Cac Minutes 2008

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MINUTES OF THE 88TH SESSION OF THE CENTRAL ARKANSAS ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF THE TWELFTH EPISCOPAL DISTRICT OF THE AFRICAN METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH Hosted by ST. JAMES AFRICAN METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH CAMDEN, ARKANSAS October 1315-19, 2008, A. D.? The Rev. Clarence Reynolds, Host pastor The Rev. Eugene Brannon, Sr., Associate Presiding Elder The Rev. Clarence Reynolds Host Presiding Elder Rt. Rev. Samuel L. Green, Sr., Presiding Bishop


Proceedings The 88th Session of the Central Arkansas Annual Conference of the Twelfth Episcopal District convened October 14, 2008, hosted at St. James A. M. E . Church, Camden, Arkansas, Rev. Clarence Reynolds, Host Pastor; Rev. Eugene Brannon, Associate Presiding Elder; Rev. Clarence Reynolds, Host Presiding Elder; Dr. Ava L. Green, Episcopal Supervisor, Rt. Rev. Samuel L. Green Sr., Presiding Bishop.


Minutes Central Arkansas Conference Wednesday, October 15, 2008 Day 1 DEVOTION 7:45 a.m. Devotional Leader Opening Hymn. No. 351 “Have A Little Talk with Jesus” Prayer Hymn No,513 “Time is Filled With Swift Transition” Scripture Psalms 24:1-6 Hymn No.525 “What A Fellowship, What Joy Divine “

Rev. Kurbe Newsom Rev. Kurbe Newsom. Rev. Tommy Lindsey Rev. Kurbe Newsom Rev. Darrell Howell Rev. Kurbe Newsom

MORNING BUSINESS SESSION Bishop Samuel Green called the morning business session to order at 8:02 am. Bishop Green stated that the conference got off to a good start with the Missionary’s program last night. See exhibit 1. The Bishop asked for the reading of the Conference Roll. Rev. Charles Frost called the roll. CENTRAL ARKANSAS ANNUAL CONFERENCE OFFICIAL ROLL 2008 MINISTERIAL ITINERANT ELDERS 2008 The Right Reverend Samuel L. Green Present Presiding Elder Thomas G. Allen Transferred Presiding Elder Clarence Reynolds Present The Reverends Boyce, Welton Present Cleaver, Reginald Transferred Ford, Jo Margaret Present Frost, Sr. Charles Present Greene, LeShaum Present Greene, Roderick Transferred Hamilton, Aluster O'Neal Present Highsmith, Cheryl Present Howell, Allison Present Howell, Darrell Present Juniel, Milas Deceased referred to Memorial committee Lindsey, Tommy Present Linton, Hazel Jean Transferred Mays, Jr., Lonzie Present Nelson, Robert Absent Referred to MEC Nettles, Gregory Transferred Norful, Sr., Willie Ray Present Rainey, Willie Present Rogers, Angela Present Ross, Lanell Present Sims, Chestine Present Washington, Jesse Present


Washington, Michael Williams, Rutha Renix, Shirley

Transferred Present Present

ITINERANT DEACONS The Reverends McDonalds, Denise Murphy, Ruthie M. Williams, Jonas

Present Present Present

LOCATED Rev. Enous Montgomery

Absent referred to MEC

SUPERNUMERARIES The Reverends Talley, Ida Hall Tisdale, Raphis Lewis Warner, Ceola

Transferred Absent Present

SUPERANNUATES The Reverends Gray, Hodijah Hunter, William Henry Lovett, Charles Homer Wilson Parham Williams, John Manuel

Present Deceased referred to Memorial Committee Present Present Absent He Lives

LOCAL ELDERS The Reverends Buckingham, Gwendolyn Coleman, Bobbie Moore, Selma

Present Present Present

LOCAL DEACONS White, Sylvia LICENTIATES Juanita Smith EVANGELIST Turner, Marinda Thrist, Linda

Absent Present Absent Move out of State Present

CENTRAL ARKANSAS ANNUAL CONFERENCE OFFICERS Episcopal Supervisor Dr. Ava S. Green Episcopal WMS President Sister Charolett Martin Episcopal YPD Director Sister Brenda Fields Episcopal YPD President Sister LaQuilla Boyce

Excused Present Excused Excused


Conference WMS President Conference YPD Director Conference YPD President Conference Lay President Conference Christian Education Director Conference Sunday School Superintendent Conference DMC Director Conference Sons of Allen Coordinator Coordinator of WIM

Sister Barbara Boyce Sister Miranda Johnson Sister Amber January Sister Dorothy Henderson Sister Miranda Johnson Sister Willodean Williams Sister Candiss Caldwell Rev. Chestine Sims Reverend Allison Howell

ROSTER OF DELEGATES Presiding Elder: Reverend Eugene Brannon, Sr. - PE. District: Pine Bluff South Church Name of Delegate St. John Pine Bluff Elnora Bradford Allen Temple Pine Bluff Barbara McCombs Greater Ward Chapel Nathaniel Halford St. John Fordyce John Brazil Mt. Pleasant Thelma Denton St. Luke Annie Stephens St. Paul Ida Fair White Springs-Bearden Theodore Lambert New Macedonia-Bearden Jimmy Matthews Tyree Temple Johnnie Burns Mt. Olive Oletha Patterson New Edinburg Circuit Reola Rainey Rison Circuit None Greater St. Mark, Thornton Levenis Penix St. Andrew Ray W. Johnson Palestine-Pickens Dorothy Henderson Bethel-Ladd Maple Donaldson Presiding Elder: Rev. Clarence Reynolds - PE. District: Camden/EI Dorado Name of Church Name of Delegate St. James-Camden Sherman Scott Lee Chapel Luther Tidwell Bethel-Camden Joe Askew Eldorado Circuit Q. T. Jackson Shiloh Circuit Clara Brown Curry Chapel Carolyn Jones Good Hope Marva Marks Macedonia James Green St. Paul Charlene Jamerson St. Andrews Ralph Roach Free Hope Gayle Williams Mt. Olive -Lapel Jerry Williams St. James -Eagle Mills Frank Cones

Present Present Excused Present Present Present Excused Present Present

Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Excused Present Present Present Present Excused

Present Present Present Present Present Absent Present Present Present Absent Present Present Absent


Olive Light Zion Hill Mt. Zion

Lois Meekins Naomi Scott None

Present Absent

TRANSFEERS Itinerant Elders: Rev. Randolph W. Martin, Sr., from the Arkansas Conference to the Central Arkansas Conference Rev. Eugene Brannon from the Arkansas Conference to the Central Arkansas Conference Rev. Norma Gillom from the West Arkansas Conference to the Central Arkansas Conference Rev. James Highsmith from the West Arkansas Conference to the Central Arkansas Conference Rev. Kurbe Newsom from the South Arkansas Conference to the Central Arkansas Conference Rev. Curley Roberts from the West Arkansas Conference to the Central Arkansas Conference Rev. Kent J. Broughton from the South Arkansas Conference to the Central Arkansas Conference Itinerant Deacons: Rev. Barbara Butler from the Arkansas Conference to the Central Arkansas Conference Rev. Marcia Burns from the Arkansas Conference to the Central Arkansas Conference The Organization Statistician: Secretary Assistant Secretary: Accountant

Anita Brannon Rev. Charles Frost, Sr. Rev. Marcia Burns Rev. Eugene Brannon

Finance Committee: The Reverends: Kent Broughton, Jessie Washington, W.R. Norful, Sr., Chestine Sims, Randolph Martin, Sr., Mrs. Thelma Denton, Bro. Charles Moore Shorter College Trustees:

The Reverend W. R. Norful, Sr., Mrs. Lois Meekins

Jackson Seminary Trustees: The Reverend Kent Broughton, Bro. Charles Moore Annual Conference Trustees: The Reverends Clarence Reynolds, Eugene Brannon, W.R. Norful Sr., Jessie Washington, Lanell Ross, Aluster Hamilton, Mrs. Elnora Bradford, Dr. Levenis Penix Ministerial Efficiency Committee: The Reverends Eugene Brannon, Allison Howell, Chestine Sims, Norma Gillom, James Highsmith Judicial Committee: The Reverends W. R. Norful, Sr., Cheryle Highsmith, Tommy Lindsey, Angela Rogers, Aluster Hamilton, Clarence Reynolds Church School Superintendent: Mrs. Willodean Williams Conference Treasurer:The Rev. W. R. Norful, Sr. Musicians: Mr. Richard Henderson Employee Security: The Reverends Allison Howell, Welton Boyce and Jessie Washington


Bar of the Conference: First 8 rows on either side of the sanctuary It was moved by Rev. Kurbe Newsom and it was seconded by Jessie Washington that the organization be accepted as read. The motion was carried. Presiding Elders Summaries Pine Bluff District The Rev. Eugene Brannon Pastors Annuity General Budget Episcopal District Budget $11,204.16 $24,037.00 $ 7,771.00

Shorter College $ 7,101.00

General Con. Rev $ 2,555.00

Conference Support $4,150.00

Sustentation $ 2,200.00

Brotherhood Dues $ 400.00

Church School $ 400.00

Quadrennial $ 2,465.00

Conference Minutes Subscriptions $ 425.00 $ 3,139.00 Presiding Elders Annuity $ 800.00 Total Reported $66, 647.16 Overage: $151.00

It was moved by Rev. Curley Roberts and seconded by Rev. Randolph Martin to accept the report. The motion was carried. See exhibit 2. Camden/El Dorado District Summary Report. Rev. Clarence Reynolds Pastors Annuity General Budget Episcopal District Budget Shorter College $ 7,008.80 $18,462.00 $ 6,550.00 $ 5,350.00 General Conference Rev. Quadrennial $ 1,700.00 $ 1,700.00`

Conference Support $3,750.00

Sustentation $2, 000.00

Conference Minutes Subscriptions $ 375.00 $ 2,309.00 Total Reported $49,929.80

Brotherhood Dues $ 350.00

Church School $ 375.00

It was moved by Rev. Randolph Martin and seconded by Rev. Tommy Lindsey to accept the report. The motion was carried. See exhibit 3. Bishop asked for a motion to accept the agenda as printed and the committees as listed. It was so moved by Rev. W.R. Norful and seconded by Rev. Allison Howell. The motion was carried. See booklet.


Ministerial Efficiency Committee Rev. Allison Howell asked that Sister Juanita Smith’s status be restored and her name be added to the roll. It was moved by Rev. Randolph Martin and seconded by Rev. Kurbe Newsom that her name be placed on the roll. The Motion was carried. Board of Examiners The report was read by Rev. Kent Broughton. Class of Admission Brother Michael Dean, Jr. It was moved by Rev. Kurbe Newsom and seconded by Rev. W. R. Norful that he be admitted on trial. The motion was carried. Sister Gayle D. Williams. It was moved by Rev. W. R. Norful and seconded by Rev. Tommy Lindsey that she be admitted on trial as a Local. 1st Year Studies There were none who came before the board. 2nd Year Studies Sister Juanita Smith It was moved by Rev. Jessie Washington and seconded by Rev. Tommy Lindsey that Sister Smith remain in second year studies. 3rd Year Studies The Rev. Jonas Williams, Jr It was moved by Mrs. Elnora Bradley and seconded by Rev. Lanell Ross that Reverend Williams be passed to the 4th year studies. The Rev. Ruthie Mae Murphy It was moved by Rev. Darrell Howell and seconded by Rev. Tommy Lindsey that Reverend Murphy be passed to the 4th year studies. Rev. Barbara E. Butler It was moved by Rev. Lanell Ross and seconded by Rev. Gwendolyn Buckingham that Reverend Williams be passed to the 4th year studies. 4th Year Studies The Rev. Denise Ollie McDonald It was moved by Rev. James Highsmith and seconded by Rev. Norma Gillom that Rev. Denise Ollie McDonald be elected and ordained an Itinerant Elder in the African Methodist Episcopal Church.


The Rev. Marcia Y. Burns It was moved by Rev. Lanell Ross and seconded by Rev. Barbara Butler that Rev. Marcia Y. Burns be elected and ordained an Itinerant Elder in the African Methodist Episcopal Church. It was moved by Rev. Norma Gillom and seconded by Rev. James Highsmith that the report of the Board of Examiners be approved as a whole. The motion was carried. See exhibit 4. Rev. W. R. Norful announced that he had forms for: Incorporation; Annual non-profit Annual reports; and application form for name changes on incorporations. Rev. Selma Moore was recognized as being present by Bishop Green. Rev. Clarence Reynolds, Host Pastor announced that the information on the lunch etc are in the kits. The Business session was closed at 9:18 a.m.


October 15, 2008 Opening Services of Worship 10:00 A.M. Rev. EUGENE BRANNON, Worship Leader Processional Choir, Clergy, Presiding Elders, and Bishop #25 “Holy, Holy, Holy” Doxology Call to Worship Rev. Clarence Reynolds Opening Hymn No. 304 “And Are We Yet Alive” Rev. Cheryle Highsmith Prayer Rev. Willie R. Norful, Sr. Choral Response “Sweet Hour of Prayer ” Worship Through Music “Higher Ground” Conference Choir SCRIPTURE Old Testament Scripture - Psalm 27:1-4 Rev. Aluster Hamilton New Testament Scripture Hebrews 13:1-15 Rev. Curley Roberts Preface to the Decalogue “From All That Dwells” Decalogue (Unabridged) Rev. Chestine Sims Gloria Patri Glory be to the Father, and to the Son and the Holy Ghost, As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, World without end. Amen Gifts for Missions Rev. James Highsmith Worship Through Music Hymn No 282 “Lord I Want to Be A Christen” Conference Choir Introductions of the Bishop Rev. Clarence Reynolds Introduction of the Preacher Bishop Samuel L. Green, Sr. Sermonic Hymn No. 62 “God of Grace and God of Glory“ Rev. Shirley Renix Sermon Rev. Jessie Washington Text: Exodus 14: 11-16 Subject: “Crossing Over” Call to Discipleship “All Night, All Day” Rev. Kent Broughton Worshiping With Our Gifts Finance Committee Introduction of Visitors Bishop Green announced that the Rev. Jacob Hayes would be the Evangelist for the Evangelism Worship Service at 7:00 p.m. Announcements Bishop asked everyone to return at 2:00 p.m. for the business session Doxology Benediction Rev. Rev. Jessie Washington Worship Service closed at 12:00 Noon


Minutes October 15, 2008 Central Arkansas Annual Conference Afternoon Session Wednesday Day 1 DEVOTION 1:50 P.M. Devotional Leader Opening Hymn. No. 390 “I Am On the Battle Field for My Lord” Hymn No. 386 “Guide My Feet” Prayer Scripture Psalm 37: 1-9 Hymn No. 513 “ Time Is Filled with Swift Transition“

Rev. LaNell Ross Rev. LaNell Ross Rev. Tommy Lindsey Rev. Tommy Lindsey Rev. Barbara Butler Rev. LaNell Ross

BUSINESS SESSION Bishop Samuel L. Green, Sr. opened the business session at 2:02 p.m. Bishop stated that he would not be asking the Pastors for their statistical information but wanted to hear about how God is using them where they are, and how their church is ministering to the community. Bishop also stated that Sister Brannon had forms for those who have not updated their annuity information. PASTORAL REPORTS Allen Temple – Pine Bluff Mt. Pleasant - Pine Bluff El-Dorado Circuit Good Hope White Springs Macedonia Mt. Olive Zion Hill & Olive Light St. Andrew New Macedonia -Bearden St. Andrew St. Paul – El-Dorado Eagle Mills St. Paul Free Hope Shiloh Circuit Tyree Temple St. Mark St. John New Edinburg Circuit Palestine-Pickens Bethel Curry Chapel

Rev. Randolph Martin Rev. Kent Broughton Rev. Angela Rodgers Rev. Ruthie Murphy Rev. Lonze Mays, Jr. Rev. Shirley Renix Rev. LaNell Ross Rev. Allison Howell Rev. Darrell Howell Rev. Welton Boyce Rev. Charles Frost, Sr. Rev. Marcia Burns Rev. LeShaum Green Rev. Norma Gillom Rev. Tommy Lindsey Rev. Jo Margaret Ford Rev. Barbara Butler Rev. Cheryl Highsmith Rev. James Highsmith Rev. Willie Rainey Rev. Bobbie Coleman Rev. Jessie Washington Rev. Chestine Sims


Lee Chapel Rison Circuit Bethel –Ladd Greater Ward Chapel St. Luke Mt. Olive-Lapel Mt. Zion St. James Camden St. John

Rev. Aluster Hamilton Rev. Rutha Williams Rev. Denise McDonald Rev. Curley Roberts Rev. Kurbe Newsom Rev. Charles Lovette presented by P. E. Clarence Reynolds Rev. Homer Parham presented by P. E. Clarence Reynolds Rev. Clarence Reynolds Rev. W. R. Norful, Sr.

Bishop Green acknowledged visitors and reminded everyone to return for the Evangelism Worship Service at 7:30 P.M. he invited visitors to participate in the program. Bishop then dismissed the afternoon business session with at prayer at 4:16 p.m.


Evangelism Worship Service Wednesday, October 15, 2008 7:30 p.m. Reverend Randolph Martin, Sr. Presiding Praise Service (A) I Woke up this Morning With my Mind Stayed on Jesus The Adoration for Celebration The Call to Celebration The Hymn of Praise No 243 “Down At the Cross The Petition to God The Celebration through Music “Jesus, That’s My King” The Celebration of the Word Old Testament Isaiah 55:1-10 Holmes

The Music Ministry (B) Victory is Mine The Rev. Aluster Hamilton Rev. Welton Boyce Rev. Michelle Moulden Oklahoma Conference The Music Ministry Rev. Ruth M.

Oklahoma Conference Rev. Rutha M. Handy Central North East Oklahoma Conference The Celebration through Music “I’ll Fly Away” The Music Ministry The Sacrificial Offering for Development Bishop Samuel L. Green, Sr. The Intercessory Prayer for Deliverance P. E. Wayne Johnson Oklahoma Conference The Presentation to the Evangelist Bishop Samuel Green, Sr. The Celebration through Music Hymn No 321 “Jesus Keep Me Near the Cross” The Music Ministry The Celebrating of the Preached Word Rev. Jacob Hayes Pilgrim Rest Missionary Baptist Church, Camden Text: Acts 8:26-40 Subject: “Great Mission of an Individual and a Study of Witnessing“ The Invitation to Accept Salvation and Unite with the Body of Christ Bishop Samuel L. Green, Sr. The Sharing of General Offering Finance Committee Announcements Bishop Green stated that we will have Breakfast at 8:00, and Devotion at 8:45. He stated that, our Institute will start in the morning at 9:00 a.m. and that the meeting is not outside. He stated that Dr. Johnson is a great teacher and asked everyone to come and get the word. The business session will begin at 10:00 a.m.. The Celebration The Benediction Bishop Samuel L. Green Sr. New Testament

John 4: 4, 7-15

The Program closed at 9:32 p.m.


Minutes Central Arkansas Annual Conference Thursday Day 2 October 16, 2008 DEVOTION The devotion was opened at 8:50 a.m. by Rev. Randolph Martin. Devotional Leader Opening Hymn. “ He Is Lord” Prayer Scripture John 15:1-8 Closing Hymn No 525 “What a Fellowship, What a Joy Divine”

Rev. Randolph Martin Rev. Randolph Martin Rev Angela Rogers Rev. Cheryle Highsmith Rev. Randolph Martin

CONFERENCE INSTITUTE P. E. Wayne Johnson opened the Institute at 9:06 a.m. with a word of prayer. The subject for the session was “Determined” The institute looked at the following points taken from Romans 8:28-39. Dr. Johnson told the institute that on the morrow he would give the institute some seminary notes. He concluded the Institute with singing “Great Is Thy Faithfulness” MORNING BUSINESS SESSION Bishop Samuel L. Green Sr., called the morning business session to order at 10:09 a.m. Bishop thanked P. E. Johnson for the Institute. He stated that he would conclude on Friday morning because he will need to go back to his church to be with the family of Presiding Elder Polly Ragsdale for the funeral of her daughter. He then called for the Secretary to read the minutes. The minutes from Day One, were read by Reverend Charles Frost, Sr. It was moved by Rev. Jessie Washington and seconded by Rev. Tommy Lindsey that the Minutes be approved with the necessary corrections. The motion carried. REPORTS: MINISTERIAL EFFICIENCY COMMITIEE The Ministerial Efficiency Committee report was read by Rev. Allison HowellNorma Gillom. Item 1. The Rev. Robert Nelson has requested, by letter, retirement from the 2008-2009 Annual Conference due to health reasons. It was moved by Rev. Randolph Martin and seconded by Rev. Kurbe Newsom to accept Rev. Nelson’s request for retirement. The motion carried. Item 2. The Rev. Richard Williams a Local Elder has not answered the 2007 and 2008 roll. It was moved by Rev. W. R. Norful and seconded by Rev. Randolph Martin that his name be dropped from the roll. The motion was carried. Item 3. The Rev. Enious Montgomery failed to report the 2007-2008 Conference financial obligation and was therefore Located. It was moved by Rev. James Highsmith and seconded by Rev. Darrell Howell that Rev. Montgomery remain in Located status in the Central Arkansas Conference. The motion was carried.


It was moved by Rev. Kurbe Newsom and seconded by Rev. Randolph Martin to receive the report as a whole. The motion was carried. See Exhibit 5. Bishop Green notified the conference that Rev. Enoius Montgomery had been hospitalized this morning. Bishop led the conference in prayer for Rev. Montgomery. TRUSTEE REPORT The report was read by Mrs. Elnora Bradford Rev. Norma Gillom, Rev. Curley Roberts stated unreadiness. Bishop asked if all of the deeds and incorporations were in. Rev. Norful stated that his deed was so old that it was hand written and unreadable. A title search will have to be done and a new deed provided. It was found that several other churches were unable to find their deeds. Bishop asked the Trustees to work with the churches to ensure that they get a copy of their deeds. The motion was carried. See exhibit 6. Rev. Norful asked the conference for permission to dispose of property from Mt. Zion – Pine Bluff church which has been kept in storage. It was moved by Rev. Norma Gillom and seconded by Brother Ray Johnson to authorize the trustees to dispose of the property. The motion carried. A request was made to the Conference for directions on renting Mt. Zion – Pine Bluff. Bishop suggested that it be rented on a month to month basis. Shady Grove – Pine Bluff. The building is in disrepair and the grounds are an eye sore. The furniture has been stolen. Bishop requested to be taken to all of the properties. If there are enough housing around it the church could be rebuilt or torn down and a house be built on it and sold. Bishop recognized the presence of Bishop Frank Curtis Cummings. EMPLOYEE SECURITY It was moved by Rev. W. R. Norful and seconded by Kurbe Newsom to adopt the Employee Security report as submitted. The motion was carried. See exhibit 7. Bishop reminded the pastors that they should see Sister Brannon if they have had an address change or need enrollment forms. CHURCH GROWTH DEVELOPMENT It was moved by Rev. Randolph Martin and seconded by Rev. Jessie Washington to adopt the report. The motion was carried. See exhibit 8. INCOPORATION OF CHURCH PROPERTY It was discussed that the Churches in the Central Arkansas Conference were all listed on the incorporation papers for the CAC. Where each church is listed by name and city. Rev. W. R. Norful asked that a copy of the CAC Incorporation be attached to the report. It was decided that it is not necessary to be incorporated unless you have a need to conduct business as a individual church. Bishop Green conferred with Bishop Cummings who agreed. Bishop Cummings stated that individual incorporates are okay as long as the purpose is for business concerns. It was moved by Rev.Mrs. Bobbie McCombs and seconded by Rev. Randolph Martin that the report be received. Motion carried. See Exhibit 9 STATE OF THE CHURCH


The report was read by Rev. LeShaum Green. It was moved by Rev. Kurbe Newsom and seconded by Rev. Tommy Lindsey that the report be adopted. Comments Rev. Martin stated that with commendation he approved the statement about more prayer in the church. Dr. Levenis Penix stated that he would like to see more information as to how well the churches are doing according to our motto. Bishop Green stated that at the planning meeting there will be one day dedicated to improving our churches. He further stated that the Mid –Year will be held March 5-7 at Tulsa Oklahoma at the Renaissance Hotel where there will be sessions such as Me and my Spouse, ministering to youth, living single and being happy with it. Expository Preaching, Effective Church Growth, how to move the Church School to an evangelistic opportunity etc.. He asked everyone to please stay at the Renaissance Hotel and no where else. The cost for the Hotel is $104.00 per night. It will help with defraying the cost for the convention center and the break-out rooms. Everything will be in one place so every one will not have to drive all over town. 12 Episcopal District God First Holy Convocation and Pastor’s conference. Motion carried. See exhibit 10. DEEDS AND ABSTRACTS The report was read by Rev. Lanell Ross. St. James A.M.E. Church Urbana only two members have joined another church. The church is abandoned. The committee recommends that the church be listed as abandoned by the conference. It was moved by Rev. Allison Howell and seconded by Bro. Ray Johnson that St. James- Urbana be listed a abandoned. The motion was carried. See exhibit 11. Bishop stated that we would adjourn to get ready for our hour of power service. The business session recessed at 11:49 a.m.


Minutes Central Arkansas Conference Thursday, October 16, 2008 Day 2 Hour of Power Rev. Homer Parham, Worship Leader Doxology Call to worship Hymn No. 358

Rev. Cheryle Highsmith Rev. Leshaum Green “I’m Gonna Live So God Can Use Me” (Tune: I’m Gonna Live) Prayer Rev. Jo Ford Choral response No. 307 “Sweet Hour of Prayer” Worship through music “Take a Trip on the Gospel Ship and Trouble in my Way” Conference Choir Scripture: The Old Testament Ecclesiastes 3:1-12 Rev. Charles B. Frost, Sr. The New Testament James 2:14-18 Rev. Darrell Howell Preface to the Decalogue “From All That Dwells” Rev. Willie Rainey Decalogue (Summary) Gloria Patri Gifts For Mission Rev. Allison Howell Worship Through Music “He’s Blessing Me” Conference Choir Introduction of the Preacher Bishop Samuel L. Green, Sr. Sermonic Hymn No. 82 “O For A Closer Walk With God” Rev. Charles Lovett Sermon Rev. Kurbe Newsom Scriptural Text: 2nd Corinthians 6:2 Subject: “It’s Time” Lord’s Prayer Hymn No. 678 Call to Discipleship No. 235 Rev. Rutha Williams “I Can Hear My Savior Calling” Worshiping With Our Gifts Finance Committee Introduction Of Visitors: Rev. Harrel White, West Arkansas Conference, Rev. Thurman Nash and Wilbert Gray Arkansas Conference. Bishop Green introduced Bishop Curtis Cummings who addressed conference Announcements Doxology Benediction Rev. Kurbe Newsom Closed at 1:15 we are to reassemble at 2:45 p.m. for devotion.


Minutes Central Arkansas Annual Conference Afternoon Session – Thursday Day 2 October 16, 200 2:50 p.m. DEVOTION Devotion Leader Hymn No. 525 “What A Fellowship” Prayer Scripture Romans 10:1-9 Hymn No. 390 I’m On The Battlefield for My Lord” Duet Medley “I’ll Fly Away, This Little Light of Mine”

Rev. Norma Gillom Rev. Ruthie Murphy Rev. Norma Gillom Rev. Angela Rogers Rev. Ruthie Murphy Ms. Gemeta Dunn & Patrice Weaver

AFTERNOON BUSINESS SESSION Thursday Afternoon Business Session The Bishop called the afternoon business session to order at 3:20 p.m. informing us of communications he would like to share with the Conference. The communication is from Florida Center of Theological Studies. The communication informs us that they have endorsed the articulation agreement which allows a partnership program with the students of Jackson Theological Seminary to acquire an accredited degree. This will begin Spring 2009. Courses offered are Ethnic Preaching and AME Church Polity. Bishop Green also informed the Conference that the 12th Episcopal District is also working on a program to piggyback Jackson as an accredited institution through the Center of Theological Studies. Shorter College will have its accreditation by November 2009. Bishop stated he received a letter in regards to Employment Security. If we are concerned about our retirements, the letter informs us our monies are not in any jeopardy. The Bishop also stated each annuitant will receive a letter informing them of this. Rev. W.R. Norful gave Bishop Green a list of all incorporated churches of the Central Arkansas Conference to be made a part of the Conference minutes and become a part of the permanent records. See exhibits. State of the Country, Rev. Shirley Renix, Chairperson Rev. Shirley Renix summarized the report of the State of the Country reminding everyone of our history on voting and the right to vote. The report emphasized the many lives that were lost to give us the right to vote. The committee informed us of the importance to make a difference and urged us to cast our votes. Rev. W.R. Norful commended the committee on their report. Bishop Green asked each person to become a committee of one and to go out and vote. Early voting begins this coming Monday and then on every Saturday (October 25th, and on November 1st, 2008). Bishop recommended we take our churches and go in masses and vote on October 25th or November 1st. Dr. Levenis Penix made a motion to accept the


report of the State of the Country. Mrs. Dorothy Henderson seconded the motion. The motion carried. See exhibit 12. Temperance Committee, Rev. Lonzie Mays, Jr., Chairperson Rev. Allison Howell read the report of the Temperance Committee reminding the Conference that of the fruit of the Spirit is temperance and we must learn self-control. The profound thought left with us was weighing what is best and abstaining from the rest. Rev. W.R. Norful made a motion to accept the report of the Temperance Committee. Rev. Kurbe Newsom seconded the motion. The motion carried. See exhibit 13. Finance Committee Mrs. Thelma Denton gave the organization for the Finance Committee: Chairman Rev. Randolph Martin Vice Chairman Rev. Kent Broughton Treasurer Rev. W.R. Norful, Sr. Secretary Mrs. Thelma Denton Members Rev. Chestine Sims Rev. Jessie Washington Mr. Charles Moore Mr. Alvernon McHenry FINANCE REPORT First Day – Wednesday. October 15, 2008 Missions $ 614.25 General Offering 2,000.00 Evangelism Service/Development 741.17 Evangelism Service/General Offering 491.00 $3,846.42 Second Day – Thursday, October 16, 2008 Hour of Power/Missions Hour of Power/General Offering

296.65 545.00 $ 841.65

Pine Bluff South District Opening Pre-Offerings Closing Pre-Offerings

1,150.00 1,150.00 $2,300.00

Camden/El Dorado District Opening Pre-Offerings Closing Pre-Offerings

1,450.00 1,450.00 $2,900.00

Total Raised



Night Program Sons of Allen Annual Conference Program Thursday October 16, 2008 Day 2 7:30 p.m. Reverend Chestine Sims, Worship Leader The Processional “We are Soldiers” Central Arkansas Sons of Allen The Doxology The Call to Worship Bro. Cecil McDonald The Hymn of Praise Hymn # 390 “I Am on the Battlefield For My Lord“ Bro. Shaun Lee The Invocation Bro. Terry Hayes The Choral Response Hymn #612 “Hear Our Prayer, O Lord” The Scripture John 1:35-42 Bro. Christopher Blunt Summary of Decalogue Rev. Kurbe Newsom The Gloria Patri The Selection “Since I Laid My Burdens Downs” Central Arkansas Sons of Allen Welcome Bro. Lee Graves The Selection “Nobody But You Lord” Zion Hill Baptist Church Male Choir The Presentation of Awards Bro. Jeffrey Rogers Camden-El-Dorado District Coordinator Outstanding Youth Award Bro. Brison Fletcher Bro. Ray Johnson Pine Bluff District Coordinator Community Service Award Bro. Earl Mays Bro. Joe Askew Camden/El Dorado District Business/Professional

Bro. Lee Graves

The Introduction of the Preacher Rev. Chestine Sims Selection “Walk On” Zion Hill Baptist Church Male Choir The Sermon Scriptural Text: Matthew 5:13-16; Philippians 3:13 Bishop Chester Thompson Subject: How to Become Men of Irresistible Influence Zion Hill Baptist Church The Invitation to Discipleship Bishop Samuel L. Green, Sr. The Ministry of Giving (Offering) Bro. Frank Bridges Bro. Alvernon McHenry Bro. Levenis Penix The Recognition of Visitors/Announcements Rev. Randolph Martin Special Presentation to the Bishop Rev. Chestine Sims & Cecil McDonald The Closing Remarks Rev. Chestine Sims


Conference Coordinator Rev. Michael Washington 12th Episcopal District Coordinator The Rt. Reverend Samuel L. Green. Sr. Presiding Bishop The Doxology The Benediction

Bishop Chester Thompson The Service ended at 9:35 p.m.

Minutes Central Arkansas Annual Conference Morning Session Day 3 Friday October 17, 2008 8:45 A.M. DEVOTION Devotional Leader Opening Hymn No. 283 ”I Am Thine O Lord” Prayer Scripture Psalms 98 Hymn No. 394 “We Are Often Tossed and Driven” Solo “I Woke Up This Morning With My Mind Stayed On Jesus”

Rev. LeShaum Green Rev. LeShaum Green Rev. Lonzie Mays Sis. Gayle Williams Rev. LeShaum Green Rev. Kent Broughton

CONFERENCE INSTITITUE Continued from October 16th “ Determined” by Dr. Wayne Johnson. Dr. Johnson provided a handout that covered the discussion. See exhibit. The study session concluded at 10: 06 A.M. MORNING BUSINESS SESSION Bishop Samuel L. Green opened the business session at 10:07 a.m. and called for the reading of the minutes. It was moved by Rev. Kent Broughton and seconded by Rev. Randolph Martin that the minutes be approved with the necessary corrections. The motion was carried. Church School The report was read by Mrs. Willodean Williams. It was moved by Dr. Levenis Penix and seconded by Rev. Randolph Martin that the report be received. The motion was carried. See exhibit 15. Lay Orginazation The report was read by Dr. Dorothy Henderson. It was moved by Mrs. Lois Meekins and seconded by Mrs. Bobbie McCombs that the report be received with commendations. The motion was carried. See report. See exhibit 16.


Rev. W. R. Norful publicly thanked Mrs. Dorothy Henderson and the Central Arkansas Conference Lay Organization for their financial and moral support in his campaign for Bishop. Christian Education Sister Carolyn Jones read the report. It was moved by Rev. Curley Roberts and seconded by Rev. Tommy Lindsey. The motion was carried. See exhibit 17. Mission Circuits and Stations The Report was read by Rev. Randolph Martin there was nothing to report. It was moved by Rev. Kent Broughton that all church status will remain the same and seconded by Dr. Dorothy Henderson that all church statuses would remain the same. The motion was carried. Sons of Allen The report was read by Brother Joe Askew. It was moved by Rev. Jessie Washington and seconded by Mrs. Bobbie McCombs. The motion was carried. See exhibit 19. Bishop asked the committee for Presiding Elders Salaries and Upkeep to consider a Housing Allowance for the Elders to be paid in three increments Planning, Mid-Year and CLC. He asked them to consider an amount from $0 to $12,000.00. He also stated that one conference decided to pay the housing to their Elders on a quarterly basis. He stated that many people in the room would not work in middle management with a salary as low as what we are paying our Elders. Bishop stated that he would call on each church to vote individually. Bishop Green then introduced Bishop Frank Curtis Cummings , the 95th Bishop, who would speak to the conference for the remaining hour about African Methodism and his experiences in the African Methodist Episcopal Church. The business session was adjourned at 12:10 p.m. 12:20 p.m. Minutes Central Arkansas Conference HOUR OF POWER Friday, October 17, 2008 Day 3 Rev. Marcia Burns, Worship Leader Doxology Call to worship Hymn no. 364 Prayer Choral response Worship through music

“My Hope is Built” “Sweet Hour Of Prayer” “God is Good to Me ”

Rev. Darrell Howell Rev. Norma Gillom Rev. Bobbie Coleman Curry Chapel Choir


Scripture: The Old Testament Psalm 27 in entirety Rev. Rutha Williams The New Testament I Corinthians 13 in entirety Rev. LeShaum Green Preface to the Decalogue “From All That Dwells Below” Decalogue (Summary) Rev. Allison Howell Gloria Patri Gifts For Missions Rev. James Highsmith Worship Through Music “How Excellent Is Thy Name” Curry Chapel Choir Introduction of the Preacher Bishop Samuel L. Green, Sr. Sermonic Hymn No 315 “Father I Stretch My Hands to Thee” Rev. Barbara Butler Sermon Rev. Chestine Sims Text: Hebrews 11:20-22 Subject: “Holding On To Future Faith” Call to Discipleship ”I’m Grateful” Rev. Welton Boyce Worshiping With Our Gifts Finance Committee Introduction Of Visitors Bishop recognized P.E. Edward Davis from the Oklahoma Conference. Announcements Doxology Benedictions Rev. Chestine Sims Closed at 1:55 p.m. Minutes Central Arkansas Conference Afternoon Session Friday, October 17, 2008 Day 3 3:05 P.M. AFTERNOON DEVOTION Devotional Leader Opening Hymn # 242 . “Down at the Cross” Prayer

Bishop Samuel L. Green, Sr. Bishop Samuel L. Green, Sr. Rev. Randolph Martin

BUSINESS SESSION Bishop opened the business session at 3:15P.M. Bishop had the secretary called the roll. Women in Ministry The report was read by Rev. Lanell Ross. It was moved by Rev. Jessie Washington and seconded by Bro. Ray Johnson that the report be received. Bishop stated that he did not want the spirit in the Women In Ministry to be an adversarial position apart from the men. The Motion was carried. See exhibit 20. Bishop stated that the other reports would be read Saturday morning. He then showed the conference the web site and several of the tools available. The site contains a history of the A.M.E. Church, an on line Bible study, information on the components of the 12th District. He reminded the conference that the preacher had visited the site to get information about the AME Church and the Sons of Allen before he


preached for the Sons of Allen. Bishop stated that next year he would be closing the annual conferences on Saturday morning and that we will be out this Sunday not later than 2:00 P.M. Bishop then closed the meeting at 4:19 P.M. with the Mizpah.


Minutes Central Arkansas Annual Conference Lay Education Night Dinner Theater Friday October 17, 2008 7:10 p.m. ~PROGRAMME~ The Reverend & Mrs. Eugene Brannon Master and Mistress of Ceremonies Musical Prelude Introduction of the Dais Selection Invocation and Blessing The Occasion Greetings

Mrs. Dorothy C. Henderson “The Layman Hymn” Mr. Lawrence Askew Mr. Jeffery Rodgers Mr. Charles Moore Local Lay President – St. James, Camden Rev. Clarence Reynolds Presiding Elder and Host Pastor – St. James Camden ~ Dinner Is Served ~

“An Evening of Entertainment With the Stars of The CAC” Narrators: Mrs. Thelma Denton and Rev. W. R. Norful Best Gospel Group - The Singing Revs. – “What Is This” Best Spoken Word Album – Rev. Barbara Butler – The Creation Best Soul Gospel by a Female – Evone Hamilton Best New Artist – Joyce Vaughn – Skit Best Soul Gospel Duo – Rev. James and Cheryle Highsmith – Amazing Grace Best Solo Artist – Rev. Chestine Sims – Amazing Grace Remarks:

Mrs. Dorothy C. Henderson General Chairman CAC Lay/Education Night Dinner Theater Mr. David Fielding 12th Episcopal District Lay President Bishop Samuel L. Green, Sr. Twelfth Episcopal District African Methodist Episcopal Church Chairman, Shorter College Board of Trustees

The Lay Benediction The program closed at 9:45 P.M.


Minutes Central Arkansas Annual Conference Morning Session - Day 4 Saturday October 18, 2008 DEVOTION Devotional Leader Opening Hymn. No. 525 Prayer Scripture Psalm Closing Hymn

Rev. LeShaum Green “What A Friend We Have in Jesus” Rev. LeShaum Green Rev. Shirley Renix Romans 6:1-7 Rev. Angela Rogers “This Little Light of Mine” Rev. LeShaum Green

MORNING BUSINESS SESSION BUSINESS SESSION Bishop Samuel Green opened the business session at with the reading of the minutes. The minutes were read by Rev. Charles Frost, Sr. It was moved by Rev. Kent Broughton and Rev. Jessie Washington that the minutes be accepted with the necessary corrections. The motion was carried. COMMITTIEE REPORTS Presiding Elders Salary and Supplement The report was read by Mrs. Thelma Denton. The committee recommends that each elder be provided with an annual $3,600.00 housing allowance to be paid in seven (7) installments. The committee stated that the Pine Bluff South District would pay $30.25 per church, seven “7” times per year and that the Camden/Eldorado District would pay $32.00 per church. Bishop Green then called the roll of churches and to receive a verbal approval from each church.. Bishop asked the committee to take the smaller churches off the list and allocate the housing allowance to the remaining churches. Bishop stated that the pastors should not include the housing allowance in the Elder’s salary. He further stated that the Elder’s Annuity should not be paid at the Presiding Elder’s Quarter. He wants the Annuity to be paid at the Annual Conference and Mid-Year Conference. Women In Ministry – Supplemental The report of elected officers was read by Rev. LeShaum Green. It was moved by Rev. Allison Howell and seconded by Mrs. Bobbie McCombs that the report be received. The motion was carried. See exhibit 21. Ministerial Efficiency Supplemental The report was read by Rev. Allison Howell. It was moved by Rev. W. R. Norful and seconded by Rev. Eugene Brannon that the report be received. The motion was carried. See exhibit 22. The Bishop asked that Rev. W.R. Norful Dr. Levins Penix and Mrs. Thelma Denton be added to the 12th Episcopal District Budget Committee. Bishop Green then called for the Finance Committee Report. Rev. Randolph Martin made a motion to accept the addition to the Budget Committee. Rev.


Curley Roberts seconded the motion. The motion carried. Finance Committee Report The report was read by Mrs. Thelma Denton. It was moved by Rev. Randolph Martin and seconded by Rev. Curley Roberts that the report be received. The motion was carried. See exhibit 23. Statistical Report The report was read by Mrs. Anita Brannon. It was moved by Rev. Kent Broughton and seconded by Rev. Bobbie Coleman that the report be received. The motion was carried. See exhibit 24. Bishop made registration packets available for the Connection Church Growth and Evangelism Conference. He stated that the program would provide certification hours. Evangelism Program or Evangelism Seminar. Bishop also stated that he needed to get 500 signatures in support of the AARP program stating that the importance of having affordable health care. Bishop called for the Disciplinary Questions. The questions were read by Rev. Charles B. Frost, Sr. Disciplinary Questions 1. Who is the preacher admitted on trial? Brother Michael Dean, Jr., Sister Gayle D. Williams 2.

Who remains on trail? Sister Juanita, Smith Brother Michael Dean, Jr., Sister Gayle D. Williams


Who are admitted or readmitted to full connection? None


Who have been elected and ordained Deacons? None


Who have been elected and ordained elders? The Reverends: Denise Ollie McDonald Marcia Y. Burns


Who have been located this year? Rev. Enious Montgomery


Who has been elected by the General Conference to exercise the Episcopal Office and to superintend the African Methodist Episcopal Church? Bishop Samuel L. Green, Sr. and all other active and retired bishops of the Bishops Council of the African Methodist Episcopal Church. Richard Franklin Norris; Adam Jefferson Richardson; Cornal Garnett Henning, Sr.; John Richard Bryant; Theodore Larry Kirkland; William Phillips DeVeaux, Sr.; Preston Warren Williams, II; Carolyn Tyler Guidry; James Levert Davis; Gregory G.M. Ingram; McKinley Young; Samuel Lawrence Green, Sr.; Vashti Murphy McKenzie; David Rwhynica Daniels;


Wilfred Jacobus Messiah; Sarah Frances Davis; Paul Jones Mulenga Kawimbe; E. Earl McCloud, Jr.; Jeffrey Nathaniel Leath; Julius Harrison McAllister; John Franklin White,; Richard Allen Hildebrand; Frederick Calhoun James; James Haskell Mayo; John Hurst Adams; Frederick Hilborn Talbot; Hamel Hartford Brookins; Vinton Randolph Anderson; Frank Curtis Cummings; Henry Allen Belin, Jr.; Vernon Randolph Byrd; Zedekiah Lazett Grady; Philip Robert Cousin, Sr.; Richard Allen Chappelle, Sr.; Robert Vaughn Webster 8.

Who are the Supernumerary Preachers? The Reverends: Raphis Tisdale Ceola Warner


Who are the Superannuated Preachers? The Reverends: Hodijah Gray Robert Nelson Charles Lovett Homer Wilson Parham John Manuel Williams


Who have been expelled from the Connection by this Conference? None


Who have withdrawn this year from this conference and the connection?

12. Are all the preachers blameless in Life, and conversation? The committee’’ has not received any complaints against the official or moral character of any other Pastor of the Central Arkansas conference . All Characters are passed. 13.

What members of the Conference; have died this year? Reverends: William Henry Hunter Milas Juniel


Have all the preachers subscribed to the Christian Recorder and also to the AME Review, The Voice of Missions, the Journal of Christian Education, the Secret Chamber or the Missionary Magazine? Yes, as per the Presiding Elders reports


What preachers are indebted to any of the departments or the church publications? No one reported


a. Does each Station, Circuit or Mission in this Annual Conference have a lay organization? No b. If not, what stations , circuits, or missions do not have a Lay Organization? Mt. Olive/Lapile, St. Andrew/Huttig, Free Hope/Strong, and St. Paul/ EI Dorado.


17. 18. 19.

When shall this Annual Conference next meet? At the call of the Bishop Where shall the next Annual Conference be held? Allen Temple – Pine Bluff and Mt. Pleasant Pine Bluff will Co-Host Where are the preacher stationed this Year? See Bishops Appointment List.

Memorial Committee The report was read by The Rev. Cheryle Highsmith. Memorial Program Roll Call William Henry Hunter Milas Juniel Remarks on the lives: It was moved by Rev. W.R. Norful and seconded by Rev. Kurbe Newsom to receive the report. The motion was carried. See exhibit 25. Women Missionary Society The report was read by Mrs. Barbara Boyce It was moved by Mrs. Barbara McCombs and seconded by Rev. Tommy Lindsey that the report be received. The motion was carried. See exhibit 26. Young People’s Division The report was read by Mrs. Miranda Johnson. It was moved by Rev. Kurbe Newsom and seconded by Rev. Allison Howell that the report be received. The motion was carried. See exhibit 27. Lay Organization Education night report The report of the Lay was read by Dr. Dorothy Henderson. The lay presented a check to Bishop Green in the amount o $7, 000.00 to Shorter College and $300.00 for Conference Support. Bishop stated that this has been the largest amount submitted so far from all the conferences. Brother David Fielding asked each church to send one delegate to the Bi-Annual Lay Convention. He reminded everyone that the Lay would have Breakfast at the Planning meeting. Bishop stated that this meeting is being hosted by the entire 12th Episcopal District. He asked that every church send their entire choirs. It was moved by Mrs. Bobbie McCombs and seconded by Rev. Jessie Washington that the report be received. The motion was carried. Bishop Green stated that the 2004 Discipline shows that we are to pay our budget on a quarterly basis. What was paid at this meeting will cover the past two quarters. The next quarterly payment of the General Budget is due in December. The Presiding Elders are to report the quarterly payments at the Planning Meeting on December 11. Bishop Green will send in the Quarterly payment on that Monday, December 15th. Bishop further stated that all churches will be expected to pay their quarterly General Budget assessments at the Mid-year meeting plus all of the remaining items.


It was moved by Rev. Randolph Martin and second by Rev. Kent Broughton to adjourn Sine Die pending the Ordination Service, the Youth Service, the Closing Worship Service and the appointments. Bishop introduced visitors and dismissed the conference with prayer at 11:58 a.m.


Central Arkansas Conference Saturday, October 185, 2008 Day 4 Ordination Service P.M. The W. R. Norful, Sr. Worship Leader Organ Prelude Doxology No. 647 “Praise God, From who all Blessing Flow” Call To Worship The Rev. Kent J. Broughton Hymn of Praise No. 91 “ How Great the Wisdom” Invocation The Rev. Chestine Sims Choral Response No. 415 “My Faith Looks Up To Thee” Scripture The Old Testament Isaiah 6:1-8 The Rev. Allison Howell The New Testament Luke 4:14-21 The Rev. Cherlye Highsmith Decalogue (Summary) The Tommy Lindsey Gloria Patri Gifts For Mission The Rev. Lanell Ross Worship Through Music No: 396 “Thou My Everlasting Portion” The CAC YPD Choir “ I’m Blessed” CAC Young People’s Dept. Choir “I’ll Bounce Back CAC Young People’s Dept. Choir Presentation of the Bishop The Rev. Randolph Martin, Sr. Presentation of the Preacher Bishop Samuel Lawrence Green, Sr. Sermonic Human No. 283 “ I am Thine O Lord” The Choir Sermon Bishop Frank Curtis Cummings Text: Matthew 28: 18-20 Subject: “Go Therefore and Build your Communities” Invitation to Christian Discipleship No. 246 “Come To Jesus” The Rev. Jessie Washington Offering Finance Committee Offertory Prayer “All Things Come of Thee O Lord” Presentation of Candidates The Rev. Willie R. Norful, Sr. Elders: Reverends: Denies Ollie McDonald and Marcia Y. Burns Presentation by the Secretary of the Board Bishop Samuel L. Green The Collect The Rev. Kent Broughton The Epistle The Rev. Charles Frost, Sr. Veni Creator Spiritus The Act of Consecration/Ordination Bishop, Board of Examiners and Presiding Elders Holy Communion Announcements Host Pastor


Closing Hymn Solo "I’ve Got A Feeling Everything’s Going To Be Alrlright Rev. Kent Broughton Rev. Kent Broughton Benediction Bishop Samuel Lawrence Green, Sr. Minutes Central Arkansas Conference Saturday, October 13, 2007 Day 4 ANNUAL CAC YPD NIGHT Ms. Erika Frost, 1st Vice President, Presiding Musical Prelude Processional Doxology Prayer Choral Response Scripture Welcome Selection “Jesus, He’ the Light Of The World“

Invitation Recognition of Guest Special Presentation Remarks

Miss Janine Jamison Miss. Shequita Bean Miss Chandra Marks Mr. Bryson Fletcher

Central Arkansas Conference Youth Choir Presentation by the YPD Part 1 Skit -The Opra, Tyra, Candiss Show Presentation by Mother’s Sunbeams & Allen Stars Selection (A) “I Am Grateful (B) I Love The Lord Presentation by the YPD Part 2 Skit -The Opera, Tyra, Candiss Show Offering/Selection Presentation by the YPD Part 3 Skit -The Opera, Tyra, Candiss Show – Conclusion Praise Dance Team- Beauty of Holiness Rev. Charles B. Frost, Sr.

Solo Prayer for Youth Prayer for Parents Prayer for Grandparents

Birthday Celebration of Dr. Ava S. Green Miss Amber January - Conference YPD President Mrs. Miranda C. Johnson - Conference YPD Director Mrs. Barbara Boyce - Conference WMS President Mrs. Brenda Fields - Episcopal YPD Director Mrs. Charolett Martin – Episcopal WMS President Dr. Ava Sennetta-Brown Green -Episcopal Supervisor The Rt. Rev. Samuel Lawrence Green, Sr.-Presiding Bishop Rev. Kent Broughton Rev. W. R. Norful, Sr. Rev. Randolph Martin, Sr. Rev. LaNell Ross



The program closed at 8:45 p.m.


Minutes Central Arkansas Conference Sunday, October 19, 2008

Day 5 Church School Mrs. Willodean Williams opened the Church School at 9:00 a.m. Order of Service Opening Hymn No. 238“ I Am Thine O Lord” Prayer Song Hymn No. 238 “ I Am Thine O Lord” Roll Call of Teachers Men’s Class Bro. Ray Johnson Women’s Class Rev. Bobbie Coleman Youth –Sr. Class Sis. Ora Donaldson Youth Primary Class Sis. Pauline Jones The Lesson

Bro Nathaniel Halford Sis. Bobbie McCombs St. Andrew Pine Bluff Palestine-Pickens Mt. Pleasant-Pine Bluff Mt. Pleasant-Pine Bluff

Acts 9:1-31 Class Study of the Lesson Warning Bell Closing Bell

The Closing Hymn No. 525 Review of Lesson

“What a Fellow ship, What A Joy Divine” Sis. LaQuilla Boyce th 12 Episcopal YPD President Sis. Bobbie McCombs

Secretary’s Report Remarks Bishop Samuel L. Green, Sr. Church School Benediction The Church School was dismissed at 9:50 A. M.

Minutes Central Arkansas Conference Sunday, October 19, 2008 Day 5 Closing And Commissioning Service 10:00 A.M. Rev. Clarence Reynolds, Worship Leader The Processional Hymn No. 25 Conference Protocol Doxology Call to Worship Opening Hymn # 97 Prayer

“Holy, Holy, Holy”

“We Praise Thee, O God”

Rev. Kent Broughton Rev. Kurbe Newsom Rev. Ruthie Murphy 34

Choral Response No. 307 “Sweet Hour of Prayer” Worship Through Music - “Forgive Them” Conference Choir Old Testament Scripture – I Samuel 2:1-10 Psalm 121 in entirety Rev. Norma Gillom New Testament Scripture – John 21:15-17 3:1-7 Rev. Lonzie Mays Preface to the Decalogue “From All That Dwells” Decalogue Rev. Jessie Washington Gloria Patri Bishop Green recognized David Fielding, Episcopal Lay President, State Representative Wille Hardy from District 5 and Congressman Mike Ross. Gifts for Missions Rev. Angela Rogers Worship Through Music “ I Just Want To See Him ” Conference Choir The Presentation of the Bishop Rev. Eugene Brannon Sermonic Hymn No. 326 226 Lord I hear of Showers of Blessings”Amaxing Grace” Rev. Larry BanksWelton Boyce Sermon Rev. Arthur L. Coulter Text: John 1:1-Luke 5:1-6 Subject: “From the Well to the Mountains of ServiceGoing to the Next Level” The Lord’s Prayer #634 Call to Discipleship No.282 #200 “Joys Are FlowingLorrd I Want To Be A Christian” Rev. Willie J. KingW.R. Norful Worshiping With Our Gifts Finance Committee Bishop Frank Curtis Cummings introduced Dr. Ava S. Green who brought greetings to the conference. Bishop also encouraged Stephen Green and commended the elders and clergy of the Conference. Resolutions Resolution Committee The Resolution was read by Thelma Denton. It was moved by Rev. Willie R. NorfulRandolph Martin and seconded by Rev. Curley RobertsKent Broughton to receive the Resolutions. The motion was carried. See exhibit 28. Hymn No. 242 “A Charge To Keep I Have” Bishop Green made a presentation o $1,000.00 to the Conference Trustees for development to assist small churches. The Bishop also made a presentation to Rev. Clarence Reynolds, pastor, and trustees of St. James with sustentation of $4,200 and thanked them for their hospitality. The Bishop presented stipends to Patrice Williams and Richard Henson as musicians for the Conference. Certificates were presented to: Rev. Chestine Sims Sons of Allen Coordinator Rev. W.R. Norful Dean of The Board of Examiners Mrs. Willodean Williams Church School Superintendent Mrs. Miranda Johnson Christian Education Rev. LeShaum Greem WIM Coordinator Mr. Charles Moore/Rev. Kent Broughton Jackson Trustees Mrs. Lois Meekins/Rev. W.R. Norful Shorter Trustees Mr. Levenis Pennix/Mrs. Elnora Bradford Conference Trustees Rev. Aluster Hamilton/Rev. Lanell Ross Rev. Jessie Washington/Rev. Clarence Reynolds Rev. Eugene Brannon


Rev. W.R. Norful Treasurer Rev. Charles Frost Conference Secretary Rev. Marcia Burns Assistant Secretary Mrs. Dorothy Henderson Lay President Dr. Ava S.B. Green presented certificates to the officers of the WMS and YPD Commissioning Hymn # 220 “Go Preach My Gospel Commissioning Scripture Reading of Appointments PINE BLUFF SOUTH DISTRICT Presiding Elder CHURCH St. John Allen Temple Greater Ward Chapel St. John - Fordyce Mount Pleasant St. Luke St. Paul White Springs Macedonia -Bearden Tyree Temple Mount Olive - Tarry St. Mark - Thornton St. Andrew New Edinburg Circuit Rison Circuit Palestine Bethel - Ladd CAMDEN/EL DORADO DISTRICT Presiding Elder CHURCH St. James Lee Chapel Bethel - Camden Curry Chapel Macedonia Good Hope El Dorado Circuit – Free Union Pleasant Hill Free Hope Mt. Zion St. James/Eagle Mills Shiloh Circuit – Shiloh

Matthew 28: 16-20

Rev. Tommy Lindsey

Rev. Lanell Ross Bishop Samuel L. Green, Sr.

Rev. Eugene Brannon PASTOR Rev. W. R. Norful, Sr. Rev. Randolph Martin, Sr. Rev. Curley Roberts Rev. James Highsmith Rev. Kent Broughton Rev. Kurbe Newsom Rev. Norma Gillom Rev. Allison Howell Rev. Welton Boyce Rev. Barbara Butler Rev. Lanell Ross Rev. Cheryle Highsmith Rev Charles B. Frost, Sr Rev. Jonas Williams In the Hands of the Bishop Rev. Willie Raney Rev. Denise McDonald

Rev. Clarence Reynolds PASTOR In the Hands of the Bishop Rev. Aluster Hamilton Rev. Jessie Washington Rev. Chestine Sims Rev. Shirley Renix Rev. Ruthie Murphy Rev. Angela Rogers Rev. Tommy Lindsey To be Supplied Rev. LeShaum Green Rev. Isaiah Walker


Bethel - Chidester St. Andrew Rev. Darrell Howell Olive Light Rev. Ruthie Williams Zion Hill Rev. Jo Ford Mount Olive To be Supplied St. Paul Rev. Marcia Y. Burns Closing Hymn #43 “God Be With You Till We Meet Again” Rev. Doxology Benediction Bishop Samuel L. Green, Sr.

This is attested to be The Minutes of the 88th session of the Central Arkansas Annual Conference Humbly Submitted: Rev. Charles B. Frost, Sr. PHR Secretary

Rev. Marcia Burns Assistant Secretary

Rt. Rev. Samuel L. Green Sr. Presiding Bishop


Central Arkansas Annual Conference 88th Session

Exhibits Exhibit 1-----------------WMS Annual Night in White Exhibit 2-----------------P.E. Pine Bluff South Financial Report Exhibit 3-----------------P.E. Camden/El Dorado District Financial Report Exhibit 4-----------------Board of Examiners Exhibit 5-----------------Ministerial Efficiency Committee Report Exhibit 6-----------------Conference Trustees Report Exhibit 7-----------------Employee Security Exhibit 8-----------------Church Growth & Development Exhibit 9-----------------Incorporation Church Property Exhibit 10-----------------State of the Church Exhibit 11-----------------Deeds & Abstracts Exhibit 12-----------------State of the Country Exhibit 13-----------------Temperance Committee Exhibit 14-----------------Institute Study Guide Exhibit 15-----------------Church School Report Exhibit 16-----------------Lay Organization Exhibit 17-----------------Christian Education Exhibit 18-----------------Sons of Allen Exhibit 19-----------------Women in Ministry Exhibit 20-----------------Presiding Elders Salary & Supplement Exhibit 21-----------------Women in Ministry-Supplemental Exhibit 22-----------------Ministerial Efficiency Committee Report Supplemental Exhibit 23-----------------Finance Committee Report Exhibit 24-----------------Statistical Report Exhibit 25 ----------------Memorial Committee Exhibit 26-----------------Women’s Missionary Society Report Exhibit 27-----------------Young People’s Division Exhibit 28-----------------Resolution


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