his commitment to Islamic sharia law, and his opposition to changing the second article of the constitution, which says that sharia is the principle source of legislation. He says Egypt needs a candidate committed to the idea of change and reform, and not a candidate co-opted by the government. Copts aside, Al Zayat will have to struggle for the Islamic vote as well. The Muslim Brotherhood’s decision to run a candidate against Al Zayat has rankled the Islamist lawyer, who reportedly worked tirelessly to convince the Brotherhood to leave the district to him. Despite his efforts, he Muslim Brotherhood is running Gamal Ashri, a powerful candidate who has worked in Bulaq for years, and who the Brotherhood says is capable of garnering a seat in parliament for the Brotherhood. “The Brotherhood does not want anyone but themselves to speak in the name of Islam, but Islam is for all the people,” Al Zayat said during a press conference on 27 October. “The Brotherhood has abandoned districts

to all the parties, to the Copts and to the Communists, but has refused to leave Bulaq to me.” The Muslim Brotherhood has organized a number of marches in the district so far, gathering thousands of supporters in the streets with banners reading “Islam is the solution,” the Brotherhood’s controversial election slogan. Running against the two sparring Islamists is Kamal Abu Attiya, the well-known leftist activist. Abu Attiya’s leftist credentials are solid. He is a member of the Karama Party, Kifaya, the Revolutionary Socialists and the National Front for Change. Often dubbed the muezzin of the revolution, Abu Attiya has long been a thorn in the government’s side. He has been at the helm of many demonstrations during the past 30 years, and has been imprisoned some 15 times. Abu Attiya is among the public figures whom the government would least like to see in parliament. This fact has raised questions about the Wafd’s decision to support Al Zayat over Abu Attiya. Some observers say the move reeks of Wafdist collusion with the government. The NDP candidate in Bulaq will be Ahmed Samih Galal Darwish, the current MP who, as an independent in 2000, beat the NDP’s candidate Mohammed Hassan. Samih, however, joined the NDP shortly after his victory.



business news

business news


Port Workers’ Union Council went on hunger strike from 25-26 October to protest the deal. Port security forces forcibly ejected these four and a fifth, non-unionized worker from the Union Council’s headquarters in the Port

Thousands of Alexandrian dockworkers protest canceled Eid bonus

on 25 October. Yousef, in Alexandria Port Authority Decree 1231/2005, temporarily barred the five from entering the Port and barred the four union members from participating in the union. Their names are posted at every entrance to the Port. Abdel




MONEY, POWER AND PARLIAMENT Businessmen dominate this year’s parliamentary candidate lists

Egypt’s emerging cadre of super-wealthy

lionaires. In Maadi, NDP business tycoon

businessmen is beginning to seek formal po-

Mohammed Al Murshidi faces independent

litical clout to match their informal influence.

but NDP-affiliated candidate Akmal Khourtem,

A parliament with more businessmen would

who chairs an oil company. Hossam Badrawi

shape the direction of economic reform and

is running in Downtown’s Qasr Al Nil district

facilitate the government’s accelerating, but


controversial, privatization program. For some

of former Prime Minister Moustafa Khalil.

in the opposition, it also raises the possibility

Badrawi owns a hospital and several healthcare

of conflict of interest.

businesses. He is a close associate of Gamal

Signs of big business’ growing political in-





Mubarak. The construction and agricultural industries

“dictatorial,” charged the new port chief with

election, when the Mubarak campaign was

feature prominently in the coming races. Hani

violating the terms of its international treaty

able to stretch the LE10 million spending limit

Sorour, Mostapha Saleb and Mohammed Abul Al

commitments to freedom of assembly. “He

thanks to massive volunteer spending on signs

Ainen, three ceramics magnates, are running. Of

has neither the authority nor the jurisdiction

and advertising by businessmen throughout

the three, Al Ainen is likely the most powerful:

to prevent us from working or to freeze our

the country.

his company, Ceramica Cleopatra, maintains

Competition for the NDP’s nomination in the

12 factories and has expanded into agriculture,

Adel Al Hassri, a non-unionized port

2005 parliamentary elections has been hard

tourism and the production of “smart cards.”

employee, said, “At first I was relocated from

fought. A whopping 2,700 people vied for only

Youssef Wali, the former minister of agricul-

the Port of Alexandria to the underdeveloped

444 candidate slots. Few know what criteria go

ture and a major landowner, is running in Al

Port of Al Dekheila, which we port employees

into the selection process, which remains the


consider to be our Abu Ghraib, along with 15

purview of NDP powerbroker Kamal Al Shazli.

The individual candidacy system has made

other employees. These punitive relocations

Some on the outside believe that a simple cash

candidates more dependent “on their own

are Yousef’s attempts to bring the workers

donation is often the surest way to ensure the

money or familial and tribal affiliations for

to heel. I was later suspended from working

NDP nominates you to be their candidate in any

success,” Al Ahram columnist Salama Ahmed

at the port for three months just because I

given district.

Salama says. “The old list system put the

brought in some yogurt for the protesting

Mohammed Kamel, who is running as an in-

workers so they could break their fast. Now

dependent against Al Shazli in Menoufiya, told

wages for three months, how am I supposed to feed my family and three children? This is striking. “If any of us had gone on strike, we

p During a protest

would have been arrested,” Abdel Razeq said.

of off-duty workers

“It was Ibrahim Yousef, the new administra-

on 23 October, it

Yousef responded, “I am the chief and the

tive chief of the Port, who ordered the cancel-

was business as

primary authority in this port. I know what’s

lation of our Eid bonuses. It was also Yousef

usual for their on-

best for the Port and for its well-being. If I let

early 3,000 of the 4,000 workers who

who fabricated and disseminated information

duty colleagues.

the workers do whatever they feel like doing,

keep the Port of Alexandria running con-

regarding our so-called ‘strike’ and the result-

gregated to protest the cancellation of their

ing losses of LE2 million.”



The race in many districts has come down to a spending match between competing mil-

fluence first emerged during the presidential

that I have been denied access to my work and


Party are filled with millionaires.”


membership in the union.”


date lists of the NDP, the Wafd and the Ghad


entirely unjust.” Faced






funding pressure more on parties, and less on individuals.”

Agence France Presse that it costs an average

Rich candidates can use their fortunes to

of LE1 million to be selected as a candidate for

pay for campaign posters, public conferences,

p Kamal Al Shazli

the NDP. “The sum is in cash and to be paid to

flyers, presents for voters or simple cash

has a lot to do with

the party,” he told the wire service.


who gets to run for

Many businessmen are drawn to parliament

“Many of these businessmen have been

parliament under

by patriotism or a desire for prestige. Others

formed through corruption, not by produc-

the NDP banner.

might appreciate the legal immunity from pros-

ing for their countries,” says Ghafar Shokr.

ith the final candidate lists prepared

ecution that serving in parliament bestows. Still

“They got their wealth illegally in most cases,

and a picture emerging of what Egypt’s next

others might see benefits in influencing legisla-

in smuggling, on the black market or through

there will be chaos. I’m sick and tired of all

parliament could look like, the Left is declaring

tion that will affect their business interests.

currency speculation. They are not productive

this harmful unionism.”

the dawn of the rule of big business in Egypt.

“The society is turning capitalist, so the role

capitalists like those in Japan, Malaysia and

annual Eid bonus on 23 October. Contrary to

The leftist Al Tagammu was the only local

Abdel Razeq maintains union activity at

“Big businessmen are participating in this

of the capitalists in politics is growing,” Ghafar

reports aired on satellite stations, however,

newspaper to cover the protest. A spokes-

the port need not be harmful. “We have three

election to a degree unprecedented in any

Shokr said. “They are turning their wealth into

One suspects that Ghafar Shokr won’t

the workers did not go on strike.

woman for the Center for Trade Unions and

demands: recognition of our right to engage

previous election in Egypt,” said Abdel Ghafar

political power. They are not merely individu-

be seeing many big contributions from the

Shokr, a Tegammu Party leader. “The candi-

als, they are a class that has joint interests.”

business elite in the coming elections. h

“There was no strike, but rather a large

Workers’ Services told Cairo, “The official

in unionism, payment in full of our Eid allow-

workers’ protest,” said Ibrahim Abdel Razeq,

media does not cover workers’ protests unless

ances... and the reversal of the decision to

a suspended member of the Alexandria Port

opposition papers bring the issue to light. If

suspend all five employees from work. We sent

Workers’ Union Council. “The 3,000 workers

and when the official media does cover such

an emergency appeal to President Mubarak

who were protesting were not on duty—the

issues, it almost always portrays workers in

requesting his intercession, but received no

nearly 1,000 workers who were continued with

a negative light, describing them as trouble-

reply. We also sent a telegram requesting

their work as usual. Tugboats moved ships

makers or lawbreakers.”

the intervention of our parent union—the

into port, and workers continued loading and



Maritime Transport Workers’ Federation—but

unloading goods. There wasn’t even a slow-

Transportation intervened in the dispute,

we were again let down. We have appealed to


striking a deal whereby workers would receive

the general prosecutor and we are confident

Unified Labor Law 12/2003 and Prime

two-thirds of their traditional Eid allowances in

that we will prevail.

Ministerial Decree 1185/2003 forbid workers

exchange for ending the demonstrations. Four

how are the suspended workers to feed their

employed in “strategic enterprises” from

out of the 10 men who sit on the Alexandria

families?” h

WEEK % ∆



stocks for the week of 16 - 20 October







Arab Cotton Ginning




Orascom Telecom




Orascom Construction Ind.







EFG-Hermes Holding

ALEzz Steel Rebars








1 Week


90 Days


52 Weeks


Total Turnover LE3.11 bil.

But in the meantime,


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opinion news

opinion news F RO M T H E

D R I V E R ' S S E AT L




How To Combat Extremism in Egypt HASSAN ELSAWAF

Essam El-Eryan is a resolute man. He does not possess the charisma that would appeal naturally to millions, for he represents a movement that many repudiate instinctively. Yet he cannot be accused of hypocrisy or sycophancy, traits abundantly present in his opponents. He has done time in defence of his views and has never wavered. He is one of the leading figures in the infamous Muslim Brotherhood Organisation, touted as the most serious threat to Egypt’s future and brainwashing millions into the torpor of denouncing the mere mention of the word ‘democracy’. Muslim fundamentalism, or any extreme movement, is not a captivating path to walk in the quest for a better life. Little can be found to defend ideas based on bigoted ideology and the belief that religion must trespass into the political arena. No open-minded person is happy with the notion that people can be ruled by an antiquated set of rules intolerant to the norms and needs of modern society. Nonetheless, extreme Islam is making profound inroads in Egypt and appears to have swayed millions away from rational thinking and the practical way of coexisting with an increasingly competitive and hardy world. If we are left persuaded that we would be far better off without the likes of Mr. Eryan in our midst, we must calmly debate how to render him insignificant. To my mind, there are two ways. The first is to listen to our government and go after him tooth and nail. Our astute authorities would have us believe that tolerance of such dangerous men is a short cut to another Taliban Afghanistan. Allowing Mr. Eryan and his ilk access to the masses through open debate and healthy intellectual intercourse are methods depicted as suicidal by our learned regime. Indeed, the mere sign of showing weakness or any sign of capitulating is tantamount to opening the floodgates of hell. Or so our military rulers would like us to think. Before we deal with the second way, let us look at the first at a deeper level. In the search for arguments to defend an establishment that has done nothing but persistently pull Egypt down in every field, regime supporters have become desperate. Protecting the fortress from the insane onslaught of seventh century warriors seems to be the last straw. Simply by being party in this contentious matter of how Egypt is fit to be ruled disqualifies any regime member or supporter from the right to influence the outcome. It is a flagrant conflict-of-interest situation. As for the ‘Taliban’ apocalyptic scenario, it is up to the people of Egypt, relishing growing doses of media and political space, to determine whether a population of intelligent, educated individuals would yield to more tyranny and oppression. The second means of dealing with Mr. Eryan and his followers is through opening up the system and striving to make the masses absorb the gist of the extremists’ message. Democracy, and the freedom that comes with it, will go a long way in persuading millions of disenfranchised Egyptians that the way to a better life is not through Islamic extremists, and that the only reason they are there and growing is the absence of that very democracy. It is the way of stability and justice that will dilute extremism, not detention and torture. The very charges being levelled at Mr Eryan and his supporters -membership in an illegal organisation, “influencing public opinion against the regime” and organising illegal protests- add legitimacy to his cause through the brazen illegality in them. Mr. Eryan and his movement are welcome additions to the Egyptian political scene, not due to my belief in their ideas, but through my conviction that they add another dimension to the political picture and expose the dangerous ideas engendered by a moribund regime. [email protected]

The air in Alexandria has been charged with sectarian strife lately. After the riots, some blamed the Christians at the Mar Girgis church and Islamist leaders, while others suspect that shadowy political forces were at work. Cairo polled the city’s taxi drivers, asking for their opinion on the riots and whether the government could have done more to prevent them. I don’t know what happened with all these fights and demonstrations. We are one people living in the same country. We have never believed in discrimination on a religious basis. I think that everyone is under pressure, and this is the reason for all the fights, in every field, not only religion. There are many fights in politics and even sports, all because people are stressed, not because of religion. Anwar, 24 Second job: Car electrician From Al Ahly Club (Nasr City) to Hurriya Mall, Al Ahram Street (Heliopolis), LE5 The car: Sahin with bobblehead dogs

“Strange... I can’t find any news in the sports section about the Zamalek Club.” “It’s Mortada Mansour, God bless him... Ever since he got there, Zamalek’s news has been in the police blotter.”

“What’s the penalty for stealing in Ramadan, while I’m fasting, good sir?”

Al Destour, 31 October 2005

Rose Al Youssef, 31 October 2005

I don’t know what will happen to us after this. We have Christian neighbors, friends and brothers everywhere. I believe that all of this happened for reasons related to the next parliamentary election. I would bet that the two guys competing in that parliamentary district are a Muslim and a Christian. I think that the best thing the government can do is to ban both from the next election. Mahmoud, 43 From Al Abbasiya to Roxi (Heliopolis), LE2.50 The car: Citroen AX

“To make sure that the elections are fair [naziha], we’re running Aunt Naziha!!”” The banner reads: “Elect your aunt Naziha as NDP candidate! Symbol: The club” Al Wafd, 31 October 2005

I think this is an extension to the tense situation between Muslims and Christians after the conflict that happened a few months ago in Abbasiya. Also, the newspapers are using the issue as a hot topic for their cover stories, to get people to buy them. Ahmed Mansour, 41 From Midan Salah Eddin (Heliopolis) to Hadaiq Al Qobba, LE4 The car: Mazda Everyone knows that the government can do more to end this sort of thing. Firstly, they can find out who exactly provoked people and helped to spread rumors. Then, they can punish him in a public court, as an example to anyone who might try to repeat such acts for political or personal reasons. Egyptians are a peaceful community and they don’t usually have these kinds of fights unless they are strongly provoked. Ahmed Abdel Salam, 25 From Sherif Street (Downtown) to Imbaba, LE6 The car: Peugeot 405 If the play [about a Christian who converts to Islam, staged in a Church in 2003] really insults the Prophet Mohammed, then we should do something about it. But if not, we should punish those who told people such lies. Sebai, 63 From Abbas Al Aqqad Street (Nasr City) to CityStars Mall, LE2.50 The car: Fiat 124 The government can do a lot on this issue. First, they can stop the discrimination between Muslims and Christians, especially in police stations. When there is a regular fight between a Muslim and a Christian, the Muslim stays in the station for a few days but the Christian leaves right away. Second, the government should find out who is telling people lies to incite them to violence. Sayyed, 37 Second job: teacher From Imbaba to Ramsis, LE6 I’ll tell you just one thing. If the government and the police hadn’t wanted it to happen, it wouldn’t have happened in the first place. Name withheld, 27 From Makram Ebeid Street (Nasr City) to St. Fatima Square (Heliopolis), LE6 The car: Renault Dacia that weaved frightfully

The soldier reads from the “Iraq Occupation Script” while rushing toward Syria. Al Osboa, 31 October 2005

Bird flu: “How’s it goin’ today, little duckling?” “Don’t call me duckling!”

“Since you insist on naming the baby “Asfur” [bird], it’ll be necessary for you to bring me a certificate from two officials that they’re free of the bird flu virus.” The desk reads “Civil Records.”

Al Akhbar, 30 October 2005

Al Arab, 30 October 2005

w h e r e

t o

g e t



Zamalek uArabica uCilantro uZamalek Bookstore uRomancia Bookshop uTabasco uEuro Deli uAUC Bookstore uDrinkie’s (delivery only) uNo Big Deal uOrangette

Downtown uAUC Bookstore uOum El Donia Bookstore uCilantro



uMadbouli El Sagher uTrianon uVolume One

Heliopolis uHarris Café uEveryman’s uArmando Café uCilantro


uGold’s Gym uKimo Market uVolume One uMasoud Market uAl Greco uDrinkie’s (delivery only)











news in-depth

news in-depth BEN HUBBARD

Over the past decade, a security mentality has made inroads on campuses. Now, some professors are fighting back. BEN HUBBARD




the police,” said Inani, explaining the growing

But in reality, these candidates must also

p The 9 March

subjects that can be studied and the opinions

interest in university independence. “The

be approved by State Security before their

group protesting

that can be expressed are tightly controlled.

dragged its feet. When Inani’s persistence

police have the upper hand, and the univer-

appointments can be finalized. According 9

on the steps of the

finally got him an investigation, he learned that

sity administration merely listens to them and

March members, there are currently four cases

Cairo University

away from certain subjects,” said Adil Inani.

the officer would not be questioned because

carries out their orders.”

at the University of Alexandria and one at the


“And the result is that most of the topics we

University of Al Minya in which the appoint-

building, on 22

research are worthless and the outcome is


obviously worthless, too. It’s always better to

“We have grown to know that we must keep

rof. Adil Inani is a tall, thin man with

he was not a university employee, and was

a salt-and-pepper goatee and a calm, confi-

therefore not accountable to the university.

Security Interference

ment of nominees has been blocked because

dent voice that manages to both comfort and

And when the investigation began, according

In October 2003, a group of professors at

of security concerns.

command attention. He graduated from the

to Inani, “It turned out that I was the one who

Egyptian universities formed the University

Professors must also get security clearance

now. Other people’s systems, not ours. Other

English department of Ain Shams University

would be questioned and investigated. The

Independence Action Group, better know as

if they wish to travel, conduct research or

people’s rules, not ours. For example, if you

in 1975 and has been teaching in the same

lawyer was dealing with me as if I had commit-

the “9 March Group,” after the day in 1932

receive guest speakers on campus. In the past

want to look at the ruling system, you can look

department ever since.

ted some crime.”

when Ahmed Lotfi Al Sayyed resigned as

two years, security has rejected invitations to

at Sadat and Nasser and say whatever you like.

study the there and then than the here and

As a result of his many years at the uni-

While few others have been exposed to such

president of King Fouad University (now

prominent media figure Hamdi Qandil, the

But you can’t do research on Mubarak, unless

versity, Inani feels an emotional attachment

extreme violence, Inani and a growing number

Cairo University) to protest the government’s

American scholar Norman Finkelstein and

you plan to say he’s the best man there is.”

to it. He has many faculty friends and lots of

of his colleagues at different universities see

transfer of Taha Hussein off campus. Since

novelist Baha Taher, among others. Members

memories associated with the campus, and

his conflict with the security apparatus on

then, the 9 March Group has worked for

of 9 March complain that they cannot even

Security vs. Administration

considers the university “a place where I can

campus as representative of the increasing

greater university independence through oc-

invite professors from other universities to

According to Leila Soueif, an active 9 March

serve the people I belong to.” His salary alone

interference of State Security with university

casional public demonstrations and, more

visit their classes without security clearance.

member who has taught mathematics at

isn’t enough to keep him there—he teaches

affairs. On 22 October, 150 professors dem-



“This is our work, our profession,” said Dr.

Cairo University since 1977, State Security

in Saudi Arabia when he needs money—but

onstrated on the steps of Cairo University’s

behind-the-scenes negotiations with univer-

Nadiha Dos, a professor of French Linguistics

has always operated on campus, though its

he stays because he feels a sense of duty and

administration building, calling for university

sity administrators.

at Cairo University. “In any respectable uni-

influence over matters not directly related to

because, he says, he can’t picture himself

independence. Many student groups have also

The members of 9 March list various ways

versity, you should have respectable people

security has grown over the past decade.

anywhere else.

taken up the cause, foremost among them the

in which State Security interferes with uni-

coming to give lectures. The good university is

Inani’s devotion to the university was

student branches of the Muslim Brotherhood.

versity affairs, such as the selection of junior

open to the world.”

tested last November when he was beaten

On 11 October, 15,000 students demonstrated

academic staff. According to university rules,

The result of this security interference,

University Law of 1979, which stipulates that

up on campus by a police officer for driving

at Cairo University, carrying banners that read

junior staff members are selected by their

which the members of 9 March say is aimed

each university is responsible for establishing

down a lane reserved for officers’ cars. He was

“Together for Reform: Free University, Free

departments and presented to the university

at professors and students who participate in

its own security department, with guards that

punched, kicked, insulted, his shirt was torn


president based solely on their grades. The

opposition political or religious activities, is

wear uniforms, carry badges and are account-

best students get nominated.

a stifled academic environment, in which the

able to the university administration.

and he suffered cuts on his face and legs.


Inani demanded an investigation from the university president, but the administration

“The university is actually being run by



Soueif points out that the mere presence of State Security on campus is a violation of the



news in-depth

news in-depth sity administrators are appointed ensures

“But watch out, sometimes Baha Taher has

that their loyalties are to the government

some liberal ideas. And we have a problem

and its security apparatus, not to the profes-

here [in Egypt]. He’s too liberal. There’s the

sors and their academic concerns. University

religious fundamentalist, and there’s the one

presidents are appointed directly by the state.

who wants to permit everything. He’s a bit

They in turn appoint the deans of the various

outside of the system. So those two are dan-

faculties, who are responsible for choosing the

gerous. But the moderates, they get in without

department heads. Traditionally, the oldest

any problem.” Taher did not specify who quali-

professor in the department was selected as

fies as a moderate.

department head. Now, the members of 9

He then summed by saying that the admin-

March say that security concerns often inter-

istration has to control speech on campus

vene, keeping faculty members with divergent

because large numbers of students are diffi-

views, or those who participate in opposition

cult to control.

political activities, out of power.

“When you have a place with a large number

This has not always been the case. Prior

of students, you have to protect it. And what if

to 1994, the full professors of a given faculty

chaos breaks out? People don’t realize that. We

elected that faculty’s dean. But in 1994, this

have, for example, 3,500 seats in the hall down-

procedure changed and the university president

stairs. 3,500! And what if someone comes to

gained the power to appoint the deans. This

talk to them and gets them all fired up? They’ll

meant the professors no longer had a say in

get up and break up the whole place. And we

choosing any of the administrators from whom

also have the issue at the cultural level. Is the

they had to get permission before traveling

student conscious enough to listen to someone

abroad, doing research or inviting a guest

else’s opinion and be quiet? Sometimes he

speaker to campus. All the authorities had been

listens to the other’s opinion and riots. We

put in place by, and were thus accountable to,

have to protect the university facilities.”

the state-appointed university president.


Accomplishments members of 9 March mention Hany Dweik, a






versity administrators deny that State Security

former student of entomology. Dweik was a

plays any role in how they run their universi-

senior when he was arrested and detained for

ties. According to Dr. Hamid Taher, the vice

his participation in demonstrations against

president for education and student affairs

the 2003 Iraq war.

at Cairo University, the security presence on

Dweik then graduated from Cairo University

campus is for the sole purpose of protecting

in May 2004, with the highest grade of all the

university property.

entomology students. The entomology department requested two assistants, so Dweik and

office in the administration building of Cairo

the student with the second highest grades

University while members of the 9 March group

were nominated by the faculty. The president

p Tens of

protested outside. “It has 180,000 students

of the university signed off on their nomina-

not university officers as stipulated by the

thousands of Cairo

and has facilities, labs, computers and expen-

tions, but when Dweik went to sign his contract

law,” she says. “They are not attached to Cairo

University students

sive devices worth millions of dollars. This

in December, he found that his nomination had

University; they are attached to the Ministry

are affected by

requires university security.”

been held up because of “security concerns.”

of Interior. The situation now is completely

security bans on


Taher dismisses the 9 of March group,

The members of 9 March started a campaign

speakers deemed

saying that it is small and doesn’t represent

of letters and petitions to the university admin-

"fundamentalist" or

the majority of the faculty. “We now have

istration and published letters about Dweik’s

"too liberal."

15,000 members in the teaching faculty. The 9

case in opposition newspapers. This continued

mathematics department. “If we apply the

March group, how many are they? One hundred

until August, when the president of the univer-

law, things will go more or less well. But they

twenty out of 15,000?”

sity announced that Dweik’s nomination had

“The law is bad, but not very bad,” said Dr. Hany El-Husseiny, also of Cairo University’s

don’t follow the law in any respect. The law

When asked about the issue of security

says nothing about needing securing clearance

clearance for junior academic staff, he said its

While the members of 9 March consider

for faculty appointments, only for protecting

sole goal is to weed out criminals and religious

Dweik’s appointment a success, they concede


been accepted.


that it came during the final weeks before the

The professors in 9 March also note that

“When a person is about to be appointed,

presidential election and guess that someone

while they feel the presence of State Security

he needs to be examined to see if he has com-

from Mubarak’s campaign intervened to quiet

on campus, the State Security officers rarely

mitted a crime in the past. And in terms of our

a potential scandal. They also admit that this

deal with them directly. Instead, State Security

situation in Egypt, the most dangerous thing is

has been their only concrete achievement to

makes its decisions and the university ad-

to appoint a religious fundamentalist. Because


ministration carries them out. Indeed, many

if a professor becomes a religious fundamen-

“All the others are failures,” said Dr. El-

of the professors feel that the relationship

talist, he’ll turn 1,000 students into religious

Husseiny. “But our success is that everyone

between State Security and the administration


now, even the minister [of higher education],

has become so close that its hard to determine

On the issue of guest speakers, Taher first

is talking about academic freedom and dimin-

said that only fundamentalist speakers had to

ishing the security presence on campus. So the

According to Arabic literature professor Dr.

be kept out because their lectures could incite

issues that were not present at all two years

Sayyed Al-Bahrawy, “No person in a position

the destruction of university property. But

ago are now one of the main political subjects

of responsibility is appointed without the

when asked specifically about Baha Taher, the

in the country. This is our success. We have

agreement of security. And those people can’t

writer who had been invited to discuss one of

brought this to the forefront. But to accom-

make any decisions without the permission of

his novels, Hamid Taher said that if the writer

plish our goal will be very difficult. We need


wanted to come now, the university would let

more political power than this. We need real

him. Then he amended his comment.

political change.” h

where one ends and the other begins.

The top-down manner in which univer-



Despite this top-down authority structure, uni-

“This university is very big,” he said in his

“But the police officers on campus now are


The Government Line



outnews & about

outnews & about


Anatomy of a firecracker


Eid has many blessings. The firecracker is not one. Firecrackers are illegal. But every year you can see the same scene: old women quicken their step as they pass packs of teenaged boys. Bawabs stare disapprovingly. Kids growing up in the dark days of socialism had to content themselves with small packs of gunpowder called, grandiloquently, “bombs.” Today, thanks to the Chinese occupation of the Egyptian market, kids have options. In all fairness, the Chinese did invent gunpowder and the firecracker. You can still buy the “bombs.” Bombs are comprised of a small envelope full of gunpowder and small stones, tightly closed with a thin metal wire. You throw it like a grenade and it makes a big sound when it hits the ground. Sound a like a fun toy? You can have a whole bucket of 50 for a mere LE4. Or perhaps you’d prefer one of the new Chinese toys? Young boys were thrilled a few years ago when little, yellow Chinese sticks hit the market. You light one end, and three seconds later it explodes. Sometimes. Or sometimes it explodes too early. Or not at all. What do you want? At LE0.10 a throw, you’re getting what you pay for. For a mere LE0.15, you can play with the “Red Rocket,” which arrived in Cairo soon after the yellow sticks. It’s basically the same thing, but for your extra five piasters (what’s five piasters, anyway? Not even a stick of gum), you get a louder explosion. If all this sounds like kid’s stuff, you might wish to try the “Spinning Rocket,” a circular band with a fuse that, when lit, hisses, spits sparks and spins around for 15 seconds. This is for older children or those with generous older brothers who can afford the LE.75 sticker price. And it’s in the LE.75 range that things start getting really interesting. The “Dirty” is a small, green rocket with eight or more small explosives that fire like a machine gun. The “American Rocket”—so called because it is decorated from tip to tail in the American flag, not because it was made in the United States—produces circular explosions before it flies 20 feet or so in whatever direction it’s pointed. Lucky rich kids, and those old enough to know better, might be able to spring for a quiver of colorless rockets. It doesn’t look like much for a full LE1: just a tube of yellowed newspaper. But, as one group of young guys playing with them reported, “You get what you pay for.” Colorless rockets fly high in the sky and make pretty explosions. “They may,” one reviewer mused happily, “be used by a lost warrior as a signal, or to announce victory at the end of the battle.”




Despite its name, perhaps the only thing the new Doqqi restaurant Malibu has in common with the California city is its eclecticism: a menu featuring Italian cuisine, vaguely African decorations and lighting fixtures constructed from elements of chandeliers. It is easy to find a private corner in the spacious venue and, as the official opening is not until after Ramadan, the restaurant is not yet busy. Overall, the restaurant emanates an air of quiet elegance. The red-walled interiors are softened by an abundance of plants, natural wood furnishings and brown-cushioned seats. Silver crescent bits of blue glass dangle from lamps over the tables. Soft lounge music blends easily into muted conversations. There is a good variety of entrees, though some appetizers were unavailable the night Cairo visited. The head chef, who goes by the moniker “Silla,” came by the table, however,

to discuss options, and in minutes produced a personalized dinner. The mushroom salad includes watercress (billed on the menu as Arugula), cheese and a generous dressing that tasted deliciously of lemon. The scallope di pollo (chicken breast) with mushroom sauce arrives in modish (read tiny) portions, garnished simply with halves of green and red pepper. My company forgives the price (discovered later), which would be moderate for a larger portion, as the meal tastes every bit as satisfying, and the plate is returned clean. The penne quatro fromage comes in generous portions and with the same personal attentions from Chef Silla, who came by for a lengthy chat

Al Kahk: Ingredients: 1. 1 kilo flour, 2. 1/2 kilo clarified butter (semna), 3. 5 grams yeast, 4. 1/2 teaspoon salt, 5. 11/2 glasses of water.

Tried-and-true Eid sweets CAIRO STAFF

It’s Eid once again, and along with the firecrackers, the festivities demand piles of sweets. Cairo’s research team, after a series of harrowing expeditions into the kitchens of the city, has come up with the absolute best of the best of holiday recipes and gained 10 kilos.

• Add the semna to the flour and mix into an even dough. Use your hands, never use a spoon! It’s important to feel the texture of the dough. • Add the yeast to a glass of water. Stir. Slowly add both to the dough and mix well. • Dilute the salt in half a glass of water and add to the dough. Mix well. • After the dough is mixed evenly, cut it into medium-sized round pieces. Insert dates or jam to taste. Arrange pieces on a flat metal baking tray. Let them rise for four hours. Begin preheating the oven an hour before the kahk have risen. • Put the tray in the center of the oven. Check the bottoms of the kahk every 30 minutes until golden-brown. • Sprinkle powdered sugar over the tops of the cookies before serving if desired.

after the food arrived. Malibu, while it does not serve alcohol, does have a range of drinks that are fruity and oddly named. The “blue angel” is not really blue, though ostensibly made of blueberries. Other fruit cocktails bear names like “red sombrero” and the closer-to-home yet equally inventively named “smile on the Nile,” which had an unmistakeable guava juice base. Cairo sipped on a “t-shirt” (a mix of citrus juices, pineapple and grenadine), and found it a tasty little concoction. When asked why the cocktail is named after an item of clothing, however, the waiter smiled politely and shrugged.

Malibu’s official opening coincides with Eid Al Fitr, when the restaurant will be open both from the morning late into the night. Appetizers range from LE11-25 and main courses from LE20-40, while drinks are around LE10.

Malibu 50 Thawra Street Doqqi

Al Ghourayeba: Ingredients: 1. 1 kilo flour, 2. 1 kilo clarified butter (ghee), 3. 1/2 kilo powdered sugar, 4. 1 large bag of nuts. • Blend the sugar and the ghee with an egg whisk. • Mix in one cup of flour and blend. Then add a second cup of flower and blend again. Repeat the process till all the flour is mixed into a soft dough. • Cut the dough into small round pieces and arrange them on a thin, metal, baking tray and put one piece of any type of nuts on top for ornament. • Preheat oven till nice and hot. • Put the tray in the oven for roughly 10 minutes, when the dough turns yellow take the tray out. • Don’t move the Ghourayeba from the tray until it cools down or it will crumble. • Don’t add too much sugar or the Ghourayeba will come out hard.



news culture

news culture

of architecture. She looks at the growth of

discusses the British occupation of Egypt in

Heliopolis and Hassan Fathi’s Nubian-influ-

1882 and the flowering of both the fine arts

enced work—two architectural phenomena

and Sheikh Mohammed Abdu’s ideas on how

that bear little or no relation to one other.

to renew and reform Islam. She catalogues

Karnouk concludes the chapter without men-

attempts by Egyptian intellectuals to retrieve,

tioning a single contemporary Egyptian archi-

revive and reinterpret Pharaonic art, but never

tect by name.

mentions the desire to escape the remnants of

None of the first four chapters appeared

Ottoman colonial culture that motivated such

in Karnouk’s previous work, Contemporary

attempts. Instead, she erroneously associates

Egyptian Art. Chapters five to eleven, however,

it with the Egyptomania that was sweeping

did. Chapter five is a superficial account of

Europe at the time

“The Revolutionary Years 1952-1967” that

Karnouk’s profiles of pioneering artists


first chapter, “Egyptian Awakening,” Karnouk


Egypt,” the author moves on to a discussion


p (top) The

In the fourth chapter, “Designing for a New

In a small section at the beginning of her



Egyptian Art, released by AUC Press in 1995.


Though useful, Liliane Karnouk’s new book ignores a number of key artists

LE200 per person. 7pm, Beadwork, four classes to learn how to use beads, string and wire to create necklaces and decorations for the home. Fee: LE200 per person. uSwiss Club Villa Pax, Al Gihad St., off Sudan St., Midan Kit-Kat (314- 2811, 315-1455, 010-300-9695) Every Monday and Thursday, 10-11am Yoga workshop for adults Every Saturday 11am-12pm Ballet course for children Every Saturday 10-11am and Sunday 2-3pm Sport & Play for kids 3-5 years old uTownhouse Gallery of Contemporary Art Nabrawi St., off Champollion St., Downtown (576-8086, 012-735-8635) Tuesday 8 November 2 pm and Wednesday 9 November 10:30am Workshop as part of an Egyptian-Swiss Art Project on Topography and Identity in Egypt in November 2005 and in Switzerland in 2006. Egyptian and Swiss artists and curators will participate in the workshops as well as special Egyptian guests (artists, curators, art critics, architects, writers, etc.) Artists Mahmoud Khaled, Hildegard Spielhofer, Bassam al Baroni, Gertrud Genhart, Basma Al Husseini, Christof Rösch, Alaa Khaled, Ralph Hauswirth and others will discuss their working conditions, production potentials and artistic strategies.



uAl Sawy Cultural Center 26 July St., Zamalek (736-6178) Tuesday 8 November, 8:15pm The Story of the Creation of Mankind, seminar by the Islamic preacher Fadel Soliman, member of the Islamic Group for Quran and Sunna Research uBibliotheca Alexandrina Al Geish St. (Corniche), Al Shatbi Saturdays 5-7pm Lectures on Modern Trends in Developing Education and Environmental Sustainability by the Center for Special Studies and Programs at the Bibliotheca Alexandrina, for ages 14-19 Sunday 6-Wednesday 9 November, 6pm Information Literacy and Lifelong Learning, lecture, meeting and workshop by 40 information literacy and lifelong learning experts from all over the world to discuss development in economic and social problems such as poverty, unemployment and disease using international literacy and lifelong learning. The activities are organized by UNESCO, the International Federation of Library Associations (IFLA) and the National Forum on Information Literacy (NFIL). Egyptian actor and producer Omar Sharif will address participants. uStudio 206 Villa 14, Road 200, Degla, Maadi (519-5713) Tuesday 8 November 6:30pm, Beginner Ceramic, four classes to learn how to make handmade pottery. Fee:

Artistic insight at the Townhouse Gallery

manages to ignore a number of important

Time Machine,



artists practicing “resistance art,” such as

installation by

Mohammed Nagi and Raghib Eyyad are good

William Ishaq, Hassan Fouad and Dawoud Aziz.

either students or teachers at the College of

featuring only one entry for video), Karnouk

z The 1937

themes. Nor does the book contain images

Liliane Karnouk,

introductions for readers who know little

Chapters six to eleven deal with the following


ignores many important artists working in the

painting Banat

of some of the works that, by Karnouk’s own

author of Modern

about them. The profiles contain interesting

subjects: “Modernism and Art Appropriations,”

In chapter thirteen, “The Body,” Karnouk

field. She also writes as if photography were

Bahari (Coast Girls)

assessment, are the most important in certain

Egyptian Art.

biographical information, but add little to our



includes a profile of her own work written by

an entirely new phenomenon in Egypt. That’s

by seminal artist

artists’ careers. Several pictures appear to be

Art 1910-2003 is interesting and well-written,

The book's cover

understanding of the artists’ work.

“Premodernism or Postmodernism?,” “Islamic

Ron Walkey, a professor of architecture at the

not the case; the first time photography was

Mahmoud Said.

low-quality, almost blurry reproductions.

and fills a void in the literature on the subject.

illustration is

Her next chapter, “The Cosmopolitans,”

Art Revival,” “Pluralism in Styles” and “The

University of British Columbia.

exhibited in Egypt was in 1923 at the House of

Karnouk writes engagingly, and strikes a

In her preface, Karnouk writes, “In time, I

Hamed Nada's 1989

looks at artists from the movement’s second

Kitsch Wave: A Transition or an End?.” These

Even stranger, in chapter fifteen (“History,

Egyptian Arts and Crafts, 21 Al Bulaq Street,

nice middle ground between criticism and

hope, others will assess the importance of the

Eve of the Henna.


iliane Karnouk’s book Modern Egyptian




generation, such as Ramses Younan, Kamil

chapters have been lifted wholesale from her

Words and Books”), Karnouk includes the

Cairo. The Association of Fine Art Lovers held

biography. Her book is clearly intended for a

artists presented here and add forgotten and

Al Tilmasani and Fouad Kamil. She discusses

previous book, paying no regard to the devel-

French photographer and painter Bernard

its first photography exhibitions in January

general readership, and best serves as an in-

new names to this selection.” This is indeed to

their revolt against the prevalent techniques

opment of featured artists in the intervening

Guillot ahead of a long list of Egyptian artists,

1933. This exhibition contained 598 pictures

troduction to Egyptian modern art for a reader

be hoped, for the book has serious lacunae.

of the time and their move toward abstrac-

ten years.

despite the fact that Guillot’s work is a product

by 131 photographers (67 Egyptians and 64

who knows very little about the subject.

In her twelfth chapter Karnouk talks about

of French culture and tradition, and is not part

foreigners). Karnouk says nothing of pioneer-

The danger is that because this book is virtu-

the 1990s, but her treatment of the annual

of the modern Egyptian art movement. This is

ing Armenian studio photographers such as

ally unique, it will be taken for an accurate and

Karnouk—a Canadian citizen who was born in Egypt to Armenian parents—begins

tion, and touches on their communications with their European contemporaries.

her book with a seven-page preface in which

In her third chapter, “The Folk Realists,”

Youth Salon (which was started in 1989 and

not to take away from the quality of his beau-

Van Leo, Alban, Cavouk and Arman, or the

comprehensive survey. But the author is not

she talks about the trouble she had collect-

Abdel Hadi Al Gazzar and Hamid Nada are

has become an important event in the artistic

tiful pictures of Egypt, but if Karnouk wants

generation of Egyptian artists that followed.

entirely to blame here. The problems of Modern

ing material for the book. Due perhaps to

chosen as representatives of the third gen-

calendar, displaying hundreds of new artists

to talk about Egyptian art she should stick to

Although Hala Al Koussi, Nermine Hammam

Egyptian Art afflict a number of books on the

these difficulties, the book is essentially a list

eration of modern Egyptian artists. Both are

each year) is far too brief. Ignoring a number

Egyptian artists. Foreign artists who have lived

and Youssef Nabil are talented artists, they are

subject. The fault is ours as Egyptians; we have

of selected artists that reflects the author’s

extremely important artists, but instead of ex-

of important artists, she chooses to write

and worked in Egypt deserve a separate book all

hardly the only or the best representatives of

not produced a single book that includes a

personal taste. There seems to be no scholarly

amining their most interesting works, Karnouk

about Ahmed Nabil and his painstakingly tra-

of their own. This could include many figures,

photography in Egypt.

comprehensive bibliography of our artists or

basis for the criteria Karnouk uses to include

is content to talk about events in their lives

ditional canvases. Ayman Al Samri, Emad Abu

from the first generation of teachers at the

certain schools and movements and exclude

and the influence of popular culture on their

Zein and other artists who have come out of

others. The book’s value as a scholarly work

output. She makes no mention of Effat Nagi’s

and documentary record is inevitably affected by this. The book consists of sixteen chapters, seven of which already appeared in Contemporary









the various schools and periods of Egypt’s art

School of Fine Arts, to artists such as French il-

sources, Karnouk’s book cannot be considered

movements. Likewise, the Museum of Egyptian

the Youth Salon are absent. Karnouk makes no

lustrator Golo or painter Mago Veillon, who died

a comprehensive account of the Egyptian art

Modern Art, having recently reopened its ex-

use of popular art or her early and important

real attempt to explore the political and social

two years ago after almost 70 years in Egypt.

movement and its history. It ignores many

hibition on the history of modern art after a

attempts to move beyond traditional under-

reasons behind the Salon’s foundation, and she

The book ends with its slimmest and weakest

important artists (and entire fields—there

four-year closure, disappointed us all with its

standings of the picture, which produced

seems unaware that the majority of the artists

chapter: a discussion of photography and video

isn’t a single reference to ceramics). It groups

inaccurate and inadequate portrayal of this

collage-like works.

who rose to prominence in this period were

work. Focusing on just four individuals (and

artists according to arbitrary categories and

history. h



news culture








Music and Dance Venues: uAfter 8 6 Qasr Al Nil St., Downtown (010-339-8000) Shows start at 10pm unless otherwise noted uAl Sawy Cultural Center 26 July St., Zamalek (736-6178) uAmerican University in Cairo Main Campus, Sheikh Rihan St., Downtown (797-6373) uCairo Opera House Gezira, Zamalek (739-8132, 739-8144) Shows start at 8pm unless otherwise noted uFrench Cultural Center, Heliopolis 5 Shafiq Al Dib St., Ard El Golf (417-4824, 419-3857) uFrench Cultural Center, Mounira 1 Madrassat Al Hoquq Al Faransia St., Mounira (794-7679, 794-4095) uGeneina Theater Salah Salem Road, Al Azhar Park (346-7601, 010-575-5191) Shows start at 9pm uGezira Art Center 1 Al Marsafi St., Zamalek (737-3298) uGomhouriya Theater Gomhouriya St., Abdeen (390-7707) Shows start at 8pm uJazz-Up Nile Hilton, 1113 Corniche Al Nil, Downtown (578-0444, 578-0666) Shows start at 10:30pm uTownhouse Gallery of Contemporary Art Nabrawi St., off Champollion St., Downtown (576-8086, 012-735-8635) Shows start at 9pm

uCordoba Gallery 3A Degla St., Mohandiseen (012-110-4699) Open daily 11am-8pm, Fridays off Masriyat, painting, photography and pottery by Yasser Nabayel, Hatem Al Toudi, Ali Azzam, Khalaf Tayea, Mohammed Al Nasser, Abdel Hakim Sayed and Mohammed Mandour, through 15 November uFonoun Art Gallery 14 Jedda St., Doqqi (338-0298) Open daily, 10am-10pm Portraits by Gamal Kamel and sculpture by Mohammed Al Fayoumi, through 4 November uFrench Cultural Center, Mounira 1 Madrassat Al Hoquq Al Faransiya St., Mounira (794-7679, 794-4095) Daily 10am-11pm Par la Forêt Obscure (Through the Dark Forest), photography by French artist Aurélia Frey, through 6 November

Thursday 3 November uAfter 8 Wust El Balad, modern Egyptian songs uAl Sawy Cultural Center River Hall, 8pm, Farah Al Masri and Magdi Batta, Nubian folklore uJazz-Up Riff, swing and jazz Friday 4 November uAfter 8 Wust El Balad, modern Egyptian songs uAl Sawy Cultural Center River Hall, 8pm, Wust El Balad, modern Egyptian songs uJazz-Up Salsa night with Rami and Suzi Saturday 5 November uAfter 8 Screwdriver, rock and roll uAl Sawy Cultural Center River Hall, 8pm, Wama, pop music uCairo Opera House Small Hall, Sunshine, led by Hamada Nour, English and Spanish pop music

Sunday 6 November uAfter 8 Wust El Balad, modern Egyptian songs uAl Sawy Cultural Center River Hall, 7pm, From The People, To The People, Nubian concert by Beshir uGezira Art Center 7:30pm, concert by Mexican singer María Elena García Rivera, with Uruguayan pianist Ignacio Pilone uJazz-Up Salsa night with Rami and Suzi Monday 7 November uAl Sawy Cultural Center Wisdom Hall, 8pm, Arabic music and lute night with Oud Stars and Atef Abdel Hamid Tuesday 8 November uAfter 8 Sahari, rai music uAl Sawy Cultural Center Bostan Al Nil Hall, 7pm, nai concert by Ali Aboul Fadl Wednesday 9 November uAfter 8 Riff, swing and jazz uAl Sawy Cultural Center Word Hall, 7pm, Madad Ya Kul Al Fannaneen (Long Live All Artists), poetry and singing by Gemmeiza, led by Nasser Al Noubi Wisdom Hall, 8pm, Dieski, rock music uCairo Opera House Main Hall, Opera Butterfly performed by Cairo Opera Choir and Cairo Opera Orchestra , led by Nader Abassi

María Elena García Rivera

uKarim Francis Contemporary Art Gallery 157 26 July St., third floor, Zamalek (736-2183, 010-667-4823) Open daily 4-11pm, Mondays off Story Teller, paintings by Christian Voigt, through 9 November uMashrabiya Gallery 8 Champollion St., Downtown (578-4494) Open daily 11am-8pm, Fridays off Photo exhibition by French artist Aurélia Frey, through 9 November uPicasso Gallery 30 Hassan Assem St., off Brazil St., Zamalek (736-7544) During Ramadan open daily 10am-9pm, Sundays off Various works by Sudanese artists: black and white drawings by Ibrahim Al Sayed, oil paintings by Hasan Ali, drawings on pumpkin by Adel Kebeida and portraits by Mervat Al Shazli, through 4 November uRare Books and Special Collections Library 22 Mansour St., Downtown (797-6243) Open daily, 8:30am-5pm, Saturdays 12-5pm, Fridays off Cairo and Its People, selections from the Rare Books & Special Collections Library’s Van Leo and Creswell collections, through 31 January 2006 uSafar Khan Gallery 6 Brazil St., Zamalek (735-3314) Open daily, 10am-2pm & 5-9pm, Sundays off Exhibition by Mahmoud Afi , works 1920-1984, through 5 November uSalama Gallery 36 Ahmed Orabi St., Mohandiseen (346-3242) Open daily 10am-2:30pm & 5-9pm Ramadaniyat, oil paintings and sculpture by George Bahgouri, Omar Al Nagdi, Ammar Shiha and Mohammed Ibrahim Youssef, through 15 November uToot Gallery 80 Mohieddin Aboul Ezz St., Doqqi (335-0248) Open daily 11am-7pm, Fridays off Colors from Egypt by Sri Lankan artist Padmini Serasinghe, through 4 November uTownhouse Gallery of Contemporary Art Nabrawi St., off Champollion St., Downtown (576-8086, 012-735-8635)

Thursday 10 November uCairo Opera House Main Hall, Opera Butterfly performed by Cairo Opera Choir and Cairo Opera Orchestra , led by Nader Abassi uFrench Cultural Center, Mounira 8:30pm, musical dinner with Valery and Wassillev on piano and contrabass

Open daily 10am-2pm & 6-9pm, Thursdays & Fridays 6-9pm only Selection of new drawings by Ahmed Nossier, through 9 November uZamalek Art Gallery 11 Brazil St., Zamalek (735-1240, 012-224-1062) Open daily 10:30am-9pm, Fridays off Paintings by Abdel Rahman Al Nachar, through 10 November

uAmerican University in Cairo Falaki Building, Falaki St., Bab Al Louq (797-6373) Open daily12-9pm, Fridays off Shows starting Sunday 6 November. Opening reception Sunday 13 November, 6pm. Second floor, a site-specific installation by Malak Helmi and Tarek Al Shazli Fifth floor, A Journey: From Iran to Central Asia, photography by Bernard O’Kane, professor of Islamic Art and Architecture All exhibitions through 24 November. uDoroub Gallery 4 Latin America St., Garden City (794-7951) Open daily 10am-10pm, Fridays off Thursday 3 November Collection, paintings by Mohammed Sabri, Abdel Wahab Morsi, Galal Al Husseini, Mervat Refaat and Gihan Raouf; sculpture by Halim Yacoub and Ammar Shiha; jewellery by Ahmed Badawi, Lama Horani and Sarah Abdel Azim; calligraphy by Mounib Obradovich, through 12 November uFrench Cultural Center, Mounira 1 Madrassat Al Hoquq Al Faransiya St., Mounira (794-7679, 794-4095) Daily 10am-11pm Wednesday 9 November, 7pm Lignes de Paix (Lines of Peace), caricatures, drawings and sculpture by French artist Plantu and Mustafa Hussein, in cooperation with the Bibliotheca Alexandrina, through 30 November

Culture in Brief Archaeologists have found a treasure trove of Asian and Islamic art from the tenth century in a sunken boat off the coast of Indonesia. An international team of divers recovered 250,000 artifacts over the last 18 months. The objects include perfume flasks, vases, porcelain dishes and glassware from the Fatimid dynasty that once ruled Egypt. The divers also found objects from China’s Five Dynasties period (907-960 AD), as well as 14,000 pearls, 4,000 rubies, 400 dark red sapphires and more than 2,200 garnets. This ancient treasure has led to modern-day greed. Cosmix, a secretive Dubai-based corporation, funded the €5 million (about LE35 million) salvage operation. The divers have also had to defend their booty from the Indonesian Navy and other treasure hunters. The artifacts will be offered at auction in 2006 and 2007, and Indonesia will receive 50 percent of the proceeds from the sale. Egyptian actor Omar Sharif has just been sued for allegedly attacking and hurling racial slurs at a US parking attendant in June 2005. Guatemalan-born Juan Anderson, a valet at a chic Los Angeles restaurant, claims Sherif punched him in the side of the head and called him a “stupid Mexican.” Sharif was reportedly angry when the valet refused to accept a tip in euros rather than dollars. In 2001, the hotheaded Sharif was given a one-month suspended prison sentence for head-butting a police officer in a casino near Paris.

ARABIC LITERATURE 2.0 Union and website for Internet writers provide publishing opportunity and highlight new genre EMAN SHABAN MORSI


he Arab Internet Writers’ Union is trying, with

Sherbini is confident that soon interactive, digital litera-

union, I now have readers and friends not only from my

ture will replace the traditional, printed kind. “Literature

governorate [Alexandria], but also from all around Egypt

develops along with society. We started with the myth

and the Arab world. Publishing online is also faster and

and the epic, and now we are moving towards digital

less complex than publishing on paper.” Ateiya also says

realism—but of course, it will take people some time to

that publishing online provides writers with valuable

accept the change.”

feedback from readers.

mixed results, to pull Arabic literature into the 21st

Many of the union’s own members, however, are far

“I like the fact that you get more space in terms of

century. Founded in 2004, the union launched a test

from accepting such changes. “Digital literature will never

story length and freedom of expression,” adds Ateiya.

website last April ( The union

replace printed literature,” insists Mohammed Ateiya, a

Online publications in Egypt are generally uncensored.

has members from many different Arab countries,

young writer who recently joined the union. “Reading

“We are not censored at all,” says Shabloul. “Our focus

including well-known figures such as Moroccan critic

a novel takes hours and to spend such a long time in

is on culture and literature, not politics or pornography.

Mohammed Motassem, Egyptian writer Ahmed Al

front of the computer screen, with all the concentration

We are just a group of intellectuals, with no political

Khamisi and Kuwaiti writer Hayat Al Yaqout.

involved in the process of reading, is not something that

aims, writing about a new creative genre, so we have

many can do—it hurts one’s eyes.”

no trouble with the government and won’t have in the

The union says it aims to spread awareness of “digital culture” among the Arab public. Its website publishes a

Ateiya sees the union and its website mainly as a

great number of articles on information technology and

chance to publish. “Getting your work published on the

Overall, the website looks promising, as do its future

digital literacy in the Arab world.

Internet will provide you with a better chance of being

plans to release an e-magazine and establish an elec-

read and consequently known,” he says. “Thanks to the

tronic publishing house and an electronic library. h

The website also publishes short stories, poems,


novels, and critical essays under the heading Al Nashr Al Electroni (Electronic Publishing). Though its archive is comparatively small, it is regularly updated and within a

Daily images of the pyramids are now available to people around the world, thanks to a new website: http://www.pyramidcam. com. is a collaborative effort. Heading the project is Jim Sorenson, an American businessman who has lived and worked in Egypt for 30 years. Local partner Siag Hotel and Travel furnishes the vantage point for viewing: the top of the Siag Hotel in Giza. The high-definition network camera used at is from StarDot Technologies, a California company known for its cameras on the Yosemite and Yellowstone National Park websites.

short time should rival other Arabic literature websites

As Ramadan ended, a vague consensus emerged about this year’s most popular soap operas. Hits included Hanan Turk’s Sara on Dubai channel, in which Turk played a woman stuck at the developmental stage of a 12-year-old by a childhood trauma and set upon by villainous relatives and acquaintances. The Satellite channel MBC had two popular shows as well. Raya and Sekina was a high-quality retelling of the crimes of the Alexandria murderesses, while the Syrian show Al Hur Al Ein tackled terrorism, recounting the 2003 bombing of a Riyadh apartment complex from the point of view of the Arab families living there.

says, “We are working on a theory of ‘digital realism

such as Short stories include Boqa Sawda (Black Spot) by Gawaher Al Refaiya, and Habibat

Screen-scroller EMAN SHABAN MORSI

Al E-mail (The E-mail Beloved) by Abdel Nur Edriss. It has also published book-length works of criticism, such as Qiraat Fi Adab Al Mara Al Khalijiya (An Assessment of Gulf Women’s Literature). Besides publishing a great number of literary works produced by union members, the website also contains samples of what has come to be known as adab al waqeiya al raqamiya, or “digital realism literature.” It is for this new form of literary production—which includes sound tracks, visual effects and hyperlinks—that the website was mainly created. Ahmed Fadl Shabloul, vice president of the union, literature,’ that will make literature more interactive through the use of available Internet tools such as multimedia and hypertext. It will be a more interactive literature—one in which the reader helps create the text.” In one of the stories featured on the website, the reader gets to choose what events will come next by clicking on one of the numerous hypertext phrases at the end of each chapter, thus creating his or her own version of the story. Union member Mohammed Al Sherbini shares Shabloul’s enthusiasm for the new literary genre. “The Internet is the future,” he says. “On the web you have more options, you can have three dimensional images, background music and many other special effects.” Al

It’s not a book. Is it a novel? A website? Entertainment? Literature? None of the above? All of the above? Perhaps the best indication that Mohammed Sanajleh has done something truly innovative with Chat is that it so stubbornly resists categorization. Sanajleh, the head of the Arab Union for Internet Writers, says he’s written a novel. He’s even got a name for the genre: “digital realism.” Chat was released 23 October, on the Arab Union’s website. Chat tells the story of Mohammed, a young Jordanian engineer who works for a multinational company in an isolated seaside town in Oman. Driven by boredom and chance, the protagonist turns to cyberspace, which he finds more fulfilling than his everyday existence. Both the narrator and the author are Jordanian. Both are named Mohammed. At some points, the protagonist drifts into long passages of metaphysical meditation that seem improbable coming from a math-nerd engineer. Sanajleh used a mixture of Flash and HTML to create backgrounds and add special effects. The first chapter, Al Adam Al Ramly (The Sandy Vacuum), begins with a short clip of wind blowing through an empty desert. Every time the protagonist receives an SMS, an icon of a mobile phone appears in the text. Clicking on the icon allows the reader to hear the message tone and read the

message text gliding across the image of a mobile phone screen. Whenever Mohammed turns to chat services on the Web, Yahoo! or Maktoob icons appear on screen. This really is literature for today’s Arabic youth. Background music plays during certain passages. If that’s not enough to suggest the mood of the protagonist, cartoon thought balloons appear as the reader glides the mouse over certain words, to explain what the narrator was thinking while he wrote them: literary meta-text and computer hypertext. When characters make reference to American Beauty and The Matrix, links to clips from the films appear. On the union’s website, Sanajleh writes that “In the digital realism novel, words will be just one part of a larger whole. For, in addition to words, we should write with pictures, sounds and animation.” But does all this focus on technological tricks merely disguise bad writing? Lengthy passages in Chat, in which the narrator describes his feelings for a Lebanese girl, contain such a long and complex array of symbols and images that they are almost incomprehensible. Though Chat’s multimedia effects give the reading experience a new flavor, the novelty quickly wears off. In the end, these effects accomplish no more than what readers’ imaginations have long done: visualize elements in the story. Thus, one wonders if the pyrotechnics are merely a means of compensating for writing that fails to evoke a scene or capture the imagination. Chat may be the first novel of its kind in Arabic literature. A new path has been opened. Let’s hope many more gifted writers travel down it. Otherwise, it risks being no more than another forgettable experiment.











uAl Sawy Cultural Center 26 July St., Zamalek (736-6178) Open daily 9am-9pm Earth Hall Artwork using various materials by Hossam Eddin Ahmed Word Hall Woodwork exhibition by Mohammed Youssef All exhibitions through 9 November. Daily 6-11pm uBibliotheca Alexandrina Al Geish St., (Corniche), Al Shatbi, Alexandria 100 days—100 Imachinations, live projection by German artist Tim Otto Roth. The series of changing projected images will be shown on the BA Conference Center’s triangular wall facing the Corniche, enabling the public to watch the light show from the Corniche. Through 6 December.

news culture





listings news I






Tuesday 8 November, 7pm Al Madina (The City), directed by Youssri Nasralla, 2000 (Arabic with English subtitles) uFrench Cultural Center, Heliopolis 5 Shafiq Al Dib St., Ard El Golf (417-4824, 419-3857) Tuesday 8 November, 8pm Buena Vista Social Club documentary movie directed by Wim Wenders, 1999, 100min., starring Compay Segundo (English and Spanish with French subtitles) uFrench Cultural Center, Mounira 1 Madrassat Al Hoquq Al Faransiya St., Mounira (794-7679, 794-4095) Wednesday 9 November, 8:30pm Sahar Al Layali (Sleepless Nights), directed by Hani Khalifa, starring Sherif Mounir, Mona Zaki, Hanan Turk, Fathi Abdel Wahab and Jihan Fadel, 2003, 130 min. (Arabic with French subtitles) In cooperation with the National Center for Egyptian Cinema uGoethe-Institute Cairo 5 Al Bustan St., Downtown (575-9877) Tuesday 8 November, 7pm Schultze Gets the Blues, directed by Michael Schorr, 2003, 114min (English and German) Wednesday 9 November, 7pm Aus Liebe zum Volklove(Love for the People), directed by Eyal Sivan and Audry Maurion, 2004 (German)

New Movies for the Eid: (call venues to check which movie will be shown) Orido Kholaan (I Want a Divorce), written and directed by Ahmed Awad, starring Ashraf Abdel Baqi and Hala Shiha Banat Wust Al Balad (Downtown Girls), directed by Mohammed Khan, starring Hind Sabri, Menna Shalabi and Mohammed Nagati Gai fil Sariaa (Coming Quickly), directed by Gamal Qasem, starring Magid Al Kadawani and Riham Abdel Ghafour Ghawi Hob (Hopeless Romantic), directed by Ahmed Al Badri, starring Mohammed Foad and Hala Shiha Dars Khosousi (Khosousi’s Lesson), directed by Sameh Abdel Aziz, starring Mohammed Attiya and Hana Shiha



uAmerican University in Cairo Greek Campus, Youssef Guindi St., Downtown, Jameel Center Auditorium, (797-6373)

u6 October Cinema Al Hay Al Sabea St., behind 6 of October University (835-7569) Daily 10:30am, 12:50, 3:50, 6:50 & 9:50pm, Thursday and Friday also 12:45am uCairo Mall Cinema Al Haram St., in front of Central Al Haram (584-9721) Daily 10:30am, 1:30, 4, 7 & 10pm, Thursday and Friday also 1am uCairo Sheraton Cinema Midan Al Galaa, Al Dokki (760-6081) Daily 1, 4, 7 & 10pm, Thursday and Friday also 12:30am uCity Center Cinema 3 Makram Ebeid St., Nasr City (010-667-5096) Daily 11:30am, 1:15, 4:15, 7:15, 10:15pm & 1am uConcorde Hotel Cinema Next to Al Shams Club, Abdel Hamid Badawy St., Heliopolis (622-4000, 622-6000) Daily 11am, 1:15, 4, 7, 10pm & 1am uDiana Cinema Al Alfy St., off 26th of July St., Downtown (592-4727, 786-9949) Daily 11am, 1:30, 3:30, 6:30 & 9:30pm uDream Cinema 6 October, Dream Land, Dream Mall, 6th of October City (840-1252) Daily 10:30am, 1, 4, 7, 10pm, Thursday also 12:30am uFamily Cinema 11 Othman Towers, Maadi (524-8100, 524-8120) Daily 11am, 1, 4, 7, 10pm, Thursday &




uAl Arayes Midan Ataba, next to Al Taliaa Theater,

Friday also 1am uFlorida Cinema 1 & 2 Masakin Sheraton, Heliopolis (268-5005) Daily 11am, 1:30, 4, 7, 10pm & 12:30am uGalaxy Cinema 67 Abdel Aziz Abdel Saoud St., Manial (532-5745, 532-5746) Daily 10:30am, 1:30, 4, 7, 10pm & 1am uGeneina Mall Cinema 4 Al Battrawy St., Nasr City (263-0745) Daily 11am, 1:30, 4, 7, 10pm & 1am uGood News Cinema Grand Hyatt, Garden City (365-1234) Daily 10:20am, 1, 4, 7, 10pm & 1am uHeliopolis Cinema Off Damask St., Korba, Heliopolis (258-0647) Daily 11am, 1:15, 4, 7, 10pm & 1am uKarim Cinema 1 & 2 15 Emad Eddin St., Downtown (592-4830) Daily 10:30am, 1:30, 3:30, 6:30, 9:30pm & 12:30am uMaadi Al Bandar Mall Cinema 1 Palestine St., Maadi (519-0770) Daily 10am, 1, 4, 7 & 10pm, Thursday and Friday also 1am uMetro Cairo Cinema 35 Talaat Harb St., Downtown (393-7061) Daily 11am, 1, 4, 7, 10pm & 1am uMiami Cinema 38 Talaat Harb St., Downtown (574-5656) Daily 10:30am, 1:30, 3:30, 6:30,

Don’t ruin the film for yourself and other people






Downtown (591-0954) Starting Friday 4 November Daily 11am & 8pm, except Tuesdays Al Moghamerun Al Khamsa (The Five Adventurers), puppet show directed by Mohammed Abdel Salam, through 10 November uAl Baloon Al Nil Street, Agouza (347-1718) Thursday 3 November-Saturday 5 November, 9:30 pm Shows by Reda Ensemble for Shaabi Arts and by Shaabi Music ensemble uAl Fan 22 Ramses St., Downtown (578-2444) Daily 10pm Starting Thursday 3 November Barhouma Waklah Al Barouma (Barhouma Decayed), directed by Galal Al Sharqawi, starring Ahmed Adam, Mahmoud Al Guindi and Hanan Atteya, through the winter season uAl Ghad Theater 26 July St., Agouza (304-3187) Daily 10:30pm, except Mondays Starting Saturday 4 November Ragel Al Alaa (The Man of the Citadel), directed by Nasr Abdel Moneim, starring Tawfiq Abdel Hamid, Zeinab Ismail and others, through 20 November uAl Hanager Arts Center Opera House grounds, Zamalek (735-6861) Daily 9:30 p.m., except Mondays Starting Saturday 5 November

9:30pm & 12:30am uNormandy Cinema 32 Al Ahram St., Heliopolis (257-9195) Daily 10:30am, 1, 3:30, 6:30 & 9:30pm, Thursday and Friday also 1am uRamses Hotel Cinema Al Tahrir Sq. Downtown (574-7435, 574-7436) Daily 11am, 1:30, 4, 7, 10pm & 1am uRenaissance Nile City Corniche Al Nil, Northern Tower, Nile City, before Arkadia mall, Downtown (461-9102, 461-9103) Daily 11am, 1, 4, 7 & 10pm & 1am uRivoli Cinema 26 July St., in front of Dar Al Kadaa Al Aali, Downtown (5755-053) 11am, 1:15, 3:45, 6:45, 9:45pm and 12:30am uStars Cinema City Stars Center, Nasr City (414-2488, 480-3013/14) Daily 10:50am, 1:30, 3:30, 6:30, 9:30pm & 12:30am uTeeba Mall Cinema Al Nasr St., Nasr City (262-1084) Daily 10:45am, 1:15, 4:15, 7:15 & 10:15pm, Thursday and Friday also 1:15am uWonder Land Cinema 3 Mashrou Winder St., Nasr City (401-2354) Daily 10:30am, 1:30, 4:30, 7:15 & 10pm, Thursday and Friday also 1am






An asbestos worker poses for the camera in 6 October City, July 2005.

Al Edana (The Condemnation), directed by Hany Al Banna and starring Tayssir Fahmi, through 20 November uAl Haram 174 Al Haram St. (386-3952) Daily 10:30pm, Tuesdays off Starting Thursday 3 November Bodyguard, directed by Rami Imam, starring Adel Imam and Sherin Seif Al Nasr, through the winter season uAl Rihani 17 Emad Eddin St., Downtown (591-3697) Daily 10:30pm, except Wednesdays Starting Thursday 3 November Do Re Mi Fasolia, directed by Mahmoud Abu Geleila, starring Samir Ghanem and Shaaban Abdel Rahim, through the winter season uAl Salam 101 Qasr Al Aini St., Garden City (795-2484) Daily 10pm, except Tuesdays Starting Thursday 3 November Al Nas Al Nos Nos (The Average People), written by Kamel Hanafi, directed by Fouad Abdel Hai, starring Sherine, Nihal Anbar and Ahmed Rateb, through the winter season uAl Sawy Cultural Center 26 July St., Zamalek (736-6178) Saturday 5 November, 8:30pm Barra Al Gornal (Off the Newspaper), written by Yasser Aallam directed by Sobhi Al Haggar Sunday 6 November, 8:30 Al Wad Ghorab wa Al Qamar (The Boy Ghorab and the Moon), written by Ashraf Azzab, directed by Ibrahim Al Sheikh uAl Taliaa Midan Ataba, behind Al Ataba Parking, Downtown (593-7948) Daily 9pm, except Tuesdays Starting Friday 4 November Al Moharregun (The Clowns), written by Mohammed Al Moghawat, directed by Maher Selim, through 20 November uFeissal Nada 22 Qasr Al Aini St., Garden City (532-1112) Daily 9pm, except Thursday 3 and Friday 4 November at 10pm Starting Thursday 3 November In Kibir Ibnak (If Your Son Grew Up), directed by Fouad Abdel Hai, starring Sami Al Adl, Mohammed Nagati, Heba Al Sisi and Gihan Salama, through the winter season

Cairo periodically publishes photographs of moments captured in the city. To submit photographs for publication, email [email protected].






and news finally...


75 years ago Tensions ran high following the Wafd and Liberal Constitution parties’ 6 November 1930 announcement that they would boycott the elections to protest the constitution approved by Ismail Sidqi’s government. Dozens of people were injured as students rioted on university campuses in Alexandria and Cairo.


yanmar means “the golden land” in Burmese, and after being there I understood why. It is one of the most beautiful countries I have ever visited. It felt like a moving picture. Yet even though it is a visually stunning country, there are many problems. The country is run by a military dictatorship, and human rights organizations claim that ethnic cleansings take place in areas tourists aren’t allowed to visit. Activist Aung San Suu Kyi is being held under house arrest in the capital Yangon and many people are too afraid of government retribution to even mention her name. The government controls its people by severely limiting access to international news and to the Internet. It is impossible to check a hotmail account in Myanmar, something I couldn’t believe until I saw it with my own eyes.

Yet knowing all of these things, my family and I still decided to go because we knew we could avoid patronizing government-run businesses. We knew our money would go into the pockets of the people of Myanmar. Pagodas are religiously significant in Buddhism, the main religion of Myanmar. Shewedagon Pagoda, located in Yagon, is the religious epicenter of the country and the magnificent structure is covered with 40 tons of gold. Bagan, another city in Burma, is also famous for its pagodas. It is overflowing with very old (non-gilded) pagodas, and the best way to see them is by hot air balloon. There are literally hundreds of them on just a few acres. We decided to get up before dawn to watch the sunrise while we floated above the pagodas. It was incredible, and I can only hope this photo shows a tenth of the beauty of the place. —Tara Todras-Whitehill

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50 years ago On 3 November 1955, President Gamal Abdel Nasser rejected David Ben-Gurion’s request for a meeting to settle “the Palestinian problem,” citing clashes between Israeli and Egyptian troops in the northern Sinai region of Al Auja that left more than 50 Egyptian soldiers dead. 30 years ago Three hundred thousand unarmed Moroccans walked across the border into the northeast portion of Western Sahara, then Spanish Sahara, on 6 November 1975, in a push to lay claim to the area. Morocco’s King Hassan called the event the “Green March.” The International Court of Justice, whose decisions are not binding, had previously rejected Morocco’s claim to Western Sahara, supporting the right of the Sahrawi people to self-determination. The influx of Moroccans, especially government soldiers, forced thousands of indigenous Sahrawi into refugee camps in Algeria. 10 years ago On 4 November 1995, Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin was assassinated by Jewish law student Yigal Amir. Amir later told a judge that the assassination was an attempt to derail the peace process, since, he said, Rabin was intent on “giving our country to the Arabs.” He pointed to Halacha, the Jewish legal code, as the source of ideas that had led him to commit the murder.

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