Buyers Profile

  • May 2020
  • PDF

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  • Words: 202
  • Pages: 1


In order that we may better assist you, please complete the questionnaire below and email back to us PM: CM Name:

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How did you hear about us?

Referral ___ Newspaper___ Professional association___

Seminars / Conferences ___ Internet ___ Other ___________

Field of business experience (please provide resume, if available) Best skills / interests Who will assist you in your decision? How soon do you plan a purchase or an investment? What types of businesses would you consider? Where are these target firms located?

Montreal___ Quebec ___Ottawa region ___

What is the desired range of their yearly sales? (latest year or average)

Pre Revenue__ $3 – 10 M __ Up to $ 1 M __ $10 – 20 M __ $ 1 – 3 M __ Over $20 M __ Minority ___ Majority ___ Total buyout ___

What transaction type is sought? Will you be actively involved in the management of the acquired business?

Full time ___ Part time ___ No _____ What financial resources are available for Cash: $ _________ this transaction (state amounts available)? Liquid assets: $ _________ Possible financing facilities: $ _________ (Proof will be subsequently required) What other acquisition criteria are important?

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