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New Yo rk R ho Ch apt er of Si gma Ph i E psi lon Na tio nal Fr ate rni ty

By-Laws St. John's University

Last updated: December 18, 2007

New York Rho Chapter of Sigma Phi Epsilon Fraternity, St. Johns University -- Chapter Bylaws – Page

Table of Contents












FACULTY ADVISORS...............................................................................8







New York Rho Chapter of Sigma Phi Epsilon Fraternity, St. Johns University -- Chapter Bylaws – Page


These are the by-laws of the New York Rho chapter of Sigma Phi Epsilon. These written laws are to be observed and followed by the whole chapter in order to be a more professional, balanced fraternity.


This chapter shall be known as the St. Johns University New York Rho Chapter of the Sigma Phi Epsilon National Fraternity (Sig Ep NY Rho).


Mission Statement The goal of this organization is to build balanced leaders to serve the world’s com munities. It is the objective of this organization to uphold, develop, and strengthen the character of its members; to teach those principles which are essential to the in dividual as a member of society; to impress upon its members the true significanc e of the fraternal relationship; to aid and sustain, as far as possible, the governmen t and discipline of the fraternity; and to promote scholarship.

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Section 1: Eligibility To be eligible for membership for Sigma Phi Epsilon a student must have the mini mum of a 2.7 GPA and must be able to fulfill his financial obligations for the chap ter. No person shall be admitted to this chapter without receiving an invitation to do so. A 90% vote of a quorum of the brotherhood in good standing is needed for an invitation to be extended

Section 2: Active Membership All active members must be able to fulfill their financial obligations each semester 2.30 shall be the minimum GPA required in a given semester for a member to re main in good standing within the chapter. If a member’s said GPA drops below the said minimum standard for one (1) seme ster, that member shall receive a written warning from the chapter. Any member who does not earn at least a 2.30 GPA in two (2) consecutive semest ers will be automatically placed in front of the Standards Board. In such cases the Standards Board shall determine if said member has justifiable explanations for th eir situation and can prove their commitment to their scholastic studies. If such ci rcumstances exist for the said member then the Standards Board shall make a favo rable decision for the said member. There must be a simple majority for the memb er to NOT become expelled from the chapter. A member of any other chapter of Sigma Phi Epsilon attending St. John's Universi ty shall be permitted to affiliate with this chapter if the said member is in good sta nding with all other previously attended chapters in accordance with the Grand Ch apter Bylaws and Administrative Policies and Procedures. Any member from this chapter, who graduates from St. John's University, takes a leave of absence, or tra nsfers to another university without a Sigma Phi Epsilon Chapter, shall be regarde d as an alumni member of this chapter New York Rho Chapter of Sigma Phi Epsilon Fraternity, St. Johns University -- Chapter Bylaws – Page

Simple gist:

-1- Brothers are required to go to all mixers. -2-

You have to have 24hours of community service. Community service is mandatory unless you reach your 24 hours.

-3- GPA has to be minimum 2.3 -4- Are required to attend everything unless you have school, work, priorities, etc. -5- Minimum of a year for Epsilon.

Section 3: Inactive Any member shall be considered “inactive” when he has a GPA lower than a 2.3, f ails to fulfill financial obligations, is studying abroad or is no longer enrolled at St. Johns University. If a member is inactive due to grades, they will not be allowed to play on intramural teams. And all inactive members must pay regular price at the door for parties.Any member expelled or having resigned from this chapter m ay be reinstated in accordance with permission from the AVC and the chapter. Th e said member must also pay a $50 reactivation fee.

Section 4: Suspension -1-

Can’t attend to mixers.

Half suspension is brothers can’t attend to mixers, you can attend parties but without brother privileges and brothers are required to attend 10 additional community service hours so that would make it a total of 34 hours. -2-

Full suspension is brothers are not allowed going to mixers, parties, or anything and also brothers are required to do an additional 10 more community service hours, making the average full suspended member do 44 community service hours.

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You can hang out with SigEp as a friend but not as a brother.


You can no longer to come to any pledging events.


Section 1: Number and Method of Election To be eligible to hold an elected position, a member must be in good standing and maintain an overall minimum GPA no less than 0.2 above the minimum semester standard set by the chapter in Article III, Section 2

Election Procedure: a. The Chair of the proceedings announces the position currently under consideration, proceeding in the following order: 1. President 2. Vice President of Programming 3. Chaplain 4. Vice President of Finance 5. Vice President of Membership Development 6. Vice President of Recruitment 7. Vice President of Communications

New York Rho Chapter of Sigma Phi Epsilon Fraternity, St. Johns University -- Chapter Bylaws – Page

b. Candidate(s) nominated 1. Nomination must be seconded from the floor to continue. 2. Nomination must be accepted by the Nominee to become a Candidate on the Ballot.

c. After all nominations have been made and accepted, each Candidate will be allowed to make a short presentation for the position in question.



When there is more than one Candidate for a position, begin with the Candidate with the “alphabetically earlier” name (i.e. “Aguas” before “Barreiro”).


During the time that one Candidate has the floor; all other Candidates for that position should wait outside of the voting chamber.

After a Candidate has presented the reasons why they feel they should be elected to that particular position, the Candidate will be allowed to answer any questions that chapter members have for him. 1.

Each Member may only ask one question per time that they have the floor; although they may ask follow-up questions if they do not feel that the core of their initial question was answered.


The right of the first question is given to the Member who most recently held the position in question.


The Chair of the proceedings will maintain a running speakers’ list, with Members indicating by a rising of the hand that they wish to ask a question of the Candidate.


Each Member will be given the chance to ask a question before any Member is allowed to ask a second question (same for the third round of question, fourth round, etc.)

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Q&A will continue until there are no further questions from the assembled Members.

After the Q&A session with one Candidate, the assembled Members will open the floor for a pro- & con- discussion session. 1.

During this time, ALL Candidates will wait outside of the voting chamber.


The Chair of the proceedings will open the floor for discussion on THAT particular Candidate.


The order of the discussion will proceed in the same fashion as for the Q&A session with the Candidate. a.

The discussion is a confidential matter (the matters discussed “do not leave the room”).


While confidential, if a Member has one or more concerns with a Candidate, it is not only HIGHLY appropriate but also important that the Member bring up such concerns in a constructive manner with the Candidate directly themselves.


The discussion may be closed at any time by proper motion to do so.


After the discussion is over: i.

the next Candidate for that position will be brought in and go through the presentation, Q&A, and discussion sessions as detailed above, or


the eligible voters cast their votes for that position once all Candidates for said position have come before the assembled Members.

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The Chair of the proceedings shall assist in the distribution, collection, and tabulation of the ballots, and is not allowed to vote. 1.

After the ballots have all be re-collected, the Candidate(s) will be allowed to re-enter the voting chamber after the tabulation is completed.


A vote of simple majority (50% + 1), of all members in good standing, is needed for a Candidate to be elected into the position.


Should no Candidate receive a simple majority vote, then an additional round of electing must be held until one does.


In the event of three or more Candidates running for the same position in which no one receives the majority vote, a runoff election will be held in which the Candidate with the fewest votes received will be dropped from the ballot.


In the event of a two-way tie, the Chair will cast his vote.


The results will be announced for the current position in discussion before moving on to the next position.

Section 2: Duties of Officers A. President- serve as the chairman of the Executive Board and shall report to the chapter any actions recommended to be taken by the said committee at each active chapter meeting. He shall also serve as a chairman to nationals.

B. Vice President (VP) of Programming- responsible for programming the frat ernities events on campus. Responsible for all social activities, fundraisers, a nd setting up community service hours for brothers.

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C. VP of Membership Development- in charge of the balanced man program, t he character development of brothers in the chapter, and he will be of assista nce with rituals.


VP of Finance- in charge of fundraising and holding brothers to their financi al obligation each semester. Serves as the nationals’ liaison.

E. VP of Communications- takes minutes during both alumni meetings and cha pter meetings. In charge of the chapter website and he will be constantly me ssaging the brothers for chapter events and maintaining alumni relations.

F. VP of Recruitment- responsible for recruiting the best men on campus and s etting up interviews and informationals.

G. Chaplain- maintains order, make sure brothers live by their oath of obligatio n, and he leads all the rituals of the fraternity.

Section 3: Terms of Office 1. The officers shall be elected annually by secret ballot not later than the last regular meeting in December. 2. At the end of his term, each officer shall deliver all chapter books, paper s, moneys, and/or articles related to his office to his successor. 3. Each officer shall render all information to enable his successor to assum e full charge of the duties of his office. 4. Each outgoing officer may include an ‘eyes-only’ letter along with the ot her pertinent materials to his successor. 5. Each Officer must meet the minimum standards (GPA, must pay dues on time, and must be in good standing with fraternity) or else he must be stripped of his position or never be voted into office immediately Section 4: Impeachment of Officers New York Rho Chapter of Sigma Phi Epsilon Fraternity, St. Johns University -- Chapter Bylaws – Page

1. The impeachment of an officer may only happen when two thirds (2/3) o f the chapter votes to do so. 2. Officer who the chapter feels has not fulfilled their obligations as an offi cer or who is not doing the best job, then he may be impeached.


Section 1: Standing Committees: Sigma Phi Epsilon’s standing committees are: Standards Board, Executiv e Board, Developmental Committee, Programming Committee, and Recrui tment Committee.

Section 2: Duties of Standing Committees: A. Standards Board 1. Submit a list of members who are on probation of any kind to the E xecutive Board. This list shall consist of what people on probation are not allowed to do. 2. Delegate punishments to brothers who fail to follow the by-laws of the fraternity. 3. Review and levy fines, hear all grievances, and render final decisio ns. 4. Their actions shall be binding and not subject to an appeal, unless t he Standards Board votes to expel a brother. 5. Review the By-Laws each semester. 6. Make Amendments and Revisions to the By-Laws whenever they see fit.

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B. Executive Board 1. Consist of the President, VP of Programming, VP of Finance, VP o f Membership Development, VP of Recruitment, VP of Communic ations, and Chaplain. 2/ The Executive Board shall meet during the week before each chapt er meeting or when called by the President. 3. It shall be the duty of the Executive Board to plan the year’s activit ies and establish the general overall policy and goals (subject to ch apter approval), which are consistent with the Grand Chapter Const itution and By-Laws.

C. Developmental Committee 1. Implements the balanced man program to new members. 2. Enforce character development workshops to brothers in the chapte r. 3. Assist with rituals.

D. Programming Committee 1. Organize fundraisers and community service for the fraternity. 2. Plan all social activities for the fraternity on campus.

E. Recruitment Committee 1.Recruits the best men on campus 2.Arrange informationals and interviews for prospective members. 3.Implements the balanced man program to new members.

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Section 1: Number and Term of Office We have one faculty advisor. He will be asked to serve for a one year term.

Section 2: Method of Appointment The faculty advisor will be elected by the majority vote in the chapter.

Section 3: Duties The duties of the faculty advisor will be as follows: 1. Stand in for Alumni Volunteer Committee (AVC) meetings. 2. Overview chapter meetings.


Section 1: Regular Meetings a. A regular meeting of this chapter shall be held on a weekly basis durin g the school year as determined by the President with 24 hours notice. b. All formal meetings shall be opened and closed using the form prescri bed in the Ritual of the Fraternity.

New York Rho Chapter of Sigma Phi Epsilon Fraternity, St. Johns University -- Chapter Bylaws – Page

c. This chapter shall have formal meetings, with the use of ritualistic para phernalia, as prescribed by Fraternity Ritual on the following occasion s: 1. First regular meeting of each semester. 2. First regular meeting of each month. 3. Rites of Passage. 4. Installation of officers. 5. At the option of the President. 6. At the request of a representative of the Grand Chapter. d. All rituals are mandatory/ 10 dollar fine for missing one, 7 day period to pay / 5 dollars added on weekly if not paid. It will be done through Omega Financial. Mandatory shirt + tie. 24 hr notification – if you pla n on not attending ritual. Approved by E-Board e. Formal meetings may be postponed by the Executive Board. f. A special meeting may be called by the President or by a two-thirds vo te of the members of the chapter. g. The Creed of Sigma Phi Epsilon may be recited at the first chapter mee ting of each month. h. The Oath of Obligation may be recited at the third chapter meeting of each month for those eligible to hear it. i. Meetings will start off with prayer (in ritual book) and roll-call j.

Closing out *Dear Old Fraternity (in the ritual book) For rituals closing with Dear Old Fraternity

k. Gavel law: President holds gavel, if you talk out of turn you get gaveled, after 2 ga vels, you must leave the meeting, normal fines will occur

New York Rho Chapter of Sigma Phi Epsilon Fraternity, St. Johns University -- Chapter Bylaws – Page

l. Order of operations I.

Roll-call (Secretary)


Reading of minutes of the preceding meeting


VP Finance Report

IV. VP Programming Report V.

VP Recruitment Report

VI. VP of Member Development Report VII. Standards Committee report VIII. Reading of notices and communications IX. Unfinished business (Secretary) X.

New Business (brothers allowed to speak of new topics, under motion)

XI. Proposals of Membership XII. Voting on proposed names XIII. Reports of sickness XIV. Remarks for the good of the Fraternity (gavel pass) XV. Distribution of membership cards and certificates XVI. Installation of officers XVII.

Reading or discussion of ritual



Section 2

The Executive board shall have the authority to suspend from the meeting any member for conduct unbecoming of a Sigma Phi Epsilon member.

New York Rho Chapter of Sigma Phi Epsilon Fraternity, St. Johns University -- Chapter Bylaws – Page

Section 3

Attendance at meetings is mandatory unless the Executive Board is notifie d of a satisfactory excuse at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting.

a. All rituals are mandatory/ 10 dollar fine for missing one, 7 day period to pay / 5 dollars added on weekly if not paid. It will be done through Omega Financial. Mandatory shirt + tie. 24 hr notification – if you pla n on not attending ritual. Approved by E-Board . b. Meetings overall are Mandatory unless you have excuse approved 24 h rs in advance, (one freebie)/ miss 3 including the freebie automatically suspended/ 10 dollar fine when you miss last 2 meetings/ Weekly meet ings/ You will be notified of meetings 10 days in advance/ unless unde r special circumstances. 5 dollars added on weekly if not paid

c. Excused and unexcused absences will be determined by the Standards and Ethics Board on an individual basis. Fines may be appealed within a 72 hr period to the standards board* (If not appealed within 72 hours fine is permanent) All Fines will be assessed at the following e-board meeting

Section 4

During chapter meetings, motions may be made from the floor by raising one’s hand. Those raising their hands will be acknowledged by the Chair a nd asked to speak.

Section 5


a. You must not come to meeting under the influence or possession of dr ugs or alcohol b. No cell phone (keep them on vibrate) New York Rho Chapter of Sigma Phi Epsilon Fraternity, St. Johns University -- Chapter Bylaws – Page

c. No laptop usage during meetings/ Active participation in meetings d. Warning then gavel for first offense e. No Ipods Whatsoever f. 15 minute grace period for lateness for meeting, two lateness’ exceedi ng the grace period are considered an unexcused absence g. Notification of lateness must be within a half hour of the meeting h. Eating at meeting is allowed unless disruptive i. All brothers must sit in chairs for the meetings

Section 7: Special Meetings


A special meeting may be called by the President or by a two-thirds vote o f the members of the chapter.


An emergency meeting may be called in the event that there is a crisis in s chool dealing with one of the brothers.


Members are to be notified via the fraternities text messaging system.


Section 1: Behavior

1. Being under the influence of any alcohol or drug at any event is not allowed

New York Rho Chapter of Sigma Phi Epsilon Fraternity, St. Johns University -- Chapter Bylaws – Page

2. No neophyte pledging at all unless granted permission by pledge master, educator or membership development

3. No throwing of food or drinks at the brotherhood dinner

4. Brothers must attend at least 3 Events/Rituals to be eligible to attend special events such as the Rutgers Excursion or the Brother Dinner.

5. While wearing letters, drinking, smoking, or any other such act that my put a person under the influence is strictly prohibited, any brother who does so will be subject to immediate review by the standards board, suspension and possibly expulsion


1. All dues must be paid by the expected date of the bill, whether fall or spring semester, members who do not pay will immediately put on half-suspension and will be brought up to standards 2. Payment plans may be agreed upon by a member and the VP of Finance but must be followed strictly 3. While on a payment plan, members will be subject to limited rights as a brother, which are to be agreed upon by the standards board 4. As far as alumni status goes, these brothers no longer have the responsibility of paying dues, therefore they no longer have the privilege of entering mixers, parties, etc. with a discounted price. If they so wish they may donate a lump sum of $50 for free entry for the semester. 5. If dues are not paid on time **no matter what a member is** he will be immediately stripped of any position he has and if he is somehow an alumni (that somehow still owes money) and does not take initiative to pay his debt

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New York Rho Chapter of Sigma Phi Epsilon Fraternity, St. Johns University -- Chapter Bylaws – Page