Cable Cottage

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 1,887
  • Pages: 6
Case Officer:

D Crowther


Cable Cottage, Cliff Road, Salcombe, TQ8 8LD

Application No:


Date Received:

11th January 2008


Beswick Partnership Ltd, Sun Street, Tewkesbury ,Glos, GL20 5NX


Mr & Mrs M Warner


Removal of structually unsound cottage and erection of new dwelling


Car Park

Car Park


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Cable Cottage

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Moult Farm

+ \ This map is reproduced from the Ordnance Survey material with the permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of the Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office © Crown copyright. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. South Hams District Council. 100022628. 2007

\ Scale 1:1250 For internal reference only – no further copies to be made

16.04.2008 DC0901MW

Moult Lodge

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Policies Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty Design Countryside Coastal Preservation Area Affecting a Listed Building Consultations Devon County Council – County Highways Authority No comment South West Water No comment Environment Agency No objection subject to condition floor levels Land Drainage No comment Environmental Health Section No comment Contamination Officer Recommends conditions attached to any planning permission County Archaeologist Recommends condition attached to any planning permission requiring a full recording of the structure prior to demolition. Conservation Officer No objection. This application arrives after a previous scheme had been submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority (ref: 0811/07/F) at the beginning of last year. There is very little difference in what was previously approved and what is now proposed other than a small increase in height given the new Environment Agency’s concerns regarding flooding issues. The main difference is that this current application seeks to demolish the existing building and to rebuild. As you are aware there was a request to HE and the DCMS to ‘Spot List’ the building, however confirmation has now been obtained from the governing body (EH) that they have chosen not to list the building. Undoubtedly the building offers much in the way of local historic interest, being the site where a submarine cable came onshore, representative of the technology of the day, mid 19th century.

16.04.2008 DC0901MW

Although architecturally the building offers a most pleasing aesthetic, the ‘cottage’ which housed the ‘cable’ would when first constructed have been a simple utilitarian non-domestic structure. As such the building as we see it today represents later intervention when the structure was revamped to suit habitable purposes. Although when viewed in a national context the Cable Cottage may not make the grade architecturally, as mentioned above it does offer a degree of local interest. As it stands the building is non-listed and does not lie within a conservation area and as such is afforded no protection from demolition. The difference between this scheme and the previous approved scheme is negligible and as such there is no Officer objection.” Town Council Salcombe Town Council make the following observations:Objection. Councillors are aware of the historic and scientific significance of this property locally. It was noted that the assertion is that the property is structurally unsafe but this statement was challenged due to the buildings test of time and the fact that it has always leaned. It was felt that this application is an overdevelopment of the site and out of keeping with the locality due to the proposal to double the size from its original structure (CS7, CS9, KP11). Set in a Coastal Preservation Area this property is felt to be in harmony with its surroundings and such changes as proposed would not promote the importance of this building to this area in terms of the evolution of global telecoms and thus undermine its historical value (CS9, DC21, DC24). The Clerk was requested to write to the Institute of Electrical Engineers in London advising of the concerns for Cable Cottage and asking for information and support. Letters of representation can be viewed on the planning website. Case Officer Report Description of Site and Proposal Detached property in prominent location to the north-west corner of North Sands Bay, separated from the beach by Cliff Road. Relevant Planning History Planning application 41/0811/07/F approved 4 June 2007 for alterations and extensions to cottage and garage. The Conservation Officer raised no objection to application 41/0811/07/F and made the following comments: “I am pleased to state that this latest offering has addressed the issues that were raised previously, namely; the amount of ‘flat-roof’ and the scale of the ‘glass box’. Cable Cottage sits in a most prominent location on the north west corner of North Sands Bay, separated from the beach only by Cliff Road, vast public views are afforded onto the property both front and rear.

16.04.2008 DC0901MW

Unfortunately the Victorian cottage has been severely compromised by the plethora of unsightly mid 20th century additions, all of which embrace flat roofed elements which detract immensely from the character of the cottage and surrounding area. The Local Planning Authority throughout discussions has welcomed the opportunity to put right past misgivings and rid the cottage of these crude interventions with replacement well-designed sympathetic additions. Visually, the front most public of elevations (south east) will be improved by the proposals and the scheme will allow the original characteristics of the cottage to be once more easily read and appreciated. In terms of design, the proposed replacement structures to the rear will be far more aesthetically pleasing than the current situation and as such will offer benefit to the immediate and wider setting.” Letters of Representation In summary the letters of objection raise the following concerns: Loss of prominent and historic property Site of historic cable connection Salcombe Maritime Museum - Demolition would provide opportunity for brief archaeological investigation of the site, presume any planning consent will make reference to the cable and the necessity for its survival. No objection from South Hams Society. Pleased that new building replicates the architectural style of the existing building. The historic remnant (of the cable) should be protected during demolition, further inspection be made during demolition, viewing facility should be retained in the new building. Request these points are enforced as conditions attached to any planning permission. English Heritage. The Secretary of State has decided not to add Cable Cottage to the list. The cottage is not of sufficient special architectural or historic interest to merit listing. The detailed response from English Heritage is attached to this report. Analysis This application seeks planning permission to demolish the existing dwelling and replace with a new cottage to replicate the existing cottage but at a higher ground floor level (+300mm) and with improved headroom at first floor level (+450mm). The new cottage will incorporate the previously approved alterations and extensions (41/0811/07). The cottage gets its name because it housed the English end of the 19th century transatlantic cable (connecting Brest with London) and that end is still visible under the floor of the front room. The application states that the existing cable feature seen through the trap door in the dining room will be retained and incorporated into an accessible chamber in the rebuilt cottage.

16.04.2008 DC0901MW

A structural engineers report formed part of the planning application, this concludes that very little of the original construction can be practically or feasibly be retained and some parts of the building are in danger of collapse. As the building is not protected, it is not listed nor included in a designated conservation area; it is considered that there is no justification in planning terms for the retention of the building. The building is not of sufficient interest architecturally to warrant retention and its demolition would not cause significant harm to the character and appearance of the area. Whilst in the interests of sustainability existing buildings should be reused there is no policy justification to resist the demolition of the existing building. The scale of the proposed building, its design and materials will be similar to the building approved under planning permission 41/0811/07/F. Planning Officers consider that the proposal will result in a visually acceptable form of development. Notwithstanding the small changes to the fenestration, if approved, the proposal would result in no discernible visual difference from the building that has already been approved. There would be no significant visual impact on the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty or the Coastal Preservation Area. There would not be a significant impact on the setting of the adjacent listed building. Whilst there are clearly strong local views about the preservation of this historic building within the landscape, great weight is given to the views of the Council’s Conservation Officer and the comments of English Heritage. Taking these professional views into account it is considered that there is no planning reason to justify refusing demolition of the property. Human Rights Act Due regard has been given to the provisions of the Human Rights Act, and in particular to the rights under Article 1 of the first Protocol, namely the right to the peaceful enjoyment of possessions, and Article 8, the right to respect for private and family life. In arriving at a recommendation the rights of the applicants have been balanced against the interests and objections raised by third parties. However, having due regard to objectives of Development Plan Policies and Central Government Planning Guidance and relevant consultation replies, it is not considered that those concerns would override the applicant’s reasonable expectations under the Act. Recommendation Conditional Approval Conditions 1 - TIM3 (Standard three year time limit) 2 - RES22 (Exc. GDO) 3 - MAT8 (Natural Slate) 4 - MAT22 (Joinery Details) 5 - MAT27 Rooflights/Patent Glazing) 6 - Non Standard Stairwell

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7 - Non Standard Archaeology 8 - Non Standard Floor Levels 9 - Non Standard Arsenic Survey 10 - Non Standard Contamination 11 - MAT11 (Eaves/Verges) 12 - MAT14 (Walls Render Details) Reasons for Approval 1

This application has been determined in accordance with Section 38 of the Planning & Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 which states that planning applications must be determined in accordance with the Development Plan unless material considerations indicate otherwise. This application has been determined in accordance with approved Development Plan Policies; relevant Government planning policy guidance; and approved in the absence of any other overriding material considerations and having given due weight to all other matters raised in this application including technical and other representations received. The relevant Policies are Devon County Structure Plan CO3, CO5, CO6, CO7; South Hams Local Plan SHDC3, SHDC15, SHDC19; South Hams Local Plan Review DS4, DEV2, ENV2, ENV4, ENV12, HO8; LDF Core Strategy CS7 and CS9.


Special regard has been given to the representations received that raise concerns about the demolition of an historic building, overdevelopment of the site and out of keeping with the locality. However, the Council’s Conservation Officer and English Heritage raise no objection to the demolition of the building. The replacement dwelling will be similar in scale, design and materials to the development approved under a previous application. The scale of the building in the context of its garden area and wider setting within the landscape is not considered to be an overdevelopment of the site.

Informatives This recommendation refers to drawing nos. 620 81:00 (site location plan) and 620 81:02H received on 11 January 2008.

16.04.2008 DC0901MW

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