By Royal Decree

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  • May 2020
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  • Words: 3,903
  • Pages: 16
ROYAL SECRETS CHARACTERS: Niccolo Alighieri {Prince} Esmeralda Rodriguez {maid} Theo Alighieri {father of Niccolo} Amanda Alighieri {mother of Niccolo} Rosa Marie Angela Athena Alighieri {younger sister} Enrique Rodriguez {friend of Esmer. ‘n’ chef} Alberta {friend of Esmer. ‘n’ maid}  Roberto { “ “ “ “ manservant}  Paul { Niccolo’s friend and confidante}  Juana Rodriguez {Enrique’s wife n Esmer’s friend}       


 NICCOLO ALIGHIERI BODY -height: 6 foot 5 -dark brown eyes almost black

-jet black hair, down to collar, curly -long, straight, patrician nose -full, sensual upper and lower lips -strong arms with lots of hair, biceps and triceps -flat, hard stomach with muscles -well muscled hard chest with curly, black all over -long muscled legs, powerful thighs -long fingers with short nails PERSONALITY/ CHARACTER - funny - can be harsh - caring - loving - cynical - arrogant intelligent, meticulous, sharp, sharp is jealous and possessive to a certain extent has a talent for putting people n their place can be quite mean and cold, icy cold when he gets angry/furious he seems to grow bigger HIS SECRET; He’s a Prince but does not want anyone to know. He has a double persona. A businessman on one hand, a multi-billionaire on the other hand he often disappears for months at a time on princely business.

 ESMERALDA PIN TONI BODY - 6 feet 0 inches - emerald green eyes - long, curly-straight jet black hair - small pert nose - full soft sensual lips - soft rounded arms - flat soft stomach - full rounded breasts - long legs, firm soft thighs - slim fingers with long enough nails

PERSONALITY/CHARACTER - hilarious - kind - caring - loving - loves to help - sunny nature - passionate - intelligent - secretive - plays the piano very well - very well learned in the ways of princesses and princes - witty

HER SECRET: She is a princess as well but her evil stepmother drove her away warning her that if she was to come back or tell anyone she would be killed. So she does not tell anyone. Often sneaks into the main house to play the piano in the parlour.

 THEO ALIGHIERI Looks, acts and behave exactly like son. Only he has more wisdom, but is shorter than son.  AMANDA ALIGHIERI She is short, petite, kind fresh but sick and dying yet she is strong. The walls of her heart are deteriorating. She loves her son very much and wants him to settle down with a wife.

 ROSA ALIGHIERI Wild. Has a kind heart. She respects her brother very well.


Married with 2 kids. Is like a father to Esmeralda. Often offers her advice. His wife is called Juana. His children are Enrique Jr. and Mena.

 ALBERTA Esmeralda’s best friend and roommate. She likes Roberto. Small, dark, petite, with red hair, brown eyes, medium sized breasts. Ends up falling in love with and marrying Roberto.

 ROBERTO Tall, dark, with brown eyes, dark brown hair. Friend of Esmeralda. Falls in love with and marries Alberta.

 PAUL Tall 6 foot 3. is married with a baby. Friend to Niccolo and also a confidante.

STORY IN GENERAL Esmeralda –a princess ran away from her town of {a Spanish town} because her stepmother banished her secretly, telling her that if she returned or told anyone she would be killed. She flies to Greece where she disguises herself as a poor person takes up a job as a maid in Niccolo Alighieri’s home- a wealthy business man hardly ever home but always making his presence felt whenever he is. As the prince of Greece he often goes away on princely business. She befriends Enrique -the chef, Alberta -a maid and Roberto another servant in the house. The latter two fall in love and marry. One evening as the master of the house was away Esmeralda is playing on his grand piano when he softly walks in stands at the door and listens to her… A few days later a 2 day party is to be held at his house

PROLOGUE “Please! Please! I can’t…my father-“ “Doesn’t need nor want you in his life. You are a hindrance to him and his ruling and you’re not wanted. Now take yourself and get out of my sight and my home and my country,” she spat in contempt, “Don’t ever, ever come back here again or tell who you are for if you do my dear, if you do,’ she laughed coldly, mirthlessly, “I will kill you and that’s a promise my dear,” she whispered into her ear, sending cold, icy shivers sprinting down her back.

Turning on her heel, the Queen of Greece walked away, her cape leaving behind her hatred so tangible so cold so it seemed to freeze anyone who stepped behind her. She stopped by the bodyguards, “Make sure that she leaves with nothing but rags.” Turning back to the pitiful figure that was kneeling hunched over, sobbing, her shoulders shaking, she smiled cruelly and continued, “We wouldn’t want anyone to know where you come from now would we. Then you Paulo you will go with her all the way to Greece and then burn her passport”, emphasizing the last three words with an evil smile. “Then return immediately on the next available flight. They left and came back with a bundle and threw it at her on the floor. “Get up. The Queen says that you are to leave immediately. We have your ticket. You are to go to Greece.” They gripped her upper arms and pulled her roughly to her feet. One of the guards picked up the bundle on the floor and pushed it into her hands. “Move!” With a poke to her back she started walking along, slowly dragging her feet. Shoulders hunched, sobbing pitifully, her eyes red and swollen, bedraggled hair, nose running so much that from time to time she had to rub it away with the sleeves of her dress; she was a sad sight to see. And that was what the servants saw as she walked down the hallway. They all stood and watched her walk past. Most were crying for her, that she could have such a misfortune as this. There was Nana- her nanny. It was she who looked after when she was a baby; (because her own mother had died at during childbirth). It was she who gave her advice on what to do when her body started behaving quirkily. And she was still there helping her where could. Suddenly she ran to Nana. “Nana please tell them not to take me. Please!”

Just then one of the guards caught her and held in a steellike grip and began to pull her along. “Nana please! Please!” came her heart-wrenching cry. Straining against the guards she tried to reach her nanny, but they were too strong for her. Looking at her Nana’s tear streaked face, she pleaded with her eyes, their emerald green begging, pleading with her to do something. “Please let me speak with her for just a minute”, Nana called out to the guards entreating them for a little time with the young woman that had been like a grandchild to her. “Please”, she whispered. The guards looked at her and having pity for her, one said gruffly to her, “Make it quick”, and they let go of Esmeralda’s arm. She fell to the floor and Nana rushed to her side picking her head and cradling it in her arms. “Child, you know that this time I can’t do anything, I can’t make the Queen change her mind and you know she has so much influence over the King that I can’t even go to him and tell him”, she whispered into Esmeralda’s ear, her voice so low that only Esmeralda could hear. “But child always remember that God is with you, that He never forsakes those who hold to Him; those who truly believe Him, remember the Word says all things work together for the good of those who love Him. Remember the Lord is your strength in times of need you hear. Remember what does Jeremiah 29:11 say?” Sniffling she said, “F...f…or I know the plans…that I have for you…plans to pr…prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future” “That’s right and what does Ecclesiastes 3 say?” “There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven” “Right and you know that no situation is permanent so this will pass my dear but you’ll never be able to do if you don’t hold to God. And you also know that you can never reach a higher level

with God unless you pass through bondage. So no matter what, know that this will pass and that my dear when you come out of this with Him OH! You’ll be so much better my dear. Now here take this; it’s my own Bible, I know that you don’t have one with you now so take this and make sure you use it well.” “Nana I couldn’t take your Bible it’s your own personal one!” she said. “And I want you to have it. I can always get another one and besides you need it more than I do so take it and don’t refuse an old woman the only gift she can give please”, she replied beginning to sob softly. “Nana don’t cry please if you cry then what will I do. But don’t worry I’ll come back to you I promise I’ll write to you ok”, she whispered back. Nodding she responded, “Now child get up and hold your head like the princess that you are and never forget that, you are a princess a true one you hear hold to that”, her voice getting stronger. Getting up Esmeralda helped her nanny up as well, then turned, bent and picked her Bible and her bundle. Tucking the Bible into the bundle she then turned to Nana and said, “You’ve been my only mother since mine died. Thank you for all you’ve done for me, God bless you”. Then she hugged her and turned to the guards and said, “Shall we go gentlemen?” They looked at her, amazed at the transformation in her from a bitterly crying woman to a woman now with faith that nothing would happen that her Father in heaven could not take care of. Then she turned back to Nana and asked, “Nana please bless me and pray for me.” Then she kneeled before her and bowed her head. Placing her hands on Esmeralda’s bowed head she said, “Lord this child goes away from her home sent away like a criminal, may you be with her, guide her, and protect her, keep her from people

who wish to do her harm. But Lord put people in her path; people that will help better her Lord. Go in peace my daughter and may God’s blessing rest on you and remain with for all your days. Amen.” “Amen.” Ringing out in a chorus, all the other servants whispered ‘Amen’ to the prayer and added their own blessings to Nana’s for the child whom they loved so much. Then one of the guards said, “It’s time to go Princess” according her a measure of respect for she was their princess regardless of whether she was exiled or not. Picking up her bundle again and hugging Nana again she turned and walked away holding her head up high like the princess that she was. She would never forget who she was and were she came from she vowed, no matter what. And she would come back she promised herself just like she promised Nana. She would, oh yes she would.


“Have you finished polishing the silver and cleaning Mr. Alighieri’s room? And also-“, started Senora Martinez sternly. “Yes Señora Martinez. I’ve polished the silver and cleaned out the study and I’m now going to do Mr. Alighieri’s room then I’ll be finished”, she replied with a kiss to the old lady’s cheek. The woman who had been her adoptive grandmother just like Nana she thought fondly. The old lady smiled unable to keep a stern face.

“Oh get on with you”, she playfully scolded, “You know you have a lot of work to do and you’re here playing” in her heavy Spanish accent. With a twirl Esmeralda collected her cleaning utensils and went off to clean her master’s bedroom. I wonder what kind of man would have a home as beautiful as this and not spend barely any time in it. You’d think the house belonged to a ghost. And I’m sure it would have, hadn’t been for the servants who lived there and treated it like their home. Indeed he had a beautiful house. The hallways with marble columns supporting the ceiling with intricate designs tattooed all over them. Between these huge columns stood smaller columns on which Ming vases of the rarest kinds were placed. The marble walls displayed pictures and family portraits. On the left were pictures like those of Picasso and Van Gogh were hung. One of these done by Van Gogh was her favourite; it depicted a garden and a house. The flowers surrounding the house were a riotous colour of blues, greens, reds, purples, pinks, and yellows. The artist’s strokes were firm yet gentle. The trees with their overhanging branches full of life as the wind moved through their fingers, and emerald green leaves. The house in the corner peeking through all the flowers was white- purest white complementing the flowers. It was a picture of serenity, tranquility, the blue sky undisturbed except for a fluffy cloud here and there. It was a painting that showed a life as free. Beautiful. Not like hers. True her life may have been ugly but like her Nana had told her “He never forsakes those who hold on to Him. The Lord is your strength in times of need.” She had never forgotten that piece of advice and it had kept her alive through these past months of hell. As memories overwhelmed her she sat on the bed she was supposed to be making and began to relieve the days of pain, suffering and loneliness that she went through.

After arriving in Italy, and finally managed to free herself from the clutches of Customs, Paulo took her passport and gave her an envelope telling her, ”You won’t need this anymore and that is an envelope containing ten thousand euros, use it wisely it’s all you will get from us”. Then he left her to survive in a foreign country where no one was her friend. The desire to just give in to the despair crushing her was overpowering. And yet remembering who she was and where she came from refused and started walking down the street not even noticing the flowers on the sidewalks, beautiful exotic flowers. Green grasses carpeted the soil beneath the flowers, shells bordering them and at intervals towered streetlights. Families walked past her, their laughter an abrasion on her senses making her bitter because of her own pain at losing her own family. All this she past seeing nothing but her misery, hearing nothing but her stepmother’s hateful words, a mantra in her head as she numbly walked covering block after block until she realized that she had come to a park. There she sat on one of the benches and miserably began to cry her heart out. Sob after heart-wrenching sob followed, she could not stop. Rocking herself, her arms wrapped around her delicate, shaking frame she tried to comfort herself but to no avail. Suddenly a soft, crooning voice from her right said, “What’s wrong child?” “Nana?” she asked hopefully, raising her head to look for her beloved nanny, her eyes steeped in pain. But it was not her; instead it was a stranger, a woman in her mid-sixties. She was short and plump with dark brown hair sprinkled with silver hairs around her hairline tied in a tight bun. She had warm, kind, brown eyes; settled in a smiling face. “No you’re not my Nana,” she whispered completely broken.

She cried harder, rocking harder than before. Then the lady put her arms around her and hugged saying in a crooning voice, “It’s alright, it’s alright. Everything will be alright” “No it won’t. Nothing is alright.” “Yes everything can be alright you just have to believe in God. You know He can take away the pain if you just let Him.” “No this one is too big He can’t take it away.” “Oh yes He can. I know come with me and I’ll take you to my home. There you can clean up and then we’ll talk. Come on let’s go,” she offered, pulling her to her feet. Picking up her bundle dejectedly, she dragged her feet after the old lady. As she walked she noticed the change from rich to just well off. Down one street and to the right of another they went and it brought them to a street where white cottages stood with white picket fences and little alleyways separating one house from another. In front of each cottage was a little garden; each garden was designed to suit the owner of the cottage. The old lady’s garden had tulips, forget-me-nots; on one side of the fence were rosebushes. And roses of different colours were growing; pink, red, yellow and white. Opening the small gate she passed through going up to her door, calling out to Esmeralda,” I would have shown you my roses but there’ll be time enough for that another day.” Pushing the front door she ushered Esmeralda through it. Entering the cottage Esmeralda almost immediately stepped into the sitting room. The sitting room was sparsely yet tastefully furnished using the warmest colours such as red, brown, cream, with a touch of green thrown in here and there. The windows; oppositely positioned had potted flowers growing on the sills. The curtains pulled the side of each window were white. The walls of the room were of a creamy hue. The chairs brown leather with red crocheted cushions arranged neatly on all save the settee which

had its cushions haphazardly placed; clearly displaying that someone had just gotten up from it. The mantel above the fireplace had on it pictures of the woman and her family. To one corner of the room stood a television set, with some videos piled on the floor around it. In the corner opposite this was a rocking chair with a bag of balls of wool under it. Settling Esmeralda onto the settee, she left her went into the kitchen. Presently after the chink and clink of teacups had ended, she appeared from the kitchen with a tray, loaded with a teapot, cups and a plate of sandwiches. Drawing a stool towards them, she sat down beside her and placed the tray on the stool. Handing her one of the teacups and taking the other she said, “My name is Vanessa Martinez but you can call me Señora Martinez, I’m Spanish. I’m married with four children all who are away at school now. Only my husband and I stay are here. That’s my life in a few sentences now tell me, why were you crying and why is it that you don’t believe that God can do something about it. Or don’t you believe in God?” “S…si I d…do”, she replied, “But now it’s so hard, to even see Him. My name is Esmeralda Rodriguez. I am from Spain,” her accent now noticeable that she was speaking normally. “Mia madrastra, she drove me out of home and country, now I have nowhere to go, no one to take me in. where will I stay?” she began to sob. “Now, now stop crying, it’s alright, you can stay here. You’re more than welcome to. I have sufficient space. You’ll stay in my older daughter’s room. Come on before I begin rattling off when you need rest instead.” “No, I couldn’t impose.” “Oh yes you can or do you have any other choices or place to go to?” she asked already knowing the answer. “No,” she muttered disconsolately.

“Well then it’s settled. You take your things, go upstairs and enter the room on your right.” “Thank you Señora…Señora..?” “It’s Martinez, Señora Martinez. And later we’ll address this issue about not believing that God can’t do certain things.” “Thank you, for everything,” Esmeralda whispered, smiling for the first time in days. It was a smile that made her eyes light up, the gold flecks in her eyes showing. The room given to her was a sizeable one. The most striking feature of this room was that it was decorated with horses. Posters of beautiful horses, glossy, black stallions, gleaming chestnut mares, a group of colts, a herd of wild horses galloping; were pasted on every available inch of wall. In the corner a wooden, rocker horse with a saddle on it. On the other side near the window was a bed with a horse-designed coverlet. The room also had the feel of meadows where wild horses galloped, it was freedom she realized, sweet freedom. “And I thought I loved horses,” she laughed to herself. Being an avid horse-lover she was glad to be given this room. The black stallion on the wall reminded her of her own Midnight. How she missed him. Checking her bundle, and setting out something suitable to wear, she got ready for her bath. Entering the bathroom she ran the water. When the tub was full she entered in and let the water’s warmth seep through her skin, bringing life back to her body. After scrubbing her body, washing her hair and rinsing she got out and wrapped herself in the white towel hanging on the rail. Entering her room she slipped on the outfit she set out – a long green gypsy skirt and a white short-sleeved top. Then she sat on the bed to think and then lay down and slowly slipped into blissful sleep. Three hours later she woke up suddenly, and looked around, puzzled at her surroundings. Then she remembered everything, and got up. On the stairs she overheard Señora Martinez talking

to her husband about her. Since she was taught not to eavesdrop on anyone she continued down the stairs and made her presence known. “Good evening Señora Martinez and sir you must be Mr. Martinez?” she politely asked. “Yes I am but I am called Señor Martinez,” he warmly replied, “And you’re welcome to our home. My wife told me all that happened to you and you can stay here as long as you wish.” “Thank you so much sir I have no idea what I would have done without you.” “De nada,” he laughed “and just between you and me this not the first time she’s has done it but it makes her happy and if she’s happy I’m happy”; he said as he touched his forehead to hers in an affectionate gesture and for a moment they were the only two in the room, their love surrounding them like a warm blanket. Alessandra gazed at them wistfully, remembering her own mother and father

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