
  • June 2020
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  • Words: 5,301
  • Pages: 8
‘Cage’ by GoldFox I own nothing and noone! <><><><><><><><><><> It was about noon. Kurt lay sleeping on the bed, smiling in his dreams. Scott glared at him, knowing full-well it was wasted. He went and sat next to Jean, sighing deeply. Jean snuggled fearfully next to him, asking softly, “Scott… what’s going to happen?” Scott held her, muttering helplessly, “I don’t know, Jean. I just don’t know.” Evan, standing at the wall, looked through the clear plastic with a confused expression. He turned, asking, “But why, man? We’re his buds!” From the corner furthest away from Kurt’s sleeping form came a French-accented voice, muttering out, “That’s why he hasn’t killed you losers.” Rogue rose from her corner, snapping, “Hey, Frenchie, lay off!” Remy didn’t back down, but kept fiddling with his deck of cards, shuffling them over and over and over again, saying, “Why? It’s true, isn’t it? He likes you and you survive the night. He didn’t like Creed and we’ve got an empty cot now.” Rogue turned red and she said angrily, “Stop it, Remy! Just stop!” Remy still didn’t take the hint and said, “Why? I’m probably next. Just wait and see. Tonight, he’ll pick me. I know it.” Scott then muttered gently, “Remy, we don’t know who it’ll be. He picks at random.” Remy huffed, but didn’t reply. They then turned, and for a time, just watched as Kurt slept. Bobby suddenly asked from behind everyone, “Guys… do you think he was serious? About Quicksilver?” Scott winced, saying, “I hope not, Bobby. I sure hope not.” Remy then said softly, “We’ll find out in a few minutes. He’ll get up, and then we’ll know. If he ‘ports, he’s alive. If not, he’s been dige--” “Remy!” Scott snapped as Bobby whimpered. “Knock it off! You’re scaring the younger ones!” Bobby would have been insulted by the naming, but as he held a shaking Jubilee close to him, he knew it was true. The Cajun was scaring him horribly. By simply telling the truth. Suddenly Kurt inhaled deeply, rolling over. They watched with baited breath as Kurt blinked and sat up, yawning. Remy remarked softly, “No ‘port. Look’s like Quicksilver ended up as a midnight snack.” Scott got up, clenching his fists, muttering, “Remy! If I have to tell you again…” Suddenly a German-accented voice said softly, “Now, now! No fighting, boys!” They all turned. Kurt had gotten out of bed, crouching in front of the cage, grinning widely, fangs exposed. Remy gulped and ducked behind Rogue, muttering to himself in French. Kurt smiled again and then said, “Good little things.” He winked at them and went back to the bed, laying flat on his back. He then ‘ported and reappeared, crouched, at the foot of the bed, grinning in a very predatory way. On the bed was a small body, hardly three inches tall. They stared, and Jean muttered, “He’s alive…” The small person stirred, moaning. He sat up and put a hand to his white hair, rubbing his temples gently. But then he looked up. He went stiff and scrabbled backward, screaming out, “Don’t touch me!” Kurt chuckled and quickly trapped Pietro in his tail and brought him close. Pietro gulped and cowered, eyes squeezed shut, awaiting a blow. Kurt laughed at him, and licked him roughly, coating his head in warm saliva. He opened the cage, dropped him into it, saying as he relatched it, “I’ll be back. Okay?” and walked out of the room. Remy, being the strongest, caught Pietro as he fell and cradled the boy while the others crowded around. Jean gently roused Pietro, and for a while, they could get nothing out of him. He curled up and wouldn’t talk to them. Instead, he’d only whimper softly to himself.

Remy, who had put Pietro down on one of the beds, watched as the younger mutants cared for Pietro. Remy was quiet for a while, and then remarked softly, “Lucky.” This seemed to snap something to life in Pietro’s head and he sat straight up and asked, then screamed, “Lucky? LUCKY!” He went over to Remy, standing at the mutant’s shoulder, saying angrily and in fear, “Lucky, you French-bastard? I got eaten!” Remy nodded, and said, “But he let you out.” He then slumped his shoulders, saying, “He didn’t do that to Creed…” They all shuddered, remembering that terrible night and the even worse morning. Kurt suddenly wandered back in, holding a bit of toast. “Morning everyone.” he said as he crunched down on the buttered bread. Scott left Jean’s side and called up, “Kurt please! For the love of God, let us go!” Kurt sighed and smiled gently, saying, “Scott, Scott, Scott…” He kneeled before the cage, smiling broadly, saying teasingly, “Always so serious! Lighten up, man!” Jean came forwards, hugging herself tightly, but said softly, “Kurt. Please. This isn’t right. You’re hurting people.” Kurt’s eyebrow raised as he said, “Hurting? I think that digestion goes way beyond hurting, Jean.” He then rubbed his stomach and purred out, “And I love it!” Suddenly there was knock. Kurt stood up from the cage, saying, “Enter.” A huge man came in the room. His skin was shiny gray metal and he dragged in behind him a young teenage girl. She had a thin build and long brown hair pulled back in a ponytail. She kicked at the metal man’s legs, but aside from dull thunks, nothing was accomplished. Kurt grinned broadly as Scott muttered, “Kitty…” Kitty kicked at the metal man again, shrieking, “Let me go, you creep!” Kurt smiled again as Colossus said, “Quite the fighter this one. We had to chase her for many blocks before we got the bracelet on her.” Said bracelet was locked tight around Kitty’s ankle, preventing her from using her powers. Kurt purred, “Really?” Kitty finally looked around her and saw Kurt. She was obviously very confused, asking, “Kurt? Like, what are you doing here?” Kurt took her hand and drew her towards him, out of the metal man’s grasp, saying without looking at the metal mutant, “Leave us.” The man bowed and backed out, muttering, “Yes, Sir.” as he shut the door behind him. Kurt held Kitty close, staring at her. Kitty asked in surprise, “Kurt?” “Kitty…” Kurt’s voice was heavy with something Kitty didn’t exactly like and it was confirmed as he dove down, kissing her hard. She struggled against him, shoving him away and saying, “Stop that! What’s going on? Where are we?” Kurt’s gaze became hard and he growled out, “No. No questions. I’ve waited for too long. Get on the bed. Now.” Kitty was shocked, asking, “What?” But then she was pushed backwards onto the bed, and Kurt fell atop her, caressing her roughly with hands, feet and tail, making her squeal in surprise, “Kurt! What are you doing?” “Kurt, stop!” The voice was familiar. Kitty turned her head and while Kurt nipped hungrily at her exposed neck, she saw the cage. And what, or rather, who, it contained. She stared, whispering, “Scott? Scott! Oh my God!” She turned to look at Kurt, asking in shock, “What have you done, Kurt?” Kurt didn’t listen, however, and was nibbling at the hem of her shirt, purring lustfully, “Strip.” Kitty got lucky and with a good kick, knocked him off her, screaming, “No way!” Kurt got up, eyes blazing, ears slightly folded back, like an angry cat’s. Kitty felt fear flood through her as Kurt leaned over her and hissed, “Strip. Now. Or you’ll find out what happens to those who disobey me.”

Kitty shuddered, but began to undo her shirt. Scott, pressed to the wall of the cage, yelled, “Kurt! No! Leave her alone!” Kurt turned swiftly and growled softly and dangerously, “Scott… it’s been a week for you. Wanna end that streak?” Scott’s eyes got big behind his visor and he instinctively withdrew, feeling sick. Kurt smiled in satisfaction at Scott’s retreat and seeing as how Kitty was now undressed, ‘ported himself out of his clothes and lunged at her. A few hours later, around eight o’clock-ish, Kitty lay in the cage, naked and crying while the others comforted her as best they could. Remy gave her his cloak, muttering soothingly in French to her. Kitty sniffled and went to the redhead’s side, whispering, “Jean… what happened? Kurt’s changed.” She then started to sob, muttering, “He raped me.” Evan, from a corner, answered coldly, “That’s not the worst he could have done, believe me.” Kitty looked up, horrified, asking, “What?” Rogue then supplied, “He could have used you as an incentive.” Kitty stared, asking softly, “A what?” Jean then said softly, “Sometimes, when he… forces himself on others, he’ll…” She paused and Scott ordered gently, “Bobby.” Bobby and Jubilee both covered their ears. Jean then went on, “He’ll eat a few of us, to make himself feel even more powerful.” Kitty stared while Scott said, “We don’t know how, but when he wants to, he can stop his inner systems. We’ll be fine, but it’s hell.” Pietro suddenly whimpered, “It’s all hot and wet and… and…” He buried his face in his hands and shuddered. Jean muttered softly, “Pietro was his latest.” Remy then came forwards, sitting down as he said, “Every night, Blue’ll eat someone right before he goes to sleep. Sometimes they live through the night.” Kitty didn’t miss the emphasis and squeaked out, “Sometimes?” Remy nodded and said softly, “Yeah. When he ate Creed…” He paused, and his shoulders slumped as he said, “The next morning, he just got dressed and went about his day. No ‘port.” Kitty’s hand flew to her mouth and she muttered, “My God…” She looked out at the bed, where Kurt slept, satisfied and naked. She then started to cry again and Jean held her tight. Somehow, Kurt must have heard Kitty’s sobs, because his head suddenly snapped up. He blinked, and then looked at the cage, eyes glowing in the darkness. He dressed, the darkness hiding him, and then turned on the light. He came to the cage, eyeing the mutants inside. Kurt then purred, “Kitty… that was great. But I have this terrible problem with sex: I’m always starving afterwards.” He grinned widely, showing his fangs. They all withdrew to the other side of the cage, huddling together. Scott stepped forwards as Kurt opened the cage, pleading again, “Kurt, please… let us go.” Kurt reached in and caressed Scott’s stiff body, murmuring, “No way, pal. I like having little snacks like you!” He suddenly knocked Scott aside and plucked Pietro out of the throng, saying with a grin, “Especially when they’re feisty!” Pietro screamed and struggled madly as he was lifted out of the cage, trapped in the three-fingered hand. Kurt carefully stripped off Pietro’s shirt, revealing the pale chest and licked at him, moaning softly, “Yeah… I love fast food…” Pietro squirmed even worse, crying openly as he struggled to free himself. But Kurt only shifted his grip to pinch Pietro by a foot. He then sat on the bed, and lifted the other mutant up in the air. He then winked at him and opened his mouth wide. The speed mutant squalled loudly, kicking and screaming hysterically, “NO!” Kurt laughed at him, saying playfully, “What’s wrong? Don’t like the view?” He opened wide again, making sure Pietro had a very, very good look. Kurt then terrified Pietro further by running the tip of his tongue over his fangs, making them slick and shiny-looking. Kurt then lay down on the bed, purring as he

brought Pietro close to his mouth. Kurt then suddenly put Pietro on his chest, chuckling at feeling the little mutant shivering. Kurt then said, “You know, Quicksilver, it’s kinda funny. One gulp from me and you’ll be on the other side of my skin! Isn’t that funny?” Pietro shuddered and then fell to his knees, hands clasped as he begged desperately, “Please! Don’t do this!” Kurt lifted his head up, looking at Quicksilver, pleading with him, and just smiled broadly, trapping the speed demon in his tail-barb. He sat up, holding Pietro before his face, saying to the trembling mutant, “Sorry, but I am and know what else? I’m gonna love every second of it!” He then readjusted his grip so that the tip of his tail coiled tightly around Pietro’s right ankle and lifted him up into the air. Pietro pleaded again, saying, “I’ll do anything you want! Seriously! Just let me go!” Kurt’s eyes closed to be half-lidded and he purred, “Anything?” Pietro nodded rapidly, saying, “Yes! Anything!” Kurt then licked at Pietro, saying as the other mutant shuddered in disgust, “Okay. Here it is: SQUIRM!” and shoved the mutant into his mouth. Kurt looked almost funny, sitting on the bed, his tailtip in his mouth. But those in the cage shuddered, knowing that there was nothing funny about what Kurt was doing. Kurt then moaned softly, “Yeah, good boy…” and then with a soft grunt, shoved his barb completely into his mouth. The motion quite effectively squashed Pietro into stillness, caught between the back of Kurt’s mouth and the tail-barb. Pietro shuddered, able to picture exactly what would happen to him if Kurt relaxed his throat. And then he did. Pietro let out a shrill cry as he was forced backwards into dark wet heat, but then screamed for another reason; his ankle hurt! Then he realized he was upside down, wrapped tightly in warm flesh and felt sick. Kurt was using his tail like a lifeline, keeping Pietro from slipping all the way down. Pietro felt the walls around him move and he was forced deeper. He could hear Kurt’s heartbeat next to him, the brassness pounding through his skull. Suddenly though, right when Pietro felt he was going to slip out of the tail’s gasp, he was yanked upwards. He shut his eyes and suddenly realized he wasn’t confined anymore. He cracked open an eye. He was still upside down, ankle in Kurt’s tail tip. But him and a good six inches of the furry blue tail were soaked with Kurt’s saliva. Kurt was licking his lips, saying, “Hmmm… lovely! Can’t wait to do it for real!” Pietro could feel the spit dripping off him, the thick sticky liquid oozing through his clothes. Pietro started to cry, saying softly, “You’re gonna kill me, aren’t you?” Kurt nodded, saying cheerfully, “Yep.” He leaned close, purring, “Wanna know how?” Pietro shook his head, arms held close to his body. Kurt ignored him and said with a broad smile, “I’m gonna put you back in my mouth, no safety line this time, and swallow. Now, doesn’t that sound fun?” Quicksilver hung still, hugging himself tightly, crying openly, tears dripping down his face along with Nightcrawler’s spit. Kurt then licked at him, cleaning his chest of the cooling saliva and smacked his lips, purring, “Oh, that’s good…” Then without warning, he threw Pietro in the air, catching him perfectly in his mouth, snapping his lips shut and enveloping the speed demon. He could hear and feel Pietro’s struggles, but ignored them, tilting back his head and gulping. Kurt purred even louder as the squirming lump was forced down his throat and into his chest. He lay back on the bed, rubbing his stomach as he moaned in pleasure. Kitty stared while the others grimaced. It was her first time seeing such an act and it terrified her. Kurt suddenly sat up and eyes ablaze, reached in, and in each hand, picked two people; Evan and Jean in his left, Scott and Rogue in his right. Then, slowly and with great pleasure, Kurt would use his tail to extract them, one at a time, from his fists and then put them in his mouth, gulping down the struggling, protesting bodies easily. Then he went back for Bobby and Jubilee. Finally, it was just Remy and Kitty left. Kurt then showed Kitty his new level of cruelty as he plucked Remy from the cage with his tail-tip. He got up, smoothed the bed down while holding Remy in his tail, and then put the mutant on it and said, “Simon says!” Remy shuddered, muttering, “Oh non…”

Kurt grinned widely and leaned over the French mutant, saying softly, “Oh Ja.” Kurt then crawled up on the bed, curled around Remy and ordered, “Stand on one leg.” Remy shivered, but obeyed. For the next half-hour, Kurt made Remy do a whole bunch of exercises that were both embarrassing and degrading. At one point, Kurt ordered Remy to come and kiss him, on the lips, and then claim to have loved it. Another time, Kurt played cat and mouse, batting the mutant forcefully while mewling cutely. Kurt played with Remy for a while and Kitty ached watching it. Remy was a proud mutant, and these games Kurt was playing were cold and cruel. Finally though, Remy collapsed. Kurt poked at him, saying, “Up.” Remy tried to obey, but fell back down, panting from having to run around the bed as Kurt chased him. Kurt’s gaze grew cold and he said softly, “I said up. You have one more thing to do.” Remy groaned, but got up, swaying. Kurt then picked him up and placed him beside the cage, kneeling next to it. Kurt then put his chin on the table and muttered softly, “Gambit… j’ai faims.” Remy moaned softly, “Oh non… Pitié! S’il te plais! Pitié!” But Kurt was unmoved, answering coldly and with a smile, “Maintenant.” Remy looked helplessly at Kitty, barely a foot away, on the other side of the clear plastic of the cage wall. Kitty stared, feeling scared. She hadn’t understood the exchange, but she was pretty sure that what Kurt wanted Remy to do wasn’t going to be fun. Or healthy for the French mutant. Remy pleaded for a while longer, pressing himself to the cage, as far from Kurt as he could, but Kurt finally growled at him, “Arrêtes du parler et marches. Sinon, je mâcherai.” Remy paled and muttered, “You wouldn’t…” Kurt just winked at him and opened his mouth wide. Kitty, being ‘beside’ Remy, got the exact same view as the Cajun and felt sick. Vaguely, she remembered old cartoons she used to watch as a kid. You’d always see the lion roaring at the hero, jaws wide open and like cartoons do, they’d show the inside of the feline’s mouth, lined by fangs and all red. This was worse. Kurt’s fangs seemed so much sharper and the fact that they were shiny with his saliva made Kitty feel all watery inside. The blue mutant’s tongue was a soft pink color, but the rest of the mouth was a mix of dark reds and pinks, and at the back, it was jet black. Everything looked wet and slick and dangerous. Kitty fell to her knees while Gambit stared, speaking softly in French. Kitty heard the word ‘Dieu’ several times. Kurt then shut his mouth and glared at Remy, muttering, “I don’t like waiting.” then opened up again. Remy shuddered and pleaded one last time, weakly. Kurt ignored him and the tail came up, going behind Remy and shoving him firmly towards the open maw. Remy stumbled as he was pushed, but then the tail left him. Remy was right in front of Kurt’s mouth, shaking. Kitty watched helplessly, terrified. Remy then sighed deeply and reaching into a pocket, patted his beloved cards. Then he came forwards and put a hand on one of Kurt’s upper fangs, breathing deeply. Then, with a resigned sigh, he ducked his head into Kurt’s mouth. Kitty watched in horrified shock as Remy climbed willingly into the fanged gateway, slipping a little on the slick tongue. Remy was a tall man, so he had to crouch to fit. Kurt purred loudly as Remy worked his way backwards, towards the darkness. Kitty finally unfroze and banged on the wall, screaming, “NO! What are you doing!? Get out of there!” Remy, an inch from death, turned. His red eyes glowed like embers as he saluted, saying softly, “Bonne soir, petite chaton.” then let himself fall backwards. Kitty shut her eyes, sobbing as she heard Kurt snap his mouth shut and gulp loudly, purring even louder. Kitty peeked and sobbed harder. Kurt had stood up, putting his stomach level with the cage, rubbing it as he licked his lips, saying, “Fast food’s excellent, but there’s just something about Cajun cooking that’s just so darn delectable!”

Kitty looked up, cheeks tear-stained, shouting angrily, “You sicko!” Kurt kneeled again, peering at her with those yellow eyes, saying with a grin, “Maybe.” But then he moaned, and his hand dipped down below the table and Kurt’s eyes shut as he purred, “Oh God… I love it when they struggle…” Kitty stared at Kurt’s chest, shuddering. But maybe there was still hope. She then begged, “Kurt, let them out! You’re gonna kill them!” Kurt winked at her, answering cheerfully, “Yeah I know. And I’m gonna love every minute of it!” He purred again, but then his eyes turned a soft gold as he looked at Kitty, murmuring, “But wait… I haven’t got the whole crew down there yet. I’m missing one important person. A certain little kitty cat…” He reached for the opening of the cage, and Kitty ran to the other side, the cloak falling unheeded to the floor as she squealed, “Oh no, Kurt, no!” Kurt smiled and easily grabbed her, loving how her naked body squirmed in his fist. Kurt lifted her above the cage, before his face, whispering with glee, “Oh yes, Kitty, yes.” He took her to the bed, lying down on his back and holding her above him. She was pleading with him, crying, but Kurt just ignored it, and said, “Hey, wanna hear something cool?” He then pressed her to his stomach, giggling. For a brief blissful second Kitty heard nothing, but then faint cries reached her, barely making it through the flesh. She sobbed, crying out, “Kurt, please! Don’t do this! Help me!” Kurt sat up, saying cheerfully, “Help you? Sure I will!” Kitty looked hopeful, asking, “Really?” Kurt nodded and said in a perfectly innocent voice, “Yep. I’ve tried having them squirm down on their own, but I guess it’s too difficult for them. So I have to swallow, otherwise they’d never get anywhere!” Kitty cried harder, whispering, “Please… please no…” Kurt grinned at her, fangs sharply defined, and purred, “Now, my little Kätzchen, I have but one request for you.” “I’ll never do anything for you, you evil demon!” Kitty screamed angrily at him. Kurt smiled, muttering playfully, “Ouch. That hurt.” He lifted her up and licked at Kitty’s leg, sucking it into his mouth, making her squeal. He released her and held her close to his eyes, saying sweetly, “As I was saying, I love having the naked ones squirm. The flavor gets everywhere. So be a good little kitten and wriggle.” He winked at her and then tilting his head back, suspending her by the waist over his mouth. He kept his mouth shut for a bit, smiling teasingly at her, but then opened wide. Kitty’s shrill scream just made Kurt wag his tail. This was gonna be good! He lowered her a little, until she was right above his mouth, feeling her little kicks against his lips. He then licked her, his tongue swiping warmly and wetly over her abs and breasts, making her squeal deliciously. He then licked again, wrapping his tongue around her legs, getting the full taste of the thin, supple limbs. He purred in satisfaction and repeated the action on the arms, giggling at feeling the fingers twitching against his tongue. Then he teased her cruelly by holding her and spreading her legs and licking at her between her legs, making her scream and cry. Kurt licked his lips, loving that flavor. But it just made him even hungrier, so with a final goodbye kiss (a lick to Kitty’s face), he tilted back his head and slowly deposited the struggling mutant in his mouth. He let her squirm around on his tongue for a while, purring softly as he felt her body pressing wildly against the inside of his mouth. God, he loved this! He then started to talk to her. He loved their reactions. He had long ago perfected the art of talking coherently even with a full mouth. He then murmured, “Like the view, Kitty?” Kitty’s plea was predictable; “Let me go, Kurt, please!” Kurt pushed her around a bit, muttering playfully, “Now why would I do that? You feel so good in there!” He licked at her again, moaning, “Not to mention you taste absolutely delicious!” Kurt felt a nudge against his tongue and grinned, realizing Kitty must have tried kicking. Her squeal of, “Stop that!” testified it further.

Kurt then purred, “You don’t know how hard it is to keep you in my mouth. I’m starving and you’re one delectable kitty-cat! Oh, I just wanna…” He held her still and swallowed, making her go stiff and then start to cry and plead, “Please… Don’t do this… Let me and the others go, Kurt…” Kurt smiled, muttering, “Let me think… NO!” He then teased her by shoving her onto a fang and biting down lightly. Kitty screamed in fear and scrabbled free, shouting both accusingly and in terror, “Kurt!” Kurt stood up, walking across his room as he purred, “What? Oh, let me guess; my fangs, right? Scared of being cut?” He pushed her back onto a bottom fang, loving how it felt as she squirmed off. He then walked to the mirror, saying softly, “Don’t worry. Another minute or so is all I’ll be able to take anyway. Then it’ll be all soft and warm. Will that be better?” Kitty sobbed in response. Kurt licked at her again, murmuring, “Oh Gott you taste good…” He then said with a cheerful tone, “Hey, Kitty, look up!” and opened his mouth at the mirror. Kitty’s will was shattered at seeing herself in Kurt’s mouth. She could see how delicate and fragile she was. If Kurt wanted, he could just shut his mouth and start to chew, and they both knew it. Kitty slumped on the warm tongue, spent. It was over. She was done for. Kurt rolled her around, coating her with more spit, murmuring, “Tasty Kitty…” She glanced out again and saw herself once more, this time soaking wet with Kurt’s spit. Then she noticed Kurt was looking right at her, yellow eyes glinting. She wanted to plead one last time, but Kurt had a look that clearly stated his intentions; he was going to eat her. Kitty broke down, crying, not bothering to resist as Kurt flipped her over, tonguing her between her legs, rudely touching her there. Kitty shut her eyes, letting Kurt do what he wanted. She didn’t have the heart or the strength to care anymore. Kurt then stopped moving her and Kitty peeked one last time. Kurt had practically shut his mouth, but she could still see out. Kurt was smiling at her. He winked and shut his mouth. Then everything got tight, hot and wet. Another scream was wrenched from Kitty as she was forced downwards. Suddenly she fell, landing right on top of a body. She was helped to sit up, hearing a French-accented voice say, “Petite chaton’s here.” Kitty was stunned. It was everyone and for the moment, they looked unharmed. Sure they were all soaking wet, but a quick sniff realized it was just with saliva, not gastric juices. They were in a small area, barely big enough for them all to fit. Everyone was sitting down, or in the case of Pietro, were curled up. There was dim red light, allowing her to see the smooth, red walls. She shuddered as she heard Scott mutter sarcastically and bitterly, “Great. Welcome to the party.” Kitty was shaking and suddenly became conscious of the fact she was naked. She covered her breasts and put a hand between her legs, shuddering at feeling thick slime there from when Kurt had tongued her roughly. She then squeaked out, “What…” Jean struggled to cross everyone, got to Kitty’s side and held her gently, saying softly, “I think we can relax, Kitty. Pietro’s still here, and he was the first. We’re all pretty sure that Kurt’s not going to hurt us.” “For now anyway.” Pietro muttered softly. He then shoved at Scott, saying, “Move over, Summers.” Scott shoved back at him, pushing him against one of the slimy walls, snapping, “And where to, Maximoff? Huh? In case you’ve forgotten, there’s not much room in here.” Pietro glared halfhearted at him, but then slumped down, hugging himself tightly. Kitty shivered, asking, “What happens now?” Evan answered, “If we’re lucky, nothing.” Then Remy said softly, “But considering our luck, chaton, it’ll get even wetter in here.” As if on cue, there was a rushing sound and suddenly cold liquid dumped down on them, soaking everyone further than they just were. The girls all squealed in surprise, including Pietro, while everyone

else just grunted in surprise. They were sitting in the liquid, having it come up to their chests, chilling them. Remy then spat, muttering, “C’est du lait… Diable bleu… Je vais tuer-lui.” They stared, and Pietro asked, “Okay, WHAT did he say?” Scott then took a tentative taste and said, “It’s milk.” They all shuddered, realizing how just another ‘mouthful’ of milk could easily drown them. But fortunately, nothing happened. They sat for a while, now cuddled up even closer to keep warm. But then everything went crazy as the ‘room’ seemed to roll to its side. They were all dunked as the milk splashed around, and they came up, sputtering. Pietro then shouted, “Hey! Quit rolling around!” shaking his fist above him. Scott laughed coldly, saying, “Pietro. He can’t hear you. And besides, he doesn’t care.” Pietro then took the opportunity to start swearing colorfully, calling Kurt things that Scott didn’t even know were insults. But then Remy covered Pietro’s mouth, saying with a grin, “Hey, doucement, petit. Bleu can’t hear you, but we can and I’ll not have you talking around chaton like that. Compris?” Pietro shoved him off and for good measure, splashed some of the milk at Gambit’s face, answering angrily, “Back off, Cajun!” Gambit was about to launch himself at Pietro when another noise made everyone freeze. Suddenly a huge thing came into their group. They all backed up fearfully, but then stared. It was the tail-barb, curled up like it was holding something. It was feeling around, looking for something. It touched Bobby’s shoulder and he squealed and leapt aside, but the barb didn’t pursue him. Instead it uncurled, and revealed, in the ‘palm’, two objects; a flashlight and envelope. Scott took them, but before anything else could be done, the barb was pulled out. Pietro lunged at the disappearing tip, and missed. The tip had slipped under the milk and Pietro cursed again, smashing his hand on the liquid angrily. Scott and the others ignored him, and turned to the letter. Scott turned on the light, shuddering at seeing the red walls so much better. He then focused the beam on the now opened letter and read it aloud. “Hi guys! Did you like the trip down? I sure did! Hope you’re nice and comfy in there. You’ll be staying for a while. I have to say, having you all inside me at once is really nice! It’s just too bad I never tried it before. Oh well. Enjoy your stay…before things get hot! PS: Hope you liked the milk!” While Bobby and Jubilee whimpered, Scott angrily tore up the letter and shut off the light. FIN?

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