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M r . M U R I E L Z A C C U R I D o t t o r e i n A r c h i t e t t u r a E q u i v a l e n t R I B A p a r t I I 53 b, Abbotsford Avenue N15 3BT London (+44) 079.0417.9875 [email protected] born 16th of September 1975 Vercelli, Italy

E D U C A TI ON 1995-2004 Politecnico di Milano

Degree in Architecture Thesis title: ‘Social-architectural analysis of Marseille through imaginary cinematography’

2005-2006 Cineway productions, Milano

Course of Avid Digital editing

1999-2000 IULM university, Milano

Couse History of cinema Course Cinematographic language and techniques

Spoken Languages

Italian (mother tongue) English (fluent, ESOL level 1 equivalent to GCSE) Spanish (fluent)

TE C H N I C A L S KI L L S Operating System 3D and 2D modelling Image Editing Video Editing

Windows, Linux Autocad, 3Ds Max, Google Sketch Up Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Xpress Adobe Premiere, After Effects, Avid

Non architectural work experience 2004-2007

Cinema’s Journalist giraMI, Milano

P R OFE S S I O NAL E X P E RI E NCE I started as a technical assistant for a major project in Central London, to develop 2008 Oc t – 2 0 0 9 J an A rc h it e c t u r a l A ssi stant detail plans and sections for planning application. Contac t: Mr A n ir u d d h a M ok as hi ED CO De s ig n L o n d o n Li m i t ed Durham Ho u s e , A mity G r oov e Londo n SW 2 0 0 L Q tel . 020 .8 9 4 4 .9 8 5 6

I was able to assist on various other projects, working on multiple projects and with various project managers. I was always willing to learn new techniques and skills.

The main project I was involved with was the conversion of St Pancras Chambers 2008 J a n - S e p A rc h it e c t u r a l A ssi stant to residential and hotel use. I had primary responsibility for the construction Contac t: Mr Ric h a r d H i l l Ri c har d Gr iffith s A r c hi t ec t s 5 M ai d s to n Me ws , 72-76 Bo r o u g h Hig h S t r eet Londo n SE 1 1 GN tel . 020 .7 3 5 7 .8 7 8 8

drawings for the residential entrance and the major public areas of the hotel. I also produced some detail drawings for the tender phase. I was also involved in other projects at different stages. These included the conversion of a Grade I listed building, and a feasibility report for a restoration and improvement of a church to celebrate its 700th anniversary, and the Olympics games.

2004 - 2 0 0 7 P ro j e c t A r c h i t ect

I was responsible for all stages from conception to construction of two main projects: a £5 million commercial development and a £ 6 million residential building. I also worked on other smaller projects.

Contac t: Mr E d u a r d o D i M ar c o Studi o E D v ial e Sa n Gimig n a n o 8 20146 Mila n o tel . (+ 3 9 ) 0 2 .4 1 5 5 .2 1 4


53, Abbotsford avenue N15 3BT London


[email protected]

P R OJ E C TS 2 00 8 Oc t - 2 0 09 J an

EDCO DESIGN LONDON LIMITED Tesco New Store and Residential Development Detail plans and sections for planning application. Landscape proposals for new residenti al development and the Tesco Store at Yiewsley. The project includes the canal frontage with towpaths and provides greater pedestrian access to the canal by creating links through the site.

Paddington Basin New Development Development of Landscape setting and detail sections for a new settlement of six buildings. Landscape design to act as a unifying element, establishing a sense of place and site identity.

2 00 8

COMPETITION Reconstruction of Bauhaus buildings Second level for the competition to re-build Gropius and Moholy-Nagy houses in Bauhaus school.

2 00 8 J a n - S e p

RICHARD GRIFFITHS ARCHITECTS St Pancras hotel and residence entrance Conversion of St Pancras Chambers to residential and hotel use. I had primary responsibility for the construction drawings for the residential entrance and the major public areas of the hotel. I produced some detail drawings for the tender phase.

Nave project for St. Albans cathedral Constructions drawings for new platform and new ducts in the main nave of St Albans Cathedral.


53, Abbotsford avenue N15 3BT London


[email protected]

St. Mary’s church in Bow Feasibility report for a project to celebrate the 700th anniversary of the church and the 2012 Olympics. This may involve improved access, redecoration, relighting, as well as a further programme of stonework repairs and a public arts space.

Grafton street - recreation of a georgian townhouse Conversion of a Grade I listed building from office use back to a single residence. I have produced some detail drawings for the tender phase.

St. Paul’s church Hammersmith Producing of all the joinery tender drawings at new extension to the church.

2 00 4 - 2 0 0 7

STUDIO ED Retail - Makro Wholesale Store - Milano All stages from conception to construction of a £5 million commercial development.

New Housing development - cooperativa Aldo Moro All stages from feasibility to contruction of a £ 6 million residential building.

School – Liceo artistico Umberto Boccioni Worked to deliver the Planning Application documentation of a public school refurbishment. School – Riz zoli highschool for graphic arts All stages from feasibility to contruction of a public school refurbishment.

Private House Refurbishment - Rinarelli All stages from feasibility to construction of a private house refurbishment. Private House Refurbishment - Gabrini All stages from feasibility to construction of a private house refurbishment.

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