Cad/cam 2 Mid Online Bits

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1. :-> 2. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is designed to produce a limited variety of parts styles :->Dedicated FMS 3. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is a method for identifying part families and associated machine groupings that uses information continued on production route sheets :->Production flow Analysis 4. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _systems are designed to fill the gap between high production transfer lines and low production NC Machines :->FMS 5. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ has four or more processing workstations connected mechanically by a common part handling system :->FMS 6. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is a collection of parts which are similar either because of geometric shape and similar manufacturing operations :->Part family 7. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is used to compute the raw material and component requirements for end products listed in Master schedule :->Bill of materials file 8. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ storage system used for batch and job shop production :->WIP 9. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _file contains the list of work stations through which each work part must be processed in CIM. :->Routing File 10. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ station is, where loads are transferred into and out of AS/RS :->Pick-anddeposit 11. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ involves the automatic generation of process plan or (route sheet) to manufacture the part :>CAPP 12. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ layout type is generally appropriate for processing a large family of parts :>Open Field 13. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ can be defined as computer based system for planning, scheduling and controlling materials resources and supporting activities needed to meet the MPS :->Manufacturing resource planning 14. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is a computational technique that converts the Master schedule for end products into a detailed schedule for raw materials and components used in end products. :->Material Require ment planning 15. _ _ _ _ _ _ is an approach to part family identification and machine cell formation :->PFA 16. _ _ _ _ contains data on current and future inventory status of each component. :->Inventory record file 17. 2nd and 3rd digits in MICLASS indicate :->Shape elements 18. 34 is represented with the following code in binary coded decimal system for NC programming :>00110100 19. 54 is represented with the following code in binary coded decimal system in NC programming :>01010100 20. A _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is a combination of machine moves resulting in a particular machining function :>Canned cycle 21. A hypothetical part for a given family which includes all of the design and manufacturing attributes of family is called :->Composite part 22. A process plan that can be used by a family of component is called _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ :->Standard plan 23. Ability to change product composition while maintaining the same total production quantity is called :- >Product Mix Flexibility 24. Ability to economically produce parts in high and low quantities is called :->Volume Flexibility 25. Acceptance sampling is most frequently used in :->Mass production 26. Acceptance sampling is not followed in :->Japanese industries 27. Agile manufacturing is implemented at the :->Enterprise level 28. Among the following which one is based on route sheet? :->PFA 29. An alternative form of loop layout is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ layout :->Rectangular 30. Another form of Lean manufacturing is :->Agile manufacturing 31. APT is a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ language for CNC machines :->Higher level language 32. AS/RS stands for :->Automated storage and retrieval system 33. Automated guided vehicles are frequently used in :->Mass production 34. Capability of a machine to perform a variety of operations on a variety of part types and sizes is called :>Machine flexibility 35. Cellular Manufacturing system is designed on the basis of :->GT 36. Chain type structure is also known as :->poly code 37. CIM includes :->all activities throughout ente rprise 38. CIM stands for :->Computer integrated manufacturing system 39. Cluster analysis is used in :->PFA 40. Conveyors are used for transportation of goods along :->Fixed path 41. CRP takes material requirements from MRP to estimate :->Overall estimate of load 42. Cutter is represented with the following word in APT :->CUTTER 43. Dead reckoning refers to the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ vehicle guidance technology :->Selfguided 44. DNC can control :->a network of CNCs 45. DNC is basically a :->Main frame computer 46. DNC stands for :->Direct numeric control 47. Driverless trains, pallet trucks, unit load carriers are referred to :- >AGVS 48. Ease with which the system can be expanded to increase total production quantities is called :>Expansion Flexibility 49. EIA recommends the spindle speed be programmed in _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ :->rev/min 50. EIA standard feed rate code consists of letter F plus _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ digits :->Five 51. End of a program is represented with :->M30 52. Feed rate is represented with the following word in APT :->FEDRAT 53. Fixed automation is used in :->Continuous production 54. Flexibility in a manufacturing system refers to :->Production of Variety components in short time 55. FMS hardware consists of :->Tooling system 56. FMS is best suited for :->Moderate production rate and medium variety 57. FMS is mostly used in :->Batch production 58. Following is a technique used to control inventory. :->Materials require ment planning 59. Following is not a characteristic of FMS: :->continues production of single item 60. Following is not a coding system :->MRP 61. Following is not related to the implementation of Group Technology :->Materials requirement planning 62. Following is not the advantage of formation of part families. :->reduced scrap 63. For handling round work parts in CIM, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _system is used for economically and effectively. :>Robot 64. For handling small loads that are contained in bins _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ AS/RS is used. :>Mini Load 65. For moving heavy payloads over large distances in warehouses, the system used commonly is :-

>Automated Guided Pallets 66. For moving palletized loads along predetermined routes, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _systems are used commonly. :>Automate d guided pallets 67. G Code used to cancel cutter compensation is :->G40 68. G00 Stands for :->Rapid traverse 69. G01 Stands for :->Line Inte rpolation 70. G02 Stands for :->circular interpolation (clockwise) 71. G03 Stands for :->Circular Interpolation, counte r clock wise 72. G04 represents :->Dwell 73. G50 G59 codes are reserved for :->Adaptive control 74. G71 Stands for :->Dimensioning in metric units 75. Generally secondary code in OPITZ coding system is represented by :->Alphabetic 76. Generative process plans are generated by means of :->Decision logics 77. Geometric Statements in APT describe :->Shape of the part 78. Gravity principle of material handling system is used for transportation of :->Sturdy Items 79. GT is suitable for production of :->Medium range variety and moderate volume 80. Hierarchical structure is known as :->Mono code 81. In _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ type code, interpretation of symbol does not depend on value of preceding symbol :->Chain type code 82. In an APT program which is the last statement _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ :->FINI 83. In CIM the computer is used for :->Controlling throughout enterprise. 84. In Contouring motion statement the tool always moves along _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ :->Drive Surface 85. In FMS, the tools are identified by means of :->Bar code 86. In G42 G01 X 100 Y40 D05, D05 indicates :->Cutter radius 87. In Kanban, there will be :->Minimum inventory 88. In OPITZ code 4th digit refers to :->Plain surfaces 89. In OPITZ code form code is an example of :->Mixed Code 90. In OPITZ system part geometry is represented by :->Form code 91. In poly code system the interpretation of each symbol in the sequence :->does not depend on the preceding symbol 92. Input of MRP is (are) :->MPS, bill of materials, and inventory record file. 93. Japanese use the following word in their quality control procedures. :->jidoka 94. Just- in- time (JIT) is a :->Pull system 95. Just- in- time (JIT) manufacturing philosophy emphasizes on :->Inventory 96. Kanban refers to :->continuos improve ment 97. Lean manufacturing is best suited to :->Batch 98. Lean production deals with :->Making mass production more flexible 99. Line layout configuration is best suited when there is :->No back flow of parts 100.M Code used for automatic clamping is :->M10 101.M Code used for automatic unclamping is :->M11 102.M Code used to start spindle in counterclockwise direction is :->M04 103.M Code used to stop machine is :->M02 104.M Code used to stop spindle is :->M05 105.M03 Stands for :->Spindle on CW 106.Machining transfer lines and automated assembly machines come under _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ automation type. :->Fixed 107.MACRO is used for :->repeated operations 108.MRP - II System is called an integrated system because it considers :->all activities 109.MULICLASS Coding system is based on _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ :->Hie rarchical

structure 110.MULTI CLASS code is based on :->Mono code system 111.MULTI CLASS coding system is based on :->Hie rarchical structure 112.MULTI CLASS system consists of maximum of :->30 digits 113.NC machines tools are related to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ type of automation. :>Programmable 114.NC part programming is based on :->Binary coded decimal system 115.On-line inspection reduces _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in automation :->Scrap 117.OPITZ code for specifying the type of material is called :->Supplementary code 118.OPTIZ code consists of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ :->Design attributes & Manufacturing attributes 119.Part surface defined in APT is always :->Pe rpendicular to cutte r axis 120.PFA(Part Flow Analysis) uses _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ data to identify part families :>Manufacturing 121.Prismatic parts usually heavier and larger are handled by _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ system in CIMS :>Pallet Fixtures 122.Production flow analysis is based on :->Part machine incidence matrix 123.Profile milling is an example of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ path system. :->Contouring 124.Rotation of work piece about z-axis is called :->C-axis 125.Routing prescribes the :->flow of material 126.Secondary code in OPTIZ system intended to identify :->Production operation type and sequence 127.Selection of x-z plane in milling is represented with :->G18 128.Selection of y-z plane in milling is represented with :->G19 129.Spindle speed is represented with the following word in APT :->SPINDL 130.Step turning is an example of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ path system. :->Straight cut 131.The advantage of Generative process planning is :->No human ope rator is required 132.The approach in which the process plan is created from scratch for each component is called :>Generative approach 133.The approach which use existing master process plan of part families is :->Variant approach 134.The approach, which does not require any human assistance, is :->Gene rative approach 135.The APT command that instructs the tool to move in increments as specified from the current tool location is :->GODLTA 136.The axis parallel to the axis of rotation of work piece in case of a CNC Lathe is represented with _ ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ :->Z-axis 137.The basic difference between MRP & MRP -II is :->Finance 138.The complete automation of information flow through every aspect of company is called :->CIM 139.The concept of Part families is used in which production? :->Cellular manufacturing 140.The concept of Part families is used in which production? :->Batch production 141.The fifth digit in OPTIZ system refers to the :->Holes & Teeth 142.The First digit in OPITZ coding system describes :->General shape 143.The first digit in the supplementary code of OPITZ system indicates :->Dimension 144.The First five digits of OPTIZ code system is called :->Form Code 145.The following code is used to return to the reference point :->G28 146.The following code is used to specify the feed rate per minute in Turning :->G98 147.The following code is used to specify the feed rate per minute in milling and drilling :->G94 148.The following code is used to specify the feed rate per revolution in Turning :->G99 149.The following code is used to specify the feed rate per revolution in milling and drilling :->G95 150.The following code is used to turn cutting fluid off. :->M09 151.The following code is used to turn cutting fluid on flood :->M07 152.The following code is used to turn cutting fluid on mist :->M08

153.The following code is used to turn spindle off at an oriented position :->M19 154.The following establishes the procedures for assembling the programmable devices in a

production system :->MAP 155.The following is a characteristic of JIT system :->on-line inspection 157.The following is not a characteristic of Lean manufacturing :->Off-line inspection 158.The following is not a NC input device? :->CPU 159.The following is not found in CNC Lathe. :->Y -axis 160.The following is not programmable device :->Center lathe 161.The following is not programmable device :->Centre lathe 162.The main difference between EIA and ISO Coding standards is :->Parity Check 163.The major disadvantage of product layout is :->high initial investment for the specialized facilities 164.The material handling system that uses independently operated, self propelled vehicles guided along defined parts is :->AGV 165.The method for development of a process plan for new parts is :->Generative process plan 166.The method in which mass production is made more flexible and efficient by adopting methods that reduce waste of all forms is :->Lean Production 167.The most commonly used layout for FMS is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ :->U type layout 168.The part programming method in which the programmer prepares NC code using the low level machine language is :->Manual part programming 169.The Post processor statements in APT used to specify :->Machining parameters. 170.The primary work handling system in CIM is used to move parts :->Between machine tools 171.The radial location of tool in case of a CNC Lathe is represented with _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ :->X -axis 172.'The range of part styles that can be produced on the system' is referred to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ flexibility. :->Production 173.The second digit in OPTIZ system refers to the :->External shape 174.The supplementary code in OPITZ system indicates some of the following attributes :>Manufacturing 175.The surface that guides the side of the cutter is called :->Drive surface 176.The surface that stops the forward motion of the tool in the execution of current command is :>Check surface 177.The term jidoka means :->Stop everything when something goes wrong 178.The term MRP-II stands for :->Manufacturing resource planning 179.The third digit in the form code of OPITZ system ind icates :->Internal shape 180.The time that must be allowed to complete the job from start to finish is called :->lead time 181.The transfer lines are very efficient when producing parts in _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _volumes and _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _variety. :->Large, Low 182.The vertical position of cutting tool in a CNC Milling machine is controlled by _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ :->Z-axis 183.The vertical position of cutting tool in a CNC Milling machine is controlled by _ _ _ _ _ _ _ :->Zaxis 184.The vertical position of cutting tool in case of a CNC Drilling machine is controlled by _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ :->Z-axis 185.The word used to prepare the controller for instruction in NC is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ :->G Word 186.The word used to specify certain auxiliary functions in NC is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ :->M Word 187.This surface on which the bottom or nose of tool is guided is :->Part surface 188.To separate blocks _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ symbol is used in EIA standard format :->EOB 189.To specify input values in inches which code is used? :->G20 190.To specify input values in millimeters which code is used? :->G21

191.To write the NC program in Absolute units, the following code is used. :->G90 192.To write the NC program in Incremental units, the following code is used. :->G91 193.Towing vehicles are used for :->Transport of bulk quantity items 195.Transfer lines are used in _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ :->continuous production 196.UV Light source is used in _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _vehicle guidance technology :->Paint Strips 197.Variant process planning method is useful when :->Batch size is large 198.Variant type process planning works on the principle of :->Group Technology 199.What is maximum number of axis that a CNC machine supports? :->6 200.Which is not a design attribute? :->manufacturing process 201.Which is not a manufacturing attribute? :->shape 202.Which is not is the advantage of mass production? :->small investment 203.Which is the least sophisticated and least expensive method for forming part families? :->visual

inspection 204.Which of the below is not related to material handling system? :->Machining time 205.Which of the following are done by a computer in computer assisted part programming ? :>Arithmetic and cutte r offset computations 206.Which of the following can be treated as the direct connection between CAD and CAM ? :>CAPP 207.Which of the following Coding structure carries more information? :->Mono code 208.Which of the following has large memory and large processing capability? :->DNC 209.Which of the following is a post processor statement? :->RAPID 210.Which of the following is not a FMS component? :->Manually operated machines 211.Which of the following is not an auxiliary statement in APT? :->RAPID 212.Which of the following layouts is suited for Job production? :->Process layout 213.Which of the following layouts is suited for mass production? :->Product layout 214.Which one of the following is a coding system? :->MULTICLASS 215.Which one of the following is a design attribute? :->Basic external shape 216.Which one of the following is a manufacturing attribute? :->Manufacturing process 217.Which one of the following is a point to point statement? :->GODLTA 218.Which the following is not the characteristic of FMS? :->Reduced product variety 219.Which type of automation can be suitable for moderate production rates? :->Flexible 220.Which type of FMS is more suitable when production rate is small and part variety is more? :>Random order FMS

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